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The Class Reunion

"Some people change a lot in ten years..."

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Author's Notes

"Thought I would delve back into my own history and share this with one with you... if you've ever thought about skipping your class reunion, I would highly recommend you reconsider... GO! You never can tell what might happen..."

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Heather couldn’t believe it had already been ten years.  Ten years since she’d sat in one of those classrooms. Ten years since she’d heard Mrs. Wagner’s warbling voice.  Ten years since she’d heard that bell ring for the last time. Ten years since she’d walked across that stage.


Heather’s ten-year high school reunion was approaching rapidly, and she was surprised to find herself slightly nervous.  In this case, “approaching rapidly” meant a matter of minutes—less than an hour—when she was supposed to be there. She checked the clock.  Twenty-three minutes to be exact.


Why am I so nervous? she asked herself.  These are just all the same old people I knew in high school.  No pressure, right?  But those lingering thoughts kept creeping into her mind.  The same lingering thoughts and doubts that pretty much everyone has when attending their first high school reunion.


What have I done with my ten years? What have I accomplished?  Am I successful? Not really. Am I married? No. Do I have children? No.  Sure, I’m a college graduate, and I’ve found a career in teaching that I absolutely love.  But that’s pretty much it—isn’t it?


She sat down and tried to relax for a few minutes before it was time to leave.  Her parents' big house—the house she grew up in—felt strangely foreign to her. They’d done a lot of redecorating since she’d left: new furniture, new carpet, new television, the walls had even been painted a different color.  Her bedroom was still there, with the same old full-size bed she’d slept on throughout her adolescence, but very little else was the same.


Even her parents had changed.  They traveled more, stayed at home less.  Like this weekend, for example. While Heather had come home for her high school reunion, her parents had vacated the house—on their way to Arlington to watch the Texas Rangers play the Chicago White Sox.  Or, as her dad had put it, “watch the Texas Rangers play that team they were playing the night that Nolan Ryan beat the shit out of that guy.” (He pretty much refused to acknowledge Robin Ventura or the White Sox by name after that night).


As Heather sat and listened to the clock on the wall tick seconds off, she attempted to do a mental roll call of her classmates, matching her success against theirs.  One she knew had become very successful; he was now the vice president at a bank. More than one had carried on their family farms—it was a pretty rural community after all.  She also knew that she wasn’t the only teacher in the group. She was pretty sure that John Thomas—a guy she had never really known that well—was coaching in a town not too far away, and of course, her friend Mitch was teaching as well.


Heather let out a long sigh.  She wished Tracy could be here.  Tracy was her lifelong best friend, college roommate, and occasional lover.  They’d shared everything together. But Tracy had a life of her own now too. She’d had other things going on this weekend and wasn’t able to come.  Heather knew it just wouldn’t be as much fun without her. If Tracy were here, they’d be able to laugh at all the guys' receding hairlines, and growing guts, and giggle at how many kids Sarah Moore had popped out (seemed like there was another one every time she turned around).  But, without Tracy, Heather wasn’t even sure who she’d talk to. She’d asked Mitch if he was coming and Mitch’s response was a vague, “We’ll see,” which in Mitch’s language, usually meant “no”. But she remained hopeful.


She stood up and examined herself in the mirror once more.  She ran a hand through her short-cropped, spiky black hair and licked her lips.  She had been totally unsure of how to dress. It was an informal get-together, so, Heather being Heather, she’d opted for her favorite outfit—jeans and a  tank top. The weather was starting to get a little warmer, and she’d been in this building many times in her life, and knew it always made her hot (but not in a good way).


Heather made the short drive from her family’s house on the outskirts of town and parked her car in front of a series of old red brick structures.  The reunion was being held in a building that was, at one time, the town bar. However, like so many other buildings in this fading little community, it was now vacant.  Oh, it still had its tables, and the bar was still there, and even an old pool table in one corner, but the bar’s owner had died a few years ago. His son and daughter had no desire to carry on the family business.  These days, they just rented the space out for family reunions or groups like this one, who wanted to relive “the good ol’ days.”


Heather stepped inside and felt an immediate surge of memories.  After she’d turned eighteen, she and her friends were allowed to hang out in here and shoot pool, but “not allowed to drink” (they just did that elsewhere).  After she’d turned twenty-one, there’d been more than one weekend when she’d come back to visit her parents, and ended up at the bar.


But as Heather inspected the crew that had already arrived, a different wave of memories swept over her.  Jimmy’s stupid laugh—as loud as ever and twice as annoying. Alicia’s vacuous smile, so friendly, yet so fake.  Brody’s protruding lip, a dip of snuff perpetually in place (many times even during school). God, I hate these people.  After all, that’s why I left this shit-ass town.  Why did I even come?


She took a deep breath and entered the fray.  She said “hi” to everyone she met, and answered the standard questions: “What are you up to these days?” “That’s great, how about you?” “Are you married?” “Any kids?”  By the time she made it across the room, she was already wanting to leave. That’s when she found an old friend. Beer. Her classmates who were running the show had provided a large metal tub filled with ice and bottles of beer.  Heather couldn’t help but smile.


“A tub of beer.  That’s about as fancy as it gets in this town,” said an unfamiliar voice that was echoing her thoughts completely.


“That’s what I was just thinking,” Heather replied with a grin.  She looked up and examined the newcomer. He was slim and seemed to be dressed much nicer than everyone else.  He was wearing a pink button-up shirt, the top couple of buttons unbuttoned, and a nice pair of pants. He appeared both well-dressed and casual at the same time—if that were possible.  His hair was cut extremely short, which had obviously been done to conceal the fact that he was losing his hair, but it still looked good on him.


Heather reached down and grabbed two bottles of beer, handing one to the mystery man.  She studied his face for a moment, trying to place him. Finally, it occurred to her. “John?  John Thomas, right?” The guy that she had heard was coaching in a nearby town. She hoped she had guessed right, because if not, it would be really embarrassing.


“That’s right,” he said, holding out a hand.


Heather shook the offered hand as she continued gazing at her classmate.  This was not the John Thomas she remembered. The John Thomas she remembered was slightly overweight, frequently smelled bad, and had terrible acne.  


“To be perfectly honest,” John said in a whisper, “I never got along real well with most of these guys.  I was looking for someone safe to talk to. You seemed like a logical choice.”


Not only did John’s appearance seem different, his manner was different as well.  He’d certainly changed. He seemed more… Heather searched for the right word in her mind, sophisticated.  Yet, his demeanor struck her as all wrong for a “coach”. He was too well-spoken, too—dare she say “effeminate”.  He reminded her a lot of many of the friends she’d made in college.


“I’ve never really thought of myself as safe,” Heather said with a coy grin, unable to resist the temptation to flirt just a little.


John laughed.  “Okay, poor choice of words, perhaps.  At least I know you’re intelligent, and I can have a conversation with you.”


Heather motioned towards a table where the two sat down and began to visit.  As they did so, they both seemed to silently share the same opinions of the other people around them.  They listened as Brody recounted a story about a game-winning touchdown he’d scored—and then bragged about how drunk he got later that night.


“That wasn’t the only time he scored that night,” Heather heard someone whisper.


“So,” Heather said as she sipped on her beer.  “I’ve heard you were coaching. Is that true?”


“Oh sure,” he said casually.  “I coach tennis in the afternoons, but otherwise I’m in the classroom all day long.”


“Me too,” Heather said with a smile.  “Not the tennis, just the classroom.” Suddenly John was making a little more sense.


As they talked, more and more classmates arrived.  Heather found herself moving closer to John, simply so she could hear him better, and so they could exchange snide comments about their classmates without being overheard.  She found it amazing that she had hardly ever said more than “hi” to this guy in high school, yet apparently, they had many of the same feelings about many of the same people.


Strangely, as more people arrived, many of them said hello to Heather, and greeted her like an old friend.  But when it came to John, they often asked Heather, “Who’s this?” assuming he was someone Heather had brought with her.  After this had happened a third time, Heather giggled uncontrollably.


“I guess you’ve just changed too much,” she said to John.  “No one even recognizes you.”


“Good,” John replied.  “I don’t really want people to remember the old me.”  He had a look on his face that seemed a blending of sadness and regret, but it didn’t last long.  Suddenly, he said, “By the way, where’s Tracy? I was hoping she’d be here this evening. She was always nice to me.”


Heather was just explaining why Tracy couldn’t make it when a newcomer caught her eye.  Mitch had just walked into the bar. She stood up and waved excitedly, encouraging him to come over.


“Hey there,” Mitch greeted warmly, giving Heather a big hug.  He then turned to John. For a moment, Heather feared that Mitch would make the same mistake all the others had, but without missing a beat, he shook John’s hand.  “How you doing, John?” he said with a grin, “Haven’t seen you since graduation.”


Mitch joined them at the table and instantly jumped into their conversation.  Within a half an hour, they were yucking it up and sharing old stories, as if the three of them had been having chats like this their entire lives.  As a half-hour turned into an hour, and then two hours, the empty beer bottles began to crowd the table.  


As Heather watched John and Mitch quickly become closer, a sort of happy confusion filled her head.  She and John had really been hitting it off—like, in a way she hadn’t hit it off with a guy in a long time.  Yet now, John and Mitch seemed to be hitting it off… and as she observed them, she understood through a slightly drunken stupor that they were really hitting it off.  This made her smile.  


The trio pretty much ignored all their other classmates, except for when they were directly spoken to.  For example, Heather’s old boyfriend, Jimmy, drunkenly stumbled over and started hitting on her. Of course, Heather was used to this.  Drunken guys had been hitting on her since she was a freshman in high school. She’d gotten very creative about expressing how uninterested she was.  


“Drunken rednecks,” John muttered.


“I fucking hate him,” Heather agreed.  “I can’t believe—” she started, but then stopped.  The three of them had been having such a great conversation, she didn’t want to spoil it by bitching about old boyfriends who weren’t worth the time of day.  As she watched Jimmy stumble away, she realized she dodged a major bullet. If she remembered correctly, he had two ex-wives now.


Heather was right about one thing—the old bar had made her very hot.  Her cheeks were flushed and she could feel herself sweating. It wasn’t pleasant.  The mood of the get-together had shifted slightly as well. Heather was beginning to recognize some familiar cues.  A lot of the same old guys were putting a lot of the same old moves on the same old girls. To Heather’s surprise, the same old moves were working too.  The girls never seemed to learn (not even the married ones)—or maybe they just enjoyed it. She wasn’t, for sure.  


“Why are we here?!” Heather suddenly blurted out.  She knew she had caught Mitch and John by surprise.  She hadn’t even really been paying attention to what they were talking about, but she was savvy enough to see that they had an interest in each other… and to see that maybe John had an interest in her as well, at least, she thought he did.  She also knew that sitting in a bar surrounded by all their old high school classmates who were starting to get a little grabby with each other, was not the place to explore those possibilities.


“What do you mean?” John asked.


“I mean,” Heather said with an impish grin, “Let’s get out of here.  My parents' house is empty. The three of us could go there and just sit and talk—or whatever.”  She threw the “or whatever” in there casually, hoping she hadn’t been too obvious.


“Sounds good to me,” Mitch agreed eagerly giving Heather a sly smile, as if to say ‘great idea’.  Heather knew what he was thinking.  They’d known each other for too long.  She could read him like a book.


The three of them got up and quietly slipped out of the building.  No one even noticed them leave. The other two followed Heather back to her family’s home, and all three tiptoed inside, just as if they were still in high school, and trying to avoid the wrath of angry parents—even though no one was there.


She offered them seats on the couch as she went to retrieve some of her dad’s special reserves.  Imported German beers. It was supposed to be good stuff. He never let anyone else drink it. She knew he’d probably be pissed, but she really didn’t care.  She’d buy him some more.


She handed one to each of them, opening the third herself, and eased into a recliner just inches away from John’s position on the couch.  It was a good spot, where she could easily see both John and Mitch, and the three could talk easily in a triangle.


They chatted for a long while, making fun of their old classmates and discussing mutual frustrations about their jobs.  As late evening turned into night, they continued to get more comfortable around each other. Heather transitioned from the recliner to the couch and playfully stretched her legs out, letting them come to rest across John’s thighs.  Moments later, John moved one of his hands to her leg. As they talked, the hand worked its way under her jeans, as he casually rubbed her smooth bare calves back and forth.


Mitch was not to be outdone.  As they talked, he kept moving nearer to John’s side.  He subtly wrapped an arm behind the couch, which then made its way closer and closer to John’s shoulder.  John didn’t seem to mind at all. He didn’t shy away from the advances made by either one of them—which solidified Heather’s earlier suspicions.  Mitch laughed, clapping a hand on John’s arm and leaving it there.


All doubts were washed away just a few minutes later, when John’s free hand gingerly landed on Heather’s thigh and quickly started working its way higher, towards her zipper.  At almost the exact same moment, Mitch’s hand slid forward and found John’s chest, unbuttoning the next two buttons of his pink shirt. Within just a few seconds, he had the shirt unbuttoned completely.  Mitch worked fast.

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Heather repositioned herself, leaning in towards John’s lips.  She stabbed her tongue inside his mouth and in the same motion, reached towards his crotch.  She felt the growing bulge through his khaki pants. She resisted chuckling as a strange thought crossed her mind.  Is it me or Mitch who’s turning him on more?


As she and Mitch briefly took turns making out with their new friend, Heather considered what was going to happen next.  She and Mitch had never had sex before. They’d never shared a guy, they’d never shared a girl. They had seen each other naked before.  She’d changed clothes in front of him more than once, and she’d watched him change multiple times, as he prepared for some crossdressing adventure.  She knew he was hung like a horse—a small horse, but still a horse. Regardless of what they ended up doing, she was certain it would be a new experience for both of them.


Heather felt a hand slide down the front of her jeans.  To her surprise, they were unbuttoned and unzipped. When did that happen? She hadn’t even noticed.  John’s hands were strong and sure. He was confident in his motions.  She spread her legs apart and tried to ease her jeans off around her waist.  Before she knew it, they were around her ankles and she was splayed out on the couch, her head pressed against the back cushion as John rubbed her mound with one hand.  His fingers nimbly worked their way past her panties and into the folds of skin, which were now sopping wet. She breathed loudly.


Heather watched as Mitch unfastened John’s pants and worked past his boxer shorts, freeing a nice-sized member from its confines.  It grew quickly, engorging itself, then disappeared inside Mitch’s mouth. Mitch’s head started bobbing up and down and she could see the pleasure on John’s face.


Heather didn’t realize it was possible, but she was becoming even more turned on than she already was.  She’d known Mitch was bisexual for years, and she knew what he liked. She knew he was a pure ‘bottom’ who craved sucking cock.  She’d even talked to some guys who’d been with him, who said he was brilliant at it. But she’d never watched him do it before. She could instantly see that those other guys hadn’t been lying.  Being fairly skilled in the oral arts herself, Heather could tell he was an excellent cock sucker. By the look on John’s face, she was pretty sure he agreed with that sentiment.


“Save some for me,” she managed to utter.  Despite John’s pleasure, his fingers had never stopped working between Heather’s legs, driving her crazy with desire.


Mitch finally came up for air, and smiled, wiping slobber away from his mouth.  “It’s all yours,” he offered before adding, “at least for now.”


Heather peeled herself from the leather sofa and dropped to her knees (her preferred position for such activities—one of the many reasons she loved having her short-cropped haircut).  She buried her face in John’s crotch, wrapping her lips around his stout cock. It was still moist from Mitch’s saliva. It was an odd sensation, but she wanted it so badly, she didn’t care.


She knew Mitch had started one hell of a blowjob, and there was no way she was going to be outdone by her male friend.  So Heather pulled out every trick she knew. She licked up and down his shaft, tickled his balls delicately with her tongue, breathed on his cock head, letting the passing air tease the purple knob just a little, before wrapping her lips around it once more.


“Can we share?” Mitch whispered in Heather’s ear.


Heather moved over, accommodating her friend.  Both their tongues raced up and down John’s shaft.  Their lips and tongues met near the tip, lingering for just a moment in something that resembled a kiss.  Heather realized that she’d never even come close to kissing Mitch before—and now, the first time they do, it’s with John Thomas’s dick in between their tongues.


The two mouths worked eagerly at John’s cock for several more minutes when it became apparent that John was close to cumming.


“This one’s mine,” Mitch chided before taking the cock full in his mouth.


Heather had no choice but to watch as John erupted inside Mitch’s mouth and he swallowed the load completely.  She was insanely jealous. She’d wanted that load of cum in her belly.  But she’d knew there’d be more.  The sight of Mitch swallowing another man’s cum had also turned her on even more than she could have ever dreamed.


As Mitch let the member flop from his mouth, Heather saw her opening.  “My turn,” she said. She dove back in, eagerly gobbling up John’s limp cock.  Her only desire was to suck it hard again, which, as it turned out, didn’t take long.  His flaccid tool surged to life in minutes, ready to go once more.


Heather slurped it out of her mouth and sat back on her heels.  She licked her lips and glanced at both men seductively. She reached down and in one motion, pulled her tank top off up over her head, revealing the still perky, nice-sized tits that God had blessed her with.  She then stood up, tugged her panties off, and stepped away from her two men, drifting towards her childhood bedroom.


Heather’s parents weren’t home.  She could have gone back to their king-sized bed in the master bedroom.  But for some reason, she instinctively retreated to her own room. She knew the full-size bed might be awkward with all three of them, but at the same time, close quarters could be a good thing.


She hadn’t even made it to the bed before she was gripped from behind by John’s strong, sure hands.  He massaged her tits and kissed her neck, using his hands to caress every single part of her body that mattered.  His cock pressed against her ass, hard as a rock.


Heather bent over resting her hands against the mattress as John took her from behind.  His erect shaft eased between the lips of her dripping pussy. She spread her legs apart, allowing him better access, and he pushed in all the way.  He made several long thrusts before settling in with a good in-and-out pace.  


“Fuck,” Heather whimpered.  For a moment, she wondered where Mitch was, when her question was quickly answered.


Mitch appeared at her side.  He was naked, and his big cock was staring straight at her.  With all of her concentration, Heather made the effort to reach out and encourage Mitch to sit down on the edge of the bed in front of her.  As he did so, she glanced up at his face. They exchanged curious looks. With her look, Heather attempted to convey, “I can’t believe I’m getting ready to do this.”  Mitch’s responding look seemed to say, “If you must, you must.”  Then, she licked her lips and thrust her friend’s cock inside her mouth.


Poor Mitch.  The sensation, and the situation, was just overwhelming.  He didn’t last long. Before Heather knew what was happening, Mitch’s cum was flooding into her mouth and pouring down her throat. It tasted good.  She kept sucking, working diligently to get Mitch hard again. She and Mitch had talked about sex enough to know that he had always had a fairly quick trigger, but she also knew that he rebounded quickly.  He did. In just seconds, his cock was hard once more.


As John continued to pound her from behind, Heather gasped in disbelief.  She realized that she had just had a cock in her pussy and one in her mouth at the same time.  That was certainly a first for her.  She’d watched porn where girls did things like that, and always scoffed, thinking, What kind of slut would do something like that?  She also realized that she had loved it, and fully intended on experiencing it several more times before the night was over.


A moment later, they switched positions.  John was the one who sat down on the bed, and Mitch dropped to his knees, once again burying his face in John’s crotch. Heather, feeling momentarily left out, decided to work her way underneath, and in between Mitch’s legs, sucking his dick while Mitch sucked off John.


But that didn’t last long either.  All three of them were thoroughly aroused, and willing to experiment with different positions.  All inhibitions had been abandoned. All boundaries and barriers had been breached. Well, except one.  


Heather had just crawled onto the mattress and lay down on her back.  Her legs were splayed far apart, with one laying out straight and the other propped up, her foot resting on the mattress.  She saw Mitch position himself between her legs, his aroused cock pointing right towards its target.


Whoa, Heather thought to herself.  This is definitely new territory.  Mitch had never fucked her before.  They’d never even thought about it. Well, correction, Heather knew she had never even thought about it.  Maybe Mitch had, she wasn’t sure. What she was sure of, was that he was about two inches away from changing that reality. However, while her drunken mind was able to comprehend all that, she made no efforts to try and stop him… nor did she want to stop him.


Suddenly, he was inside her.  The only audible noise she made sounded something like, “Woof!” as her eyes rolled into the back of her head, she licked her lips, and exhaled slowly.  She attempted to spread her legs apart even further. She forced herself to look up at her best male friend. They both smiled. Heather giggled. She understood.  While it felt incredibly good for both of them, they both thought it was a little crazy and silly. Mitch lowered himself and pressed his body against hers. Heather wrapped an arm around him and caressed his back.  


As the night progressed, Heather experienced having two cocks inside her in almost every way she could imagine.  At one point, Heather found herself straddling John, riding his cock. She realized that Mitch had been out of the loop for several minutes and suddenly felt guilty.  After all, they’re both guests in my home.  I should be entertaining both of them, shouldn’t I?  


“Mitch, take me from behind,” she suggested.


“What?!” Mitch asked, disbelief in his voice.  “You mean in your—or your—” he couldn’t even seem to say the words.


It was difficult for Heather to have a conversation while trying to ride another man, but she tried.  “I want you to fuck me up the ass,” she said bluntly.


Mitch still looked stunned.  “But you don’t—have you ever—” again, his words fell short.


Heather rolled her eyes.  “Of course, I have.”


Mitch’s jaw dropped. “When?” he asked.  “With who?”


Heather was beyond exasperation.  “Do I have to tell you the whole story right now?” she said through panted breathing.  She burst out in a fit of laughter as the absurdity of the situation caught up to her. John’s cock was still inside her, and she was willing her thighs to move her up and down, while discussing her anal history with her best male friend.  “Mitch,” she finally said, “just fuck me up the ass—please!”


With that, Mitch moved around behind Heather, taking up his best position.  Heather wasn’t even sure this would work. Sure, she’d seen it done in videos, but had never even come close to attempting it.  She leaned forward, resting her tits against John’s chest. As she braced herself, the thought flashed through her head, Okay, seriously, this is about as slutty as you can get, isn’t it?   But she wanted it.  She wanted to experience it all.  She had to know what it felt like.


As Mitch pushed inside her, it was pleasure on a level Heather had never before imagined.  Two men inside her at the same time. Their cocks that close to each other, yet, completely separated by her own body.  As they both pumped their cocks in and out, it felt as if they were trying to rip her apart. Yet, at the same time, it was euphoric.  She didn’t want it to end. As she attempted to relax and enjoy it, she observed that John wasn’t doing much—he couldn’t. His prone position allowed him a limited amount of maneuverability.  But it still felt incredible. She sighed deeply and pressed her breasts against John’s chest even further. All three of their bodies rocked in unison.  


After what felt like an hour, Heather collapsed onto the bed, exhausted. As her mind wandered, she thought about her meager high school sexual experiences in this bed.  How inadequate they had been. At the time, she had thought they were amazing. Compared to tonight, however, those memories seemed woefully pathetic.


“Can I eat you out?” Mitch asked shyly, snapping her out of her reverie.


Heather giggled.  “Mitch, you just fucked me up the ass, I think you’re probably beyond needing to ask permission to stick your tongue inside me.”


Mitch snickered in response.  “I see your point,” he said through his laughter.  As he spoke, he also began working his way towards Heather’s midsection.


Seconds later, Heather gasped as she felt Mitch’s soft tongue tickle against the lips of her pussy.  A moment later, she moaned as she discovered that Mitch’s mouth knew how to do a lot more than suck cock.  I guess he’s also very talented in the oral arts, she concluded.  Her thoughts were washed away by pleasure though, and soon all she could think about was what his tongue was doing.  He flicked the tongue on her clit, rolling it and kneading it—she laid her head back on the pillow and writhed in ecstasy.


When she looked up, she noticed John moving in behind Mitch.  This made her grin devilishly. She knew Mitch would like this—and had been wanting it all night.  John pushed his cock into Mitch’s ass and started fucking him from behind.


Heather was right again. Mitch momentarily stopped eating her out and stared straight at Heather.  He mouthed the words, “Fuck that feels good,” and then returned his face to between her legs.


John’s thrusting added a strange rhythm to Mitch’s tongue.  The three bodies once again moving in concert with each other.  Heather was mesmerized by the undulation. She watched as John placed both hands on either side of Mitch’s ass.  His breathing quickened, his strokes got shorter, and he unleashed what would be his final load of the night into Mitch’s ass.


Moments later, Heather’s body shuddered in an uncontrollable spasm.  She breathed in and out loudly two or three times. Her foot cramped.  “Shit, not again!” she mumbled as her orgasm subsided. Mitch’s tongue had done most of the work, but watching her best male friend getting fucked had just driven her over the edge, much faster than usual.


The three friends collapsed into the bed, their bodies pressed up against each other, the smells of sweat and sex lingering in the air.  All three were thoroughly satisfied, and all three knew that they had just had a night they would never forget.


Heather chuckled to herself.


“What’s so funny?”  Mitch asked.


Heather laughed again and said.  “So, who’s glad they came to the class reunion?”


“I sure am,” John said through a snort of laughter.


“Me too,” Mitch agreed.


“Me three,” Heather joked, as if she were back in school.


John left early the next morning, leaving Heather in bed with Mitch.  She gazed across the bed at her still sleeping friend. What would they do when he woke up? Would it be awkward? Would they regret what they had done? Would they vow to never speak of it again?

Fuck, no, she thought.  When he wakes up, we’ll have spectacular morning-after sex, and not let the night ruin our friendship at all… and that is exactly what they did.


Author’s note: Oh yes… did we ever.  Mitch woke up that morning and had an extremely impressive case of morning-wood.  And, well, you know, there was no one else around to take care of that for him so… Yeah.

If this is your first time reading one of my stories, you might be wondering if Mitch and I ended up “together”.  Well, the answer is no, we were friends… and remained friends. We’re STILL friends to this day. (In fact, I pressed him for details to help write this story… my memory was a little hazy, after all).  We were just friends who discovered that we could fuck each other that night. (For more on Mitch’s love life, I would direct you to my other stories titled “The Camping Trip” and “The Dorm Room”).

Oh, and… no, I didn’t end up with John either.  Saw him at the 20-year reunion, but he had his partner with him (yes, a male partner).

Anyways… hope you enjoyed this trip down memory lane.  Thanks for reading!


Written by heathermeinders
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