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A Friend in Need

"My best friend was in the doldrums. And my wife knew the perfect solution…"

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Author's Notes

"This is a tale of Hotwife Sally and her discovery of how liberating and exhilarating the lifestyle can be."

I hadn’t seen my best friend for nearly five years. Max and his sister had been looking after their elderly father until he passed away a few months ago. And although I knew they had been devastated, I also sensed relief in the family. His dad’s quality of life had been almost non-existent during those last days, and with his passing, everyone was able to move on. I suspected much of the grieving had already been done.

Max had been my buddy since school, but despite repeated offers, he’d been unable to visit Sally and me in our new home since we returned to the UK from our time overseas. Three months after his dad’s funeral, however, Max finally accepted an invitation to come and stay with us for a long weekend.

My wife Sally had always liked Max. He was a wholesome, clean-cut, handsome man who, because of his shy demeanour, always took a little time to warm up. Once he did, however, he could be a lot of fun – as I well knew.

You see, growing up, we’d had some fabulous times together – including some fairly steamy fooling around in the bedroom during our late teens that I had often felt guilty about.

I’d never spoken to Sally about that. It wasn’t that I was ashamed, exactly. I just wasn’t sure how she would react. And later – well, the moment seemed to have passed, so I never ended up mentioning it.

Max had seen things differently. He had grown up much more open-minded than me and was happy to experiment without guilt. He had been content playing with both boys and girls, and accepted and embraced his sexuality without shame – which is, of course, how it should be. I wished I’d had his courage.


It was wonderful to see my friend again. He drove the four hours up and arrived at our cottage in the early afternoon. I was a little shocked at how tired and worn out he looked, which I guess I shouldn’t have been, seeing what he had been through. Sally was great, giving him a big hug and a huge welcoming smile, and fussing over him in a very motherly way.

We very much wanted him to enjoy his visit, so aimed to make it as relaxing as possible without any pressure to do anything.  That first evening, we simply sat and chatted over a few beers. Max wasn’t a big drinker – partly because of his parental responsibilities. But he was happy to join me for a couple of glasses of ale, and he started to loosen up after a while. He didn’t bore me with gory details, but he did tell me how hard it had been for the last couple of years, and the tears started to fall soon after. He admitted how lonely he had been and told me he hadn’t been with anyone for years. Sally had left us alone to that point, but she came in at the sound of his sobbing and helped me comfort him.

We put him to bed and shortly after followed suit. We found ourselves discussing my friend and how he hadn’t been intimate with anyone for such a long time.

Sally sighed. “We should re-introduce him into the world of sex, Joël. He hasn’t had any fun for so long...”


We both paused as we realised we’d spoken at the same time.

I swallowed. “Sorry, darling. You first.”

“No, you…”

This time, we laughed.

“No, you go – I’m sure I was about to say something silly.”

Sally bit her lower lip and sighed. “All right, but you’ll probably think it a nutty idea. Don’t get upset or anything.”

“Of course not.”


It was my turn to sigh. “Scout’s honour.”

“You were never a scout.”

I pursed my lips and shrugged. “Fair point.”

She smiled uncertainly. “Well, I was thinking – maybe I should seduce him.”

I froze, shocked. Since we were married nearly twenty-five years ago, she hadn’t ever suggested such a thing. Had, in fact, been vehemently opposed if I even joked about her being with someone else.

I cleared my throat. “How do you mean?” I asked tentatively.

“I mean, why don’t I sleep with him?” she said matter-of-factly.

I frowned as if I didn’t understand. “Are you joking?”

“You see, you’re getting upset! I knew I shouldn’t have said anything. I just thought…”


“Well, you’re the one who normally pushes in this direction, so I didn’t think you’d…”

“What?” I said again.

“Look, I – I’ve got the impression in the past that you – that you’d be quite happy for me to go to bed with another man.”

The thing was, she wasn’t wrong. And, damn it, it was exactly what I’d been going to suggest. Well, not exactly that – I didn’t have that much courage. But I was going to suggest she flirt with him. Though why I would suggest that if I didn’t want her to follow through, I didn’t know. That would be prick-teasing. I really hadn’t had a chance to think about it properly.

Sally had, though. Bright girl, my wife. To my knowledge, neither of us had ever slept with anyone else since we’d said ‘I do’ to each other all those years ago. And our love lives had undoubtedly been getting a bit stale for – well, for quite a few years, if I were honest. I couldn’t actually remember the last time we’d made love – and even then, it had been very much a cursory fuck, satisfying for neither of us.

I shrugged, embarrassed at her prescience. “Well…”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake, Joël. At least it would spice up my sex life a bit, even if you’re no longer interested.”

Ouch – that hit home.

I looked at my wife. Still damned attractive, even in her early fifties. Where had we gone wrong?

I didn’t know, but, well – why not?

“You really want to sleep with my best friend?” I asked, still unsure of what it would mean.

Sally looked at me carefully. “That’s not really the question, is it, Joël? If I put it the other way around, would you be willing for me to fuck your best buddy?”

I blew out my cheeks. “I don’t even know if he’d be interested. After all, he’s bisexual – with a possible leaning towards guys if I – if I remember correctly.”

“Well, then – I’d have to make a particularly enthusiastic effort in my seduction,” she said tartly. “Dress up provocatively – wear the things you like me to wear but that I don’t anymore because you never seem interested.”

Ouch again! Jeez, my wife was hitting me with some unexpected home truths tonight.

“Or maybe you should sleep with him,” she said shortly.

Sally was definitely getting annoyed with me. Max’s arrival appeared to have been the catalyst for a clearly long-overdue discussion.

“I – no, I can’t do that,” I said defensively. “You know I’m not into guys, and…”

“Aren’t you? I always thought you were a bit, you know – bicurious. At least according to the stuff you’ve carefully hidden on your computer.”

Oh shit…


“Look,” she interrupted. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m getting upset. Forget what I said. Let’s go to sleep.”


It wasn’t a comfortable night for either of us. I could tell from her tossing and turning that Sally wasn’t sleeping well. I guess we were both thinking lots of things.

I know I was. Mostly it was that the thought of Sally sleeping with Max excited me! I wondered where that thought might take us.

In the morning, I apologised. “I’m sorry, Sal – I didn’t mean to get so defensive. And I know our sex life hasn’t exactly been riveting. I just don’t know how to – you know – make it better. Make it right.”

She yawned. “No, it’s me that should apologise. It was a dumb idea – though, to be honest, I’ve been thinking of little else all night,” she admitted.

I looked down. “Me, either,” I conceded. “And you were right – the thought of you seducing him actually does get me excited. It was, in fact, what – what I was going to suggest. And – and if the idea appeals to you, too, then – then maybe…” Embarrassed, I couldn’t finish my sentence.

Sally reached understandingly for my hand. “If you like, Joël, I could try to show him a good time. He really deserves that. But…”

“But, what?”

“But, I want to have a good time, too.” She looked earnestly into my eyes. "Look, Max is a great-looking guy – he always has been. And he’s sexy – you know that as well as I do. So, if you want me to try and sleep with him, then I will. But I will do it for me – for us as well. Because, you know, our sex life has been pretty non-existent for the last few years, and the thought of taking Max to bed is – is actually pretty fucking arousing. So, I will absolutely try and enjoy myself too. And you need to be prepared for that. Do you understand?”

I swallowed. “Of course.”

“Good. Then it’s a deal.” She smiled at me, reached under the bedcovers and fondled my cock. “So how are we going to do this?”


We spent the day trying to set the mood. After a relaxed start and a late breakfast, we headed out onto the moors for a ramble. The sun – for once – was shining. After stretching our legs and enjoying the scenery, we stopped at a local pub for lunch and then headed home. Sally flirted gently with Max throughout the day, keeping it fairly low-key, and I noticed him giving her the occasional speculative glance.

When we got back to the house, Max said he had a few bits of essential work to attend to, and so retired to his room with his laptop for an hour, leaving Sally and me to put our simple plan of seduction into action.

To be honest, it wasn’t much of a plan. I headed out to the local Chinese takeaway to procure our evening meal whilst Sally used the time to prepare herself.  

On my return, I put the food in the oven to keep warm, and when I turned, my eyes almost popped out of my head.

Sally stood before me, looking absolutely dynamite. She wore a medium-length mauve and plum plaid skirt with a long-sleeved, crisp white blouse. Her ample breasts were fighting against the material, and I could clearly see her nipples. She was obviously wearing stockings and suspenders – I could just see the darker tops and the outline of her suspender grips – and had three-inch brown slip-on heels on her feet.

The overall effect was simple, but devastating. It was exactly the sort of outfit she no longer wore for me.

“Wow,” I croaked.

She smiled. “Do I look alright?”

“More than alright, Sal – you look hot as hell!” I was pretty sure she could see the instant erection she had caused in my trousers.

She blushed. “I do feel sexy,” she said. “And– well – perhaps just a little bit of a slut.” She turned to me. “Is that okay?” she asked.

Gee – what was the right answer to that question? I nodded slowly. “Sexy, and just a little bit slutty are just what the doctor ordered for our guest.” I swallowed. “Looking at you – you should know that I, um, I’m quite looking forward to you, you know, being with him.”

“Are you now?” She smiled and lifted her skirt, showing off her white suspender belt and sheer white panties. I could see her dark pubic hair through the translucent material and almost started hyperventilating at the arousing sight.

She sauntered over and reached out a hand to stroke the bulge in my pants.

“You’re looking forward to seeing me be a tart with your friend, hmmm? You want to watch him fuck me?” she teased.

My heart rate was accelerating as Sally’s fingers manipulated me through the fabric of my trousers.

“Ohhh, y – yes,” I moaned.

She frowned for a moment. “I do hope we don’t regret this,” she said.

“I – I don’t think we will,” I replied, mentally crossing my fingers.

She patted my bulge again. “All your fantasies in one go, eh? Good. Because I don’t know where this will lead. But I absolutely do know that I feel sexier than I have in a long time. So, if this works, then be prepared for a new me!”


I went upstairs to retrieve Max from his work. On our return to the kitchen, he caught sight of Sally and stopped dead, clearly having the same reaction I’d just had.

“Wow,” he said. “Jeez, Sally, you look stunning!” And exactly the same word I’d used, too! Yep – at fifty-three, she’d definitely still got it.”

Sally smiled widely at him. “Why thank you, Max! I thought it would be nice to dress up for you.”

Max looked confused for a moment before I grabbed the wine from the fridge and led him into the dining room.

“What did she mean, ‘she did it for me’?” he whispered.

“Oh, you know, she just wanted to look good for another man.” I saw his confusion. “She doesn’t get the opportunity to dress up much, so she just thought it would be nice. Is that a problem?”

“Um, no, of course not,” he replied, looking thoughtful.

Sally had already set the table, so all we had to do now was serve the food and pour the wine. As usual, the food was mouthwatering and delicious, and the wine ensured the conversation flowed. After twenty-four hours with us, Max was finally starting to really unwind and relax.

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Sally continued to flirt with Max as we ate. He was very relaxed about it and responded in kind, giving me a very searching look that clearly asked, ‘Hey, buddy - are you okay with this?’ I just winked in response, and after we had finished eating, I suggested we move from the dining room to the lounge, where I lit a fire in the wood burner and put on some background music. Max and Sally sat chatting next to each other on the sofa with their topped-up wine glasses.

When I turned, they were both laughing at something Sally had said. She had her hand on his thigh, and Max’s eyes met mine with a slightly startled expression.

I waggled my eyebrows in return and shrugged suggestively. Watching the silent exchange between us, Sally moved her hand further up his thigh. “Max? Last night, you told us you hadn’t had sex for years. Would…” she hesitated, her self-confidence in the balance. “We thought maybe we could – you know…”

She bit the bullet and moved in to kiss him. A gentle kiss on the lips that took him by surprise. “What – what are you doing?” His eyes switched rapidly between Sally and me. Wanting to calm him, I moved to sit on his other side.

“Max, we just thought; Sally and I were discussing it last night and thought, frankly, that you could do with some good, old-fashioned sex. What do you think?”

“Um…” His eyes were still moving rapidly from one to the other of us.

“When was the last time you were with someone – woman or man?” asked Sally softly.

“Um, like I said last night, it must be about seven years.”

“And are you attracted to me, Max? Am I appealing to you?”

Max swallowed. “Um, actually, yes, you are, Sally.” He cleared his throat. “Very.”

“Well, then. Would you like to make love to me tonight? To fuck me?”

For a moment, Max looked like he was ready to bolt. “I – I don’t know. It’s – it’s been so long since I, you know. I mean, what about Joël?” he said, looking at me anxiously.

I moved to reassure him. “I’m fine with it, Max. More than fine, really. This is our invitation to you. A gift, if you like. But we don’t want you to feel any pressure…”

“…maybe just a teeny bit of pressure,” interrupted Sally with a gentle pout. She leaned in and whispered in Max’s ear, and I saw his eyes go wide.

He cleared his throat again. “So, you’re happy for me to ah, to fuck Sally? To make love to your wife?”

I nodded. “Yes. And I can join in if you like, or whatever makes it easier – or more appealing – for you. To be honest, our sex life has been getting pretty stale recently. So, you’d be doing us a favour, too.”

He looked at Sally and appeared to think about it for a moment. Then he grinned at me. “OK, if you really mean it?”

“I do.”

“That wasn’t too hard,” Sally giggled.

Sally leant in to kiss him again, and this time, Max responded – hesitantly at first, but with increasing enthusiasm as his repressed lust started to take over.

My cock started to grow as I watched them. Sally’s hand moved from his thigh to the bulge in his jeans, and Max’s own hand manoeuvred its way under her top and began fondling her breasts. Sally moaned as I saw Max pinch a nipple.

After only a couple of minutes of smooching, Sally broke off, her breathing eager and irregular; I, too, was excited, and I rock-hard as I saw my wife’s enthusiasm.

“I think we should take this to the bedroom,” she announced. Standing, she pulled Max to his feet and led him up the stairs. I slowly followed.

Sally invited Max into our private space – our inner sanctum. This act alone brought home what we were about to do; I was both nervous and thrilled. The ricocheting of butterflies in my stomach was matched only by the thump-thump of my heart.

Once inside, they stood facing each other by the large double bed. Max unbuttoned Sally’s blouse, and she slid out of it, leaving her upper body clad only in a bra. She helped Max pull his T-shirt over his head. As aroused as I’d ever been, I watched as she unhooked her bra and freed her large breasts. As she exposed herself to him, I thought there was a very real danger that I might spontaneously shoot my load.

They had eyes only for each other; I could very well not have been there. They kissed again, mouths open and tongues exploring. Max’s hands were roaming over my wife’s magnificent tits, exploring, stroking, gently pulling. Sally was moaning in response, and her frantic hands found his belt buckle.

Sally knelt and pushed his jeans and jockey shorts down. His cock sprang free, and I was a little startled. He was larger than I remembered. Not huge, but definitely a little bigger than me; maybe an inch longer and certainly a little thicker. Like me, he was uncircumcised and had a beautifully shaped glans. I could see Sally’s eyes widen in pleasant surprise. Then she leaned forward and took the velvety head into her mouth, her hands stroking his rigid shaft at the same time.

“Mmm, you have a very nice cock,” she murmured. Then she giggled. “You’re a bit more enhanced than Joël, too. I’m really going to enjoy this.” Her eyes sparkled as she gave me a smug grin and returned her mouth to Max’s weapon.

It was Max’s turn to groan, his pleasure obvious. But after only a few seconds of her ministrations, he stopped her. “I’m sorry – I’m going to cum in your mouth if you keep doing that,” he apologised. “And I’d like to cum…”

“Inside my pussy?” she finished. She flashed me a triumphant smile. “I’d like that very much, Max. Shall we…?” she indicated the bed.

“Yes,” he croaked. He pushed his jeans and pants off, and they lay on the bed together. Sally was still wearing her skirt, and Max’s hands urgently delved underneath, his fingers worming their way into my wife’s knickers. She moaned as he found her slit; she was obviously wet, and she quickly opened her legs to give him better access.

I had my own cock out now and was stroking myself as I continued to watch them. I was desperately trying not to shoot my load as I wanted to prolong my arousal for as long as possible.

Max pulled Sally’s knickers over her legs and deliberately cast them in my direction. I picked them up and put them to my nose. They were soaked and pungent with her delicious scent, proving how turned-on she was. I greedily sucked the material, enjoying her decadent stickiness.

Max’s throbbing lady-pleaser was already poised at her entrance. Sally’s labia were exposed, wet and waiting. I was fascinated as I watched the head of his cock nestle gently between them, and slowly, ever so slowly, he started to push his thick member into my wife. Sally was gasping into his mouth as each inch of his phallus disappeared inside her welcoming pussy. Her hands were gripping his arms as he stretched her until, finally, it was completely inside her, and his balls rested gently on her perineum.

“I’m not going to last long,” he warned as he started to pump his glistening member in and out of Sally’s sopping cunt.

“I don’t want you to,” she panted. “I want your cum in me, Max. Please fill me up with your spunk – I want you to own me!”

Sally’s unexpected words nearly tipped me over the edge. Her cries grew louder, and she climaxed suddenly, sending an unexpected pang of jealousy through me – I’d never made her cum like this, always having to use my fingers or tongue to finish her off.

And then, unable to hold off any longer, I shot my load, too, spraying cum everywhere. Max was the last, crying out as he stopped fully entrenched in my wife’s wanton snatch; I watched his balls tighten, and I knew he was pumping his seed deep inside her.

Max collapsed on top of Sally, and she cradled his head between her breasts as she looked across to me with a ‘cat that got the cream’ expression on her face. After a couple of minutes, Max’s cock slipped out of my wife’s now very sloppy cunt. Raising my eyebrows, I exchanged a look with my wife, and Sally nodded assent at me.

Sally knew I relished licking her pussy – especially after I had cum in her. Now, she watched me elatedly as I knelt between her damp thighs and witnessed the evidence of my best friend’s powerful ejaculation in her shameless, used snatch.

His thick, white cum was leaking messily from her, mixing with her sticky secretions and matting her pubic hair. I could smell the heady aroma of their combined juices and found myself groaning in lustful joy at the gratuitous assault on my senses.

“Lick me, Joël,” Sally urged with a satisfied smile. “Taste what your friend just did to me.”

Max’s unsurprised eyes were on me as well. He knew from our shared teen years that I had submissive bisexual tendencies. He smiled knowingly at me as I leaned in and started to lick and suck her juicy pussy, slurping his cum and hers alike, savouring the taste, the stickiness, the essence of their sweaty coupling. Sally often came quickly a second time, and today was no different as my tongue quickly worked her already aroused clit until her fingers gently stroked my scalp; she was gasping and shaking to another shuddering climax.

I kissed her opening one last time and gave her little starfish a lingering lick before. Unable to resist, I turned my attention to Max. His limp cock sat invitingly against his thigh. I could feel him watching me as I moved toward him. Sally was right; his cock really was beautiful! I planted a series of delicate kisses along its length to gauge Max’s reaction. Not encountering any objection from him, I started to kiss and lick his balls.

Sally had never seen this side of me before, though she undoubtedly knew I harboured leanings in that direction. I could feel Sally’s gaze and wondered what she was thinking as I took Max’s soft penis in my mouth.

He began to grow rapidly as I sucked and licked him. I was soon moaning with pleasure as I deep-throated my friend. To begin with, I could take all his length until my nose was being tickled by his pubic hair. But as he expanded and reached full length, I could only go so far.

I looked up to see two pairs of eyes observing me. Sally had her legs spread wide and was stroking herself as she watched me blissfully suck the cock that had so recently been embedded in her cunt. One of her fingers was gently circling and massaging her puckered ring. She flicked her eyes towards Max and raised her eyebrows at me in question.

No words were necessary; we knew each other too well, and she could see the answer in my eyes. Without speaking, Sally moved onto all fours and presented her sexy, ample bottom to me.

I let go of Max and moved back to my beautiful wife. I parted her buttocks and ran my tongue down her crack until I reached her pucker. I gently kissed her anal opening with my lips. She was still very sticky from her recent fucking. I circled the delicate skin, using my tongue to lubricate her a little. Sally moaned as I locked my lips onto her ring and started to push my tongue inside, reaching a new level of intimacy with my wife, one I had sought but never previously achieved.

This was a gift that had been denied me for many years. But I understood that she wasn’t really offering it to me; she was offering it to Max.

Max who was kissing Sally again as she whispered what she wanted him to do to her.

Whilst they were giggling to each other, I opened the drawer of our bedside table and reached for the lubrication kept there. I massaged her opening and first with one finger and then two, pushed gently inside her, stretching her, opening her for Max.

Max was, of course, no stranger to anal sex. At Sally’s urging, he positioned himself behind her. First, he lubricated himself in Sally’s still-soaking cunt; then she reached back to pull her buttocks apart, inviting him into her most intimate of places.

Once more, I watched as Max pushed his manhood into my wife. But this time, he was going somewhere I had never been. Somewhere that I had only dreamed of, and that my wife had always refused me.

And yet, she was more than happy for Max to take her anal virginity. And for me to help him do it.

Sally struggled a little as he entered her. He went slowly, first pushing carefully until his glans slid past her sphincter and then easing his way fully into her until his stomach met her buttocks. He moved slowly at first, allowing Sally to get used to the sensation of his cock sliding in and out of her bottom, and then gradually speeded up, his stomach slapping Sally’s bottom at the end of each thrust. Sally’s gasping and grunting slowly turned to wails as he pummelled her until, for the second time that evening, Max came hard in my wife – but this time deep in her backside. Sally’s legs were shaking as he pumped his hot cum into her back passage.

Sally reached for me with her hand and quickly started jacking me off. Three or four pumps of her fingers, and I was covering her delicate skin with my second load of the evening. absentmindedly, she offered her fingers to me, and I eagerly licked them clean. She waggled them at me with a cheeky grin.

“Good boy,” she cooed. “So does this make me a hotwife, then?” she asked dreamily.

I gasped at her audacious words. Then smiled contentedly at her. “Yes, darling – I believe it does.”

“That’s good. It was incredibly nice. When can we do it again?” she giggled.

“I really enjoyed it, too,” murmured Max pointedly. “I feel sooo much more relaxed than when I arrived. What else have you got planned for me this weekend?”

Sally laughed. “Have to wait and see,” she teased.

Then, sated and exhausted, the three of us spooned up and fell asleep, my wife the filling in a very satisfied sandwich.


Written by TheShyThespian
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