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Mister Muscle and LoveBug Issue #3: Short and Sweet

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Mister Muscle and LoveBug Issue #3: Short and Sweet

Chapter One: Eye Candy

After weeks of careful debate, we’d finally gotten her costume sorted out, reaching a compromise we were both comfortable with. The sticking point had been the zipper, of course. She’d stubbornly insisted that it had one, much to my chagrin, and had been taunting me endlessly with its existence ever since. I was begging to feel a kinship with Pavlov’s poor dogs, the sound of the zipper tab parting metal teeth making my prick throb beneath my skintight costume. I’m pretty sure she knew the effect it had too, picking and choosing the worst possible moments to tease me. Nothing worse than sporting wood while talking shop with Captain Fabulous and the Pink Avenger.

Despite that, I wasn’t sorry I’d taken her under my wing. She’d proven herself to be a quick learner and a handy asset to ‘Team Muscle’ and, to be frank, it was nice to have someone to talk to while patrolling the rooftops at night. I hadn’t realized what a lonely job it was until now.

Take tonight, for instance. We were staking out the Candy Land Amusement Park out on Myle’s Isle after receiving an anonymous tip about suspicious activity. Suspicious, my butt. I’d suspected it to be a cover for The Candy Man for some time now. Tonight seemed as good at time as any to put an end to his nefarious activities. In other words, we were ‘loaded for bear’.

“Tell me again why we can’t just go down there and start kicking ass and taking names? It would be so less boring.”

I held in a sigh, silently agreeing with her.

“Because, Squirt, we are the good guys. We have to hold ourselves to a higher standard. Unless we catch someone in the act, we can’t just go swooping in and busting heads.”

“I won’t tell anyone.” She retorted, a hint of a smile in her voice and then, there it was, the sound of her damn zipper making me hard and forcing me from my heroic looking squat so that I could discretely adjust myself while I ignored her smug little titter.

I would know.”

“Sometimes you can be such a…”

I shushed her with a gesture, feeling a twinge of pride at her sudden stillness and the predatory look in her impossibly blue eyes as she focused on the bridge connecting the Island to Radium City or, more to the point, on the vehicle crossing it.

“Nice Wheels.” I muttered, my voice dripping with sarcasm. It shouldn’t have surprised me that his goons would be driving around in a lime green VW Bug. After all, it did kind of look like a skittle.

“It is kind of cute.”

“Yeah, if you’re an teen-age girl who still sleeps with her teddy bear.”

I have to admit, I kind of felt bad about that one, noting the hurt look in her eyes as it hit the mark. I made a mental note to myself to make it up to her. She liked shoes. Maybe I could take her shoe shopping later. Or I could just let her watch while I castrated myself with a hammer.

We watched in near silence, the occasional sound of her zipper creating far more tension than the sight of a quartet of gaily dressed minions spilling out of the car. They looked, appropriately, like candy-asses. Candy-asses on steroids. With guns. Big guns. And a hostage, a young woman wrapped in a cocoon of clear plastic wrap.

“Illegal enough for you, boss?”

“Which? The guns or the girl?” I growled, my ire up. I’d always had a soft spot for the fairer sex. I was a bit old school like that. We were done waiting and watching. Time for some action.

“I’ll take care of the rough, Squirt. You distract them. Don’t take any risks. Got it?”

“It’s Love Bug.” She pouted, giving her zipper a hard tug, hopefully ensuring that it stayed closed for the duration of the encounter. I smiled grimly. In the mood I was in, it should be short and sweet…

“It’s pounding time!” I growled, introducing Mr. Fist to Mr. Nose. The sound that accompanied it was incredibly satisfying. I have to admit I chuckled a bit. It didn’t help that I got treated, for the first time, to Love Bug’s battle cry.

“Love flowing in, love flowing out!”

Something else to work on back at headquarters. Questionable slogan aside, I couldn’t fault her for the results. While I was busy clobbering minion number one (Sweet Tooth, according to the embroidered name on his orange and yellow peppermint swirled costume) she was doing what could only be described as a pole dance with a streetlight while minion number two and three stared open mouthed, their eyes practically popping out of their sockets.

“Keep them busy!” I shouted out over my shoulder as I went after the thug with the girl over his shoulder, chasing him down before he could escape into The Candy Man’s ‘not so secret anymore’ hideout, proving, once again, why healthy meal choices and regular exercise were ‘a must’ in my line of work.

“Not in the face!” He pleaded.

With a nod, I targeted his belly button and watched him sink to his knees with a loud groan, before helping him with his bundled package. No one can claim I’m not polite.

She called herself Princess Bubble. No, I am not making that up. Her superpower was creating bubbles that released a small concussive explosion of force. If I could use just one word to describe her, it would be adorable. The Bug, of course, took an instant disliking to her. I could see it in the way the corners of her mouth turned down and her narrowed eyes. Also, in the way her teeth ground together when she muttered “loser” under her breath. I like to think that my decision to politely ask her to cuff our prisoners was an inspired one.

Her story was simple. She’d been attacked while in the Bouncy Castle of Solitude (no, I am not making that up, either!) by Candy Man’s goons. Apparently, he’d been sending her boxes of mixed chocolates for several months now, trying to get her to go out with him. Some guys just don’t take rejection well.

“I just don’t feel safe at my Castle right now, Mister Muscle.” She cooed, obviously flirting with me. I have to admit, it felt good.

“Well, ahh…”

“…sorry. Strict rules against revealing the location of my Super Secret Headquarters. If you’d like we can escort you home, but after that, you’re on your own.”

That’s what I should have said. What came out was entirely different. At heart, I really am a little old-fashioned.

“…you can come stay with me until you feel safe, Princess.”

I did my best to ignore the lethal sounding growl directly behind me, as well as audible comment that accompanied it.

“Bubble-head better keep her bubble butt out of your bed, boss.”

Her words were accompanied by the sweetest of smiles which had me worried. Taking a deep breath, held it and counted to ten before letting it out again. Going after super villains was so much less dangerous. And simpler.

“Good. It’s settled. We’ll wait until the authorities collect ‘the garbage’ and then head for home, Squir… umm… Love Bug.”

If looks could kill, I’d be six feet under. Heaving a great sigh, I prepared myself for a very long night.

Chapter Two: Like a Bug in a Candy Store

I can be a bit dense at times when it comes to people. Especially when those people are of the feminine variety. Love Bug had been my sidekick for long enough that I knew her, but I still felt like I didn’t know her. Every time I thought I had her figured out, she took me by surprise. Tonight was no exception.

The tension in the air was so thick you could have cut it like a knife. It was obvious, at least to me, that she didn’t care much for Princess Bubble’s obvious flirtations, and I began to suspect that there was some jealousy issues involved.

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Not that we were a couple, or even lovers, mind you, but we had done the ‘dirty deed’ on several occasions and I liked to think that we’d become close as friends. To be quite truthful, being a superhero hadn’t left me much time for relationships, and Bridget (yes, that was her real name, one she discouraged me from using. She preferred being called ‘The Bug’, telling me that she wanted to be taken seriously as a superhero) was really the only girl I spent any time around. In some ways she was my best friend. That I’d ended up ‘boinking’ her a few times had made things a little complicated, perhaps, but not enough for me to discourage it.

We got back to headquarters and I assigned Princess Bubble to the guest room. Well, it was more of a storeroom than anything else, but it had a bed and, more importantly, it was on the opposite side of the building from my quarters, something I felt was a good idea at the time considering that glint of danger that had taken of residence in The Bug’s bright blue peepers. Perhaps it had been a mistake to delegate making her comfortable to my sidekick, but I thought it safer that way, all things considered. Live and learn, as they say. Heaving a cowardly sigh, I retreated to my own quarters, foolishly thinking that I’d somehow dodged a bullet. In the morning I’d sort things out. For now, I just wanted a little peace and quiet in the form of some shut-eye.

I was awakened by an alert. Not the klaxon of alarms that would have gone off if we were being attacked, but the beep of a proximity alarm meaning that someone was sneaking about the hallways. Usually it meant that my partner was headed towards the kitchen for a late night snack. I’m embarrassed to say that I looked forward to those nocturnal trips and the opportunity they gave me to see her cute little butt peeking out from under her nightie in my security cameras. I’d meant to mention that to her one of these days but I hadn’t gotten around to it.

Sure enough, there she was on the secure-cam, wearing nothing but a criminally short sheer pink nightie that gave me enough of an eyeful to awaken Mister Muscles’s muscle. I focused with a sleepy smile, on the way her ass wiggled as she walked, wishing she were walking east, towards my quarters, instead of west towards the kitchen. So engrossed was I in the vision of her firm little behind, I wasn’t really paying attention to her route, nor the fact that she walked right past our shared dining quarters until she came to a stop in front of the room I’d assigned to our guest.

I felt myself break out in a sweat. Was my feisty little partner planning on mayhem? I found that hard to believe, and yet, what other reason would she have for visiting Princess Bubble in the middle of the night? Alarmed, I began to dress, ready to race into action at the merest provocation of violence, my gaze glued to the screen as The Bug snuck into the room occupied by our guest. Quickly I switched cameras so that I could monitor within, not even bothering to worry about the ethics of my actions. After all, there was every indication that foul play was afoot here! I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Like any red blooded, testosterone fueled male, I sometimes fantasized about girls having sex with each other. And in my fantasies, the girls are always really smoking hot and feminine and wearing racy lingerie. And they were always are eager for me to join in (and there may even be pillow fights and giggling involved). Hey, that’s why they call them fantasies! That being said, I knew that real life wasn’t like that. Or at least that’s what I thought. I was just about to be proven wrong. Again.

I felt like a Peeping Tom as she closed the door behind her and slowly unbuttoned her nightie until she wore nothing but a smile and perhaps a touch of lipstick. My gaze didn’t quite reach her eyes, getting stuck about chest height. She had nice tits, if a bit small for my taste. Really nice tits, and perky too. In fact, I think I even said it out loud as I stood there, my prick tenting my boxers, my pants clenched in my fist, frozen in indecision.

“God, you have nice tits.”

Apparently, Princess Bubble agreed with me. Yes, she was awake, and yes, she nearly naked too, wearing only a pair of blue lace panties. For the record, she had great tits too. Definitely more to my taste. I should have turned the cam off and let them be. I couldn’t. I was mesmerized. Also, I was very curious. I’d have bet my last dollar that my sidekick hated our rescue victim and yet…

Oh, the things they did in that room as I watched, my face red with shame. Their initial kiss, pink tongues exploring each other’s mouths, hands roaming over naked flesh, cupping, squeezing, caressing so intimately. My room was filled with passionate moans and giggles as I watched The Bug strip Princess Bubble’s panties from her and fling them across the room before wrestling her to the mattress. Frantic with desire, their mouths investigated further. I watched fingers playfully being sucked, my cock growing rock hard as I imagined both their mouths gliding along its length. I observed playful nips and gasping cries of delight as The Bug took Bubble’s nipple into her mouth, looking like she wasn’t new to the joys of Sapphic delight. In fact, they both looked like they knew what they were doing from my perspective. Touching, caressing, fingers exploring between legs, my quarters permeated with heavy, erotic breathing, mine mingling with theirs as I jerked myself off. I knew it was wrong, but I found myself unable to stop.

And then, yes, the ultimate male fantasy! The mythical position number sixty-nine! I could just see both girls’ tongue zealously delving into hot, creamy, barely legal quaveringly moist pussy. Two pairs of legs spread wide, then wrapped around each other’s torso, hands pushing thighs apart, backs arching as they simultaneously exploded into orgasmic screams, my caveman-like coming mere moments after they’d spent themselves in ecstasy…

Guilt gnawed at the edges of my brain as I sheepishly cleaned the sticky white globs of cum from the darkened security camera screen. Yes, I’d turned it off, a feat for which I am proud of (although I’d have been prouder if I’d managed it before Bridget had driven Bubble to a second earth shattering orgasm that involved her tongue in not only her perfect pink pussy, but in her ass as well. I’d never even suspected she had that kind of kink in her!). Needless to say, I didn’t get much sleep that night. I spent much of the night staring at the blank screen while talking myself out of starting up the video feed once more, my imagination running wild, unable to keep myself from jerking off to a second, third, and finally, a fourth orgasm, not only sating my desire, but giving me a sense of pride. There were no little blue pills in Mister Muscle’s future! Not for a very long time, at least.

“Enjoy the show, Muscle-head?”

That’s how the morning started off. I was frying up a half pound of bacon and a stack of hot cakes when my sidekick sauntered in, looking like the proverbial cat who’d eaten the canary. I must have made an inarticulate noise that sounded like denial.

“Yeah, don’t even try, pervert.”

I felt my face turn beet red as I looked down at her, wary of the way her lips were wavering half way between amusement and embarrassment. For the first time since in a very long time, I managed to come to the right decision. With a sheepish grin, I shrugged and went back to making breakfast and, when Princess Bubble joined us, I wisely kept myself busy and my mouth shut. Nor did I make a single comment when The Bug volunteered to see our see our guest home while I busied myself with the dishes, wondering what their farewell looked like.

“Caroline and me. We have a sort of… history.”

“None of my business, Squirt.” I shrugged, keeping my voice neutral. If she wanted to talk, I’d listen. I wasn’t going to push her, though. So instead, we sat in near silence while I nursed my coffee and she started in on her zipper again until my pecker was straining at the seams. Thing is, I could tell she was getting a kick out of it, so I just sat there and suffered in silence.
Written by sprite
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