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The Guitar Player Strikes Again

"Another day at work..."

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My hands were on both of her breasts, thumbing her nipples as she moaned into my mouth in ecstasy. Our kiss intensified as I gently kneaded her luscious tits, pulling the tips outwards and squeezing both at the same time in a sensual manner. I really wanted to lower her body backward, towards the arm of my sofa so we could progress to what I really wanted, to fuck her pussy silly and sore. Umm!

How did I get this fine woman into my hotel room, with the top of her strapless dress pulled down and me sucking on her lips and breasts? Well, it started during the last break my band took in the hotel lounge where we played five nights a week to great crowds that loved our sound.

I was putting my guitar onto the stand when I felt a tug on my shirt and turning beheld a lovely, slightly overweight blonde woman with a slightly plump figure and gorgeous face. The green dress she wore displayed ample cleavage and her chest was pointing straight out at me and the nipples, well, they were too.

I was enchanted, which was unusual for me as I generally was attracted to the thin, long-legged chicks with smaller tits. Her hair was slightly askew from dancing with her girlfriend and some guys, a gleam of perspiration shone on her neck and chest. A thirty-eight or forty C cup was my guess. If she was braless, her tits were in magnificent shape.

Her legs were short and muscular under a small rounded ass, I think that was what really caught my attention as the dress barely covered it. Her pussy mound was pushing ever so slightly outwards, about six inches upwards from the hem of the short dress. The dress fit so well,  I suspected she was going commando or wore something very silky under her dress. Very sexy in a slutty way.

“Hi, there!” I quipped as I smiled at her.

“Hi yourself, Mr. Guitar Player!” Came a slightly inebriated reply from the lady. “Wanna come to sit with some girls that think y'all are great?” She smiled at me in a coy manner that made me think she did not usually act in this manner, forward and flirty.

“We want to buy you a drink and maybe keep these guys away for a while.” She again smiled coyly. I remembered seeing her and a girlfriend dancing together, and the local boys, as usual, were hitting on them on the dance floor. Ah! A bodyguard!. Well for a free drink or two, I’d sit and run interference for them.

“I have to hit the men's room for a moment and then I’ll join you ladies, if that’s ok?” I stated.

“Sure, just don’t take too long!” She actually giggled with a hand to her mouth.

“Be right back.” And I made it to the urinal and let the lizard loose standing next to two local boys who were discussing the girls the way guys do.

“I wanna fuck them both man, but the blonde is hot!” Said one.

“Yeah, I know," said the other, “I’ll take either one!”

Smiling to myself, I walked out, knowing that the chances were slim to none with these girls. I washed my hands quickly and left.

I walked straight up to the girl's table, and grinning my best 'I’m on break but available smile' and said, “Ladies, Jack is at your disposal.”

“Wash your hands, handsome?” Her friend smiled up at me from her chair. They laughed at the lame joke.

“Well, I didn’t pee on them but yes, I washed them well.” The girls laughed together, the ice was broken and I sat down between the plump blonde and an older version of her. Maybe a sister?

The local boys were walking down the aisle and stopped, and seeing me, they asked the girls, “ Hey! y’all wanna dance?”

Looking at each other for a moment, the blonde turned to the guys and said, “Not right now. We want to talk with our guitar player, don’t we, Sam? Maybe in a while.”

The guys looked at each other, then at me and walked away. I heard one say to the other, “Lucky bastard!” He was so right.

“Well, Sam, how are you?” I asked, and turning to the blonde. “And you are?” offering her my hand.

“I am Victoria, but please call me Vickie!” Smiling that very pretty and sexy smile, she took my hand and I felt a spasm go straight thru my tummy to my dick. Oh, such a great start! I love the tickle my dick gets when he wants attention.

They had already gotten me a highball and we all toasted together and drank.  We began to talk about the music, the band, the beach, and their history. Sam was a teacher and single, she was Victoria’s best friend. Vickie, also a teacher, was recently divorced and celebrating her birthday so I leaned over to her and kissed her cheek.

“Happy birthday, Vickie, can I have a dance before the night is over?” I am so direct at times.

“I’d love a nice slow dance with you!” Vickie kissed me back and draining her glass said, ”This one is perfect! Come on Jack, it’s just starting.” She wobbled slightly to the dance floor. It was so cute and oh so sexy.

The song was indeed perfect, putting her hands behind my neck, Vickie pulled me close and began a sensuous, hip-swaying dance against my body. It was obvious she was enjoying pleasure she hadn’t had in a while

 My cock was quick to rise at the pleasurable friction of her tummy. My senses were at high alert and grabbed at every sensation they received. I held her tighter and sighing into her ear whispered, “you feel and smell so wonderful, lady, thank you for the dance. Maybe later we can have another?”

“I’d love that, Jack.”

Vickie pulled her lips to mine and gently kissed them. I poked my tongue against her lips and opening her mouth slightly, poked my tongue against hers and we kissed passionately.  Her large breasts flattened against my chest and I felt the nipples harden. I wanted to grab her ass and hump her right there! Her dress and my shorts were going to get very wet at this pace.

The song faded, but not the kiss. We separated reluctantly.

Realizing we were the only couple on the floor, we walked off. Vickie pulled me close and put her head on my chest. “Thank you, Jack.”

Pulling away, I said, ”You are so beautiful! I would love to continue that kiss later if possible.”

“Me too.” Victoria walked as if in a dream state... So did I.

We walked back to her table where I saw the two locals sitting with a smiling Sam. I left Vickie at her seat and nodding at the guys said, “I have to  get back to work folks, but I shall return!” Too soon it was time to get back on the bandstand and perform.

The last set went by very slowly for me. I was continuously watching in the direction of Vickie and Sam. They continued to drink and talk with the two locals and Sam danced on and off with the guys.  Vickie never got up, even when one guy tried pulling her up by the hand. Shaking her head, I saw her lips emphatically say no, pointing in my direction. The guy went and danced with Sam and his friend. Sam was having a great time. Vickie looked dreamily towards me.

I announced her birthday and everyone sang to her. I think she was embarrassed but took the drinks sent to her table by several admirers. I must have sung half the set to her and dedicated two love songs to her.

Finally, the set was over and we put away our stuff and prepared to leave the stage. Turning, I saw Vickie standing there, swaying slightly as if she had drunk a little too much. She did smile and offering me her hand, pulled me to the dance floor where another slow song was playing.

“Another birthday dance?” Vickie slurred slightly but was determined to have her dance.

“My pleasure, lady!” I reached for her hand and into my arms, She settled against me without a sound until I wrapped her in my arms tightly, she sighed with contentment. “ooh, you feel so good Jack!”

“You too, Vickie.” As my hands pulled her tighter. My arousal was obvious to us both.

Again those big round boobs were announcing their presence and I felt her rub them oh so subtly against me, her nipples hardening with every motion. My erection was quickly growing, my breath quickening. We stopped dancing and once more sought each other's lips and tongues. Our eyes were closed as the passion we were generating swept over us.

Vickie's mouth was warm and wet, and with the taste of alcohol aroused me to the near point of no return right there on the dance floor. We stopped dancing and just held on and moved our genitals slowly against each other. Vickie pressed her pussy harder against me and I returned the movement. We were practically having sex standing in the middle of the floor. My hands reached for her ass to pull her even tighter against my cock, our breathing quickened together.

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“Get a room!” My eyes shot open and saw a waitress picking up glasses and smiling at us.

Vickie looked surprised and embarrassed, pulling away she excused herself and went to the table to retrieve her purse. I followed her and noticing it empty asked. ”Where’s Sam?”

“I think she went off with those two guys, I didn’t want to go with them so I stayed to dance with you.” Vickie picked up her purse and said she needed to go to the ladies room and would I go with her.

“Sure, Vick, are you alright?” I was concerned that her friend had left with the locals but figured it wasn’t the first rodeo for either of them. I wanted Vickie to enjoy her birthday. I wanted to make it special.

Smiling up at me, Vickie said, “I think I drank too much but really wanted another dance or two with you, you dance a special way, Jack,” Blushing as she relived the almost orgasm on the dance floor.

“Thank you, lady! Let's get you to the potty before you pop!” I laughed and took her hand.

The ladies room was right outside the entrance to the lounge and of course, the staff had a cleaning cart blocking the door with a large, “Closed for cleaning” sign out front. I didn't realize how long we had danced.

“Oh no! I really have to go pee,” Vickie lamented. “I bet Samantha is in our room with those two guys, I don’t want to go there. Where can we go?”

“No problem, girl, my room is just around the corner next to the lounge. Come on, we’ll go there!” I took charge and we were there in a moment. Opening the door I led Vickie to the bath, thankful it was tidy and clean. She charged right in and closed the door.

Turning on the tv to a soft music channel, I quickly put on a pair of running shorts and a clean t-shirt. I work up a sweat under those lights. I went and sat on the sofa and waited, hoping no sounds of a sick drunk came from the bath.

Victoria came out of the bathroom looked around, and seeing me, walked to the sofa smilingly said,” I am in your debt, sir. Can I sit beside you?”

“Of course, lady! I saved you a seat.” Patting the cushion beside me.

Vickie sat down and leaning back said, “What a fun night, Jack! You helped make it special! What with the songs and dances... I loved it!”

I stood and took her hands in mine. “Dance with me, lady? It’s a love song.”

Vickie was up in an instant. There wasn’t anything to say, we melted together and once again got as close as possible.

I looked into her eyes and saw the hunger, I kissed her gently on the forehead. She lifted her lips to mine and closing her eyes began to kiss me softly, then opening her mouth, sucked my tongue into hers,

I lowered my hands to her to her small round ass and began to knead her softly. Vickie began to moan into my mouth, her arms holding me tightly. I raised my right hand to her breast and slowly moved the thumb over the nipple. Already hard, it began to swell. Vickie stiffened and rubbed the back of my neck, the kissing intensified. We stood there and held each other tight. Again Vickie rubbed her crotch against me and 'mmmm'd' softly into my mouth. I, being mortal, moaned into hers.

I maneuvered us back to the sofa where she slowly sat, hardly stopping the kiss. Placing my knees on the cushion on her right side, I continued caressing her tit. Her breathing was deep and her moans matched mine. Her hand went to my crotch and gently felt my hardness, slowly pulling my cock towards her.

I began to breathe faster and moved my right leg between hers, gently placing the knee against her pussy.

Her dress had ridden up and I felt she wore no panties, maybe left them in the bath. I didn’t care. Her furry pussy was warm and wet against my knee. I love a hairy pussy! She moved it against my knee and I felt more liquid coat my knee.

Moving my fingers to the top of the dress I slowly pulled it down until her left breast was exposed, along with half of the other. I placed my hand on the entire round, firm and very sensuous titty. I 'oohed' softly and gently squeezed. Vickie stiffened with pleasure, then relaxed and sighed deeply into my mouth. Her hand tightening on my cock, adding more sexual agony to my member.

 I finished pulling the top down and now her boobs were fully exposed. I wasted no time in fondling both luscious orbs. I squeezed them from the sides to her nipples and squeezed the hard tips with my fingers.

“I want to taste your breasts Vickie, can I suck on them? Please?”

Putting her hands to her chest, Vickie lifted both of her melons towards my face and offered them to me. Lowering my mouth, I sucked one, then the other perfect tit into my mouth, rolling over the nipples with my tongue and then my teeth.

 I was groaning from the pleasure of tasting her. I sucked and then licked both boobs and started all over again, now biting each nipple in a teasing way.

Her pussy was drowning my knee as she ground against me.

Vickie threw back her head and moaned softly. The harder I bit, the louder she moaned. “Yes, bite my nipples, please bite them!” I kept gently biting, quickly sending Vickie into spasms of ecstasy and need, as she ground her pussy against my knee.

“Would you like to lie back against the armrest?” I whispered. “We can be more comfortable.”

Vickie immediately began maneuvering to her right, pulling me over on top of as her head lay slightly elevated. Opening her legs, I put both of my legs inside hers and pulling my shorts down lay my very erect cock on her wet and warm furry pussy. Now it was my turn to grind into her! My penis pressed into her vulva and was quickly covered in moisture. I rocked up and down her pussy lips as Vickie continued her motions on me. I grunted with pleasure, she made little noises of passion and need that matched mine.

 I kissed and bit both nipples while gently squeezing her boobs, I felt Vickie lifting her ass higher as she tried to capture my dick inside her pussy. I felt my dick pass over her entrance several times and each time her frustration mounted.

As again I pinched her nipples and her body arched upwards against mine, Vickie whispered in my ear, “I need you now Jack, please don’t torture me anymore. Give me your penis before I scream!”

My penis? My cock was poised to fuck her silly!

I lifted my hips slightly and felt her pussy hair slide over the sides of my dick until I was at her hole. My cock lined up and she lifted her hips more and took in the first third of me.

“Hold still, Jack, let me do it,” She started an erotic fucking on my dick and slowly took all of me inside her precious cunt. Every movement was pure pleasure. I struggled to hold still as I could have plunged into her wet folds so easily. I was rapidly losing any control I had earlier, my body shook with the overwhelming torturous pleasure.

Pulling my face to hers, Vickie continued a slow fucking motion on my dick and kissed me deeply. Her tongue explored my mouth as her pussy took control of my body.

“Ooh Jack, you are so big and hard,” It took no time for her velvety moist pussy to completely embrace my dick,

“Jack, do me now!” and we moved together several minutes without speaking.

Her thrusts became more urgent as her orgasm slowly rose in her cunt. I was barely holding off my ejaculating into her tummy when Vickie arched her hips to mine and cried, ”fuck me slow and deep baby! I am so close to cumming! Kiss me and make me cum."

So I did.

Vickie’s entire body stiffened, then shook as thrusting her crotch hard against me, she came with a cry of joy that I shared.  We moaned into each other's mouths as her body shook and spasmed erotically. Her hips did that round and round motion the totally fucks with my senses.

As her orgasm faded I began to lose control as she sensuously continued slowly fucking me.

I felt my dick squirt at least five or six times.

“Oh, Jack! I feel you cumming inside me! You’re making me cum again! Oh, Oh, Oh Jack!” As she squealed, another hard cum overwhelmed her.

Vickie was shaking and cooed softly in my mouth as we came down from the pleasure of fucking each other.  We lay entwined in each other's arms for a long time, catching our breath and kissing.

“God! That was wonderful Jack! Can I stay awhile? I don’t want this night to end!”

“Silly question! In the morning I’ll take you to breakfast if you like.”

“Oh, wonderful Jack!’  As Vickie snuggled close against me and slowly rubbed her now flooded pussy over my deflated cock.

I felt him slowly growing plump again. It was going to be a long, pleasant night! As usual.


Hey gang! This one is true! Hell of a lady and lover. She returned several times that summer and used the same game plan to fuck me every time! No joke!



Written by jkthekat
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