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Mr. B - Chapter One- Driving Home

"A sudden passenger takes Frank Bradley on a wild ride."

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**Frank Bradley is a single father who works long hours to keep Ball n' Holes, a part miniature golf and Bowling alley hangout in business. Considering raising his sixteen year old daughter Danielle to adulthood as his primary goal in life, he hasn't thought about much else except keeping a stable income. So when Danielle's friend from Percy High School, eighteen year old Kelly Ridgley suddenly enters his black mustang convertible, he's taken for a ride he never thought possible. The cheerleader's games with “Mr. B” continue to distract him from the road and if he doesn't find a solution, then it may be more than himself involved in the car wreck. Kelly is in the driver's seat, on a crash course with her sexual identity. It just may be up to “Mr. B” to look up from the rear view mirror to drive her there.**

“Thanks for picking us up Dad! ” called out an athletic honey blonde girl.

Danielle hurriedly paced toward the sidewalk of a busy one lane road from a wide grassy track and field area, flanked by two other girls at each of her sides. Various people could be seen occupying the field in the distance behind them.

A shiny black mustang convertible rested alongside the yellow painted curbside. Leaning his waist against it's passenger side door towered a broad shouldered middle aged man with thinned brown hair. There was grey on the outside fringes of his shortened business style haircut as it traveled atop a square brow around broad, widened ears.

It was three weeks into September yet the humidity was still causing him to sweat through his lightened blue buttoned down dress shirt. He had opened up the restraining neck collar as well as unbuttoned the next two buttons of the sharp blue shirt to reveal a white cotton undershirt that clung to the tanned skin of his neck.

The man straightened himself up from leaning on the car door as his daughter jogged up toward him, the others strictly following.

“Hello, girls,” he greeted with a patiently inviting wave, ”Did you have a good practice?”

Frank Bradley presented his daughter with a soft smile as he looked her over. Danielle had the stature of an athlete: broad in shoulders and in hips. Her loosely exposed cream arms were muscular and her crimson jersey shorts showed off strong, pale, athletic legs. She was still a head length shorter than him by comparison which he inwardly hoped would stay that way. In her right hand she carried a dirt caked lacrosse stick, in her left a large green gym bag.

“Eeeehh. It was okay,” Danielle's loud tone slightly deviated while she spoke, ”The coach kept talking about team strategies so we didn't even get onto the field until about a half hour into practice.”

The female friend to Danielle's left wore a matching uniform to Danielle's. The white jerseys had short crimson sleeves that ran from the tops of their shoulders down to the elbows, complimenting the crimson shorts that loosely clung mid length across their waists. Both girls wore white, dirtied sneakers with crimson shin high socks. The jerseys sported dark red numbers across the back indicating which player it belonged to with the team name ”Percy High Cavaliers” spelled along the torso.

Danielle's teammate was about two inches shorter than his daughter. Amy's black hair was shortly rounded about her ears, hanging around a broad youthful face that was unmistakably Asian. She was thinner in stature and paler in skin compared to Danielle. Her left hand also gripped onto her own lacrosse stick while her right arm shouldered a sturdy black book-bag. Standing straight up, she quietly waited on the sidewalk.

“Well you can't win unless you have a game plan, right?” asked Frank as he eyed them all, stopping briefly to give a bit of attention to the girl at Danielle's right.

She was a person Frank had never met before. The cheerleader was a good three inches taller than Danielle gifted with a smooth creamy face underneath shoulder length chestnut hair. Her bright expressions shown off a youthful invigorated appearance. Unlike the loose fitting jerseys, she wore a two piece cheer-leading outfit that hugged her slim shoulders and smooth rounded hips.

The top of the uniform was a deep crimson colored halter top with a white seam neckline that ran from one inch straps adorning each collarbone. The neckline declined flatly in a straight V pattern from either side, joining just above a sharply rising chest. Nakedly round soft shoulders folded into crossed arms that lightly pressed against white stitched letters spelling out the “Cavaliers” team name atop the spherical rounding material.

The bottom white edge of the halter top circled about a slim waistline, crossing just below the bottom of her flat tanned stomach. The waistband of a matching crimson pleated skirt with a thin white line on each crease gripped onto her hips tightly, circling just below an inch of revealed tan flesh.

Frank moved his attention towards his pockets, stepping around to the back of his convertible while his roughened hands fumbled for his keys. He singled them out of his casual, slate gray colored business pants and slipped the appropriate key into the trunk lock. A click was heard as Frank lifted the trunk door open. Danielle and Amy both waited as Frank shoved a heavy cardboard box filled with important looking documents towards the back of the trunk to make room for the girl's bags and equipment.

“More paperwork Dad?”, Danielle asked as she spied into the heavy box of papers.

“Of course,” Frank sighed knowingly at his daughter as he palmed the top of the trunk door with his left hand and took a step backwards to allow the girls to drop the equipment inside, ”Though I wish it would, the business won't keep running on it's own.”

Both Danielle and Amy stepped off the curb towards the back of the mustang and took turns placing their sticks and bags into the trunk. When they stepped back, he pushed down upon the smooth blackened aluminum with his left hand, shutting the trunk with a muffled clunk. He pivoted on his left heel intending to round the back driver's side of the convertible when Danielle suddenly called out to him.

“Dad, I want you to meet my friend, Kelly Ridgley,” Danielle introduced as she motioned to the tall, chestnut haired cheerleader who had been watching them all from the curbside.

Frank stopped and craned his neck to give the stranger a greeting smile. Given the chance to observe her more fully, he realized that her features were a bit more adult than that of the two lacrosse players. She seemed taller than most high school girls. Circular round eyes, lightly decorated with a hint of purple shaded mascara focused on to his own. The bridge of her nose was small in length with a round petite shape. Softly applied shades of blush on her cheeks complimented her white but lightly tanned skin. Red lipstick lay neatly applied within the traces of her lips, softly contrasting her small curved chin.

“Hello miss,” Frank greeted with a simple nod.

The girl's lips simply curved into a small smile as she pulled her right hand away from her chest, bringing slender right fingers up into a nervous single waving motion.

Frank's gaze diverted briefly to her hips, observing the crimson pleated skirt which gently swayed up against her developed tanned thighs. His vision declined downwards across symmetrically rounded knees to Kelly's white ankle socks and sneakers. He briefly shot his attention back to her youthful face before turning his neck towards the driver's side of the car.

“Dad, could you please do her a favor?” His daughter asked quickly.

Frank paused at Danielle's question and then peered back to her, observing his daughter's face proudly. She had received much of her mother's features but had received her larger bridged nose and flat forehead from him. Faint freckles spread out from her nose across rounded cheeks and her shoulder-length honey blond hair, though mostly banded up into a pony tail, hung about hear ears roughly. Widened hazel eyes now looked at him with an expression Frank only knew too well when his daughter wanted something from him.

“Danie, I will be perfectly fine,” a feathery voice interrupted as the cheerleader placed her hands up, ”I told you that you did not have to ask. I will be okay.”

Frank stole a moment to observe Kelly more closely. His eyes inadvertently took notice of the two newly released spheres that pushed against the letters of the cheerleader's crimson halter top. The uniform contorted against the rising circles of flesh, tautly pushing around their peaks to sink about their round perimeters.

Frank blinked, inwardly chastising himself from checking out a school girl's developed chest. He snapped his head back to his daughter, who presently had been speaking silently worded sentences towards Kelly.

“But what are you gonna do?”, she blurted aloud at Kelly, then turned to her father fretfully, ”Dad, she's stuck here! Her brother got called into his work and her mom won't be able to leave her job until eight o' clock at least.”

Frank sighed, his vision stopping upon each of the young lady's faces. They were all now watching him, waiting to hear what he would say.

“Danielle,” Frank gave his daughter a slight frown, ”you know I don't have a lot of time to drive you and your friends around.”

He gave the yellowing sky a brief look before making the decision. It was the third week of September yet already the sun was starting to set a little earlier. Sounds of traffic passing along the street and of distant students talking to each other as they moved about the sport field filled in the silence. He thought to himself that it would be irresponsible of him to leave a young girl waiting around the school by herself.

The girls' faces all started to show signs of worried disappointment but Frank smiled as he patted his daughter on the left shoulder in consolation. The expression on her father's face seemed to give her a sense of comfort.

“It's alright this time, though. I'll drive your new friend to wherever she needs to go today,” he agreed.

Danielle's face spread into a grin, whipping her face toward Kelly with a relieved nod. A flush of relief suddenly appeared on Kelly's face as she loosed a wide smile. Amy's small but petite eyes quietly reflected appreciation.

“Kelly, is it? ” asked Frank as the girl stepped toward the other side of the vehicle, ”You'll have to give me some directions.”

“Thank you, Mr. Bradley,” Kelly directly spoke to Frank in a faint feathery voice as she drew round eyes upon him, giving him a smile that showed off perfectly white straightened teeth.

Frank opened the driver's side door and angled the smooth, leather front seat of the vehicle forward to allow room for one of the girls to climb onto the back of the cream colored passenger seats. Danielle however had retreated from her father's side, already having sprinted around the back of the vehicle. She joined Kelly at the passenger door, pulling on the handle of the two-door black convertible. Leaning in, she pushed the back portion of the front leather passenger seat forward and then spun around on her heels to face her friend.

“Why don't you ride in the front Kelly?” Danielle thought aloud, ”You can give dad better directions from up there.”

“Can't he just use the GPS on his phone?” Amy spoke her first words of the day.

Danielle straightened her posture, placing the back of her right fist onto the waistband of her crimson shorts, so as to give Amy an amused look across the top of the rough black leather roof, ”Well, he's kinda getting old so I'm not sure he knows how to use a cellphone.”

“Hey!” Frank found himself laughing as Amy squeezed past him so that she could settle into the back,” I may be getting up there but I can still understand instant messaging.”

Giggles emanated from the around the car as the lacrosse players settled themselves comfortably inside. Frank clicked the driver side seat back into it's proper position and then slipped behind the black steering wheel of the car. He brought his right arm over to palm the passenger side seat's backrest so that it settled into the proper upright position.

He then watched as Kelly slightly bent forward to peer about the inside the vehicle, her breasts softly pushing against her halter top. She raised her left white tennis shoe onto the floor of the car and hunched down, sliding herself comfortably onto the cream, leather seat. Her pleated crimson cheer-leading skirt caught upon the sleek surface of the leather as she pushed into it with her left leg, jostling the bottom seam so as to raise it ever so slightly up the top of her left, curvy thigh.

Frank's vision paused on the inclining hem, her thigh focusing into his view. Her legs were a gentle shade of tan, with no noticeable hairs along their smooth but firm surface. Curved shins gently ran vertically towards the floor from softly jointed knees into white ankle socks that matched her cleaned, white tennis shoes.

Frank traced the skin around her knees as they bent around the edge of the seat, forming into soft thighs that traveled upwards in a fuller arc. Growing slightly wider in circumference, both legs crept up straight into the red and white folds of the cheer-leading skirt.

As she settled in, her hands flattened on the top of her lap, straightening the skirt's fabric, forcing the edge of the seam to move back downwards a centimeter. Frank blinked, forcing his eyesight to focus elsewhere though he couldn't ignore the slight elevation of his blood pressure.

Kelly crooked her head to smile at Frank and then started to gaze about the inside of the vehicle. Frank saw her eyelids widen a bit as she drew her head back slightly in surprise.

The convertible's dashboard was wide and easy to read. Each instrument in the car clearly displayed in a wide circle of numbers with red needles pointing to the current reading. The front seats were separated by a rounded shift stick for changing the car's gears and a radio shown off an LED monitor that displayed the convertible's current tuned radio station as well as the outside temperature and central air. USB ports lay underneath the radio's LED monitor.

“This is a really nice car, Mr. Bradley,” she complimented in her feathery voice.

“Thank you, Kelly,” Frank felt a surge of pride at the girl's reactionary compliment as he glanced sideways at her youthful face, ”I picked her up last spring. It was extremely hard to find one of this color.”

“Yeah but Dad won't let me drive it,” Danielle's head appeared between the narrow space separating the front seats as she gripped each of them by their shoulder pads so as to better involve herself into the conversation. " "Even though I have my learners.”

Frank tilted his head backward and met his daughter's face with a stern gaze.

“The only person getting behind the wheel of this car is me. Once you're a full-fledged driver, we'll see about getting you your own vehicle but until then you'll have to settle for me or Mrs. Yin to drive you around,” Frank informed.

“I know, I know,” Danielle's tone grew into one of frustration as she crossed her arms and flopped backward into her seat, ”It still sucks not to be able to drive.”

Frank understood her impatience on the matter but knew he had to remain adamant. He considered driving to be a very large responsibility so it was important for Danielle to be serious about it.

To his surprise, though, Kelly had something to add to the conversation.

“Stick shifts can be a bit more complicated to get used to Danie,” she explained in her soft feathery voice,” and usually Driver's Ed uses automatic vehicles to teach newer drivers.”

Frank couldn't hold back a thankful smile while he nodded appreciatively at Kelly. His expression seemed to make her nervousness subside as her curved, tanned shoulders sank back into the seat, allowing her hands to loosely lay atop her lap.

“Have you ever driven a stick shift, Kelly?” he asked her.

She nodded at him openly, ”Oh yes, Mr. Bradley. My brother owns a Jeep so he lets me drive it on the days he is not using it. But.”

The corners of her red lipstick curved slightly downwards, ”that's not very often.”

Frank ordered everyone to buckle up as he placed the key into the ignition and revved his mustang, proudly listening to the engine turning with smooth precision. Glancing over, he again took notice of Kelly, who was pulling the seat belt across her halter top. She fingered the cream strap across her front where it diagonally pushed into the top hill of her right breast, twisting around it to press the uniform underneath it's twin. As Kelly worked to click the belt into place, the back of her right thigh pushed off the seat a bit, making the thinly loose fabric shake. Edges of the skirt slipped upwards along the tops of the skin.

Frank cursed himself inwardly. He allowed himself to admit that Kelly had some extremely developed adult body features. That didn't matter though. He had just met this girl and she was young enough to still be in high school. More importantly, she was a friend of Danielle's. He needed to stop stealing peeks at her thighs.

He cleared his throat and then peered straight ahead at the front windshield, briefly asking, “Where to?”

“You will have to drive straight ahead until you reach Pine Road, Mr. Bradley. Then you will have to turn left,” he heard Kelly's feathered voice inform.

Danielle and Amy started talking among themselves about the day's classes. Frank glanced down at the stick shift to move the car into drive. As he did so, his eyes caught onto the female's left knee that rested precariously close beside it. He commanded his vision to pay attention to the road as he waited for an opportunity to weave into traffic.

“Have you been on the cheer squad long?” Frank asked nonchalantly as he glanced at Kelly's face.
Her wavy chestnut hair lightly floated as she swiveled her eyes to Frank's face. She gave her full attention when she spoke.

“Oh yes, Mr. Bradley,” she answered with her feathery tone, ”I joined the squad as a Sophomore and have been practicing the routines since then.”

“She's a senior, so she should be the team captain,” Danielle's familiar voice interjected, ”But Allison is more popular so of course, she was the one who got voted for the job.”

“Allison is very capable of doing a splendid job,” Kelly voiced back immediately.

“Even though she joined as a Junior last year? You're the one who has come up with most of the squad's routines, right? Come on Kelly,” Danielle argued back.

“I am fine with it Danie,” Kelly's voice seemed to reflect some harsher tones as she twisted her waist to better look at the person sitting directly behind her.

She swiveled her left knee towards Frank, her left thigh catching more of the skirt's fabric between the seat. The space between her legs widened slightly as the skirt stretched along the tops of her thighs. Angled away from each other, Frank was allowed to peep under the taut seam at hidden portions of her inner right thigh. The skin grew a little lighter there as it pressed softly into the seat.

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Frank swallowed.

“But it's your Senior year, right? I mean, it is practically your job. I thought that it was what you wanted,” Danielle continued.

“It is not something I can control,” Kelly responded.

Frank had reached the intersection at Pine, listening in on the conversation. He had to glance down at the stick shift to place the car in gear so as to slow down for the changing yellow light. Again, Kelly's left knee appeared at the corner of his view.

His eyesight shifted from the top of Kelly's left knee, traveling up the front of her leg to the skirt's edge. The pinned dress still remained tautly wrapped around the soft skin of the thigh. He traced the hemline as it sharply cut horizontally against the inviting flesh.

“You should stop nagging Kelly about it. Complaining won't solve anything,” Amy interjected.

Kelly shifted her weight as she started to settle back, arching her right knee towards the car door. Her cheerleading skirt's already pinned fabric held the taut seam in place as her right leg pushed away, forcing the loose hem around it to slip even further up. Revealed to Frank were even higher creamy sections of her right inner thigh. Her right leg settled down against the seat unknowingly keeping the right, inner thigh skin exposed.

Frank's heart started to beat faster as he felt a tingling stirring between his own legs. The bottom part of her upper right thigh could be viewed pressing against the leather upholstery as it slid inside her dress. A question started to surface in his brain as he continuously peeped at the exposed area. He had thought – expected to at least notice a revealed portion of clothing should her uniform uninhibitedly shown anything more than it should. The school must have required their students to wear a pair of gym shorts. Or maybe some bloomers. But all that was there was creamy naked thigh skin. If only the seam had inched up just a bit more so as to answer his unspoken question. 

Kelly turned her attention to the roadside, unaware she was showing her chauffeur a rather intimate portion of her right leg. When she glanced out the windshield, her mind suddenly became curious as to why Danielle's father hadn't realized that the traffic light before them had turned green.

“Mr. Bradley,” she softly called out as she rotated her neck toward his face.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him rotate his eyesight upwards to her face whereupon they both met each other's gaze. His jaw muscles clenched together.

“The light's green Dad,” Danielle announced.

Frank cursed himself inwardly, tore his eyes away from what looked like a puzzled Kelly and stepped onto the gas pedal. Now he was really upset with himself. He had no business allowing himself to become distracted by this young girl's exposed skin. When he heard Danielle mumble something about irony when it came to driving, he silently agreed with her.

Kelly however kept her eyes fixed on the man in the driver's seat, taking the moments to absorb in his masculine features. He was broad in both shoulders and at the waist though flatly lean at the stomach. His blue dress shirt still had several spots of sweat adorning a widened, flattened chest. Casual, slate gray, business pants hid most of his features below but through his clothes, her impressions of his physique made her believe he was stronger than most people.

Watchful eyes crept up to his neckline. He wore an experienced face, square at the jaw and broad at the brow. Although his hair was graying at the rounded edges on his ears it still kept his natural, rich brown. Stubble adorned his cheeks and chin, making his jawline appear darker. A thin aroma of sweat emanated from him.

Curiosity ran through her mind as she kept her eyes on Danielle's father. She swiveled her eyesight downwards, searching for what might have piqued his interest. They settled first onto the gear shift next to her left knee. No, she decided after inspecting it, that wasn't quite what he was staring at.

“What's the next street, Kelly?” Frank asked, talking straight into the windshield.

She floated her gaze up at him. To her, he appeared seemingly tensed while watching the traffic.

“Make a left on Fernwood Drive, Mr. Bradley,” Kelly's feathery voice floated.

She pivoted her vision downwards then, slowly scanning the floor of the Mustang. It was practically spotless. No, he hadn't been looking around there either.

Her eyes inched to the tops of her white laced tennis shoes in between her parted knees. She glanced upon the tops of her own thighs and on the cheer-leading skirt that she now came to realize had crawled up a little too highly around her right leg.

She swiveled her eyes back upon the man. He was gripping the steering wheel with both hands. A little too tightly.

The corners of her red lipstick raised ever so slightly.

Her hands spread about the top of her lap but she left the seam of her skirt right where it was. Slowly she arched her left knee closer towards the gear shift. She felt the skirt restrain itself against the skin of her left thigh as it tried to force the hemline upwards. Taking a small baited breath, she began to wait.

Carefully, she glanced back to see if her friends were paying any sort of attention to the front. The younger girls were engaged in small conversations with each other, too busy to pay attention to anything else. Amy caught her eye though, so Kelly gave her a small smile and then quickly swiveled her eyes back onto Danielle's father.

The mustang came to a stop behind a few vehicles delayed by a red traffic light. Kelly kept patient. She watched Frank switching his attention down to the gear shift, briefly stopping at her left knee. He grasped at the handle carefully but his face stayed fixed upon her knee. Her eyes watched him as he briefly moved his hand, careful to avoid touching her skin. His stare though did not lift from it.

Frank stole another upwards glance inside the skirt's taut fabric. Her inner right thigh skin under her skirt still remained exposed.

Kelly pushed her right knee towards the passenger door in the next instant, widening the space further between her legs. More of her right inner thigh pushed out from under the fabric. She watched Frank's eyes bulge as she allowed the area to creep out from inside the skirt.

Frank swallowed hard as his heart suddenly fluttered, his member beginning to straighten as more intimate skin rushed out. The thigh widened just enough to allow him to see it's highest portions, the intimate flesh bordering into a very personal crease. He glimpsed a flash of pink nestled against it. Guilt poured over him as he quickly darted his eyes up to Kelly's smooth face, a jolt shooting straight through his back as he became aware of Kelly's intense stare. She had it locked straight onto his face.

Frank geared the car into drive and then proceeded though the green light. Breathing heavily, he palmed his face with his right hand, rubbing his stubble with anxiety.

She had caught him peeking. What was going to happen now? Was she going to start screaming or telling everyone in the car what he had been doing? What would Danielle say? A horrible feeling came to the pit of his stomach.

Several minutes passed by as he continued driving, sweat continuously beading on his face, with images of the thigh creeping into his brain. Revealed inner skin high enough to border a personal pink seam.

He knew she had caught him looking. Yet nothing else had happened. The girls in the back were chatting happily, unaware of what was proceeding in the front. Kelly was staying silent.

There was another red light. Frank looked down to changed gears again. Kelly's knee was near close to touching the handle. Carefully, he slowly curled his hand around the shift to switch gears, keeping his fingers from brushing against it. He wondered if she was even aware of how her knee was positioned? Perhaps she didn't know that anything was happening.

Kelly smiled turned crooked. She purposefully moved her knee, lightly tapping it against the back of his hand. Frank's roughened skin relayed an extreme feeling of softness rubbing against it.

He quickly pulled his hand away from the handle as the warm feeling dissipated, shooting an apologetic look at Kelly's face. Her eyes were still locked on his features, still staring at him with an extremely fierce gaze. Her small smile started to spread wider on her lips for the few brief seconds their eyes talked. Then Frank watched her pupils swivel downwards counterclockwise.

He couldn't help but follow them to where they were going. Again he was brought to the smooth circular tan thighs that belonged to Kelly. Intimate thigh skin still remained exposed for him to see. Her hands were laying flat atop of the taut pleated crimson skirt.

Slowly, her fingertips started to curl, balling the fabric of her pleated skirt into them. The top hem of the skirt was being forcefully tugged up the front of her thighs! Frank's penis became rock hard as the highest parts of her legs were slowly seeping into his view. He felt a deep yearning tug at him from within as he tightened his own muscles together.

Kelly's hands clenched into small fists as she bent her wrists forward. Her hands dragged backward bringing with them the clenched fabric up to the front of her waist. The seams slipped up the top of her legs, showing Frank more sections of hairless skin.

He felt his mouth grow dry as he shot an open-mouthed gaze at her face. Her eyes were again locked onto his. She silently folded the corners of her mouth into an even wider grin.

Frank realized then she was doing this on purpose.

Frank glanced at the road as his mind started to blink hurried thoughts.

What was this situation? How was this even happening? He couldn't help but stare at her exposed legs while kept the car moving straight along the road.

He looked upon the whole length of each curved hairless thigh. She had dragged the seam of her skirt so high that it was now a folded mess atop her lap, draped right where the front of her thighs met her waist. The top of the seam lay nestled in between them against the opened valley between the highest parts of their creamy, intimate sections. The seam couldn't reach the seat however and Frank could view a teeny glimpse of pink cloth hugging a faintly soft hill indented into his seat. His eyes traced the skirt's line as it flowed up her right thigh's intimate crease joining the skin leading into her more personal area.

He needed a chance to breathe, a chance to escape this situation. He chanced a peek in the rear view mirror, hoping that Danielle or Amy hadn't noticed what was going on in the front seats. A deep breath of relief escaped him as they both spoke to each other in involved conversation.

Traffic was starting to slow on the road. His rough skin felt contained inside his clothes and his penis stretched out, speaking dirty thoughts. He needed to get this girl out of the car. He needed to do that before things escalated to an even more awkward situation. He needed to take another peek.

He glanced down again atop the whole of her thighs. Watching him, she bent her left knee as he did so, tilting her leg inwardly so he could better view the skin closest to him. Her left fingernails tugged the outside seam of her skirt, folding it more up the side of the thigh. The leg slightly raised, the back part of her skin lifting from the seat enough to reveal faint vestiges of a crease, separating her back thigh as it met with the beginnings of a invitingly fleshy rear.

As she titled her waist slightly right, giving him a glimpse of a pink cotton seam running along the bottom of the cheek as it emerged from under the yanked up hem. Thoughts of pushing his hand against the flat of his pants came into mind but he knew he had to ignore the increasingly dull ache inside them.

“Jeez, traffic sucks today,” Danielle blindly commented out loud.

Frank coughed as Kelly's left leg settled back down onto the seat, concealing the pink pantie line. He again shot his shocked eyes into Kelly's stare. Her chest started to shake, as she struggled to hold back giggles.

“Yes.Yes. It's really bad today,” Frank agreed.

Kelly parted her mouth and licked the front of her right incisor with the tip of her wet pink tongue, staring with intensity into the eyes of Mr. Bradley. Then she inched herself upwards against the back of the upholstery.

Frank could only stare as she placed her hand on top of her right knee. She then lifted the sole of her right sneaker up from the floor as her knee brought her shin slowly upwards. The side of her right thigh arced clockwise, raising the skirt's fabric up her inner crease while she folded her knee. She angled the back of her thigh straight upwards, placing the heel of the tennis shoe onto the seat's leather. The whole of her leg inclined vertically, trapping the top part of her skirt between it and her hip. The fabric inside the valley of her leg snaked up, revealing thin pink panties peeking out around the very personal crease.

Frank shifted in his seat as he inspected the raised leg. She kept it there allowing him to observe everything. The skin seemed to appear lighter, growing rounder in circumference as it traced downwards. He could clearly view the whole sections of skin traveling down the back of her thigh. His eyes observed a darkened circle birthmark just above the pink seam of panties that adhered to the starting ball of her right butt cheek. They intimately traveled across the back of her bottom rear and then curled upwards, inwardly around the crook of the thigh into the bordered crease.

She placed her index finger on the hem of the pleated skirt resting midway up the valley and tugged it up the front of her underwear.

He could view the whole of them clearly now. Pink, soft panties hugged up against her intimate valley, the only piece of fabric keeping her forested area hidden. He wondered about how they felt to the touch. Her movements were causing the cotton to fold slightly before growing taut again, lightly tapping against the private parts of her skin.

Frank's penis stretched, wanting to get to those panties. He had to ignore its angry complaints.

Kelly settled her right fingertips against the panties seam traveling up around her right thigh, touching at its fringes.

“You should turn left now,” Kelly's voice spoke in a low feathery monotone.

“Oh. Right,” Frank mumbled.

He had been concentrating on trying to keep his eyes on the road, though he could not stop himself from coming back to the very intimate show Kelly was giving him.

Slowly. Very slowly. She was rubbing her fingertips along the right seam of the panties. Her right leg rocked to and fro, trapping her finger between it's private skin and the panties cloth. Her left palm pulled at the skirt, allowing him a better view of the pink fabric. Right female index fingers snaked under the panties' seam, lightly tracing it's edge while her rear pushed her cheeks against the seat. When she relaxed her flesh, they sank forward causing the hill beneath her panties to rub them against the leather.

Frank's penis was stretched out to its maximum length, pleading against the inside of his boxers. He had to keep it under control. As things were, though, he was near close to a messy explosion.

He knew it was wrong but he could not keep himself from wanting her to continue. He inwardly hoped that she would push the panties seam aside so he could view the hairs within. But all he could do was watch as she playfully tugged at them. It was unbearable to watch as she bent her index finger, nudging the panties' line against her naughty hairs.

“We are at my street, Mr. B,” Kelly's feather voice informed with a widened smile.

She straightened her right knee, lowering her thigh down to the seat and shifting her weight to sit up straight. Her hands pulled back the cheer-leading skirt's hemline, replacing it down to where it was supposed to be.

Frank silently shook his head and again turned his attention to the windshield. A huge surge of relief came across him as he realized this perverted situation was ending. His muscles though still retained their tension and his balls were achingly sore. He wondered how he had even managed to arrive at their destination without getting into an accident.

“This is a pretty nice area, Kelly,” Danielle spoke up as she looked out through the side window.

“Yes, it is a very quiet street,” she responded simply to the back seat.

Frank brought the mustang to a stop at the corner of the intersection. Several two-story homes ran along either side of the silent, suburban neighborhood. Kelly still kept her eyes on Frank as she unbuckled her seat belt. She then opened the car door, swiveling her hips before pulling herself out. Kelly spun on her left tennis shoe, slightly leaning inside so she could grin at Frank one last time.

“Thank you for the ride, Mr. B,” her feathery voice flew out in a mischievous tone.

“Oh. Uhm. Yes. Miss Kelly,” Frank found his own, ”It was my pleasure.”

“I'll bet,” Kelly whispered back as a giggle escaped her.

Danielle pushed the front seat forward, appearing puzzled as to what was causing Kelly to seem so amused. She climbed out of the back of the car so as to stand on the sidewalk next to her.

“Shotgun!” she innocently called out.

Danielle twisted her waist to click the seat back into position while she briefly stood outside the car and then excitedly hopped onto it. She glanced up at Kelly, giving her a huge wave as her friend back stepped onto the sidewalk.

“I'll see you at school tomorrow, okay?” she spoke at Kelly.

Kelly gave her friend a sweet smile and also waved her goodbye. She then faced away from them, starting her trek up the residential sidewalk. Danielle shut the door, Seconds later, the black mustang pulled away from the curb, increasing it's speed as it drove past Kelly alongside the street.

Inside the car, Danielle peered over to her father, asking what he had thought about her new friend. Frank's search for an answer swam around his mind, the situation still playing back through. His muscles were becoming more relaxed in his seat, his breathing returning to normalcy. Finally, he ended his search for an answer, throwing his daughter a loving smile.

“Charismatic,” was all he could say.

Danielle laughed and agreed.

“She has it tough this year I think,” Danielle's face fell a bit, turning her head to the dashboard. 

“Oh?” Frank peered at his daughter with a questioned glance.

“Her circle of friends she used to belong to moved onto college,” Danielle explained more about her friend to him.

Danielle than suddenly clammed up as if stopping herself from speaking about anything more. Frank figured that was because Danielle wanted to respect her friend's business so he respectfully didn't press.

Amy crossed her arms with a serious silence, her expression darkening as she hunched back into her seat.

Outside the car, distant sounds of bird calls and dog barks were overcoming the engine of the distancing mustang. Kelly's tennis shoes padded up the sidewalk as she watched the bright red tail lights of the car move further away into the distance. Her thoughts reflected to the reactions of Danielle's father as the car banked to the right around the far corner. She breathed a little heavily, biting down on her pink tongue at the thoughts of the fun she had just had. She could not keep from smiling.

Written by OmnislashXX
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