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Late Night Shopping

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Madeline Stewart pulled her SUV into the grocery store parking lot. It was after midnight. She’d gotten into the habit of shopping late at night during the last couple of years. There always seemed to be so little time to get everything done. Besides it was nice to have some alone time after the kids and her husband had gone to bed.

She thought about her life as she slowly pushed her cart through the nearly deserted aisles. She loved being a mom; it was just that between working full-time and taking care of the house she didn’t feel she had enough quality time with her kids, let alone for herself.

Her husband helped some but worked even more hours than she did. Their relationship had changed as well. She couldn’t remember the last time they’d had more than an hour alone together. For that matter, she could barely remember the last time they’d had sex.

That was yet another thing it seemed there was never time for. It wasn’t just him; the truth was they’d both lost interest. It wasn’t that she’d lost her sex drive, or even her attraction to him, it just seemed like there was always something else to do or think about. Her need for sex may have actually grown; they say a woman’s sex drive continues to grow until her mid-thirties, an age just around the corner for Madeline. In the shower in the morning, in the tub, or sometimes when she stayed up late with a book, those feelings would surface.

Two or three times a week she’d take some extra time in the shower. Madeline laughed to herself, when she was younger she’d never been able to have an orgasm while standing up. That certainly was no longer the case. When she did get to soak in a bath or stay up with a book, she always ended up masturbating. She probably had more orgasms per week now than she’d had earlier in their marriage, but what was missing was the intimacy of contact, the excitement of it.

Madeline wasn’t sure if it was her thoughts or if she was walking down the freezer aisle, but she was suddenly aware that her nipples were achingly hard. She wore no bra over her smallish breasts and the nubs were scraping against the material of her knit shirt as she moved. Maybe tonight will be one of those nights, she mused and then concentrated on the last few items on her list.

Her mind was on the next day’s activities as she wheeled the buggy toward her SUV. As she reached her car Madeline was vaguely aware of the older model sedan that was parked next to her, pointed in the opposite direction. A streetlight overhead illuminated both cars.

As she loaded the bags into the back of her car Madeline glanced into the other car. Light streamed in through the windows, and she could see that the front seat was unoccupied but that someone was sitting behind the driver’s seat. It was a male and something about his demeanor caused her to do a double take.

He looked to be a teenager, slumped down in the seat, his head rolled back slightly, and his eyes closed. She was struck by a decidedly sexual expression on his young face.

The thought came to her that he was on the receiving end of a blowjob. She thought grimly that at least someone was getting some. She quietly closed the back hatch of her car and moved between the two vehicles toward her driver’s side door. Madeline assumed that her movement right outside their door would startle them and glanced over to confirm this. There seemed to be no reaction, and she continued to glance into the car as she carefully opened her door. With some surprise, she realized there was no one else in the car and that the young man’s hand was moving in his lap.

Just another lonely person, she thought to herself. Madeline felt slightly amused as well as somewhat titillated. Climbing into her seat she couldn’t keep herself from looking down into the car from her heightened angle. The light from the streetlamp clearly illuminated his lap, while by just moving her head slightly she could still see his face.

He was young, she guessed around eighteen. What really got her attention however was his suddenly illuminated penis and the hand moving slowly up and down on it. Despite her estimation of his age, he was quite well-endowed; the shaft appeared to be long and thick, and the flared head, almost the size of a small lemon looked, in this light, almost purple in color.

Madeline swallowed hard and her hand fumbled while trying to insert the key in the ignition. She looked away but her eyes were drawn back. It was the first hard cock she’d seen in ages, and frankly, it was a very nice one. There was no harm in looking, was there? Besides, the boy was in a public place. I bet if he’s not done before his parents come out, he’s going to be in a world of trouble, she thought as she stared at his moving hand.

He continued the same long, slow strokes with a look of concentration and pleasure on his young face. A sudden sparkled reflection showed at the tip of the fat head, and she realized that he had just secreted a drop of pre-cum.

Her mouth was suddenly very dry. She realized once again that her nipples were distended and hard. She was sure they’d relaxed since she’d left the freezer section, but they were very definitely not relaxed now.

The keys were in the ignition, but she hesitated to start the car. That would surely startle him, and I’m sure he’d die of embarrassment, she reasoned, as her eyes returned to the masturbating boy. Maybe I should let him finish, that would be the most considerate thing. Besides he surely can’t last much longer, she thought as she watched that hand moving up and down the thick shaft.

He seemed to have picked up the pace slightly and Madeline tried hard to swallow as she watched. A small jolt ran through her body, and with surprise, she realized her hand was on her left breast. Her fingers had flicked across her hard nipple through the material of her shirt.

She tried unsuccessfully to wet her lips and continued to watch him, pretending not to notice as her right hand slid up under her shirt to cup her breast directly. The contact felt great but brought her back to reality. Reluctantly she removed the offending hand from her shirt.

What the hell am I thinking? She carefully placed both hands in her lap. But even as the thought crossed her mind, her eyes drifted back to the boy.

It was a warm evening and she had left the house wearing shorts. She was decidedly warmer now as her hands turned over in her lap, the fingers straying down onto the bare skin of her inner thighs.

He was definitely stroking himself more quickly now and Madeline found herself wondering how long he could possibly last. The way I remember it, eighteen-year-old boys cum in about two minutes, she thought, as her fingers began to play with the hem on the leg of her shorts. The shorts were baggy, and it would be quite easy to slip fingers up the leg. As the thought was formed in her mind it was carried out by her hand, and suddenly she was touching her swollen labia through the thin material of her panties.

My god, it feels hot down there! A few seconds later a finger was hooked in the leg band of her panties, pulling the crotch aside as her other hand closed over her sex. Madeline was stunned at how wet she was.

Once she had touched herself, she couldn’t stop and was soon actively masturbating. She kept her eyes on the boy’s face or his cock as she fingered herself with one hand and returned the other to her breasts, pulling the front of her shirt up and over them.

At first, she was on the lookout for anyone approaching, but as her body’s need took over, she was soon too far gone to pay attention. Her orgasm was rapidly approaching. The boy was literally pumping his hand up and down that glorious cock. His face was a mask of lust and anticipated release.

Madeline’s fingers were flying on her clit as she watched the young cock explode. The first thick rope of his cum set her off as her body began to shudder in release. After just briefly closing her eyes when the first wave hit her Madeline kept him in sight, watching him send cum everywhere. Even when he finished her pussy continued to contract and she closed her eyes again to revel in the feelings.

Basking in the glow of an intense orgasm for several moments Madeline finally opened her eyes again as she slowly came back to her senses. The boy had shifted positions, moving across the back seat, and turning to face the window and therefore, her. He had removed his pants entirely and had one leg stretched out toward her on the seat. Madeline was astounded to see that his cock remained rock hard, his cum glistening on the fat head. As she watched his hand, once again closed around the shaft, and began to move up and down.

Finally looking up at his face, Madeline, with shock, realized that he was looking at her. She quickly pulled her shirt back down over her exposed breasts. The boy, however, changed nothing, continuing to masturbate as he watched her. Her eyes again drop to his cock.

Despite her embarrassment, Madeline found herself marveling at the boy’s stamina. My god, I bet he could fuck all night long! With that, she was suddenly aware of her own continued arousal.

Baffled at her own actions Madeline couldn’t make eye contact with the boy but found it impossible to break her focus on his cock and hand as he masturbated. She still could not bring herself to start her car and pull away. Her fingers found their way back inside of her shorts.

After several moments of watching each other, the boy suddenly moved back across the seat and opened the door between their cars. He then scooted across the seat until he was leaning back against the opposite door. It was a clear invitation and Madeline was amazed at the confidence of this youngster.

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She was more surprised at her own reaction as, seemingly with a mind of its own, her hand fumbled with the release on her own door. When it suddenly came open, she glanced nervously about, but her eyes were drawn back to that amazing cock.

Oh god, what am I doing? I should just get out of here. What does he think I’m going to do; have sex with him in the backseat of his car like some high schooler? However, Madeline knew that was exactly what she was going to do.

Trying to push all thoughts out of her head she slid out of the SUV, and closing the door behind her, moved quickly into the sedan. The boy smiled at her but didn’t say a word. Madeline’s eyes once again dropped to his cock; watching him stroke it. Her mouth was no longer dry; it almost seemed to be watering at the sight. Her pussy too was continuing to flow.

Glancing up at his face again, Madeline turned toward the boy, bringing a leg up underneath her into the seat. Leaning forward and shifting her weight until she was basically kneeling on the seat, she lowered her head into his lap.

The boy released his cock as her hands reached for it; both closing around the thick shaft. God, he’s hard! she thought as her tongue darted out to taste the head. The mixed flavors of the remains of his orgasm and a fresh flow of pre-cum, were salty in her mouth. Without a word between them, Madeline took the hot, fat head into her mouth.

The boy immediately began moaning encouragement and compliments as his hips began to thrust forcing more of his cock into her mouth. Madeline lost herself in what she was doing; never had she been so turned on by giving head. One hand stroked up and down his shaft, as the other moved back between her legs to once more play with her wet pussy.

It did not seem to take long, although Madeline felt as if she were in a fog where time stood still. As the boy shoved his beautiful cock faster and deeper into her mouth her second orgasm seemed to build quickly. The fat head was now forcing its way down her throat, but to her surprise, she was not gagging on it. Madeline marveled at the idea that she was deep-throating this kid, giving him the blow-job of his young life. It was an incredible turn-on. She felt her legs shaking as she repeatedly took him into her throat.

“Oh god, that feels so good!” his voice seemed to come from far away, “I’m gonna cum!”

The words seemed to trigger Madeline’s own release. The boy froze, but she continued plunging up and down on him as the waves hit her. The magnificent cock seemed to swell in her throat and Madeline pulled back until only the fat head was inside her mouth, both of her hands flying in their assigned duties. She felt the first hot, thick blast strike the back of her throat.

Madeline was later unsure how she did it, but she managed to keep stroking and to swallow nearly all of the copious amount of cum the boy poured out, all the while riding her own intense orgasm, her body almost entirely out of her control.

When, finally, he was drained, Madeline sank and slid until she was slumped in the seat next to him, her legs still violently shaking after her orgasm. She absentmindedly left her hand wrapped around the boy’s cock. With her eyes shut she listened to his labored breathing slowly return to normal.

She felt him moving and willed her eyes to open just in time to see him reach for her. To her surprise, he kissed her. It was a soft but lingering kiss and she realized that this too had been missing in her life. The kiss grew in passion, and she felt herself melting into it. His tongue engaged hers inside of her mouth as she felt his hand on her breast.

It felt so nice having someone pay attention to her body and with surprise Madeline felt her arousal returning. At the same moment, she became aware once more of the still-hard cock she held in her hand. This boy was insatiable; and apparently so was she.

Still absorbed in his kiss, she didn’t realize he had pulled her shirt up until her breasts were already exposed. The kiss ended and the thought swam vaguely to her mind that she should stop him. Before she could react, however, she felt his mouth close over her aching nipple, and she was lost.

Madeline felt unable to even lift a finger as the boy pulled her shorts down over her hips while continuing to suck first one, then the other nipple. He pulled them off completely and tossed them to the floorboard. A moment later his mouth returned to hers and she felt him gently spreading her legs. This kiss did not start slowly and within moments Madeline was sucking his tongue deep into her mouth. The boy’s finger found her pussy.

His thumb brushed just above her clit as she felt what must have been two fingers enter her dripping cunt. Her body responded immediately as that thumb moved in little circles over her clit and those fingers moved in expanding circles inside of her. His fingers were long, and her clit was on fire; she sucked harder on his tongue.

His fingers began to hit up against something deep inside of her setting off wonderful sparks of pleasure. Her legs began to quiver once more uncontrollably. Madeline almost screamed around his tongue as yet another orgasm wracked her body.

So much, so quick, and Madeline very nearly passed out. It was several moments before she realized again where she was. The boy was close beside her, gently caressing her face and breasts as her breathing slowed. She realized that her hand was still gripping his throbbing, hot cock. She released it.

Stunned at her own actions as well as the intensity of it all Madeline again found that she could not meet his eyes. It had been astounding, but now it was over and probably the best thing to do was to get going fast. She couldn’t believe she’d just had sexual contact with a strange eighteen-year-old boy in the back seat of a car parked in her neighborhood grocery store’s lot. She rose up to look for her discarded shorts.

With surprise, Madeline felt his hands on her hips. He gently pushed her forward, her upper body moving into the front seat. He guided her until she was literally draped over the seat back. She sensed his upper body sliding into the space between her back and the roof of the car.

The realization that this was not over seemed to come to her slowly. Madeline could not believe what was about to happen. As she’d thought earlier this boy did indeed seem capable of going all night. She felt him fumbling behind her and the hot fat head graze her swollen outer lips before pushing against the space between her cunt and ass hole. She suddenly knew she wanted him inside of her and once again surprised at herself she reached back to grasp that amazing cock and guide it into her.

A moan escaped her lips as it parted her lips and then Madeline felt a wave of intense pleasure as he entered her from behind. Once again, she forced all thoughts from her mind as her body took over. She was so wet that despite his size the boy had entered her effortlessly. Seemingly encouraged by this he was soon plunging in and out with increasing force and speed.

It felt incredible. Madeline had not been fucked like this in years. Her eyes slowly focused on the dashboard and the digital readout of a clock. 2:15; this had been going on for nearly an hour. The thought had barely surfaced before it was dashed away by the rising waves of pleasure she was feeling. Her body was limp. He grasped her tightly by the hips and pounded away at her. He was going so deep, causing her such extreme pleasure. Madeline realized that she was crying out with each plunge of his cock but couldn’t care less; it felt so amazing!

In twenty years of sexual experience, Madeline had never had an orgasm without clitoral stimulation. But tonight, was a night of firsts. She vaguely registered surprise as she felt herself climb quickly to the peak. The waves hit her and once again she melted into a shuddering mass of pleasure; one being ridden by a teenager with a blissfully, perpetually hard cock.

She lost all sense of time or space as she rode waves of shuddering release. It was incredible what this boy was doing to her. She vaguely registered moving her hands down between her legs to feel that pistoning shaft and then to play with her enflamed clit once again. Her upper body was bouncing up and down with the force of his thrusts. The stimulation from her fingers brought her to yet another orgasm, or perhaps simply another peak in one continuous, marvelous, mind-blowing cum.

Madeline became aware of the quickening of his strokes. It seemed unbelievable but somehow, he was fucking her even harder and faster. And then he buried himself so deep inside of her she could swear she saw stars. With a strangled yell escaping his lips she felt the monster inside of her surging repeatedly. His release, his surging, hot cum seemed to set her pussy to spasming again and Madeline rode out the last few delicious moments with her eyes closed.

She felt him collapse against her and then slowly slide back and off, his cock slipping wetly out of her. Madeline opened her eyes. The clock said 2:55. after already having cum twice he’d just fucked her hard for another forty minutes solid, producing god only knew how much pleasure and release on her part.

Despite the incredibly intense intimacy they’d just shared, the next few minutes were awkward as they dressed. Madeline returned to her SUV without another word. As she drove home, she realized that she could not stop grinning. It was only as she pulled into her garage that she realized that she’d never even asked his name.

Written by lee
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