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Wife Helps Out A Friend (Part 3)

"The continuing true story of my wife, my best friend and me"

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Author's Notes

"My wife and Jim meet at a hotel with my permission. <p> [ADVERT] </p>I get the story and photos from them later."

Okay, I admit it. I have not been keeping up with writing about the ongoing story of my wife and my (our) friend and although I have been slacking off, they haven’t been. I mentioned at the end of the last story that they were planning to meet at a hotel soon. Well, that happened…

It took a long time to work things out and to sync schedules, but we finally worked it out. Because of our living arrangements (my mom living with us), we decided that getting a hotel room in our name was the best idea. We decided to rent the room for two nights, a Wednesday and a Thursday night, and we'd ask for a late checkout on Friday, if necessary.

Our living arrangements (and the hotel room) weren’t the only major changes that I noticed this time around. It was pretty obvious to me that my wife’s focus wasn’t on helping Jim out or providing him some relief. She was genuinely excited about getting away and spending some time with him. Yes, it was partially about getting away from the stress and pressure of our situation at home, but it was way more than that. Prior to this rendezvous, she’d gotten her hair and nails done and we'd visited a number of adult stores like ‘Amazing Intimates’ and ‘Adam & Eve’ looking for just the right lingerie and outfits that she thought he’d like. She even had to search for and buy a certain brand of lube that he’d mentioned to her. The closer we got to the 22nd, the more excited Tammie became. When Wednesday arrived, she was like a schoolgirl getting ready for the prom!

The 22nd was a workday for me so while Tammie was at home getting herself ready and her things packed, I was putting in a full day at work. By the time I was ready to head home, it was dark and raining hard. Driving was so terrible that it took me over two hours just to get home. I threw her bags in the car and we started the drive back the way I’d just come from. (Yes, bags! When I’m away from home for a two- or three-nighter, I need perhaps a change of clothes, underwear, a toothbrush and a shave kit and perhaps a pair of sweats. She had two suitcases, two duffels and a number of plastic tote bags. Bless her little heart!) 

The hotel they chose was about halfway between our home and where Jim lives, which puts it close to where I work, but I didn’t think to bring a change of clothes with me so I couldn't spend the night. So as soon as I got her settled in the hotel room, I headed back home because I had to work the next day and had to be up at 3:30am.

The next day, Thursday, was another busy one for me. Special projects left little time for me to ponder what was happening in that hotel room. Jim phoned me to tell me he was on his way and to make sure I was okay with everything. I actually missed that call, but Tammie messaged me when Jim arrived at the hotel well ahead of schedule. I barely heard from either of them after that and when I did, I got the messages well after they were sent and the words gave little in the way of clues as to what was going on, so the rest of the story is written from what info I was able to glean from Jim and Tammie after the fact and a review of the sequence of the photos and the videos that I have.

Jim called Tammie around 6am to tell her he was on his way. My wife had just woke up and was watching TV. She gave him a hard time and told him that since he was so eager that he had to wake her up at 6 o'clock in the morning, he could buy her breakfast at the local coffeehouse near the hotel and bring it to her! 

She told me that as soon as she hung up, she jumped out of bed and into the shower. She figured that he'd be there in about ninety minutes and she spent all of it doing what women do to get ready for a date. She showered and re-shaved what she almost always keeps perfectly shaved already. She dried and styled her hair and then tried on a dozen or more pieces of lingerie until she finally decided on an outfit. She was just finished at 7:30 am when there was a knock at the door. Jim was true to his word…ninety minutes, almost exactly.

She opened the door and Jim placed the bags he was carrying on the nearest piece of furniture before sweeping her up in a big hug and lots of kisses, which became more and more passionate every time he paused to look at her. What she was wearing was elegant, but sexy: a mostly see-through black lace baby doll sort of thing, short and very low cut, with a matching thong. 

Tammie told me that Jim’s hands wandered down to cup the cheeks of her ass as they hugged and she indulged him for a minute or two until he tried to slip a finger between them. She caught her breath and pulled away from him.

“Slow down, Boyfriend. We have all day, right? You can just enjoy the view for now. Let's eat…I'm starving!” It was the first time she ever called him her boyfriend. She never liked the idea that she was fucking her husband's buddy. She'd rather think, I'm fucking my boyfriend. Either way, they both liked the term.

Tammie turned around, walked to the bed and sat down. Jim watched her as she walked away, her ass visible under the wispy material of her negligee. Then he grabbed the bags and joined her on the bed.

Tammie scooted back on the bed and sat with her back against the headboard, so Jim decided to sit at the foot of the bed with the food between them so he could look at her as they talked and enjoyed their breakfast together. They talked about lots of things,  including me and how glad they both were that I had gotten them together and how improbable it was that the relationship between the three of us was working out so well. 

Jim told me later that her pink nipples were barely visible through the lingerie she was wearing, but every time she leaned forward to grab her sandwich or her drink, the top would sweep open and both breasts would be plainly visible. He was so busy enjoying that view that it took a while before he noticed an even better one. Most of the time she sat with her legs out straight and crossed at the ankle, but once in a while, when she reached for something in front of her, she would pull her legs up and cross them, Indian-style, and lean forward. Occasionally, she would lean back again and leave her legs in that position for some time. Every time she did that, her pussy would be plainly visible through the gauzy material of her thong and he could see where the string disappeared between the cheeks of her ass. Jim said he was so hard that it hurt and he had to keep adjusting himself. He took out his phone and took a photo or two. Tammie knew this was a requisite from me for letting them meet alone, but she still found it intrusive and more than a little annoying. She knew it wouldn’t be the last time, so she did her best to ignore it.

My wife said she knew exactly what she was doing and she enjoyed posing and teasing him mercilessly with the view. She said that at one point, her top shifted and the plunging neckline got caught on her hard left nipple. She left it that way for a few minutes and pretended she didn’t notice. It wasn’t until she leaned forward again that it disengaged. She watched him as he squirmed and grabbed at himself, trying to make room in his pants for his hard cock. She was proud of herself for having that effect on someone other than her husband.

Tammie stretched out her legs and spread them enough to place one leg on each side of the pile of food wrappers and bags in front of her. She kept up her end of the conversation and Jim tried hard, but he was too distracted by the sight before him to talk much. He leaned forward and cleaned up the trash that was between her legs as he stared at the view and took a few more photos.

Tammie laughed at him and said, “You can take it off me if you'd rather it was gone,” referring to her thong.

Jim said, “Of course, I'd rather!” as he got up with all the collected trash and threw it in the garbage.

He went to use the bathroom and when he came back out, he checked out the rest of the room. Tammie pointed out the door to their balcony and he went out there to check it out. Tammie went out with him and they decided that it didn’t afford them much privacy. The walls separating the balconies from each other were only about three feet tall. Jim was looking forward to fucking her out here on the balcony but with how busy the hotel was, the low walls put an end to his plans. 

Tammie had come up behind him and heard him sigh with disappointment. She put her arms around his waist and fondled his cock through his pants. She whispered in his ear.

"Don’t worry. I'll make up for it inside the room. We have a nice, comfortable bed in there.”

He turned to face her and kissed her again. Her soft lips smiled up at him as he ran his hands down her sides until he reached her thong. He fumbled for and found the strings at the sides of the garment and slid his hands inside it. Hooking his thumbs to the outside, he stared into her eyes as he slid it down her legs. When it finally dropped to the floor, she stepped out of it. Jim stooped to retrieve it and found her smooth, freshly shaved pussy was right there in front of his face. He breathed deeply and caught her pleasant, heady scent. Then, he leaned in and planted a kiss right at the top of the cleft of her pussy.

Not one for having her pussy eaten (I know, strange…), Tammie pulled away and walked back into the privacy of their room. Jim was still at a perfect angle to watch her ass wiggle as she walked. He would swear to me that he could also see her pussy lips sliding past each other as she walked away. He stood and followed her in.

Tammie called over her shoulder that she'd be right out and went into the bathroom to primp a little bit. She closed the door and messed with her hair a bit. She told me later that she really went in there because she knew it was almost THAT time and she wanted to think about things first. 

She definitely wanted to do this - her nipples, visible through the material of her lingerie, were so hard that they ached and her pussy was soaked and practically drooling down her thighs. Oh, yes. She wanted this. But what about Earl? she thought.

Her thinking went like this:

She knew that my fantasy had always been to share her with a close friend and have a threesome. If not that, then at least be there to watch the two of them. The first time didn’t happen like that and I was disappointed because of it. She knew I wasn’t angry about it and was in fact, happy for them, but still…

I was there for their second date and although it was fun for everyone, it was also awkward for all. It was my first time being involved in a threesome and she couldn’t relax like she wanted to because she was worried about me. Jim had confessed to her the same feelings she had. He wanted her badly, but he worried about what I was feeling. The tension, although unspoken, affected all three of us.

When my wife had mentioned getting together again, just the two of them, I agreed, hoping that they’d enjoy each other more and I would get the benefit of photos and videos, as well as a very sexy tale from both of them. Not to mention, awesome reclaim sex when I arrived to pick her up and take her home. As proof, she remembered that it was I who had planned it for them. I researched hotels and booked the room. Furthermore, I was the one who had driven over two hours in the rain after work to get her there.

Content in the knowledge that I was okay with everything, she took one last look in the mirror and opened the bathroom door.

Jim had stripped off his pants and shirt and was laying reclined on the bed. His hard cock was already tenting the front of his boxers. He watched her as she approached and stood before him. He had already decided that this encounter would be all about her… he would do everything in his power to make sure she was satisfied before he worried about himself. But he also knew from their previous talks, that she wanted it a little rough. She wanted him to take charge and lead the action, so he stood up, went to her and kissed her. He forced his tongue past her lips and into her mouth, exploring and savoring it. Tammie kissed him back and they fought for dominance.

Jim broke away and spun her around, immediately pressing himself into her back and holding her there. He kissed her on the neck as his hands went to her breasts and  squeezed them. He hefted them, feeling the weight as he rolled her nipples between his fingers. 

Tammie tilted her head to give him space to nuzzle her neck and her legs got weak as he played with her breasts and pinched her nipples. When he dipped his hands inside the cups of her baby doll and lifted  her breasts up and out, she felt her already wet pussy flood with juices. She allowed him to continue playing for a few minutes and then she turned around to face him and pushed him backwards onto the bed.

Jim shuffled backwards until he felt his calves contact the bed and then he fell back onto it. From that position, he watched Tammie continue to walk towards him, her 36C tits softly swaying as she moved closer. 

His boxer briefs were tented by his manhood and Tammie smiled as she reached for it. She stroked the bulge and outlined the head with her finger before pulling down his shorts until the head was exposed. With the shaft trapped under the waistband, the head was easy prey for her flicking tongue. Tammie heard Jim inhale sharply as she teased the tip with her tongue. Pulling the elastic waist down a bit more, she lightly raked her fingernails back and forth over the length of his shaft. With her other hand, she reached in and pulled his ball sack out as well, and began rolling them in her hand. With her finger, she lifted his stiff cock off his belly so she could get at the front side with her tongue.

Jim was groaning at this point and was trying not to move so Tammie’s tongue could continue its ministrations, but when she suddenly wrapped her lips around the head and sucked it in, he couldn’t help it. He bucked his hips, trying to stab his cock into her mouth.

Tammie had anticipated this, though and moved her head back to account for his movement. She tightened her lips under the rim and sucked hard, sealing off his escape. She hung on like that until Jim stopped thrusting his hips. He got the message and lay still.

When she was sure he was done moving, she released the pressure and began to run her tongue around and over the spongy head, teasing him again. Jim groaned again loudly and reached both hands to the back of her head and just held it there as he played with her hair. 

Tammie knew it was only a matter of time before his will to be still was overpowered by his growing need, so she took the initiative. She had drooled enough saliva down the shaft of his cock to make it slick, so she suddenly and quickly drove her lips down, engulfing his cock in her mouth all the way to the root. She heard Jim gasp and then growl. She also felt him push her head down further and jam his hips forward. Jim’s stiff cock was firmly wedged in her throat, her nose mashed into his pubic bone, and he was holding her there. She couldn’t breathe and she was starting to gag. Involuntarily, tears started to fill her eyes.

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Somehow, she hadn’t expected this and hadn’t inhaled enough air to sustain her for long and she was afraid she’d pass out or at the very least, throw up. Time seemed to almost stop and every second seemed to take a lifetime to tick by. 

Suddenly, she was aware that he had no pubic hair. He was cleanly shaven. Even his balls were baby smooth in her hand. Why had she not noticed that earlier? It amazed her that she'd notice things like that now that she might have just taken her last breath!

Tammie heard Jim growl again loudly and she felt the pressure on the back of her head ease up. She pulled away and inhaled sharply. She was gagging and she was drooling heavily. Grabbing his cock, she began to jerk him off as she struggled to regain her breath. With her free hand, she wiped the tears from her face. Jim looked down at her and just knew he’d fucked up. He was about to apologize when Tammie went down on him again. Making a fist around the base of his cock, she was going to make sure that didn’t happen again.

While pumping her fist up and down the shaft, Tammie sucked the head of Jim’s cock into her mouth and used her tongue to trace circles around it, picking up where she'd left off. Slowly working her way down the shaft until she'd gone down as far as she could comfortably, she started back up again. All the while, her tongue and lips were massaging and tickling his hard pole. Over and over she bobbed her head on it and slid her fist along its length. This, along with her other hand still playing with his scrotum, was sending him along the path to the inevitable.

Jim knew he  wouldn’t last long with the things Tammie was doing with her talented mouth and hands. Sperm was beginning to boil in his balls and although he knew he'd love to shoot his load in her mouth or cover her face with it, he didn’t want to cum just yet. He knew he was up for blowing a load at least twice a day, but he knew his first one was always the best and he wanted to be buried in her steaming pussy when he unleashed it. His testicles told him it was time for a break.

At some point, Tammie had crawled up onto the bed so it was easy for Jim to roll Tammie onto her back as he pulled away. Her tits were still out and the hem of her lingerie was up around her waist, so Jim took advantage. His right hand snaked its way over Tammie’s belly and between her thighs until came to rest on her smooth mons. His middle finger slid easily into her pussy and he began to finger fuck her. Meanwhile, her hard, pink nipples were beckoning to him. He placed his lips on the nearest one and sucked it into his mouth. As his tongue began to flick at it, he felt it tighten further.

Tammie groaned as she held his head to her breast and bucked her hips in time to his finger thrusts. She could hear the wet, squelching sounds her pussy made as she matched his rhythm and began to fuck his finger. This went on for a few minutes, as Tammie built towards her first orgasm of the day. She told me that his thumb was stroking over the hood of her clit while his finger pumped in and out of her pussy. His lips and tongue on her nipple were enough to put her over the edge and she groaned as she came. It wasn’t a huge one by any means, but her clit was now very sensitive even though the rest of her body was on fire with desire.

Jim felt her pussy pulsing on his finger and felt her tremble under him so he knew she had just orgasmed. He knew enough to remove his thumb from her clit and he quit sucking on her nipple, but he left his finger embedded in her pussy because he liked the intimate connection. Tammie rolled onto her side to face Jim, which she told me was a little awkward with his hand still firmly attached to her pussy, but she kept her legs open to give him access as she began to play with his cock.

They made small talk as she slowly and lightly played with his cock and balls. She could feel him returning the favor in and around her pussy. He was slowly pushing his finger into her depths, just to slowly pull it back out and spread her juices over and around her pussy lips. Soon she was wet and slick all the way to her asshole. 

She was getting hotter and hotter as they played and she was just about to start sucking on him again when he suddenly pushed her onto her back. Without saying a word, he quickly got to his knees on the bed, lifted her knees and spread them far apart. He could see her pussy was wet and swollen. Her lips opened like flower petals, exposing the pink, velvety soft interior and beckoning him to enter. He quickly took a photo (which will always be a favorite of mine) before lining himself up. He rubbed his cock up and down her wet slit to moisten the head of it and then, grabbing her raised knees again, he entered her with a single stroke until he bottomed out.

Tammie groaned as Jim bottomed out inside her and held himself there. She pulled her knees together and Jim rested his chest against her lower legs, pushing them closer to her chest. Her pussy felt so good wrapped around his cock like a warm, wet velvet glove. He never had a problem with premature ejaculation before but now he didn’t want to move, afraid he'd cum too soon.

Slowly, he became aware of a sensation all along the shaft of his cock. He looked down at Tammie and saw she was pulling at her own nipples as she looked up at him with a devilish smile on her face. She was using the muscles in her pussy walls to milk his cock. (She told me later that she was doing Kegel exercises on it.) Luckily, he had gotten himself somewhat under control, so he began to move. He pulled out and then slammed back in. When he heard Tammie grunt, he smiled back at her and did it again. He placed his hands on her knees and after he removed his chest from her legs, he spread them wide and began seriously pounding away at her pussy. 

Almost immediately, Tammie began to build quickly to another orgasm. Jim could tell by the look on her face as he moved quickly towards his own. On one hand, he didn't want to cum yet but on the other, he knew there was no stopping at this point, so he continued to pump into her. 

They were looking into each other’s eyes and could read what the other was feeling. It was obvious that they were going to orgasm together. It took less than a minute of pounding before Jim shouted out with an “Arrgggh!” and exploded inside her. As she felt the first spurt of hot cum hit the back wall of her vagina, Tammie groaned loudly and came hard as well. They never took their eyes off each other as they both rode the wave of their simultaneous orgasm to completion.

Jim must have fired five or six rounds of cum into her and Tammie’s pussy was flooded. Because Jim continued pounding her throughout their orgasm, the bed was a mess. Once Jim slowed down and stopped fucking her, Tammie could feel sperm flowing out of her and onto the bed and when he pulled out and rolled off of her, it poured out. Jim went into the bathroom and got a couple of towels.

Tammie used one to stem the flow from her pussy and Jim laid the other on the wet spot when Tammie got up and went to clean up.

When Tammie came out of the bathroom, she found Jim sitting naked on a towel in the easy chair by the table where the food had been placed. His cock was flaccid and he was eating a bagel. She thought the scene was funny so she laughed at him.

Tammie was wrapped in a see-through robe, which she left untied. She went to the table, chose a bagel of her own and began to spread cream cheese on it. Jim got up and kissed her and then asked her if she was okay. She told him of course she was, just a bit tired. She kissed him again and moved back to the bed and got comfortable against the headboard again.

As they ate, they talked for an hour or so about a little of everything. After a while, Jim began taking photos of her so she began to pose for him. Soon, they were laughing and acting like a photographer and model. As the poses got more and more graphic, Tammie noticed that he wasn’t so flaccid any more and she felt a twinge in her pussy that told her she needed to fuck again.

When Jim got close to her for a close-up shot, Tammie reached out and grabbed his cock. He continued to take photos as she pulled him towards her mouth and began sucking on him as he stood there. After a few minutes, she pulled him onto the bed with her.
They began kissing and soon he was on top of her and his cock was searching for the wet opening between her thighs. She guided him in and they began to fuck. It was not the hard, fast and passion-filled fuck they'd had earlier. This was slow and gentle. They took their time and let it build.

As they fucked, Jim lowered his head and sucked at her nipples. First one, then the other. When he raised himself to come up for air, Tammie took advantage of it by playing with his nipples. Then she ran her hands up his arms, over his broad shoulders and came to rest behind his neck and forced his head back down so he continued to mouth her nipples as they fucked. Tammie was making cooing noises and groaning softly. 

Jim couldn’t tell if she orgasmed, but soon he was ready. He felt his balls boiling and the sperm rise up in his cock and he even felt the head of his cock flare as he reached the edge. At the last second, he decided to pull out and cum on her belly. Tammie felt his cock start to spasm inside of her and assumed he was going to fill her with cum again so she was surprised when he suddenly pulled out. She watched as he grabbed his cock and began jerking himself off above her. 

She always liked watching a man play with himself and loved to watch him ejaculate, so she was thrilled to watch this wanton display of manly sexual energy come to its conclusion. She watched as Jim gave a final tug and then let go. His cock spasmed and bounced sharply as it shot four loads onto her tits and belly. Even after his balls were empty, Tammie watched his cock bouncing around above her like it had a mind of its own. She reached up and gave it a final tug or two, and noticing a single drop clinging to it, she sat up and licked it off the tip.

This time, Jim washed up and got dressed. It was getting late and he had to get going soon. They talked for a little while and soon, Jim was gone. After he left, Tammie got dressed and cleaned up.

I finished off my workday and headed to the hotel right after. I arrived around 7pm. I knocked on the door and she let me in. She was very hungry and wanted to go to a popular restaurant that was one of our favorites. I was hungry too, so off we went.

The restaurant wasn’t far from the hotel so we didn’t have much time to talk in the car and when we arrived, we were sat right away. Unfortunately, when we were shown to a table, it was right next to another couple who were friends of ours! They invited us to join them, and of course, we had to say yes.

All through dinner while everyone was conversing and laughing, all I could think about was what she might have done all day to make her as happy as she seemed to be. By the time dinner was over, my balls were aching! I couldn’t wait to get to the hotel and hear her story.

When we finally got back to our room, I immediately got undressed and got in the shower. Fifteen minutes later, I was clean and ready. I walked out of the bathroom with my hard-on leading the way. Tammie was lying on the bed, reading. She had changed into a black lace baby doll negligee that I remembered picking out with her just a week or so ago. Before I could say anything, she noticed my hard cock standing out and bouncing around in front of me as I walked toward her.

“Holy shit! Someone is excited!”

“Yes, I am! I’ve been waiting all day to find out how your day went!” 

Referring to her attire, I asked, “Did you wear that for him today?”

She answered with a question of her own.

“Didn’t he send you any of the photos?”

“No. I haven’t heard from him since early this morning. I figured you two were too busy.”

I quickly checked my phone again and found nothing. Then I checked my watch. It was getting late.

“I won’t hear from him now until morning.”

“Well, he sure took plenty of photos. He’ll send them in the morning, I’m sure.. and yes, I wore this for him. I met him at the door wearing it, except I was wearing panties then.”

She lifted the hem to show me she was naked from the waist down.

She patted the bed beside her. “C'mon over here. I’ll tell you the whole story.”

I climbed onto the bed beside her, my cock standing at a forty-five degree angle above my belly and  lightly bouncing in rhythm to my heartbeat.

Tammie laughed at it and then began to relate her story to me as she lightly played with my cock. I had to warn her off a couple of times because I was about to cum before she could finish her story. I did my share of playing too, fingering her pussy and flicking her nipples through the material of her top. 

By the time she started telling me about their second fuck, I couldn’t take any more. I got between her thighs and buried myself in her pussy. Between moans, she gave me the Reader's Digest version of the rest of her story as I began to pound away, my over-filled balls slapping at her ass. Honestly, I didn’t last more than thirty seconds before I dumped a huge load into her steaming pussy. My balls hurt but it was a relief at the same time.

I pulled out and rolled off of her, wasted. I lay there with my eyes closed until I felt her kiss my forehead and get up to go shower. By the time she got back, I was sound asleep. I didn’t shower until morning. I did wake up once in the middle of the night to go pee, though. When I came back to bed, I looked at my wife. She was topless and just wearing panties. I started to get hard again just looking at her. I climbed beneath the covers and spooned into her, my cock nestled between her thighs, just below the cheeks of her ass. She pushed back against me. I threw my right arm around her and found her right breast in my hand and I caressed it lightly as I went back to sleep. When the alarm went off in the morning, we were still in that position.

I did hear from Jim the next morning, by the way. He sent me seventy-five or eighty photos and recounted his side of the story. Before the conversation was over, we were already planning our next get-together with all three of us!


Written by Nighthawk54
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