The sisters had been talking in the kitchen for thirty minutes when Elizabeth began wondering what had become of her husband. “Excuse me, Maggie. I need to go see what’s keeping Tommy.”
Entering their bedroom, Elizabeth saw that it was empty. “Tommy,” she called out.
When he didn’t answer, she went to see if he was in the bathroom but discovered it empty.
She looked into his walk-in closet but didn’t see him. Standing there, she tried to think where he could have gone. Once again, she called out, “Tommy!”
“I’m back here,” she heard him say.
“Where is back here?” she said to the walls.
“The back of the closet,” he answered.
Walking into the closet, she wondered if he might be playing a trick on her, but she still didn’t see him. “Where are you?” she demanded.
“In here,” he answered. “Look at the back wall. There’s a small door.”
Walking to the back wall, she finally spotted a doorway about four feet high. “What the hell is this?”
“Come inside, and I’ll show you,” Tommy replied.
Stooping down, Elizabeth entered a room she didn’t know existed. “What is this?” she said again.
Tommy was seated on some boxes in front of a desk. “You didn’t know this was here, did you?”
“No. What is it?”
“It appears to me that your late husband was a crafty bastard. He had the entire house wired for video and sound. Look at that,” he said, pointing to what appeared to be a long and low bookshelf.
Elizabeth walked over to see hundreds of DVDs in jewel cases stacked side by side.
“How did you find this?” she asked Tommy.
“After you left, I came in here to find something to cover my bare butt, and I heard a clicking noise. About every three seconds, another click. So, I started to look around to find what it was. As I got to the back wall, the clicking became louder, and I was getting a little concerned that there might be some kind of short in an electrical line. As I was listening and looking, I noticed a fine line that outlined that little door. I gave it a push, and it opened right up.”
“What are all these DVD’s,” Elizabeth asked, becoming quite concerned.
“Come over here, and I’ll give you a demonstration that will solve the mystery.”
Moving to stand behind her husband, Elizabeth watched as he opened a case and dropped the disk on a tray that was sucked up by some kind of computer. After some little noises, a 22” computer monitor lit up. To Elizabeth’s shock, she saw her assistant, Helen, with her legs spread wide, being soundly fucked by her guy, Chad.
“What the hell?” she shouted.
“This is purely conjectured on my part, darling, but it would appear that when Bill had the house built, he added a few personal touches. If you take out some of those DVD’s on the shelf, you will see that they are all labeled. Take a look.”
Feeling a little numb, Elizabeth began taking the jewel cases out, one by one, to see Bill’s handwriting on them. The first one she picked up said, “Dan and Mary.” The next one was “Steve and Joann.” She turned to look back at Tommy, holding up the discs. “These are all friends of ours who came to our football parties. Are they all movies of them having sex?”
“I haven’t looked at all of them, but that would be my guess.”
“What was making the clicking sound?” she asked.
“I’m not a computer geek, but it appears to me that Bill had a machine that automatically started filming based on motion in a room. If someone walked into a room, the video cameras turned on. They would continue to record as long as there was motion. This machine was loaded with dozens and dozens of blank CD’s. It looks to me like he could video motion in at least three rooms at the same time. The CD’s would automatically reload after no movement for some time.”
“And the clicking was being made by the computer trying to load another CD, but the bin was empty?”
“That’s what I think.”
“What was on the last CD?”
Tommy picked up a silver CD and put it into the computer. Five seconds later, they were both watching her naked sister on her knees, giving Pastor Boatwright a very vigorous blow job.
“Your sister has a very nice ass,” Tommy laughed. “Not as good as yours, sweetheart, but still quite excellent. I think you should give her some pointers on technique.”
“I’m guessing you’ve seen this film,” Elizabeth said with her hands on her hips. “Does she swallow?”
“In fact, she does,” Tommy said, trying to hide his laughter.
“That pisses me off,” Elizabeth snorted.
“Why? Because your sister was fucking a clergyman.”
“No!” Betts fumed. “It pisses me off that she got a head start on having great sex.”
Tommy reached over and pulled his beautiful wife onto his lap. “But you’re making up for lost time, Betts. And I’ll bet you are now way ahead of her.”
Elizabeth took her eyes off of the screen and smiled at her husband. “You’ve got that right, stud. I’m sleeping with ‘The Man’ now. And that’s something she’ll never have.”
“Do you think she’s serious about the Pastor?”
“That’s what it sounds like to me. Margaret’s already told me that she just has to finish out this semester to get her Masters, and then she’d like to come back here and stay with us.”
“We’ve got plenty of room,” Tommy said with a smile. “But I guess it means we’ll have to become church-going folks.”
“It does look that way,” she said, touching his face. Then waving her hand at the racks of DVDs, she said, “But our Saturday nights will be filled with enough porn to keep us busy for years.”
“You want to go back and watch more of Helen and Chad? I don’t know how that man has lived this long. The woman is a tiger. Holy shit!”
“What are we going to do with this?” she asked.
“That’s up to you,” Tommy told her. “We can turn the thing off or continue to be voyeurs like your first husband. I have to admit to being a little surprised. With a woman like you, naked in his bed, why would he need to see anyone else?”
“That’s sweet of you, Tommy.”
“It isn’t sweet,” he insisted. “You are the finest female on two legs. There isn’t a woman better to see naked than you.”
“Thank you, baby,” she whispered and kissed his cheek.
“You might be interested to know that there are about thirty DVDs on the end that say ‘Elizabeth’ on them. I haven’t seen one yet, but I think he filmed you too. Based on the number of discs, I’d guess there must be over forty hours of you doing naughty things.”
Going down the shelves, Elizabeth found one with her name on it and pitched it to Tommy. “Fire one up and let’s see what’s on it. I swear to you that I was never with another man.”
Tommy dropped the DVD into the machine, and they both stared at the monitor. After a few seconds, the screen was filled with a video of Elizabeth on her back with her legs spread wide while she enjoyed one of her toys. They couldn’t really see Bill but saw some motion to the side.
“I think you should do that for me,” he said softly. “You are one sexy bitch.”
“I’m your sexy bitch,” she said before she kissed him.
Elizabeth was tempted to watch more of the video of her sister but decided that now was not the time for it. She found a jewel case and wrote on the face, “Margaret and Jonathan,” and put it on the shelf with the others. “One thing we know about Margaret’s Holy Man,” she told Tommy. “He’s well hung.”
“Then that’s good luck for your sister.”
“Not unless he knows how to use it,” Elizabeth cooed to her husband. “Size is nice, but knowledge can make up for lack of it.”
“Says the woman who’s tried one cock in her entire life,” he laughed.
“I’ll freely admit that I’m pleased you met that older woman that just wanted you to service her. She taught you a lot, and I’m grateful. Her loss was my gain.”
“Are you going to tell Margaret that we have her and Pastor Boatwright on film?” Tommy asked.
“No, fuckin’ way!” Betts said with an evil grin. “I don’t plan to let any of those people know my kinky first husband was a pervert.”
“But you just might need to see some of those recordings,” Tommy suggested.
“I might. Since the films were made in my house, I may need to review them to see if they took any of my belongings.”
“Now, that’s not something I would have considered,” Tommy laughed. “But I can see how that would be a good idea. But we should start with Helen and Chad.”
“I only hope I can look that good when I’m almost fifty. And, my lord, that woman does love to fuck.”
“She did sound appreciative. I’m glad that when Bill wired the house for video, he also hooked it up for sound. Did you see the trash can?”
“No,” she said as she looked under the desk. “Crap. There must be a hundred CD’s in the trash.”
“I looked at one of them,” Tommy told her. “I would guess that there are many like I saw. Someone walked into one of the bedrooms, and the motion detector started the camera. Then the person walked out. Or in the case of the one I saw, Maria went in to change the sheets on a guest bed and was filmed. Obviously, Bill tossed those out. He was just looking for the blackmail shots.”
“If he had this thing set up since he built the house, I wouldn’t be surprised to find some of our party guests rubbing bellies with someone, not their spouse.”
“When we have some time, we’ll investigate a little more intently and determine what you want to do with them.”
Elizabeth turned to the door. “I wonder why I never saw this doorway.”
“Why would you?” Tommy asked. “How much time did you spend in his closet? Probably not much. When I heard the clicking, there were some things in front of the door. They were things that were light and easy to move, but they would have covered the door. Besides that, the door is only about four feet high. I’ll bet Bill could roll his wheelchair right in here without ducking.”
Looking back out toward the closet, Elizabeth stared at the carpet. “If you look toward the light, you can see wheel marks in the carpet.”
Pushing Betts off of his lap, Tommy said, “We’d better go down and visit with your sister a little. She’ll think we’re up here snogging again. I’ll try not to tell her that her ass is almost as good as yours.”
“Maybe I should ask her about her oral technique,” Elizabeth said as she stooped to get through the low door. “It appears to me that she has had more practice than me. Maybe she can show me how to take one so deep.”
Tommy turned off the lights in the private room and shut the door. “I have no complaints about the way you do oral, my love. You may have had a late start, but you have mastered the topic in record time.”
“Thank you,” she said with a grin. “Still, there’s always room for improvement.”
Once they were gathered in the kitchen, Margaret asked, “What are your plans for New Year’s?”
Rummaging through the wine cooler for a bottle of white wine, Tommy replied, “I don’t think we’ve given it any thought. Have you Betts?”

“I’m afraid my thoughts were all directed toward the wedding and our honeymoon. I’ve given no thought to New Year’s. Is there something you want to do, Margaret?”
“If you don’t have any plans, I thought that perhaps I could invite Jonathan over for dinner. Just the four of us, and you could get to know him a little better,” Margaret explained.
“And we would toast in the New Year?” Tommy asked, finding the bottle he was searching for.
“Sure,” Margaret told him.
“And then we’d all go to bed to celebrate the New Year with our companion?” Elizabeth asked.
“Well… yeah. I hope you aren’t going to play Mom here and tell me I shouldn’t be sleeping with a man I hardly know,” Margaret said with a frown.
“Certainly not,” Betts replied as she pulled down three wine glasses. “You’ve just spent two weeks leading a clergyman down sin’s path. There’s no point in stopping anything now.”
“Why would you call it sinful?”
As he poured, Tommy took a stab at the question. “I would think that Pastor Boatwright’s church would think of sex between unmarried people as sinful, but perhaps his church is more modernized than I might think. Your sister and I certainly can’t disapprove. We lived together for six months before we got married.”
Putting her arm around her husband, Elizabeth said, “And we had lots of premarital sex.”
“Lots,” Tommy laughed. “Unless my sexy wife has some objection, I’d say we’d be happy to have dinner with Jonathan. If you are getting serious about him, we need to know him better.”
Elizabeth was still having images of her sister on her knees, giving head to the Pastor. She knew it was an image that was not going to go away. “When did you first have sex?” Elizabeth asked her sister.
“The first time was when I was a junior in high school,” Margaret answered.
“See, I told you,” Elizabeth said to Tommy. “She got an early start.”
“When was your first time?” Margaret wanted to know.
“Do you want to know when was the first time I had some form of sex or the first time I had a penis inside my vagina?”
“I would think they would be the same,” Margaret explained.
“Actually, that is incorrect. My first husband was incapable. He had no feeling below his waist. We had a lot of sexual activity, but not in the traditional sense.”
Margaret looked confused. “You didn’t have sex with anyone while you were in school?”
“You’ll love this story,” Tommy laughed as he handed Margaret a glass of wine.
“Nope. Not ever,” Elizabeth told her sister. “Keep in mind that I was just a little past sixteen when I graduated from high school. Then I attended an all-girl college in Georgia. I had just turned twenty when I enrolled in the graduate program at Texas.”
“You didn’t date anyone?” Margaret asked.
“Our father was up my butt, pushing my nose into the books from the time I was ten,” Betts explained. “He wouldn’t allow me to date.”
“I remember going to baseball games to see Tommy play. I thought you had a big-time crush on him.”
“I did have a crush on him,” Elizabeth said with a smile as she hugged her husband. “And trust me; I would have gladly dropped my panties for him right on that baseball field. I just never had the chance.”
“Damn. I just never gave your situation a thought,” Margaret said in surprise. “I guess I just assumed that you were like me and anxious to get into the sex game. I had sex with four guys before I got to college.”
“Slut!” Elizabeth said jokingly.
“Well, I probably was a bit of a slut,” Margaret agreed. “But as I said before, our attitude was something we inherited from our sex-crazed mother.”
“Your mother?” Tommy said in amazement.
“I didn’t know it,” Elizabeth told Tommy. “Margaret has had more experience with our mother than I ever did. She has told me that our Mom is sexually active and often loud.”
Tommy didn’t say anything, but he gave his wife a look of understanding.
“Yes,” Elizabeth said, a little embarrassed. “It appears that it’s something that we sisters got from our mother. It would seem that we both like to vocalize our appreciation for good sex.”
“Oh, I like the way you phrase that,” Margaret giggled. “Vocalized appreciation. I’ll have to remember that expression.”
Trying to change the subject, Tommy walked over to the refrigerator. He removed the calendar that was attached to its side. “I guess we need to make plans if we have a guest for a New Year’s dinner. Tomorrow is the 30th, so we don’t have much time to prepare.”
“Are we going to cook or bring something in?” Elizabeth asked.
“Are you going into the office tomorrow,” Tommy asked. “I need to go to my office just to see what’s been going on, but I’ll take off the 31st, and the 1st is an official holiday.”
“It’s so funny,” Betts laughed. “I just had not thought about us being so close to New Year’s. Yes, I’ll go into my office in the morning if for no other reason to tell Helen about Tahiti. Then I’ll take off the next two days as well.”
Margaret moved next to Tommy and looked up at him. “So then, you’re okay with me having a sleep-over guest for New Year’s?”
“I think it’s fine, as long as you sleep downstairs. I don’t want your howling to keep me awake.”
“Yeah,” Elizabeth laughed. “Like you’re going to be asleep.”
“It could happen,” he insisted.
While Tommy and Elizabeth went into work on Monday morning, Margaret was on the phone with Jonathan telling him about their plans to celebrate New Year’s. “You’re not having some kind of New Year’s midnight service, are you?”
“No,” the minister laughed. “We have a candlelight service on Christmas Eve, but nothing to bring in the New Year.”
“Then you’ll come to have dinner with us and then stay the night? I’d like to wake up with you on January 1st.”
“Your sister doesn’t mind?” Jonathan asked.
“We discussed it and determined I’m old enough to make my own decisions, but we’ll have to stay in one of the downstairs bedrooms.”
“Why downstairs?” he said.
“Do you remember commenting about my vocalized appreciation?”
“I remember saying something about you being loud if that’s your reference.”
“It is,” she laughed. “Betts said if I was going to be loud, we should use one of the downstairs rooms. And since I’m expecting you to exhibit your sexual skills, I think we’ll move to a different floor.”
“What should I bring?” he asked.
“Would you like to bring champagne?”
“Will two bottles be enough?” he inquired.
“That would be perfect,” she said with a nod. “It will be dark by 7:00. Why don’t you plan on being here at 7:30?
As Elizabeth expected, Helen came into her office within minutes of arrival. “Which do you want first?” the woman asked. “Details on what happened in the office or telling me about your trip?”
“Did anything interesting happen while I was away?”
“No,” Helen answered quickly. “Now. Tell me about your honeymoon.”
“It was a trip to remember,” was all Elizabeth could say before Bryce came through the door. “Well, look who’s here. Good to see you back, boss. How was your trip?”
Directing her question to Bryce, Elizabeth said, “Did anything interesting happen while I was away?”
“No,” he replied. “Tell me about your trip.”
Laughing, Elizabeth said, “Did you two rehearse this?”
Looking at each other, and then speaking at the same time, they said, “Rehearse what?”
Smiling at both of their innocent faces, Elizabeth told them, “The trip was nothing short of sensational. We stayed in a slice of paradise and loved every minute of it. We saw that the Cowboys will be in the playoffs, and we’ll be hosting some more football parties. I think that sums it all up.”
Helen turned to Bryce. “I’ll get the good stuff out of her later.”
“I have no doubt about that,” he offered. “Things around here were languid,” Bryce told Elizabeth. “But then, it’s never bustling here toward the end of the year. I don’t expect anyone to be working tomorrow, and of course, the first is an official company holiday.”
“Good,” Elizabeth smiled. “Then, I plan to use my time today, answering emails. If you want to get together for lunch, and I’ll show you some of the photos we took.”
“Are any of them of your hunky husband naked?” Helen asked with a grin.
“I will not be showing those,” Elizabeth assured her assistant. “Why don’t you make us a reservation someplace close?”
“Consider it done,” Helen said as she stood to leave. “12:30 good for you?”
“Perfect. Now, both of you leave me alone. I have some catching up to do.”
Things in Tommy’s office were much the same as in Elizabeth’s business. People were popping in the door to welcome him back and ask about Tahiti. Dave Edwards was the only one to come in and sit down. “I hope you’re going to show me some pictures of Tahiti.”
Tommy pulled out his phone, found what he was looking for, and handed it to Dave. “This is all you need to see.”
Handing his friend the phone, Dave saw a picture of Elizabeth in the white dress.
“Oh. My. God,” Dave gasped.
“Yep,” Tommy said with a grin. “You could say I spent some time in paradise. Tahiti wasn’t bad, either.”
“You would recommend it as a destination for Molly and me?”
“Only if you have a baby sitter,” Tommy told his friend. “It is not a place to be thinking about anything other than the beauty around you. Honestly, the place is just stunning.”
“How were your flights?”
“Going out, we spent a night in LA. The return trip was straight through with a plane change at LAX. The stay over in Los Angeles was a good idea because the flight from California to Tahiti was eight hours. Stopping for one night meant that we weren’t beat on arrival. Coming home, it doesn’t matter much. However, Tahiti Air has those first-class seats which fold flat to make a bed. That helps you not be quite so tired.”
“First class must have awfully expensive for such a long flight.”
“No, man,” Tommy laughed. “We’re in the flying business. You pay the coach price, and I’ll get you upgraded to First. Thom Hawk has friends in the business.”
Standing up, Dave put out his hand to Tommy. “I’ll let you get caught up. Glad to see you back, tanned, and rested.” Leaning over, Dave tapped Tommy’s phone. “After seeing that photo, I’ll guess you aren’t too rested.”
“We’ll be hosting playoff football parties,” Tommy called after Dave and turned back to his computer. He was going to have to work his way through about two hundred emails before going home.
Back at her desk, Elizabeth kept remembering seeing the video of her sister on her knees with Jonathan. She picked up her cellphone and dialed Margaret’s number. When she heard Margaret’s voice, she spoke softly. “Hi, Sis. I was wondering if you could help me with something.”
“Sure,” was her sister’s reply in a happy-sounding voice. “What can I do for you?”
“When was the first time you gave a guy a blow job?”
Laughing, Margaret replied, “Right before I got laid the first time when I was a junior in high school.”
“Did anyone teach you to do it?”
“Of course not,” Margaret said with a laugh. “It’s just something you learn as you go. Well, except a guy I dated in college. He was older and gave me some tips. Sorry… I didn’t mean to make a pun.”
“I’m afraid it’s the one part of my life where I lack skills. Do you think you could show me what you know?”
“I’d be glad to. On your way home from work, stop at the grocery store and pick up some bananas.”
Betts started to ask Margaret why she wanted bananas, but as she was about to speak, another vision came into her mind. “Will six be enough?”