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"Initiating Angela to the world of sexual freedom and alternative life style"

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Author's Notes

"Initiating Angela to have a lover was a long winding road but worth it. She ultimately relented to take a lover, someone younger than her. <p> [ADVERT] </p>The result was euphoric. Our lives together qualitatively better."

I first met Angela, my wife, when she was just sixteen, some thirteen years ago and was absolutely smitten by her looks and mannerisms. It was as if all my dreams had come true and she was my sole obsession in life thereafter.

Nothing mattered more than getting acquainted with her and befriending her for life. As a senior to her by three years in the same institution - we kept bumping into each other every other day. We exchanged small pleasantries at times, which slowly matured from friendly banter to day-long, love-filled forays as free spirited teenagers.

We would talk for hours, hold hands, hug each other and feel how our bodies resonated with sheer desire for each other. We could barely keep off each other or our hands to ourselves! She was so desirable that she would leave me with huge erections. Her slim, tall and well-endowed body would leave me breathless and craving for more, day after day.

She had beautiful, bluish-grey eyes, sensuous waist-long black hair, invitingly sullen lips which were meant to be kissed all day long, and breasts so lovely that I cannot get over them even after thirteen years of kissing and sucking them. They were unusually firm and bouncy pair of pear shaped boobs with big pinkish red nipples.

She was so well endowed even then, and she knew she had the best boobs in institution and that guys loved to stare at them as she deliberately moved around the campus with bouncy steps, her breasts swaying merrily in her flimsy lacy bras. It used to be our personal entertainment, seeing those sexually starving eyes merrily trying to disrobe her so openly!

That was our years of getting initiated to experimenting and thinking outrageously sensual fantasies with Angela as the leading lady of all our fantasies. Both of us loved to see how guys would lustfully stare at her.

Those stares, would in turn, make us so wild with desire that we spent long blissful hours in bed with increasing frequency and intensity over the years. We would joke about individual stares and the open expression of desire and the unfulfilled lust.

As our relationship bonded and matured over the years so did our fantasies. Getting bolder and brasher by the day. What started with loosely worn lace bras progressed to another level. Angela would deliberately lean forward flashing of her beautiful breasts or being bra-less in figure hugging tops with her big nipples firmly pushing outwards.

At times she choose to wear a combination of 'just there mini’s' and G strings when we knew she would be forced to use steps or escalators in public places, ensuring her sexy backside was always on display leaving guys with huge bulges in their pants.

With time we started getting more personal when we wanted her to begin choosing guys to sensually torment.

As time progressed and I graduated and started working. With Angela still in her final year, she would always tell me about younger male students and in particular about a sixteen year old terribly shy boy she really liked and had a crush on, and so did he, but was too shy to even acknowledge her presence!

As she sounded so infatuated, I decided to check him out and yeah he did look great. Seeing the glee in Angela’s eyes as she followed his movements it was very evident that she had really fallen for him and I could not deny her the pleasures she was dreaming about so relentlessly. So we decided that she would invite him over on the pretext of conducting interviews for one of her projects.

So the next day Angela put out an interview volunteer request on the notice board when she knew Harry was around and seeing what she was doing. And to our surprise he was the first to text to Angela about him volunteering to be interviewed.

As we lay in bed, Angela confided to me that she had invited Harry over the next morning and that she was very excited about meeting him. I was equally excited for her.

So I asked her what did she want to do with Harry. She very shyly answered in a quavering voice that she wanted to kiss and be kissed and she really wanted to see him naked and feel his entire body to her hearts content.

That had me really aroused and I had no pangs of jealousy. As I kissed and sucked her hardened nipples, I asked her would she be able to confine herself to what she had just said to which she replied with an emphatic but shaky ‘yes’.

I knew that very instant that she would not be able to refrain and she would end up making love with Harry. The thought of Angela making love with Harry really aroused me and our night was filled with some extraordinary love making as both of us were excited about how this first fantasy of ours would unfold.

The mere thought of Angela being fondled, sucked and making love to someone other than me was exhilarating. Our bodies were lovingly bonded with each other. Our thoughts in unison. Our hearts fluttering in anticipation.

As we woke up in the morning we showered together and I carried Angela to our bed and lay her down. As I parted her legs and licked her pulsating pussy with slow but intense long licks, I could feel her excitement building up. I occasionally softly bit her pussy lips as she writhed under me. Slowly I started pushing my tongue deeper and licking harder as I felt her body responding to the pleasures, and she had a slow but intense orgasm as she dug her nails into my back.

I had chosen to suck her as I always felt that she radiated sexual energy whole day long, whenever I had given her orgasmic pleasures early in the morning. Her lips got redder and more inviting. Our male friends would also observe these subtle changes in her and compliment her satiated looks.

As I left home, I wished her all the best and went to work (something I really did not want to as I wanted to witness first hand what Angela would do with Harry). But I had to go to work as she would not let me stay back at home fearing Harry would not turn up if I did not leave home. So reluctantly I trudged out and left for work.

After I left, Angela ransacked her wardrobe before finally selecting a lace fronted white figure hugging shirt and a denim mini with nothing underneath. As she finished dressing up she let her hair loose so that they partially covered her breasts.

She also wore a simple chain with a lovely heart shaped pendant nestling between her boobs. She had left the top two buttons of her top open and she looked ravishing with her ample bust line visible and the pendant nestling between her boobs. She wore her stilettos and was ready for Harry.

Harry came as promised just before 9 AM and knocked on the door. Angela who had spied upon him entering our home from the kitchen window waited with her racing heart for a minute before going and opening the door for Harry. She lost her breath as she saw him so close and he looked so adorable in his T shirt and jeans. As they nervously exchanged pleasantries she invited him in and closed the door firmly behind her.

With an racing heart, she guided Harry to the sitting room. She nervously took his arm to make him sit on the double sofa ensuring he did everything as she had planned. As she handed him the interview questionnaire she asked what he would like to have. But he was too shy to choose. So Angela selected coffee for both of them.

She moved to our open kitchen to make the coffee. She could feel his gaze following her every sensuous movement. His eyes were taking in everything she was wearing or not wearing and the soft swaying of her bra-less breasts to her well-toned long legs. The daylight from the kitchen window accentuating her figure to the hilt.

Angela looked absolutely ravishing and she was so deft and feminine with her movements! Harry was mesmerized!

As she returned with the coffee and leaned forward to serve Harry. Her tight figure hugging shirt exposed more of her beautiful breasts and the pendant swung enticingly close to Harry's face. The promise of something very exciting and special was awaiting Harry and he could well feel it coming. He was really aroused.

His penis was red hot inside his pants and stiff. His penis wanting to be released immediately. How he wished to be felt by Angela. She was so near but yet so hard to get. He was in a dilemma as to what to do next.

Angela settled down next to Harry and started with her interview putting questions to Harry, who replied to her shyly and awkwardly. He could barely concentrate on her questions as she was so near him. She was leaning towards him and was so desirable.

Her shirt with the top two open buttons showing more and more of her breasts as she leaned closer and closer had Harry in a stance with the other buttons threatening to open up anytime. He was praying in his mind that her shirt would open up.

Angela too was excited and her hardened nipples pushing hard against the lace of her shirt. Their shape and dark pinkish red areola and nipples so very enticing and reachable.

Angela in her nervousness was crossing and uncrossing her legs ever so frequently. Harry’s eyes would dart from her breasts to her crotch every time she did so. Very soon he was pretty sure that she was wearing nothing under her mini.

His face was red with excitement. His hands were warm to the touch. He was beside himself with sensual pleasure as Angela was just fingers away to feel. Yet, he out of shyness couldn't force himself to touch her. It was an agonizing wait for Harry as he waited for Angela to take the first bold initiative.

Angela was now aware that Harry had an erection as his jeans were bulging upwards and she would deliberately touch his arm or leg during the interview. As she asked him another question she leaned forward to pick up a pen from the coffee table beside Harry.

At last God had answered Harry's prayer. To their surprise three buttons of Angela's shirt just popped open!

Her sensual breasts came right out, her hardened pinkish red nipples softly brushing Harry’s hand as they exploded outwards free of their confinement. Angela had coffee in her other hand she just couldn’t react.

Harry was mesmerized and just froze. Angela, for whom he had lusted for so long, was right in front of him half naked. Her breasts were so invitingly near. He was just staring at her lovely breasts and nipples. Angela with the coffee cup still in one hand was trying to button up her now open shirt to no avail.

After the initial shock was over, Harry mustered up some courage to ask for her coffee cup as she fumbled one handed with her shirt. Harry’s eyes were still riveted on her exposed breasts. His face had turned red with excitement. His erection was at its zenith.

As he took her coffee cup, his hand touched her soft but firm left breast again and his hand slid past her hard nipples. He was beside himself with excitement and spilled the coffee on himself and Angela.

Harry was aghast. Fearing he may have burned Angela, but fortunately the coffee had cooled down, though evidently they had not.

He clumsily tried to cleanse Angela’s breasts and thighs with his fingers but just managed to spread the coffee further on her. The feel of her soft firm breasts was heavenly. He had never ever experienced this earlier in his life. They felt so lovely in his palms. Angela's hard nipples burning desire onto his palms.

Angela had still not recovered from her shirt opening up and now had to deal with the spilled coffee and Harry’s clumsy and futile efforts at cleaning her breasts and thighs. Not that she minded his fondling her breasts.

She was quite enjoying his shaking hands and quivering fingers on her breasts, nipples and legs. After all she had waited for this moment for so long. Sexual desire had overtaken all other emotions and she just wanted to please Harry. But she too was equally smitten to take the first definitive initiative.

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Angela somehow got up and buttoned up her shirt. She and Harry started cleaning the sofa. Harry was very apologetic and repeatedly asked her if she was burnt. He would not believe her denials. So Angela leaned forward saying she was perfectly okay and kissed him softly on the lips.

That kiss was meant to be just a reassuring kiss for Harry. But as he got over the initial shock of being kissed by Angela the excitement took over his senses. His arms encircled my sensuous Angela and pulled her to himself. His lips opened to Angela’s thrusting tongue as their lips locked ever so tightly.

Suddenly Harry was a transformed person. He was now feeling confident and sure about what he wanted and his body language changed. Angela was rapturous.

Finally, she was kissing Harry and he was responding. She had desired this for months but couldn't muster up the courage to fulfill her wild fantasy. Her arms went around his neck and pulled him even closer. She could feel his hands fumbling with her clothes but his quivering fingers couldn’t open her shirt.

So Harry just pulled her shirt open and as her breasts fell out he started feeling them with both hands. He was squeezing them softly. Pulling at them. Pinching her nipples softly.

He was rambling incoherently about how beautiful her breasts were as he started kissing her breasts and sucking her nipples. He could still feel the flavor of coffee on her breasts and nipples and he liked what he tasted. As he kissed and sucked her hard nipples his hands went around her back to pull her shirt off her.

Harry's fingers then moved on to between her legs. His fingers feeling her inner thighs. His fingers explored her soft but toned thighs exciting him even more. His fingers deftly touching her clitoris.

Angela in her excitement was searching for his zipper and put her hand in to encircle his throbbing penis. As she pulled it out she was impressed by what she saw. He was thick, long with pulsating thick veins encircling his dick head. His penis was red hot and she loved how it felt in her palms.

Harry had in the meantime managed to disrobe Angela completely. She was completely nude and standing proudly in the sitting room in her stilettos and eager to please and be pleased. She yanked Harry’s T shirt of him and pushed him on to the sofa and removed his jeans.

She loved what she saw in Harry on the sofa. He had a great chest, great physique and a long thick penis which was invitingly close to her lips. With a naughty look at Harry, she leaned forward to briefly kiss his pulsating dick head and he moaned as she slowly moved her tongue around his dick head.

Angela's lips and tongue encircling his dick head. Her tongue swirling around in circular motions around his dick head. She was softly increasing the pressure by her lips sealing in on his dick head. Her tongue softly stroking his dick head.

She could hear him moan and feel him writhe underneath her. He was trying to pull her legs towards his face to suck at her own pulsating pussy but she wouldn’t let him. She wanted to feel his penis and was taking it deeper into her mouth.

She was elated at how good he felt inside her mouth. His penis was clean, thick and hard. She had secretly dreamed of this for so long. As she made upward and downward strokes with her lips firmly encircling his penis she could feel him writhe in sensual pleasure beneath her.

Harry was beside himself with excitement. He yanked her off him. Jumping off the sofa he stood up and picked Angela up in his arms and took her to our bedroom. He put Angela down on the bed and as he was about to come down on top of her, she quickly turned around and caught his penis and pulled it towards her lips. She quickly mouthed it again and her tongue was stroking his dick head wildly.

That left Harry with no other option but to bury his face between her parted legs. He himself had been dreaming about Angela's pussy for months. He wanted to explore it's hidden sexual pleasures. His lips locked onto Angela’s pussy firmly and his tongue searching to give pleasure to my ever so sensuous Angela.

Angela by now was wet with desire and anticipation. She had thought of so many such moments along with Harry and now he was sucking her wet pussy as if possessed. He dug deeper into her pussy. Angela was moaning with pleasure.

Angela's lips encircled his penis even more tightly and her up and down moves became even more exciting for Harry as she was reciprocating the pleasure he was giving to her wet pussy.

Angela could feel him quivering even more between her lips and she knew he was about to explode in the confines of her mouth. But she didn’t want to let go as she was herself on the verge of climaxing. Her sucking got even wilder and she could feel Harry’s pleasures from his lips and tongue sensuously digging deeper and wildly into her pussy.

She knew he would ejaculate any moment so she concentrated on encircling her lips around the thick veins encircling his dick head. Her tongue lashing out all around his dick head. Harry was biting her pussy lips softly.

The sensuality of the moment had Angela weak kneed. She knew she was also about to have her surging orgasm. In her excitement she was pulling him closer to herself. Her fingers digging deeper into his back. Her lips moving ever so tightly around his throbbing penis.

Harry was trying to stop himself from ejaculating and prolong the ecstatic moments, but as her lips tightened and tightened around his dick head he couldn’t control himself.

Harry jerked wildly as he ejaculated. Angela was moaning uncontrollably. Her lips went into a lock around his dick head and her tongue was stroking his dick head feverishly.

She herself was exploding in Harry’s face. Her body was quivering with sheer desire and pleasure. Harry was squeezing her rock hard nipples. Her eyes watery with excitement as she lovingly licked up his dick head.

Harry was still licking her pussy. The experience was mesmerizing for him but he yearned for more. He lifted himself off her and turned around and started kissing her lips. He was murmuring incoherently but in reality was thanking her for the great blow job she gave him.

Later he confided with Angela that it was the very first blow job for him and that he had also never made love with a woman earlier.

Harry was kissed Angela and felt her lovely breasts and fingered her erect pink nipples sweet talking in her ears. His penis was erect again and ready for more of Angela, who in turn was more than ready to be the first woman Harry would make love with.

The thought actually excited her, as once she had confided in me that she would love to initiate young guys to the world of love making.

Harry parted her legs and about to penetrate her. Angela said 'No' leaving Harry perplexed. He couldn't understand why she was stopping him. Seeing his puzzled looks, Angela pushed him back to the bed and said 'I want to ride you and give you a memorable first love making experience'.

Harry was beside himself with the thought. He had even in his wildest dreams never thought of getting a blowjob and get his virginity busted by Angela riding him. Angela pushed him onto his back and straddled him. She presented her dripping pussy to his lips and as he tried to suck her she moved away slowly rubbing her dripping pussy all the way from his chest, stomach and down over his penis.

Harry was shuddering with the sheer prospect of Angela riding him to make love. Angela wanted to make it memorable for him. She bent down and smothered his erect penis between her lovely breasts. She swayed merrily above his penis with her big round breasts playfully stroking his erect penis to get harder with excitement.

She would occasionally rub her nipples against his dick head while she looked lovingly at his face with a soft sensuous smile. As she felt he wanted her to kiss his penis she bent down kissing his dick head.

Reluctantly Angela let go of his hard penis and slowly guiding him inside her pulsating pussy. She moaned as he thick penis filled into her tight pussy and started rocking up and down and lost in their sensual pleasures.

Harry was pulling her breasts, encircling them within his fingers and pinching them ever so slightly. His arms went around her back and his palms sensuously caressing her back up from her neck down her spine as she rocked up and down his thick penis.

Suddenly his arms tightened around Angela's back, bringing her breasts to his face. His lips were searching and kissing them wildly as she rocked with increasing vigor. Harry's lips searched for her nipples and he bit softly into each of them repeatedly and also sucking softly whenever he bit hard on them.

Angela loved the was he was kissing and sucking her breasts. She loved men who knew what to do with her lovely breasts and he was doing just what she loved and desired.

Harry reluctantly let go of her breasts and started kissing her lips wildly as she returned his kisses with equal wildness. Her lips were turning red with the amount of vigorous kissing they had been subjected to.

Harry was grabbing her breasts wildly and pinching her nipples as he neared his orgasm again. Angela could sense Harry was closing on to another climax and she didn't want that to happen so quickly!

Angela was now in her own pleasure zone. She knew she had Harry under her trance and jumped off him and took his pulsating penis into her mouth. Quickly encircling it with her lips and sucking her and his juices off his penis as he lay on his back enjoying her sensuous lips and tongue giving him sensations he had only maybe dreamed about earlier.

Angela was licking his penis clean with her tongue moving from its base to his dick head over and over.

Suddenly she jumped back on top of him and guided his penis into her confines. Her vagina pulsating as his penis rocked harder inside her as he pushed upwards with his crotch to meet her downwards rocking in tandem.

Angela was equally wet and near to another orgasm as she rocked harder and harder. Angela loved riding her lovers and it was her favorite sexual position. Besides she loved to be in command in bed.

Harry exploded within her. His head rocking from one side to another in sheer ecstasy. Angela tried to kiss his lips. Eventually she managed to lock his lips with hers again as she herself exploded around his throbbing penis.

Angela collapsed on top of Harry. Tears of contentment rolling down her closed eyes. Angela lay on top of Harry with her lips still locked to his. Her arms around his neck. Her mind thinking of the pleasures which lay ahead with Harry as a young lover when they meet the next time.

Still nestled on top of him Angela was purring blissfully in his ears. Saying endearing things and thanking him for the wonderful time together. Harry was in his own world, having just made love to a woman for the first time. Harry had never thought he would get a chance to make love with Angela even though he was smitten on her. He still could not come to terms with reality!

Eventually it was time for him to go as I was about to get back home for lunch. He did acknowledge Angela. Thanking her profusely for the pleasures extended to him and left promising to come back for more of her whenever she wanted.

I and my wife (hotsexysonia) would love to have your comments and reviews on our stories alongside suggestions.

Written by hsssh
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