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Handjob Heaven

"A man's good deeds receive more than ample reward"

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It was the middle of summer and as Ted looked out of the window, he didn’t know whether to smile or burst into tears.  His new neighbour was sunbathing again.  She was in her early twenties, blonde and had a body to die for.  As an older man, he could only distantly remember dating girls like her. His wife, while a good woman had long since ceased to please him.  His sex life had become redundant.   What made it all the more frustrating was that despite his advancing years he was still young inside and had the inclinations of a far younger man.

As he looked at his sexy young neighbour, his heart missed a beat, as she sat up and undid her bra.  She had the most beautiful up-tilted breasts and lay back down on her towel, her nipples still slightly erect.  He watched incredulously as she squirted a little sunblock in her palm and worked it into her boobs.  Ted’s cock twitched involuntarily as he watched the erotic display.

Ted had only met her briefly in the two weeks since she had moved in, and had no idea of her name or anything else.  He thought that his wife wouldn’t approve of his hobnobbing with a young ‘girl-next-door.’  But his wife was overseas, and he was left to his own devices.  He was semi-retired and had his allotment to keep him busy, but it was too hot to work there now, and the present diversion was far better.  As he was watching, she turned over to take a sip through the straw of the glass that was beside her towel.  Then he saw her gorgeous bum.  She had a peach of an ass and was barely covered by her skimpy little bikini bottoms.  Ted gulped, and with his erection now uncomfortably hard, he had no choice but to go away and pleasure himself, as the images of his neighbour were still fresh in his mind.

It was a day or two later and the weather had turned a little cooler.  Around mid-morning, the silence was broken in Ted’s home by a rapid banging on his door.  So insistent and urgent were the knocks that he hurried, not knowing if he would be confronted by a madman or what.  It was, in fact, his neighbour.  For a second, time stood still as she stood there in her white top and shorts, absolutely wet through.  Even though she was wearing a bra, the water had soaked her to the skin and her nipples were poking and visible against the translucent cotton.

“Please!  You have to come!  My tap’s burst, there’s water everywhere!”

Ted didn’t know where to look but hearing her pleas for help, he grabbed his bag of tools and rushed to his neighbour’s aid. 

On arriving in her kitchen, he saw that the faucet had indeed ruptured at the base and the worktops and floor were rapidly becoming awash.  Ted grabbed a wrench and knew exactly what to do.  His years as a plumber were not wasted and little did he know at that moment, what a valuable skill it was.

After a few seconds he had cut the supply and ferreting in his bag, he found some spare parts and fixed the whole thing.  The girl was surprised at the strength that he displayed in order to turn off the pipe. When he had done, she fetched some buckets and a mop and the two of them dried the floor.

“I’ll never know how to thank you!” said the pretty blonde, earnestly.

“It’s okay. Always happy to save a fellow soul in distress.”

“But it was like you’re an expert.  You’ve made it as good as new.”

“That’s pure luck, young lady.  I’ve been a plumber for 35 years.  I’m part time now, but I always keep my tools handy just in case I get an urgent call.”

“Obviously.  Awww you’re so sweet.  What do I owe you?”

“Nothing!  Nothing at all.  It’s my pleasure.”

“Well, you have to let me do something.”

Ted looked at her pretty face and then down to her still sopping wet top. 

“No, it’s fine,” said Ted, with a forlorn smile.

Being face to face with his neighbour now, he mused at how cruel fate was.  She was so gorgeous and now all wet.  So close and yet so far.

“Nawww… I don’t know.  You’re married aren’t you?” asked the girl, suddenly changing her tone from bright to conciliatory.

“Yes,” said Ted. She’s on vacation at present, with the bridge club.  Kate loves her bridge.”

“Oh, she’s away!  Well, I don’t suppose you’ll be free tomorrow about four?”

“Yes, I can finish early.  One of the benefits of being self-employed!”

“Ah of course.  Well, if it’s convenient, pop round just after 4 pm, okay?”

“Yes, sure.  Do you finish early, too?”

“Me.  No, I’m not working tomorrow, actually.”

“Oh, a lady of leisure for a day.  What do you do the rest of time?  A beauty consultant, I bet?”

“Awww bless… actually, I’m not.  I’m a legal secretary four days a week and I dance one night a week.”

“You’re a dancer?”

“In a manner of speaking.  A lot of people get the wrong idea when I tell them.  Actually, I’m a lap dancer.  But it’s all above board,” she added.

A stream of inappropriate thoughts rattled through Ted’s brain, as his eyes flicked between her blue eyes and her breasts.

“I see.  I’m sure it’s very tasteful.”

“I like to think so.  Erotic, but tasteful.”

“I’m sure,” said Ted, kindly.  “About tomorrow, what did you have in mind?”

“Just a little something I’d like to do.  You’ve been so kind and saved me from a disaster.  I want to do something, as you say – ‘for a fellow soul.’”

“Okay, well I’m intrigued.”

The girl giggled. 

“What’s your name by the way?”  she asked.

“It’s Ted.  My friend’s call me Teddy.”

“Oh, that’s cute.  Well, Teddy.  I’m Candy.  Pleased to meet you.”

Candy offered her hand and Ted took it gently.  Her hand was so soft, it made him shiver from head to toe.  He just knew that every inch of her young body would be the same and it gave him naughty thoughts as he left.

Having not the faintest idea what his sexy neighbour had planned, the evening and the following morning were a combination of anticipation and unrequited passion.  He had abandoned his nightly masturbation in frustration.  Seeing her close up and smelling her sweet perfume was stimulating, but reminded him of his youth.  Those were days long gone when he would take a girl to the drive-in in his Zephyr convertible and she would make him happy at the end of the evening. 

He slept unsated and made it through the following day by deadheading his Virginia Stocks in the morning, and doing some local jobs until it was time to take a shower and then head next door. 

He knocked on her front door and stood patiently.  There was a brief wait and then he saw Candy’s figure appear through the patterned glass.  She opened the door and Ted nearly collapsed on the spot.  Candy was dressed in skin tight denim shorts and a white crop top that was tied at the waist and only partly concealed her beautiful breasts.

“Come in Teddy.  I’m so glad you could make it.”

“I never miss an invitation, especially from such a delightful young woman.”

“Ooh, you do have a way with words.”

As Candy spoke, Ted realised that he could hear women’s voices from the room adjacent to Candy’s hallway and his mind began to do overtime.

“I know you said you didn’t want payment,” continued Candy, “But I have invited some friends over.  The thing is, they’re colleagues.”

The cogs turned in Ted’s brain and he gulped.

“Colleagues?  You mean…?”

“Yes, they work at the club.  The thing is, Ted.  I hope you don’t mind, but we would like to put on a little show for you.”

“Mind!  I can safely say I won’t mind, but…”

“You’re worried about the rules?” said Candy.


“Don’t worry, Ted.  Just go with the flow.

Candy led Ted into her front room.  There, sitting on a three seater settee were two girls, both of a similar age to Candy and all breathtakingly gorgeous.  They too were dressed in a way that was provocative, but sexily sophisticated rather than slutty.  One was a redhead in sexy shorts and a brunette in a short pleated skirt.  Both wore skimpy tops that revealed their navels.  Along with Candy, they were the hottest bevy of female flesh that Ted had laid eyes on for many years.

“This is Teddy, girls.”

There was a chorus of polite greetings from the girls.  They were classy like Candy with well-cultured accents and an air of sophistication.  Like Candy, they had come through university with top degrees and had top-flight careers.  Except that they enjoyed the excitement of entertaining professional gentleman at the club.

Candy introduced them to her guest.  At that moment, Ted’s mind was a whirl.  The thought of Candy giving him a lap dance was amazing enough, but three girls!  It made him giddy.

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The girls were all smiles.  The years had been kind to Ted and with the way he kept active, walking to and from his allotment and all the digging, he had maintained a good physique and though he had the odd wrinkle here and there, he cut a youthful appearance that belied his years. 

The girls stood up and shook his hand and Candy introduced him to her friends.

Amy had long dark hair and big brown eyes.  She was wearing a strapless red top, which was very revealing, mostly as a result of her being the buxomest of the trio.  Her short black leather skirt looked good against her tanned legs.   For the first time, Ted allowed himself the luxury of a fantasy.  The beginnings of an erection were stirring, and he couldn’t stop it as he came to terms with the glorious threesome of female flesh.

The third girl, Mia had luxurious long red hair.  Her breasts were clearly up tilted and pert under her semi see-through pink buttoned blouse.  She was wearing shorts like candy, except they were red hot pants and Ted licked his lips involuntarily as he noticed the sexy cleft between her legs.

“So Ted, we’re all going to have a moment.  If you’d like to strip and sit on the sofa, we’ll be right with you.”

Ted was fairly sure she had said ‘strip’ but he needed to check.

“Did you say…?”

“Strip.  Yes.  Just get comfortable and enjoy your reward… Teddy.”

“Okay…” said Ted, uncertainly.

“Relax, and let us take care of you,” added Amy, softly.

The three girls disappeared and left Ted alone to disrobe.  If it was a practical joke, it was a good one but a cruel one.  But why?

Ted undressed and folded his clothes.  He looked down at his hardening penis.  He stroked his chest, prodding his pecs, which were adorned with more grey hairs than dark ones now, but he still had taut skin and his musculature was healthy and respectably defined.

He sat down on the sofa, with his arousal wavering in the uncertainty of what was going to happen.  As he was beginning to concoct all sorts of bizarre explanations for the situation, the reality that he was sitting naked in his neighbour’s house began to sink in.  Before he had time to panic, the living room door opened and the girls re-entered one by one.  Ted’s heart missed a beat as he watched the three girls, now in lacy lingerie file through the door.  The full extent of their beauty and the sheer voluptuousness of their young bodies was now apparent as they nestled on the sofa around him. 

“There’s just one rule, Teddy,” said Candy.  “No touching.  Except we can touch you, as much as we like.”

“Yes, just lie back and enjoy,” added Mia.


Ted nodded and took a deep breath, partly to calm his nerves, but also to inhale the expensive perfume that was enhanced by the warmth of their bodies.  The effect on Ted was rapid and his penis grew uncontrollably as the girls began to stroke his arms and legs, but stopping short of his growing erection.  He could do nothing but wallow in the midst of their radiance and feast upon their bodies with his gaze. 

Candy and Amy knelt beside him and ran their hands through his grizzled grey-brown hair and down the short wiry hairs on his chest.  The girls began to get closer, pressing their smooth skin against his, in a gentle stroking motion, so that it seemed every inch of his body was being massaged.  Ted was finding it hard not to reciprocate, but there was such a close intimacy in their pampering that it wasn’t necessary.  As Amy and Mia continued to lay their hands all over his body, Candy went round to the back of the sofa and began to massage his shoulders. 

It was erotic and relaxing all at the same time.  Ted could see the girls’ breasts jiggling inside their bras as they moved, and with his cock now fully rigid, Candy reached down and gripped the base of his shaft and then slowly slid her fingers back towards the tip. Ted shivered from the thrill of her touch on his erection.

“Have we teased him enough, girls?” said Candy.

“I’m not sure, what do you think?” said Amy flirtatiously.

The girls gradually swapped places, moving around the sofa, so that every minute or so, a different pair of hands was fondling another part of his body, all the time brushing his cock a little more deliberately until one by one, they slowly stroked his manhood this way and that.

“Hmmm… I think we should show you a little more of us,” said Candy, seductively.  Slipping back onto the sofa, she and the other two reached around to unclip their brassieres.  Ted’s heart leapt into his mouth as he watched the denouement of their amazing breasts.  Candy’s nipples were luscious and pink, rising from her gloriously up-tilted breasts.  Mia had equally mouth-watering breasts and her nipples were surrounded by puffy areola.  Amy’s boobs were larger and quivered as she moved, her nipples light raspberry pink.

A younger man might have lost control, but Ted’s stamina was better, but he had to brace himself as Amy sat up and squashed her tits around his face.  Ted groaned with delight as she moved her body from side to side as the other two girls ran their fingers over his throbbing meat.

Ted’s cock was twitching with arousal as Candy swapped places with her friend and brushed her nipples across Ted’s lips.  Candy, Amy, and Mia had such a deft feather-like touch, pleasuring him exquisitely, stroking or otherwise teasing every inch of his body, running their hands over him like a feather and every so often making contact with his dick and lingering around the sensitive tip.

Just as he thought it couldn’t get any better, the girls stood up and slipped their fingers inside the top of their panties.  They teased him for a while, gyrating and moving their booty in front of his face and making to drop their knickers.  Just as Ted concluded that they had reached the climax of their show, the girls stood in a semi-circle around him and slowly lowered their panties.  All three had little strips of pubic hair, neatly trimmed, revealing their moist, pink labia.  Still parading around him the girls moved even closer, touching themselves, licking their fingers and exposing the glistening flesh of their pussies.

Now completely naked, the girls proceeded to give Ted a body to body massage, as he lay back on the sofa.  They each took turns to glide their bodies against his, stroking him and running their hands through his hair.  His cock was straining with arousal, as warm soft breasts were rubbed on his face and sexy butts were ground against his groin. 

Ted didn’t know how much more he could take of this.  Mia the redhead sat astride his right leg, rubbing her moist warm pussy against his thigh as Candy stroked his cock in a figure of eight and Amy tickled his balls with the tips of her fingers.  He groaned even more as the intense pleasure in his cock grew deeper and the three girls stroked his cock at the same time.  Ted found himself enveloped by their smooth young flesh as they licked their fingers, lubricating his cock with their saliva.  Each girl had a slightly different technique in masturbating his prick, either a little bit slower or faster.  One girl gripped him by the root of his shaft and teased the head of his cock, while the other two trailed their fingers over the underside, and then teased and massaged his exposed glans.  He winced with the aching pleasure of their sublime treatment.

Taking things to the next level, Candy had Ted lay down on the sofa, with his head propped against a cushion while Amy and Mia alternately wanked his dick and cupped his firm walnut sack.  The gorgeous blonde moved to the end of the sofa and wiped her index finger across his lips.  Then she squatted over the end of the sofa and straddled her thighs across Ted’s face.  Ted could feel his penis throb and expand to the point where he couldn’t get any harder.  Candy stroked her pussy with her fingers barely an inch above his face, the juices from her vagina covering her fingers.  His tongue was just out of licking distance, but he could sense the heat of her pussy and the heady, musky scent of her sex.

Ted began to experience the first drops of pre-ejaculate ooze from his cock as the brunette and the redhead drizzled saliva over his bulbous head, mixing their spit with his own slippery pre-cum.  His cock was pumping hard and he was breathing deeply, while Candy stroked her sticky fingers across his lips.  Ted could taste and smell her pussy as his cock throbbed and the cum began to well up in his balls. 

As Candy ground her pussy into his face, Ted poked out his tongue delving into her juices.  Mia and Amy’s hands were almost a blur as they tugged at his cock and Ted’s groans became cries of ecstasy.  With the taste of his sexy neighbour on his lips, he reached the point of no return and his cock came alive as his ejaculation spurted over the girl’s hands in rope after thick rope of hot semen.

The girls giggled as they watched the last of his cum pump out and his face was beaming with a grin from ear to ear.  His face was flushed and his lips glistened with his neighbour’s pussy. 

“Was that nice, Teddy?” asked Candy, with a cheeky smile.

“Uhhnng.  Hmmm…Yes, amazing!”

“I said I was grateful.” 

“Thank you, Candy.  And you two.  You’ve made an old man feel very happy and young again.”




Written by DanielleX
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