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Adventures in Swinging, Ch. 05: Returning to Desire

"Another naked vacation, an erotic massage, meeting new friends."

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One year after our life-altering vacation to Desire resort in Cancun, Kathleen and I returned to where it all began. Like our first time, we were filled with nervous excitement upon arrival. Unlike our first time, we knew exactly what to expect. I couldn’t wait to feel the hot Caribbean sun shine on parts of my body that had hardly ever seen the light of day. I looked forward to mingling with a wide variety of fun-loving and sexy people. Most of all, I couldn’t wait to see what naughty adventures lay ahead of us.

As we stood in the lobby waiting patiently to check in, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see a tall and thin man.

“Hey, buddy, what did you tip the cab guy?” he asked in a thick and all-too-familiar Boston accent.

I couldn’t help but laugh at his forwardness. “Thirty,” I responded.

He lowered his sunglasses and peered at me over top of them with raised eyebrows. “Thirty bucks?!”

“Pesos,” I said with a chuckle. “Thirty pesos.”

“Oh! Yeah, right! Thanks, man!”

He slapped me on the shoulder and bolted out the door. Kathleen looked at me and I shrugged and shook my head. We checked in and quickly headed toward the buffet, as we were both famished after our long journey. Strolling past dozens of naked bodies wasn’t nearly as shocking and intimidating as it had been for me a year earlier, but I still found it thrilling.

We had just sat down at our table overlooking the pool when the tall man from the lobby suddenly appeared with a woman at his side.

“Hey, it’s the Big Tipper!” he shouted. “Mind if we join you?”

Before we could answer, he had taken his seat and extended his hand.

“Frank,” he said. “And this is my girlfriend, Diane.”

As we exchanged pleasantries, I took a quick survey of Diane. She had long, straight, brown hair that hung just past her shoulders. Her brown eyes were rather ordinary, and her face was neither beautiful nor ugly. She was very much what I considered to be a “Plain Jane.” She did have a nice figure, and what appeared to be very large breasts, which she highlighted with a top that revealed a deep valley of cleavage.

“I saw you two on the plane,” Frank said, turning to Kathleen. “I noticed her right away with that red hair. I turned to Diane and said I’ll bet those two are heading to Desire. Sure enough, here you are!”

“Are we that obvious?” Kathleen asked with a sly grin.

“I could just tell,” he said. “I got, what do you call it, swing-dar.”

By the end of lunch, my face muscles were sore from smiling and laughing so often. We said goodbye to our new friends and promised to meet them later that evening at the nightclub.

“What did you think of them?” Kathleen asked when we entered our room.

“They’re very nice,” I said. “He’s a riot.”

“What about her?”

“She’s nice.”

“Do you think maybe…”

“I don’t know,” I said. “Let’s not rush into bed with the first couple we meet! We just got here!”

She laughed. “I was just wondering what you thought, that’s all. She seemed to be into you. And it’s good that they’re local. They seem to know a lot of people in the area.”

“True, but let’s take it slow this time, okay?”


We spent the afternoon at the pool, and then headed up to the rooftop hot tub just before sunset. We had booked our trip through a travel agency that specialized in “swinger vacations.” Since most of the guests were booked through the same agent, there were more swingers at the resort that week than usual. One of the advantages to booking through the agent was that we were able to chat with many of the guests beforehand through the agent’s website. This allowed us to get to know people before we even met them in-person.

Both the pool and hot tub areas were far more active than they were during our first visit. The swingers taking over the resort created a party atmosphere similar to a typical Spring Break. At one point, a woman lay across the bar and allowed the men to lick liquor off of her naked body, which the bartender happily poured over her. Men were seated all along the perimeter of the kidney-shaped hot tub receiving blowjobs from significant others and strangers alike. The beds surrounding the hot tub were filled with couples and threesomes sucking and fucking as if no one were watching.

Our senses were overwhelmed with all the sights and sounds surrounding us. Miguel the bartender provided us with one drink after another until our heads spun. As I stood at the “swim-up” bar, chatting with another man, two women approached us and offered to give us head. They sucked our cocks until we were good and hard, and then left us as quickly and mysteriously as they had appeared.

“Someone must have dared them to do it,” the other guy said to me with a shrug.

By the time we left the hot tub, Kathleen and I found ourselves stumbling to dinner. Getting some food in our bellies helped to absorb all the alcohol. We decided to take a nap after dinner, and didn’t wake up until late that night. Although we had promised to meet Frank and Diane in the nightclub, we decided to grab some pizza at the bar outside of the nightclub, take a quick dip in the hot tub, and call it a night.


Many of the people on the agency’s forum had highly recommended a couple’s massage from a Mexican woman named Maria, who lived just outside of the resort. Neither Kathleen nor I had ever had a professional massage, and it sounded like a fun way to start our vacation, so we booked an appointment on the first full day of our trip.

We arrived in front of Maria’s home, and she greeted us as we stepped out of the cab. She was a slightly older woman with a gentle, easy-going, demeanor. She warmly welcomed us into her home and led us into a small, dimly-lit, room. As soon as I entered I was overwhelmed by the aroma of the candles that burned around the perimeter of the room. The room was barely large enough to fit a couple of chairs and a standard massage table in the center.

Maria gave us a brief description of her service, and how our massages would proceed. She then asked Kathleen to remove her clothing and lie face-down on the table. Of course, by that time, my wife was unusually experienced at getting naked in front of complete strangers, so she didn’t hesitate to do so.

Maria filled her hands with a generous amount of oil and began to massage Kathleen’s shoulders. Slowly and methodically, she worked her hands along her arms, back, lower back, and hips in small, circular, motions. By the time she made it down to her feet, I had become restless and bored.

At last, she asked Kathleen to turn over onto her back. Maria then retrieved a warm washcloth, folded it, and placed it over Kathleen’s eyes. Sitting at the foot of the massage table, it gave me a very nice view of Kathleen’s hairless pussy. She had been so intent on keeping herself smooth in that area that she had paid for laser hair removal. She had just finished her final session prior to our vacation.

Just as I was beginning to wonder why this was called a couple’s massage, Maria silently motioned for me to join her at the head of the table. She filled my palms with oil and demonstrated her technique. I did as she indicated and massaged one of Kathleen’s arms while Maria massaged the other. When she eventually made her way to Kathleen’s breasts, that is when I began to understand why this service was so highly-recommended.

Kathleen’s lips parted and she breathed more heavily as Maria’s expert hands glided over Kathleen’s breasts in a circular motion. I mimicked the motion with her other breast. After some time, Maria indicated for me to massage both of her breasts. She then re-lubricated her hands and moved down to Kathleen’s belly.

I couldn’t help but wonder if this “full-body” massage really would cover every inch of the body. I didn’t have to wonder for long. Maria gently parted Kathleen’s thighs and rested her hand over Kathleen’s vagina, allowing the warmth to penetrate. Kathleen inhaled sharply, but remained still.

Maria’s hand slid between Kathleen’s thighs. Then, ever so gently, it moved upward along her vulva. Maria spread her fingers and then closed them, pinching Kathleen’s clit on each journey upward. Again and again she slid her oily hand up and down the length of Kathleen’s pussy. Maria beckoned me to the foot of the table, and I happily resumed where she left off.

As I continued to “massage” my wife’s pussy, Maria’s hands roamed along Kathleen’s thighs and calves. After quite some time, our masseuse tapped me on the shoulder and motioned for me to return to the chair.

Maria finished with Kathleen’s ankles and feet. She then produced a long sheet, covered Kathleen from the neck down, and left the room. I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to do, so I simply sat there watching the sheet move up and down with each breath. Eventually, Maria returned. She removed the sheet, helped Kathleen to her feet, and then asked me to disrobe and take my place on the table.

Maria’s hands were very soft and strong. As she worked on my shoulders and back, she continually reminded me to breathe. I had to admit, I was a bit anxious to know what would happen when I turned over. Would I get a “happy ending?”

After she completed the slow and methodic journey down the length of my body, she asked me to flip over. She placed a warm towel over my eyes and I tried to relax as she massaged my shoulders and chest. By the time she reached my belly, I was in a full state of arousal. I couldn’t help it. The anticipation was overwhelming.

Maria’s hands repeatedly brushed against my throbbing hard-on as her hands circled my belly. There was a pause. I could hear the sound of more oil being applied. I felt strong, soft hands on my thighs, kneading my muscles like dough. The hands parted my thighs and bit, and fingers began to gently caress my balls in a circular motion. My cock pulsated in response. I could feel a drop of pre-cum connecting the tip of my cock to my navel.

Another pause. More oil. Then, I felt strong fingers encircling my cock and squeezing it at the base. The slippery fingers traveled to my cock head, twisting on the way up, and then twisting back to the base. Again and again. Then, there were two sets of fingers encircling my cock, one pair twisting in one direction while the other twisted in the opposite direction. I was in Handjob Heaven.

After another pause, I felt the same sensation of fingers traveling up and down my shaft, only it was a bit different this time. Suddenly, another pair of fingertips joined the others, twisting and tugging at my cock head. Another set of fingers gently tugged at my scrotum.

I was seconds away from exploding. I could feel an immensely powerful surge rapidly build. The sensation was so powerful, it felt as though the first spurt that erupted from my cock would likely shoot straight over my head. My muscles tensed. My breathing intensified. Then…it stopped. All four hands suddenly abandoned my cock as it twitched and throbbed in the cruel cold air.

The massage continued as though that heavenly handjob had never happened. Maria then covered me with a sheet and left me in the silent darkness. We politely thanked her and handed her a generous tip. Before the taxi door had even closed, I turned to Kathleen, wide-eyed with disbelief.

“What the fuck?” I said. “Why did you leave me hanging like that?”

She giggled and blushed. “I…I wasn’t sure if you were supposed to finish or not.”

“Seriously? Who cares what you’re supposed to do? That was completely cruel!”

She couldn’t stop laughing. “I’m sure you’ll get to finish at some point this week,” she said in a mocking tone.

“Oh, I plan to finish as soon as we step into that room!”

“Eww, no,” she said. “I’m completely covered in oil. It’s all in my hair. I feel disgusting. Besides, I kind of like it when you’re all pent-up and on edge!”


True to her word, she didn’t take care of me when we returned to our room. Even after she showered, she insisted we head straight to the buffet. She seemed to think it was hilarious that I didn’t get my happy ending. Time and again throughout that day, she repeated the story of our couple’s massage to our new friends. The women seemed to find it highly-amusing, while the guys agreed with me that she was seriously cruel.

After another day of basking in the sun and downing far too many tropical drinks, we visited the nightclub. The theme that night was “black and white.” Kathleen wore a sheer white top that was completely see-through. Oddly enough, after seeing her naked all day, seeing her only partially-naked was incredibly arousing.

Later that night, we ran into Frank and Diane at the nightclub. Of course, Kathleen regaled them with her tale about the unhappy ending, which Diane thought was hysterical.

“Aww,” she said with a mocking pouty expression. “Is someone a little backed-up right now?” With that, she reached down and squeezed my cock through my pants.

“Don’t start what you can’t finish,” I warned her. She responded with a laugh and returned to her drink.

For hours, we danced and talked, and danced some more. At some point in the night, I got separated from Kathleen. I looked for her everywhere throughout the packed nightclub, but she was nowhere to be found. On a whim, I decided to look in the “sin room” at the back of the club. I opened the door and peered around the dimly-lit room. There, in the corner, I saw a man seated on one of the benches with a drink in his hand. A woman’s curly hair bobbed in his lap. My heart leapt. It was Kathleen and Frank.

I didn’t know what to do. I quickly exited the room before either of them could see me. It was highly unlike Kathleen to go off with another guy without telling me first. Then again, she did have quite a few drinks, and probably wasn’t thinking straight. If she was with Frank, did that mean I should hook up with Diane? Although I wasn’t highly-attracted to her, she was becoming more attractive the more I got to know her.

Without giving it too much thought, I walked up to her at the bar and kissed her. She seemed stunned at first, but soon returned my kiss with great enthusiasm.

“Where are Frank and Kathleen?” she asked.

“I think they’re in the sin room,” I said.

Her eyes widened. “No way!”

Quickly, she hopped off of the bar stool, grabbed my hand, and pulled me toward the sin room. When we entered the room, I looked to the corner where I had seen Frank and Kathleen. That’s when I realized that it wasn’t them. I looked at Diane and shrugged.

“My mistake,” I said.

She led me by the hand out of the room and back into the nightclub, where we eventually found Frank and Kathleen. They were engaged in a casual conversation, and both seemed surprised to see me holding hands with Diane.

“Let’s go to the hot tub,” Diane suggested.

When we arrived at the rooftop, I waded into the warm water and stood at the corner of the bar to order a drink. Diane slid onto the barstool between me and the bar. She wrapped her legs around me and pulled me toward her. Our tongues danced in each other’s mouth and my cock swelled until it bobbed on top of the bubbling water. Diane noticed this, and lowered her mouth onto my cock.

At this point, I had no idea whether or not Kathleen was on-board with any of this. We hadn’t had a chance to discuss it. I turned around to see if I could make eye contact with her, but she was busy sucking Frank’s dick. I guess she’s okay with it, I said to myself.

I was so pent-up at that point that I could feel myself quickly reaching a climax. Having heard Diane’s statement earlier in the evening about her distaste for cum in her mouth, I gently stopped her from going any further.

“Are you guys okay with separate rooms?” she asked me.

“Actually, yeah, we are,” I responded.

She pulled her boyfriend aside and they spoke for a moment before she returned to me and let me know that we were heading back to my room. I checked with Kathleen to ensure she was okay with this arrangement before grabbing an armful of clothes and rushing down the stairs toward our room.

Inside our room, Diane lay on the bed, and I crawled between her legs and tongued her pussy. She was unusually vocal, and let me know whenever I did something she particularly enjoyed. Although I felt her approaching an orgasm, she stopped me and asked me to fuck her. I quickly grabbed a condom.

Her nails dug into my back as I entered her, and she scratched and clawed at me as my cock slid in and out of her.

“Oh, god, yes!” she shouted. “Oh, my god! Please, don’t stop!”

I tried my best to hold out as long as I could. She begged me to fuck her harder and faster, though, and I soon filled the condom. Her muscles tensed, and she was shaking as I finished. She seemed to be in another world.

“I don’t know what it is,” she said, panting. “Your cock must have a curve to it or something. You kept hitting this spot. Wow!”

My ego swelled. Little did she know I had used the technique we had learned a year earlier. I had lifted her ass off the bed as I fucked her, so that I hit her G-spot with each thrust. I preferred that she believed that I had a magical dick, though, so I kept that little secret to myself.

We returned to the hot tub to find Frank and Kathleen standing just where we had left them.

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They were simply chatting casually, and seemed happy to see us. Diane hugged Kathleen and thanked her profusely for sharing me with her. She went into great detail about what we had done, and mentioned the curvature of my cock. As my face flushed, Kathleen couldn’t stop smiling at me.

“You stud, you!” she said as we walked back to our place after saying good-night to our new friends.

“Stop it,” I scolded.

She giggled. “You really made an impression on her! My studly husband!”

I rolled my eyes and sighed. “What happened with you two? Did you go back to their place?”

“No, we stayed in the hot tub.”

“I’m surprised. No hanky-panky?”

“Oh, I didn’t say that. No, I sucked his dick.”

“You sucked it after we left?”

She nodded and flashed me her dirty-girl smile.

“But then what?”

“What do you mean? He finished, and that was that.”

“He finished? Where? In the hot tub? You know you’re not supposed to cum in the hot tub.”

“Don’t worry,” she said with a grin, “not a drop hit the water.”

I shook my head and chuckled. “I’ll never understand it.”


“For seventeen years, I practically begged you to let me cum in your mouth, and you refused. Now you let complete strangers do it.”

She thought about it for a moment. “I guess it’s like when you have guests over to your house for the first time.”

“Say what?”

“Well, when you have new guests at your home, you clean the place from top to bottom, you bring out your best silverware and plates. You put your best foot forward to make a good first impression.”

“So, letting strangers cum in your mouth is your way of making a good first impression?”

She laughed. “Well, it made a good first impression on you, didn’t it?”

She made a good point. Once you get to know a person, it’s only natural to make less of an effort to impress them as time passes and you grow more comfortable with each other. You may even begin to take them for granted over time. In all of the time that I was unsatisfied with our sex life, I blamed her for her low libido. The way I saw it, my desire for her never waned, and I took it personally that her desire for me seemed to have disappeared. Perhaps I was, at least partially, to blame for that. Perhaps I had taken her for granted and didn’t make enough of an effort to treat her as I would treat a “new guest in my home.” It was an eye-opening conversation.


The following day, we met with Frank and Diane at the pool. We spent the day together lounging by the pool, drinking in the hot tub, and sharing a meal together at dinner. Later that evening, we returned to the hot tub. Diane insisted that I sit on the edge of the hot tub, and she and Kathleen proceeded to give me a phenomenal dual-blowjob. As they took turns passing my cock back and forth, Frank snapped a few photos that he promised to send to me when we returned home. Feeling those two mouths on my cock while I rested on the side of that hot tub, with my legs dangling in the bubbling water, and the warm Caribbean breeze caressing my upper body, was perhaps the closest I have ever come to experiencing Paradise.

Just as their two mouths brought me to the brink of ecstasy, they stopped and suggested we move the party to our room. When we entered the room, I paired with Diane while Kathleen tended to Frank. As I flicked my tongue over Diane’s clit, I watched Kathleen’s head bob up and down in Frank’s lap in my peripheral vision.

Diane moaned loudly and clawed her fingernails through my hair. On the other side of the bed, I could only hear Kathleen’s muffled moans as she took Frank’s cock deep into her throat. I climbed on top of Diane and straddled her chest, and she leaned forward to take my dick in her mouth. Her head moved in sync with my thrusts as I slowly fucked her mouth. Then, suddenly, she disappeared through my legs.

Frank pulled her by the legs to his side of the bed, and positioned her at the edge of the bed in alignment with his cock. Kathleen flashed me a puzzled look before walking around the bed to join me. The four of us fucked side-by-side until we were spent.

We bid our new friends goodbye. They had only booked three days at the resort, and were due to fly back home that morning. They promised to keep in touch, and then walked out the door.

“That was weird,” I said to Kathleen. “The way he pulled her across the bed like that. It’s almost like he was pissed.”

“Well, Diane had told me that he was a little bothered by all the attention she was giving you.”

“I thought they were long-time swingers,” I said. “You’d think they would’ve sorted out those issues by now.”

“She told me that he is usually the instigator, and she just goes along for the ride. This time, you initiated things with her, and I guess he wasn’t used to that.”

Over the years, we found that swinging tends to create drama for some couples. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it can get messy. We were fortunate to have avoided any major drama that night.


The following afternoon, Kathleen and I were standing in our usual spot in the hot tub when I noticed a new couple had arrived. I recognized her immediately from the photos that had been shared on our travel agent’s website. She was a gorgeous brunette with the brightest blue eyes I had ever seen. She was a dead ringer for the actress Lauren Graham, who happened to be among my celebrity crushes. Unlike the actress, this woman had enormous breasts, which she proudly displayed in many of her photos.

I couldn’t help but note the flash of recognition when she saw me. She headed straight toward me and hugged me, pressing her naked breasts against me as if we were long lost friends. Her husband trailed closely behind her, and I shook his hand before introducing them to Kathleen.

“This is Kim and Pete,” I said. “I told you about them. We met online.”

“Oh, yeah,” Kathleen said as she hugged the two of them. I got the feeling she had no idea who they were.

We chatted and laughed together for a very long time as the hot tub continued to fill to capacity. After a while, it became impossible to move without brushing up against someone’s naked flesh. The party atmosphere grew rowdier as the sun fell toward the horizon. Someone produced a squirt gun filled with Bailey’s Irish Cream and began squirting the chests of the women in the hot tub. When he squirted Kim’s ample breasts, she invited me to lick it off, and I happily accepted the offer. Pete was equally happy to clean Kathleen’s tits with his tongue.

“Hey, do you want to do a body shot?” Kim asked me.

I had never done one before, but I couldn’t resist the offer. Kim made her way to the bar and returned with two shots of liquor. She pulled Kathleen aside and whispered to her as Pete and I exchanged curious expressions. Kathleen took one of the shots and instructed me to hop up on the side of the hot tub.

“I thought we were doing body shots off of you,” I said to the ladies.

“Just do it,” Kathleen responded.

I boosted myself up onto the side of the hot tub, and Kathleen positioned herself between my knees. To my left, Pete and Kim did the same. Kathleen placed her shot between my thighs, and on the count of three, both women leaned forward, took the glasses into their mouths, and then leaned back to empty them. They then leaned forward again and took our cocks in their mouths. I could feel the cool liquor swirling around in her mouth.

With dozens of people watching curiously, I felt a little self-conscious. Still, Kathleen’s mouth felt terrific, and I found myself becoming quickly aroused. Suddenly, Kim shouted, “Switch!” The two women then switched places, and I felt a new and wonderful mouth on my cock.

I looked to my left and watched as Pete’s cock completely disappeared from sight.

“Honey, look!” he shouted. “Look what she can do!”

Kim paused for a moment and tried to do the same to me, but gagged. “You’ll have to teach me how to do that!” she said to Kathleen.

Our dual blowjobs didn’t last as long as I would have liked. We all had to prepare for the festivities that evening. Our travel agent had booked the nightclub for a special thank-you gift to all of those who booked through him. He wouldn’t tell us what he had planned, nor would any of the other guests who had previously attended the party. They simply smiled and told us that we shouldn’t miss it.


Kathleen and I showed up at the nightclub wearing only our underwear, as instructed in the invitation. I wore a pair of silk boxers and flip-flops, while Kathleen wore a silk, purple-colored, teddy, a pair of skimpy white panties, and high heels. It was strange to feel self-conscious walking from our room to the nightclub when I had been naked in front of the same people all week.

A long table was positioned at the entrance of the nightclub, which displayed a variety of sex toys, lingerie, and other items. At the end of the table were rows of envelopes. I searched through them to find one with my name on it. Inside were five fake dollar bills from a board game. I looked at Kathleen with a raised eyebrow.

We ordered drinks at the bar as the nightclub quickly became crowded. A man with a microphone stepped to the center of the stage and introduced himself as Danny, our host for the evening. He was short, balding, and a bit heavy. In fact, his name was somewhat amusing given that he looked a lot like the actor Danny DeVito.

“Welcome, everyone!” he shouted. “I’m glad you all could make it. We’re gonna have a lot of fun tonight. Let’s get the party started right away, okay?”

The crowd erupted in applause, hoots, and whistles.

“Some of you are new here, so let me explain how this works,” he continued. “All of you men should have an envelope in your hand. If not, go get one at the table over there. Inside the envelope are five crispy new dollar bills. Later tonight, we’re gonna have a little auction. Ladies, you can use those dollars to buy anything you want from that table. All you gotta do is earn those dollars…in whatever way you choose.”

The men in the room whistled and hollered, while some of the women began to look a little nervous.

“That’s it! That’s all you gotta do. Oh, and I almost forgot. There’s only one rule: guys, you can’t give any of those dollars to the lady you came here with.”

There was more raucous celebration as Danny ended his speech and the music blared from the speakers. I turned to look at Kathleen. I could see the wheels turning in her head, and that devious dimple of hers appeared on her left cheek. Her eyes twinkled with mischief. She quickly kissed me and I watched her panty-clad ass shake as she disappeared into the crowd.

I returned to my drink and surveyed the crowd. All around me, women were engaging with the men in various ways. Some were kissing, others were fondling, and some were getting a little more personal. I spotted Kim standing alone near the bar and approached her, playfully waving a dollar bill.

She smiled widely when she saw me and stretched out her arms. I embraced her and we kissed. She was such a talented kisser that I forgot for a moment where I was. My hands roamed along the soft fabric of her skimpy underwear. I had just begun to slip my fingers beneath her panties when we were interrupted by her husband, Pete.

“Hey, guys,” he said.

Kim broke our embrace, and I quickly handed her a dollar. “She earned that one,” I said to Pete, clapping him on the shoulder.

The two of them wandered away, leaving me standing alone with a massive tent in my boxers. I took a seat at the bar. A woman approached me and asked if I would like a lap dance. I didn’t have the heart to say no, so she sat on my lap and rubbed herself along my erection to the beat of the music before turning around with her hand out. I handed her a dollar, and she was off to earn her next one.

I was very curious to know what Kathleen was doing to earn her dollars. I made my way through the crowd and eventually spotted her on her knees at the foot of one of the beds, sucking off a friend that we had met earlier in the week. Naturally, she would put her talents to good use.

Remembering how good it felt to have Kim’s lips wrapped around my cock, I began to search for her. I found her, thankfully without her husband, and led her by the hand over to one of the beds. She knew just what to do. She yanked down my shorts and took my cock in her mouth. I was just beginning to enjoy it when we were interrupted by Pete yet again. He insisted on lying next to me on the bed. He apparently had brought a woman with him, and she crawled between his legs and sucked his cock while his wife continued to work my pole.

After an all-too-brief moment, Kim removed her mouth from my cock and asked for her dollar. I handed her my third dollar while Pete wrapped it up with the woman between his legs and thanked her for her services.

“She’s really good,” he said to me before rising from the bed.

“Yeah?” I said, turning to the woman. “Care to show me?”

She smiled and moved over to my side of the bed. When her mouth touched my cock, it felt like nothing I had ever experienced before. I don’t know what she did, or what technique she used, but it felt incredible. Within seconds, I felt as though I would erupt in this complete stranger’s mouth. Just before I reached the pinnacle, she withdrew.

“Wow,” I said. “You are really good!”

“Thanks!” she said with a sweet smile.

I handed her a dollar and watched her walk away. She had a cute face and a nice little body. I didn’t know why I hadn’t noticed her at the resort before then. She left my cock throbbing and my head spinning. I lay there for a moment to collect myself, as I probably would have toppled over if I rose from the bed too quickly.

“She’s good, right?” a man said.

I turned toward the voice and saw a very overweight man standing at the side of the bed wearing an enormous pair of boxer shorts and a wide grin.

“She’s incredible,” I said.

“She’s my wife!” he said proudly.

They made such an odd pair I had to conceal my surprise as best I could. “You’re a lucky man,” I said.

“She’s Megan, by the way. I’m Ralph.”

I shook his hand and thanked him profusely for sharing his wife’s talents with me. I then moved through the crowd in search of Kathleen. After a brief search, I found her on her knees once again – this time in front of an older man who was standing with his back against a wall. He wore an expression of pure ecstasy on his face, and his hand held the back of her head as she rhythmically bobbed along his shaft to the beat of the music. She then stopped and reached up to snatch his dollar before moving along the wall to the man standing next to him. After a brief discussion, he smiled and pulled his cock out of his underwear. She returned to her knees and went straight to work.

I laughed to myself and shook my head as I returned to the bar. I had only one dollar remaining, and wanted to save it for something special. After some time had passed, Danny stepped to the center of the stage once again and announced that the auction would soon begin. I was beginning to think my dollar would be wasted, but then spotted Megan from across the room. We made eye contact, and I teasingly held my last remaining dollar aloft and waved it. She smiled and we returned to the bed where we had originally met.

With her husband standing by the bed and watching proudly, Megan engulfed my rapidly-swelling cock and worked her magical tongue and mouth to pleasure every inch of my manhood. Once again, she brought me to the brink of ecstasy before Danny interrupted us to announce that the auction was beginning.

Reluctantly, I handed her my dollar, thanked her husband once again, and went in search of my wife. When I found her, she was grinning from ear to ear.

“How did you do?” I asked.

She flashed me her naughtiest smile and produced an impressive wad of dollar bills from her panties. Then she reached behind her once more and produced an even larger amount.


As much as I would like to report that I ran into Megan later that week, and she finally finished that amazing blowjob, that didn’t happen. In fact, I never saw her again. Although our encounters were brief, hers was a mouth I will never forget.

I also cannot report that Kathleen and I hooked up with Kim and her husband for some amazing sex, and that I was able to have sex with my celebrity crush vicariously through Kim. Alas, it wasn’t meant to be. We had dinner with them the following evening and attended the entertainment show together that night. There was little chemistry between Kathleen and Pete. Making matters worse, throughout the evening, we sensed that there was some unspoken tension between the two of them. Little comments were made, and it was obvious they had been having an argument of some type. Rather than get involved in their drama, we politely declined their invitation to join them in the nightclub and went our separate ways.

Kathleen and I spent the final two days of our vacation simply enjoying each other’s company and reconnecting in the romantic environment of the Caribbean resort. Our second visit to Desire was much different than our first in many ways. We were wiser with experience, and more familiar with the concepts of being naked in public and having sex with strangers. We couldn’t have predicted that we would meet people who would become our friends back home, and who would introduce us to their fun-loving group of their friends. We also couldn’t have predicted the stunning turn of events later that year that would dramatically change our new swinging lifestyle in ways we never could have imagined.


To be continued…

Written by JustSomeJoe
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