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Phoebe - Her descent into porn

"A girl makes a life-changing career decision"

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Competition Entry: Sexy Cam Fun
Times had changed since Phoebe had enjoyed her 15 minutes of fame. Getting to the quarter finals of the UK’s biggest talent competition had been an experience but it was a case of so near yet so far. She was already a You tube sensation by the time she had got through the qualifying stages and wooed the judges in her first live audition. Her voice was fresh and angelic with that hint of Celtic mystery. Now at eighteen she wanted to give it another go. She was tired of getting gigs as the warm up act at obscure seaside towns on wet Sunday afternoons. Her part time job at the hair dressers didn’t figure in the glittering future she dreamed of.. She craved the big time and wanted her light to shine before she completely faded from the public gaze.

Phoebe was an unlikely extrovert. Her demure appearance with her long hair and emerald eyes appealed to every generation, although her voice had been criticised as one dimensional. Some declared her to be a one trick pony, stating that her audition was a flash in the pan. Despite everything, she had made the finals, possibly with the backing of her You tube followers and a strong Scottish contingent voting for her week after week. She had split the judges in the later rounds and this had given her the wrong sort of publicity. The tabloids had begun to pry, although at least at the time, her sex life had been off limits.

Two years on, she had made it through the preliminaries and was in front of the judges again for the first audition proper. She had grown in stature, her voice maturing and her body blossoming in adulthood. Her flowing Gaelic style with the long, rustic hems had been replaced by tighter tops and shorter skirts. Her figure was stunning, yet she retained that innate shyness. To some extent Phoebe played it for her audience. Her character worked on several levels, warming the hearts of the older generation and stirring the darker side of her young male fans. She had chosen another Adele track for her first audition. It was a safe, competent performance. Phoebe banked on her previous run to carry her through to the Judge’s house.

Being a returnee offered no special privileges. Like the rest, she had to queue to get in front of the judges at the first round, at the recorded stage. Phoebe hadn’t quite pulled it off, two years ago. Tipped for the final, something had gone wrong and even she didn’t quite know what it was. She wanted to blame her mentor but in the end, it was down to her and she knew it. She wouldn’t make the same mistake if she got through. The show had a ruthless reputation now though. Flagging viewing figures had demanded a new sharper image, especially going head to head with the other side.

On the day of the first live audition she was the third to go on. The first two had both been turned down. They were none starters. A fat guy, whose aspiration far outshone his talent was not received well, either by the audience or the judges. Tribute acts didn’t go down well and his was worst than most. The second act was a drama queen who would have been hard work, if she had got the thumbs up. It didn’t quite come to calling security, but she didn’t leave the stage with any magnanimity or self respect.

Then it was Phoebe’s chance. The audience greeted her with cheers and whoops of approval, even before she spoke. Phoebe needed no introduction and there was almost a sense of ‘here we go again.’ There was a distinct sense of tension in the audience as she prepared to sing. Not finding the right key wasn’t a good start but her distinctive voice came through. Those sweet downward glances and self effacing style were still there and seemed almost as important as the song itself. It was a well-known song without being a direct rip-off. Phoebe had a way of making the song her own and yet, something wasn’t quite right. The audience felt it. It was as if Phoebe’s heart wasn’t quite in it.

“Phoebe,” said Luke, the most controversial of the male judges. “It’s good to see you back, but I’m not sure your voice has the potential it once had. I think you know that.“

“I guess I was a bit nervous. I thought it was OK.”

“But do we need ‘OK‘?” Said Luke, sternly.

It wasn’t the most auspicious start and Luke gave her a No.

Two of the other three judges looked at Phoebe sympathetically. Andrea Miles tapped her pen on the judges desk a few times, before revealing her decision. Phoebe needed three votes of ‘Yes’ to make it through.

“You’ve come a long way Phoebe. You’ve matured and that showed in your performance. It was a bit safe for me. I’m not sure it was the right song choice.”

“Maybe I did play it safe. But I’ve got so much in my repertoire now,” said Phoebe, defensively.

“I agree with Luke to some extent. I don‘t think you gave it your all today. There was something missing.”

Phoebe looked at Andrea anxiously.

“OK,” said Andrea. “I’ve made my decision. It’s going to have to be a No from me.”

Phoebe looked down, a tear forming in her eyes.

“OK, well thank you for giving me the opportunity anyway.”

There was a mixed reaction of boos and applause as Phoebe walked off stage, crestfallen. Her brother greeted her back stage with a hug and a reassuring kiss on the forehead.

“Not to worry Sis..”

“I kind of think that was my last chance.”

“No! You can’t think like that Phoebe! If it‘s what you want… you‘ve got to believe in yourself.”

“That’s just it James. I’m not sure that I do.”

“Let’s get a coffee,” said James. “And a donut, it’ll cheer you up.”

Before Phoebe left the studios, there was a break in the auditions and Andrea Miles caught up with her.


Phoebe turned, surprised to see the attractive female judge approaching her.


“I wonder if I could have a word?”

Phoebe’s mind ran through the possibilities of why Andrea wanted to talk to her. Had the judges changed their minds? Were they going to give her a second chance?

“Would you excuse us a second,” said Andrea turning to Phoebe’s brother.

James nodded in acquiescence and Andrea took Phoebe to one side.

“Phoebe, are you OK? You looked a bit emotional up there.”

“Yeah I’m fine.”

“The thing is Phoebe, I’m quitting the show.”

“You are? Do they know?”

“No. But they will today. I’m going into another venture, with my partner.”

“Your partner?”

“Harry, my business partner. It’s glamour modelling.”

“OK, so what did you want me…?”

“I want to attract familiar faces. You would be such a catch Phoebe!”

“Modelling? Me!”

“Why not Phoebe? Look at you. You’re gorgeous!”

“Thank you! What kind of modelling?”

“Glamour and a bit more. We can talk about that.”

“I don’t know.”

“It’s OK, you don’t have to make a decision now. Here’s my card. Ring me.”


“Say you’ll think about it!”

“I will,” said Phoebe, earnestly. “Never say never!”

Phoebe rejoined her brother, looking at him and doing her best to disguise the new emotions, elicited by Andrea’s unexpected offer.

“What did she want?”

“Oh, just to wish me luck and that I have her support.”

“It took a long time for her to say that?”

“Yeah, well.”

“Are you telling me everything Sis?”

“Yes, why?!” Said Phoebe, sharply.

“I’m just concerned for you, that’s all, no need to snap.”

“I know, I’m sorry James, I’m disappointed, that’s all. Let’s get that coffee.”

It was a bitterly cold weekend in her home town in the Outer Hebrides of Scotland. There was no sign of the snow thawing and the daffodils looked like they had been deep frozen, the yellow buds halted in the moment of emergence. Phoebe spent the weekend strumming on her guitar in her bedroom, mulling over what Andrea had said. Could she really turn her career around? Did she have what it needed, deep down to make it as a model? It was a massive change in direction. What would her family make of it. Andrea mentioned swimwear. What if they wanted her to go further? That was one line she wouldn’t cross. Phoebe was adamant about that. A bathing suit was one thing but anything else…

Phoebe looked at Andrea’s card. The idea of modelling excited her. She picked up her mobile and dialled the number. What did she have to lose. If she didn’t want to go through with it, she could back out. She wouldn’t sign anything, unless she was entirely happy.

At the other end of the country Andrea Miles was toasting her latest contract and discussing the details with the young starlet, Gemma Johnson. Gemma was known the world over in her varied film roles from the age of thirteen. Now twenty four, she had decided on a career change that would both shock and excite her fans. Gemma had already amassed a considerable fortune from her acting career, but she wanted, indeed needed the new challenge. Some of her male fans had hoped that she would go in a more risqué direction, but none ever really believed they would ever see it happen. Gemma had agreed to go the whole hog. It was a tremendous coup for Andrea, who was taking advantage of the new relaxed legislation on adult broadcasts.

While the nanny state had all but closed the door on porn with ever tighter restrictions, a last minute change in the law had allowed some formerly banned content. This could be achieved with an absolute assurance that viewing was restricted to adults by payment of a high subscription fee and encrypted broadcast. High definition TV was made for the adult market and Andrea fully intended to exploit the new laws. She would be the first and she would make sure she was the best. She had a team of lawyers behind her, who would make sure she never strayed outside the limits. She would be entirely responsible for the production and content. Her business partner Harry, would handle the accounts side of things. Andrea was more of a people person and he was a wizz with figures.

Andrea and Gemma were enjoying a glass of wine when one of Andrea’s phones buzzed, vibrating on her glass coffee table.

“Excuse me Gemma, it could be important.”

The cute, mousy-haired Gemma smiled and raised her glass.

“Hello, Miles Productions.”

“Hi Andrea, it’s Phoebe Bright. We talked the other week.”

“Phoebe! How are you?”

“I’m fine thank you. I was thinking about what you said.”

“Yes, what do you think?”

“Well, I’m definitely interested, but I don’t want to commit to anything yet.”

“No, you go at your pace. I’m a bit busy right now Phoebe. But could you come down for an interview? I’ll tell you what. Well pay for your travel expenses. You buy a nice first class seat on the plane from Edinburgh..”

“Really? OK.”

“Yes. I’ll text you the details and address. I’ve got to go. I’ve got a rather important visitor.”

“OK. Sorry to have troubled you.”

“No, no that’s fine. Be in touch!”

Gemma looked at Andrea and raised an eyebrow.

“A new recruit?”

“You’ve heard of Phoebe Bright?”

“The singer, from the Talent thingy?”


“Wow! She’s gorgeous.”

“I know. She’s very shy though. It’s early days.”

“Do you think she’ll come round?”

Andrea took a gulp of wine, as she considered her answer.

“I think she needs careful management.”

“Ooh Andrea, you devil! You’re a smooth talker. You’ll get your girl, I bet.”

“I hope so. Anyway, we need to get you to meet Tom and Harry. Just buzz me when it’s convenient Gemma, but I’m scheduled to go in June, so…”

“Yeah, I’ll do that, it’s not a problem. My diary is pretty clear for the next month.”

“OK, well how about next week?”

“Yes, that’s fine.”

“ I have to say this Gemma, it’s amazing to have you on board. What do you think people will think?”

“You know, I don’t care. It’s my life Andrea. I’m weary of the goodie two shoes, butter wouldn’t melt thing. I want people to see the real Gemma Johnson.”

”Well, they’re going to do that!”

Gemma laughed and the girls touched glasses.

Andrea saw pound signs twinkling in the crystal of her goblets. She had set everything in motion, securing a deal with a television production company for a one year contract. All she needed to do was to fill the schedules. She had no doubt that there would be the odd, lesser known weather girl and B list actress from one of the Aussie soaps. The real money though, would come from the likes of Gemma and Phoebe. It was the household names who dared to bare all and more, which would see the dollars roll in. Andrea was taking advantage of the latest refinement in High definition digital transmissions. These were expensive but would be more than off-set by the large pay per view fees.

While the new century had seen porn take off in a big way on the internet, it had been flooded by rubbish. While there were some quality sites, at the low end it was at best in poor taste and at worst illegal. Andrea’s vision was to air live erotica into people’s front rooms, at a cost. For the likes of Gemma Johnson she expected £200 per show, not unreasonable. Part of the pull that her idea had, is that it would be ephemeral. Unlike the internet, which could be hacked, duplicated and spammed everywhere, her broadcasts would be unique and one-off. Special encryption and ultrasonic frequencies would mean it was neither possible to record nor copy the shows in any way. This meant that even with a mobile phone or camera, the images would be unviewable. She was assured by the boffins that as yet, there was no way round this. To some extent this eased the problem of the stigma associated with nudity and sex. Women, she thought would shy away because tapes could fall into the wrong hands. Long-lasting embarrassment among friends and family would normally dissuade girls, who might otherwise embrace the chance to go nude. Andrea’s way was different. Each live show was a one-off. If you missed it, you missed it. For the girls, it would become the stuff of legend, not a seedy skeleton in the closet.

The reassurances that Phoebe had received from Andrea might have been enough for her, but convincing her family was another thing. Coming from a strict, Roman Catholic background, doing porn of any kind wasn’t going to sit well with her folks. Phoebe didn’t know how even to broach the subject. Her mother had assumed she would pursue a musical career in one form or another. Realistically, she could make a few hundred thousand pounds if she was successful, but she knew that her genre was already at market maximum. Those in the music industry, even the ones who believed in her said she was five or six years late on the scene. Andrea had more or less guaranteed her a cool million on her first shoot.

A few days after her phone call, Andrea had sent her a link to potential model FAQs. This gave Phoebe a no nonsense idea to what she would be expected to do. There was a concise list of the statutory limitations, guiding Andrea. On her first show, Phoebe would be interviewed, frankly and openly about her life including her sex life and other intimate details. The idea was to get the girls outside of their comfort zone. When they were asked to undress on live TV, they would already feel exposed emotionally. Andrea knew that what turned men on the most, wasn’t confident, sexy girls but demure, nervous ones. The more bashful the better.

Phoebe had palpitations, just reading the bullet points on Andrea’s site. Each girl would do two shows. The first one was the interview, nudity, genital and anal close-ups, masturbation and oral sex. The second show would include another striptease, but this time she would be asked to masturbate for the camera and then have full sex with Andrea’s male model. It seemed the only limitations were that you weren’t allowed to do anal penetration. There had been a lot of discussion in the parliamentary committees on the obscenity acts and the pro-porn lobby had campaigned for an honest, open debate. They argued that there was no reasonable objection to showing sex on TV. It was already happening in Europe and it made no sense to ban it in the UK. It wasn’t as if the Victorian attitudes had promulgated a cleaner society.

When it came to the final vote the Liberal government passed the legislation with a small majority, paving the way for Andrea and others to make a handsome living. It wasn’t long before AdultX and other late night channels were showing uncensored versions of soft core cuts. Andrea was smarter. She sat back and thought about the implications and opportunities of the new laws. Her shrewd business brain had already propelled her from pop wanabee to one of the country’s best known record producers. Her stable of successful acts had shaped pop culture and influenced the music industry. Not satisfied with her homes in Buckinghamshire and Miami, she was now looking to be net a hundred million in 12 months.

Her model would be rolled out in the USA if the UK pilots were successful. Gemma Johnson would naturally fit on both sides of the Atlantic but Andrea would tailor the guests to fit. Andrea hoped that with someone with a profile as high as Gemma’s would attract other A list celebrities. It was the ultimate expression of erotica, balancing titillation and exploitation in a single package. The porn industry in America was already streets ahead of the UK but no one had yet cottoned on to the value of one-off broadcasts. Catch-up TV had used some of the software, which prevented recording for licensing restrictions. Reality TV was about to get a much needed boost. Part of the package would be a toned stud, called Tom.

Andrea first heard about Tom through a friend of a friend, who ran an agency that specialised in male stripograms. Andrea had a mental image of the guy she wanted to be the show’s stud. He would need to be young, obviously, but not too young. He needed to be cute with a good splash of testosterone; hung like a stallion and ripped to fuck. Madge, the female half of the husband and wife team who ran the agency sent Andrea a few photos of Tom. He was perfect. Even before she had finished skimming through the images, she knew he was the man for the job. She wasn’t in the business of poaching staff and offered Madge a good price, just to talk to him.

Another week passed and Phoebe received a text from Andrea, asking it was OK for her to call. Phoebe replied in the affirmative.

“Hi Phoebe, how goes it?” Asked Andrea.

“Oh, yes good, thank you.”

“I’ll cut to the chase Phoebe. There’s been a bit of a change of plan.”


“Yes, the production company are good to go and I’ve had the seal of approval from the broadcaster for the show.”

“Oh, great!”


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Except, I want you to do the pilot.”

“Me? How about Gemma?”

“I know. She’s OK with it. I just thought you would create more of an impact.”


“Yes. You’re just so adorable darling.”

“Ah! Thanks.”

“Phoebe, would you be able to come to London, Friday week?”

“Yes… I guess!”

“You’re not getting cold feet?”

“No, I just thought I could watch Gemma and….You know.”

“You’ll be just fine darling. Trust me. And think of the cheque!”

“I know. It’s more than I can earn in five years!”

“OK, well just come as you are. Don’t try too hard. We love that sweet Scottish charm, it’s what makes you so appealing.”

“OK, got it.”

That night, the first promotion teaser went out on all the adult entertainment channels.


An email address appeared underneath, inviting enquiries.

During the following week, Andrea decided she needed to road test the stud. . She had Tom’s contact details and invited him over for a glass of wine. They had met at the Production Company’s studios, but that was to sign contracts. Andrea had something a little more informal in mind. She got an email back from Tom an hour later. He would be delighted to pop over to chew over any little ideas she had, or whatever. A thrill of naked lust ran down Andrea’s spine. She was going to knock him dead. She had left him with no doubt that her intentions were dishonourable. Over the next couple of days she sent him more emails, each a little more suggestive than the last. Tom’s replies were equally lurid. Then she knew she had to go the to the next stage before they actually met.

Phoebe had decided to keep her new venture to herself. Whatever happened there was going to be some fallout. Someone she knew was bound to see the broadcast. The shockwaves were inevitable, not least from her parents. She was about to throw a huge pebble into a very still pond. Her life was about to change forever.


It was six thirty in the evening the following day and Andrea had not long come out of the shower. She stood in front of the body-length mirror in her bedroom and undid the gown. Vanity was certainly one of Andrea’s vices. Her left hand strayed between her legs as her mind wandered to her meeting with Tom. Maybe now would be good time to send him one or two candid photos on account. She let the two halves of her robe hang free. Just the smooth inner curves of her breasts and a glimpse of her toned legs were visible.


She added the image to her text and sent it off to Tom.

She composed the next message.

‘Want to see more? A’

She slipped her robe from one shoulder and stepped forwards. Her right breast was fully exposed in the mirror and her left leg led one’s gaze tantalizingly into the dark recesses of her robe.


‘Getting hard? Big boy.’

Andrea allowed the other half of her robe to slip off her shoulder and it slowly rippled down her arm and back in loose creases. At the same time she wrapped one half of the silky garment around her left leg, trapping it between her thighs. She was now ostensibly naked, with the robe barely serving any purpose, beyond a sexy adornment. Her slim waist accentuated her beautiful breasts. Her neat, pink pussy lips were already swollen. She admired herself in the mirror and saw what Tom would see in the next image. She took the photo as her other hand gently parted her labia.


‘I’ll keep her warm for you. Sweet dreams.’

Andrea discarded her robe completely and walked round to her bedside drawer and selected her favourite silver dildo. She licked the end and drew the shiny tip between her breasts and switched it on. The vibration immediately made her nipples erect. She moved the naughty toy to one of her nipples and bit her lip.


Andrea moaned quietly in her own special moment, as the gentle buzz sent amazing sensations through her body. Her nipples were so incredibly sensitive. They made her ravenously aroused. Her pussy was so wet at that moment. She felt it was a shame that there wasn’t a nice stiff cock to make the most of the situation. However, her dildo would have to do. Andrea lay back, all the way, resting her head on the crisp white pillow and closed her eyes. She could hear the vibration, as if distant but it infused her senses with the anticipation of that exquisite moment when she touched her clitoris.

“Aaaaaaaah! Oooooh!”

Andrea imagined that it was Tom’s raging penis toying with her clit, as the mock silver phallus bounced on her little button.

“Yes! Oh…oooooh…. So good!”

Andrea was almost instantly breathless. She was so intensely aroused by her flagrant exhibitionism with her Samsung camera. How would he be reacting? He would be looking calmly, longingly, his hand poised to pleasure himself over the photos. Even without words, the idea of her lewd conduct inflamed her own sex drive. She sighed and took long deep breaths as her orgasm built up, slowly but surely. Second by gorgeous second her body responded, until she was shaking. Her legs were trembling as she came and her voice was reduced to a high, tortured moan. Her hair was spread over the pillow like seaweed, flowing over a shallow pool. Her warm, sexy body bore a hint of perspiration; otherwise she lay still. Satisfied.

As the days approached Phoebe’s entrance into the adult industry, the butterflies in her stomach felt more like fruit bats. She tried to stay focused and remain as normal as possible. Since her actual performance couldn’t be recorded, she prayed that any word of mouth might be dismissed as exaggeration. She dreaded the moment her father got wind of the deal. How she would deal with that, she didn’t quite know. She knew everyone was relying on her. Whatever it was, she would face it like she did everything else. Calmly and professionally.

She hardly slept the day before her trip to London. She told her friends and family it was to discuss a gig. That it might be the big break. Little did they know. She chose the train over a flight. Phoebe avoided aeroplanes when she could. It would give her more time to compose herself and get herself in the right frame of mind. Her hotel room was lovely. Lavish and all paid for by Andrea. The boss lady knew that happy employees were good employees and she wanted to keep Phoebe comfortable at every step. That is, until the moment that she stepped on set.

Phoebe looked at her watch on the evening of the 25th. It was a few minutes to go. She closed her eyes, trying to anticipate what was going to pan out. She wanted to take the sting out of the moment, but her palpitations only grew more frequent. She had met Tom briefly, with Andrea, earlier in the day. It was good that she knew whose cock she would have in her mouth and whose cum would be rolling over her lips.

Then a green light came on in her dressing room and the Producer spoke to her on the intercom.

“Time to make your way through to the set.”

Phoebe took a deep breath, took one last look in the mirror and waited for the Assistant producer to count her on, as Andrea introduced the show to the thousands of paid-up viewers.

“Welcome Phoebe,” said Andrea as the eighteen year old walked into the limelight.


“You look great. Sit down.”


Phoebe sat on the cream coloured sofa , with her knees together and looked at Andrea demurely. She sat with her hands clasped, and embodied the very essence of innocence.

“How does it feel to be our first model?” Asked Andrea, who was dressed in thigh-length boots and a short black dress. The hostess looked sexy and appealing but not so much that she outshone the guest.

“It feels a bit weird.”

“Well I’m sure you’re going to be amazing.”

“So do I,” said Phoebe, in her distinctive West Highland lilt.

“I think you’ll be a natural when you get into it. I want to save a little for next time, of course.”

“I hope so, yes.”

“I’m sure there can’t be many people out there who don’t know you by now Phoebe.”

“I don’t know. I’ve been lucky I guess.”

“Did you ever think, even in your wildest dreams you would do this?”

“No, not ever.”

“Well I can now reveal that just over 60,000 viewers have subscribed to this show. How do you feel about that?”

“It’s mad.”

“And how does it feel knowing that a lot of guys are going to ejaculate as they watch you?”

“I don’t know. It’s a bit odd.”

Phoebe didn’t know what was the right thing to say. She hadn’t dwelled on the notion that she would be the reason for so many guys coming.

“Can you stand up Phoebe?”

Phoebe smiled nervously as the cameras continued to roll.

There were a couple of views, one from the side and the main one, which was full frontal.

“How long have you had that skirt?” Asked Andrea.

“A couple of weeks.”

“Hmmm… the long flowing look, it suits your image. Folk rock Goddess.”

“Ah, am I!?.”

“What are you wearing underneath Phoebe, your panties I mean, and bra.”

“Oh. Yeah, they’re cream. Lacy with powder blue stitching.”

“Sounds beautiful. Why don’t you show us?”

Phoebe had been told not to look direct to camera, but she did so as she began to undo the buttons on her white blouse. The self consciousness in her face, betrayed just how far she was outside her comfort zone.

“Just take your time Phoebe.”

“OK,” said Phoebe, visibly trembling.

“All those people who haven’t signed up, they don’t know what they’re missing,” said Andrea.

“I guess,” said Phoebe, smiling nervously.

At last Phoebe undid her blouse and slipped it off her shoulders. She placed it on the sofa and then unfastened the catch at the top of her skirt. Her bra revealed just enough of her cute white cleavage. Her generously cut tops tended to hide her breasts and many would be surprised by how booby she actually was. She eased her skirt down, over her hips. The side angle revealed her nice pert bum, clad in those rather straight-laced panties. Not quite Brigitte Jones‘s, but definitely good girl’s undies.

“Let’s see you do a little twirl for the cameras,” said Andrea.

Phoebe was no gym bunny but her body was a joy to behold. Her slim waist helped accentuate her boobs and bum. Her tummy was firm and her skin taught and smooth, like any healthy eighteen year old. It was her face and her long, long blonde hair, which set her apart.

Andrea stood up and walked towards Phoebe.

“I just want to feel the lacy edge on your panties, so I can tell the viewers what they are like to the touch.”

Andrea traced her index finger around the inside edge of the cream panties.

“Hmmm… so pure and lacy. And your skin is really soft Phoebe. Turn round and give your bum a wiggle.”

Phoebe did as she was asked, sensing that the stakes were going up, all the time.

“Do you mind if I touch you a bit more?” Asked Andrea.

“Yes, it’s fine.”

The sexy hostess cupped Phoebe’s breasts and squeezed them lightly, pushing her boobs upwards, so that one nipple became exposed above the edge of her bra.

“You have lovely, soft tits Phoebe,” said Andrea, as she continued to fondle Phoebe’s breasts with one hand as her other hand slipped down over her stomach. Andrea’s fingers slid over her belly and she paused briefly, twanging the top of Phoebe’s panties.

“Take your bra and panties off.”

Andrea licked her lips as Phoebe hesitated and then played with the elasticated top of her panties.

“Your bra first or your panties Phoebe, it’s up to you,” said Andrea coolly.

Phoebe was actually more uneasy about baring her breasts than anything else and eased her panties down. The camera followed the creamy gusset as it slipped down, past her knees and so to her ankles. Her blonde pubes were trimmed into a little strip. Her pussy lips were inflamed and glinted with a spot of moisture under the studio lights.

“Turn round Phoebe, let’s see that lovely bum.”

Now in just her bra, Phoebe turned and displayed her full round bottom. It was peachy in shape and each cheek had a light pink flush. Her bum cheeks quivered a little and she had two sexy little dimples at the base of her back. When Andrea asked her to touch her toes, she knew it was game on. She felt the glaring eyes of thousands of horny men up and down the country, feasting on her juicy ass and pussy lips. The main camera zoomed in slowly, until the most intimate detail of her inner beauty was exposed.

“Perfect Phoebe. Now let’s see those breasts and we can invite our friend Tom in to join the party.”

Phoebe stood up and reached around to undo the catches on her bra. Phoebe had always felt self conscious of her breasts. It was a very personal issue and she regarded the nipple as the most intimate object. Hers were rich pink and had a succulent appearance, as though they had been dabbed with a spot of saliva. The result was the most suckable breasts that anyone ever saw. The girl who had become famous for her voice was now on set without a stitch.

“Just before we bring Tom in, I want you to sit on the sofa and open your legs Phoebe.”

“Yes,” said Phoebe, blankly.

Andrea gestured to Phoebe to do as instructed. Phoebe looked around as if for some support. She felt at her most exposed now and sat down, gradually parting her legs.

“I want to see you pleasure yourself Phoebe. You can be sure that you have everyone’s attention.”

Phoebe’s face had begun to flush. One hand strayed towards her pussy. This was harder than anything she had done. Masturbation before another person was the ultimate invasion of her privacy. The fact that she was doing it live on TV was beyond surreal. She suddenly felt overwhelmed by the moment. She Phoebe Bright, the sweet good girl of indie rock was not only nude, but exposed and now playing with herself. She was covered in prickly heat. Her body was tingling with nerves and her pussy was tingling in another way. She didn’t pause for thought but found herself being carried along as her fingers went deeper. Her juices could be seen flowing out over her knuckles. In a bizarre way that she couldn’t explain, she was enjoying it, despite the extreme embarrassment.

As she continued to masturbate, Andrea introduced Tom to the proceedings. He was dressed in a dark brown robe. He was toned and had a muscled appearance, with the body of a 400 metre runner. He undid the ties on his robe. His cock was already hard. He had been watching phoebe back stage on the big screen and was turned on. He smiled at Phoebe as he approached her, his cock at least seven inches and thick too. Phoebe looked up at him as her fingers rolled around her clitoris. Tom’s dark brown hair nestled in his neck in tight little waves. The six hours of stubble on his face added to the impression of testosterone, which was coursing through his veins.

He knelt on the sofa and brushed Phoebe’s breasts with the back of his lightly tanned hands. His whole skin had a healthy fawn glow, like someone who worked outdoors. Tom had done several shoots in the Caribbean in the previous weeks. He began to fondle every inch of Phoebe’s body, caressing her breasts lightly and stroking her arms and belly.

Phoebe gazed at his huge cock, contemplating what she was expected to do. Tom’s cock was the perfect, classic cock. It had a huge engorged head. The exposed sensitive end was crimson purple from the extent of his arousal. He had been stroking himself, watching Phoebe become naked and then as she had begun to play with herself. Gradually, his fingers replaced hers between her legs. Phoebe shuddered as her breathing faltered and her body responded to his firm but gentle touch. Her oceans of blonde hair lay about her, cascading over her arms onto the cream sofa. The scene was one of intense sexuality and beauty. It became one of high eroticism as Tom stood tall by the sofa and lifted Phoebe to her feet, as if she weighed little more than a feather.

Putting one knee on the cushion next to her, Tom lifted her breasts in each hand and kissed them in turn. Phoebe stroked his hair as he kissed and suckled her nipples tenderly. His left hand slipped between her legs and stroked the soft flesh between her bum cheeks. Her nipples were stiff now and she closed her eyes, enjoying the sensations. Tom’s fingers were alternately fingering her bottom and her pussy. He licked his fingers, moistening them before he drilled into her tight little butt. Not one detail was spared from the excited, viewing public.

Tom planted her back on the sofa lengthways, with her head on a cushion. She looked like a mermaid from the waist up. Her fingers had moved back to her glistening pussy as Tom straddled her chest. He inched closer until his cock was within kissing distance of her mouth. Phoebe opened her mouth and Tom’s cock was lost between her lips. She took him inch by throbbing inch, her eyes fixed on his as he fucked her mouth. The show’s stud held her arms in a gentle grip as his huge, veiny penis thrust in and out of Phoebe’s tiny mouth. The one orifice that had brought her fame and a degree of wealth was now giving itself up in the name of porn.

Tom began to moan as his cock pulsed with his arousal. Andrea watched from the other sofa, herself now a spectator. Having made her own acquaintance with the sexy male performer, she relished the sight of him being sucked by Phoebe. The demure starlet now a real star in the making. Andrea had plans for her. She wanted to see her and Gemma Johnson together. As Andrea watched, enjoying the show far too much, Tom gave Phoebe as much cock as she could take. She had never been with a guy this big and she was breathing down her nose in an effort not to gag. Her fingers were sliding in and out of her pussy as she sucked on tom’s cock. Her self pleasure evident from her moans. The saliva that was trickling down her chin was a sign of the way her young mouth was stuffed with Tom’s lovely dick. Tom urged Phoebe to stoke his shaft as she sucked him. His groans grew louder. Phoebe’s other hand was now thrusting furiously into her own pussy, virtually fisting herself with the force of her masturbation. Her high-pitched moans and Tom’s deep groans mingled with a beautiful cadence as he released a massive load into her mouth.

“Wroooooooah! Oooooh fuck! Yes!”

Tom’s face was set with the intensity of his pleasure as his juice spilled out, filling Phoebe’s mouth. She looked up at him as the camera caught the moment in close-up and the white liquid dribbled out of her mouth and down her chin. Tom stroked her chin and deposited a little cum on the tip of her nose. He winked at her and smiled as he stood up. Phoebe sat on the sofa, half kneeling and continued to suck gently on Tom’s still pounding erection. She sucked on the end and licked his slit. The camera caught everything in wonderful high definition as she collected the last few drops. Now it was her turn to look at the camera, indicating the spunk in her mouth that she was about to swallow.

Andrea gave the pair of them a thumbs up. Pheobe had her foot in the door of the new wave of adult erotica. She would go far.

Written by DanielleX
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