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Erica, The Webcam MILF, Chapter 3

"Steve takes command of his mother... and she LOVES it!"

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Steve had little time to dwell on the duality of the situation as she started to bob up and down his shaft. Frankly, it didn't matter to him whether it was Erica or Diane who was sucking his cock at that moment. All he knew was that whoever was doing it was doing a marvelous job!

But Steve wasn't the only one enjoying this sexual union. Erica was herself more aroused than she had ever been. It was hard, at times, to differentiate his moaning from her own. 

Erica sucked on his cock as if she was trying to suck his soul out through his cock. She sucked and slurped on his steely shaft as she bobbed up and down. Her hungry moans set up vibrations that threatened to make Steve cum before he wanted to and end this delightful experience.

But neither of them wanted to end this so soon and so when Erica felt her son about to blow his load, she paused and took her mouth off his cock for a couple of moments to let the tide go back down a bit. 

She looked at him, noticing for the first time how much he had grown. Steve wasn't her "little boy" anymore. He was in fact, a very handsome, very virile young man and Erica found herself strangely attracted to him in another than motherly way. 

She knew that he could have his pick of women–women much younger, prettier, and sexier than her who would fawn over him and give him everything his heart desired. Yet here he was, naked in bed with her, and it was her mouth that was pleasuring him. The thought made her smile... maybe she did have something left to offer after all!

She was just about to go down on him again and resume her work when, without warning, he stopped her. She looked up quizzically at him.

"Come up here," he said, patting the pillow next to him. She crawled up and just as she lay down next to him, he suddenly rolled over on top of her.

"Now it's my turn! You just lie here and let me pleasure you for a while," he said. Erica nodded her head and he kissed his mother deeply for a couple of moments before proceeding. He now felt a passion unlike any he had ever felt before. Erica moaned into his mouth and Steve knew what had to be done.

His lips then broke away from hers and moved to her neck and then her ear. He slightly rolled his tongue around the lobe and tugged it gently with his teeth. All the while, she continued to breathe heavily. 

He could tell she liked this. Her soft gasps and gentle mewling told him so. He could also tell that the more he licked and breathed heavily on her neck, the more excited she became.

His right hand moved to her breast and he noticed it was wet. It was wet from the drool that had fallen on it while she sucked his cock. He smeared what moisture was left there all over the whole massive globe. 

He then grabbed the breast firmly and sank his fingers deep into the milky supple flesh. Again, another deep moaning breath came from his mother. And then he let go and pinched that hard, erect nipple hard. 

She gasped, followed by an "Oh, God..." Erica's nipples were extremely sensitive and seemed to be linked directly to her clit. There would be more firm nipple tweaking to come.

Steve had regained his composure and had put the strangeness and immorality of the situation behind him. In front of him was an inviting, seductive, and beautiful woman in need of sexual fulfillment and pleasure. 

It didn't matter that it was his stepmother. He loved her and wanted her to be happy–in every way. And he knew he could do that for her. He could make her happy... he wanted to make her happy. It was time for him to take control. 

Erica had told him that she was a submissive and liked a take-charge kind of guy. Was that just talk for the webcam or did she really mean it? 

Was she just acting or was she really interested in BDSM? He would find out. It was a gutsy move–he would either succeed or fail in the next few minutes.

Erica reached up to put her arms around his neck. This was his chance. He grabbed her wrists with both hands and put them up over her head, pinning them to the bed.

"Did you mean what you said all that stuff about being submissive and liking BDSM... or was that just for the webcam?" he asked.

"Honestly? Do you want the honest truth, honey?"

"Yes, I want the honest truth, Mom. I want to know. Was that you or 'Diane'?"

"No, it was me, honey. I really am submissive and I do like BDSM–some aspects of it, at least. I mean, I'm not into S&M, you know the real hardcore, heavy pain stuff. But I do like a dominant guy and to be dominated and made to do things. 

I'm afraid your dear, sweet, Mom has a slutty side to her!" she said, blushing a bit with her confession.

To Steve's utter amazement, this was exactly what he was hoping for and it would play right into where he wanted to go with her. He could hardly contain his excitement and tried to maintain control of himself. 

He would have to show her he could be what she wanted... he could be her master if he just showed her he could give her what she wanted, what she needed.

Suppressing the immature urges welling up inside him, he held both of her wrists with one hand while grabbing her firmly and possessively by the throat, holding her tight enough to get her attention without choking her.

"All right then, this is how it's going to be from now on. You tell me you are a submissive and you asked if I was going to be your new master. 

"Well then, Diane, I am going to give you a chance to prove your submission and see if you can truly be a submissive then," he said. Steve used her webcam name sarcastically, taunting her, hoping that it would excite and arouse her.

"Now you just lie back on the bed... I want to see that pussy in person. I want to see if it tastes as good as it looked on the webcam!" he said.

Erica started to get up. "Honey, I don't think..."

"I said lie down, slut!" he barked. "I can see we are going to have to work on your obedience! Now lie there and be still or I will have to start our new relationship by spanking your ass!"

Erica lay back down as he commanded. Even though he had scolded her, she felt a tingle in her pussy and she wasn't sure if it was the scolding, his dominant presence, or the threat of the spanking that caused it. 

Whatever the cause, she liked it and she happily submitted to his authority. She didn't know how far this was going to go or how it would end up, but for now, she would play along.

She lay there under him, smiling up at her son. He knew that she was just humoring him–she didn't take his actions seriously and figured she'd just let him explore a bit and then they'd go back to their normal ways. 

But she didn't know her son as well as she thought. This was not a game to Steve; he was dead serious about this.

Steve lowered his face and immediately planted his lips on her breasts. He had always loved and been fascinated by his mother's breasts since he got his first sexual stirrings. He had seen pictures–porn pictures–of other women in magazines he sneaked into his bedroom and on the Internet. 

So he knew they had another purpose besides being baby feeders. And while the women in the magazines were attractive and aroused him, none of them could compare with his own mother. Now all of his adolescent imaginings and night-time fantasies were coming true!

He kissed each one very softly, just brushing his lips across her skin. Then he moved back and forth between each of the two nipples, sucking on one while pinching the other. Then he would switch sides and pinch the one he'd sucked and licked while licking the other nipple. 

She moaned and mewled as his kisses and play stoked the already raging fires within her. He remembered the reaction from the last time and so he pinched her hard nubs very firmly once again. 

Erica gasped and arched her back a bit, trying to relieve the pressure on her tender nipples. He loved it. It seemed that he was actually doing something right. He was ready to move on.

His mouth left her chest and immediately began to kiss down her belly, leaving a trail of hot kisses to mark his way. It did not take him long before he was at her belly button. There he would learn another secret his mother had kept from him. 

"You have a belly button piercing too?" he exclaimed. "I saw your pierced nipples on the webcam photo album, which was a surprise, but I never knew about the navel piercing!"

"Well, I don't wear my nipple piercings all the time–sometimes they can be a hassle when they catch on my clothes. I only wear them for special occasions. But my navel piercing is too hard to put back in if I take it out, so I just leave it in all the time. Do you like it?"

"Hell yeah! I think they are really hot! They make you look really sexy–I mean, you are sexy anyway, but your piercings make you even more so!" he said.

"Aww, thank you, honey, that means a lot coming from you, baby."

He flicked the dangling jeweled piercing until her soft moans reminded him of what he should be doing. He was on a mission. His tongue continued its journey as he moved below her navel, until he reached the waistband of her panties. 

He didn't hesitate a second. He immediately grabbed her panties at her hips and used both hands to pull them down over her knees and off within seconds.

Erica was once again excited at his bold move. Her emotions had changed and the motherly instincts took over when she discovered her son had found out about her secret life. 

But instead of shocking and repulsing him, it had seemed to arouse him and bring out a side of him that she didn't know existed. He now seemed to be taking control of her... had she brought up some latent dominant side from somewhere deep inside him?

His father had been a dominant and he had become her Master shortly after they met and she had loved serving him. He had shown her her submissive nature and showed her that it wasn't wrong to feel that way–despite society's politically correct, woman empowering attitudes. 

He had taught her how to serve him and how to please him and Erica had fallen right in step. It felt somehow natural to her... like this was the way it should be. She loved being his submissive and loved the feeling of belonging and being needed that he gave her.

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And now his son was taking command and picking up where his father left off. The thought of serving a Master once again sent a thrill through her she had long forgotten. And the possibility that her son would be that Master thrilled her beyond belief!

Erica let out a small squeal as Steve snatched her panties off her. His face was instantly on her already wet pussy.

"Oh God, Steve, honey! Oh, that feels... incredible! Oh yes, baby, right there! Right there!" she cried as his mouth fastened itself over her leaking pussy and she felt his tongue snaking its way deeper into her wet hole. 

In his excitement and enthusiasm at licking her pussy, Steve ground his nose against her clit, sending electric thrills up her spine to her brain and causing her to buck up at his mouth. 

With his lips firmly pressed against her pussy lips, his nose massaging her throbbing clit, and his tongue probing her interior, Erica's whole pussy was being tenderly loved on. The flood of sensations coming from the area was driving her wild and sending her to heights of lust and passion she had long since forgotten.

"Oh God, baby, that feels wonderful! Oh, it's been so long since anyone has been down there! Oh fuck, baby, don't stop! Please!" Erica moaned.

His mother's moaning and squirming under him excited him and encouraged him to continue. He doubled his efforts–he was determined to show her that he could provide her with all the pleasure she had been missing as well as take care of her submissive needs. 

His goal was a simple yet audacious one. He would make her want him to be her Master. She would ask–no, BEG him to be her Master. 

Once she saw that he could be all the Master she would need and he could satisfy her every need, he would make her beg and plead with him to accept her as his submissive. 

Doing that would cement her submission and show her that he was Master. And then he would have what he had dreamed of for as long as he could remember... if it worked.

Steve was far from being an "expert" in the art of orally pleasing a woman. He had only had a few girlfriends–Jill had been with him the longest and he'd had a couple of small "flings" in college after that. 

None of the girls he'd been with ever complained and, in fact, Jill had boasted to her other girlfriends how good Steve was at pleasing her with his mouth. 

One of the college girls he'd dated a few times had also enjoyed his skilled tongue and mouth before she transferred to another college to finish her degree. 

And now, it was his mother who would benefit from the skills he had honed. Yes, Steve knew his way around a pussy and he knew there were certain hotspots to hit in order to get the girl climbing the walls. 

He was hitting them all too and in just the right order and intensity to have Erica writhing on the bed, clawing at the sheets, and howling like a lovesick cat on a fence. 

"Steve! Oh, fuck!" She grabbed fistfuls of his hair and shoved his face further into her depths. Steve let his hands roam up to her immense breasts and grabbed hold. 

She groaned again at his touch and bucked her hips slightly. Continuing to scream his name only encouraged Steve more and he increased his lapping at her drooling hole.

"Oh fuck, Steve, yes! Oh, right there, baby, lick me right there! Oh, God... Oh! Oh shit! Oh baby, please, please don't stop!"

Steve wasn't about to stop and lapped her generous juices up with slow licks from bottom to top. She writhed around on her son's bed in sweet blissful agony. 

Steve made sure he was rough enough to be felt but soft enough to still tease her more than pleasing her. He wanted to draw out her pleasure for as long as he could. He wanted her to remember this day–the day she became his! 

Her slick shaven pussy was sweeter than he could have imagined in his wildest dreams and much sweeter than any pussy he had ever tasted before. 

He knew that as excited as he was and as much moaning and writhing that she was doing, he wouldn't be able to keep this teasing up much longer. Even though he was perfectly happy munching away on this gorgeous woman and her honey-sweet pussy, he had an agenda he needed to stick to.

Moving his hands back down to her pussy, he used his thumbs to open her folds gently as he licked around the entrance to her pussy and over her swollen lips. He could feel the warmth radiate up from her depths and her sweet fragrance was intoxicating. 

Then he went back to licking her, letting his tongue explore all around her folds. He went from gentle and predictable to erratic and rough and then back, always changing things up to keep her off-guard. 

Had he been able to pay attention to something other than her delicious pussy, he would've seen her back arch against the bed and her fingers clawing at the bed, searching for something to hang on to as her world spun madly out of control. 

Suddenly, he made a move even she didn't expect. He slowly entered her with two fingers from his hand. His hand was palm-side up and he curled his finger up around her pubic bone to get at that mysterious place called the g-spot. He found the spongy pad and massaged it, finger-fucking her as his lips and tongue concentrated on her swollen hypersensitive clit 

This new sensation of being fingerfucked while being eaten out lit her up like a Christmas tree. "OH MY GOD! Oh, fuck Steve, yes! Lick my pussy, baby! Please make me cum! Oh God, baby, make me cum, please!"

Erica was tearing at her breasts, clawing the milky white flesh and pulling at her nipples like she wanted to rip them off. Her head was rolling back and forth and her hips were thrusting up at him, wanting him deeper inside her.

It was then that Steve noticed how flushed she was. Her chest, her face, all that porcelain skin that he had caressed just minutes before, was brushed red and speckled with sweat. Steve loved seeing her like this... it was a good sign.

"You look so fucking hot right now. You like what I'm doing, slut?" he growled as she bucked against his fingers. He didn't know for sure how she would take to being called a slut, but he had to risk it to show her he was in charge.

"Yes! Fuck, baby! Yes!" she squirmed and hissed. "It feels so good... so fucking good!"

"You want more?" he teased. 

She gasped. "Please, baby! Please make me cum! Please!"

There was no way he could refuse such a passionate plea. He started by inserting his fingers back into her dripping pussy. He fucked her slower this time, letting her feel every nerve explode with exquisite pleasure. She ground her hips in time with his movements, moaning and whimpering her enjoyment. 

Once she looked as though she'd settled into his rhythm and was accustomed to what he was doing, he surprised her and curled his fingers up against her g-spot again. At the same time, he sped up and began finger-fucking her, furiously jamming his fingers deep into her pussy and pulling them back. 

His hand looked like a maniacal sewing machine. She nearly flew up off the bed, squealing at first and sitting up to clutch at the intruding hand. He used his other hand to gently push her back down onto the bed, smiling. "Relax. Just lie back and enjoy the experience." 

Erica groaned and he could feel a shudder race through every inch of her. Her toes curled and her legs shook as her pussy flooded her tortured, overloaded mind with input. She tried desperately to keep her legs open even though her natural reaction was to slam them closed and put an end to all this teasing. She was experiencing pure primal pleasure–the kind of pleasure she had been without for far too long.

She was getting close and Steve could tell by her reactions and her vocalizations that this was going to be one hell of an orgasm. She opened her mouth and hinted at saying something but was caught off guard when he began rubbing her clit with his thumb. 

Steve had one last trick up his sleeve and had saved the best for last. As she was nearing the point of no return and just about to fall over the cliff to orgasmic rapture, he decided to give her a little push. With his free hand, he pushed a finger into her crinkled asshole up to the first knuckle. That was the last straw. She could take no more. 

"FUUUCK! STEVE, YES!" she screamed. "I'M GOING TO CUM!"

Steve could feel the muscles in her pussy clamp down on his fingers as she came. But still, he continued pumping his fingers in and out of her as fast as he could while wiggling the finger in her ass to boot. He wanted to draw out this first orgasm so she would realize that he controlled every aspect of her, even her orgasms.

Finally, despite her efforts to keep her legs open for him, her orgasm took full control of her body and she slapped her thighs tightly against his head. He didn't mind, though–it was just one more sign his plan was working better than he could have hoped.

Steve couldn't be happier that he was causing her so much pleasure. This woman–who had given so much of herself–was now getting at least a small portion of it back in return. 

With a loud cry to the heavens, she exploded in an orgasm for the ages. Steve had to pause for a moment just to watch her as she went through her release. 

He had never seen anyone cum so hard and so intensely before. Every muscle seemed to contract at the same time and her back arched in a seizure-like manner as the orgasm twisted and wracked her body.

Erica's pussy clenched his fingers in a vise-like grip until all he could do was wiggle them inside her to extend her torment. 

But finally, after what surely must have seemed like hours for her, the waves of her orgasm began to subside. She crashed back onto the mattress... panting for breath, glistening with a sheen of sweat, and leaking her juices out of her still spasming pussy.

The first part of his plan had been a complete and unqualified success. But he was far from finished... there was still more to do.



Written by Master_Jonathan
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