This is the first story I've published. Hope you enjoy!
I was only seventeen years old when we moved into our new house on Elm Street, Tennessee. I was 5"5, about 110 lbs, and I had jet black hair with emerald gray/green eyes. I had 36C sized breasts, which looked very big on my small frame. In my old town I'd had lots of friends and I'd kissed a little over a dozen boys, but I'd never gone past second base.
When we moved, it was the summer of 2007 and I had never lived anywhere so hot in my life! Despite the heat, all of the lawns in the neighborhood were a deep, luscious green. There were about a dozen houses on my street and they all looked the same to me. Our house was no exception. We had just bought a three story brick house with dark blue shutters. Next to the crystal clear pond in our back yard was a small guest house with two bedrooms and a kitchen. By the end of the summer, I ended up spending more nights in the guest house than in my own bedroom, which was on the top floor of the house.
I'd always felt trapped in that bedroom. I was living with my parents, but my father was almost never home and my mother kept herself busy with the book she was writing. I didn't know anyone in town yet so I was usually by myself at the beginning of the summer. But that all changed on the night of July 17th.
It was so hot outside that I could barely even breathe during my morning run. After I got home, I'd spent my entire day laying in front of a fan in my room and reading mystery novels. The repairman was supposed to come fix our air conditioning, which had broken down the day before, so I fought the urge I had to strip down to just my panties. Finally, around noon, I couldn't take it anymore! I got up from the wooden floor and took off the long white cotton T-shirt I had been wearing and unhooked my navy blue bra. Suddenly I realized I was standing in front of a window. I was frozen like a deer in headlights...well, until I saw that no one was around. I relaxed and slid off my bra as I walked over to my door and locked it. As I was about to go back to my book, I caught a glimpse of my reflexion in the full length mirror on my wall. I loved the way I looked in just my panties. I walked over to the mirror and admired my small waist as I turned sideways. I could see the outline of my abs, which made me very happy since I had been working out non stop since I got to this inferno. I cupped my breasts and gently squeezed them. By this point, my pink nipples were very hard, and I liked it. I circled my left nipple with my right hand as I moved my other hand down over my navy panties.
I rubbed my mound and just as I was about ready to let out a moan, I was overcome by a strange sensation...I felt like someone was watching me. I quickly covered my breasts with my hands and peeked out of the window facing the pond in my back yard--no one was there. Then I looked out the window which faced the next house over and I couldn't see anyone either. I shrugged and walked over to my bed and started teasing my clit above the fabric of my panties, and after I couldn't take it anymore, I slipped a hand in my panties and slid two fingers into my soaking pussy. I don't know why I was so turned on, but I came harder than ever before.
Later that day, after I had caved and taken off my panties too, I decided that it would be nice to take a stroll outside and get some fresh air.
I was only seventeen years old when we moved into our new house on Elm Street, Tennessee. I was 5"5, about 110 lbs, and I had jet black hair with emerald gray/green eyes. I had 36C sized breasts, which looked very big on my small frame. In my old town I'd had lots of friends and I'd kissed a little over a dozen boys, but I'd never gone past second base.
When we moved, it was the summer of 2007 and I had never lived anywhere so hot in my life! Despite the heat, all of the lawns in the neighborhood were a deep, luscious green. There were about a dozen houses on my street and they all looked the same to me. Our house was no exception. We had just bought a three story brick house with dark blue shutters. Next to the crystal clear pond in our back yard was a small guest house with two bedrooms and a kitchen. By the end of the summer, I ended up spending more nights in the guest house than in my own bedroom, which was on the top floor of the house.
I'd always felt trapped in that bedroom. I was living with my parents, but my father was almost never home and my mother kept herself busy with the book she was writing. I didn't know anyone in town yet so I was usually by myself at the beginning of the summer. But that all changed on the night of July 17th.
It was so hot outside that I could barely even breathe during my morning run. After I got home, I'd spent my entire day laying in front of a fan in my room and reading mystery novels. The repairman was supposed to come fix our air conditioning, which had broken down the day before, so I fought the urge I had to strip down to just my panties. Finally, around noon, I couldn't take it anymore! I got up from the wooden floor and took off the long white cotton T-shirt I had been wearing and unhooked my navy blue bra. Suddenly I realized I was standing in front of a window. I was frozen like a deer in headlights...well, until I saw that no one was around. I relaxed and slid off my bra as I walked over to my door and locked it. As I was about to go back to my book, I caught a glimpse of my reflexion in the full length mirror on my wall. I loved the way I looked in just my panties. I walked over to the mirror and admired my small waist as I turned sideways. I could see the outline of my abs, which made me very happy since I had been working out non stop since I got to this inferno. I cupped my breasts and gently squeezed them. By this point, my pink nipples were very hard, and I liked it. I circled my left nipple with my right hand as I moved my other hand down over my navy panties.
I rubbed my mound and just as I was about ready to let out a moan, I was overcome by a strange sensation...I felt like someone was watching me. I quickly covered my breasts with my hands and peeked out of the window facing the pond in my back yard--no one was there. Then I looked out the window which faced the next house over and I couldn't see anyone either. I shrugged and walked over to my bed and started teasing my clit above the fabric of my panties, and after I couldn't take it anymore, I slipped a hand in my panties and slid two fingers into my soaking pussy. I don't know why I was so turned on, but I came harder than ever before.
Later that day, after I had caved and taken off my panties too, I decided that it would be nice to take a stroll outside and get some fresh air.

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I slid on a new pair of white panties, but I decided it was still too hot for any other clothing. Instead, I grabbed my green silk robe instead and headed for the pond outside. The fresh country air with the crickets and birds singing in my back yard was lovely. I walked over to the gazebo next to the pond and I sat down. The sun was setting and there was a slight breeze and I could see the small ripples the wind made against the surface of the pond. Everything was so calming that I soon fell asleep.
When I awoke, it was completely dark outside. I looked at the sky and I was surprised to see the how bright the stars were in the sky. I breathed deeply and absorbed the calm country air. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad living here. I sat in silence for another two minutes, and then I decided to go back inside. As I got up, I felt a breeze in between my legs. At first it didn't bother me, but when I realized that my robe had somehow gotten untied, I looked down. My breasts were completely exposed and somehow, I wasn't wearing panties anymore! I was horrified and embarrassed as I searched the floor for my gazebo. I had been in such a disarray that I hadn't seen the dark figure that was moving towards me from the neighboring yard.
When I finally heard the person's footsteps on the stone pathway, I quickly tied my robe and moved outside the gazebo. The garden lights lit up the figure and I recognized him as our next door neighbor's son, Andy Anderson. His mom shown had brought over a batch of surprisingly good brownies when we had first moved in. When he saw me, a smile shot across his face his eyes moved up and down my body. He was around twenty years old and had the whole rugged cowboy looking going on. He wore a red and white plaid shirt with jeans and cowboy boots. I'd say he was around 5"10 and very built. "Hello, I don't think we've officially met. I'm Andy," he held out his hand. "I'm Alice," I put out my hand to shake his hand, but he kissed my hand instead. His touch sent shivers down my spine and I was suddenly aware that I was completely naked underneath my robe.
He released my hand and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, but I was on my porch and I thought I saw you on the gazebo and I wanted to come over here to introduce myself."
"It's completely fine, I'm sorry if I look a little disheveled, it's just that I'm not used to this heat," I let out a small nervous laugh and smiled. He looked at me as if I were an alien and said, "Alice, you don't look disheveled at all! In fact, I have to be honest with you, I didn't just come over here just to introduce myself. I was actually going to ask you to come to a party with me. I figured you didn't know that many people around here, and so I thought I'd show you some southern hospitality and introduce you to everyone I know." I was thrilled, but I didn't want to seem so eager so I smiled and said, "Wow Andy, that would be great, when is the party?" "It's tomorrow night. So I'll pick you up around 7?" "That sounds great, I can't wait." He took my hand in his again and said, "Well it was a pleasure meeting you Miss Alice." Then he kissed my hand and looked me up and down once more before he turned to leave. He had such a sexy southern accent.
I was still in a happy daze when started walking towards the back door. I again felt the cold draft in between my legs that reminded me that I still hadn't found my panties...well, for what I was about to go do, I wouldn't need them anyway.
To be continued...
When I awoke, it was completely dark outside. I looked at the sky and I was surprised to see the how bright the stars were in the sky. I breathed deeply and absorbed the calm country air. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad living here. I sat in silence for another two minutes, and then I decided to go back inside. As I got up, I felt a breeze in between my legs. At first it didn't bother me, but when I realized that my robe had somehow gotten untied, I looked down. My breasts were completely exposed and somehow, I wasn't wearing panties anymore! I was horrified and embarrassed as I searched the floor for my gazebo. I had been in such a disarray that I hadn't seen the dark figure that was moving towards me from the neighboring yard.
When I finally heard the person's footsteps on the stone pathway, I quickly tied my robe and moved outside the gazebo. The garden lights lit up the figure and I recognized him as our next door neighbor's son, Andy Anderson. His mom shown had brought over a batch of surprisingly good brownies when we had first moved in. When he saw me, a smile shot across his face his eyes moved up and down my body. He was around twenty years old and had the whole rugged cowboy looking going on. He wore a red and white plaid shirt with jeans and cowboy boots. I'd say he was around 5"10 and very built. "Hello, I don't think we've officially met. I'm Andy," he held out his hand. "I'm Alice," I put out my hand to shake his hand, but he kissed my hand instead. His touch sent shivers down my spine and I was suddenly aware that I was completely naked underneath my robe.
He released my hand and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, but I was on my porch and I thought I saw you on the gazebo and I wanted to come over here to introduce myself."
"It's completely fine, I'm sorry if I look a little disheveled, it's just that I'm not used to this heat," I let out a small nervous laugh and smiled. He looked at me as if I were an alien and said, "Alice, you don't look disheveled at all! In fact, I have to be honest with you, I didn't just come over here just to introduce myself. I was actually going to ask you to come to a party with me. I figured you didn't know that many people around here, and so I thought I'd show you some southern hospitality and introduce you to everyone I know." I was thrilled, but I didn't want to seem so eager so I smiled and said, "Wow Andy, that would be great, when is the party?" "It's tomorrow night. So I'll pick you up around 7?" "That sounds great, I can't wait." He took my hand in his again and said, "Well it was a pleasure meeting you Miss Alice." Then he kissed my hand and looked me up and down once more before he turned to leave. He had such a sexy southern accent.
I was still in a happy daze when started walking towards the back door. I again felt the cold draft in between my legs that reminded me that I still hadn't found my panties...well, for what I was about to go do, I wouldn't need them anyway.
To be continued...
Great start!