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"Lyn, Julie and I have wonderful sex on our last night in the US."

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The story until now.

In The US Lyn met a water skier called Julie and she invited her home to our bed. I spent a week coaching Julie in barefoot water skiing and found that she was a quick learner. Following the worlds, Julie decided to travel Route 66 with us and then come back to Australia with us. She stated that the reason was to continue her coaching with me.

On our first night of our trip, Julie told me she was falling in love with me. I eventually told her that I also had deep feelings for her. Following this, Lyn told me that she had met someone who she wished to date and asked me for my blessing. Of course, she received it. 

The story continues.

Our trip continued. Julie paid me more attention than she had been while Lyn tended to be less attentive. To the girls, it probably seemed natural but to me, it was very noticeable.

We still made love each and every night. The sex was probably the most enjoyable that I had ever experienced but it was different. It became Lyn making love to Julie and Julie making love to me. Lyn and I still kissed, we still touched and we still had some very romantic moments but when it came to sex it was always with Julie for me and always with Julie for Lyn.

To me, it was very strange. It was like being apart from someone who was very dear to you even when she was right beside you.

My dreams were coming back except the roles had changed. At night I dreamt of making love to Julie but then I would suddenly realize that she was not Julie at all she was Lyn. That in itself was not concerning but each time I would look at her pussy she would be leaking sperm, someone else's sperm. I would awake to feel very stressed which in turn would lead to me feeling depressed.

For the first time, I felt that I had a clear insight into my dreams which may seem obvious to some but it had escaped me all these years. My subconscious had been telling me that someone who was a very important part of my life was being lost to another man.

My dreams always ended the same way that they always did. When I awoke, I found it impossible to get back to sleep without alcohol. I started getting up in the middle of the night and sitting by myself to drink.

One night as I drank, Julie walked up behind me and put her arms around my neck and when I turned she kissed me.

“I know, Goyse. It's hard losing someone that you have loved all these years. I went through it when I left my husband. He might have been an arsehole but I did love him. At least for me, I had his bad behaviour to help me but for you, she hasn’t even done anything wrong. It must be very hard for you. Come back to bed with me. We can sleep in the spare bed if you wish.”

How could I resist her? I got up and we moved into the spare room. She cuddled up close to me and we just looked at each other for a long time. She then kissed me, not on the lips but on the cheek, the nose and even on my ear. It was like a mother may do to her child. All my concerns just drifted away and in no time at all I was asleep.

When I awoke, she was still there looking me in the eyes as if she hadn’t even slept. It was as if she was guarding me against my dreams.

“We had better get back to Lyn. If she wakes up she will wonder where we are. She might feel hurt if she knows we are sleeping apart from her. She has been good to me. I don’t want to hurt her.”

We got up and quietly crept back into the main bedroom. I don’t think that Julie noticed but I had slept many, many nights with Lyn and could tell that she was awake and pretending to be asleep. Lyn had rolled over to the centre of the bad so that she was facing me. Julie climbed into the other side of her. I lay down but didn’t attempt to go back to sleep but just kept looking at Lyn as the new dawn light came through the window.

It took a while but eventually, Lyn’s eyes flicked open. When she saw me watching her she closed her eyes again. I moved that little bit closer to her and kissed her on the nose. Her eyes shot open to see me laying there just looking at her. I raised my finger to my mouth and went, “ssshhh.”

A smile spread across her face. She kissed me, closed her eyes and went back to sleep. I was asleep within a few minute as well. To me, this had been a very special night. I felt that It had changed my life.

My dreams never returned after that. I appeared to sleep much better after and I still do today. The fear that I had of becoming addicted to alcohol in order to keep my dreams away no longer existed. Today I seldom drink alcohol at all except for very special celebrations. There was only one other time after that night that I drank excessively.

As for my feelings for Lyn, it felt as if for some unknown reason those few seconds when she woke up and smiled at me and then drifted off to sleep allowed me to let go. Perhaps it was that Julie cared enough to come looking for me at a time of my lowest emotional weakness. Perhaps Julie had stepped into the emotional hole that losing Lyn had created. 

We arrived in LA in the morning before we were due to fly out to Sydney. I had been calling the kids at Marg and Cherie's place every day that I had been in the US. I purposely didn’t ask any questions about my wife, Sue because I thought that I knew where she would be. I really didn’t want the stress of it all.

On this day when I rang, Marg answered and told me that Sue was there and she wanted to speak to me. Marg put her on.

“Hello Goyse, how's the trip going.”

“Fine. It’s been great. The skiing went very well and I have really enjoyed following the old Route 66. I’m not really looking forward to coming home. I wish that I had a few more weeks.”

“It’s been that good then? I’ve been missing you. I want you home and the kids have been missing you too.”

“What, you’ve been missing me? I thought that you would encourage me to stay longer to give you and Roy more time together.”

“Roy and I had a big fight. He’s just an arsehole. I found out that his only interest was to get me pregnant so he and Sally could raise my child.”

“Everyone knew that. Sounds like you were the only one who didn’t know. What made you wake up?”

“Before we went east, I spent the last two days with you and the kids. It seems that during those couple of days he slept with Sally and got her pregnant. Once he found out, he kicked me out of the motel room and told me to wake up and go back to you. It was very embarrassing because there were a lot of people there at the time.”

“You must have known what he was up to. How could he get you pregnant with the insert that we organized.”

“That’s the point, he didn’t know. I didn’t tell him. It seems that Sally told him when she rang to tell him he was going to be a father. He was furious with me. He called me a slut and a whore and a lot of other things as well right there in front of everybody.”

“Hmmm, that must have been hard for you.”

“Yes, it was terrible. It hurt more because most of what he said was true. That is how I have been acting. It is about time I woke up to myself. He told me that you should have dumped me years ago and if you did then I would deserve it. Goyse, I’m ashamed of how I’ve treated you. When you get home I would like to try to make it up to you.”

“Sue, this is not the right time for this. Can we leave it until I get home next week.”

“I just want you to know, that’s all. I will do anything you want as long as you can forgive me for how I’ve treated you.” What I said must have registered and she continued. “Did you say next week? I thought you were due home in a couple of days.”

“I have to go up north once I get home to meet a guy. I’ll get home as quickly as I can. We can talk more once I get home. Can you put the kids on?”

Lyn was listening in the background. I saw the worried look that she gave me. I smiled at her but she didn’t respond. I spent a half hour talking to the kids. Lyn was right into me the moment that I hung up the phone.”

“Meeting someone up north, what’s that about?”

 “I’m coming up to meet Ron.”

“No, you’re not. Ron is my business. He has nothing to do with you.”

“Lyn, you and I have been friends and lovers for a very long time. I intend to meet this guy even if you disagree. To a certain extent, I believe you and your welfare are partially my responsibility and I do not take my responsibilities lightly.”

“If you fuck this up for me I’ll hate you for the rest of my life. Do you understand me?”

“I will not fuck this up for you as you put it. What I will do is meet the guy and sum him up. I may even have a quiet little private talk with him but everything that I do will be in your favour. You know me and you know that’s the truth.”

“Sorry Goyse, I just know that sometimes jealous people do stupid things.”

“Have you ever seen me do stupid things out of jealousy before?”

“No, but there is always a first time for everything.”

“I should put you over my knee and spank you for that!”

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“Sounds like fun. Promises, promises, promises is all I can say to that.”

I grabbed her and called out for Julie to come quickly because I need her help to punish a nasty, distrusting woman. Julie came out of the bedroom swinging one of my belts. I put Lyn over my knee and pulled her panties down to expose her bare bottom.

Julie handed me the strap. I lightly hit Lyn across her bare rump.

“You call that punishment? That’s teasing. Promises, promises, promises.”

I increased the swing. She said it again so I hit a little bit harder. Again she said it so I gave her a really decent slap that left a light red mark.

“Now that’s more like it. Why did you stop? Is that all you have in you?”

I slapped her half a dozen times just as hard then released her. Her cheeks were quite red. Nothing that wouldn’t be gone before morning but it would have stung a little.

“Oh, fuck,” was all she said. She raised up, wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me so long that I almost lost my breath. She then reached down, opened my fly, placed a leg either side of me and dropped her soaking wet pussy down on top of my cock. I slid all the way into her.

“Now, fuck me. This may be our last opportunity so make it a good one.” She had her feet on the chair and used them to lift and drop back onto me. I looked behind her and Julie was watching us with a big grin on her face.

Lyn continued working on me until she suddenly let out a long low pitched moan and slowed her movements. I knew that this was the sign of her impending orgasm. At that time Julie stepped forward, licked her finger and drove it into Lyn’s rectum. 

“Oh, fuck me, Fuck me, fffuuucckkk meeee. Fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.” Her groaning and moaning went on and on. Her juices were running out of her like someone had turned on a hose inside her pussy. She had stopped her movements but I took hold of her bottom and kept lifting her and dropping her back down.

 Julie was also helping by driving her finger hard into her anus and pulling back in time to my movements. Lyn appeared to be experiencing a continuous orgasm. I could feel Julie’s finger inside her through the thin membrane that separates her rear hole from her pussy. I was fighting the urge to cum. I wanted to keep that for Julie.

After several minutes Lyn dropped her head onto my shoulder.  I felt her body relax and knew her moment of extreme pleasure had reached a conclusion. I let her rest back on my thighs. I felt Julie slide her finger from Lyn’s anus.

Julie took me by surprise by kissing me and putting her arms around Lyn from behind and giving her a tight hug.

“You’re beautiful, Lyn. I wish you could come over to the west with Goyse and me. I’m going to miss you and I know that Goyse is going to spill some tears over losing you.”

“Yes, I know. I’ve had a little cry the last few nights myself, Julie but I have to move on. I need to make a life for myself while there is an opportunity. I know that Goyse hasn’t been able to sleep since I told him.  I know that you helped him the other night and I thank you for that. Despite everything, the phone call told me that I am doing the right thing.

“For all her stupidity, Sue still loves him. She knows that she is going close to losing him. I know her. She will behave herself for as long as it takes to make him happy and then it will all start again. One day she will leave him. I know that because she told me that when the right guy comes along she will leave. I’m sorry, Goyse but I can’t wait any longer.”  

“I may never love this guy the way I have you but there is something there and I have to give it a go. He’s kind and I trust him. I think it will work for us. I have to do it. Please understand.”

“I understand, Lyn. It doesn’t make it any easier but I do understand and I do hope it works out for you.”

Lyn got up and moved off to the bedroom. I was about to get up when Julie sat down on my lap. She took hold of my still stiff cock and directed it into her love hole. The most notable thing about Julie was how tight she always was. She was wet but she had to lift and drop half a dozen times before I was fully embedded in her. Since that night when she had asked me to use her to my satisfaction, the problem of it hurting her had disappeared.

Julie worked me slowly while kissing me and whispering how much she loved being with me. She then told me how sexy it was watching Lyn and me together.

 “That was so special,” she said. “I can’t understand why Lyn would give that up to chase something that might not even work. She was cumming for over fifteen minutes. I can’t even imagine what that must have been like.”

I wondered what would happen if I did to Julie what she had done to Lyn. I lifted my finger to my mouth to wet it and then wiped it across the juices on my balls which were a mixture from Lyn and from Julie and then gently pushed it into her rectum. Her response was immediate.

“Ooohhh, Goyse. That’s nice.”

I had pushed it in a far as I could and instead of moving it in and out I moved my finger from side to side. I immediately felt the contractions of the muscles around her anus which heralded the approach of her orgasm. She had been lifting and dropping on my cock using her feet on the chair in the same fashion that Lyn had. Her movements were becoming irregular as her orgasm started to overtake her so I used my other hand to maintain the movement.

I felt the heat of her juices as she orgasmed. It felt so wonderful that I almost cum but I remembered how she had said she wanted it to last so I focused my attention on other things to control my urges and the moment passed.

I kept a regular stroke going as I had done with Lyn. Julie was at the height of her orgasm. Her pleasure had taken her over and she had lost control. She was suspended from my neck groaning and moaning. All I could do was to lift her and drop her. She was starting to go limp like a rag doll but I knew by the heat inside her and her moaning that her orgasm was continuing.

My arms were aching and aching. I don’t know how long I had been lifting her weight and dropping it but I knew that her pleasure was continuing and while it continued I intended to keep up the movement.

“Oh fuck, I can’t take any more. Please stop.” I had been on the edge of cumming for some time so I let go and blasted my sperm into her. Once, twice, three times, four, five, six times I squirted into her but I was not finished yet. Once more and again. It was running out of her and down between us and then it was over. I couldn’t support her weight anymore so dropped her and removed my finger from her anus.   

“Oh fuck. I love you, Goyse. Don’t go back to her. Stay with me. I don’t want you to go back to her. Run away with me, please.”

I held her. How I would dearly like to do exactly what she wanted but it would mean giving up my kids. It would be giving up my friends. My family would never forgive me and it was likely that under those circumstances, our relationship would not survive. It would be foolhardy for us to do that.

“Julie, We can’t do that and you know it. Here kiss me.”

She raised her head and we kissed. As we broke our kiss I looked past her and saw that Lyn was sitting there watching us. How long she had been there I don’t know. It was Lyn who got me off the hook with Julie.

“Come on Julie, go have a shower and we’ll go out for dinner.”

Julie got up and went to the bathroom. Lyn came over to me and quietly said, “she is going to put a lot of pressure on you. I hope you can handle it.”

“Hhmmm, I’m in a bit too deep to do anything about it, Lyn.”

“Take my advice, don’t let her stop in the unit attached to your house. Watching you with Sue and the kids will kill her. She’s too involved to handle it.”

“Yes, I know, Lyn. I probably wouldn’t be able to handle it either.”

“You’re that involved, are you?”

“Yep, afraid so.”

“Then it’s good that I’m moving on then because I don’t think I can compete with that.”

“It’s become what you and I had a while back.”

“Had? I thought we still had it, at least I do.”

“I thought that you were moving on.”

“Yes, I am. It’s not easy though. I’m having trouble doing it, especially when you make love to me like you just did.”

“It was pretty special. Wasn’t it?”

“The male ego, aye. Yes, pretty special doesn’t seem to do it justice. Mind, watching you with Julie, I wondered who got the best deal.”

We flew out the next day. Sydney welcomed us with a few showers. I had thought that Lyn may want to look up Phillip but she didn’t mention him. I didn’t want to see Lyn get with him again so I didn’t mention his name. We had four hours before our plane boarded to fly north so we found a restaurant and enjoyed a good meal.

The flight north went well. We landed just before dark. One of Lyn’s friends, Linda came out to pick us up and she dropped us off at Lyn’s house. Lyn rang Ron and organized for him to come around the next morning. I didn’t hear the conversation so don’t know what she told him. The three of us got an early night. All three of us were tired. Lyn showed Julie and me to the spare room and she retired to her bedroom. I assumed It was her way of telling me that our love affair was over.



Written by goyse
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