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He's Hiding On The Balcony (Part 2)

"So will Paul like his fantasy when it becomes reality? Or will fantasy become nightmare?"

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When we last left our characters they were in a rather chic nightclub in Kuta, Bali. A rather handsome young Canadian athlete (William) was trying his luck with a much older and more sophisticated Carol. A few feet away Carol's husband Paul was watching with interest. We wonder if young Will can succeed, or if he'll be shot down in flames like his friend Steve has warned him. Our tale continues.


William was surprised to say the least. What the fuck? I’ll buy you a drink? That was unexpected. Will stopped and stared at the gorgeous brunette he had been ogling for far too long. Buy him a drink? William was confused. Failure had transformed into? Well maybe he had a chance? Carol giggled seeing the young man’s apparent confusion.

“Well you can talk right? I mean dancing isn’t your only talent,” she paused and batted her eye lashes. “Is it?”

The grin she wore was provoking. The newly feisty wife on the prowl was teasing him. She was trying to flirt. It had been so long since she had seriously flirted. Carol wondered if she forgotten how? The handsome young man’s floppy blonde bangs fell across his face. Tina giggled. With an infectious bubbly Aussie accent the surfer chick intervened. Someone needed to save the day. This whole start had been a disaster. Tina knew she needed to rescue the poor jock before it got worse.

“What are you drinking?”

The Aussie asked. The blonde female surfer giggled and motioned towards the bar tender to get her attention. Tina knew from experience that men were more relaxed and susceptible if women giggled and pretended to be stupid.

“Um a beer I guess.”

The ripped tennis jock replied. Carol smiled and flicked her brunette hair. She decided to get his name. The horny wife had decided to tame him. In her mind she was riding him already. Women have such deliciously wicked minds. Men have no idea.

“So do you have a name?” she ventured. “Or do you just stand around looking blonde and handsome?”

The young athletic stud blushed and shuffled his feet. Carol thought he was so adorable. This guy could be her very own faithful puppy dog, but hopefully one with a big hard cock. This might be less a night of breaking-in a stallion, and more one of teaching a puppy dog some new tricks. Oh well both experiences could be wonderful for a woman so deprived of sexual attention.

“Ah I’m Will. Well William actually,” he licked his lips nervously. “But everyone calls me Will.”

“Nice to meet you Will. I’m Carol,” she turned to gesture to her friend. “And this gorgeous creature is named Tina.”

Carol held out her hand. Then she turned and ordered from the bartender. She had already met the cute bartender and knew her name was Ni Luh, or “first born daughter” in Balinese.

“Ni Luh can we have a Tiger and two more vodka and Red Bull please.”

Once the conversation got going it was easy enough. Carol didn’t much care what they talked about. She was feasting her soft brown eyes on this young man’s muscular young body. God Will was so ripped and his face was so cute. He even had dimples in his cheeks. Carol’s knees got weak. The now aroused wife was so attracted to this boy-toy. “Mommy I like this one, can I bring him home?” Her mind was playing with her pussy. Carol became giddy and her thoughts got silly. She felt so young and sexy.

When she first considered straying Paul’s wife had been filled with so many doubts. Carol had thought the “chemistry” part of finding a man to have sex with would be hard—maybe impossible? But now with handsome young Will standing in front of her all she wanted to do was rip his clothes off and jump on his hard rod. Who knew finding a fuck partner would be so easy? Tina helped her new friend at different points by keeping the conversation going. The ditzy blonde surfer was spectacular at filling in any dead air spaces with suitably inane Aussie comments.

“Oh my god you’re really a tennis player?”

The way Tina said it you might think William was a brain surgeon. The pretty Aussie surfer giggled infectiously. She was helping her rather more awkward older new girlfriend flirt with her prospective new toy-boy. Carol relaxed and appreciated Tina’s help. More than once the two women exchanged knowing glances as if to say, “Yes girl I’m helping you land this one.”

Finally a slow song came on. Without any warning Carol pulled her unsuspecting boy-toy onto the dance floor. Knowing her husband was less than twenty feet away made her heart pound. Her body was tingling with a sex driven shivers of desire. Her hubby might not fuck her, but other men surely would. As the attractive wife with curves cuddled into Will’s strong muscular arms she sighed contentedly. Carol wondered if her husband’s tiny cock was hard and throbbing? Was he happy watching his fantasy unfold? The little rod had been so hard and erect at the hotel—small but hard.

As the dancing couple shuffled to the slow romantic music Carol relaxed and enjoyed the feeling of being held. The older woman sensed just how tiny and feminine she felt in the arms of this ripped six-foot-two young athlete. The feeling was so different from being held by her short stocky husband who never worked out. The horny wife cuddled in tighter to Will’s broad chest.

Carol was feeling increasingly horny. She wanted the signals to be crystal clear to this hard-bodied toy boy. The petite sex-driven wife felt Will’s engorged cock press into her hip. Feeling the size of the massive lump she gulped. God he must be really huge: so much bigger than her husband. Her pussy unconsciously moistened and the aroused wife’s nipples swelled.

Carol and Will danced two slow songs together. They felt cossetted in the club’s darkness. It was getting later. The night was beginning to wind down. Young horny couples were pairing off and disappearing into the moonlight to rut and do all sorts of things mom would never approve of. At the end of the second song young Will was in a daze of youthful horny desire.

The young tennis stud desperately wanted this older woman he had just met. Carol knew what she was doing. Flirtatiously she drew him in. He was like putty in her hands. The lights on the dance floor were very dim. Carol still knew Paul could see her clearly from his chair at the bar. The petite married but yearning to stray wife tilted her face back. The horny wife was inviting her dancing partner to kiss her. The universal signal of her tilted head was not misunderstood. Will leaned forward. Their lips met.

Carol ground her feminine hips into the muscular young tennis player. Oh god she badly needed some hot horny happy sex. It had been so long. Her pelvis rubbed against his swelled hard bulge. The kiss felt soft, warm and wonderful. The aroused wife heard young William emit a husky low groan of pleasure. Playfully she rubbed into him some more.

In a sudden impulse of lust William thrust his long thick tongue down her throat. The unexpected tongue almost made her gag. The aroused wife wanted to giggle. Her dancing partner was so eager. But Carol was smiling. The way she felt right now, well eager was good. Yes as a woman she needed eager, she wanted eager, and the more eager the better. Carol rubbed her hands on Will’s back. God his body was so ripped and muscular. She sighed.

Will put his warm moist lips to Carol’s ear. The music of the second slow song finally began to fade.

“You are so hot.”

To have a handsome man almost half her age whisper those stirring words into her ear gave Carol a massive thrill. To feel his hardness pressing into her thigh as they danced was an even bigger rush. She giggled. Carol gave her boy-toy a firm squeeze around the waist. As a woman Paul’s wife couldn’t remember when she last felt this happy, carefree and so light hearted.

To be on the hunt for a new fresh male to mate with again, to feel the sexy randomness of life brush up against her like a cat rubbing against her calf: the opportunity to take a chance on life again was such an exhilarating thrill for the long suffering sexually ignored housewife. Yes Paul, let me go, let your wife expand her horizons, let me leave the confines of your timid little world. Let me become the woman I am in my fantasies Carol thought to her self.

Carol reached up, put her hand on Will’s neck and pulled his head down. She put her lips to his ear and whispered back.

“Hmm you are pretty yummy your self young man.”

Carol’s face was flushed with hot desire. She was looking her catch of the night up and down with a hunter’s pride. She was taking in all the sinewy muscles and hard chiselled edges. As a woman she liked what she saw. Will obviously worked hard to get such an amazing body. Well tonight she thought to her self she’d give that body a good workout.

“And you are a good kisser. But slower with the tongue.”

Carol chuckled. It was a new experience for this older more experienced woman to be the one in control of the relationship. Starting out as high school sweethearts it had all been so fumbling and timid. She had never had a chance to really flower. Only tonight she was starting to relish her sexual power as a woman. Will blushed and looked down. He flushed like a bashful disobedient puppy being chastised by its owner. The horny wife realized she had embarrassed him with her comment about his tongue-down-the-throat move.

“No I liked your kiss. Just slower: let’s practice,” she touched his arm in reassurance. “A woman likes a man who takes his time.”

Carol reached down. She took the young man’s hand. She led him off the dance floor. The way she walked confidently in her heels with long strides anyone watching could tell she was the one in charge. At the bar Paul had been going crazy. He was shifting nervously on his seat watching the whole scene on the dance floor play out. His small penis was throbbing and engorged with blood. When Paul witnessed his wife actually kiss another man in public his heart almost stopped. He let out a tiny whimper of happiness.

Paul glanced over again. He saw his wife pulling the young blonde hunk back towards the bar and her new blonde friend. Their eyes connected briefly. Carol gave her husband the prearranged signal. This man was the one. Our plan is a “go.” His heart jumped. Even though this was all planned, still the reality was unexpected. The husband’s entire body was a bundle of nerves.

Paul collected him self. He calmed his pounding heart. Finally under control he walked casually over towards the bar. Damn his heart was pounding. It was hard to believe after all these years of dreaming? It was all happening so quickly. Carol was really going to go through with it.

“Oh Tina and Will….”

The attractive wife turned toward Paul who was casually approaching.

“This is a good friend of mine. Paul is married to one of my best friends.”

Carol turned and gestured towards her husband. Then she looked back at Will and Tina.

“Paul this is my new friend Tina from Australia,” she smiled gesturing next to William. “And this handsome young man is named Will. He’s a professional tennis player on the circuit.”

Will blushed and turned away shyly.

“Well almost. Earning my ATP points hopefully.”

Carol was still holding Will’s hand. She looked Paul right in the eyes. She was daring him to say anything. She was daring him to claim back his wife. Paul did nothing. He just smiled like a goof. So that’s it she thought. My husband really wants to see me fuck this young stud. Well then I shall.

Butterflies of excitement were dancing in Carol’s tummy. The horny brunette gave Will’s big paw a reassuring squeeze. She glanced up at her young partner. Carol thought Will looked so cute when he blushed. His dimples would suddenly appear. The young tennis player finally looked up at Paul. They made eye contact and shook his hand.

“Oh yeah hi dude. Nice to meet you.”

Paul was amazed. It was not only really happening, but his wife had selected a blonde Adonis for her first conquest. His high school sweetheart would soon be with another man. Not simply any other man, but a man half his age and with twice his body. Paul wouldn’t even dare venture to think how large the cock must be between this man’s thick tennis player tree-trunk thighs.

“Sure yes nice to meet you too.”

Paul kept his voice as steady. He tried to be as calm as he could. Carol’s husband was so nervous. Pretty Tina also reached out her hand and shook Paul’s hand. She thought it felt clammy and nervous. The young blonde Aussie surfer examined Paul more closely. Her female antennae were vibrating wildly. She had a sceptical look on her face. Something was not quite right about this guy. Something was not right about this whole situation. Paul spoke again.

“Hey look Carol I’m a bit bushed. I’m heading back to the hotel. You okay on your own?”

Carol hugged tightly into Will’s muscular young body. She smiled as Paul spoke to her. The young stud slipped his arm around her slender waist. William pulled her in tight. The Canadian’s huge paw of a hand ended up resting on the curve of Carol’s taut ass. The horny wife blushed slightly as she felt the young man cup her ass with his big hand. This public display of affection was new for her. When Will gave her ass a tiny squeeze it made her heart race. She looked up at her handsome new companion with adoring doe-like eyes. She hugged in tighter. Carol wanted her husband Paul to see just how sexually attracted she was to this new man half his age.

“Oh I think William can take care of me.”

The coy flirtatious wife was punishing her husband for all the years of neglect. This was her moment to shine as a woman. She was relishing two men wanting her at the same time. But only one would be fully rewarded tonight. The other could only watch. One would fill her and hold her, the other would cower and hide.

“Can’t you Will? You will make sure I get safely back to my hotel won’t you?”

Carol was grinning. She decided to rub it in further. With a playful glint in her eye she teasingly added a final humiliation for Paul.

“I’ll need you to take me all the way to my room Will. I mean right inside to make sure I’m safe.”

Will grinned a goofy young stud grin. He couldn’t believe his luck. Would he actually get to fuck this attractive older woman? He’d surely won the cock lottery tonight. Steve would be so fucking jealous. The meaning of what Carol had just said was not lost on the handsome young puppy. He couldn’t wipe the huge grin off his face. Paul continued with the agreed script. His cock was hard.

“Okay well I’m pushing off then. Have fun Carol.”

Paul walked away to exit the now subdued nightclub. Carol leaned in close to Will to whisper in his ear.

“Paul knows my husband, but it’s okay. I’m on my own on this holiday.”

Carol felt her young toy-boy’s body tense at the whispered word “husband”. She hugged him with a second squeeze of reassurance.

“Don’t worry Will. I’m all yours tonight.”

Carol whispered in his ear in a soft sultry voice. Will’s brain was dumbfounded. He had his arm around a married woman? He had just squeezed the ass of a married woman. Really? His big cock was throbbing. The young Canadian was pretty certain they were going to fuck? Holy cow! How would he ever explain all this to Steve?

“Um I need to go to the bathroom.”

Will excused him self to go to the washroom. He was so nervous he needed to pee. Carol dipped her head to whisper into Tina’s ear.

“Hey Tina I’m going to take Will back to my hotel.”

Carol felt funny saying the words. It all felt so new. Like a new world almost? Taking a man who wasn’t Paul back to her room to rip off her clothes? And to do what exactly? She smiled. Oh to play with her naked body of course? It made her flush with desire just to say the words. She continued.

“It was so nice to meet you Tina.”

Tina was smiling and nodded to her new friend.

“Likewise. I really like you,” Tina flicked her blonde hair. It was a habit she had. “Have lots of fun with Will. He looks like a terrific fuck.”

Carol blushed. She still wasn’t used to sex being discussed so openly.

“Hey also….”

Tina looked so beautiful when she smiled. Carol felt that funny feeling in her tummy again.

“Yeah what Tina?”

“Well I really liked kissing you. I mean I did that because I wanted to. Not just to rescue you from that old creep.”

The attractive Aussie paused not knowing how much to admit to Carol. She was older and clearly a bit uptight. Yet Tina ventured further. There was an attraction.

“Well just so you know. You are really pretty and I liked kissing you.”

Carol blushed a hotter shade of pink. She had liked the kiss too. Could she admit it? Was she bisexual? So many new thoughts swum around in her confused brain: Carol almost choked on the words. But in her new spirit of honesty the wife seeking new adventures forced the words out past her pink lip-gloss coated lips.

“I liked the kiss too.”

Carol’s body felt hot and tingly. She was so nervous making the admission. Her heart fluttered along with her tummy.

“Let’s meet up again Tina?”

Carol had just blurted it out? The misbehaving cat was out of the bag now. Tina beamed a big white smile. Tina was no more than twenty-two, but Carol found her very attractive. The way Tina was so honest and straightforward about her sexuality inspired her. Carol wanted to become a new more empowered woman. The wife reshaping her life decided to be more pussy-truthful in the future. Yes let’s be more pussy-friendly she decided.

“Yeah let’s do that Carol. I want to hear all about how you get on with Will. I hope he’s as good as he looks,” the blonde Aussie squeezed Carol’s hand tenderly. “It would be such a bummer if he’s a dud in bed.”

Both women giggled. Tina leaned in close still holding Carol’s hand. In a low confidential whisper she finally asked about what was bothering her.

“Look something bothered me about Paul.”

Carol’s female antennae perked up on alert.

“He’s not the husband of your friend is he?”

Carol’s face turned hot pink. She had been caught in her lie.


Carol was in uncharted waters now. But she liked Tina and trusted her. The horny wife decided to just go with the truth.


“He’s your husband isn’t he?”

Tina finished her sentence for her before the guilty wife could force it out. The bashful look in Carol’s eyes was answer enough for the young hot blonde Aussie. “Guilty as charged,” was written all over Carol’s face. The vivacious blonde surfer immediately giggled madly. Tina was clearly quite flabbergasted by this turn of events, but still unfazed. Carol hadn’t expected her new friend to giggle. She was a whore after all. She was a slutty wife about to fuck a man half her age?

“Oh my god you are so kinky Carol.”

Tina squeezed Carol’s hand playfully. Her face lit up with a gleeful happiness.

“You’re so totally cool for a married chick. Hey let’s get together soon. Fuck hehe! You are such a cool lady.”

Will returned from the bathroom. Carol’s tennis stud was looking even more handsome than she remembered him. The handsome Canadian looked taller, more chiselled and more edible than any man she had ever seen.

“What are you two laughing about?”

Will looked at the two women feeling left out of the conversation. Carol slid her feminine arm around his torso again. She hugged her slender body into him tightly. Men she knew were like puppy dogs and needed constant reassurance.

“Don’t worry young man it’s nothing to do with you,” she batted her lashes coyly. “So can you take me back to my hotel now?”

Will nodded as his goofy wonderful grin and dimples reappeared. Carol inclined her head towards William’s friend Steve.

“What about your friend? Won’t he miss you?”

William chuckled.

“Oh gosh Steve? Haha he’ll be shocked as hell.”

Carol giggled and looked up. She liked how tall he was.

“Why’s that?”

“Oh you know guys talk. He said I didn’t have a chance in hell with you.”

Carol looked over and scanned Steve up and down. The wife about to commit adultery assessed Will’s friend. She had to admit that while Will was the more attractive of the two, Steve also had his good qualities.

“Oh and why’s that exactly?”

“Well Steve thinks you have the best ass in the whole nightclub,” Will looked down into Carol’s big brown eyes. “He said that you’re way out of my league.”

Carol felt her cheeks getting hot. Really? She had the finest ass in the whole nightclub? The now interested wife looked over towards Steve again. She decided he was pretty hot. Well I wouldn’t throw him out of my bed, that’s for sure, the horny wife thought to her self. Carol made a mental note to learn more about Steve.

The new couple said goodbye to Tina. Will gave a nod and a wink towards his friend Steve as Carol led him out of the nightclub. Hand-in-hand they went onto the street to hail a cab to go back to the resort. Before they could get into a cab Carol looked up at Will.

“Let’s try that kiss one more time.”


Back at the resort Paul was positioned on the balcony. He was waiting anxiously according to plan. As Carol took the taxi back she couldn’t hold young William off very well. The young sexually aroused tennis player kept making out with her in the cab. It felt like being sixteen all over again. Carol giggled thinking back of what it was like sucking face. Her pussy was getting really wet. Carol’s nipples were poking out of the bra and sheer top like hard points. Will was making all kinds of soft animal pre-sex sounds. His large paw-like hands wandered curiously across her firm body.

“Hmmm baby, just wait till we get to my room.”

Carol whispered. She was trying to calm her young lover down. Will couldn’t wait though. His kisses got hotter and hotter and more passionate. Carol also got more curious and aroused. It felt good for her ego to have a young man who seemingly couldn’t resist her. She found Will’s lack of control flattering.

The attractive aroused wife’s hand slipped gently into Will’s lap. She playfully rubbed his erection through his jeans. Fuck he was big. Paul would certainly get a show tonight Carol thought naughtily in her brain. Her husband wanted to watch? Well she was going to put on a show for him to remember.

The closer the cab got to the resort, the more desperate Carol became for sex. All this touching and kissing was driving her wild. It had been so long. Her body craved a strong young man who wanted her. Carol wanted Will to just truly fuck and ravish her. Her heart was racing. Her skin was tingling. Her pussy was wet and her nipples were aching. “Bite me, suck me, pinch me, twist me,” her nipples seemed to be screaming in her brain. Carol playfully teased her new toy-boy by flicking her tongue teasingly in his mouth.

Desperately nervous from all the waiting Paul almost jumped when he heard the hotel room’s door handle move. The balcony was completely dark. It was eerily quiet outside. The cicadas and night bugs could be heard humming in the tropical bushes below him. The skulking husband knew the laughing pair coming into the room couldn’t see him, but still he almost jumped out of his skin. Paul ducked down behind the wicker chair. He wanted to make certain he was well hidden away. His heart was pounding like a sledgehammer. He watched anxiously as the door slowly opened. Fuck it was really happening? A fantasy hidden for years was actually happening.

The door swung open slowly. They were holding hands and laughing. Will scooped an arm behind Carol and kissed her deeply. Pauls’ wife returned the kiss and pressed her sexy body into the young man she had picked-up at the club. Paul was in disbelief. Giggling playfully Carol broke away from the kiss and skipped away from the pursuing tennis stud.

Carol looking so attractive in her sexy black and white mini skirt moved quickly to the bedside away from the window.

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She turned on the dim bedside lamp. Will followed close behind her like a keen but very tall puppy dog. He looked so large, youthful and muscular. The young pursuer’s face was painted with a look of enraptured erotic desire.

From his dark hiding place Carol’s husband could see there was a lust-filled fire burning wildly in the young man’s blue eyes. Young Will never let his sex-crazed eyes leave Carol’s body for a second. Paul felt guilty knowing his own eyes had not possessed his wife like this for years. His small cock began to fill again with blood. It stuck up as much as it was able.

Carol had her back to Will. The young athlete moved closer to her petite body. His large manly hands were on her hips. William was so eager he began tugging and fumbling at the zipper on the back of Carol’s sexy short mini skirt. She giggled wildly. Swatting playfully at his hand she skittered away. Will reached after her laughing. Carol slapped playfully at his big strong hands trying to rip her clothes off.

“Give a woman a moment young man.”

Carol went to the closet and turned on the closet light. Then she turned off the bedside lamp. Now the room was only barely lit by some ambient light. It was more sensual and romantic this way with only warm diffuse light. Chasing behind her Will grabbed Carol roughly. He kissed her like a man possessed. She felt how young and strong he was. His lusting hands were roaming all over her body. He cupped her taut curved ass. What must her husband Paul be thinking? Soon she would be fucking this young stud before his very eyes.

In her own eagerness to fuck this young male dreamboat what was her motivation? Was Carol punishing her husband for all the years of denial? Did she want to hurt him for his neglect? Or was she simply fulfilling his deeply hidden fantasy that they as a couple had agreed to bring to life? Carol’s emotions were complex and conflicted. Partly yes as a good wife she wanted to make Paul’s fantasy come true. But now in the present moment her aroused body also wanted to just fuck this young blonde Adonis and go wild. And another part of Carol’s psyche wanted to inflict pain—yes harsh pain. She wanted Paul to feel the agony she had felt being ignored. She wanted her husband to feel gored on the pointed horn of Will’s massive cock. She wanted him to wriggle in pain.

As a horny woman at her sexual peak Carol returned to the task at hand. She needed and wanted to buck and grind on a good hard young cock. She needed to feel attractive and fulfilled as a woman. Her female insecurities needed to be sated and put to bed. The petite wife needed to spread her legs for a man who didn’t have complicated reasons not to fuck her.

Carol lusted to feel a hard cock that throbbed and burned for her loins alone. She needed a man so desiring of her body that he would tell her she was the most beautiful and sexy woman in the world. Yes in the midst of wild sex who cared what was real or true? Just relish the bliss and joy of being a woman taken. Relish the moment when you as a woman cascade into the bottomless abyss of orgasm. Her pussy was dripping in expectation.

Carol became overtaken by the moment. The sheer physical intensity of the young man’s body next to her made Carol swoon with desire. Her husband Paul was quickly gone from the aroused wife’s horny lusting thoughts. She pushed Will away a bit. With slender perfectly manicured fingers she began to nervously unbutton his blue shirt. Paul’s wife wanted this boy toy naked. Looking was okay, but now she wanted to touch, lick, bite, suck and ride. Young Will helped her. He quickly ripped away his cotton shirt. With a flick of his powerful wrist the tennis player flung his cotton shirt to the side.

Carol gasped at the sight of Will’s muscular ripped torso. My god this hot boy’s body was so amazing. How many crunches to get that stomach she wondered? And to think it was all hers to play with while her husband cowered hiding on the balcony. The aroused wife’s pupils dilated. Her mouth drooled secreting saliva as the reality of the moment hit her. The wife about to stray let her hands run slowly across Will’s rippled chest. Her fingers strayed down to tease across his ripped abs and further to his belt.

With unseemly eagerness the horny wife giggled and tittered as she pulled at her young lover’s belt buckle. Will pushed away the petite older woman’s hands. With a jerk he ripped open his belt and jeans in one pull. Carol dropped to her knees in disbelief at her own slutty behaviour. She grabbed William’s tight jeans and pulled down on each hip, dragging his tight denim pants past his knees. In front of her eyes was a pair of white cotton briefs with a big throbbing bulge.

Carol brushed some strands of brunette hair away from her face. Her heart was racing she was so excited. She felt it flutter. It had been so long since she felt that flutter. The brunette beauty grinned. Her hand reached out and gently rubbed across the moving throbbing bulge. Holy fuck he was huge. Will was stunned by what was happening. The hunky Canadian wore a goofy self-satisfied teenage-boy grin. Lots of “girls” had fallen for his silly lines, but this was a real woman he was going to fuck.

On the balcony Paul reached into his cotton sweat pants to feel his tiny erection. Yes he was a full “almost” five inches erect. In his mind he was being transported back to those nervous nights outside Tara’s bedroom window. To finally be able to watch again was amazing. He rubbed his cock. The husband stared enthralled as his wife dropped onto her knees. Paul could see she was facing a massive thumping bulge. Paul was distraught and yet excited. This was what he had been waiting for. This is what he had been fantasizing about for years.

Nervously the horny wife grabbed the waistband of Will’s white cotton briefs. She pulled them down. Too horny for any more delay, Carol was unable to wait any longer. She was a woman with a pussy after all. The huge eight-inch—(or was it nine-inch?)—cock that sprung out bounced after release from the constraint of the cotton briefs. It almost hit her in the face.

Paul’s wife giggled nervously. She eagerly reached up to grab the bouncing rod of steel-like flesh. William wiggled his legs and Carol helped him to discard his denim jeans. She cradled her toy-boy’s cock gently in her grasp. Her tiny hand barely went around its girth. She was just amazed at her new toy’s size.

“Oh my god Will. You’re so big!”

Before young William could attempt an intelligible answer Carol had wrapped her soft pink lips around the engorged purplish-red cock head. The bulbous enflamed head was so swelled and thick it filled her mouth to gagging. She hoped her husband was squirming in discomfort on the balcony. Her pussy began to get wetter as she sucked down on her new toy. Will groaned a rough guttural groan. His strong hands went to Carol’s head. The wannabe tennis pro grabbed two fistfuls of brunette hair.

“Oh fuck baby that feels so amazing.”

Carol had never sucked a cock other than her husband’s small less than five incher. Fellatio on a weapon like this was something different. Paul’s tiny cockhead didn’t nearly fill her mouth. This was a whole new experience: this was a whopper. It was an experience that Carol loved. She tried her best to suck deeper. The size of this new cock was like a challenge to Carol as a woman. It took concentration to relax her gag reflex. She pulled back and then tried a second time to suck down deeper. The brunette kneeling on the floor felt Will’s fingers dig into her scalp as she took more cock.

“Oh fuck Carol that’s too intense,” Will’s face contorted with the intensity of her sucking. “Slow down or I’ll come.”

A bit too eager for her own good Carol got carried away with her sucking. It had been so long since a cock thrilled her like this. She couldn’t stop. Her tongue was swirling and flicking, darting up and down, as she savoured the sensations. She flicked softly on the sensitive underside of Will’s huge prick. Carol was holding it loosely with her left hand. With her right hand she dragged her nails teasingly under her new stud’s tight ball sack. She felt his sack tighten at her touch.

Will’s thighs were like iron tree trunks they were so thick and muscular. Carol gently cradled his balls in her hand. Paul’s wife squeezed softly while sucking down with new vigour on her flesh Popsicle. With a jerk she felt Will’s body shudder unexpectedly. His body shook in a sudden spasm. The tube running along the bottom of his cock swelled as it filled preparing to shoot.

The wife on her knees had no time to prepare. It all happened too fast. A warm salty and slightly bitter explosion of cum shot into her mouth. She swallowed as quickly as she could, gulping it down. The sheer volume of gritty liquid was simply too much for Carol. This was not at all like the little shots that came dribbling from her husband’s small penis. She pulled her face away as excess cum began to squirt out of the sides of her mouth.

As Carol’s sucking mouth pulled off Will’s cock there was a soft popping sound of suction. The sound was loud enough for Paul to hear on the baby monitor on the balcony outside. A final burst of cum shot out of Will’s big cock. The last spurt of sticky goo hit the horny wife on her chin and neck. She giggled happily. Her right hand went to scoop the sticky goo off her chin.

On the balcony Carol’s husband Paul was stunned. His heart was pounding. The ineffective husband was amazed at what he was witnessing. This was hotter and sexier than anything he could have ever imagined. This was better than the voyeur porn he secretly watched on the Internet when his wife was out. His little cock was erect and pulsing with blood. Seeing another man’s cum dripping off his wife’s chin made him grin a wicked grin.

Carol rose unsteadily from her knees. She was shocked at what she had just done. She suddenly felt so powerful as a woman. Without speaking she pushed young Will, his body drained and weak from the unexpected explosion, back onto the bed. He flopped backwards flat on to the mattress. The young athlete gazed up at the sexy older woman who had just sucked him to a huge release.

The horny wife reached back behind her. She slowly unzipped her sexy short mini skirt. Carol grinned as she kicked it to the side. Next she pulled her sheer black top over her head. Now Paul’s horny wife was just in her sexy black lace lingerie. Oh and besides the black lace she was also wearing a saucy grin.

Carol crawled over her young athlete’s prone sexy hard body. They kissed a hot wet kiss of lust and passion. Some of Will’s sticky cum was still in her mouth. Carol thrust her cum covered tongue into her young lover’s mouth. She squirmed and wiggled on top of him seeking friction. Finally frustrated by her lover’s limp cock Carol rose up. This was no good. Her pussy was aching for attention.

The aroused wife swung a slim leg over Will’s face. She pulled her panties to the side. Using one finger she pulled her panties away exposing her wet pink love slit. Slowly with a big smile on her face Carol lowered her wet aching pussy. Inch by inch she moved it lower onto Will’s waiting mouth and tongue. The anticipation was the sweetest torture. She wanted his tongue to punish her pussy with wild strokes. Finally his warm lips met her warm lips and his sucked. She groaned out loud. On the balcony Paul heard the groan.

Carol reached out and grabbed the headboard of the bed. She used it to stabilize her petite toned body. Supporting her weight with a knee on each side of Will’s head the sexy wife began to slowly shift her hips back and forth. Will was an eager pupil of oral sex. The Canadian lapped at Carol’s wet pussy, sucking and licking with unbridled enthusiasm. His huge hands cupped her firm boyish ass as he drove his mouth harder onto her tingling aching pussy.

“Oh fuck yes Will. Faster,” she gasped for air. “Yes just like that.”

Her lover was young and eager and seemingly tireless. His tongue flew wildly over her clitoris. At times he plunged it deeply into her wet tunnel of love. Carol grabbed a fistful of his blonde locks. She pulled hard as she rode his mouth grinding her pussy down onto him. Her erotic feelings were rising to new heights. When William’s tongue finally located the horny wife’s hard little clitoris she gasped and her body shuddered. Her clit was sticking its sensitive little head out from the pink folds protecting it. Carol groaned and felt a wave wash over her. Her body shuddered.

“Oh god yes. Faster but lighter: not too hard,” she was burning oxygen at a fast rate. She gulped for more air. “Build me up.”

Carol was never like this. She was never this vocal with her husband. But caution had been thrown to the wind. She wasn’t “that” timid girl anymore. She wasn’t a “single mother.” She wasn’t a “house wife.” No! She was a hot wife now. She was a sexy wife with a demanding libido: she was a wife who deserved full satisfaction as a woman. She wanted sex and orgasms and she would receive them. Her husband could watch. Yes he could watch, but she would fuck this hard body young man and fuck him silly.

Gyrating her hips Carol’s creaming pussy was enflamed. Her hot body was burning with desire. Carol’s whole body was hot and aroused as her brain spun. Will reached up and pinched her nipples. Carol yelped as she felt firm squeeze to each aching point. The firm pressure on her rubbery erect nipples was the final straw. Her body jerked and bucked. Creamy juices flowed down coating Will’s face and chin with a flood of viscous slick sex juices.


Carol cried out. Her pussy convulsed with spasms of bliss. Will’s hands dug into her ass as he gripped as if his life depended on it. The young Canadian’s tongue lashed her pussy with furious fast strokes. Will didn’t have the best technique, but he was young and devoted to his task. Her body arched and trembled as the first big orgasm washed over her. Suddenly her body went rigid and her eyes rolled backwards. Carol felt her orgasm peak.

On the balcony Paul was rubbing his cock. The husband was totally enthralled. This was like watching a sex movie. Better actually. It was his wife having the orgasm. The pussy licking, having his face smothered by a hot warm pussy, and finally Carol’s huge orgasm, all that had revived the young blonde male athlete. Will was now getting his second wind. William’s huge young cock was proudly jutting back up in all its impressive glory. Carol flopped down onto his muscular chest. Her own chest was rising and falling as she gasped for air after her big release.

“Mmm that was a nice one Will.”

He grinned with male pride.

“I’m just starting baby. Can I fuck you?”

Carol grinned an even bigger grin than Will’s goofy grin. Can you fuck me? Was he stupid? Paul’s wife giggled and nodded happily. Yes please she wanted to say.

“Don’t ask silly questions,” she giggled playfully. “Hurry. I’ve been wanting your gorgeous cock all night.”

Will rolled on top of his married prize. Carol spread her toned legs wide. She twisted her neck to the side to look out the window. The sexy brunette caught a glimpse of her husband’s face peering over the wicker chair on the balcony. If you didn’t know he was there you’d never see him. But she knew. Their eyes connected. Was he happy? Did he like watching this moment? Is this what he had dreamed of? To see his wife, to see his high school sweetheart, penetrated and taken completely by another man: a man superior to him in every way. Was Paul’s dream being fulfilled she wondered?

Carol’s thoughts were interrupted as she felt Will’s thick cockhead at the entrance to her wet tingling pussy. Holy fuck he was big. Would this hurt? Was she too small? Would he fit? The unfaithful wife dug her manicured nails nervously into Will’s shoulders. Her petite body tensed in anticipation of the long thick flesh weapon about to impale her.

“Go slowly baby. You’re pretty big.”

Carol whispered into Will’s ear in a husky sexy whisper. Young William rubbed his cockhead around. He got his cockhead slick with her pussy juices so it could slip in more easily. The muscular tennis player grunted as he made the first gentle pushes forward. Oh god his huge cock was stretching her. She gasped out loud. Her manicured nails dug into his shoulders deeply. A second brand new cock was filling her. She could no longer say she had only fucked her husband.

This was a new chapter in Carol’s life. Will thrust forward. Carol held on and revelled in her very female essence. She was a woman and a man was fucking her. He was fucking her because he found her the most desirable woman ever. Out of all the young women in the club William had stared at her ass and her tits. She smiled a satisfied smile. She felt desired. Her nails ripped into his back as his hips began to drive forward more confidently. Oh god this felt more amazing than she could have ever imagined. With each in and out stroke Will’s massive member drove deeper. Could she take it all? Carol gritted her teeth as the feeling of being impaled so deeply almost scared her.

Was this wrong? Was she a whore? Would Paul still love her? Did she care if he did? So many questions and insecurities swirled in her mind competing with the sexual sensations. The questions tried to overwhelm her brain, but the huge cock drove them all away. Carol spread her legs more widely. All she wanted right now was to accept her young muscular lover. As a woman her only desire was to feel this young stud’s body shake and fill her pussy with cum.

“Oh god yes fuck me harder.”

As a woman she revelled in the bliss of it all. Carol couldn’t believe it. Her tiny pussy, wet and sopping and pink, inflamed with lust, had taken his entire length and girth. She had never in her life been filled to the brim like this. Her brain was shooting sexual synapse signals like exploding fireworks on the Fourth of July.

“Oh fuck yes William. It feels so good.”

The tightly wound bundle of muscle and cock was driving into her now. Will was pounding her pussy like nothing she had ever experienced. The newness of it all took her to new heights. As Will’s thrusts ground down onto her she cried out. The intense throbbing in her clitoris was building ever bigger and bigger. Finally Carol shuddered and screamed out. Yes she actually screamed.

“Arrgghhh…..OH FUCK!!”

In her entire life Carol had never let loose and screamed during sex. But as Carol’s body was consumed in a wave of hot passion she found this orgasm was too big and too exciting to contain. Paul’s wife let loose with a wild feline-like alley cat high-pitched scream of delight. The feeling was so intense; it was so glorious and all consuming that Carol thought she might faint. Every ounce of blood in her entire body must be swirling in her pussy. Carol felt light headed. When it finally arrived the orgasm shook her to the core.

On the balcony Paul almost felt his heart stop. Hearing the feline-like squeal his wife let loose was disquieting. Had his wife just screamed? He was confused. She had never done that for him. His cock wilted a bit. The squeals of delight were followed by a series of whimpers and grunts. The grunts transformed into soft groans as Carol’s body slowly drifted down from its gigantic orgasm.

Will sensed Carol’s orgasm had peaked. He slowed his thrusts. Carol was amazed. Will was still hard? She was confused. Her husband usually just squirted and that was it. A few thrusts and Paul was done before she even had a chance to orgasm once. Sex with Paul was quickly over until next time. This young Canadian stud had just let her have an amazing orgasm and he was still fucking her? She giggled feeling how glorious it was to be filled with his huge hard tool. The wanton wife couldn’t repress her giggles. Will chuckled along with her.

“Why are you giggling?”

She opened her eyes and stared into his blue pools.

“You’re still hard.”

“Of course.”

“But I just came. And you didn’t come?”

Will shook his head in negative.

“Oh my god you are my sexy stud.”

Carol grinned and twisted her body in a surprise move. Rolling sideways she grabbed her young tennis player as she rolled. William felt her body twist and he rolled with her. With a yelp of glee Carol was now on top straddling her young lover. She raised her body on her elbows and then sat up. She looked down in wonder at the man she was now riding. His huge hard young cock harpooned Carol’s tight pussy. Carol could feel his weapon spearing her halfway up her abdomen. She rested her hands on his chest. With a big grin she began to slowly shift her hips as she grunted and groaned.

The cock-riding wife glanced out the black window. What was Paul thinking? What was he doing? Could he see how big Will’s cock was? Had he got a good look at her stud’s equipment? The sensations began to build. She lost focus. Carol felt so youthful and sexy. She felt so young again. She felt so feminine and desired. She felt like a new life was beginning. The flower of her youth was finally blooming into the hot sexy female blossom she always knew she could be.

Her eyes rolled back. Her body arched. A new even bigger wave was coming. Oh god it was so fucking big: a tsunami of bliss. When the animal-like cry came it shook the windowpane it was so loud. Her nails ripped into Will’s chest leaving red tracks and drawing blood. The crazed wife would later find Will’s skin cells under her nails. Will also was overcome by Carol’s lust. His balls contracted and he shot a lava shot of cum for the second time. His strong tree-trunk thick thighs lifted his petite lover right off the bed. He drove his huge long thick cock deep into her tight pussy.

“Arrggh Carol….oh fuck baby! OH FUCK BABY!”

Will’s body was rocked as his torso shook. The athlete drained his tightly constricted balls into his older sexy lover. Sated by her own huge release Carol collapsed onto her young toy-boy’s sweat covered chest. Her head flopped down and she felt his chest heaving as he sucked for oxygen. Carol felt his big paw stroke her hair gently. The young lover kissed her lips tenderly. She sighed with contentment. God how long had it been? Her brain was dazed. What a huge orgasm.

Carol’s old marriage was officially over. Carol was a hot wife now. She smiled. Maybe she could be happy now? No she decided—she would be happy. Yes she would. On the balcony the scene of his wife straddling the young athlete and riding his massive hard shaft up and down has made Paul’s body weak. Seeing his high school sweetheart frantically thrusting against Will’s huge cock had been too much for Paul. He had whimpered weakly and then lost control. Carol’s husband’s almost five-inch cock emptied itself in tiny spurts into his cotton sweat pants. He blushed in shame.

What does the future hold for these two? Only time will tell. Carol feels Will’s huge cock shrivel inside her. She feels his huge load of cum dribble down the crack of her yoga-trim ass. An image of Will’s tennis friend Steve pops into her mischievous head. She grins and murmurs softly as a smile covers her soft feminine features. She thinks of gorgeous Tina. Life offers so many possibilities she thinks to her self.

Yes men were like a buffet the now sated wife decides, her pussy sore from the pounding it has taken. It is fun to have a husband who watches. Maybe next time she can bring him inside the room? Yes that might heighten the thrill? But still a woman should sample many dishes from the buffet of life she decides.

Then Paul’s wife thinks of Tina. So beautiful and so sweet; why limit your self to male chocolates? Carol’s brain is drifting. New ideas are percolating in her brain. Life certainly is a box of chocolates the naughty wife concludes. As Carol is mistily contemplating how wonderful everything is she senses her young stud stirring and moving on the bed again.

In disbelief Carol feels her young lover’s hands begin to explore her toned responsive body once more. Is that? Yes she teasingly reaches down and feels his cock is swelling for a third time. Oh to be young. Carol giggles and moves her head to the side to look out the window. Yes there is her husband Paul still peering inside from the darkness. Well he’ll have to wait on the balcony even a little longer she giggles.

The horny wife turns her face. Her hot hungry lips find William’s eager tongue poking into her mouth. A hot messy passionate kiss ensues. Tongues tangle and the wife who wants more feels her body responding to her chosen young stud. Will rolls and mounts her. His big wondrous cock is hard again. Carol’s wet ready pussy takes him easily this time. Will grunts with his first thrust. Oh god yes she will make up for lost time. How she will make up for lost time.

“Oh god, fuck me Will. Fuck me hard!”

The End

Written by flytoomuch
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