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The Halloween Party

"Sometimes, your friends know you better than you know yourself..."

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Author's Notes

"Oh, Mitch... my best male friend, Mitch. What would I do without you... you have provided me with so many interesting tales over the years because, well, you're just so darn interesting... thank you for being the wild and crazy guy that you are. This is another of Mitch's naughty adventures that is among my personal favorites. Before you start reading, please be aware that this story involves cross-dressing, and lots of gay sex, so, if either one of those things is an issue for you, please stop reading now, and go read one of my many other stories that does not involve either of those things! For the sake of readability, throughout the story, I refer to Mitch's underwear as panties.  In crossdresser lingo, what he was actually wearing is called a gaff… it looks like the bottom half of a bikini, but made of slightly thicker material, and maybe a bit wider through the crotch, which helps conceal the guy’s cock and balls.  Okay, back to our story…)"

Saturday, October 31st, 1998

“So, is it possible to put this stuff on without opening your mouth?” Mitch asked as he delicately attempted to apply mascara to his eyelashes for the first time.

“No, it’s not,” Heather answered simply from the bathroom doorway.  “Are you about ready?” she questioned. “We’ve been ready for thirty minutes.”

“I’ve never done anything like this before.  I’m worried I’m going to look totally stupid,” Mitch responded.

“Turn around, let me take a look,” Tracy encouraged as she stepped into the bathroom.  “You look great,” she said honestly. “A hell of a lot better job than I did the first time I put on makeup by myself,” she admitted. 

“You must have a natural instinct for it,” Heather added with a wink.

Mitch rolled his eyes and tugged one more time at the little red dress he was wearing.  “This thing barely goes past my ass, everyone will be staring,” he complained.

“That’s the idea,” Heather stated as she slapped him on the ass and started inspecting her own outfit in the mirror.  She adjusted her bow tie and smoothed the front of her tuxedo shirt. “Besides, welcome to our world. Guys stare at our asses every day.”

“I should have never let you talk me into the dress,” Mitch argued.  “I should have just gotten a pantsuit or something.”

“Hey, I wish I had legs as nice as yours,” Heather said, glancing down at his bare thighs and calves.  “If you’ve got it, flaunt it.”

Mitch, Heather, and Tracy had all known each other since they were kids.  All three had attended the same high school, and all gone off to the same college as well.  As they had advanced through college, each one of them had progressed down a similar path of self-discovery. 

Tracy was a confirmed lesbian.  She had made that proclamation to the other two during their freshman year—neither was surprised.  Heather was confidently bisexual. Strangely enough, because of her short-cropped, spiky black hair, and her fairly strong feminist stances, many were actually surprised that she liked guys at all. 

Mitch was—well, Mitch was still trying to decide what he was. He supposed he was bisexual, but he would never admit that to his family, or anyone else back home.

It was now their senior year of college and they were getting ready for a Halloween party.  A fairly large group of like-minded people had rented out a facility for what was sure to be a very interesting costume party.  The theme was “Gender Bender”. All the women were supposed to dress as guys, and all the guys dress as women.

The two girls had difficulty getting Mitch to agree to go.  “Come on,” Heather had said, “No one there will know you,” she promised.  “And if they do, they’re going to be dressed just like you! So, who cares?!”

After much encouragement, he had finally agreed.  Then came the hard part—actually picking out an outfit.  They’d taken Mitch’s measurements and went about finding an outfit that would show off all the right parts and hide all the wrong parts.  Mitch quickly discovered there was far more to it than just a dress and some makeup though. He also had to purchase a special pair of panties to help conceal what needed to be concealed, a fairly decent wig, and a pair of high heels.

“Do I really need to buy all this stuff? Just for a one-time thing?”  Mitch asked.

“Anything worth doing is worth doing right,” Heather had countered.  “Besides, who says it’s just a one-time thing? Trust me, once you go out like this once, you’ll want to do it again, and again.”

“What makes you think that?” Mitch argued.

Heather shrugged.  “Just a feeling.”

So, with many reservations and much trepidation, Mitch purchased everything that Heather and Tracy suggested.  By the time every item had been purchased, Mitch realized he’d spent too much money to back out of going to the party.

The real moment of truth came about a week before the party.  Mitch was hanging out in Heather and Tracy’s apartment when Heather walked up to him with a package full of disposable razors and plopped it down in his lap.

“Better get started,” she said.  “It might take you all damn week to shave.”

“And trust me,” Tracy added, “shave now, so you can have some time to get used to it.  You don’t want your first hairless night to be the night of the party. Otherwise, you’ll probably be itching like crazy.”

Mitch sighed.  “Do I have to?” he asked weakly, knowing the answer.

“You do, unless you want to look like a gorilla in a dress next weekend,” Heather quipped.

Now the big event had finally arrived.  It was the night of the party and the three friends had been preparing themselves all evening.  Heather had rented a tuxedo, complete with top hat, a cane, and tails. Tracy had opted for a tweed jacket and a bowler derby, her blonde hair tucked up underneath.

“Here’s all that’s left,” Heather said, offering Mitch his wig.

Mitch slipped the wig on over his hair, straightening it and fluffing it to the right shape with his hands.  As he did, he stepped back to examine himself in the girls’ full-length mirror. He raised his hands to his chest and adjusted his “boobs”.  They had decided that water balloons provided the perfect size and weight to make believable breasts.

“You look stunning,” Tracy volunteered, “you really do.  Just don’t spring a leak.”

“Thanks,” Mitch accepted the compliment awkwardly.  He wasn’t exactly sure how he felt about looking stunning in a dress and high heels.

“Shall we go?” Heather prodded, gesturing towards the door with a white-gloved hand.

The location of the party was just across the street and down the block, so the group had decided to walk.  “It’ll give you good practice in those heels,” Tracy commented to Mitch.

“I don’t like this,” Mitch said, a note of apprehension in his voice.  “This is not exactly what I had in mind. I mean, we’re out in public, walking down the street.  Anyone could see me.”

“Baptism by fire,” Heather said, casually swinging her cane around on the end of her hand and doing a little sideways dance step.  “Besides, if anyone sees you, they’ll just think you’re one more hot chick on her way to a Halloween party—which is exactly what you are.”

“She’s right, you know,” Tracy agreed. “You look better in that dress than most women would.”

They walked a few more steps in silence before Mitch sighed.  “Seriously, Heather, would you stop staring at them.”

Heather and Tracy both giggled.  “Sorry,” Heather apologized, “you just really do have awesome legs.”

“I’m so glad you convinced him to shave them,” Tracy agreed.

“And his underarms,” Heather added.

“Yes, and several other things too,” Mitch muttered.  With each step they took, Mitch could feel his knees beginning to tremble.  It wasn’t the high heels either. He was becoming extremely aware that he was wearing a dress—in public—and in a matter of minutes, he would be seen by dozens of people.

“Come on,” Tracy encouraged, “Cheer up, this is going to be a blast.”

“Yeah,” Heather agreed, “who knows, you might even meet someone.”

Truthfully, Mitch had no idea what he was headed towards.  He essentially knew two things about the party they would be attending.  He knew that everyone would be crossdressed, and there would be copious amounts of alcohol.

“So, how come Becca and Sadie are skipping out on this shindig, if it’s going to be such a great time?” Mitch asked, referring to each of the girl's girlfriends, respectively.

“They both had to go to work.  Neither one could take off,” Tracy explained.

They arrived at the party in just a few minutes.  Heather opened the door for the other two. “After you,” she said with a grin.

Mitch’s nervousness had reached its peak.  He felt a drop of perspiration roll down the interior of his arm.  His breath shortened and his heartbeat rapidly, as if it trying to jump out of his chest.  He reached down and very subtly checked once more, just to make sure everything was tucked away properly.

They stepped inside and were immediately dazzled with an array of Halloween decorations.  Cobwebs hung at the entrance, tickling their skin as they entered, sending a chill down their back and legs.  Several Jack-o-lanterns were lit up in the entryway, greeting them with a big smile and a warm glow. Retro decorations hung on the walls, big cardboard vampires, and skeletons that glowed with the black lights and strobe lights.  Several fog machines provided a nice spooky atmosphere throughout the building. Techno music filled the air. 

As Mitch glanced around at the other party guests, much of his apprehension instantly melted away.  In front of him, he saw somewhere between seventy-five to a hundred people… and about half of them were dressed just as he was.  He knew he was amongst fellow travelers. These were like-minded people who weren’t going to judge him because he’d shaved his legs and was wearing a dress.

“Here, have a couple of these,” Heather encouraged, as she handed Mitch two Jell-O shots.

“I prefer beer,” Mitch said.

“Oh, come now, a hot little number like yourself?” Heather joked, “gotta watch your figure.  Beer will make you fat.” She pushed the Jell-O shots into Mitch’s hand, and he immediately downed one of them.

Mitch settled in and began to relax.  As he rested against the bar, or lounged in a chair, he couldn’t help but notice how many discreet glances he was getting.  Girls—or guys as the case may be—were checking him out—he found it exhilarating. The more it happened, the more he found himself mingling, walking around, and allowing himself to be seen.  As he strode across the room, he felt a confidence in his step that he had rarely ever felt on a day-to-day basis. 

To his surprise, he also caught himself checking out lots of other guys.  Wearing dresses and showing off their assets, they certainly caught his eye.  At one point, he attempted to force himself to focus on the many women wearing suits and ties, but for some reason, that’s not where his eyes kept drifting.  After much internal debate, he finally gave in and indulged in ogling the other men’s legs.

Mitch had just approached a table, reaching for another Jell-O shot when a familiar voice said, “I’d recognize that face anywhere—even in a dress.”  Mitch stood erect. He would never forget that voice. The voice of the man he’d lost his virginity to.

“Derek!” he shouted with genuine excitement.  A huge smile erupted onto his face.

Derek returned the smile with a broad grin of his own.  “You look awesome,” he commented. “I wish I had your legs and ass.”

Mitch paused for a moment and took notice of Derek’s own outfit.  He was dressed slightly more conservatively than Mitch was, but looked stunning just the same.  He wore a short-sleeve, little black dress that cut off at mid-thigh. Sensible heels that were shorter than the ones Mitch wore, and a very nice looking shoulder-length wig completed the outfit.

“You look great too,” Mitch finally remarked after taking in his old friend’s feminine beauty.  “I mean, really great,” he added for emphasis, scanning down Derek’s figure one more time.

“I think I’ll have a couple of those too,” Derek said, reaching for the Jell-O shots.  “Or maybe five or six,” he joked. They both helped themselves and moments later, threw the tiny empty cups into a nearby trash can.  “So, what are you doing here?!” Derek started in, and for the next few minutes, the two tried to catch up with each other. It wasn’t easy, as they had to talk over the driving rhythms and pounding bass of the dance music.

Finally, after both realized the music was just too loud for a practical conversation, Derek asked, “Would you like to dance?” He motioned towards the small dance floor where many people were dancing to the upbeat music and having a good time.

“I’m not much of a dancer,” Mitch said apologetically.

“Oh, nonsense!” Derek yelled.  “There’s nothing to it! I’m sure you’re just as good as anyone else here.”  Without further argument, he grabbed Mitch’s arm and pulled him onto the dance floor.

Mitch was tentative at first, but with Derek’s guidance and encouragement, he was dancing along with everyone else.  As he danced, a transformation occurred within him. Mitch’s confidence continued to soar, and he experienced a liberation that was quite exhilarating.  He began to lose himself in the moment. The more he danced and mingled amongst the crowd, the more feminine he felt. He was no longer just a guy awkwardly wearing a dress. He had embraced the role wholeheartedly.

The music was an unusual mix of different varieties.  They danced to several songs before the two friends decided they needed a rest and drifted away from the dance floor.  Immediately, another “woman” came up behind Derek and wrapped his arms around him in a loving fashion.

“Who’s your friend?” the newcomer asked in a good-natured tone.

“This is an old friend of mine,” Derek replied.  “Mitch, this is my boyfriend, Tony. Tony, this is Mitch, I met him during my freshman year here.”

Mitch shook Tony’s hand, and the two eyed each other up and down.  Mitch realized that he had already seen Tony earlier in the evening.  He had been one of several that had caught his eye. He even recalled seeing Tony on the dance floor, striking an incredible figure.  He was long and lean and with luscious legs and an upper body that looked spectacular in the white spaghetti-strap top he had chosen for the evening. 

The top cut off at his midriff, revealing a trim tummy with a belly button piercing. In the dark club light, Mitch couldn’t tell if it was real, or a prop for the party.  A pleated miniskirt flowed around his waist which, as Mitch had already noticed, was perfect for dancing. Tony’s wig was a short, curly blonde number. It reminded Mitch of Marilyn Monroe’s hair.

After a few more introductory remarks, the three returned to the dance floor.  Mitch was surprised to find that he was actually excited to resume the dance session.  In no time at all, the three were dancing up a storm, along with everyone else. As they danced, Mitch couldn’t help but notice that both Derek and Tony’s dancing had become much more provocative—specifically towards him. 

At one point, he found himself sandwiched between the two of them, their bodies undulating with the pulse of the music. At another point, Tony spread his long legs, pushing his crotch up against Mitch’s thigh, grinding against Mitch’s bare leg.

Mitch began to feel aroused.  However, it was not an arousal of his genitals, as he was used to experiencing as a man.  It was a deeper arousal, something more internal, like an underground spring rising from the depths of his being.  The throbbing rhythms, the strobing lights, the heat of dozens of bodies surrounding him, the half-a-dozen Jell-O shots—it all kindled this smoldering eroticism burning within him.

He spotted Tony whisper something to Derek.  Derek glanced in Mitch’s direction with an impish grin, simultaneously biting and licking his lower lip.  Derek nodded his head in agreement. A moment later, Derek approached Mitch and whisper-shouted in his ear.

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“How about the three of us get out of here?  Go someplace a little quieter, maybe,” Derek suggested.

Mitch quickly agreed.  He wasn’t sure what was going to happen next, but he was up for anything.  As the three of them made their way from the dance floor, Mitch just happened to catch Heather.  He quickly explained where he was going. She simply smiled and said “I told you so.”

The three men opened the door and stepped out into the cool, late October air.  A half-moon hovered overhead and lit up the night sky. Mitch hadn’t realized just how hot he was until he felt the air against his bare skin.  His cheeks were flushed and his legs were slightly damp with perspiration.

As they walked down the street, Mitch internally chuckled to himself.  How funny it would be, he thought, if a group of guys drove past them right now, and started checking them out—believing they were women.  What a surprise they would be in for. The idea no longer bothered him as it had when he and the girls had walked over to the party. In fact, there was a small part of him hoping a random stranger would spot him.  He walked along with the two others, and none of the three seemed to mind that they were strolling along down the street, dressed as women.

As it turned out, Mitch and Tony lived in the same apartment complex as Heather and Tracy, but on the backside, about as far away from the girls’ apartment as they could be.  It was a short walk, and Mitch was actually a bit disappointed when they reached their destination—he had felt such a thrill walking out in the open dressed as he was.

However, after an evening of walking—and dancing—in heels, his feet were killing him, and the couch looked very inviting.  He gracefully sat down in the center of the sofa, crossing his legs in the most feminine fashion he could.

“Would you like another drink?” Derek offered.

“Sure, that would be great,” Mitch replied, feeling the buzz from the last round of Jell-O shots quickly wearing away.

Derek brought him a stiff drink and both he and Tony sat down on opposite sides of Mitch, with all three on the couch.  They chatted for a bit and to Mitch’s surprise and slight amusement, all three still seemed to be using more feminine personas.  Mitch had assumed that once they were inside the apartment, the act might drop and it would just be three guys hanging out.

As the conversation progressed, Mitch recognized the same look in Derek’s eyes that he had seen four years before.  Tony, on the other hand, was not even trying to hide his intentions. His hand was firmly resting on Mitch’s thigh, and he was gently rubbing it back and forth, allowing his hand to go further up and in with each caress.

Derek’s painted fingernails gently grazed Mitch’s bicep and shoulder.  Mitch started breathing heavily. He was now certain of what was going to happen, and the only decision left in his mind was which direction he was going to turn.  He desperately wanted to turn towards Tony, whose bare shoulders and flat tummy just seemed to be begging for attention. In the lamplight of their apartment, Mitch could now see that Tony’s belly button piercing was quite real.

At the same time, the comfort and familiarity of Derek’s gentle face beckoned to him as well.  He thought back fondly of the few encounters that he’d had with the other young man. Many nights, he had found himself fantasizing about such a moment, a chance encounter and reunion with Derek, and now it was happening.

The decision was made for him.  Tony was clearly the more aggressive of the two.  In one motion, his hand went the rest of the way up Mitch’s bare thigh, as he leaned in and kissed Mitch full on the lips.  Mitch did not resist. He felt Tony’s tongue slip into his mouth, and the other man’s hands gently kneading his thighs and shoulders.

“Mitch!” Derek playfully scolded.  “How dare you kiss my boyfriend! Without kissing me first,” he added.  Derek’s lips replaced Tony’s, as the other man backed away for just a moment.  Derek kissed with reckless abandon. The kisses came fast and furious, and then one long, deep kiss that seemed to last an eternity.  Their tongues met. Mitch opened his mouth a little wider. 

Suddenly, it was Tony’s turn again.  He straddled Mitch, which was easy to do in the loose fitting skirt he was wearing.  He wrapped his arms around Mitch’s neck and kissed him forcefully once more. As he did, he started gyrating his hips, grinding on Mitch’s lap.  Mitch instinctively felt his hands grip Tony’s trim waist, feeling his slender torso. His hands wrapped around towards Tony’s firm, smooth ass.

Derek rose from the couch.  “Before you two get really into it, why don’t we retire to a more comfortable room?”  He motioned towards them, turned, and walked towards their bedroom.

Tony relinquished his kiss, sucking gently on Mitch’s lower lip as he did so, and sighed, sounding frustrated.  “If we must,” he whispered with a smile. He crawled off of Mitch’s lap and reached out his hands, helping Mitch to his feet.

Once in the bedroom, Derek embraced Mitch in his arms and kissed him once more.  He then gently turned him around, encouraging Mitch to crawl on the bed. Derek slapped Mitch’s ass playfully as he tried to assume the correct position.

Mitch, now on his hands and knees, felt the back of his dress being pulled up over his ass.  Then, his panties were tugged down to around his knees. The next sensation he felt was a cock pressing against his asshole.  He realized that he was so hot and wet between his legs that they might not need any kind of lubrication at all.

At first, he wasn’t even sure which of them it was, and he didn’t want to spoil the surprise by turning his head to find out.  He assumed it was Derek, but wasn’t positive. He felt the cock push inside him and couldn’t help but think back to that first time, four years ago—how tight he had been then.  He’d been with other guys since then, but that first time with Derek still held a special place in his mind.

The cock felt good inside him.  It had been a while since he’d last experienced it, and he relaxed a bit, just enjoying the sensation of having his ass pounded.  He stretched his arms out in front of him on the bed, as he felt hands grip his torso.

Then he spotted Tony crawling onto the bed.  Mitch instantly noticed that he was no longer wearing his pleated skirt.  Instead, he simply had on a pair of black panties. To Mitch’s surprise, the front was completely smooth, no bulge could be seen at all.  Even as he was being fucked up the ass, Mitch couldn’t help but marvel at how effectively Tony could conceal his maleness.

Mitch decided to become the aggressor for once.  He reached out with one hand, and with a single tug, pulled Tony’s panties down around his knees.  Mitch gasped out loud. An enormous cock sprung free from—somewhere—and was now rapidly engorging itself.  

Mitch opened wide, eager to accept the throbbing member into his mouth.  A second later, his jaw was stretched to its limit. He sucked Tony’s cock with as much focus as he could manage.  It wasn’t easy—there were just too many incredible sensations to pay attention to. Derek’s shaft inside him, Tony’s cock in his mouth.  Mitch honestly couldn’t believe this was happening to him. He was getting fucked by two guys at the same time.

He pulled Tony’s cock out of his mouth and licked the length of his shaft, all the way to his smoothly shaved balls.  Then licked back up the length and slipped it in once more. He used his tongue to play with the huge purple head, and gazed up longingly into Tony’s eyes.  With one hand, he worked the lengthy shaft back and forth.

Tony didn’t say a word, but Mitch could tell by his facial expression and breathing that he was getting close.  Finally, Tony nodded and Mitch knew. A moment later Mitch tasted the hot, salty, syrupy fluid on his tongue. He lapped it down eagerly, without missing a drop.

“Keep going,” Tony whispered.

Mitch glanced up and raised a curious eyebrow.

“Suck me hard again,” Tony encouraged.

Mitch didn’t hesitate, slurping the cock back into his mouth.  It had never really grown limp, and didn’t remain flaccid for long.  Tony had certainly known what he was talking about.

Derek pulled out, having never come.  Mitch remembered this about Derek, he had always been unusually long-winded in that department.  For just a moment, Mitch remained on his hands and knees, suddenly feeling empty, with neither cock inside him.

But then Tony urged him onto his back.  He took his own panties, as well as Mitch’s (which had still been around his knees) and flung them across the room.  Tony assumed a position between Mitch’s thighs and pushed his oversized cock into Mitch’s waiting hole. As Tony’s member expanded the lips of his ass, Mitch wriggled and squirmed to accommodate him. 

Yet, it didn’t hurt, it felt awesome. Mitch realized with a start that Derek had just been a warm-up act. Had Derek not gone first, he would more than likely have been in serious pain right now.

Mitch pressed his thighs against Tony’s waist and wrapped his arms around his strong back.  At first, Tony’s strokes were long and slow. He was making Mitch feel every inch of him inside his ass.  After several minutes—Mitch had no idea how long really—the strokes became strong and forceful. Mitch held on for dear life as Tony started thoroughly pounding him.

Derek laid beside them, watching with a pleased expression on his face.  Mitch reached out with one hand, and he and Derek held hands, which at that moment, was all the affection he could show towards Derek.  He leaned his face into Tony’s chest and allowed himself to give in to the pleasure.

After only God knows how long, Tony pulled out, only to change positions.  He laid on his back and encouraged Mitch to mount him. Mitch straddled the other man and, as he did, Tony’s dick went smoothly up inside him.  He was staring down at his new friend, his ass pressed against the other's crotch, Tony’s cock buried to the hilt.

Mitch slowly began grinding his hips, trying to work Tony’s rod even deeper into him.  Then, he raised up, and lowered himself back down. Up and down. It was hard work, his thighs and knees ached as he kept up the motion.  But the pleasure he saw on Tony’s face kept him going. Up and down. The more he did it, the easier it became. Up and down. Yet, he wasn’t sure how long he could keep it up.  Up and down. He started panting. Up and down. Sweat rolled off his forehead.

Derek must have been able to sense that Mitch was wearing out—either that, or he was just tired of being left out of the action.  Probably both. Standing up on the bed, directly in front of Mitch, Derek straddled Tony’s chest.

Mitch needed nothing explained to him.  He lowered himself back down on Tony’s cock completely, letting his hips do the work instead of his legs.  He pulled Derek towards him and took his friend’s cock deep in his mouth.

They stayed in this position for a long time.  Mitch’s tongue working on Derek’s cock. Tony thrusting upward, while Mitch continued gyrating his hips.

Mitch put all of his concentration towards pleasing Derek with his mouth.  He deep-throated his cock, and then brought the member all the way back out.  He licked the shaft, he kissed Derek’s balls, he flicked at his dick’s head with his tongue.  He worked so diligently, a small puddle of saliva began to pool on Tony’s chest. Mitch glanced down, and realized that Tony was intently watching Mitch give his boyfriend a masterful blowjob.

Finally, Mitch heard and felt the telltale signs of Derek’s impending orgasm.  The shortness of breath, the uncontrollable desire to thrust his cock deeper into Mitch’s mouth.

“I’m cumming,” Derek said helpfully.

Mitch wouldn’t have needed the warning.  He was ready, and for the second time that night he tasted cum in his mouth, before sending it on down his throat and into his belly.  Maybe it was just the passion of the moment, but Mitch thought it tasted good, very good.

He slurped at Derek’s cock until the last drop of cum was gone, and then slowly let it fall from his mouth, gazing up at Derek as he did.  He could see by the look on Derek’s face that his friend was thoroughly pleased.

With Derek satisfied, Mitch could return his attention to Tony.  Watching Derek receive head must have driven Tony to the edge. Because he too was now close to an orgasm.  At least, Mitch believed he was. It was difficult to tell, since this was their first time together.

As Derek settled back onto the bed, Tony sat up, to allow him a better position to thrust. The two were now face-to-face, their bodies still interlocked.  He put his arms around Mitch and the two began fucking in earnest, Tony driving upwards, Mitch grinding downward, his thighs wrapped around Tony’s waist. Mitch giggled to himself as an odd thought crossed his mind—he felt as if he were on a pogo stick—no, more like a jackhammer, he decided.

Mitch was right.  Tony had been on the verge.  In just a couple of minutes, Tony pressed down on Mitch’s thighs, clamping them tightly with his hands, and driving his cock upwards, as deep inside as it could go.  Mitch knew what was happening. He imagined he could vaguely feel the cum, hot and wet, filling his bowels, surrounding Tony’s cock in what little space there was. Tony’s orgasm was powerful, his body trembled and shook, as Mitch accepted the load up his ass.

As the night progressed, the three men continued to enjoy each other’s company, experimenting with different positions, each of them receiving different kinds of pleasure from the other two.  The feminine clothing that had brought them together that night lay crumpled next to the bed. All that remained of their earlier adventure was smudged lipstick and smooth legs.

The next morning, Mitch woke to the sound of Tony softly snoring.  Derek was already awake, and he smiled across Tony’s sleeping body, and held one finger up to his lips.  Then, he pointed towards the door, indicating that they should leave the room.

Mitch had no other clothes with him, so he slipped his panties back on and joined Derek in the living room.  The two sat and quietly talked for a good hour, catching up with each other for real, now that they could hear themselves speak.

Eventually, Mitch decided it was time to leave.  Now that he was sober, and the eroticism of the night before had worn off, Mitch realized he had no desire to make a trek across campus wearing his other outfit.  Derek was gracious enough to loan Mitch a pair of shorts and a T-shirt so he could get home. He did so on the condition that Mitch would return them, and wouldn’t be a stranger. 

“After all, now that you know where we live, you should really come visit us more often,” Derek said with a wink.

And of course, Mitch agreed… and followed through on his promise.


Author’s note:

Okay, so… let’s start with this one.  If you’re wondering what Tracy and I did that night… well, that’s an easy one.  We had a good time at the party, got very drunk, and went back to our apartment and had sex.  No, our girlfriends did not mind… they were both pretty comfortable with the idea of me and Tracy casually hooking up.  So, with that out of the way, let’s get back to Mitch.

Later that afternoon, Mitch came over to our apartment and relayed his experience to us.  He thanked both of us profusely for convincing him to go, and dragging him along every step of the way.

I remember laughing and saying, “See, I told you so.”  I also remember saying, “Sometimes your friends know you better than you know yourself!”  And about that particular topic, we certainly did. We knew he was bi, of course, but both of us just had this gut feeling that he would love crossdressing… we were not wrong.  It’s something that he’s continued doing off and on for years now… just can’t seem to get it out of his system (and for the record, he's advanced way beyond 'water balloons' since then). I even have another story to share with you about one of his adventures… but that’s a tale for another day.

Written by heathermeinders
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