It hadn't been the same up on the mountain since she left. It had been five years now and I was starting to forget her face ...finally. It has been pretty quiet too since the Donaldsons left, packed up about nine months ago. They said it was too quiet and secluded, and didn't want to spend another winter. Hell, that's why I built my place here. To each his own.
I used to be a photographer, many years ago. Started in fashion, hated it. Then got into music. I loved that, pictures of the best bands and artists. Yeah, like the ones on the walls, I took 'em. Too hard to follow the action anymore. Age tends to win sooner or later. Oh, my God, I have some stories, I uh .. just can't seem to remember them that well anymore.
Now I take nature pictures: landscapes, animals, weather. Yeah, I know, but it pays the bills and keeps me busy. Well, I probably should have started with this, my name is Xander. In a few days, I will be sixty-one. I have been alone on this mountain for the last nine months and was getting pretty used to having the area all to myself. Then, one afternoon, I saw a new car next door.
Next door, I think I forgot to say, is about a hundred yards away, down the mountain. I sit almost at the summit, and with a little help, I could see their whole property up close. Yeah, I know, but like I said, nine months. I was standing on my deck and watching as two young ladies got out of the car and started walking around the house. Wondered if they were moving in. I moved over to my telescope and pulled it away from the sky and looked at the new neighbors.
I saw two young women, very nice too. Mid-twenties, I would guess, and fit. One was a tiny girl with short dark hair, very small frame and her companion was slightly taller, long pretty brown hair and a lovely shape. I found myself hoping they were moving in as I saw a moving van starting up their drive. So I guess I had new neighbors. They really didn't seem the outdoor types but I have been wrong before. I thought the Donaldsons were.
I watched them on and off for most of the day as they directed the moving guys to where everything needed to go. I chuckled to myself thinking of a recent porn I had seen about a pair of moving men and the girls they were moving. Maybe I should get my camera, I laughed, thinking to myself.
Well, so much for fantasy. The movers left and I had not seen any interaction except for the pointing and shaking of the girls' heads when they had to repeat themselves almost every time. These guys sure didn't help my gender in their eyes. I finished making myself a nice plate of fruit and went out to watch the sunset. I had a great view from my deck. It is the top of a mountain after all.
I saw the girls outside cooking on the grill. Surprised, I looked over and they were cooking a couple of nice salmon steaks. Yeah, I used my camera. I just looked at my plate and set it down. Stupid doctor, stupid diet, stupid heart. I decided, what the hell, and I lifted my camera and started taking shots as they moved around their deck. After several shots, I started to feel a little like a peeping tom, but they were outside and I could see them with the naked eye. They were just really tiny, so I used my camera, still trying to convince myself it was okay.
So, I started looking around the area through the camera and deliberately not pointing it in their direction. Of course, now and then, I did kind of swing the lens past their place, you know, to get to the other side of the mountain, not to just keep looking at them. I snapped a few shots of the valley before me, knowing I had thousands of pictures of it, but this also helped me feel like I was not really just looking at my new neighbors.
I heard a sharp 'crack' sound in the air and whipped around to point the camera at the girls. The short-haired girl seemed upset and had, I assume, slapped the grill with that big metal spatula she had in her hands, and that was the 'crack' I heard. They were having a rather animated conversation, with flailing arms and raised voices. The one with the shorter hair went into the house, sliding the patio doors closed behind her. Her friend sat on the porch in a nice deck chair after turning off the grill.
Realizing I was just staring, I dropped the lens and pointed the camera away. I felt bad that I had turned this into a voyeuristic episode and went inside to fix something for dinner with some damn red meat in it. Stupid doctor. I couldn't stop thinking about the new neighbors, wondering what their story was. I started thinking that the mountain might get a little less private with two young women out here in nowhere land. Guys up all the time. I could already hear the parties. This was gonna suck. So much for a nice quiet summer. Finishing my new supper, I went back out to the deck and saw the girls again. The one with the short hair had come back outside and she was standing next to the large deck chair and the mood seemed to have softened.
Thinking they were in the process of making up, I settled into my own chair and relaxed. Looking back their way, I saw the one standing kneel beside the other and they wrapped their arms around each other, kissing and hugging. It looked so sweet and then the mood changed a little and their embrace tightened. The kiss became almost urgent as hands begin to explore each other's bodies. Before I know it, they were sharing the deck chair, in a passionate embrace. Perhaps the parties might not be too bad.
The girls got up and went into the house. When they did, my show was over. I really felt weird even thinking about watching them inside their home. I do have some standards. I poured a little self-medication and sat back to enjoy the night sky that was fast approaching, obviously drifting off before I had moved into the house to sleep.
Bright and early I was gently nudged back to life by the sun, a huge fiery ball in the sky that threatened to fry me to a crisp before I even woke up. As I get off the deck chair all I could think about was juice. I headed into the house, looking back just before I entered, to see if there was any life over at the neighbors.
For the next three days, I didn't see any sign of them. Well, except that the collection of boxes and crates left on the deck and in the driveway by the movers was slowly disappearing. Things slipped back into my regular routine over the next few days and on the evening of the third night, I again found myself in that deck chair, doing shots of tequila with my memories. I wasn't even sure when the light in me finally flickered out and I dozed off.
Blinded first thing in the morning, I was again reminded that I had to leave a pair of sunglasses out here by the pool, for that very reason. Covering my eyes, I made my way into the house, picking up a pair of shades as I passed the desk. Moving in to grab some orange juice, I remembered that this time last week I would have been adding a little vodka to that orange juice. Damn doctor. I moved back through the house headed to the deck and pool, thinking I could put a small refrigerator out on the deck so I would have someplace to put the sunglasses. Then I wouldn't have to go back inside every morning, at least not right away.
As I got back out to the deck chair and settled my glass onto the little table and my ass back into the chair, I noticed that the short-haired girl was busy in the garden, just starting to dig. Damn, first day outside, she must really want that garden. Her roommate was walking down the path to the garden carrying a serving tray. The tray appeared to be holding two glasses and a bowl. I thought to myself, I need to be accurate and pick up the camera, just to see closer to be sure.
When the girl with the tray got to the short-haired girl they sat and sipped from the glasses which, thanks to the camera lens, appeared to be stemware. I assumed they contained a little morning wine. I watched as they talked, yet kept reminding myself they were sitting outside, this wasn't creepy, they would understand. At that moment, the gardener moved closer to her friend and slid her hand tenderly around her breast as she leaned in for a kiss. I believe I had hit on the secret of why there would be no visiting male friends. I looked through the lens and watched as she nibbled on her lips, her hands starting to caress her friend. They lay back in the garden as the short-haired girl continued to caress her lover.
I realized I had my camera pointed their way and a thought crept into my mind, all about long-distance pictures and such. Suddenly, it felt like it was too much of a temptation. So I decided to do the right thing. I couldn't stop thinking of how upset they would be if some pictures found their way to the internet. I put down the camera and smiled at the thought.
Then I picked up the telescope and focused in on the couple. What?? Less temptation. I mean, I didn't feel bad about looking, just taking pictures and I am weak.
By the time I got the telescope lined up and focused, I was watching bras slide off, then hands and lips all over each of them. The small girl really started to take the lead as she moved on top and took her friend's nipples in her mouth. Then she moved up and over her. They started to clinch and roll together in the garden dirt. The long-haired girl got on top and slowly pulled off her lover's shorts and then her panties. I again got that odd feeling and swung the telescope away.
Looking away from their place I noticed movement at the house on the other side of me. I focused the telescope and there was someone on the back deck of the house. This was odd because it was the summer home of an elderly couple and I had not seen them in some time. The place had been empty, but I saw someone in the chaise lounge near the pool. I noticed a small table on its side next to the lounger, a glass and bowl spilled on the deck and the person in the chair ... was looking through a pair of binoculars toward the new neighbors and ...OMG, she was looking at the new neighbors. Then I noticed she was naked and masturbating.
This was unbelievable. I was sitting on my deck, watching my neighbor watch and masturbate to my other neighbors who were ..... looking back to the spot in the garden...yep, very involved in what I was sure was a lovely tasting dessert for both of them. I almost dropped my telescope at the absurdity of it all but was at the same time thrilled that I had such interesting neighbors.
I am not gonna lie to you; I spent the next half hour.... yeah, I said half hour, swinging my scope back and forth between the two spots, almost like watching a tennis match. The back-and-forth did get very distracting but I can happily say that all parties arrived at their destinations--with great exuberance, I might add.
It was at that moment that I decided I had to meet my new neighbors and find out who was in the Coopers' place as well. I just needed to get a few things together and I could make it happen. Who knew what could happen; at the least, I was sure it would be a very interesting evening. I imagined a night of drinks and appetizers; who knew where it would go.
I turned back to watch and I saw the girls walking toward their house, naked, arm in arm. Quickly I looked over for the new player in this neighborhood drama just in time to see her setting up the little table and carrying the things from the deck back inside, also naked. I thought to myself, 'There goes the neighborhood.' If I played it right at least.
The next day I set in motion the plans I lay awake thinking of the night before. I handwrote a pair of invitations for a neighborhood cookout on my deck. A pool party, if you will. I didn't bring up that there were only two households that would receive the invitations, but how did they know how many I sent out?
I did notice as I was preparing for the meeting that, during the week, none of my new neighbors seemed to be home until rather late. So I decided that during the week would not be a good time to set up the little get-together. That meant I had to shoot for the second weekend they were there.
I left the invites in their respective mailboxes and waited. Going about my everyday routines, I heard nothing all week from either house. Sometimes, late in the evening, I would get a nice show from the solo neighbor as she would swim late almost every night. To my delight, she didn't seem to like traditional swimwear and just took the plunge au natural. Unfortunately, she also didn't seem to need much lighting around the pool so it was mostly a lovely silhouette, leaving my imagination to work overtime.
I had not seen the couple all week, except as they were coming and going. There were a few times they were in the garden during the evening but nothing like that first time. They had mostly stayed inside with the curtains closed of course, leaving my imagination to run rampant. It does that a lot. I went to bed Friday night wondering if I would ever hear from anyone and first thing Saturday, somewhere around the crack of noon, I checked the mail and had two RSVPs. Tonight was the night and I had about eight hours to go.
I was already prepared and had some appetizers ready: stuffed mushrooms, mini meatballs, veggies from my garden, a very nice selection of wines. I had been producing my own beers and wines for some time. There was also a nice selection of cheese. What can I say, I read a lot on Pinterest. There was some nice smooth jazz in the air and the music filled my home and spilled out across the pool. I was ready.
It was 7:59 pm when the bell rang, letting me know they were here. I opened the door and I swear to God, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. Standing, framed in my door, was as a pair of angels. I, of course, was my very suave self-assured self and out of my mouth sprang the perfect greeting.
"I ... uh. I mean you are ... uh ... hi, I am uh ... uh ...crap, sorry. I am Xander and it is wonderful to meet you. Welcome to my home." I swung the door open.
There in front of me were two lovely young ladies. At the door, I met Cara first. Her hair was plaited down her back and light brown with a lighter burst toward the ends. Cara was wearing a blue and white striped skirt that left so very little to the imagination. Not everyone could have worn an outfit like that, but she carried it off beautifully. She looked stylish, sophisticated and sexy; she's a very beautiful woman. Her eyes were amazing, a light blue, like a beautiful mountain sky early in the morning as the colors fade to that stunning blue. They were the type of eyes that pull you in as soon as you see them. Her smile was a precious gift. The clothes clung to her curves perfectly; It was easy to tell she worked out. She moved around the house elegantly and made a conscious effort to maintain her dignity in such a short skirt. Her body was toned, slim and elegant. I could imagine her long brown hair flowing down her back between her shoulder blades, just after it was released from its current binding. I also liked the light blue polish on her nails, yet it failed to even compete with the blue in her eyes.

Behind her was a petite princess of a young woman who introduced herself as Amy. Short-cropped dark brown hair framed her lovely little face. Her eyes were ... flamed mahogany with little patches of light within the dark. Her face so angelic and cute, yet there was no mistaking the true beauty in her smile. Amy was wearing a short black skirt with a low-cut white midriff top. She looked adorable and innocent while managing to remain eye-catching and sexy. Clearly, she was not wearing a bra under her silky, flimsy top, it was not difficult to notice the outline of her pert nipples. Her bare midriff allowed you a sneaky glimpse of her flat tummy. Her skirt fit snugly around her shapely feminine bottom and was short enough to make my mind race as I imagined that sexy little gap between her thighs. Each time she moved, her gently swaying breasts drew me in like a magnet. It was impossible not to stare. Amy's peaches-and-cream complexion was complimented so well by her beautiful soul-capturing eyes and her little-girl smile.
As they entered the room I was delighted that Amy seemed to be wearing the perfume that my wife had loved so. Cerutti 1881 gently wafted through the air. Inhaling the lovely fragrance, I was taken back to a happier time.
As I was enjoying the lovely sights in my living room, I heard behind me, "I rather enjoyed watching them enter the room myself." As I spun around to the sound, she continued, "I am Dawn, the other neighbor."
Again there was a vision at my door. I should have these get-togethers much more often. She had blond shoulder-length curly hair, was quite attractive and wearing my favorite, the strapless LBD. I am always weak for a little back dress. She made the whole experience even better by not complicating things with much on under the dress, or so it appeared. She had a slim petite figure, couldn't have been more than five-foot-two in height and looked like I could just toss her over my shoulder and carry her away. She also had a lovely little face and a cute smile and I was so happy I followed through with this evening. The whole time I was looking at her I just kept flashing back to her on the lounger, binoculars against her face as she feverishly strummed her clitty to the 'show' the girls were giving us.
We spent the next few hours sitting and chatting, listening to music and drinking wine. I even brought out a vintage bottle of Absinthe for all to sample. The evening was splendid. We were getting closer and learning way too much about each other.
I was talked into--didn't really have to twist my arm too hard, of course--playing my guitar and I agreed but said that everyone would have to sing with me. This evening went great and I was thrilled that I had such interesting neighbors.
While they listened, Amy and Cara started to caress each other's arms and shoulders as I played. They kissed more and it seemed to be getting a little heated. Dawn asked if I would show her the rest of the house. Of course, I agreed, so we could at least give the ladies a little privacy and maybe find a little of our own.
As we walked through the house, she looked at the pictures and other things of note throughout the walls. As we came to the door to my bedroom, Dawn took my hand and asked if I would show her my bedroom. Such a nice turn of events. I clenched her hand in mine and pulled her close to me. Softly I kissed her lips, then stepped inside and closed the door.
When the door clicked, Dawn turned to face me and jumped into my arms. She kissed me like it was the only way she was going to live. I pulled away from the first kiss and she whispered, "Thank you, I have wanted to do that since I saw you watching all of us. I even expected a visit that never came." She kissed me passionately as her hands explored my chest and belly.
"I got so turned on watching the girls, then I realized you were watching all of us. I came so hard from the idea, thank you. I even got so excited I kicked over a small table." She kissed me again and slid her hand around my cock still in my jeans. It grew in her hand.
I returned the kiss and let my hands start exploring. Laying her back on the bed, I kissed and teased her thighs as I slowly pulled the dress up above her hips. I lifted her ass in my palms and raised her up to my face as I kissed and licked across her wet panties, teasing her through the panties I was hoping she had left at home. She arched her back, pushing herself against me as she started to slide her hips up and down using my face as her toy. Her dress was around her belly as I pulled down those panties. I wadded them up and slipped them into my pocket with a smile. I returned to the task at hand and kissed and licked the swollen lips in front of me, laying her hips on my thighs. I lifted her ankles and spread them as I buried my face back in her pussy and began licking and sucking.
Again, she arched and pushed against my invading tongue. I teased and stroked her pussy as I licked, then slipped one finger inside her, followed by another, pushing hard against the G-spot hiding inside. She ground her clit against my teeth as I tongued her deep. She reached down underneath us to again take my cock in her tiny hand, stroking and pulling him toward her throbbing pussy. I saw the need as it grew within her. I rolled over to let her ride on top. I smiled and told her to get me wet and slide me inside.
She licked and teased my cock as she engulfed the head and slid down deep. My cock glistened as she moved. When she moved back to the tip, I lifted her and lowered her onto my cock. I slowly slid deep inside as she began to relax and let my cock fill her. I held her hips as she started to rock and bounce; she rode me like a champion. My cock disappeared inside only to appear again dripping with pleasure.
This ride continued with her trying new moves and angles to get my cock into all those special little spots she liked to hit. She became a wild animal, leaning over to bite my neck as she bounced. I let out a gasp and returned the bite myself.
Finally, I got that dress off over her head and then the ride really began. I took her breasts in my hands, massaged and teased them, pinching her nipples as I heard a low growl start from deep within her that quickly built into a long howl. The longer we went, the wilder she got until she dropped her head back and I felt her squirt around my cock as she finally let go and came hard.
As she slammed down onto my cock, she began to shake and convulse as her orgasm drove her right over that edge she rode for so long. Watching her reach her peak, I could not hold back and pumped deep into her. Then as quickly as she reached the top, she dropped into a pile on my lap as her orgasm overtook her.
It took a few minutes for me to regain myself. I wrapped her in my arms, lifting her, then we rolled onto our sides with her clutched close. I stroked her hair and back and waited for her to return. She slowly blinked and opened her eyes. She smiled and kissed me softly and snuggled in close. This was going so much better than I was hoping. While I lay there and held her, she nudged me and said, "Look," pointing to the pool.
There is a complete view of the pool area from my bedroom windows that line the side of the deck. As I focused on the other side of the pool, I saw that the ladies had moved to the lounger on that side. Cara was sitting on the lounger and Amy was standing in front of her. The dress was slowly unzipped and dropped to the deck, showing off her unbelievable body and lovely undies. So sexy and frilly. Then the top came off and there was nothing underneath. I finally get to see those lovely pert breasts that had been peeking out from that tiny top all evening. Let me tell you, they were splendid indeed. Amy climbed onto the lounger and moved up and over Cara's face, lowering herself until Cara raised her head and licked the smooth little pussy above her.
As Amy's tongue slid across the lips of her lover, Dawn gripped my cock and started to stroke was like watching a live show with a friend. I reached down and found Dawn's clit and rubbed to tease slowly as we watched the ladies. I rolled my fingers in circles. Then, I pinched as Amy lowered herself and I could only assume from Amy's reaction that Cara's tongue had found its way deep inside. Dawn let out a little moan and I felt her pussy flood my fingers, knowing my fingers had given her another release.
Amy let out a howl as she tensed, Cara driving her over the edge. We were close enough to see Cara's glistening face as Amy slid off the lounger then, taking Cara's hand, pulled her to her feet. Amy wrapped her arms around Cara and unzipped her skirt, letting it fall to the deck as well. Then her top found its way to the pile. She was standing in a stunning matching set of pretties that seemed to again light Dawn's fire.
Dawn slid down and began to lick the head of the cock that had been gripped in her hand since Amy first uncovered. She reached up and pushed me back a little so she could again watch the girls. Cara was stunning, with nice round and proud breasts, a pair of luscious hips and long lovely legs. As they turned and walked to the pool, I could see that Cara was also as smooth as a baby's bottom.
While Dawn's soft little tongue explored my shaft, Amy guided Cara into the pool and across the pool they swam. I took that time to lay back and enjoy the tender attention Dawn was giving my cock--long slow licks and a nuzzling of the bottom of the head. Kissing and tracing the ridge with her tongue was driving me crazy. I gripped her head when I felt my balls tighten, knowing I was about to explode. She slid my cock in deep, past her gag spot and into her throat. That was when I let go, filling her belly as she sucked hard and swallowed. My mind went into overdrive and nothing else existed.
Dawn slipped back up against me and we turned our attention to the pool. The girls were at the far side. Amy lifted Cara to sit on the edge, legs in the pool. Cara spread her thighs and Amy rubbed the pussy in front of her through those panties. Amy put her head between Cara’s legs. She lifted up Cara’s bra, releasing her breasts after she unhooked the front clasp so they fell free. Then she untied Cara’s long brown hair and let it cascade around her face and shoulders. So lovely, her eyes were like a beacon in the night, the color almost glowing in the torch flames. After a soft loving kiss, Cara lay back as Amy lowered her face to kiss Cara's pussy through the panties. Amy whispered in her lover's ear and as Cara lifted her hips, Amy slipped the panties off. Next, Amy lowered her face back to that lovely pussy and began to lick and tease.
Taking this as my cue, I slid down and started to mimic Amy with the lovely pussy before me. I licked from ass to clit, then drew circles around the throbbing clit and sucked her into my mouth. I could no longer see the girls, but I did not care. Dawn had locked her knees around my head as I licked and sucked, nibbling her clit as well. She also started to really get into what I was doing with my tongue and was getting louder with each howl and moan. She was bouncing and riding my tongue as I thrust it deep inside her. My fingers teased and rubbed around her little pucker, pushing and relaxing the muscles holding it closed.
Then it was time. I slid my tongue into her little star as deep as I could go. When I did, she let go and squirted all over my face. I thought I would drown, but I just couldn't stop teasing her. As Dawn let go, I heard a loud scream from the pool and looked up to see Cara arched like a gymnast with her fingers gripped in Amy's hair and letting out a scream of pleasure that echoed down and around the mountain. I would have loved to have heard both women's howls as they echoed down the mountain, but my house is pretty soundproof.
Each couple took the time to enjoy the pleasures they were given and after a short time, Dawn slid off the bed and into her undies saying, "I think it would be better if you stayed here while I go out and help the ladies get things together." Then she gave me a soft kiss and scurried out the bedroom door.
I laughed, climbed off the bed and headed into my shower to clean up. Standing in the steamy shower, I thought about what just happened and was just amazed. This was a dream come true. Replaying the evening through my mind, I had to laugh at the vision of Dawn trotting out to check on the ladies and suggesting that I not come along, that was so cute.
I mean, her scurrying off in just her panties to the pool. I smiled, thinking she didn't get her dress or cover up. I laughed at the thought of her and the girls out at the pool....naked ...horny and...
As I reached to turn off the shower and run back to the bedroom to look at the pool, a small hand covered mine on the faucet and turned it back up. Dawn stepped back inside and I saw that she had again lost her panties and she moved her other hand over to grip my cock as she closed the shower door behind her. "You think I might be able to stay the night? It is such a long drive back in the fog."
I smiled at her and answered, "Well, I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable driving these mountain roads in the dark." I leaned over and kissed her passionately as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled herself close to me. I lifted her in my arms and headed back to the bed.
It was a once-in-a-lifetime get-together with a porn-story ending. Dawn told me back in bed that she had 'spent some time' with the girls while I was in the shower and as they were leaving they all thought that we ought to get together more often and see what happened. Did I happen to say this was amazing?
It happened a few more times over that first summer. The other day, Dawn was here and said, "There are two houses on the other side of the mountain that have been sold and the new people living at each place are very nice people. Maybe we should host a party for a nice meet-and-greet. She gave me a wicked little smile that made me tingle.
Please, somebody, pinch me; I've got to be dreaming.
Author's Notes: This has been a really long hard trip. I have been bumping heads with whatever demon has blocked me recently. I hope with this I have, if not banished at least learned to control the beast. I would, from the bottom of my heart, like to thank some very special friends. AmyWoo and BabygirlCara your help was invaluable. Thank you for helping my words fit and show my ideas best. Denim_Dasiy10, etairay, and hayley for the support and encouragement that pushed me to where I needed to be... Thank you all. And to YOU for taking the time to read my work...