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Local Call

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This story was written some years ago when land line telephones were still the norm and cell phones were a novelty.


"Reach out and touch someone. . .The next best thing to being there yourself." Elisabeth and Seth joked about these slogans the telephone company used. "Those words certainly 'ring' true for us!" Liz once said during one of their long distance phone dates. Even when they lived only a mile from each other, they enjoyed making love over the phone in between their regular nights to get together.

Just yesterday, Seth had said that their next date four days away was too long to wait and that he'd call tonight. Nighttime had finally come and Elisabeth was lighting candles around the small room that was her retreat. She would come here to read, write, or sometimes to just sit in the silence and enjoy the treasures that decorated her cozy room, but tonight it was the phone date with Seth that brought her here.

As the candlelight filled the room with its soft warm glow, Liz admired several of the special gifts Seth had made for her over the years - a small wooden box with an inlaid heart, the wood finished to perfection, making it a pleasure to both view and touch; and drawings he had done of her, simple sheets of paper transformed into sensual images with gentle strokes of smooth graphite. Each of his gifts reflected the special love they shared. Whenever Seth made something for Liz, he felt as if he was making love to her. Whether he was rubbing a smooth finish on wood or recalling the curves of her body with a pencil, each stroke was filled with vivid memories of intimate moments - the contours of her body, the sound of a sigh, the tenderness in a look.

Liz smiled to herself as she lit the last candle. She enjoyed the anticipation and the preparations for their dates. All day she would be distracted by delicious thoughts of their play, and even now she was wondering where their desire would take them tonight. She had just taken a leisurely bath, the hot water enveloping her, seeping into every recess, much like the passion between her and Seth. After her bath, she powdered her body and slipped into her full-length blue nightgown. It was a favorite of Seth's, just transparent enough to show a teasing hint of her areola and her pubic hair. Now, as she walked about the room, the cool silky material gently caressed her skin. She arranged several large pillows on the floor in one corner for lounging, placed the phone next to them and then looked around. She was ready.

As she waited for the phone to ring, she looked at herself in the mirror. The light from the candles danced on the beveled edges of the mirror like stars. The sweet scent of the honeysuckle she had cut earlier filled the room, bringing the sensual delights of a summer night inside. She ran her fingers through her long hair, letting it fall gently on her bare shoulders. Liz smoothed her gown over her body as she admired the curve of her breasts and the way the clinging material evidenced her already hardening nipples. Yes, she was ready!

Just then the phone rang. Liz glanced at the clock and laughed softly to herself. "Right on time!", she thought. "He must be ready too!" She settled down on the pillows and picked up the phone.

"Hi." she said in a sweet, inviting voice.

"Hi Sweetie. . .how you doing?" Seth's gentle voice immediately wrapped itself around her and pulled her in.

"Good" she replied, "I just finished getting ready for our date. I had a nice bath and my room is filled with candlelight and honeysuckle. How are you?"

"It's been a long day. I'm ready to relax and unwind. I've been looking forward to this all day."

"Well, I'm afraid you may get a little wound up before you unwind!" Liz said. "I've been looking forward to this too."

Seth laughed. "I think I can handle that!"

They chatted a little, catching each other up on what they'd done that day. Liz nestled down into the soft pillows. As they spoke, she unconsciously ran her hand over her body, slowly arousing herself in preparation for the coming passion. The conversation lulled into an intimate, silent interlude until Seth finally spoke.

"I'm ready for some of your sweet lovin'." he said softly.

"Oh, are you?" Liz said teasingly. . .and what's your pleasure? Hmmm?"

"You, you're my pleasure. I'd like to be holding you right now, tasting some of your sweet, soft kisses." Seth paused, savoring the thought. ". . .and exploring your body, caressing and kissing you all over, nuzzling and snuggling into all my favorite places. Then, of course, I'd start playing with your nipples 'til they get hard and you start to move your hips. You know, those subtle little thrusts that tell me you're hungry for me."

Liz reached up and pinched her nipples in response.

"Mmm... Nice!" said Liz. "You certainly do know how to get me goin'! Tell me more."

Seth began describing what else he would do to her, and have her do for him. Each time they made love it was a new adventure, full of erotic surprises. Liz leaned further back, sinking into the pillows. As she listened, she started rubbing herself through her gown. The material felt good as her fingers slid up and down on her mound.

"I want you to play for me," Seth said. "What are you doing right now? Are you lying down?"

"Mmm hmmm, I'm lying on the floor on my pillows, and I am playing!" Liz paused to give Seth a moment to imagine what she was doing.

"Yes?" Seth prompted.

"I'm rubbing myself, thinking about your pink, hard cock and how I like to hold it and play with it. " Liz was getting hot now. She started rubbing harder and faster. "Mmmm... my pussy's getting wet. You like it when I get wet for you, don't you?"

"Ahhh, you know I do! I love the taste of that sweet honey. I like to watch you play for me." Seth paused. "What are you wearing tonight?"

"I'm wearing your favorite blue nightgown. It feels so nice on my skin. I love the way it caresses my nipples, and how it feels when I rub my ass, or when you rub my ass!" Liz continued to tease him. "I bet you'd like to be rubbing it right now, and lifting my nightgown to play with what's underneath it, wouldn't you?" She knew how much Seth liked to be teased and was more than happy to oblige him. "Would you like me to be naughty and pull up my gown for you?"

"Yes. Pull it up!"

Liz pulled the gown up over her knees teasingly as if Seth was there watching her. It fell softly to her belly, exposing the full length of her legs. "Want to see my pussy? Hmmm? Want me to show you how wet it is?"

Seth moaned. "Yes! Spread your legs for me. Imagine I'm watching you through the window. Rub that pussy for me!"

Liz pulled the gown up over her waist and spread her legs wide, facing the window. Her fingers spread her soft labia, now swollen like two small pillows of passion. Her juices glistened in the candlelight. "There you go, Baby. My legs are spread wide for you." Liz's fingers petted and probed. "Mmmm... I'm so wet! Now, tell me... what are you doing right now?" she asked.

I'm thinking about playing with you and teasing you, making you hot and sexy. I'm rubbing my cock, imagining you kneeling in front of me playing with my balls and licking and sucking me." Seth punctuated the image with a heavy sigh.

They masturbated together in silence for awhile, only soft moans and gasps shared over the phone. Soon, they started talking softly, exchanging verbal caresses. Seth held his cock in his hand, slowly stroking it and enjoying the ache in his belly. Liz rolled over onto her stomach, slowly moving her hips and rubbing herself against the hard floor.

Seth set the scene.

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"I'd like to be there outside your window watching you right now, like that time at my house when I left you for awhile and snuck outside to watch through the window as you played alone in the room. That was so exciting!"

"Mmmmm, yes. I like the idea of you watching me like that while I masturbate."

Liz pulled her knees underneath her and lifted her ass. She pulled her gown up over her waist and reached between her legs and started fondling herself again.

"I'm imagining you outside the window right now. I've got my ass up in the air and I'm playing with my pussy for you. Can you see me?"

"Ahh, yes. That's so pretty, like a flower bud ready to bloom. Rub it for me, Baby! Let me see you put your fingers in that hot, wet pussy!"

Liz gasped as she plunged her fingers deep inside. She was soaking wet now, and her fingers made squishing sounds as they pumped and probed to the core of her craving.

"Easy now!" Seth said.

Liz moaned and laughed. Seth always tried to make their plays last as long as possible; he could never get enough of playing with her, on the phone or in person!

"Have you got 'our friend' there?" asked Seth, referring to a dildo he had given her recently. Seth had found it in a thrift shop in town. He had seen it sitting on a shelf in the window. It was made of wood, the front carved in the likeness of a monk. However, viewed from the back it was unmistakably carved in the shape of a thick cock, the monk's hood forming the shape of the cock's smooth head. It was innocent looking at first glance but obviously a wonderful toy of pleasure on closer examination. Seth had recognized it's true purpose as soon as he saw it and excitedly purchased it as a gift for Elisabeth.

"Uh huh." Liz said no more. She wanted Seth to tell her what to do.

"Get it out."

Liz reached up for the dildo she had placed on the top of her desk.

"Okay, I'm holding it. Mmmm... it's so hard and smooth!" She waited for Seth's direction.

"Take off your gown," Seth ordered.

Liz pulled the gown over her head. The night breeze felt good on her hot skin. Seth continued to direct her.

"Rub it gently on your cheek. Feel how nice and hard it is. Give it a little kiss, but you can't suck on it, not yet."

Liz obeyed. She rubbed it across her lips. She explored the smooth curves of its head with her tongue, imagining it was Seth's cock she was licking. Her nipples were hard and yearning for attention, and Seth seemed to know.

"Rub your nipples with it. Tease them. Make them nice and hard!"

Liz pushed her breasts out as she rubbed the dildo across her nipples, pressing it's hardness against each tingling bud in turn.

"I'm rubbing my breasts with it for you," she whispered into the phone. "My nipples are so hard. I want you to play with them."

"Ahhh, yes! I love to play with your nipples. You get so hot when I pinch them and pull them, and you know how I like it when you get hot!"

Seth paused, listening to the sound of Liz's quickening breath as she played with the dildo.

"Now I want you to run it all over your body, down your belly, over your thighs. Then I want you to tease your pussy with it. Feel that hard cock nuzzling you, trying to get inside. Rub it all over your pussy. Get it nice and wet."

Elisabeth followed Seth's orders. She moaned softly as she rubbed the dildo on the soft wetness between her legs.

"Feel good?" Seth asked.

"Mmmmmm, yes."

"Now suck it. Taste yourself."

Liz put the dildo to her lips. She closed her eyes and slowly slid the wet cock into her mouth. The taste of her own sex thrilled her and she sucked hungrily, moaning with passion.

"Now, do as I say", Seth said in an authoritative voice. "Stand it up on the floor in front of you. Think about how you'd like to play with it, how you'd like to pleasure yourself with it. You can do anything you want with it, BUT... you can't touch it with your hands! You can put the phone down." Seth then added a final admonition, "But remember I'm watching you, so follow my rules!"

Liz let out a playfully disappointed groan and obeyed. She put the phone down and kneeled in front of the hard smooth cock before her. Liz leaned over and gently kissed the tip, being careful not to knock it over. Then she parted her lips and lowered her head, slowly sucking the head into her mouth. Her own head bobbed up and down as she sucked it deeper into her mouth with each stroke. She thought of Seth's cock in her mouth and the salty taste of his cum. Her pace quickened as her moist lips slid up and down the length of the dildo. Liz then slowly lifted her head, her lips closing and slipping off of the cock with a kiss. She picked up the phone.

"I want it inside me, Seth! Can I put in me? I want you to watch me fuck it for you!"

"Yes, slip that cock into your pussy!"

Elizabeth dropped the phone and stood over the dildo. She spread her legs, put her hands on her knees and swayed her hips in a primordial dance as she slowly squatted down. The anticipation of swallowing the dildo up into her hot, moist depths made her knees weak. She closed her eyes and licked her lips as her labia touched the tip of the cock. Liz slowly moved her hips up and down, pushing the dildo a little deeper inside of her with each downward stroke. Her juices were flowing freely and her whole body tingled as the head easily slipped inside the soft folds of her pussy. Liz thrust her hips up and down, the hard shaft pushing deeper with each thrust. Charges of sexual electricity shot through her as she slid up and down the length of the dildo. She was sure Seth could hear her gasps and moans over the phone.

Liz couldn't stand it any longer; with a loud moan, she went to her knees and, pushing her ass to the floor, plunged the dildo deep inside with a final hungry thrust.


Liz kneaded her breasts and played with her nipples as she slid up and down on the dildo, her pace quickening in harmony with her rising passion until she was overcome with pleasure. Her whole body shuddered as she came in a drenching orgasm.

"Oh! That's so pretty Baby!", Liz heard Seth say. Lost in her play, she had left Seth hanging on the phone, and now realized she'd heard Seth's voice although the phone was lying on the floor several feet away. "I love watching you come like that!" The voice was clearly not coming through the phone. She looked around and was startled to see Seth's shadowy figure in the window!

"Wha...?" Liz could say no more, she was speechless.

"Cell phone. . ." Seth said softly through the window. He smiled and held up the phone he'd been using to talk to Liz. "I just got it a couple of days ago and thought I'd surprise you. So, I really have been watching you the whole time! Open the window screen."

Elisabeth laughed. "You devil! Always full of surprises!" She caught her breath and went over and lifted the screen. Seth climbed in and took her in his arms, giving her a deep kiss as he put his hands on her ass and pulled her close. After only watching her for so long, he was anxious for the chance to touch her. Their hips moved in unison as his hard cock pressed against her, re-igniting the lust within her.

Seth walked Liz to the wicker chair across the room. "Sit," he said. Elisabeth sat, put her feet up on the seat and spread her legs for him; no more teasing now. She wanted him to take her, to play her passion with his eyes, his fingers, his mouth... Seth slowly shed his clothes and went over to stand in front of her. "Now it's my turn to play for you," he said as he stroked his cock for her, "and now that we don't need the phone anymore, I'll just 'let my fingers do the walking'!"


Written by Shersman
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