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Picked Up By A Couple

"I went out, alone, to a bar with live music and went home with a couple."

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After my divorce, I would take advantage of a free weekend without my toddler son by going out to a bar in Tulsa that featured live rock bands. This particular night the main act was a band that played covers of current popular rock music.

Along one side was a bar top with stools lined along the wall. This was my favorite place to hang out. I would order a whiskey sour, sip it slowly, enjoy the music, and watch people dance. I enjoyed dancing, but I wasn’t interested in asking any women to dance. I just wanted to chill and enjoy the scene.

One night I was doing my usual routine of sipping a whiskey sour, listening to the band, and watching the crowd. I had noticed a couple sitting together at a table in the middle of the floor. They were a nice-looking couple, a little older than I. But, I paid them no more attention than anyone else there.

As the night grew late, the guy of the couple stood up and walked towards me. As he approached, he smiled, stuck out his hand, and introduced himself as Doug. I shook his hand and told him my name. Doug asks me if I was at the bar alone and I confirm that, yes, I was. He then invited me to sit with him and the lady at their table.

I thought about it for a moment and was close to turning down his invitation. But, something in my head said it couldn’t hurt to sit with them and watch the band. So, I accepted the invitation and followed him to the table. After sitting down, Doug introduced me to the woman. Her name was Linda. Linda was very pretty, about thirty years old, with dark brown hair that came to her shoulders and was styled in the current way, big and wavy. She had a light brown skin tone with a facial structure that indicated she likely came from a Native American or Latin background.

We started chatting about the usual things, where we all were from, what kind of work we did, etc. Linda was attractive and very cheerful and seemed to enjoy our discussion. After a short pause in our conversation, and as we were watching the band play an upbeat rock song, Linda asked me if I liked to dance. I acknowledged that I did like to dance, although, I was not very good at it. She then asked me if I would dance with her. I looked at Doug to check his reaction to her question. He smiled and told me to go ahead. He said Linda loved to dance and he didn’t mind me dancing with her since he didn’t care for dancing.

So I looked at Linda I said sure, I’d like to dance. We stood and made our way to the small dance floor. There was a crowd dancing and it was a tight fit for us to find space to dance. This caused Linda and I to dance close to each other.

Soon the fast song ended and the band started playing a slow rock ballad. I assumed that Linda wouldn’t want to dance slow with me. So, I turned to start walking back to the table. She grabbed my hand and said she wanted to keep dancing. I looked at her to make sure I heard her correctly. I asked her if she preferred to dance with Doug. She said no, Doug doesn’t dance, not even slow songs. I looked at Doug, but he wasn’t at the table. So I accepted the situation and started dancing close, but not too close. I’d describe it like a guy dancing with his sister or mom.

But for Linda, the space between was not acceptable. She grabbed me around the waist and pulled me closer to her and she put my arms further around her waist. My hands rested between her lower back and just above her butt. I could feel her boobs pressed against my abdomen. I became uncomfortable with her move and nervously looked for Doug to check his reaction. Doug had returned to the table. When we made eye contact, he just smiled. I began to wonder if these two were a couple or were just friends hanging out together.

As the song ended, Linda and I separated and turned to walk back to the table. Linda was in front of me as we weaved our way through the tables occupied by the other patrons. It was tight quarters, so we had to walk slowly. At one point, Linda stopped to wait her turn at an intersection. I was not prepared for her to stop, so I inadvertently bumped into her from behind. As I bumped her slightly, I felt her hand reach back and gently grab my crotch. At first, I wasn’t sure the grab was on purpose, but she didn’t jerk her hand away, instead, she made it clear with her grip that the move was on purpose because she looked over her shoulder and smiled as we stood to wait our turn to pass through and continue to our table.

Once we reached the table, we both sat down. Doug asked us about the dance and we both acknowledged that we enjoyed ourselves. He said we both looked good dancing together, which I thought was an odd thing to say. At this point, my curiosity began to be piqued as to what our meeting was all about. But my mind told me I was imagining things.

We continued our conversation about general topics. We began talking about the music the band was playing and the many genres that we mutually enjoyed. Doug then asked me what my plans were after I was to leave the bar and I told him I was just going home. He then said he had just purchased a very high-end stereo system and he had a lot of the music we had listed that we mutually enjoyed. I responded that was cool. He then asked me if I would like to come over to his house once we were ready to leave. Again, I thought the invitation was odd, but my curiosity was getting the better of me. So I accepted his invitation.

We sat and finished our drinks, continued to watch the band, and a have general conversation. Once we finished our drinks, Doug suggested that we leave and go to his house. I responded that I was ready. So, as we walked toward the parking lot we identified each other’s vehicle and Doug instructed me to follow him as we were to drive to his house.

I got to my vehicle and looked for them. They got in their car and proceeded to drive away, so I followed behind. As we drove, I began to overthink the situation. Was this innocent and just a nice couple being friendly? But then I considered the crotch grab by Linda. Was I reading more into her grab than her just being flirty from the alcohol? I was not drunk, by the way. So my mind was very clear. Then my thoughts got dark. Was Doug and Linda planning to harm me? I considered just driving off and leaving them hanging.

I chose to continue following them towards their house. I decided that if the neighborhood was not a nice one, I would leave immediately. As we turned into a neighborhood, I saw that it was a nice area with well-kept middle-class homes and nice cars in the driveways. It was well-lit and very standard for the part of town we were in. Doug and Linda drove into the driveway of their house and I decided to park on the street, in case I needed to make a quick getaway. I turned off my truck and watched their car to verify they were getting out. As I did, I thought, man, I better be careful. So I decided it was best that I leave my wallet and other “valuables” in my truck. Thinking back, this was a very silly thing to do. I was willing to risk my safety but I wasn’t willing to risk my money. I still laugh at myself when I reflect on my decision.

Doug and Linda got out of their vehicle and looked towards me. I decided to get out and walk up their driveway to where they stood. They smiled and motioned for me to follow. We went inside. Once inside, I surveyed their home, looking at the decor, cleanliness and style while looking for indicators of bad things, whatever that was, I didn’t know. Again, I find it humorous now.

I did look for the high-end stereo to confirm that part of our previous conversation and the point of me being invited back to their home. Sure enough, along one wall, there was a magnificent stereo system. I recognized the brand as being very high-end. To remind, this was the era of stereo systems with multiple components stacked in a cabinet with a system of external speakers organized around the room. It was also the beginning of music on CDs, so it was very impressive to see a large collection on a shelf nearby, organized like a library.

Doug waved towards the stereo and suggested I look through the CDs to pick out what I preferred to listen to. He said for me to take my time because he needed a minute to use the restroom. Linda sat down on the sofa as I thumbed through the CDs. I was amazed at the selection, many were of my favorite bands.

Not wanting to touch anything without permission, I joined Linda on the sofa to wait for Doug to return. I was looking around their home just generally observing everything. Linda offered me a drink and I accepted a soft drink. She returned from the kitchen with the soft drink and we sat and chatted, mostly about their home.

It was when Linda walked toward the kitchen to get our drinks that I really looked at her body. She was about 5’ 2” and shaped nicely. She had thighs a little on the thick side and her ass was round and filled out her jeans perfectly. She had a thin waist that made her have a curvy figure. Sexy indeed. As she returned, I noticed she had ample breasts, but it was hard to determine size because she was wearing a sweater-style blouse as it was the cold part of the year.

Her face was pretty, with just enough makeup to enhance her facial features. As I said before, I couldn’t decide if she had Latina or Native American, but I was sure she wasn’t full-blooded. Her smile was sexy and she looked at me with both a shyness, but with flirty eyes.

It was then that Doug returned, but he was carrying a hard case about the size of a small suitcase. This got my attention. He smiled at me and asked if I found any music I liked and I responded that he had a lot that I liked. He opened the case and lifted out a collapsible tripod and I noticed a video camera. At this time, the video equipment was larger than today’s compact models. He set up the tripod and assembled the camera on it. I know what you’re thinking, it should have been obvious, but for some reason, I became more intrigued about his plan. I wasn’t thinking sexually and I wanted to see how he was going to use the camera.

Linda spoke up and said she was too warm and was going outside on the back porch deck to cool off. She invited me to join her, which I did. She seemed nervous now, barely making eye contact. I was not sure how to act, so I just stood alongside her, leaning against the railing and looking around their backyard. It was really dark, so not much to see, so I looked up at the sky to observe the stars.

Linda turned to me, grabbed my hand, and tipped toe. She lightly kissed my lips and looked at me for a reaction. I put my arms around her, pulled her to me, and kissed her lips fully. I began to test using my tongue as we kissed and she was receptive and began using her tongue. As we kissed more aggressively, my hands moved up and down her back, hers the same on me. I reached down and began rubbing her butt and she moaned slightly. We stopped kissing but continued to be in each other's arms, just looking at each other. After a short pause, she grabbed my hand and led me back inside.

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Doug had finished setting up the camera. He asked me to choose a CD, but I deferred to him. I wasn’t sure the tempo of music that would fit the situation. Doug chose a band that played softer rock. As the music started, Doug suggested that Linda and I dance. I looked at her and she smiled and nodded in approval. It was awkward, at first, to dance slowly with Linda as Doug looked on.

Doug moved about the living room, turning on lamps and turning off the overhead lights. He began working with the camera, looking through the viewfinder and adjusting the buttons.

I turned my attention back to Linda and paid no attention to Doug. She looked up at me as we danced. She seemed to be pleased with the situation and was less nervous. She would alternate looking at me in the eyes and placing her face on my chest. She seemed to be confirming whether I was still comfortable with what was happening. I would just smile when she looked at me.

Then Linda looked at me and lightly kissed me on the lips. I returned the kiss. Our kissing became more aggressive and we both began to feel each other’s body. Slowly we became more adventurous and aggressive with our hugging which turned to grabbing and kneading each others ass.

Linda began to moan and grinding her private area on my leg. She was heating up and small beads of sweat were forming on her forehead. She separated and took my hand and guided us towards the sofa. She indicated for me to sit on the sofa. She stood between my legs and reached down to the hem of her sweater and lifted it over her head. It was then that I saw that she had a very nice set of tits cradled in a white sheer bra.

She reaches behind her to undo her bra. She slowly lowered her bra to reveal a perfect set of c-cup-sized breasts with quarter-sized, dark nipples. She gazed at me, seemingly looking for my approval. I smiled and sat forward, taking her right nipple in my mouth. I lightly nursed on her nipple as my hands found her jean-coved ass. I sucked, nibbled, and licked her nipple as it became harder. I moved to her left nipple to give it the same attention while continuing to knead her ass. She became more and more aroused. I could hear the soft music in the background as I noticed a slight aroma of Linda’s aroused sex.

I moved my hands to the front of her jeans and unsnapped the button. Linda sighed in anticipation. I slowly lowered the zipper and opened her jeans. She was wearing matching white sheer panties. I took in her smell and stood up. I began to kiss her as I reached down into her jeans and placed my hand over her panty-covered pussy. It was hot. I began to move my fingers around, feeling for her pussy lips and noticing her wetness soaking through the material as I kissed her. We were using a lot of tongue. I moved my mouth to her ear and lightly kissed and licked her neck behind her ear. I would occasionally suck on her earlobe, careful not to tug too hard on her earrings. I would slowly alternate to each side of her neck and ears as I continued to rub her pussy.

I worked my hand into her panties and parted the lips of her vagina. I began to search for her clitoris. Finding her clit, I began to lightly circle my finger on and around her nubbin. She reacted with more moaning and mumbling faintly. I began to rub her clit from side to side, moving my finger more and more quickly. She began to buck and gyrate her hips more wildly. Soon she let out a guttural sound and deeply said, “Oh my god.” She grabbed my hand that was rubbing her pussy as she buried her face in my chest, indicating she needed me to stop and let her enjoy her orgasm.

After a few moments, she raised her head and looked at me with a face of satisfaction. I looked at her and smiled. I then remembered that Doug was in the room, so I looked towards the camera and saw him there, looking through the viewfinder. He noticed me looking his way and raised his head, nodded, and smiled at me. He had a look on his face that confirmed that his plan was working and he was pleased.

Linda then reached for my snap, unfastening my jeans and slowly lowering my zipper. She opened my jeans and reached into my underwear and grabbed my hardened cock. She worked it out of my underwear and looked up at me, seemingly pleased with what she had discovered.

She grabbed each side of my jeans and slowly worked them down to my ankles. I used my toes on each of my heels to remove my shoes. She helped me remove my jeans. Then I returned the favor and helped her out of her jeans as she kicked out of her shoes.

She slid my underwear off and tossed them aside. She pushed me slightly, letting me know she wanted me to sit back down on the sofa. Once I sat down, she kneeled down between my legs and grabbed my cock with one hand, and cupped my balls with the other. She began to use her tongue to moisten my cock from top to bottom, as she lightly moved my balls through her fingers. Once she was satisfied with her tongue work, she opened her mouth and slowly placed it over the tip of my cock. Looking me in the eye, she lowered her mouth more and more, as she bobbed up and down. Using her tongue to enhance the feeling. Soon she had fully worked her mouth over my cock, bottoming out deep in her throat. She was able to take my 7” inches without gagging.

I was getting closer and closer to an orgasm, but I didn’t want to blow my load just yet. So, I looked at Doug as a distraction. He continued to operate the camera. But, I did notice he had opened his jeans and was working his cock with one hand. I noticed wasn’t as large as me, but still should be proud of his size. He noticed me looking and looked up to meet my eyes. Again he smiled and returned his attention to the camera. This break allowed me to last longer, but I still enjoyed Linda’s great skills as she sucked, slurped, and licked my cock, occasionally sucking on my balls.

As I edged closer to orgasm, I placed my hand on her head, slightly pushing it away from my cock. I wanted to let her know I was close. She looked up at me and seemed to understand my intent, but she lowered her mouth back on my cock and began to work more aggressively. I knew then she intended to allow me to shoot my load in her mouth or elsewhere.

As she worked her magic, I began to feel myself getting closer and closer to the edge, still trying to hold out. Then I reached the point of no return and busted my load into her mouth. Just like a cheesy porn scene from the day, she allowed me to unload into her mouth then she placed the tip of my cock on her lips as she smeared my cum around her face as I pumped out more semen.

Having just satisfied each other, we both sat next to each other on the sofa. Linda was lightly caressing my hand, leg, and abdomen. The shy but flirty look returned. As my mind cleared from what just happened, I was in awe. I couldn’t believe that I had played along or that I had just had sex with this beautiful woman, much less in front of Doug. For some reason, the camera situation didn’t bother me that much. I just smiled and looked at Linda, taking a closer look at her face and body. She was hot!

As she continued to touch me in various places, my cock began to respond. It became harder and more erect. Linda reach for my cock and began to move her hand gently up and down. I became much harder. Linda then stood and slowly lowered herself onto my cock, making sure her natural lubrication allowed for smoother insertion. She moved up and down, using her hand to steady my cock. Finally, she was able to bottom out on my lap with her knees on each side of my hips.

She placed her hands on my chest and slowly began to move her hips, gyrating her hips back and forth, working her clit against my rod. She had the prettiest fuck face as she became more and more aroused. I had placed my hands on her hips, just to have a place to put them. She would alternate leaning against me and leaning back. She would close her eyes and work herself, using my cock to pleasure her wet pussy. It was while she was leaning back that I began to suck and nibble her nipples. They had become hard and rubbery. She would moan and writhe and buck faster and faster. I could tell she was getting closer and closer to a climax. She was thrusting her pelvis so fast, that it hurt me sometimes, but I just toughed it out. She was enjoying herself too much to interrupt her. She continued to work for what seemed like an hour, but was probably five minutes or so.

All of a sudden she let out this primal sound and collapsed onto me. She was sweating and her hair had fallen and was matted against her face. Her body was damp from sweat from her workout. She smelled great, a combination of perfume, sweat, and sex.

She slowly rolled off of my lap, sitting on the sofa and stretching out her legs. She raised her arms over her head, resting them on top of her head. She kept her eyes closed and she would lick her lips as her breathing returned to normal. Soon she opened her eyes, placing her arms across her midsection, and looked over at me. She smiled and expressed how great that was and how satisfying.

I told her how sexy she was and I how much I enjoyed her taking charge to satisfy herself. We just sat back on the sofa and enjoyed the moment and listened to the music. Occasionally, I would take a sip of my soft drink and look around to see what Doug was doing. He was disassembling the video equipment and repacking it in the case. He seemed pleased with what happened and would occasionally compliment us both for the performance.

It was getting really late, so I let them know that I had a great time, but I needed to go home. I got up and began to dress. Having never removed my shirt, I only had to put on my underwear, jeans and shoes. Linda took advantage of my time dressing to take a restroom break and to grab a robe from her bedroom.

Once I was dressed and standing in the living room, I said I needed to go and turned to walk towards the front door. Linda grabbed my hand and walked with me as Doug followed behind. When we reached the front door, she opened it and turned to me, and lightly kissed my lips. She said with that flirty smile that it was nice to meet me and shyly giggled a bit. I told her that it was a lot of fun and that I’d remember it always. I turned to Doug and nodded and said goodbye. As I walked to my truck, I reflected on the events and was amazed and proud of myself for allowing me to do something totally out of my character.

On Monday, while at my desk at work, a fellow employee said I had a phone call. This was normal, as I was in customer service. I answered the line and heard her voice. I recognized it immediately. She said she only had a minute while she was on break, but she wanted to let me know how much fun she had and she would remember it always. I returned the sentiment, we said our goodbyes. I just smiled.

Written by eggman2022
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