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Becoming A Cheating Wife (Part 2)

"Emily didn't just become a slut wife in one night."

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My stressful week ended with missed deadlines for two high priority new clients because of things out of my control and an uncomfortable one on one conversation with my boss, followed by bumper to bumper traffic. When I returned home, I wanted to do nothing other than put on a pair of my favorite comfy sweat pants, an old t-shirt. I wanted to order Chinese delivery so I could spend the rest of the night on the couch in front of the television.

Unfortunately, Paul hadn’t put that into the night’s itinerary. My husband had planned a night out for me. Normally a good thing, but I wouldn’t call this a date, or anything even close to that. I don’t even know how to explain what he had planned for the night.

I found a tiny black dress waiting for me on our bed. I picked it up and looked at it. It definitely didn’t come from my closet. I would’ve never bought it. Maybe back in college, but not now.

I took a quick shower then tried it on anyways. I knew my husband would be disappointed if I didn’t.

The designer didn’t make the dress for women like me. I could barely get it on, the whole time worrying that I would rip it and my husband wouldn’t be able to return it.

It fit skin tight, showing off all of my curves and not in the sexy sort of way. I’d like to think I have all of the right curves still, however the tightness combined with the extremely low cut neckline made my front look like someone trying to relive their wild college years. Not to mention the backside that barely covered my ass. If I bent over the whole world would see my underwear.

I peeled it off and picked out another dress from my closet. A black dress, but otherwise completely different. Still what I would like to think of as sexy, but a whole lot more classy. It still showed off my cleavage, but just a peek. It left my curves to the imagination of the viewer.

Because I left work late and because of the traffic I ran into on the way home, I hurried to get to the club on time. It left little time to do my hair and makeup. I skipped grabbing anything to eat.

I drove to the club with my heart pounding and my mind full of questions. Why did I agree to play this game? Why did he have fantasies like this? Would I actually go through with it?

I did go through with driving to the club, even though I felt like turning around at every intersection. I sat in my car in the parking lot, still wanting to go home. Finally, I gave in. I decided to go in. I would have a drink or two, then go back home and say the game didn’t work out.

I went inside, walked straight to the bar and wasted no time getting the bartender’s attention. I ordered my drink and hoped he would make it strong. It was just after nine, but people already surrounded the bar and started over flowing on to the dance floor. Colorful lights flashed, illuminating faces for a second then moving on. The bass from the electronic music vibrated my body. I felt old, I wanted to ask them to turn the volume down. I had to yell for the bartender to hear my order.

I took half of a sip of my vodka and cranberry before I noticed him watching me. He grinned; I smiled back.

Styled black hair that I just wanted to run my fingers through, chiseled face of a Greek god and underneath his blue dress shirt it looked like a chiseled body too. He made me forget about my nervousness about coming here alone. Of course it didn’t stop there. He had other effects on me too.

I took another sip and when I looked back towards the other side of the bar, I found an empty spot where he once stood. Too good to be true. Too good to be interested in me.

As I took a longer sip of my drink. While tasting the liquor, I debated how long I would stay there. Before I could debate that too long, a hand touched my back. I turned, hoping to see styled black hair and chiseled face. Instead I found black hair without the sexy styling, a cute but not drop dead sexy face and a warm smile. Not a ten like the Greek god, but a six or seven, maybe an eight. He held out his hand. “I’m Todd.”

A rather straightforward but boring approach. However, better than the last guy who hit on me as I left the mall last Saturday. That guy had no qualms about letting me know how nice he thought my tits looked. Todd took a peek at the cleavage escaping from the top of my dress or he might’ve just been looking for my hand to see if I would shake his. I reached out my hand and shook his. I hesitated for a second before I said, “I’m Jessica.”

He greeted me with a strong grip and bigger smile. “It’s nice to meet you Jessica.”

By no means the Greek god, but still good looking. The first guy more of a fantasy, this guy more of a reality. Could actually go through with it?

We made small talk until I finished my drink. He looked at the glass and asked, “Can I buy you another drink?”

“Sure.” If I even thought I might want to go through with this, I would need more than just one drink.

Three drinks later a warm buzz ran through my whole body and the alcohol wasn’t the only thing to blame. In the crunch of the crowd, Todd had wrapped his arm around me and our bodies pressed together as we talked. As he told me about his trip here for work, I wanted to kiss him. I looked into his brown eyes and saw a lust filled look that had been missing from my husband.

“Do you want to do dance?” he asked when he realized I hadn’t heard a word he had said for the past few minutes.

“I’d love to.” It had been way too long since the last time I had gone dancing. My husband hated the dance floor and the only time I could get him near it was at a wedding.

We finished our drinks and left them on the bar counter. Todd took my hand and led me through the crowd. His strong hand gripping mine sent a surge of electric energy into me. I walked on clouds through the crowded mass. My heart started to pound.

Not the best dancer, but at least he tried. He kind of just moved side to side, but I would call it cute. He became sexy when he closed the distance between us. He pressed his body against mine and our bodies started to move as one. I forgot about my husband as Todd wrapped his arms around me.

We kissed. His strong lips came on aggressive, full of lust and desire. Not exactly the kind of kiss that epic romance novels are written about, but it still an affect on me. I became ninety-nine percent sure I would go through with it.

His hands found my ass and pulled me against him. I couldn’t miss the growing erection pressing against my waist. Any other man and I would’ve pushed him away and followed that up with a hard slap. Not this time though, this time I had other thoughts. “I want you,” I said into his ear.

He stopped dancing and looked at me. He smiled. “I’m staying at a hotel just down the street.”

“Let’s go.”

He wasted no time. He grabbed my hand and led me out of the club, not stopping to ask any questions.

Outside a line waited to enter the club. I felt every set of eyes on me as I walked by them. They couldn’t have known what I was doing, but it certainly felt like it. Their looks combined with the cool night air brought me back to reality. The ring on my left hand became heavy on my finger.

Yet I didn’t stop him or make any attempts to leave his side. I walked with him the two blocks to his hotel, filled with thoughts of what he would look like naked and on top of me.

Those thoughts didn’t disappear as the female clerk behind the front desk looked at us. I felt like she knew too. Maybe she checked him in and knew that I hadn’t checked in with him. I hadn’t been this excited to enter a hotel since my prom senior year. Maybe spring break my senior year in college. Yes, I didn’t say on my wedding night or honeymoon.

We raced through the lobby, and as soon as the elevator doors shut behind us, he pressed up against me again. This time he pinned me against the mirrored walls. This kiss became the kind of kiss that romance novels with Fabio on the front cover are written about. He made my legs weak and my body’s temperature head towards over heating.

His hands attacked my chest, caressing my cleavage. Before we made it to his floor, his hand found my thigh and moved up my leg. I saw the security camera, but I didn’t know if his body or my dress blocked what he was doing. When I felt his finger tips brush against the lace fabric of my panties, I stopped worrying about the security camera. Just the brush of the tips of his fingers made me let out a moan. This promised to be an interesting night.

The elevator door opened, and for a moment it brought me back to reality. This was the hotel hallway leading to his room, definitely not the hallway leading to my bedroom at home. With it’s mix of marble floors and short patterned carpet in the middle, it looked nothing like the hardwood floors back at home. Part of me just wanted to turn around and go back home to my normal life. However, I needed this. I needed something more than just my normal routine at home.

Todd led me to a room at the end of the hallway. He unlocked the door with his key card and I followed him into the room. The door shut behind us and he locked the brass bolt. My heart pounded. No turning back now.

He walked towards the bed. I walked towards the windows. Outside, the lights outlined the city. I didn’t have a problem following the highway back to my part of town. Somewhere out there sat my dream house with the proverbial white picket fence. Okay, not exactly my dream house and there was no white picket fence. I had to compromise a lot with my husband, but it was our home.

Todd came up behind me and kissed my neck. He pressed his hardness against me again. I smiled. I wanted him more than I had wanted any other man in a long time. Not the man of my fantasies, but he would be more than just okay. I convinced myself forget about everything outside of the room for at least the night. I pushed myself back against him, his hard cock grinding against my ass.

His hands drifted from my hips to my breasts. Just having his hands caress me through my dress turned me on more. I could feel every touch, I felt so alive. For once, I didn’t think about projects due at work, the laundry that needed to get done or the errands that needed to be done in the morning. He made me feel sexy. A feeling I missed.

His warm, but rough hands slid into my dress, into the cups of my bra and took out my breasts. We stood right in front of the window with the lights on in the room so anyone could see and it didn’t bother me. Sure we were on the fifteenth floor, but there stood other tall buildings all around us. At home, I always made sure I closed the drapes tight so that no one could see in. Tonight, just the chance that someone might see us got me even more excited.

My breathing became deep. I stared to sweat even with the air conditioning blowing directly over us. I wanted more. I guided his hands from my breasts down to my legs. He didn’t need any further invitation. As he nibbled on my ear, his hands moved into my dress and on to my thighs. I closed my eyes and bit my lip.

“You’re soaking wet,” he said as his fingers slid along the lace fabric.

“And you’re rock hard. It’s a good combination.” I know it’s not really that dirty, but saying ‘rock hard’ made me feel like a slut. In a good way. It had been too long since I had talked like that.

“I don’t have any condoms, is that going to be a problem?” His fingers danced underneath the fabric.

I didn’t answer right away. It had been years since the last time I had sex with a guy wearing a condom. Long before I got married. I couldn’t imagine sex otherwise, but then again, I just met this guy in a club. I should’ve bought some condoms on the way here… just in case. However, I thought that nothing would happen tonight.

It wouldn’t be the first time I hooked up with a guy at a bar and had unprotected sex with him, but like I said… it had been a long time. “That’s okay.”

“Good.” He slid his two fingers into my heat. I let out a long, deep moan as his fingers plunged easily into my wetness. My husband never touched me like this.

I pulled off the straps of my dress and he backed away from me just far enough for the dress to fall off of me. I turned around and stood in front wearing just my black lace panties, the matching sheer bra and a pair of sleek black heels. The way he looked me up and down made me feel like a centerfold model. “Throw me on the bed and fuck me.”

He grinned. “Soon.”

He wrapped his hands around me and pinned me against the window. He kissed me with more force and more passion than I expected. He pressed his hard on against me, but he didn’t want to give it’s pleasure to me just yet. His kisses quickly moved down to my neck. I removed my bra and gave him complete access to my tits. He took full advantage of that with his hands and his mouth. He gently bit my nipple and I let out a cry. I didn’t know how much more I could take. I needed him.

His kisses went across my stomach and to my thighs. He kissed around the outline of my underwear, the underwear which I usually wore for my date nights with my husband. Todd peeled them off and left them on the floor.

He kissed his way back up my thighs and with one quick flick across my wet lips sent a shock wave of erotic energy through me. It made my body buck. He looked up at me, I looked down at him. He smiled, then slid his tongue between my wet lips and across my clit.

My husband and I had fallen into a routine in the bedroom. He almost always went down on me before we had sex, but he just went through the motions. Nothing just going through the motions about what Todd did. He centered on my clit with his tongue and targeted deep inside of me with his fingers. He made it very difficult to stand. I gripped the small ledge at the bottom of the window as tight as I could. He made it difficult to do anything other than moan.

He listened to my moans, paid attention to my body and gave me more of what I needed. He took his time, almost to the point of teasing me. I wanted to beg him for more. He slowly worked up to the point where pleasure overflowed my body. He added more powers to his fingers, his tongue became more targeted.

I couldn’t feel my feet on the hotel room carpet. I didn’t feel the window ledge pressed against my ass. All I I could feel came from his fingers and his tongue. I closed my eyes and everything became a blur.

My orgasm started between my legs, but flowed through my whole body, overwhelming me with pleasure. It was a powerful orgasm, the kind that could’ve knocked me off my feet if he hadn’t held me up with his hands. It had been way too long since I enjoyed an orgasm like that.

As my orgasm faded away, everything became still. I remembered where I was and who I was with. Part of me said now was a good time to end this game. However, I knew that he wouldn’t like that. Younger me had been described as a lot of things, however never a cock tease.

I opened my eyes to him standing in front of me, unzipping his pants. To be honest, I didn’t want it to end either. I already crossed the line, now I wanted an experience to remember when I lay lonely in bed because my husband stayed at the office late.

I wanted to be the girl I was before I walked down the aisle in the white lace dress. One who had a sex life nowhere near routine. Some people may have labeled the younger me a slut, but I enjoyed sex and luckily with my body and all natural curves guys wanted to have sex with me. I liked giving them pleasure and loved the pleasure they gave me in return, which wasn't always perfect, with the guys like my ex-boyfriend Kevin who came all too quick or my one night stand with Tim who took far more than I received, but I had fun and didn’t regret any of it.

I slid off of the window sill and to my knees in front of him. I felt like the younger me again, the carpet soft under my knees and a rock hard cock waiting my attention.

He didn’t have the size that I imagined the Greek god in my fantasy carried around, but Todd’s cock felt long in my hands and I loved that he trimmed his hair at the base. A perfect working area for my mouth.

I looked up at him as I leaned in. He smiled and I kissed the tip of his cock, tasting a hint of his bitter, syrupy cum. I wanted more. My girl friend Christina is like a lot of other women, she hates the taste of cum and will spit it out the second she gets a chance. Me, I used to crave it when I was younger. Of course, when I started out, I thought it was pretty gross too. At some point I stared to think of it as like an acquired taste like black coffee or a dark beer.

I had acquired that taste and enjoyed doing the work to earn it. I'd never been one of those girlfriends who just gave head because their boyfriend asked, I gave a blowjob before they could even ask. I used to do that for my husband. He’d be watching Monday Night Football and I would just lean over to his side of the couch and take out his cock. That was when we were first dating, before things became mundane and long before he got lost in his work.

I opened my mouth and took Todd’s hardness into my mouth. I wrapped my lips tightly around his cock and lowered my head on to him.

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I took almost all of him inside my warm, wet mouth before I pulled my lips back to his tip.

My lips traveled slowly along his smooth shaft, enjoying every inch of him. I hoped he felt the same way and I had a feeling he did. I looked up to see his head cocked back and heard grunting sounds. That just made me want to work harder to make him grunt more. My lips raced up and down his cock and he let out a moan. “Oh my god, please don’t stop." Far more reaction than I ever received from my husband.

His hands couldn’t stay away from my breasts. As my lips traveled up and down his shaft, he fondled me. His hands didn’t stop there. He moved one hand to the back of my head and for the moment just rested it there in my hair.

My husband never did that. Before getting married, I used to react to it by pushing their hands away. However, there was Pat, an older guy I dated for a short time just before I started dating my husband. Todd looked to be a few years older than me, probably his early thirties, but Pat was almost ten years older me and the experienced showed. Before I slept with him, I thought I knew my way around the bedroom. I never had any complaints, but Pat gave me a new lesson just about every night while we dated. One of the tutorials centered around deep throating and he wouldn’t let me push his hands away.

I lowered my lips to the base of Todd’s cock and took him into my throat. My technique started a little rusty, but I kept myself focused and took my time. He responded by tightening his hand’s grip on me.

I repeated the process and he rewarded me. It came as a surprise. He gave none of the tell tale signs that he was even close.

I didn’t have any time to prepare before I felt the cum exploding out of him. His bitter yet delicious cum shot into the back of my throat and because it came as a surprise the hot, thick liquid ended up on my lips, dripping down my chin and on to my chest.

He gave me a look that said, 'Sorry.' He thought he had crossed an unwritten line. I smiled. I wanted more. I leaned in and took him back into my mouth, cleaning his cock and returning him to his rock hard state.

He smiled as I stood up and started to unbutton his dress shirt. He undid his pants and soon he stood just as naked as me. He didn’t have the perfectly toned and perfectly muscular body that imagined the Greek god had, but I had no complaints. He had the body of someone who went to the gym but didn’t spend his whole life there. Right now, I wanted that body on top of me and for us to have a private workout together.

He followed me to the bed and the smile grew as he watched me climb on to my back and open my legs for him, my invitation to him. “Come fuck me.”

He didn’t answer with words. He climbed on to the bed and between my legs. He climbed on top of me and I felt his weight on me. He kissed me, our mouths melting into one. He pushed my legs apart with his and pushed his head into my heat.

He pushed into me, nothing separating me from him. That just turned me on even more. He pushed slowly into my wetness, filling me.

His moved carefully at first, allowing me to become accustomed to him. Then our kisses stopped and his focus became on his thrusts. His thrusts became powerful, filling my whole body with pleasure. I moaned a little louder with each impact of him into me.

Like earlier with his tongue, he paid careful attention to my every move and sound to give me more of what I wanted. The way my husband used to fuck me when we were first dating. Even through when we were newlyweds, but sometime in the two years since then things changed. Now, when we had sex, far too often it became just about his orgasm.

Far too often now my husband came within the first few minutes. Five minutes became good for him. I didn’t pay attention to the digital clock on the night stand next to the bed, but I knew Todd lasted far more than a few minutes.

He took my legs and put them on his shoulders. I did yoga in the gym every once in a while, but I didn’t think I would be flexible enough for this position. He didn’t give me any time to object. He moved forward and plowed his cock deep inside of me.

Each thrust caused my whole body to shake. My moans became screams as he hit the right angle. I wanted to be quiet. I didn’t want to wake up the people in the next room and be interrupted by a hotel employee with a noise complaint. However, I couldn’t help myself. My husband never fucked me like this and the pleasure quickly became surreal.

My whole body filled with an intense feeling of bliss. My body went stiff and his next thrust sent me over the edge. I climaxed with a loud scream and my nails digging into his back. Wave after wave of pure ecstasy flowed through me. I had forgotten sex could feel so good. I had forgotten what it felt like to orgasm from sex alone.

After a short series of wild and out of control thrusts, he stopped deep inside of me. A deep moan and he erupted. His cock exploded inside of me, pumping his cum directly into me.

He let my legs go, then collapsed on to the bed next to me. Both of us breathing hard and covered with a layer of sweat.

“Okay,” I said, “I need to know one thing.”

“Anything baby.”

“How much did this room cost? You know we don’t have the money for this. Did you put it on a credit card?”

The smile on Paul, my husband’s face faded away. “Stop worrying. I signed a nice sized contract today with the city. It’ll more than pay for this.”

“But we don’t have the money in our bank account now.”

“Way to bring us back to reality. I put it on the credit card. By the time it’s due, we’ll have the money.”

“I’m sorry, it’s just been stressing me out. I hate living paycheck to paycheck.”

“The winter was slow, but this is turning into a good year.”

We lay there quietly, lost in our thoughts and not sure what to say next. Both of us still breathing heavier than normal.

“Why didn’t you wear that dress I bought for you?”

“That black dress? Did you save the receipt? I tried it on. It didn’t exactly fit.”

“I’ll bet it did. You would’ve looked so fucking hot in it.”

We became silent again. I broke the silence this time. “Why don’t you go down on me like that every time?”

“I don’t know if you’re joking or if you’re serious and mad at me.”

“I’m not mad at you.”

“Then how come you’ve never sucked my cock like that before?”

“I’ve never heard you talk like that before.”

His initial response came in the form of his hand on my thigh. He slid it up my leg, reigniting the flame inside of me. “You really turned me on. What can I say?”

“I can say the same thing.” This had become a recurring fantasy for him over the past six months. I went along with it, but it was definitely more his thing than mine.

It started after a night out with my girl friends that ended with my friends and I dancing the night away. When I came home, I woke him up when I stumbled into the bedroom. He sat up in bed and in the dim light I couldn’t tell what his facial expressions said about his reaction. “I’m sorry that I woke you.”

“Did you have fun tonight?” His tone gave me no clue either. We had an argument that morning before work about bills, but based on his text messages after work, I thought he had moved on.

“It was Lynn’s birthday so we went out for dinner.” Silence filled the room. He didn’t have to ask anything else. He knew that I would start to try fill the silence. My nervous habit. “Then we went to that new wine bar on Central.”

“Is that it?” He climbed out of bed wearing only his boxers. He didn’t have the body of a Greek God, but until recently most of his work had been with his hands at construction sites and it still showed.

I looked at the digital clock on the night stand. The green letters said ‘2:45.’ No wine bar would be open that late and I’m sure he knew that from my previous girls’ nights out. “We went dancing afterward.” I stood there, not sure where he would take this conversation. Unlike a lot of my previous boyfriends, I would never describe my husband as the jealous type.

“Did you dance with anyone?” He closed the distance between me and the bed in a split second.

“Just the girls.” I backed up and found myself trapped against the wall. This wasn’t like him at all. My heart started to beat harder. The temperature in the room jumped twenty degrees.

“Just the girls?” Had he gone out to see why I was out so late? When his text messages stopped, I just assumed he had fallen asleep. “You were out pretty late.”

Had he gone out and somehow found where I was? Had he seen me dancing? He didn’t need to do that. I would never cheat on him. I might bend the truth sometimes, but I would never even kiss another man. “There was one guy. It was nothing though. His friend wanted to dance with Lynn, so I danced with him.”

He pinned me up against the wall. His mouth found my neck and started to kiss me. “How did you dance with him?”

“Nothing happened.”

He stopped kissing me and looked into my eyes. “How did you dance with him?”

“It was nothing.” He didn’t move. I didn’t know whether he believed me or not. Sexually it had been nothing. However, I loved the attention. I knew that the guy wanted me. A feeling I received from my husband less and less frequently.

“How did you dance?”

“What do you mean?” I remembered every moment that I danced with the un-named guy, but that didn’t mean I wanted to share all of the details with my husband. It couldn’t compare to the dirty dancing younger me had done, but nothing I wanted my husband to know about either.

“You know what I mean.” He pinned me against the wall. With just his boxers on, I clearly felt his rock hard cock against me. I didn’t understand. I thought he was upset with me for staying out late and dancing with another man. “Did you dance like this?”

I hesitated. I didn’t know how to respond. Finally, I just nodded my head yes.

He pressed harder against me, to the point it started to hurt. “Was that all you did with him?”

Again, I didn’t answer right away. Part of me scared about where this was going. Part of me extremely turned on. The damp fabric of my panties clung to me. “That wasn’t it.”

He backed away and it made my heart sink. Then he turned me around and pressed my chest against the wall. He pushed his cock against my ass. My heart stared to pound ten times harder. I may not know where this was going, but I wanted more. “Like this?”

“Yes,” I said then closed my eyes.

“Did he touch you with his dirty hands?” Our bedroom had become so quiet, I wasn’t used to him talking like this.

“Just on my waist.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, he wanted to do more, but he wanted to get laid and didn’t want to ruin his chances by being too aggressive.”

“Did you fuck him?”

“God no.” I started to turn around, but he used his hands to keep me facing away from him.

He unzipped my jeans and pulled them down just past my knees. He didn’t bother with my thong. He just pulled the fabric to the side, then guided himself into me.

I didn’t think I was ready yet. It had all happened so fast. Yet I felt soaking wet and he slid deep into me. He gripped my waist tight and thrust himself hard into me. I held on to the wall for support. If I hadn’t, he would’ve knocked me off my feet.

His thrusts came quick and intense. It reminded me of when we first dated and couldn’t get enough of each other. For a while it seemed like anytime we found ourselves alone for a few minutes, we took advantage of the time with at least a quickie.

He nibbled on my ear. He manhandled my breasts through my top. Each touch from him just multiplied the sexual energy inside of me.

Within a few minutes, my breathing became heavy, and I started sweating and moaning loud enough where I worried the neighbors might hear. I felt it building up inside of me. When I went out, I never thought my night would end up like this.

His thrusts became wild as my moans became screams. I went stiff. The pleasure wove throughout my body and took complete control. He gripped my breasts as he exploded into me. His cum flowed into me as my orgasm hit its climax.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself slouched against the wall. He had fallen on to me. “Wow, we need to do that more often.”

“I agree,” he said then pulled himself out of me and went back to bed. I cleaned up and washed my face before I joined him in bed. I climbed into bed naked, but he just held me. The next morning he had already left for work by the time I woke up.

We didn’t talk about it and that just left more questions in my mind. They all focused around one main subject. Was he turned on by another man dancing with me?

It took a couple of more encounters like that before the answer became concrete in my head. The next time at a charity fundraiser event where he caught another man flirting with me. We didn’t make it home right away that night. We ending up having sex in the backseat of our SUV in the parking lot like high schoolers.

The next time, almost exactly the same as the girls’ night out except my husband came along. The night out wasn’t planned. We went out to dinner with another couple, then ended up at the club down the street. The guys stayed at the bar while Lynn and I went out to the dance floor. I hoped the guys would join in when they saw us dancing together, but instead we attracted another pair of men. Lynn’s boyfriend quickly came and cut in. If he hadn’t done that, my husband would’ve let the guy keep dancing with me. My husband and I fucked twice that night, oce on the hood of the car, then back in our bed.

I didn’t exactly understand the fantasy, turn-on or whatever you want to call it, but I didn’t understand a lot about him. If it meant sex more often with my husband, then you could count me in.

About a month later, he asked me why it had been so long since I went out with the girls. He didn’t like the answer that all of my friends had been too busy. He suggested we play a little game. We would go out separately and he would role play as a complete stranger. A little weird, but now I’m glad that we did it. It might’ve been the best sex that we’ve ever had.

He pushed two fingers into me and I rolled over to give him better access to me. I took him in my hands and stroked him. His cock still slick with his cum and my wetness. He immediately started to grow hard again.

I rolled on top of him and continued to stroke him until he grew completely solid. I lowered myself on to his cock and we locked eyes.

He grabbed my hips and guided me down on to him. “I can’t remember the last time we had back to back sex.”

I could. Probably on our honeymoon in the Bahamas. “Me neither.”

I went slow, it still didn’t feel like sex with my husband.

“Next week you have that conference?”

I nodded my head. “In Vegas.” The sex started to feel awkward, like having sex with my husband. I started paying attention to every movement I made and not enjoying it.

He paused for a moment. His tell. I knew he wanted to say something. He was thinking if he really should say it. After a few seconds, he did. “There’s this thing called a free pass. Have you heard of it?”

“Not exactly.” I hadn’t, but I had a feeling I knew where he was going.

“While you’re in Vegas, you’re free to do anything you want. No questions asked. No ramifications. I want you to have fun. Then when you come home, that night you tell me all about it.”

I didn’t know what to say. I thought back to the time I walked down the aisle as the sun was setting on the beach. All of our friends and family sat on either side of me. Paul stood at the front of the aisle waiting for me. “You’re all I need. I don’t need anyone else.”

“It’s not like that.”

He left me afraid to ask what it was like.

“It would just be for fun.” He started to move underneath me. I could feel how much it turned him on. I rolled off of him and he took control. He climbed on top of me and took me again. “What do you think?”

His thrusts became more forceful. I didn’t understand this turn-on and really I didn’t want to sleep with anyone else. I wouldn’t have agreed to marry him if I had. Sure, I liked to look sometimes, but that was the extent. I could always tell him yes, but not do it. He would be disappointed so I would have to come home with a story. It felt so weird and awkward, but I didn’t know how else to handle it. “I’ll do it.”

He flipped me over and put me on my hands and knees. He took me from behind, fucking me doggy style, a position we rarely used. He held my hips tight and slammed his cock into me. The sound of his bare skin impacting with my ass filled the room.

“Are you close?”

I wanted to tell him that I couldn’t have been any further. “Yes.”

His thrust became rapid fire. A few moments later it ended. He slammed into me one last time and exploded.

We collapsed on to the bed together. He held me in his arms, neither of us saying anything. I couldn’t stop thinking about the free pass he offered.

That night he fell asleep instantly. It took me an hour or two of rolling around and staring at the ceiling. The sun started to come up before I finally passed out from exhaustion. I didn’t understand this fantasy. I didn’t understand why it turned him. Most importantly, I wondered where it was going? Was this the end of our marriage or the beginning of something else?

Written by AshleighMixon
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