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"When the cam gets left on, the clothes come off"

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My name is Eric Anderson. I'm twenty-four. I inherited Anderson Scrap Metal when I was twenty-one. That's about it, really. It was right at the beginning of the pandemic, when the whole world was shutting down, and I have to admit I knew more about taking conference calls at home than I did running a business. The whole part about it being signed over to me was rather ridiculous, given it happened while I sat on my couch, but there ya have it. I signed on the digital dotted line with three lawyers and my one department head all in attendance on their respective video calls. I won't bore you with the details of titles, permits, transfers and all that. Most of it was over my head, anyway. Almost. And it would have been, but for Evelynroh, my department head who was invaluable when it came to straightening everything out and lining up what was needed.

She more or less ran the business while my uncle was getting himself buried, and she more or less ran it when he was alive, too. When all was said and done, and the lawyers disconnected one by one, I was left with Evelynroh telling me that after all that, the plant probably wouldn't last through its first quarter. Everything across the board was grinding to a halt in the world, and what's more, the scrap metal industry depended on supply and demand, so we would be doubly impacted by lockdowns.

We worked close together for six months after that, applying for dispensations and extensions and other little lucrative moves, and mainly through Evelynroh's efforts, we stayed up and running. We even managed to secure some minor contracts that actually kept things rolling, to the point what was needed was more scrap metal, not less, and around that time, people started coming out of their homes looking for some quick cash, so there was always a steady trickle coming in.

And I stayed solvent.

When the pandemic was over, and we stabilized even more so, I raised Evelynroh's salary, gave her a bonus, and called it a day, prepared to just sit back and be a millionaire before the age of thirty while playing video games. Not bad, huh? Except for one thing. I worried Evelynroh might leave for greener pastures, because my raising her salary hadn't caused her to bat an eye. If I lost Evelyn, I had no doubt I'd sink like a rock out there in the business world.

As far as the not batting an eye thing, Evelynroh was known as the cold fish. The Terminator. And other names. Some of the reps in the company who worked more closely with her let it slip that they had these little nicknames for her, made all the more official by the no-nonsense way Evelyn ran things from her office at home. She became the soulless ghost in the machine. The Robot.

One of my first, actual having to 'lay down the law' moments came when I pointed out over that day's conference call, that under no circumstances would this practice of nicknames continue. I didn't want any such thing getting back to said parties. It was a fine moment, if I do say so myself, and I held my own, letting them know their now twenty-four-year-old boss was, in fact, their boss. The dumbest among them, Martinson, snorted something about me being the only one allowed to call her Evelyn, and not Evelynroh. I promptly told him he could stay home for the next two days and think about whether or not he still had a job come Monday morning. A little four-day weekend. That gave them all food for thought, and one by one they winked out of the call screen on my laptop.

I slumped back, feeling a little queasy and heady at the same time. So I had made a command decision. Imagine that. They'd either respect me for it, or they might even now be coming up with names for me. Thinking on that, I was sure right then and there they already had. Still, I was the boss and that was that. They'd learn respect, or else. And as for the rest of it? They needn't worry. I wasn't about to become some spoiled little tyrant running the company into the ground while collecting sports cars.

I looked at my watch. In about five minutes, Evelynroh would be dialing in and we'd go through the usual. Today she had been off-site, and wasn't able to take the conference, but we always had a separate one ourselves anyway, between boss and department head. I thought about her a bit, and even though I had just squashed the practice, I had to admit I could see why she earned those little nicknames people gave her.

Evelyn was ten years older than me. A severe-looking, no-nonsense, somewhat cold and calculating executive who always wore a dark work suit, be she in the office, or on a conference call at home. She was a somewhat pale, blue-eyed, slender woman with straight brown hair, and if you thought about it, she might even be considered pretty if it wasn't for the way she conducted herself.

Evelyn did not make small talk, laugh, or even drink coffee. Not that anyone had seen. In that regard, the only thing missing was a pair of black-rimmed glasses. That probably would have earned her the name The Principal, or something, but without them, and those sharp, exacting blue eyes, she had earned the name The Terminator instead. Well, maybe I would give her the authority. To fire and hire. She was firmly cemented as my # 2 anyway. That would put the fear of God into some of those office lackeys, but wouldn't it smack of favoritism? My incoming video call chimed down in the corner of my PC and I sat up and hit accept.

“Hi, Evelyn.” I smiled. “So...what's on for today?”


“ will want their six copies, of course, and Williams Trucking will need those bills of lading, but I can see to both at the same time.” Evelyn was wrapping things up.

“Fine, fine.” I smiled. I felt just then that the only thing missing here was a racquet ball. Or a nerf. I had this growing compulsion in me to get one, just so I could have something to bounce off the walls. At least then I would have something to do as I sat here in my jeans and t-shirt hearing about my company from my CEO. Listening to Evelyn like this made me feel like...I dunno, some kind of Tony Stark or Dr. House. So if I had a ball to bounce, at least the cliche would be complete.

But Evelynroh was no Pepper Pots.

Her focused expression was staring back at me through the video conference call, and so help me, in talking of cliches, I half expected her to pick up a stack of papers and tap them on her desk now that we were finishing up. Instead of papers, though, she had her tablet, and even now was making quick little entries in it with her stylus. Yes, I definitely needed to get a ball or something. Maybe a desk to put my feet on. I had nothing to do like this, and I suddenly felt like a little kid waiting for the teacher to finish grading his paper.

“A reminder that Beaumont national has their convention in two weeks,” she noted.

“You want me to go to that?” I asked.

“I think you should.” She looked at me through the camera, in her direct way.


“I think that's everything, then,” she said, setting the tablet down.

“Right. Until tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow it is. Two PM?” she asked back, adjusting the cuffs of her suit jacket.

“Two PM.” I nodded. She asked it in the form of a question, but somehow it was like she was also telling me when she'd call next. Damn that office talk anyway! It made me start doubting myself in light of Evelyn's no-nonsense ways. Well, that's not exactly true. She had been like this forever. I saw her reach down and tap a button on her laptop, and the little 'call ended' chime sang out.

But the video feed stayed up.


No answer. Many things happened just then. It became obvious that Evelyn didn't realize her video feed was still running, and after tapping the screen a time or two, I found myself reaching for my phone to call her when she happened to stand up. My hand froze halfway to my phone.

Evelyn was wearing fishnets.

Oh, she had on that same dark blue business suit, skirt and all, but nothing could have prepared me for seeing that she also had on fishnets. The wide weave kind. The kind that made you look cheap. Or slutty. Or sexy. Or inviting.

Or all of the above.

“Holy shit.” I sat up. “Say, Evelyn? Evelyn, can you hear me?” I don't know what was going on, but the video feed was stuck on broadcast, even while it said 'call ended' on my side. She still couldn't hear me, nor did she seem aware of anything else on her end. What should I do? Slap the cover down? Pull the cord? Something to end the call, or what? I reached for my phone again, but like I said, many things happened. All at once.

Evelyn stepped back a pace from her desk and nudged her office chair back to the side with a little shove of her thigh, before turning from the camera and stepping off a ways into the room, doing what looked like a big stretch over her head with her arms, and then another behind her back. Something most anyone might do after signing out, and from having sat in a chair for two hours. It was about the most human gesture I ever saw her make. And I could see more of her now that she had stepped back from the camera.

It registered with me that Evelyn was, in fact, not a wholly unattractive woman. I mean, you always had a sense of it that she was shapely and 'kinda pretty', but her cold manner and all-business-like conduct stood between you and any other kind of naughty thought like a brick wall. And now here she was. Wearing fishnets.

Why fishnets?

Evelyn turned a bit, standing next to what I realized was a bed, and undid her jacket. Oh, shit. I really should call her! Right now! Or just yank the cord out of the wall! I found I couldn't do either. I just sat up...and watched.

Standing rather like any woman would, Evelyn slid her jacket back off her shoulders with this smooth little move, like someone who had just got off work and was...headed for a bubble bath. Yeah, a bubble bath. Bubble bath? Why would I think that? Just from how she moved? Evelyn, The Terminator?

Tossing it on the bed, she had on her usual white, long-sleeved blouse, but when she pulled it up out of her skirt and switched to undoing the cuffs, I knew she really was in the process of getting undressed. Holy, shit! I could not look away. For one, those fishnets on her lovely long legs were rather captivating. And yes, she had nice legs. Great legs, in fact. And skirt suit or not, there was no mistaking she was shapely and sexy. Not now. Why hadn't I ever noticed before? Again, I suppose I had next thoughts were blanked out when one by one she undid the buttons of her blouse, and I caught of glimpse of this sexy black bra, and then a flat, toned stomach. You know how that looks. The waistline of the skirt, just below the belly button? Peekaboo bra, open shirt...fishnet thighs.

Ohh, yeah.

My dick swelled up. I felt it. Somehow, I also ended up sitting straight up and gripping the laptop with both hands, hunched over and watching all this take place like the lecherous little gremlin I was.

I swallowed and cleared my throat, willing myself to be professional.

“Evelyn?” I called out softly a last time, then a little more forcefully.


Nothing. No response. Oh, Lord, forgive me, but...there's no fucking way I'm shutting down this laptop! To my increasing delight, Evelyn stood there holding the collar of her shirt lightly, and looking down at her feet. I saw now that she was pausing just long enough to kick off a pair of slippers. Actual slippers. The slide-on kind. Pink. I giggled like a schoolboy at the cuteness of it all, having all the validation I needed that Evelyn The Terminator was just as human as the rest of us.

Then she slid her blouse off, much in the way she had her jacket. Now that was nice. More than nice. She had nice-looking shoulders to go with this lovely slender neck, and her hair looked like silk under motion when she moved. But that wasn't the half of it. Evelyn was chesty for her size. Ample. Big breasts. At least, big for her slender height. An easy C cup, if I'm any judge, and supported by that sexy black bra.

How did she manage that? All this time that suit jacket had been hiding such puppies? Wow! I mean, we had been in meetings before. Real time. We had walked around the scrap yard, met with contractors, customers, the works. And you just never noticed? Her skirt stayed where it was, and that registered with me too, that it wasn't much of a skirt when it came to the front office! This was more like a skirt meant for the club. Small, light and tight, it didn't even start down her thighs, just hugged her bottom like a glove. And what a bottom. Turning and sitting down on her bed next, Evelyn also showed me a glimpse of that wonderful heart-shaped ass, the line of her cheeks thrown into relief with the tightness of her skirt.

Maybe I should be recording this?

Too late now! Now she was taking the time to cross her legs, and slip on a pair of these wicked-looking, three-inch heels with a square toe. As black as her outfit, and going well with her coloring. Why would she be putting on heels if she was getting undressed? But speaking of coloring, once more it hit me how Evelyn wasn't so much pale, as she just had this milk-like complexion. What had been pasty and severe before, was now suddenly sultry and silky when she was half naked. When did that happen?! Or was it just me? Because by then I was rubbing myself through my jeans, subconsciously, and a little enamored with what was unfolding right in front of me.

Each time Evelyn moved to pick up a shoe and side it into place, she was lean enough to just reach down over her crossed legs to the floor, but what this did was just push and smoosh her breasts around against her own knee, showing me she was all natural. I groaned at the sight of her, hoping against hope she might take that bra off yet.

Pausing to admire her handiwork, she stood up instead, and turning back and forth to look at herself, she evaluated how her heels went with her skirt, fishnets and all. Oh, it worked! It worked great! What would come next? I could hardly wait. True, this felt like some kind of two-way mirror voyeur kinda thing, but every time I felt guilty, Evelyn did a little bit more.

Like any other woman would, she now took the time to walk over to a small dresser and check her makeup and hair, the video feed sitting in such a way, as my luck held, that once again I could admire the swing of her breasts in that bra as she leaned over. The shape of her ass in that skirt. The length of her legs, to say nothing of how her calves looked in those heels.


At that, I unzipped my pants and shoved a hand inside my boxers. Evelyn straightened back up and paused to think for a moment, hands on her hips and checking her reflection in her mirror, while I started to openly masturbate to the sight of her in all her glory. She was tall for a woman. That registered with me too. Shaped like an hourglass, with a flat, toned stomach between full breasts and long legs, and I had no idea what she'd do next, but I wasn't about to just sit there. I had to jerk off.

I did wince a little when she turned around and came back towards her desk, right up to her laptop, in fact, and it seemed like any moment she'd realize her webcam was still on. And there I was beating off to her! I almost slammed down the lid of my laptop, but caught myself when she didn't react in any way, shape or form. So that settled it. She couldn't see or hear me, but I could see her. I could also hear her. The was no mistaking the sound of her opening a drawer on her desk, as she pulled her office chair back up and sat down to look for something.

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I have to admit, I slowed down just then, almost giving in to the feeling of being a deer caught in the headlights, and I couldn't help but pull my hand back out of my pants and sit up a bit. I owed Evelyn a lot. I admired her. I had to do something to let her know what was happening, if not just for the fact it was the right thing to do.

“Evelyn?” I said. “Evelyn, you're still live! Can you hear me? Hellooo?” I even reached for my phone again. But before I could even think to pick it up, Evelyn lifted a dildo out of the drawer and sat back in her office chair with this pleased little smile on her face.


I sat back and ripped at my pants, fighting to get them open, and kicking my way out of them just long enough to rip down my boxers before sitting back down and staring into the screen. Evelyn was humming softly, turning back and forth in her office chair a little, and just admiring her little toy, this moderate-sized frosted glass dildo that hinted at some kind of lavish taste on her part. Again, going well with her outfit and appearance, it seemed to be the kind of dildo a dark-haired, blue-eyed beauty like her would own. Have I said sultry? Indeed she was.

Up close now, looking like she did, being in the mood she was, half-dressed in heels and fishnets and touching up her makeup just so, this must be how Evelyn looked when she wanted to masturbate. Or maybe she had a date tonight? Who knows? But she sure was sexy. Her hair, her makeup, her coloring, her angular face, sexy lips, and piercing blue eyes. All right there in the camera. To say nothing of her pretty white teeth when she sat back and started licking that dildo, closing her eyes and putting a hand between her legs.

Oh, man, was I ever stroking! This was captivating. I guess she did more than just run my company from that desk, huh!? Because she sat back just long enough to raise her feet up and over it before spreading her legs wide, all the while keeping a hand cupped between them. Then it was back to dildo licking.

Like this, I saw her fishnets were more like tights, continuing all the way up, but they didn't interfere with her wearing panties. Panties I could just see a glimpse of, because she kept her hand covering herself. I could see a hint, a flash here and there of bright white lace, but mostly it was just her hand gently massaging her own sex.

“Oh, man, you've got to show me. Pah-lease show me. I need to see it!” I willed her. She may have been sitting there spreading her legs at the perfect angle, but it's not like she was going to respond though, right? By herself, she had other plans. She licked her dildo for a bit longer, and then holding it to the side like a baton, she took her other hand and reached up into her bra to lift her tits out. One after the other.

“Oh, shit! Fuck! Yeah. Yeah, that's better,” I gasped, fapping away even harder.

Evelyn gave herself another little smile while admiring her bare tits, before sitting there and swirling the tip of her damp dildo around her dark pink nipples, teasing the areola and tapping at them to get them to stand up. Seeing her smile was something else, too, and how she was obviously enjoying herself. What a sight. Then, when her nipples were sufficiently erect, she took one breast and raised it to her own tongue, licking it with this soft, circular motion.

Is it possible to French kiss a nipple? Because she did. She pressed her tongue into her own nipple and pushed it down as she locked her mouth around the areola and sucked on her breast.


I was so entranced by this, that I almost failed to notice how I could see right up her skirt now, what with her hands being busy. She had even raised her legs up a little higher somehow, and was sitting back further, and I could see she indeed did have on the most wonderful pair of bright, white lace panties. A second after that, and to my increasing delight, she brought her dildo down and slipped it underneath those panties to start rubbing it directly against her sex. Like that, while sucking her own tit, Evelyn rubbed the length of her dildo up and down her pussy inside her underwear, masturbating that way right in front of me.

“Holy fuck,” I groaned, stroking myself ever harder, while trying to match the way she was rubbing her dildo up and down inside her lace panties. Was she going to stay that way the whole time? Spreading her thighs like that had only shoved her short little skirt up higher around her hips, those white panties in stark contrast to the rest of her dark outfit and fishnets. Did she mean to just leave them on?

“Fuck,” I echoed.

After a minute or two of this, Evelyn seemed to grow a little perturbed at her own situation with that dildo, and letting her breast fall, she turned in her chair, dropped her legs, and stood up quickly. So much so, I nearly panicked that she might have finally heard something, but it wasn't that. She just hiked her skirt up further yet, and deftly whipped her panties off, right down to the floor, steadying herself as she stepped out of them. Then she just sat back down.

I guess that answers that! Would she put her legs back up like she had them? She did. Freed up now, skirt bunched up out of the way, I had a front-row seat to see Evelyn spread those sexy legs again and show me her naked pussy. Straight on at the camera as she sat at her desk. There wasn't a hair on her. And the skin of her sex was this dark pink, much like her nipples, her lips full and meaty and making her pussy look somewhat pronounced. The folds of her labia hung down like little meat curtains, in fact, and those wide weave fishnet tights, having been more for show, covered nothing. They didn't even have a crotch. Talk about ease of access!

Just as I was thinking that, and staring, Evelyn's dildo came pushing down into view, parting her meaty lips smoothly, and showing off the fact the rich pink interior of her pussy was extremely wet. Like that, she slicked up her dildo in no time, doing this kind of 'pussy kiss' of rubbing and sliding it against her, and she seemed content to just keep that up for some minutes. The texture of her skin was clean and clear, with her puckered butthole a hidden little shadow down by the seat of her chair.

But man, was she ever wet!

She was heating up now, sitting back more, but tensing, getting both her hands down between her thighs, and rubbing that dildo against her pussy like the perfectly shaped toy it was. And it was just moments after that, moaning a little when it rubbed over her clit, that she took the end of it with both hands and held the tip of that glass cock aimed right at her vagina, preparing to push it in.

I wasn't exactly sure if I could last through that, if I was allowed to see what came next, but Evelyn didn't give me time enough to worry about it before she did indeed plunge that glass rod right into her. And plunge was the word, because that's exactly what she did. She held still just long enough for the tip to spread her open a bit, and then she push-pulled it right in, straight and true, all in one motion and without stopping. All while biting her lip.

I got to admit I was no expert at the use of dildos. If I'm being honest with myself, I'm not even that clear of female masturbation. But this must have been a thing Evelyn did for herself, and it must have worked for her, because this sudden, full intrusion actually made her thighs quiver and she cried out for the very first time.

You sure have to appreciate how far webcams have come in 2023. I almost forgot to stroke myself through this!

She kept right on working herself like that, without pause. Just churning, plunging, and pulling the full length of her toy in and out of herself, in this slow but steady rhythm, her pretty hands gripping the end of it like a pommel. With her knees bent, and legs up and open, she was looking down at what she was about with this heated, intense focus to her eyes. Almost like she had some man by the balls and was making him piston fuck her right on the spot. In a way, you could say that fit. At the back of my lust-addled mind, it seemed natural that this would be Evelyn's style.

I found myself grinning like an idiot at the insight.

Then, to my shock, over the tiny speakers of the video feed, you could actually hear the tacky sound of Evelyn's ultra-wet pussy getting reamed out like this, a sound like no other in the world, and she was starting to cry out each time with each firm plunge of her toy, hands down between her thighs, and her pussy spread wide open. Those full lips, her little meat curtains, slid back and forth on that frosted glass without making a sound. There was only the wet squelch of her pussy being flexed, opened and closed, over and over, and it seemed to be growing in strength.

Sure enough, creaming herself thoroughly, a little trickle of juice suddenly ran down into Evelyn's asshole. I saw it. It probably wasn't the first time she left a wet spot on that chair!

“Oh, fuck me. Fuck!” I cried out, slamming my own lap forward at the screen and pulling down hard on my cock with my fist. I had indeed been stroking this whole time, and now my body just decided it had had enough. It had witnessed too much. Three, four, and then five times I spurted out my mayo, shoved back on my couch as she was in her chair, and I didn't give a damn where my cum went. I just shot it out of me with every convulsion of my tight, full balls, and all of it for Evelyn. All of it with a newfound intensity I had never imagined.

Speaking of which, I had to look away, you know? That purely involuntary moment, with the gritting of teeth and head back. You know what I mean. Only this time, the freeness of cumming that way seemed to lend my orgasm even more strength. But my mind was filled up with visions of what Evelyn was doing, and how from that I just had one of the strongest orgasms of my life, so I fought the delirium of cumming and tried to look back at her.

Somewhere in the seconds after my cumming, she had lifted her own legs right up in the air, with her toes pointed right at the ceiling now in their wicked stilettos. And for sure that dildo was going in and out of her like before, just like a piston. Hard and fast.

I'm not exaggerating. As only a fit woman can, with her feet in the air, thighs spread wide, letting her legs fall open with her knees up alongside her tits, Evelyn stayed balanced in that big office chair and kept right on plunging that glass rod down into her with both hands, over and over. All you could hear was the sound of her cries of pleasure, blending with the wet squelch of her overworked pussy as she plumbed the depths of her own body with that sex toy.

To my now numb, and utterly overwhelmed senses, I got another shock as she suddenly yanked her dildo out and to the side, holding her thighs open as far as she could like that, and on camera, she spurted her juice right up in the air! Was that...? Did she just...? Yes, yes, did. Yes, she was. Her pussy seemed to heave and flex and flow as much from her own efforts than any orgasm, and twice, three times, and more, Evelyn actually ejaculated, spurting these streams of clear cream out of her pussy. I stared in utter, open-mouthed shock, half lying there and just holding my softening cock, and watched it all happen.

But she wasn't finished.

The camera feed shook a little as she pushed herself up in her chair a little, and dropping her dildo with a thump off camera on the carpet, she put her hands behind her knees, holding her own legs apart, and continued to spurt.

Only it wasn't so much spurting now, as something else.

Aiming this spread eagle pussy right at the camera, Evelyn, over-riding her contracting muscles, made herself go, right there in her chair, peeing out this controlled little arc of clear water. She was biting her lip as she performed this taboo act, and I watched, even as that little stream raised up and died back down like a fountain, with her obviously controlling the push and pressure. Raising her chin, she pushed hard enough to make it splash up on her desk a little, before it trickled back to her pussy and pattered off onto the carpet at the foot of her chair. You could hear it. I did hear it. Only then did she stop going, and not so much from having finished with her orgasm, but from how she was probably empty.

“,” I groaned, letting go of my messy cock, half lying there and stunned to actual silence. Even post-orgasm, I found myself wishing she had been showering me like that. How was it possible to experience something so sexually intense like that, without actually having sex? For her own part, Evelyn stayed as she was, only drawing in a contented breath after a moment, and then pushing herself up a bit more, she reached over for some tissues. Daintily, she wiped at her wet pussy before dabbing at her butthole and where she had sprayed up on the desk. Yes, I could see her butthole now. Comically, it had been overlooked, but there it was, with her dabbing away on it. A perfect little dark beige pucker. I just licked my lips and shook my head.

“Wow,” I breathed out.

Evelyn was still leaning back in her chair as she cleaned herself up. Her legs were wide open still and her thighs were resting against the arms, only now she had put her heels up on the edge of the desk for balance. I had no idea she was so nimble. Another surprise.

Then she looked right into the camera.

“That was for what you said to everybody this morning. Martinson is a creep. I never liked him. And I never liked those stupid nicknames, either,” she said.

“Evelyn?!?” I sat bolt upright like a shot, banging both my knees on the coffee table and making the laptop jump. A sick tickle-thrill raced all through me and stopped in my stomach, making me feel like I was going to choke on my own shock.


“So...see you tomorrow at two,” Evelyn said, and at that, she just reached up between her legs and ended the call, finally winking out of existence with that little chime and just leaving me sitting there.

Not a sound, not a word of discussion, nothing. Not even a goodbye. The screen on my laptop just sat there, blank. I was blank. It seemed like the whole world around me had just witnessed the biggest 'oh shit' moment of my entire life and...and I didn't know what to do. I just sat there. Waiting. Frozen-like, with no pants on, wondering if my brain was going to start working again any time soon?

At that point, it was probably a good thing I was the boss of the company, if only for the fact I could take all the time I wanted to digest what had just happened and why. Not least among the things being that Evelyn was more commanding and kinky than I ever thought possible. Why did she do this? Why had she done that? Why fool me? Why let me watch? Why, why, why?!

I couldn't say. I just couldn't say. I was only twenty-four years old, and well on my way to being a millionaire by thirty with my own company. Evelyn was indispensable to all that, and now...well, I guess you could say that bonus was very much deserved!

But then again, with a slow smile growing on my face, in light of what had just happened, I had to wonder just who got the bonus after all?

The end?

Written by Werner7890
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