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Ainsely 14

"Ainsely gets the parents off, but still has a new problem to deal with, not just Javon"

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Ainsely ran to the door. Sheesh, what ever happened to playing hard to get? I thought. She went inside before throwing her arms around him for a big kiss. “Let me at least get the damn door shut,” I chided them. “We're supposed to be playing it cool, remember?”

Javon grinned at me, “She don't do cool; she only does hot!” I chuckled as they disappeared into each other, passionately kissing, sloppy tongues all over each other as they proceeded to forget I existed. “C'mon, baby,” he said softly, pulling her by the wrist, guiding her upstairs.

“Set the alarm clock,” I hollered upstairs after them. “Until your parents are in the air and on the way home we're not out of the woods!” I turned to fix myself a nightcap, muttering to myself, “If we're even out of the woods by then.” I was still worried about being on the wrong side of the law and what kind of fallout could catch us from the captain getting relieved. And despite spending most of my waking hours at the company, I knew even less of what might have happened to him than I had last week.

I was so preoccupied with my thoughts that for a short while I actually forgot to be jealous of my wife upstairs with her black boyfriend. At least I'd get her all to myself tomorrow night, I mused. And lord knows that girl has plenty of love to go around! Tonight, I just needed to get some good, hard sleep to get ready for the week.

I often wondered why Javon left the bedroom door partially open and that little low lamp glowing softly right next to the bed. Was he concerned about not offending me by shutting me out, or was he wanting to show off as he totally dominated my wife sexually? He definitely taught her to rise to the challenge of his lovemaking, and she was a straight A student.

My dick throbbed as I took in the sight of my Ains on her back naked, her legs spread wide and pulled up high, wrapped around his black body, her ankles crossed to hold him tight, her long light brown curls spilling all around her head stark against the white sheet. Her creamy white skin was already glistening in the sparse light, their sweat giving it the same shiny sheen that his body displayed. They were French kissing passionately as he fucked her. His muscular black hips were slowly gyrating as he drove into her over and over, eliciting these delicious little moans and mewls.

He was right. Their bodies really did fit perfectly together. She really did seem to be made to fuck him, and it was clear that she loved it whether that was true or not. His long, black dick would sink into her all the way, making her gasp in pleasure until his balls rested against her ass. So, so hot!

I woke up early, showered and got dressed, then put on a pot of coffee. Hearing no movement upstairs, I went up and peeked in on them. Ainsely's alarm was set, but the two of them were dead to the world, Javon's long black arms wrapped around her as they spooned together. I decided not to wake them. I'd let the alarm clock do that. I just left a note on the kitchen counter telling Ainsely I loved her and couldn't want to have her all to myself tonight!


I woke up when the alarm went off, but I felt so snug and warm in Javon's arms, I didn't want to get up yet. I thought I'd just close my eyes for a moment longer, then get up. I knew I had all the time in the world since it was only 7:00 and I didn't have to pick up my parents until 8:00. I smelled the coffee coming from the kitchen in my dream and blinked myself awake just a second later.

“I gotta get back to the company, baby,” Javon said softly, pulling away from me. “Oh shit, it's already 8:15. Imma hafta sneak into the motor pool to stay outa trouble.” Just then the phone rang. It was my parents.

“Oh dad, I'm so sorry,” I told him, “We... I mean I overslept. I'm getting dressed now and will be right over to get you all.” He told me to hurry up because Burton was anxious to get in the air for the flight home, 'cause of air traffic or something like that.

“Look Javon,” I told him, I have to go right now. I'll come back and get you and drop you off at the back of the motor pool later. He just grinned at me, thanked me for the easy morning I'd just given him, and flipped on the TV.

I didn't have time to really to my hair and makeup right and hated going to pick them up looking so disheveled, but that was the price I had to pay for stealing more warm snuggly moments in Javon's arms than I should have. But when I got to their hotel, my mom and Maggie still weren't ready to go. Burton was impatient, trying to get them to hurry up when Maggie popped her head out of the bathroom and asked him, “Be a dear Burt and get Ainsely to run you over to her place. I'm pretty sure I left my sunglasses there when we visited their charming little apartment yesterday. I'll be ready when you get back, I promise,” she smiled with this sugary sweetness.

That's how I wound up driving back to our place, my stomach in knots, my mind clouded by a terror that was making it hard to think. Burton insisted on coming with me but my dad decided to wait at the hotel. “I can just run in and get the glasses,” I lamely offered. “I'm pretty sure I know where they are.”

“Oh come on, Ainsely,” Burton scoffed. “She probably didn't even leave them at your place. She's so scatterbrained, there's no telling where they could be. At least if we've both checked everywhere thoroughly, we can assure her they're not at your place. No need to be so nervous, honey. It's not your fault she lost them. Besides, it's just a damn pair of sunglasses!”

I started to get nauseous at the thought of Javon bounding down the stairs buck naked when he heard me enter. Part of having him wait for me to come back and get him later, in his mind at least, was the possibility that we were going to fuck some more, that or he was going to get his dick sucked again. I could not think of anything to do, any lie to tell that would stave off this impending disaster. If Burton discovered or even suspected anything, my short, beautiful life would be over!

Pulling up in front of the house, I pleaded with him to please just let me go look as I hopped out of the car and ran to the door.

“Nonsense,” I heard him say as he followed me in. Fortunately, he turned left behind me and walked purposefully into the kitchen looking around all over.

I announced loudly as I thought I could get away with, “I think Maggie's glasses must be down here someplace. I don't think she was upstairs.” Oh please, please hear me, Javon. Please, please figure out quick what's happening and hide or something.

“Nothing in here,” Burton said. “Oh wait a minute,” I looked around to see him pick up and a slip of paper from the counter and read it. I cast my eyes furtively around the room not seeing the glasses at first glance, blinded no doubt by my rising panic. “I'll check upstairs,” he said, heading for the steps. My heart sank and I almost burst into tears.

“Are you okay?” he asked, pausing to look at me.

“Here they are!” I practically shouted. Some magical, mystical guardian angel made my eyes fall on the unfamiliar dark glasses laying folded on top of the TV, right where Maggie had carelessly laid them. Burton smiled, looked at the pair of dirty, unshined boots Javon had tossed on the floor the previous night, then looked back and me and grinned.

“Well good,” he said. “I guess we can make it out of here before noon after all.” I handed him the glasses, blushing for no apparent reason, still worried about how this all might seem to him. Apparently I'm not good at concealing my emotions, especially intense fear. I followed him out, closing and locking the door behind us and started to relax.

“So that was interesting,” Burton said as I drove back to the hotel. “I've known you a long time little one and that's about the weirdest I've ever seen you look. Surely you're not just that worried about Maggie's stupid glasses?”

“It's just that I didn't want to disappoint her,” I lied.

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“She can be pretty hard on me, you know.”

“She's hard on all the cute young girls I find attractive,” he chided, hitting on me again in a well established patter. “But that never bothered you before. I think something else is going on, don't you?” I know I blushed again but said nothing. “I mean you just about died at the thought of me going upstairs. Was Jack up there or something?” He grinned.

“No, Jack left for work early this morning. It's just that I didn't make the bed and there are clothes all over the place. I'd be embarrassed for anyone to see what a bad housekeeper I am.”

“Yeah, I know how image conscious you Southern girls are,” Burton teased. “You just have to have everything perfect for people to see. I just wonder why Jack left his dirty boots on the floor. He doesn't make you clean and polish them does he?”

I started feeling really uncomfortable all over again at the way this was going. “Yeah, I saw them too. I'll yell at him tonight. He can be so irresponsible sometimes.”

“Well I'm just glad he doesn't make you polish them. His boots are so big it must take quite a while to get them done right.”

“Yeah, they are. I think he wears a size thirteen so they're pretty huge.”

“Odd,” he says. “The boots on the floor sure looked a lot smaller than that.”

I panicked again. I had no idea what to say. Of course they were smaller. They were Javon's! So I lied again, “I don't know, maybe I was wrong about the size.” He just smiled over at me. I suddenly got super interested in driving safely and responsibly, not looking at him at all. As I pulled into the parking lot in front of the hotel and turned off the engine, Burton looked over at me, not getting out.

“Ainsely, who was that black guy in the car with you when you came to pick us up at the airfield?”

I just cannot conceal the terror in my eyes. I know I was almost hyperventilating as I told our rehearsed lie. “Oh, that was one of the men from Jack's unit. I was just giving him a ride over to the airfield since I was coming that way anyway.”

“Hmmm,” he said looking at me patiently. “You know what I think?” He paused to watch my uncomfortable reaction. “I think there's something going on with you, and I think you're afraid for us to find out about it.” I did my best to look unconcerned as he continued. “I have a pretty good sense of things like this. I think there was someone upstairs at your place and I don't think it was Jack. And I think you're not being a very good little girl and you think you can keep it from us.” That stupid little tear. Why did my eye have to leak just then.

He watched me squirm for a few more seconds. “Listen baby. You don't have to worry. You know how much old Uncle Burton loves you and I'll never rat you out. Still, it's going to be hard to keep your parents from finding out what kind of girl they've raised.” My eyes were both moist and it was all I could do to keep from sobbing. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “There, there, it's okay.”

“Now Ainsely, honey, I hope you feel a little differently towards me since I'm willing to help you get through this little problem. I hope you feel a little more appreciative and even a little more affectionate towards me now.” I looked up at his face as he kissed me. He looked into my eyes. “Now was that really affectionate? Was that the best you can do?” He kissed me again and I let my mouth open and gave him my tongue.

My god, I must really be a slut, I thought. This lecherous old man's kiss wasn't that bad. In fact, it kind of excited me a little bit. This whole thing was gross, disgusting, but if that's all I had to do to keep him to shut up and not start talking, I guess I could do it. After all he was as good as gone and I wouldn't see him again until we got home, and then I'd be surrounded by people who would keep an eye on him. I felt I could avoid him there if I needed to.

Burton gave me one more kiss right after my parents did as they got into the plane. I stood there and watched until I was sure it was airborne and heading back east before I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and headed home.


Lounging around Ainsely's house, eating a leisurely breakfast, and then taking a nice hot shower—now that's the way a man like me ought to be able to start the day, I thought. And when she gets back here, I think I might get my black dick sucked before heading back to work! Life is good, dude, I told myself.

I was just out of the shower and toweling off when I heard the door open downstairs. She'd gotten rid of the old folks a lot quicker than I though she would, it seemed. Then I paused. Something wasn't right. I stopped and listened and soon realized she wasn't talking to me and she wasn't alone. I stayed quiet, listening, until they stopped talking and left. When I heard the door close, I finished toweling off and went downstairs for coffee.

Almost an hour later, Ainsely came through the door. This time I was sitting there with the TV on, sipping coffee. “Wasn't that you here earlier?” I asked her. “What was that all about?”

She told me it was, that Maggie had forgotten her glasses and she had to come get them. “You brought her back here?” I asked incredulously. “I could have been sitting here naked waiting on you. You'd have had to share my dick with her!” I teased her. She wrinkled her nose and stuck out her tongue at me.

It was only later that I learned the details of the emotional roller coaster she'd just ridden that morning. For the moment, she kept her communication simple. “They're gone. For real this time,” she said. Then she just collapsed onto the sofa next to me, emotionally drained. I slipped my arm around her. She cried softly for a few moments, then started touching my thighs and my dick, stirring it to hardness. “I'm such a slut,” she said softly.

I don't know if it was the best blow job I'd ever had. I guess I don't keep records. But I can't remember a better one. She didn't just suck my dick and lick my balls expertly, she did it with a passion, making me feel wanted, and like she was licking and sucking on the most luscious thing she'd ever had. Even though I knew I was already late, late, late, I let her take all the time she wanted. She didn't stop until I ejaculated into her mouth. It wasn't a big load. I mean I'd been fucking her all night.

Yeah. I was right. Life is good.


I slept for a while after I dropped off Javon. I hadn't slept much the night before, and I was pretty burnt out once I finally got my parents off. Brenda banging on the front door after I'd failed to hear the doorbell is what finally got me up. Homework undone, needing but not having time for a shower, I threw on something, grabbed my backpack and got in the car with her.

Brenda was chattering on and on about the news her husband Bill had been bringing home about the captain. I don't know if she was dumb or just naive—she was definitely the little goody-two-shoes Christian girl I had always thought I was—but she was totally shocked at the scandalous behavior that could be going on around us. I started to try to clue her in, but soon my head was hurting and I just wished she'd shut up. No such luck.

I just kept withdrawing into my own thoughts, analyzing and reanalyzing my situation, what had happened today, what had happened this week, hell, what had been happening for over a month now. I tried to calculate what Burton could really know, against what he implied he knew, realizing I had probably revealed way more than I thought just by my silly little girl reactions. I tried to figure out what I could lie my way out of and what I could simply deny. I felt like I could contain the damage with him, and besides, that problem could be put off for a long time, as long as he kept his mouth shut.

All that just made my head hurt more. I knew I'd be a vegetable at class today, but resolved to just get through it and get home. I hoped against hope that Jack would let me get some rest tonight, and wouldn't it be wonderful if Javon didn't have time to come over tomorrow! I guess it's possible to have too much fun.


Written by skycap_mascot
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