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Adding Some Spice

"Tiffany and Nick decide to find another couple to play with..."

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Nick and I had been in a bit of a slump lately. Now before you begin thinking all the thoughts that usually come along with a statement like that and the assumptions that go with them - stop. Nick and I are not together and we never have been. In fact, I’d recommend you check out our last story if you have not already done so to get the full history.

The fact is that we have been very close friends for years. Sure, lines have been crossed in the past but knowing each other so well allowed us to have a little fun every once and a while without the emotional mess.

“I’m bored. Let’s do something fun,” I said to Nick on a lazy Saturday afternoon.

We had been laying around his apartment for the better part of the day, watching movies and day drinking.

“What did you have in mind?” he asked.

“I don’t really know what I'm in the mood for. It’s been weeks since I got any. Let’s go out and make some new friends,” I said.

We have a pretty solid game plan we use when going out. For whatever reason, having a wingman of the opposite sex can work wonders. Women see me and assume Nick is safe and sometimes I even sense a little bit of competition that gets them more aggressive than they might otherwise be. Of course, in my case, as a woman, I don’t need a ton of help. If anything, Nick can help give them a little nudge if they are trying to play it cool and not make a move right away.

“Tiff, I just don’t feel like putting that much effort into it tonight. What if we just call up a couple of our sure things and not bother with the whole bar scene?” He suggested.

“Nooo! That isn’t fun. That’s not exciting. I need something new.” I replied.

“You need something new? What do you want to do? Try your luck on Tinder? Put an ad on Craigslist?” He said, laughing.

I thought for a second.

“Wait, have you done that before?” I said, suddenly curious.

“What? Craigslist?” he asked.

I nodded.

“I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t tried. But it’s all scams. I placed an ad once and got nothing but fake emails for weeks. The same goes for responding the ads. It’s usually a fake scam. To be honest, the only ones that seemed remotely real were the couples seeking couples.” he said.

As he spoke that last line, I could already see the wheels turning. I was thinking the same exact thing. We both looked at each other and laughed.

“Do you think it would work? What would be hotter than that?” I said, getting excited.

“I don’t know. I mean… fuck it, let’s see what’s posted”

Nick grabbed his computer and pulled up Craigslist. After a few clicks of the mouse, we were looking at a list of ads posted by couples looking for other couples.

“Wow, you’re right. These seem pretty legit. Like those pictures look like real couples!” I said.

We clicked through about a dozen ads, making quick decisions about why we weren't interested. Sometimes the girl was too trashy, or the guy wasn’t in good shape, or they were a bit too old for our tastes. This was a package deal so we both had to be interested.

Then we came across one with the headline of “Looking to add some spice.” We clicked on the link and liked what we saw immediately. It was a picture of the couple at the beach with their faces blurred out. He was in decent shape - not ripped or anything but attractively built. She was a perfect match for him. She looked thin, but certainly not skinny. All in all, they just looked like normal people with normal bodies. I don’t know if I was expecting to find some porny looking couple with perfect abs and toned arms and legs,  but it was a bit of a relief to see average people.

Their ad was short and sweet:

Married couple looking to add a little spice to the bedroom. We’ve never done anything like this before. Just celebrated 10th anniversary.

Him: 38yo - 6’1” - 205lbs - dark hair - attractive - average penis

Her: 37yo - 5’3” - 115lbs - long blonde hair - 32C breasts 

Looking for: Other first time couple. We don’t want seasoned swingers. We might be a little awkward so we want to share this experience with other first timers. Please be in decent shape, down to earth, and around the same age as us. Looking for this weekend - don’t want to give ourselves enough time to chicken out.

“Should we send them an email?” Nick asked me.

Without answering him, I turned the computer towards me and started typing.

Hi there!

My name is Tiffany. My husband, Nick, and I are really interested in adding a little spice to our lives too. You guys seem really fun and normal. We are too. We’re both in professional careers and value discretion above everything else. 

I’m 5’4”, 120lbs, with Cs. My husband is 6’2”, 195lbs, with an average sized penis.

Are you guys free tonight? I know it’s last minute but we don’t want to chicken out either! lol

Here is a picture of us from last week.

I pulled up a picture on my phone of us dressed up at a wedding and cropped out our faces before attaching it to the email.

“Well, hows that sound?” I asked Nick.

“Average?” he said, smirking.

“Yeah - don’t want to scare them!” I said with a wink.

I hit send and we poured another glass of wine, waiting for the response.

“Do you think they’re real?” I asked.

“We’ll know soon enough!”




“Babe... we just got a response from a normal-sounding couple!” my husband yelled from the living room.

I could’t believe he had been able to talk me into this. We had recently decided that we should start trying for kids soon and that brought up a bucket list of sorts - just some things that we wanted to do before we had a little one running around. For me, it was things like traveling to different parts of the country or eating at some of the nicer restaurants in our town. Adam has some similar ideas but he also proclaimed that had better cross some things off our sexual bucket list too.

To his credit, he had started small - being little more spontaneous and having sex in the middle of the day, oral sex in the car on long trips to my in-laws, and sex in different rooms in the house. I must admit I was getting into it - I looked forward to and even initiated some things on my own, like two weeks ago when I woke him up with a blowjob. He was absolutely right, I thought. When we had a kid, we won’t exactly be able to fuck in the kitchen while dinner is in the oven.

For me it was exhilarating. I had boyfriends before we got together but it was high school and college so there was never anything really adventurous, just some heavy petting in a movie theater or awkward sex in college apartments - nothing mind-blowing. As the months went on, Adam and I introduced new toys, like vibrators and vibrating rings, to the bedroom. One night, he even blindfold me and tied my wrists to the headboard. He went down on me until I begged for mercy then turned me around and fucked me as hard as he could from behind. It was incredibly exciting and I had a fantastic orgasm.

Last week, he said that he had been thinking and asked if I would ever consider bringing someone else into the bedroom. At first, I laughed and said that I was not interested in women and that would only be fun for him.

Testing him, I then added, “That is unless you meant bringing in another man. Is that what you were hoping for? Me, you, and some other guy?”

“Jamie, don’t be ridiculous. I admit that I was thinking something along the lines of another girl… but maybe we could bring in another couple?” he said.

“Another couple? Like swinging? Adam, that’s gross. I don’t want to be those kind of people. It’s one thing for me to blow you in the car - you’re my husband. But group sex is something that I’m not sure how we would handle it. You know?” I replied.

I guess he could sense a bit of curiosity in my voice. Perhaps I should have shut it down a little more forcefully right away. But I didn’t. I foolishly left the door open for conversation.

“Babe, who has a stronger relationship than us? People do this all the time and they commonly say it only made them stronger as a couple.”

“What? Who says that? You know people who swing?” I asked.

“No, not personally but I Googled it. It’s way more common than I even thought,” he said.

There was a long pause.

“Adam, if you really want to do this, I’ll play along with you but we have to establish some rules,” I replied.

I admit I was getting aroused just thinking about it. These past few months had awakened something in me. If he had asked this before we started trying all these new things, I would have probably screamed at him and called him an asshole for even thinking about another woman.

“Yeah, of course we would have rules!” He said, quick to agree to anything that would keep me positive.

“Okay - first and foremost. I have the final say on the couple. Next, either of us can back out at any time. If I don’t like the way things are going and I want to stop, you have to drop it,” I told him.

“Fine, that’s reasonable. But just because you have final say doesn’t mean I have no say in the couple. Condoms are a must. What else?” He added.

“Um… oh, this one is probably obvious. They have to be normal - no full-time swingers. Like, they should be a little nervous too. Oh and I think we should find someone who doesn’t live in the same part of the city. I don’t want to run into them at the grocery store,” I told him.

The conversations continued for a bit and we agreed on the rest of the rules. We agreed to keep it as vanilla as possible - nothing too freaky that we would feel weird about later. There would be no firsts with the others. Also, there would be no girl-girl or guy-guy contact. Neither of us were into that and didn’t want to cross any lines.

We placed an anonymous ad on Craigslist to see if this was even possible. Almost immediately, emails started rolling in. Unfortunately, they were mostly spam emails that were trying to get us to join websites. The real ones were often just as useless. There were a lot of creeps looking for pictures, single men trying to join us without a lady friend, and others that sent dick picks way too soon. Like we said before, this was about a connection with normal people - not couples that had been swinging for years.

So that brings us to the present and Adam yelling that he had finally gotten a normal email.

It was from a couple named Nick and Tiffany. They seemed pretty normal and even included a picture of themselves dressed up for a wedding or some other formal event. Their faces were blurred out but they seemed to be in normal shape and were probably good looking.

Adam read the highlights out loud as I walked in the room, “Normal. Professional. Discrete! She’s 5-foot-4 with Cs…. He’s 6-foot-2, average dick and they want to meet tonight. Wow, tonight?!”

“Holy shit - are we ready for this?” I asked, suddenly nervous.

“This feels now or never. If we say no to them, we will never do this.” he said.

There was a bit of a pause.

“Oh, fuck it. Let’s do it,” I said and gave him a big kiss on the mouth.

Adam crafted an email and sent it back to them.

Wow - finally someone normal! Tonight seems a little quick but we’re game. Now or never right?! Where should we meet? Maybe we can get a drink before?

They responded to us rather quickly. From there, we worked out the details and soon enough, Adam and I were getting ready for a night neither of us could even imagine fully. I showered and shaved every square inch of my body, except for a small patch of hair above my slit. Within about an hour and a half, we were in our car heading toward the hotel we all decided to meet at.

Rather than meeting in public and feeling strange at the bar, we decided to each bring a bottle of wine and meet in the hotel room that Nick and Tiffany had booked.

The car ride was unusually quiet or maybe it just seemed that way. We both knew what we were about to do and were lost in our own thoughts for a majority of the the thirty minute drive. Finally, I broke the silence.

“Are we sure about this?” I asked.

Adam reassured me that we had talked this out and had come to a logical decision. This was not a drunken whim or thoughtless. We place the ad days ago and waited on the perfect couple. I felt better but was still incredibly nervous.

What if Nick didn’t think I was pretty enough? What if Tiffany is way hotter than me and Adam is no longer attracted to me? What if I get too nervous and want to back out at the last second?

I was so lost in thought that I hadn’t realized we had stopped moving. We were now at the hotel.

It was one of those borderline seedy hotels where all the doors open to the outside, which was good so we didn’t have to interact with anyone at a front desk or in an elevator. We could just go directly to room 209 and knock on the door. We looked at each other and took a deep breath.

“Well, here goes nothing!” I said.

We made the short walk across the lot and paused at the door. Adam gave me a kiss and then knocked. We heard some movement inside and before we had a chance to reconsider, the door swing open and we were greeted by Tiffany’s smiling face.

“Hey guys! I’m Tiffany, this is Nick,” she said gesturing to the man sitting in a chair. Nick got up to shake our hands which seemed like a funny formal greeting for what we were about to do.

“Here, have a glass of wine!” he said in a friendly manner, handing us two glasses of wine he had just poured.

We made some small talk and got to know each other a bit. They seemed far less nervous than Adam and I. I was pleasantly surprised at how handsome and easy going Nick was. He was tall and athletic with dark hair, probably Italian or Hispanic - I couldn't tell right away. Tiffany made me a bit nervous - she was absolutely stunning. I’m not self conscious about my looks most of the time but comparing myself to this young lady who looked about ten years younger than me with full perky breasts and long blonde hair was making me think twice.

I tried to focus on the positive aspects - like the fact that Nick was gorgeous ,and I’m sure Adam was thinking similar thoughts. But I couldn’t help but think of the fact that in just a few minutes my husband would be having sex with this girl who was younger and hotter than me.

“So this might be a stupid question but how does this work?” Adam asked.

We all laughed nervously.

“Um, that’s a good question.

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We haven’t done this before either,” Tiffany said.

“I mean, I don’t want to sound overly eager, but the more I think I about it, the more nervous I’m getting. Maybe we should just go for it and see what happens?” Adam replied.

“Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. Nick, why don’t you and Adam switch spots so we can get a little closer.

Up until this point, Adam and I were sitting next to each other on a small couch, while Nick and Tiffany were sitting on the bed. Adam nervously stood up and approached the bed, while Nick came to sit next to me.

“Jamie...  I’m not sure how else to say this, but would you mind if I kiss your husband?” Tiffany asked.

“Uh, yeah sure. I assume we’ll all be doing a lot more than that soon!” I said, laughing to cover my nerves.

Suddenly, it was show time. I sat silently as Tiffany leaned in and planted a long kiss on my husband’s lips. Watching them make out caused a mixture of every feeling all at once. Sensing my unease, Nick took the opportunity to distract me from what was happening on the bed. He leaned over and kissed me. It was the first time I had been kissed by another man since I had met Adam.

It was a bit uncomfortable at first because I was so up in my head. But he was such a great kisser that my thoughts slowly but surely turned to arousal. His soft lips and gentle tongue were putting me at ease and making my head spin. His hands were all over my body as we kissed. He was running his hands up and down my legs then getting bolder and moving them up to my breasts.

I was on fire. I was breathing heavily and trying not to moan. Even though I was incredibly turned on, I couldn’t forget the fact that there were others in the room and I didn’t want to make too much noise. Suddenly I felt his hands tugging at the bottom of the shirt I was wearing. We paused momentarily for him to pull the shirt off of me and in that moment I stole a glance at Tiffany and Adam. They were on a similar pace as Nick and I, but were a little further ahead. Tiffany was also in her bra but had pulled Adam’s shirt off too and was now rubbing the front of his jeans.

When Nick began kissing me again, I returned my focus to him and pulled his shirt off to even things up. He was smooth and muscular. I ran my hands over his chest and that seemed to arouse him even more. We had been taking things slowly and had been quite romantic thus far but now he was becoming more aggressive. He gently pushed me onto my back and began working on the button and zipper of my jeans.

As he shimmied my pants down past my knees, I felt the cool air on my wet panties. I knew I was aroused, but I hadn’t realized I was completely soaked. We kept kissing but soon his kisses were making their way down my neck and onto my collarbone. He kept moving south and was kissing the exposed flesh of my breasts that the bra didn’t cover. Before long, he reached behind me and unhooked my bra, freeing my breasts and exposing my hard, sensitive nipples. His tongue soon found them and I shuddered as he licked and sucked each nipple.

At this point, I didn’t care who heard me. I moaned with excitement. The next few seconds seemed to fly by and the next thing I knew, Nick was all the way down my body and was pulling the front of my black lace panties to the side, exposing my soaking wet vagina.

I was self conscious for a second as I thought of what he might think of my thirty seven year old pussy compared to his young wife’s. But before I could worry for too long, he was diving in and took a long lick from the bottom of my slit to the top. It was electric and I’m shocked I didn’t cum immediately.

I looked over to Tiffany and Adam who were doing the exact same thing we were. Tiffany smiled at me briefly before moaning as my husband must have hit a good spot in her fresh, young pussy. I turned my attention back to Nick and focused on the pleasure I was feeling. He was amazing with his tongue. He kept me on the brink of orgasm for several minutes, constantly changing up his style. He would suck my clit hard until he felt me tense up and would then push his tongue inside my hole, causing a different sensation.

I was so worked up that I felt crazed. Finally, he let me have it all and pushed a finger into my vagina, curling it against my g-spot, and sucking my clit into hist mouth and flicking it with his tongue. It felt like a bomb went off in my loins. I bucked and squirmed as he rode out my orgasm with his mouth.

I had never cum like that before in my life. Adam was pretty good with the oral sex but Nick was a master. Tiffany was a lucky lady! As I caught my breath, Nick worked his way back up my body and gave me a deep, passionate kiss. I tasted myself on his lips and was shocked that it only served to arouse me further.

“What do you say we copy what my wife is doing over there?” He whispered to me.

I looked over and saw Tiffany enthusiastically sucking Adam’s cock. He looked to be in heaven and maybe even concentrating on not cumming too soon. I was proud of him for some reason. Ashley looked like she was into it and her tiny little hands made his average six inch penis look bigger than it was. He must have felt like a god in that moment.

Not wanted to stare, I turned my attention back to Nick and began working hon his belt, button, and zipper as he kissed me. It was my turn to take over and I pushed him off of me so that he was sitting on the couch. I gave him a seductive smile and got on my knees in front of him. He smiled back and pushed his jeans down past his knees.

It was at that moment that I got my first look at a new penis since before my marriage. I took it into my hand and realized that he was still mostly soft but probably about five inches long. As I stroked him, he began to harden. I took the head into my mouth and swirled my tongue around it. Nick moaned, seemingly liking what I was doing. As I licked and sucked on his head, I cupped his large balls with my left hand and worked his shaft with my right.

He continued to grow and I quickly realized that this was no ‘average’ cock like their email had promised. Nick was packing a bigger dick than I had ever seen before. As I continued sucking him, I started to panic. His cock had to be at least ten inches long and was as thick as my wrist. I had a hard time getting any more than just the head in my mouth. How would this even fit inside me? Would it hurt? Would Adam see it and call this whole thing off?

I looked up at Nick and he was just smiling at me. He knew exactly what I was thinking. This is probably exactly how every girl he’s even been with has reacted to him.

“Average?” I whispered to him, laughing.

“What? It’s not?” he said, pretending to be confused.

I glanced over my shoulder and saw that Adam and Tiffany were now in a hot sixty-nine, which was one position I never let Adam do. I was glad Tiffany was into that for him. I was also happy that he would be distracted enough to not see what Nick had for me over here.

I went back to sucking and stroking his monster as best I could. I felt like a porn star. When I gave Adam blowjobs, it always felt like a chore that I had to do before sex sometimes. I wanted to impress Nick and I was going all out. It was wet and sloppy - just like those girls do in the videos Adam has shown me.

Suddenly, Nick pulled me off my knees and laid me back on the couch. He wasted no time positioning himself between my legs. I lifted myself up onto my elbows so that I could watch him enter me. I still had no idea how this would work but I was so hot and wet that I was willing to do anything to get that thing inside me. He placed the head at my entrance and rubbed my slit from top to bottom a few times, coating himself with my wetness.

When he seemed sufficiently lubed up, he lined up and gave a little push. I felt an immense pressure and some discomfort as my pussy stretched to accommodate his incredible girth. Slowly, he pushed a few more inches inside me. I was literally seeing stars as I experienced an insane mix of pain and intense pleasure. Every time that I felt there was no was I could take any more, he gently pushed a bit more inside me and paused to let me adjust to him. We weren’t even fucking yet - he was just trying to get inside me.

“Oh my god, you are ridiculously tight!” he told me.

“I bet they’ve all been tight with a cock like this!” I said, between groans.

He was now easing his was in and out of me at a very slow pace to loosen me up. I was still only taking about half his length but it felt like I had two of Adam inside me already. I looked down and saw that my juices were coating his dick, making it slick.

“You ready for this?” he asked.

I wasn’t sure exactly what he meant but I nodded yes because I was ready for anything he wanted to do. With that, he grabbed my hips and gave one sharp thrust, slamming the rest of his cock inside me. I screamed out with pleasure and shock and his dick stretched me and reached depths that no man has even been to.

I looked over at Adam and Tiffany who I had all but forgotten about in the last few minutes. Tiffany was riding him in the cowgirl position, facing away from us. She was bouncing and grinding on him, while moaning and saying she was going to cum any second.

Nick was now fucking me at a medium pace and I felt another orgasm building deep inside me. With a dick like this, he didn’t need to go fast. Every stroke touched every nerve ending in my cunt and sent sparks through me with every movement. My orgasms generally took a while to build and needed some serious clitoral stimulation. With Nick, I felt a tidal wave building inside me with each thrust.

Suddenly, I couldn't hold back. My whole body tensed. My vagina clamped around Nick’s thrusting cock. I wrapped my legs around his waist and tried pulling him into me as deep as he could go and my body shook and trembled with the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced in my life. The waves kept coming in ways that I had never experienced. The orgasm lasted almost a full minute but it felt like it lasted an hour.

As I came down from my orgasmic high, I was covered in a sheen of sweat, which was insane because I had nearly moved. Nick was doing all the work. I had cum so hard that I broke a sweat! And Nick looked like he was just getting started. In an effortless maneuver, Nick rolled both of us over so that I was on top of him. It was so smooth that his cock never left my pussy.

His strong hands on my hips started guiding me up and down on his giant cock. I wanted to fuck him like he fucked me. I wanted to ride him like Tiffany was riding my husband. I wanted to be the sexual goddess I felt I was at that moment. I grabbed Nick’s hands and guided them to by tits. As he squeezed my breasts and pinched my rock hard nipples, I alternated between gyrating on him and bouncing up and down. I couldn't go too fast because of his immense size but as I rocked side to side, I felt myself adjusting to him.

As I rode his incredible cock, trying to bring him to orgasm and make myself cum again, I heard the familiar sounds of my husband from across the room. I turned my head to see Tiffany grinding down on my husbands cock as he erupted inside her. She also seemed to be erupting in a well-timed orgasm of her own. I couldn’t look away as they finished each other off.

Once again, I felt Nick’s hands on my hips. He was readjusting me yet again, but this time he was just spinning me to face Tiffany and Adam. It was an incredible feeling his cock rotating inside me as I spun around. Keeping his grip on my hips, Nick began thrusting up into me from below. I kept my eyes locked on Tiffany and my husband as Nick fucked me. I watched Tiffany as she dismounted Adam and got on her knees next to him. She looked directly at me before taking his wet, softening cock into her mouth and cleaned off her juices.

I was at the height of arousal. I’d never felt this way before in my life. I felt like I was constantly on the edge of an orgasm that could happen at any second. I had lost all track of time and never wanted this feeling to end.

Suddenly, Tiffany turned her attention to Nick and I. Getting off the bed, she approached the two of us and Nick grabbed my tits from behind me, pulling me back against his chest. His cock was now driving directly against the front wall of my vagina, pounding my g-spot over and over. I was hysterical. Tiffany leaned in and gave me a deep passionate kiss. I had never even considered kissing a woman before but it felt so right in the moment. I kissed her back with enthusiasm.

She seemed to take that as approval and dropped to her knees between my legs. Without hesitating, she planted a wet kiss on my clit. She dove in licking and sucking at my little button, pushing me over the edge into another intense orgasm. It was like nothing I had ever felt before an I squirted for the first time ever.

“Oh my god!” Tiffany said, laughing as my juices cascaded down her husbands thick shaft.

Apparently, this latest eruption was what it took to get Nick to the point of no return. He gently removed me from his cock and I got on my knees next to Tiffany. Nick stood up over us and began stroking his impressive length.

“Here is comes, girls.,” he said.

He pointed the tip of his cock at me and let loose with the first rope of cum. It hit me directly in my open mouth. It was salty and sweet at the same time - slightly different from my husband’s seed. The next few shots hit me in the cheek and lips, dribbling down my chin onto my heaving breasts. He absolutely coated me with his jizz. It was more than I even knew possible. I guess with a cock and balls like that, I should have expected a big load.

When he finally finished cumming, Tiffany pulled my face towards her and began licking and sucking the cum off my chin into her mouth. Then she gave me another big kiss, pushing her husband’s jazz into my mouth. We continued kissing, swapping sperm back and forth. It was beyond erotic and I was buzzing.

Adam was now on the edge of the bed watching the scene unfolding before him.

“Holy shit, you guys. That got out of hand quickly! I thought shit like that only happened in porn,” Adam said, breathlessly.

We decided to spend the rest of the night together and after a quick rest, the four of us shared the bed in a variety of different combinations and pairings. I was a littler nervous heading into this arrangement, but I had to admit that it was hotter than I ever imagined possible. I had a good feeling that this would not be the last time Adam and I cruised Craigslist.



Written by thatguy625
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