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"She put on quite a show for him!"

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Competition Entry: Put a Spin on it
She laid on the bed, the pink jelly vibrator slowly working in and out of her pussy. At 25 years old, Tammy and her pussy were intimate friends. But this time it was different, there was another player in the game. That put a whole new spin on things! She was laying across the bed on her back, her knees were bent and her legs were parted widely. She could feel the head of the fake cock as it pushed its way past her swollen pussy lips.

He sat across from her watching her intently. Tammy had played with her pussy many times before, but never with someone watching her like this. Mark was 2 yrs older than her. They had met about six months ago as a blind date set up by one of her friends. She had recently broke up with her boyfriend at the time and a girlfriend had introduced them. Mark and Tammy hit it off right away and had been dating steady ever since.

Mark was a construction worker and was in amazing shape. He was six foot-four and 230 lbs. He had a thick muscular chest, huge rippling arms, and strong legs. He had a handsome rugged face with a strong jaw covered in a stubble beard, ice blue eyes, and black collar length hair.

Tammy, on the other hand, was five foot-seven and 118 lbs packed into a very pleasing 36-24-35 package. She was very pretty with deep brown eyes and brown hair that fell to the middle of her back. She had a smile that would warm the whole room with dimples that drove men crazy!

The pair found that they had a lot in common and they talked for hours. Tammy really enjoyed his company and he hers.

But just coming off a failed relationship, Tammy was hesitant about "getting back on the horse" right away. Mark understood though and didn't rush her. He was a perfect gentleman the first couple dates and as they got more acquainted, he felt more comfortable and could let down his guard a bit. He was still very understanding and kind, and Tammy found herself letting her guard down as well. Each became more accustomed to the other and learned enough about each other to feel more at ease around them. Soon they were laughing and joking like old friends. Tammy really felt a connection to Mark and her fears about getting into a new relationship faded away.

It was on the fifth or sixth date that Tammy had let Mark kiss her and it was a milestone for her. Being brought up in a very strict Catholic household where even holding hands was considered a big thing, a kiss was considered just this side of fornication and it was something "good girls" didn't do! But Mark was different than the rest of the guys... he was something special and Tammy hoped that he would be the one for her. She didn't want to seem like a slut or anything, but she also didn't want to be so uptight and old-fashioned that she pushed him away. So she let him kiss her and found that in addition to being a nice guy, he was a hell of a kisser too!

That kiss, lead to a little flirty petting and then to more serious petting and fondling. But she still held out on the sex for a bit. She didn't want him to think she was cheap; she wanted him to respect her and show that she was worth waiting for. And Mark did... he was very patient with her and would only take what she was comfortable in giving. He never pushed her past her limits, but always gently challenged her and let her know he wanted more.

One day that happened. They had been dating for about a month and a half when they had gone out to dinner and he had complimented her on her outfit and how lovely she looked. After dinner, they went for a drive and parked by the lake, a favorite place for them to go to talk and have some time alone in private. But this time they were to do more than talk. As she sat in the seat next to Mark with his arm around her shoulder, her walls finally came down. Mark and Tammy made love for the first time that night.

Now, a little over four months later, Tammy was laying in Mark's bed, putting on a show for him as she fucked herself with her favorite vibrator. She was fucking her pussy with just the head of the cock. She looked over at Mark. He was sitting in the chair with his pants open and his hard fat cock in his hand, slowly pumping it as he watched her. He didn't speak to her, he just watched her as she slid the pink toy in and out of her slippery slit. Knowing he was watching so intently made this whole scene so much more erotic. This was so nasty, and yet she wanted more.

Tammy slowly worked more of the jelly cock inside her smoldering pussy.

"Slowly Tammy, do it very slowly. I want you to feel every bump and ridge as you work it into your pussy," he told her.

She nodded her head. Tammy's throat was dry from her panting through her mouth. The vibrator she was using was shaped and designed exactly like a cock with bulging veins along its length. However, what she held in her hands was larger than the average male member, a full 8 inches long and 2 and a half inches in diameter. It filled her to the brim and left her breathless. This particular model had an additional feature, though... a small silver bullet vibe conveniently placed where it would tease her clit when it was fully inserted!

As Tammy plunged the tool into her pussy over and over, she felt the abundant amount of cum that was coating the shaft. Never before could she remember ever being so wet. And she never knew it could get so thick. Tammy pulled it from her drooling hole and looked at the pussy-creme covered tool. The entire cock was covered with her thick cum, and the scent from her boiling pussy filled the room.

Tammy had already cum numerous times when she looked over at him. He was watching her and stroking his cock slowly. His eyes bore into hers. Somehow, having him watch her made everything more intense and much hotter. Tammy was finding out that performing for him was such a turn-on. She wanted to drive him as crazy as his watching her was doing to her.

She took the fake cock and as he watched her, she brought it up to her lips. She was no stranger to the taste of her own cum. She had gone down on her ex-boyfriends a number of times after they had fucked her.

But this was so completely different. She was being watched. But he didn't seem like an old man, lustfully leering at some young girl from the bushes. It was as if he was examining the way she was doing it for flaws or to learn how she liked it. Tammy stuck her tongue out and gingerly touched the shaft. He watched her as she licked the tool from base to tip. Her mouth was full of the thick juice. She swallowed hard and was suddenly overwhelmed with a strange need to show Mark how well she could suck a cock.

Tammy moaned as she began to lick the pink jelly cock in earnest. For her it had suddenly turned into a real cock in her mind. She licked it and worked the tip in her mouth. Twisting and turning her head as she sucked it hard, licking up and down the shaft and twirling her tongue around the head of the plastic toy. Then she shoved the cock as deep as she could into her throat. She came hard, just as the fullness of the jelly cock in her throat made her gag.

Mark smiled approvingly at Tammy as she gagged, but still he said nothing. She returned his smile then slipped the vibrator back into her pussy with a moan. She worked it slowly, wanting it coated with her juices again. This time when she pulled it from her steaming pussy, she used the slickened tip to trace the dark circles around her nipples then she rubbed it over her hardened nubs. Tammy repeated the process again and again until both tits were glistening in the light. She felt like a wanton slut. She slowly fucked herself, moaning as she worked the vibrator deeper and deeper in her pussy. She spread the lips of her pussy wide and pushed the cock deep enough into her to bring the bullet vibe in contact with her engorged and throbbing clit.

When it felt like she could take no more and was about to cum, Tammy pulled out her toy and held it up for him to see. Once again it was covered with her thick juices. This time, Mark got up from the chair he was sitting on and walked towards the bed. Tammy watched, breathless, as he came closer. His big, hard cock slowly bobbing as it pulsed as he walked. Tammy was waiting for him to climb on top of her and plunge his sweet cock in where her toy had just been. Instead, he walked around to the foot of the bed and slowly crawled up to her. Placing his hands on either side of her hips, he bent his head and covered her dripping pussy with his hot mouth.

Then she felt his rough tongue. He didn't go right to her slit, though. Instead he licked along the outside of her swollen lips.

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Tammy felt his tongue licking the crease between her lips and thigh. He was in no hurry - he wanted to tease her for awhile as she had teased him. Ever so slowly, he licked first one side, then the other. Tammy lay there shaking, every fiber of her being wanting to grab his head and shove his mouth to her aching pussy. But this was his show and he would do as he pleased.

His tongue went to the inside of her lips. Starting at the very bottom, so close to her asshole that she thought he would lick it, he began to dart his tongue back and forth. He would touch one side of her pussy then the other side. Back and forth he went as his tongue eased higher and higher. He was taking so long to get up near her clit that Tammy wondered if he would ever get there. After what seemed like forever, his tongue darted into her hot open hole.

Tammy's whole body arched up off the bed. It felt as if he had stuck a cattle prod inside her pussy. Tammy came instantly, feeling the rush of her pussy fluids flow past his tongue and spill out of her in a gush.

"Please oh please don't move your tongue," her mind screamed, but he didn't stay. Tammy reached down and grabbed his head, trying to maneuver his mouth back to her hole. But he pushed her hands away and continued his slow, agonizing tongue march to the top of her pussy. Her hands went to her tits, pulling and twisting the nipples savagely.

Never had a man made her feel like this before. Tammy knew she would scream before his tongue found her clit. She felt she would lose her mind when he finally did lick it. She found her voice and spoke. But the words that left her mouth were the words of someone else. Surely she would never say the things to him like this!

"Please! Oh Please! Lick my clit. Suck it into your mouth and make me cum. Please let me cum."

Tammy couldn't believe what she was hearing. She was begging him to eat her. Like a whore in heat, she was pleading with a man to satisfy her lust. She looked at him thru lidded eyes. Her fingernails were digging into his scalp but he didn't complain.

Mark lifted his head and smiled at her. His mouth was covered with the juice from her pussy. It stuck to his stubble beard and coated his mustache. "Soon Tammy. I told you good sex is never rushed." Saying that, he bent back down. This time, his tongue did find her clit. Tammy grabbed the pillow and pulled it over her head. The scream of pleasure she let out would have surely brought the police running.

Tammy had always thought that women ejaculating cum like a man was a myth. But now she felt the cum shoot from her pussy. She felt her body lift from the bed, suspended in the air, then crash back down with the force of a body slam. She couldn't breath, couldn't scream. The only thing she could do was to lie there and try to breath. Mark never stopped licking and sucking her throbbing pussy. He licked the inner walls of her hole and sucked her clit into his mouth, capturing it gently in his teeth and flicking the nub with his tongue, each time sending an electric jolt through her and causing her mind to explode.

When she finally stopped shaking, he stood up. Her hair was wild from her tossing her head and pulling at it. Her nipples throbbed and ached. They were red from the abuse she had inflicted on them. Mark grabbed her ankles and pulled her to the edge of the bed. He put her legs up on his shoulders. She knew exactly what he was going to do next. "Mark! please!," she pleaded weakly. She didn't think she could take anymore, at least not right now. But even as she protested, her pussy screamed for him.

"Shhhh!" he said, as she felt the tip of his cock part her swollen pussy lips. The mushroom head lodged between them and she could feel it throbbing. Slowly he pushed it in. Tammy moaned as she felt her lips being forced open by the big head. He just held it there for a long moment. Tammy could feel it pulse and she wiggled her ass trying to work it in deeper. But he held it right there, teasing her, making her want it all the more. Then ever so slowly he moved it. He didn't penetrate her, instead he moved it up and down her slit, letting her feel his cock with every part of her hungry pussy. Tammy licked her lips, moaning for it.

"Mark, please... shove that cock up my pussy. Fuck me till I faint."

Her words scared some. Never had she been in such a state. She had had her share of boyfriends and she was no stranger to sex. But this was different, stronger and so much more intense. She was laying on his bed, open and exposed, and begging this man, to fuck her like a common whore. He smiled down at her and his smile somehow said he understood her need. She felt him push a bit harder and the head slipped in. Her pussy lips closed over the head and her muscles pulled on it. She was trying to suck his cock inside her pussy, the same way she had sucked that rubber cock inside her mouth a few minutes ago.

Tammy felt herself bucking against it. She needed to be filled and yet he was making her wait. Slowly he worked it deeper. She wondered if any other man would have been so patient. There was no rush in his actions. He was totally in control and both of them knew it. She felt his fingertip as he reached underneath her. It was brushing against her asshole. She had been fucked in her ass only twice. Both times she was far too drunk and both times it hurt like hell. She looked up into his eyes. He never spoke but his eyes asked her permission. Somehow, it seemed right. She nodded her head 'yes'.

"Oh my God... I'm cumming!" she screamed as his finger steadily pushed in until it was buried deep in her ass. Tammy could not remember ever cumming this many times. She didn't know how much more of this she could take. His finger eased out against her protests to leave it in. Then he started thrusting hard into her pussy. She could feel every inch of his throbbing cock as he fucked her deep and powerfully. She could feel it pulse and stretch as he slammed into her hungry hole. She pulled her hair, she tortured her tits, still begging and pleading him for more.

Then she came. She came hard. She cried, she whimpered, anything he would have asked of her, she would have given him. All of her essence was in that one final orgasm. She thought surely she would die and this would be the last thing that lived on in her soul.

Then Tammy felt his cock as it swelled. Her pussy stretched to accommodate the increase and then he came too. Even with her eyes closed tight and her mind a spinning, swirling vortex, she could feel his hot cum as it splashed the walls of her pussy.

His cock still throbbed in her. Yet when she opened her eyes, she found him standing too far back to have his cock inside her pussy. Mark had his eyes closed and was stroking his hard fat shaft hard and fast. His cock had never entered her. It had been her pink jelly vibrator all along. He had not fucked her at all.

Tammy had to reward his efforts. She reached up and her hand circled his cock. Mark opened his eyes and smiling, took his own hand off. His cock was coated with the pre-cum that had dripped from the tip. Tammy's small hand circling his huge shaft looked strange. But she slowly worked it back and forth, forth and back.

"Cum for me Mark, please. Splash that hot cum all over my tits," she whimpered. He looked down at how she had his cock pointed.

"Oh Tammy," he moaned. Then she felt him stiffen. His cock swelled in her hand and she squeezed hard. The first splash was humongous. It splattered between her tits and she rubbed it all over her twin mounds. The next shot splattered on her stomach and the next until it was just dribbling from the tip. Tammy let go and Mark fell back in the chair. He smiled at her.

"You thought I wouldn't keep my promise? I told you that this night I was only going to watch you and I always keep my promise. Now I think we have had our fun for tonight. Let's wash up and we can go to dinner. We will revisit this and more some other time." he said.

With that, they took turns washing up in the bathroom. Tammy wouldn't have minded if Mark had come into the shower with her, but he didn't. "Oh well, maybe next time," she thought, smiling. And she was sure that there would be a next time.

The above story is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and events in it are products of the author’s imagination and are used as fantasy. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Written by Master_Jonathan
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