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The Strip Club

"The worst thing you can do is invite your wife to a strip club, and then ignore her."

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Author's Notes

"This is a story dictated to me by my friend Madison (Slutwife189). This is one of her many amazing adventures, and I just edited the story for readability. <p> [ADVERT] </p>So please enjoy this story by the incomparable Slutwife189 (Madison)"

I can’t really say that strip clubs are my thing. I mean, I like looking at beautiful women almost as much as looking at hot men. It’s just that when it comes to sex, I’m much more of a doer than I am a voyeur. That, and most clubs tend to cater to only men, and women just get ignored. And me, I don’t particularly appreciate being ignored. For some reason, though, my husband Mike wouldn’t let it go, and after the umpteenth time, I finally relented and agreed to go.

I took a shower and shaved my legs and pussy. I figured I should dress in something sexy, so I wore a very short leather skirt and my leather vest. I didn’t wear a bra or panties under the outfit. I love how the leather feels on my bare tits and ass cheeks, and I figure it would give Mike easy access for later.

Mikes eye’s lit up when I came down the stairs. I could tell he liked the way I looked, so I offered a little tease and lifted the skirt, showing him my pantiesless, freshly shaved, bare pussy.

Mike commented, “You know we’re taking my Harley, babe.”

I just shrugged my shoulders and walked past him to the garage.

I had always assumed Mike and his friends would go to a local strip club. However, I soon learned the strip club was fifty miles away in another city. It took over an hour on some backcountry roads to get there. We pulled into the parking lot, and it was packed with lots of cars and more than a few motorcycles.

The club wasn’t exactly upscale. The building on the outside was a little run down, and quite a few rougher-looking guys were standing around outside. I kept my judgments to myself and followed Mike in.

Walking in, we passed a group of guys smoking a joint. They all stared at me, and one of them said, “Hello beautiful, I can’t wait to get a lap dance from you.”

I smiled at the compliment and gave him a wink as we walked in the front door.

The bouncer was a moose of a man, big, muscular, and pretty good-looking. He wore a solid black tee-shirt that looked painted on; it nicely showed his ripped chest and abs. He eyed Mike and told him the cover charge. Then he turned to me, eye fucking me as he looked me over from head to toe; I eye fucked him right back.

“Darling, you are too pretty to pay a cover here. Beauty gets in free; your cover is on me,” the bouncer said.

“Aww, you’re so sweet. Thank you, sugar,” I replied.

Mike didn’t even seem to notice the bouncer flirting with me as he paid his cover and went inside. Then, as I walked by, the bouncer grabbed my ass. I looked back, and he put a finger to his lips and whispered, “Shh, I couldn’t help myself.”

I would usually introduce someone to my proficiency in Muay Thai for an uninvited ass grab, but he was cute, so I gave him a pass. Then I gave him a smile and a wink, then added a little more wiggle to my ass as I walked in. I looked back over my shoulder, and his eyes were glued to my ass, so I yanked my skirt up and back down just before the door closed.

Now, I’ve been to strip clubs before, but this one was seedier than the others I had patronized. It was also the first one I saw with flat screens in the corners playing porn. It seemed a little counterproductive to me, ‘weren’t customers supposed to be watching the live girls?’ I thought to myself.

As we walked across the bar, it seemed like everyone stared at me. I got lots of hi’s, hellos, and even a request for a lap dance. I also noticed a few of the stripers giving me the evil eye. I just smiled, gave a few hellos, and followed Mike. Truthfully, I was more than a little turned on by all the attention I was getting. I also noticed I was way hotter than any of the stripers. Mike led us straight to the stage and sat down.

I sat in the chair beside him, and a waitress quickly came over and said hello to Mike, then looked at me smiling and said I was going to be very popular here.

“Why’s that?” I asked. “Don’t you get many women coming here?”

“Sugar, we get a lot of women coming in here; it’s just… well, it’s rare that they look as good or better than the dancers,” the waitress responded.

I could feel myself blush, then thanked her. She took our drink orders, and I said to my husband, “You must come here a lot; the waitress called you by name.”

His response was, “Not that much; she just has a good memory.”

I gave Mike that ‘you’re full of shit’ smirk and shook my head. I let it go and watched a black girl that was dancing. The waitress brought our drinks back and asked Mike if he wanted to get some change for the girls.

Mike told the waitress, “yes.”

“Well shit,” I said, “I didn’t bring any cash.”

“Don’t worry, babe; I’ll give you money for tips.”

“Fuck that,” I responded. “I’ve got my own money. Is there an ATM in here?”

“Sure, sugar, there’s one in the lobby where you came in,” the waitress responded.

Mike had my bank card and ID in his wallet, so I asked him for my card.

“How much you want, babe? I’ll go get it for you.”

“I’m a big girl; I’m quite capable of getting my own money out of my own account,” I responded. “Besides, I want to look around and find the restrooms.”

“Yeah, Mike,” the waitress responded, “She’s a big girl, and she wants to check out the other guys in here without you cock-blocking her.” She gave me a wink and left to get Mike’s change.

Mike gave me a smirk, “Is that what you’re doing, checking out the guys on the way to the cash machine?”

I snatched my card out of his hand and gave him a piercing stare, “I’m going to get change, and I’m checking out ‘everything’ this bar has to offer!” Then I jumped up and headed to the door.

As I headed to the front door, one of the guys that said hello to me earlier grabbed my hand and asked if I was dancing tonight?

“I don’t work here, sugar; I’m a customer just like you,” I responded.

He let out a laugh, “I’m sure they would let a girl like you dance if you wanted.”

“A girl like me?” I responded with a bit of venom in my voice.

“Don’t take offense, doll. I mean, you are far prettier than any of the girls they have dancing tonight,” he responded, throwing his hands up in surrender. “The owner would be a fool not to let the finest woman here dance.”

I could tell he was a harmless ol flirt, so I gave him my best smile and thanked him for the compliment. “Thanks, sugar, but the dancers in here are already shooting daggers at me with their eyes; I’d hate to think what they’d do if I started dancing.”

I gave him a wink and continued to the lobby door. He called out after me, “Have a drink with me later.”

I looked back over my shoulder and responded, “Okay.”

I made it about twenty feet before another table of guys stopped me to chat me up. As we talked, I looked over at Mike, and our waitress was there chatting him up. Bent way over so he could look down her top, and she had her hand on his shoulder. I chuckled to myself, thinking ‘I’d be flirting with him too if I was her.’ Mike is always generous with flirty waitresses.

I finally made it to the lobby, and the bouncer grinned real big and said, “I wondered when you would come back to see me again.”

He had seen the way I smiled when he grabbed my ass. I laughed and said I had to pretend I needed money for the strippers so my husband wouldn’t be suspicious. We both laughed and kept chatting as I got money. He introduced himself as Jason, and I told him my name was Madison.

“A beautiful name for a beautiful girl,” he stated.

“Handsome, muscular, and a big flirt... my husband better not give these girls more attention than me, or I will be going home with you,” I replied.

Jason looked at me intently but hopeful and answered, “I hope your husband fucks up bad tonight.”

I giggled and went to leave, and he grabbed my ass again, but held on a little longer this time. I looked back again and said, “You’re going to get me in trouble.”

He smirked and replied, “I’m glad you don’t mind having your ass played with.”

I walked to the door and lifted my skirt to give him a look at my bare ass again. Jason let out a little moan and said, “That’s my girl. Come back and see me again real soon. I get a break in an hour or so.”

I got back to my seat, and the waitress was still there chatting with Mike. She looked at me with a smile, “I hope you don’t mind me keeping your husband company while you were gone.”

Mike smiled and answered for me, “Madison isn’t a jealous girl. Are you babe?”

“That’s right, Mike has his fun, and I have mine. I was busy flirting with Jason anyway,” I replied with a bit of playful venom in my voice.

Mike shot me a look and asked how I knew the bouncer’s name. “Don’t worry about it; apparently, we both know people here,” I told him.

The waitress turned to leave and gave me a wink. I just ignored Mike’s gaze and started watching the girls dance. A raven-haired girl came out, and my god, she was sexy. I whistled real loud when she bent over. She didn’t seem to mind I was a woman and came over and started dancing in front of me. I couldn’t take my eyes off her, and she eventually bent over right in front of me, pushing her ass in my face. Her pussy lips pressed against her shorts and outlined the thick lips beneath.

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I grabbed a bill and ran it up the back of her calf, and pushed it between her legs to give it to her. She grabbed my hand and pulled it up to her pussy. She held my hand against her pussy and ground herself into my hand. The crowd cheered and whistled; she stepped forward, taking the bill from my hand. She thanked me, then danced in front of Mike for the rest of the song. She then finished her set dancing around the stage for everyone else.

The next dancer who came out started on the other end of the stage. When she got to us, it was like I wasn’t even there, but she gave Mike quite the show, and he was eating it up. I asked if he liked her, and he didn’t hear a word I said; he was too busy watching her rub her pussy and suck on her fingers like they were his cock.

We drank several drinks and shots over the following few dancers. Only the first girl and one other paid me any attention, but they sure did dance a lot for Mike. I was tired of being ignored, so I got up, went to the ladies’ room, went outside for some fresh air, grabbed a joint, and smoked it real quick.

Jason saw me and said, “wow, I honestly didn’t think you would come back for my break.”

I smiled and asked if he wanted to smoke a joint with me outside. He opened the door for me and followed me over to Mike’s bike. I bent over the saddlebag and acted like I was rummaging around to find the bag of joints. All the while, my bare ass and pussy were pointed at Jason.

When I finally stood and turned around, I couldn’t help but look Jason up and down. I noticed he had a great body and a very prominent bulge in his jeans. I lit the joint, and we talked as we got high. Jason gave me the full-court press with his flirting, and I made sure he knew I was enjoying it. We finished the joint, and neither of us moved to go back in and just kept talking.

“I can’t believe you flashed your bare ass at me earlier,” he said. “I got a glimpse of your treasures too.”

I acted all embarrassed and surprised and smacked him in the arm. “I didn’t know you could see that too.”

“Well, I guess it was my lucky day,” he responded.

Jason asked if I should get back to Mike. I was in no hurry because I enjoyed Jason’s attention every bit as much as Mike enjoyed the raven-haired stripper he ignored me for. I told him, “I’m gonna smoke another joint, but if you have to get back, I understand.”

He smiled and told me there was no way he was leaving a beautiful woman alone in the parking lot of a shit hole like this. I smiled and turned around to get another joint. My hand touched the joint bag the second I put my hand in the saddlebag. Of course, I spent several minutes rummaging around again, my bare ass and pussy on full display to Jason.

I had my legs spread just enough for him to get a good look. I stayed bent over a little longer and rotated my hips to make the skirt ride up even more. Then I turned around to tell Jason I found it. I could immediately see his bulge was now fully erect, and it was me having trouble not staring now.

It was nothing but straight flirting from both of us during the second joint. The shots and the weed had fully kicked in, making me even more aroused. So much so that I felt my pussy getting wet to the point it would soon start to run down my leg.

Jason had a look of pure lust on his face, “Madison, please don’t think me a douche, but I don’t think I’ve ever wanted to fuck someone more than I want to fuck you right now.”

It was all I needed to hear. My pussy flooded, and the next thing I knew, I had my arms wrapped around his neck and my tongue shoved down his throat.

He wrapped those big arms around me and grabbed both of my ass cheeks. He lifted me, and I wrapped my legs around him. Our kissing intensified as our tongues wrestled around each other's mouths.

Jason stopped suddenly, “We should stop before Mike comes out and catches us.”

“Honey, I doubt Mike even knows I’m gone,” I replied. In my mind, I was thinking, ‘this is what Mike gets for ignoring me. He’s likely fucking that raven-haired girl.’ Honestly, though, I wanted Jason because he was hot and muscular, and I loved that he was hot for me even with my husband there.

A group of guys walked by, and one told Jason I didn’t look like his wife.

Jason kept kissing me but quickly replied, “You don’t look dead either, but things can change real fast.”

Now I have no clue why, but hearing that... fuck me, it pushed me over the edge. I whispered in Jason’s ear, “are you gonna flirt with him or bend me over Mike’s bike and fuck me?”

He looked at me with wide eyes and said we should go around back. I shook my head no with an evil grin and exclaimed, “Here!”

Jason set me down, flipped me around, and pushed my face down on the seat of Mike’s Harley. He had his jeans open, his cock out, and pushed into me balls deep in about one second flat.

He started fucking me with his big, gorgeous cock. It was long, thick, and veiny, and I could feel every vein. The whole scenario was so hot I couldn’t take it. I felt that big cock push against my cervix and came almost instantly... I creamed his cock hard, but he kept fucking me. We didn’t say a word, just moans, groans, and whimpers. I was on fire and could feel my pussy juice running down my thigh.

I don’t know how long we were out there. It had to have been around thirty minutes or more, and Mike never even came looking for me. I came a second time, and as my pussy convulsed in orgasm, Jason moaned loud and said, “I’m gonna cum; where do you want it?”

“I want to feel it, cum inside me like a real man,” I managed to grunt out.

Jason gave me three or four more hard thrusts and pumped a massive load into my pussy. I had another small orgasm at the feeling of his hot cum, and my pussy milked him for all it was worth.

We were both covered in sweat and panting hard. Jason spun me around and kissed me and said, “Baby, if that weren’t the best pussy I’d ever had, I’d almost feel bad for fucking Mike’s wife. I kinda like Mike, but now I’m just envious.”

I quipped, “Even if I didn’t know Mike is fucking strippers, I still would have fucked you.”

Jason acted surprised at what I knew, but confirmed I was right about the stripper fucking Mike.

“So, he plays, I play. If he wanted me tonight, he shouldn’t have ignored me,” I commented.

While Jason seemed to be mulling things over, I bent down and sucked all our cum off his dick, which was still hard. I wanted to keep sucking it and get it back in the warm confines of my pussy, but Jason pulled away.

“I would love to keep going, but I could lose my job for fucking a married customer while I’m on the clock,” he said.

I looked up at him and pouted, but told him I understood. He looked at his watch and told me he would get off work in thirty minutes. We straightened up and walked back inside. Jason massaged my ass all the way inside.

When I got back inside, I had Jason’s cum running out my pussy down my thigh. I was going to go clean my pussy in the women’s room, but saw that stripper sitting in Mike’s lap. She was rocking back and forth while they watched another girl dance, so I went over with the cum running down my thigh.

When I sat down, Mike asked where I had been. I told him, “Oh, I was just walking around chatting with folks.” I sat there and watched that stripper dry humping him. Mike noticed me watching and chuckled, “are you mad?”

I smiled and said, “not at all; it kinda turns me on.” I leaned over and whispered in his ear, “You want to bring her home tonight?”

He smiled and said, “yes, she’s bi; I can’t wait to watch the two of you fuck.”

“That’s hot,” I replied. “Why don’t you take her home on the bike? I’ll take a cab home and come in a little later and catch you. We can have some fun with her.”

I was kinda shocked when he agreed. “That will be so hot, baby. She is done dancing, so we can leave right now.”

I replied, “Okay, see you at home, lover.”

They practically ran to Mike’s bike. I could hear the loud rumble of Mike’s Harley leaving as I waited. I walked to where Jason was and told him I was his for the night if he could get away with not going home. He called his wife right there and told her his brother called and was having a terrible night and asked if she cared if he took care of him.

A couple of minutes later, I was sucking his dick as he drove his car to a motel. It was over two hours before Mike even texted. I didn’t answer as I was getting one of the best fucks I’ve ever had and didn’t go home till noon the next day. I only left then because Jason had to anyway.

I told Jason to pull right into my driveway. My blouse had two buttons missing. I had dried cum all over my ass, pussy, legs, and face, and that’s exactly how I walked inside. It was apparent I had been fucked well all night and was not surprised to find the stripper still there, eating breakfast.

Mike asked, “Where have you been? I thought you were going to join us.”

“Well, I was about to come home last night when I met up with Jason. I figured since you were fucking your stripper, I might as well have a good time too. So I went to a motel with Jason.”

Mike retorted, “What the fuck? You said it was okay!”

I smiled and calmly said, “Oh, honey, I don’t care about last night. This was about all the other nights you fucked during lap dances.”

They both turned dark red, and Mike started stammering, trying to say something.

Before Mike could get anything out, I said, “it’s okay, baby, I’m not upset. I just got the best fucking of my life; I can’t wait to go back with you.” I turned and walked out of the kitchen and smiled to myself as I went to get a shower.

Written by James_Gina
Contributing Authors
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