The ring of Ben’s cell phone mid-afternoon brought him out of his reverie. “Hey, babe! What’s happenin'?”
His wife Emma’s soft voice seemed to be extra sexy today for some reason. “Hey, back at ya! I have a huge surprise for you, and I need you to do some stuff. First, you can’t ask any questions until I tell you what I need to tell you. I won’t be telling you that until this evening. Can you do that?”
Ben was smiling as his mind turned to all the delicious things he imagined his wife had in store for him. There was only one answer he could give. “You bet!”
“OK then. Don't try to talk to or see me when you come home from work. You’ll know when I’m ready.
“Get dressed for a formal dinner, kick back with a drink, and I’ll be along when I’m ready. You got all that?”
Ben chuckled. “Not too difficult to remember. Come home, don’t see you, get ready, relax, and wait. Not too tough at all.”
Emma avoided the possibility of a question. “Loveyoubye.”
The end of the call caught Ben with his mouth open, struggling to keep from asking a question, or two, or three.
When he got home, he was surprised to see Emma’s car in the garage. He walked inside and heard his wife’s favorite playlist coming through the house speakers.
Ben strolled through the kitchen and went down the hall to the master bedroom. The master bath door was closed, and he could hear Emma singing along with the music. He smiled to himself and got undressed and tossed his clothes in the hamper. He had adopted the main bathroom and used that shower so that his morning routine didn’t wake Emma.
His closet and dresser were in the spare bedroom for the same reason. Ben dressed and took a quick peek into the master bedroom. Emma was still in the bathroom. Shrugging his shoulders, Ben entered the kitchen and began mixing himself a drink. He was sitting at the kitchen island when Emma swept into the room.
Ben’s eyes bugged out. “Oh my god, woman! You look fucking amazing! When did you get that outfit?”
Emma grinned at him mischievously. “I bought it today. I take it that you like it?”
“Are you shitting me? I love it.”
Ben was used to his wife dressing classy. She was the top para-legal at her firm and always dressed nicely. This, though, was a different story. Sure, she looked classy, but she also looked sexy as hell. The dress she was wearing clung to her 5’-10” frame perfectly. A bolero jacket, open well down her cleavage, added elegance while serving to help cover her 38 C breasts. Ben was quite sure that her nipples would be standing proud and obvious without it.
The dress swept down her narrow waist and flared across her hips before following her amazing legs down to mid-thigh. The dress was several inches shorter than what she would normally wear, and he could see the lacy hem of her pull-up stockings playing peek-a-boo through the slit on each side of the dress. Her long brown hair hung nearly to her waist, and her hazel eyes gleamed at his praise.
Ben was entranced and instantly horny. She was not a hard body but was softened around the edges enough to make her much more desirable. Ben thought she was an eleven.
What really surprised Ben was the four-inch heels she was wearing. She stood a few inches taller than her husband and seldom wore heels at all, partly so she wouldn’t tower over her husband and partly in deference to some of the partners at her law firm who were also shorter than she was. Ben didn’t care that his wife was taller. As a matter of fact, her long legs were the first thing that attracted him to her. She was six inches taller than him in those heels, and he was thrilled. Ben started to stand.
Emma read his mind. “Whoa, mister! No fooling around right now. I have stuff to tell you.”
She leaned in and lightly kissed him. “You know that I love you and only you, forever. Don’t you for a moment ever forget that. Let me talk, and when I’m done, I’ll answer any question you have.”
Ben settled back on the barstool and looked at his wife with his undivided attention. Emma slid her laptop over from the end of the island and opened it. An envelope sat on the keyboard that she set aside while she pulled up her firm’s web page. A picture of six people filled the screen. In the center was Emma smiling proudly. On each end was a senior partner in her firm. The other three people were strangers to Ben. He also couldn’t help but notice that the shortest of them was well over six feet tall. All three were movie-star handsome.
Emma pointed at the picture. “This was taken today when the Morgan contract was finally signed. The black man standing next to me is Samuel George. He is one of two senior partners at Morgan.”
Ben studied the man. He looked to be in his mid to late-thirties and definitely had presence. He wasn’t a massive man, but he looked extremely fit, and his six-and-a-half feet of height made him look a bit intimidating. The friendly grin on his face softened that look.
“The guy on my left is James Loften. He’s the other senior partner.”
Ben took a moment to study him as well. He wasn’t quite as tall as Samuel and had a lankier build. He looked about the same age as Samuel. It was also obvious to Ben that the man was devastatingly handsome.
Emma pointed at the last man. “And this is Wyatt Kirby. He’s their paralegal. The two of us have worked together for months putting this contract together. He’s awesome to work with and super good at his job.”
Ben studied Wyatt, who appeared to be around his and Emma’s ages at thirty. Wyatt would have drawn women’s stares as he entered the room. The fact that he looked somewhat average next to his boss was a testament to his boss’s over-the-top looks and not a detraction of his own.
“After the contract was signed, the senior partners called me into the conference room, where they presented me with a check.”
Emma opened the envelope and pulled out a check. She handed it to Ben and watched his eyes practically explode from his face. “I can’t believe this! That’s a hell of a lot of money! I know you put in a ton of hours on this, and I expected them to reward you for that, but holy shit! You’re fucking awesome!”
She grinned. “We’re not done yet. You and I will be going to dinner shortly with the senior partners, James, Samuel, and Wyatt. James has a penthouse downtown and will be hosting the dinner. The plan is to entertain our senior partners for dinner, and they should leave around nine.
“After that, things get interesting.”
At Ben’s questioning look, Emma pulled a letter out of the envelope and handed it to him. “Samuel handed this to me as he left this morning while no one was watching.”
Ben laid the letter down on the island and began to read.
We have been very impressed with your skill and dedication throughout this contract negotiation. Because of you, we are now retaining your firm under a five-year contract. As a result, your firm will see a significant increase in income. You made that happen.
We are impressed with your intellect and, honestly, with you. We want to make you a one-time offer. You will be rewarded if you stay after your senior partners leave and let us entertain you.
I know what you are thinking, and the answer is yes. What your imagination is telling you is what we hope will happen. You are not obligated to agree; there will be no ramifications if you refuse. This is a one-time opportunity for all of us. You will be safe, and we will ensure you enjoy the experience.
Please feel free to share this letter with your husband. We expect him to be fully informed before you make your decision.
Ben laid the unsigned letter down and looked at his wife in puzzlement. Emma slid the letter back, and her eyes glistened as she looked at her husband. “Ben, you know that movie Indecent Proposal? Well, that’s kind of what this is. Except there isn’t one guy, there are three, and none of them is an aging Robert Redford. Mr. Redford’s virility may be in question, but not these guys.
“I think it is obvious that they want to fuck me. I’ve never wanted sex with another man since I met you. You are a wonderful lover and make me the happiest woman in the world. Three of the hunkiest men I have ever seen want to rock my world. They aren’t asking for my love, and they would never get it if they did. That’s for you alone. They’re asking me to use my body; I think I would like that.
“Honey, I know this is a shock. It is for me, too. You need to decide. You can tell me no, and I won’t do it. You can leave me there, and I will come home to you when it’s over. Or you can stay there with me and watch over me. I need to know your answer.”
Emma closed the computer, picked up the letter, and walked down the hall to the bedroom. Ben was stunned and spent the first few minutes in a mental vapor lock. Yes, he and Emma had often fantasized about involving other people in their sex lives, but he had never dreamed that it could become a reality. Now, he was faced with a choice that would forever change his relationship with his wife.
He thought about the scenario. What would he do if it were him and the three women were all wet dreams come true? Would she give him a hall pass?
Of course, she would. She wouldn’t deny him a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity like that. She would want him to have that experience. He realized what was really bothering him. His wife would experience something he could never give her. How would she ever be able to appreciate him again after an experience like that?
If he knew that their love would survive or even get better, he would let her do it. He would damn sure be there for her if it happened. There was no way in hell he would leave her with those men, alone and without his protection.
Ben ran to the garage, pulled down the lock box from the top shelf, and unlocked it. He pulled out the snub-nosed 38 and the ankle holster that went with it. He checked the load before strapping it to his ankle. Those guys were bigger than him, stronger than him, and there were three of them. He wanted to make sure he had an edge if he needed it.
Ben shot pistols in competition. While the 38 snub nose was anything but a target pistol, it was a good personal protection weapon at close range. Wherever they ended up this evening would be an enclosed space and well within the weapon’s sweet spot.
Back at the island, Ben called out for Emma. She walked back into the kitchen and stood waiting. Ben took her hand. “I love you more than life itself, Emma. I understand why you want to do this, but it scares me so much. I’ll never be able to make you feel the way they do or even look remotely as good as they do. I’m scared to death that I will lose you.”
Emma pulled his hand up and kissed it. “Remember what I said when I started our conversation? I love you and will love you forever. I like James, Samuel, and Wyatt, but I will never love any of them. I am positive that they aren’t looking for love with me either.
“As far as the sex goes, I certainly hope that they can rock my world. I want it to be the most amazing fucking I have ever had. You and I are so much different from that, so much better. With you, I get fucked, and I get made love to, and I get loved. They can’t compete with that.
“I’ve told you that I would like to do this. I have also told you that if you tell me no, it won’t happen. I’ll let the fantasy go and won’t hold it against you. You must decide if you trust me and our marriage enough to let it happen. I don’t know what else I can say to convince you of my love.
“Time's up. We need to leave for dinner. What’s your decision?”
Ben lightly kissed his wife’s lips so he wouldn’t smear her lipstick. “It isn’t that I don’t trust you or what you told me. I’ve never been in this situation before, and there is a lot of opportunity for things to go badly. I can’t help but worry about you and us, but I’ll get a grip. I want you to enjoy the experience, and I will be there with you while you do. There is no way in hell I’m leaving you alone without protection.”
Emma’s smile lit up her face. She handed Ben the letter. “You need to read the back now.”
Ben turned the letter over and began to read:
Do not show this to Ben until he tells you his decision. If he refuses to let you play, then do nothing. After dinner, you can leave, and nothing will ever be said about it again. If he tells you to go alone, don’t. Stay home and be with your husband.
His approval and willingness to accompany you tells us he loves you and wants you to have a wonderful experience. He also deserves to know what kind of men he is dealing with. You have worked with the three of us for months now, and I think you have a pretty good feel for the type of men we are, but for Ben’s information, I think it best that I explain.
My partner and I grew up together, went to college together, and established the firm together. All three of us are married, and our wives are aware of our occasional trysts with willing wives during our travels. We aren’t looking for love or a long-term relationship. We are looking for some sexual fun with a willing wife. It is nothing more than that.
No one will try to force or coerce you into anything. You will not be harmed or abused in any way. That would be the opposite of what we want to do. Either of you may decide anytime that you want to stop, and we will, without question.
Give us a chance, and I can promise you an amazing experience.
Ben set the letter down on the island. “I’m assuming that if they had issues, you would have told me by now.”
“They have always been very professional and respectful around me. They aren’t like a lot of rich guys I’ve dealt with. There is a kindness to them that you wouldn’t expect young rich guys to have. I think that they are genuinely good people. I am positive that Wyatt is. I worked with him for months and got to know him quite well.”
Ben stood and opened the front door. “Did you fantasize about them before you knew about this?”
Emma giggled. “Well, duh! Of course, I did. A little harmless fantasy isn’t hurting anyone.
“I hope you’re not really asking if I did anything to entice them. Because you know better than that, and I would be pretty pissed off if I thought you didn’t trust me. Are you going to be good with this, or are we having dinner and going home?”
Ben knew he was being a bit hypocritical. He couldn’t tell her it was okay for her to fuck them, then throw guilt and his own inadequacies at her. “I’m sorry, Emma. It’s just a lot to take in with little time to think.
“The fact is that I said you could be with them because I want you to have a wonderful experience. I’m not going to blacken the whole thing with negative stuff. I can’t promise that I won’t stop things at some point because I don’t know how I will feel watching you with other men. That aside, I will do my best to make this a great experience for you. You’d do that for me in a heartbeat.
“I’m sorry, honey, but that’s the best I can do.”
Emma squeezed his arm. “I love you too. I think one of the reasons I do is because you would let me have something like this, even though it worries you. I don’t expect you to swallow your feelings and take it. If you want me to stop, then say so, and I will. This is just for fun. If it stops being fun for either of us, we take our toys and go home.”
Ben and Emma arrived at the downtown high-rise. The security guard verified their names and activated the penthouse elevator for them. The couple were wide-eyed as they entered the private elevator, both anticipating the opulence waiting above. They couldn’t have been less prepared for the beautiful residence on high that awaited them.
The elevator emptied onto a foyer where James and a stunning blonde woman stood waiting. James shook Ben’s hand. “We are so glad you came. This is my wife, Lisa. Lisa, this is Emma and Ben Douglas.”
Lisa gave Emma a quick hug, then gave Ben one as well. “I’ve heard the name Emma once or twice over the last few months. Once or twice a minute! The way James talks, I expected you to float in here on angel’s wings.”
Lisa’s genuine smile let Emma know that she was being paid a serious compliment. “That’s kind of you to say, but I didn’t do all the work.”
James laughed. “Yeh, right! I think the rest of us did maybe five percent. No, Emma, it was you who made this happen, and many folks are going to make a lot of money because of it. You are an extremely capable person.
“Come on. I’ll introduce you to the others.”
Emma’s face glowed with pride as James and Lisa escorted the couple into the dining room. The two senior partners from Emma’s firm were there with their wives, and Emma quickly introduced Ben to the wives. He saw the partners occasionally when he stopped by her office and already knew them. The couple then turned to the others in the room.
Emma introduced Ben to Samuel George, who introduced his wife, Beth. Beth looked like a goddess. Her dark brown skin shone like satin, and she stood two inches shorter than Emma. Her figure was absolutely perfect. Ben couldn’t help but notice her firm c-cup tits and her tight round ass. And those legs! She exuded sexuality, and Ben was quite taken with her.
Emma then introduced Wyatt Kirby, who shook Ben’s hand while introducing his wife, Mary. He couldn’t help but think that her description wouldn’t do her justice. She looked to be about twenty-five with brown hair and brown eyes and was a few inches over five feet tall. That didn’t sound like all that much but nothing could have been farther from the truth. Her curly brown hair brushed her shoulders, and those brown eyes were huge, penetrating, and very sexy. Her 36C breasts looked big on her slim body and they stood up nicely. Ben couldn’t decide whether Beth or Mary was his new fantasy woman. After a little thought he decided that it was his fantasy so, why not have both, or all three? It wasn’t like anyone would know.
Ben was fighting to control his nervousness. The introductions had occupied his mind for a few minutes, but now that they were behind him, he had way too much time to think. He studied James, Samuel, and Wyatt with side glances, needing to get a feel for the men who were planning on having sex with his wife. He still wasn’t all that sure he could handle watching another man, no, scratch that, other men fucking his wife. He kept reminding himself that it was something she wanted, and he hoped she wouldn’t be disappointed. Considering the hunks she was interested in; he didn’t see how she could be.
Ben was desperate to get through this night without losing his wife. He wasn’t about to dwell on what the future might bring once he shared his wife. He didn’t need the additional anxiety. He did consider that Emma had never mentioned that the wives would be at the dinner. He wondered if she even knew before they arrived. Lisa, Beth, and Mary allegedly knew of their husbands’ proclivities. Maybe they were used to watching their husbands fuck strange women.
Dinner was actually a good bit of fun, and Ben found himself in deep conversation with just about everyone at some point during the meal. It was enjoyable and kept his mind off the pending screwing of his true love. Then, his mind ran away with him, and his hands began to shake. He gripped his thighs, trying to control them.
Lisa was sitting to his left and noticed his shaking hands. She also knew very well why his hands were shaking. She rested her hand on top of his and gently squeezed. “Ben, look at me.”
Ben’s panicked eyes bore into her baby blues, and she began to rub his hand. “I know you are worried, but don’t be. She will be treated like a princess and given a wonderful experience. I promise that no one wants to steal her away from you. From the way she looks at you, I don’t think such an attempt would have a chance of success. Please don’t let your imagination get the best of you. Trust her and the love you have for each other.”
An hour later, the two partners from Emma’s firm and their wives left. As soon as the elevator doors closed, Ben began to get nervous again. Emma saw the look on his face and came over to him. She pulled him out into the elevator foyer to talk to him privately. “Ben, sweetheart, you are worrying me. I love you with all my heart, and if this is hurting you, we can leave right now. This isn’t something I need. It’s just something I would like to experience. Life will go on if it doesn’t happen.
Ben was beginning to feel like a wimp for the way he was acting. It was so hard to get his heart to accept other men touching her, other men kissing her, and almost overwhelmingly, other men fucking her. He looked deep into his wife’s eyes, and all he could see was her concern for him. Well fuck. I’m being a dick about this. I already gave her permission, so why am I fighting it so hard? She wants to share her pussy with some hot studs. I need to fucking let her.
Ben pasted his best attempt at a smile on his face and kissed Emma lightly on the lips. It wouldn’t do to smear her lipstick at this point. His jealous side wanted to smear it before those men did, but he knew he was just being petty. “I love you, Emma. I promise to behave, but If you have any problems at all, yell out my name, and I’ll come running.
He took her hand and walked her through the dining room and into the massive living area. James, Samuel, and Wyatt stood in the middle of the room, quietly talking while their wives were seated nearby. Ben walked Emma over to the men and held up their clasped hands. James reached out, and Emma released Ben’s hand to take his. James pulled her hand to his mouth and kissed it.
Ben turned away and walked over to the wives. Lisa pulled him down in the middle of the couch and moved up against him until her hip was touching his. Mary sat down on his other side and snuggled in close while Beth sat on the chair next to the couch. The four people in the center of the room had their undivided attention.
Emma took one last look at her husband, and he grimaced his way through what he thought was a reassuring smile. Ben was shaking so hard that he practically looked blurry. Lisa noticed that he was hyperventilating, and she gently rubbed his shoulder. “Ben, you need to relax. Breathe with me. In… Out… In… Out… That’s better. Remember to breathe.”
She leaned in and kissed his neck. “You smell nice. I could eat you up.”
Ben took a moment to take in what she had just said. His eyebrows rose, and he looked at Lisa. Her blue eyes caught his, and she smiled lasciviously while her hand rubbed his leg. Ben’s heart rate stayed high, but now it was because the hand on his leg was causing funny feelings in his crotch.
He looked back toward Emma just in time to see James lean in and kiss her neck. Emma’s head tilted back, and she let out a sigh. Samuel took advantage of her further exposed neck and began to kiss and lick the other side. Just like that, Emma became lost in the moment. Ben saw that her world had shrunk to a three-foot circle of hot men.
Ben watched with an intensity that concerned Lisa. She was very close to calling a halt to the evening when she saw his face change. Ben was totally focused on his wife’s face as the three men touched her. He saw her look of erotic bliss and realized that she had never been so beautiful. I love her so very much, and this is making her so very happy.
At that moment, Ben stopped thinking about himself and focused on her joy. This evening was something she had earned through her exceptional work. Who was he to deny her this amazing fantasy come to life? Her happiness was the most important thing in the world, and she was so obviously happy. Suddenly, the tension left his body, and his forced smile was no longer forced. Whatever came next, he wanted this experience for her. He relaxed back onto the couch and watched Emma’s willing seduction.
The men provided the final reassurance Ben needed. Ben had worried that they would be course and rough with Emma. He wouldn’t tolerate that. By this point, James was kissing Emma passionately, and she was having a great time. Samuel was holding her back against his chest with his arms while his hands caressed her tits through her jacket. Wyatt was close by, waiting for an opening and brushing his hand over her arm. They weren’t being rough or crude. They were treating her like an erotic princess, focusing their combined attention on arousing her. And BOY, was it working.
Emma was breathing rapidly when Samuel unbuttoned the bolero jacket and peeled it down her unresisting arms. When his hands came back up and cupped her tits at the same moment that James nibbled up her neck, she let out a low moan.
Samuel used one hand to move her hair aside and began kissing the back of her neck. James had one hand on her other breast as his mouth and tongue connected to hers. Samuel used his other hand to grasp the zipper slider and slowly pulled it down. He moved to her side, allowing Wyatt room to approach her other side. The two men reached up and pulled the shoulders of her dress down her arms and off, revealing her amazing tits and erect nipples.
James immediately sucked a nipple into his mouth. Emma’s head tilted back as knees went weak. Wyatt ran his tongue up her neck and nibbled her ear while Samuel slid her dress down her hips and onto the floor. He stooped down and held up one foot at a time while getting her dress clear. Moments later, the dress and jacket were hanging in the nearby closet.
Beth reached out and laid a hand on Ben’s knee. “I told him to do that. When I saw Emma in that dress, I knew she had to love it. She looks amazing in it, and I didn’t want anything to happen to it.”

Ben grinned at her in response. He knew there was no doubt at this point that Emma would definitely be handled. Beth and her husband had just made it clear that his wife would be handled with care. He leaned back against the couch, fully relaxed and with a noticeable erection.
Up until a few minutes ago, he had major shrinkage, but when he finally let go of his anxiety, the eroticism of the scene before him began to have an effect. Lisa noticed right away, and her hand moved from his leg onto his erection. She gently rubbed it and caught his eye. “You know Ben… nobody said that we have to just sit here and watch.”
Ben froze for a second when her mouth suddenly met his. Then he thought Fuck it, and kissed the hell out of her. The kiss didn’t last all that long because Lisa and Ben wanted to watch Emma, but it was very intense. Ben released a smiling Lisa, and she turned back to watch. Mary took advantage of the opening to reach over and unbuckle Ben’s belt. She followed that up by unzipping his pants, undoing the button, and yanking his pants down by the waistband.
Mary’s eyes got huge when she pulled his boxer briefs down and grabbed his rock-hard cock. “Lisa! Beth! Holy shit, look at this!”
The two women looked at the cock in Mary’s hand and grinned. Lisa licked her lips. “That’s… That’s a nice cock.”
Beth nodded in agreement, dropped to her knees before Ben, and leaned down. Mary held his cock while Beth did her best to swallow as much as she could. Ben’s groan startled the three men seducing Emma. The sudden lack of attention brought Emma back to the real world, and she looked over at her husband. Her eyes met Ben’s, and she almost laughed out loud at his expression of shock and arousal. She had time enough to smile and mouth “I love you” at him before Samuel took one nipple in his mouth and Wyatt took the other. They had her undivided attention after that.
Wyatt and Samuel slipped their fingers in the waistband of her G-string and peeled it down her hips until it was loose enough to fall to the floor. Samuel slipped his hand between her legs and ran his finger between her labia, gathering her dew and spreading it around her clit. Emma’s legs were ready to give out when Wyatt put his arms around her. He held her, and their lips met for the first time.
James finished undressing and approached Emma naked, with his erection sticking up proudly. Wyatt broke the kiss, and Emma watched James as he approached. She thought he was a bit smaller than her husband, but most men were. She thought his cock looked very nice and felt a tingle in her pussy as she anticipated him fucking her with it.
James took her hand and announced to the room. “We’re moving to the bedroom.”
Ben and the wives stood and followed the foursome into the master bedroom. Ben thought it curious that the room contained not one but two California king beds. He mentally shrugged. Two beds weren’t even close to the strangest new thing he’d seen that night.
James led Emma to the nearest bed and helped her lay down with her ass at the edge of the bed. He dropped down to his knees and buried his face in her pussy. Ben watched Emma moaning her way toward an orgasm while Mary satisfied her obsession with removing his clothes. She removed his shirt in seconds and knelt down to remove his shoes. She set his shoes aside and pulled his pants the rest of the way off. Ben was paying little attention. He was enraptured watching his wife’s face as passion took her. She clenched, her shoulders came up, and she grabbed James’s head, pulling it tight against her pussy, ‘Oh… OH… GOD! FUCK!”
Ben was grinning, and his eyes were full of lust for his wife as he watched her cum all over James’s face. At least until Mary brought everything to a screeching halt. “Is that a gun?!”
Wyatt and Samuel spun toward Ben with eyes wide. Wyatt looked down at where Mary was pointing. “Why do you have a gun?”
Ben raised his hands. “Would you let your wife have sex with three men you never met without bringing some protection? What was I supposed to do if you three got violent?
“I’ve been competitively shooting pistols for most of my life, and I’m licensed to carry. I have no intention of using it.”
Samuel nodded. “OK. I get it, but why don’t you take it off?”
Ben shook his head. “And do what with it? You don’t have anywhere I can secure it and maintain control. It’s best if it stays right where it is.” Fortunately, my ankle isn’t one of my erogenous zones.
Lisa was peeling her dress off and spoke as she revealed her sweet little 34Bs. “I think it’s hot as hell. He was making sure he protected his woman.”
Lisa turned him toward the bed and shoved him onto it. She climbed between his legs and took his cock in hand. “I love your big cock. I want you to fuck me with it.”
She lowered her head and fed his erection into her mouth, sucking and groaning in obvious arousal. She sucked him for a few minutes while anyone with clothing left found a way to lose it. She pulled his cock out of her mouth with a ‘Pop’ and grinned up at Ben. “I love to suck cock, and you, sir, have the best cock I’ve ever sucked.”
She was watching his cock mesmerized, and her hand was slowly jacking him. Oblivious to anyone around her, she talked to his cock. “You’re so beautiful, fat, and long. I don’t think I can take all of you in my mouth.”
She gave it the good old college try. When she started to choke, Ben caressed her cheek. “Go easy, Lisa. You’ve got nothing to prove.”
Her eyes turned up to look at him, and she smiled around his cock. Then, she went to town on him. Ben had never had his cock sucked by a master before. Lisa was a prodigy in cock sucking, and Ben got into the spirit. “You’re a good little cock sucker, aren’t you, Lisa? You’re wonderful, but if you don’t stop real soon, you’re going to get a mouth full, and I haven’t fucked you yet.”
Lisa interpreted that to mean that he wanted to stick his cock in her right this fucking second. She scrambled up and straddled his hips. A loud moan caught their attention, and they looked over at Emma. James was sliding his cock into her pussy. Emma’s knuckles were white from the grip she had on his ass. James sank into her until their groins met, then kissed Emma as she adjusted to the new cock. Ben was surprised to find that he wasn’t jealous. He was, in fact, happy. Emma looked so passionate, so fucking hot, and her joy was obvious.
His attention was quickly brought back to Lisa when he felt the wet warmth of her pussy sliding gradually down his cock. Ben’s mind became fully occupied by the wonderful sensation of the beautiful blonde’s pussy. He couldn’t believe his cock was now buried in a woman this beautiful. Not only that, but her pussy felt like a vice covered with a velvet glove. She took him as deep as she could and began to grind her clit against his groin, trying to get that last bit of cock in.
His hands gravitated to her perky tits, and his fingers began to play with her rock-hard nipples. Lisa came unglued, her body stiffened, and she orgasmed hard. Ben lay there and watched in fascination as she came all over his cock. She collapsed onto his chest and nestled her face in his neck while she shivered her way through her orgasm.
James raised himself with his arms to give Emma a clear view of his cock and began to fuck her faster. The increased pace and the erotic sight of his cock plundering her pussy set Emma off. Normally, Emma was a moaner during sex and not much of a talker. Tonight was different because everything was so over-the-top erotic. She didn’t know what she was saying, or even if she was saying it, but when her orgasm swept over her, she sang out loud, “OH FUCK… Yes! Fuck me! Yes, fuck yes!”
James plunged his cock deep and held it there while Emma orgasmed. When she flopped back onto the bed, he slowly withdrew from her and moved up the bed. Emma knew exactly what he wanted, and soon, her lips were pressing against the smooth-shaven skin of his groin as she deep-throated his cock. She was tickled with herself. She couldn’t quite do this with Ben, but James was just the right size.
Samuel had climbed onto the bed behind her. He grabbed her hips, slipped his cock into her pussy, and began to give her deep strokes. Emma was being spit-roasted for the first time in her life, and she was loving every second of it. James’s cock began to swell in her mouth, and she wanted to taste him. She backed off from his cock far enough to let his cum land on her tongue. Her timing was perfect as the first jet of cum hit the back of her mouth. His cum tasted yummy. She was happy that he had so much of it.
Emma had reached a state of arousal that was all-consuming. All inhibitions were gone, and she found herself gleefully getting her brains fucked out. Samuel continued to fuck her from behind as James got off the bed and went to the bathroom. Wyatt laid down next to Emma, and Samuel pulled out of her pussy. Emma heard herself moan at the loss, but she was soon reassured. Wyatt pulled her on top, straddling his hips. She didn’t hesitate. She wrapped her fingers around his cock and guided it into her soaked pussy. She took all he had in one motion and let out a sigh of contentment.
Mary got impatient and gave Lisa’s shoulder a shove. “Hey, quit hogging Ben’s cock.”
Lisa raised her head. “In a minute. I need a kiss first.”
Being a reasonably intelligent guy, Ben figured out right away that she might want him to kiss her. He was proven correct when their lips touched, and suddenly, they were trying to devour each other. His hands grabbed her hips, holding her in place as he began fucking her fast and deep from underneath. Now unable to kiss, Lisa’s head was tilted back, and her beautiful face was pulled taut in a pre-orgasm grimace. Five minutes of stroking were all it took to send her over the edge. Mary wasn’t going to give her long this time. Mary shook Lisa’s shoulder again and Lisa stirred. She kissed Ben on the lips and smiled lovingly.
“You and I need to do that again. I so much want to kiss you some more, but I have to share. I want to keep you to myself, but I love Beth and Mary and always share good things with them.”
Beth helped Lisa stand after she climbed off Ben. Lisa grinned goofily at her friend, and Beth laughed. “He fucked the living shit out of you, didn’t he?”
Lisa hugged her naked friend. “I helped some, but yes, he did fuck the living shit out of me, and it was amazing! I want to do it again. Do you think we can do it again? I really want to.”
Beth had never seen Lisa like this but liked what she saw. Grinning, she shook her head. “Who knows, baby? I’m going to have a test drive myself first. Let’s see how much gas he has in his tank and take it from there.”
Lisa was positively ecstatic. The sophisticated and highly educated woman of means had been turned into a giddy schoolgirl. The mature woman was still in there, but the over-the-top sex had brought out her inner pixie. There would be time enough to be mature later. At this moment, she wanted to bask in the erotic glow after amazing sex.
Mary had climbed onto Ben while Beth and Lisa were talking. He quickly rolled her onto her back and kissed her with passion. He had really enjoyed the little blonde, but there was something about Mary that was as irresistible as gravity. He was drawn to her and never once questioned his good fortune. He embraced it as his mouth explored down her neck, inch by inch, ever closer to her awesome tits.
Ben was on fire with lust for this gorgeous woman. Her rock-hard nipples received special attention from his mouth and tongue. He continued his oral journey down her body’s landscape with the oasis of her sweet pussy as his destination. He wanted to drink deep of her nectar and feel her wiggle against his face as she orgasmed.
Emma was riding Wyatt for all she was worth when he pulled her down into a kiss. He ended the kiss and looked into Emma’s eyes. “You are so fucking hot. Wanna try something fun?”
Emma groaned from the sensations in her pussy, then managed to raise her eyebrows in question. That’s when she realized that Samuel was not only playing with her ass, but he was also in the process of inserting a massive finger in her anus. Her eyes got huge, and Wyatt grinned. “How would you like to get double fucked sweet Emma? Would you like a cock in your ass and one in your pussy?”
Emma’s body quaked from the sudden increase in arousal. The idea of the two men taking her that way scared her a little but intrigued her a lot. She didn’t resist as Wyatt pulled her down to his chest. She felt the bed move behind her, signaling Samuel’s approach. His finger left her ass, and she felt pressure as his cock pushed past her sphincter. It felt like someone was trying to push a baseball bat in her ass.
Samuel took long minutes slowly penetrating her ass. He wasn’t out to hurt her in the least. What he wanted was for her to enjoy the hell out of the experience, and with that in mind, he treated her as tenderly as a guy sticking a cock in a woman’s ass could. Eventually, his hips pressed up against her ass, and she had taken all of him. When the two men started moving, Emma was uncomfortable at first, but it didn’t take long before it started to feel good, then very good.
She didn’t know if it was being dominated and taken by the two men, or the physical sensations of the taking, or maybe both. She didn’t have control of enough brain cells to think it through at the moment because whatever it was, it was having a profound effect on her. Wyatt and Samuel hadn’t been pumping in synchronization long before Emma was cumming so hard she lost the ability to vocalize. By the time she had recovered enough to speak, it was too late. James had climbed back on the bed and began to feed her his cock.
Ben had just finished making Mary orgasm all over his face and was moving up her body in preparation for entering her when he looked over at his wife. Fascinated, he froze and looked on as the three men made his wife airtight. Mary was a little pissed that he was ignoring her, and she twisted her head around to see what had him so distracted. When she saw Emma, she quickly understood why he was staring. Her hand came up and caressed his face. “You like watching her cum don’t you, Ben?”
Ben peeled his eyes away from his wife and looked at Mary. “Yeh… Yeah, I do. I want her to be happy. She means everything to me.”
He lowered his head and kissed her deeply. “I want to make you happy too.”
Mary spread her legs in invitation. “If that’s true, you need to shove that amazing cock of yours in my pussy, and you need to do it now.”
Ben had been readying himself to do just that. Mary felt his cock head penetrating her as soon as her words left her mouth. They were the last coherent words she spoke for quite some time. Ben fucked her through one orgasm fairly quickly. By the time her third orgasm overwhelmed her, he had fucked her long, deep, and continuously. She thrashed and groaned under him before suddenly going quiet.
Ben sensed something was wrong and paused his assault on her amazing pussy. Mary’s eyes were closed, her face beet red, and her breathing rapid but normal. She was also out like a light. Ben patted her cheek. “Mary? Talk to me, Mary. Mary, are you alright?”
He felt Beth’s hand on his shoulder and heard her musical laughter. “Ben, you fucked her unconscious. She’ll be around in a few minutes, and unless fucking passed-out women is a kink of yours, I can think of another pussy that would just love to have your cock in it.”
Ben carefully got off Mary and stood to kiss Beth. Beth took his hand and led him to the other side of the bed. Ben was fascinated by the way her ass moved as she led him there. His achingly hard cock pointed the way like a pussy divining rod, bouncing and jerking in time with the undulations of her ass. Ben’s mind was focused on one thing. That’s a truly magnificent ass!
Beth bent to climb onto the bed, immediately moving Ben’s focus to the cleft revealed between her firm thighs. Saliva began building in his mouth as she settled onto the bed. In a microsecond, Ben was diving between those magnificent legs. Beth’s laugh at his antics turned into moans of appreciation as his mouth connected with her pussy.
Ben loved the taste of her and would have been perfectly happy to spend the remainder of the evening with his tongue right where it was. Beth seemed to want him there too, at least until he made her scream in ecstasy. He gently kissed her thighs while she fought to get her breath back. Once she did, her hands grabbed each side of his head, and she tilted him up to look at her. “Get up here and fuck me!”
If there were any hesitation on his part, it would have taken the most precise of scientific instruments to detect it. He rubbed the head of his cock up and down her labia, wetting his cockhead before centering it at her entrance. Inch by granite hard inch, he sank into her until she was overwhelmed with the fullness and threw her arms around his neck. She pulled his head to hers, and their lips met with a hunger that could only be satisfied by their continued coupling.
There was a slight pause in the action on the other bed as the men switched places and got back into a rhythm fucking Emma. Wyatt was now in her ass, James in her pussy, and Samuel’s cock deep in her mouth. Emma was fading fast. The combination of nearly continuous orgasms along with the sexual acrobatics had drained her energy. She was on the verge of making them stop so she could rest when Wyatt began shooting cum deep into her ass. Suddenly, a jolt of energy shot through her, and she started cumming.
Wyatt slid his spent cock from her ass, giving James the room he needed to really put it to her. The orgasm that she thought was winding down suddenly spiked as his cock plunged into her, and her clit was stimulated against his skin. When his cock began shooting jets of cum into her, she nearly passed out from the pleasure. James’s strokes slowed and finally stopped, allowing Emma to focus on the cock in her mouth. Moments later, she was swallowing Samuel’s wonderful cum.
James rolled her exhausted and limp body onto the bed before moving to her side. Samuel moved to her other side, and the two men held her and kissed her face and shoulders in the afterglow. Wyatt sat at the end of the bed and rubbed her feet, an act that Emma found to be a wonderful cap to a wild sexual romp. The post-coitus attention relaxed her to such a degree that one moment, she was smiling with her eyes closed, and the next, she was asleep.
The last thing on Ben’s mind was sleep. The exotic beauty writhing beneath him held him in an erotic thrall. He couldn’t believe how amazingly beautiful and sexy she was, and her obvious enjoyment of his attention thrilled him. He loved fucking this woman and continued to do so with all the skill he had. It soon became obvious that his skill was up to the task when Beth began to orgasm. “Give me that big cock! Fuck me! Damn, you’re so fucking big! FUCK ME!”
Ben fucked her through her orgasm as she looked up at him with a blissful expression. “I want your cock in my mouth when you cum. Cum for me, baby! Give me that cum!”
Ben treated women with respect and strived to make them happy. Swallowing his cum would make Beth happy. Who am I to deny her that joy? A few more strokes into her velvety tightness were all it took. He pulled his cock from her satiated pussy and quickly knee-walked up the bed. She grabbed his cock and engulfed him with her mouth as the first spasm swelled his cock. Ben may have cum harder in his life, but he surely couldn’t remember when. He flooded her mouth with burst after burst until his spent cock slipped from her mouth. Beth made a production out of swallowing his load before grinning up at him. “Wow, you’re fucking amazing. I can see why Lisa wants to fuck you again.”
The couple snuggled together for a while, trading kisses and gentle caresses. Ben looked over and saw his wife sleeping while surrounded by her three lovers. He gave Beth a final kiss and stood. He walked over to where his wife lay and smiled down at her. His love for her and his desire for her almost overwhelmed his emotions. Samuel noticed his look and tapped James on the arm. The two men got up, and Wyatt quickly followed. Ben smiled at the men. “Thank you for giving her a wonderful experience. You were good to her and gave her something special she will never forget.
“James, if you don’t mind, I want to hold my wife until she wakes up. She’s usually full of energy after sex, but I think right now she needs an hour or so to recover.”
James reached out and put his hand on Ben’s shoulder. “It looks to us like we should thank you for caring for our wives. We did notice how much fun they were having.
“Relax with Emma, and don’t worry about getting up. We have other bedrooms if we need them.”
Soon, Ben was alone with his wife. He got in bed with her and held her close. Something about him being close made her stir from her sleep. “Ben? Yes, Ben. I love you, Ben. I love you.”
She fell back into sleep before he could respond, and soon, his eyes grew heavy, and he followed her there.
Ben looked out of bleary eyes as the morning sun glowed through the sheer drapes. Emma was snuggled against him, and her hand was holding his cock with a content smile on her sleeping face. He began to give her face little kisses until she finally stirred. Her hazel eyes opened, and she looked up at his reassuring smile. “Good morning, beautiful. How are you feeling?”
Emma grimaced a little. “Like I’ve been ridden hard and put away wet. Which, when I think about it, is exactly what happened. Are you OK?”
Ben gave his wife a squeeze. “More than OK. Last night was amazing for both of us, and you know what?”
“If it is even possible, I love you more.”
The couple held each other and kissed with all the love and passion they could express. Morning mouth be damned. Eventually, they went to the bathroom, sharing a shower and many touches and kisses. Ben dressed rapidly and left his wife with a kiss as she worked her way toward getting dressed and ready for the morning. He walked through the penthouse until he heard talking. Following the sound, he soon arrived in the massive kitchen. A large island was centered on the space with room for six to sit and eat.
James quickly stood and offered his seat next to Lisa. “Have a seat and have some breakfast. How’s Emma this morning?”
Smiling, Ben took the seat. “She’s great. How did she put it? Oh yes, ‘I feel like I’ve been ridden hard and put away wet,’ and she smiled when she said it. She’ll be along shortly.”
Mary grinned and piped up from across the island. “God! I know the feeling.”
Soon, Ben was enjoying the best omelet he’d ever eaten while everyone chattered around him. He was feeling very relaxed and happy when Emma walked into the room. She wore the clothes she’d worn the night before and looked amazing in the morning light. Ben jumped up from his seat and was on her in an instant. He kissed her thoroughly before looking at her face, flushed with arousal. “That’s what I wanted to do the first time I saw you in that outfit. I wasn’t going to miss the second chance.”
Breakfast was soon behind them, and Ben thought it was time to take Emma home. “I’ll admit that I was worried when the evening started. The fact is that I could never have dreamed the night could have turned out so perfectly. This has been a wonderful experience for both of us.”
James, Samuel, and Wyatt approached Emma and took turns giving her deep kisses goodbye. Ben found himself surrounded by Lisa, Beth, and Mary. The three women seemed to be in a competition for who could deliver the most steaming hot kiss. Ben’s cock was painfully erect when they finally let up on him. He noted that the guys were beginning to get a bit handsy, but Emma gently brushed their hands away before moving back to him and taking his hand.
James held up a hand. “Just one more thing.”
He reached into his pocket with one hand and grasped Emma’s free hand with the other. He put something in her hand, and she turned back toward Ben to show him what it was. The key fob had the Mercedes emblem shining brightly from the black background. Puzzled, the couple looked back at James.
He chuckled. “We can’t have you taking a taxi home. You’ll find the car in the parking garage. Spot A1, on level one. It’s yours, Emma—a gift from us for your hard work. The fact is we would have given it to you regardless of last night, but I couldn’t resist using a reward to entice you. I apologize for the subterfuge. I should have left that out of the letter.”
Ben just shook his head. “I don’t think that particular enticement had anything to do with last night. I can promise you that a reward wasn’t why we were here.”
Samuel shook Ben’s hand. “Yeh, we figured that out right away. We thought we knew the kind of person Emma was and were glad to know we were correct. She is amazing, capable, beautiful, sexy, and kind. She loves you very much, and it couldn’t be more obvious that you love her. If those things weren’t true, we never would have gone through with last night.
“One more thing. If you two would like, we would love to do this again sometime. No pressure at all. We would love to have you as friends even if you don’t want to do the intimate stuff.”
Lisa rushed over to Emma. “Please, please, please? I want Ben’s cock again. Pretty please?”
Emma couldn’t help but giggle. “We’ll see. Ben and I have a lot to talk about before we can give you an answer.”
The couple exited the penthouse, and the private elevator soon delivered them to parking garage level one. Sitting at spot A1, just outside the elevator, was a new bright red Mercedes SLR convertible. Emma raised her hand and pressed the key fob. The lights on the car blinked in response. Emma let out a squeal of glee. In moments, the couple was seated in the car, exploring the luxurious features.
Ben opened the glove box and pulled out the owner’s manual. He was an engineer, after all, and the idea of driving this car without looking at the owner’s manual first was almost sacrilegious to him. He discovered a note and a check. “Look here, hon. They even gave you a check for the property taxes. Holy shit! How much did this car cost?”
They spent the next fifteen minutes adjusting the seat, mirrors, sound system, and so on before Emma put her foot down. “Ben, I love you, but if you think I’m going to sit here and go through the entire owner’s manual, you’ve lost your mind. I need to drive this thing, and I need to do it now. Buckle up, butter cup, it’s time to roll.”
With that said, she pressed the button to lower the top. By the time Ben put away the car’s bible, er… owner’s manual, and buckled his seatbelt, the car was in gear and rolling. Emma grinned and laughed in glee as she drove the car like she’d stolen it. The car was a bit too small for a proper christening, but they did manage to have a major make-out session in a nearby parking lot before heading home.