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Only In My Dreams

"My recollection of a dream I had and the outcome afterward."

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It's funny how your mind works. How your brain can take current events, things you've seen, stuff you said, and then smash them into something extraordinary or frightening in your sleep. This is a story about one of those times.

Recently, I began talking to this remarkable woman, not in real life but in a chat, which was somewhat unexpected.  But surprisingly, we hit it off. I say that because, honestly, I had no intention of that happening, but it did. So much so that over time, I couldn't help but get closer and closer to her.

This alone is something I don't do. I keep my distance. I like my privacy. I feel comfortable in my skin.

But we don't get to choose who opens our hearts, and somehow she slipped through a tiny crack I must have left unguarded.

Some might say that is a good thing. Well, maybe it is. But, I accepted my fate and settled on the idea that she was now a part of my life, whether I liked it or not.

Only she's not just intelligent,  caring, and understanding; she is also a person who I can talk with for hours and hours about any subject you can imagine.

She's also a beautiful woman. In fact, I've told her frequently that she's way out of my league. 

Ordinary people like myself seldom get the chance to run across a goddess, so I'm going to do my best to describe her to you. First, I would say she's petite, with a well-toned body. A smaller chest than most guys would like. But to me, they fit great in proportion to her sexy figure and only add to the allure of her tight and seductive ass.

Her short blonde hair and light blue eyes, along with her sultry lips, forces you to pause and admire her beauty once her gaze catches your eye, that is for sure.

I guess that should cover her features. But I'm sure I'm still not doing her justice. Sometimes words cannot describe such a gorgeous creature unless you're lucky enough to come across her yourself. 

Over time, our conversation grew more flirty, as we continued getting a better understanding of each other. Asking each other questions about life and how we perceive the world around us. Since we live in different countries with different beliefs, it was easy to get carried away talking about our diverse cultures. 

We also come from contrasting walks of life. I'm an outdoors person who loves everything the vast wilderness offers, and she's a city dweller who loves the hustle and bustle of urban life. But this only added to the conversation and made it more enjoyable.

That is, until the night I had this dream. Not just any dream, mind you, an extremely vivid one. The kind that when you wake up, you can remember in its entirety.

I had just finished chatting with my friend, and I guess some of the things we talked about had stuck in my mind, along with some… other topics we had talked about in the past.

So, while I slept in the middle of the night, my mind decided it was time to put it all together and take me on this fantastic voyage. 

But before I get into my dream further, let me clarify a couple of things. First, one of my friend's jobs also is a dancer, but not just any type of dancer, a pole dancer. I've always been okay with it, since, in my younger days after work, I would usually spend a couple of hours at the local strip club chatting away with the girls that worked there. Actually, since my office was only two buildings away, most of them became my friends.

The other important detail about my friend is that she is also bi, meaning she enjoys sexual experiences with multiple genders and has had several meaningful relationships with other women in the past. I fully support her in this. In fact, more than support, apparently, but you'll see what I mean as my dream unfolds.

So there I was in my dream. Walking down the road to the strip club near my work. Except I wasn't there to see the girls I already knew, but to see my friend, since I knew she would be there dancing that night. Please don't ask me how I knew that, since she's several countries away from me, but in my dream, she was here instead.

Now, in my dream, she wasn't aware I would be there to see her dance. I wanted to keep my presence a secret. I wanted to admire her from a distance. We still hadn't met in person, and I couldn't bring myself to be in her actual presence. Even though I had sent her a picture of myself, I still felt like she was way beyond the reach of a common man.

So, with a camo ball cap and light-colored sunglasses, I paid at the door before entering the bar. As usual, the place was dimly lit, and since the gentlemen always liked to sit around the area where the girls would dance, several of the booths at the back were left open.

So I located a booth that wasn't too distant from the stage but that I felt was far enough away that I wouldn't catch my friend's eye if she glanced around the room.

Taking a seat, I ordered a Jack and Coke. Thankfully, my friend hadn't started dancing yet, so I had missed nothing, but there was a different girl dancing on the stage at the moment.

As I took a sip of my drink, I noticed she wasn't one of the regulars I was accustomed to seeing. In fact, I had never seen her here before.

I lowered my sunglasses down just enough to get a clearer view of the girl while she was shaking her ass for all it was worth on the stage and realized she definitely was someone new and appeared to be in her early twenties.

She was thinly built with long, jet-black hair and appeared to be about five foot six or so. Her chest was medium-sized, and she had a tiny oval-shaped ass. At this distance, I couldn't make out the color of her eyes, but I would say they looked brown.

Then, as the new girl finished her routine, my friend sashayed out onto the stage, and I readjusted my glasses while pulling the brim of my hat lower.

My God. There she was in the flesh. My goddess was before me in all her glory!

She was shaking and twisting around the pole to the sound of the upbeat music, and I was amazed at how effortlessly she made it look to be dancing like that. My friend was dressed in a tight black leather outfit that ran from the top of her neck to her ankles, where her black stilettos reached the leather material. The outfit also had a shiny silver zipper that ran down the entire front.

Quickly I was becoming mesmerized by her sexy dancing and hadn't realized that the new girl was making her rounds for tips until I heard her say, "So what did you think of my performance?"

Now she had caught my attention but unfortunately also my friend's. As my eyes quickly shifted from looking at the new girl to my friend, I noticed her smiling in my direction while groping her breast as she made a couple more seductive moves.

I swallowed hard as my gaze stayed focused on my friend when the new girl once again said, a little irritated, "Well, do you like or not?"

Quickly, I looked at the new girl. Her accent. It was what my friend would have sounded like if I had ever heard her voice, and I replied, "Um… Yeah… I mean, yes. Your dancing was superb." 

I then watched her smile as she shook her chest playfully at me while I hastily dug into my pocket and pulled out a five-dollar bill, which I handed to her.

She thanked me with a smile before strutting off to another booth.

Hastily, I turned my attention back towards my friend, who had now unzipped her leather bodysuit and was removing it to reveal a little black lace G-string and matching see-through bra.

Her dancing appeared to be more seductive as she twirled around the pole. She was arching her back while tilting her head. As she finished doing her routine, the new girl went back up on stage and joined my friend as another song played.

Well, now I was in for something I hadn't expected. The new girl and my friend started dancing seductively next to each other, and I watched as their bodies swayed in sync to the beat of the music. 

I knew she was bi, but honestly, I'd never expected my friend to do a performance with another girl, let alone one that was this sexy and hot. But here she was, and I couldn't help but feel myself get excited as I watched them caress each other sensually before ending the dance with a long and passionate kiss.

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 Now that the song had ended, one of the regular girls came out on the stage while my friend and the new girl quickly departed.

Then, as I watched my friend make her way around the room for tips, I felt a lump in my throat. Did she recognize me? Should I leave before she got to my table? 

I was just about to stand up when the new girl once again appeared in front of my booth and said, "Your name is Bob, ja?"

I was put on the spot and could only nod and then heard her say, "Oh good. Your friend was hoping it was you."

I was stuck now. The moment I had dreaded was about to arrive, and once my friend finally stood in front of me, I froze as she said, "So… we finally meet."

"What, no words?" I heard. "After all this time? Not what you expected?"

"What!" I yelled. "Are you crazy? You're more… more… more beautiful than I could imagine."

"Thank you. I'm glad," came her sultry reply.

I knew she was still on the clock, so there was little time to chat, but I gave her a hundred-dollar tip before she left. No, it wasn't to impress her. At least, I don't think it was. But who's to say what your brain thinks when you're dreaming. I know it was the first bill that came out of my pocket and, to me, she was worth much more than that hundred, anyway.

I stuck around for the rest of the night, watching her dance several more times with the new girl before she finally had a break and sat at my booth with me.

My God. Here she was, talking to me in person. Something that I had dreaded in the past was really happening, and I was actually enjoying it as I quickly became more comfortable sitting across from her.

 As we chatted for several more minutes, I got the story on the new girl. I was right; she was from my friend's country; she was also her roommate while she was staying here. 

I was a little shocked to hear that news, but not as much as when she asked me out of the blue if I'd like to join them back in their room when the night was over.

I paused for a moment before answering. Now that I had overcome my fear of facing her, I was hoping I could spend some time alone with her. Not in a sexual nature, but to get to hear more of her gorgeous voice instead of imagining what I thought she sounded like while we texted.

But I thought if spending more time with her meant I'd have to spend it with her roommate too, then so be it. I accepted her offer.

The three of us left and walked slowly towards the place they were staying at, and as we entered their room, I was astonished when the new girl left to go change, and my friend whispered to me, "So what do you think of my roommate?"

Was this some kind of trick? I mean, yes, she was pretty, but she sure as hell wasn't as hot as my friend.

I wasn't sure how to address this issue. She had put me on the spot, but in the end, I didn't have to because when her roommate came out wearing nothing at all, my mouth dropped. Finally, I croaked, "What the hell?"

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I mean, I did not know where the hell this was coming from? I hadn't ever mentioned doing something like this with her. Why was this happening? Now I was getting scared, but also excited at the same time.

I was in unfamiliar territory; even so, I was truly worried if this was a test. She meant too much to me to blow this, so in a desperate attempt to nullify this before it went too far, I asked, "What's going on?"

"Shhh," my friend whispered. "I want to give you a proper show."

'A show? What show?' I thought and then watched in amazement as my friend walked up to her roommate and planted a big kiss on her lips.

Okay… That was hot. I had to admit it, but I was still dumbfounded. I mean, what should I do? I had just met her for the first time, and now I was faced with her making out with her roommate, only feet away from me, while I stood there like a deer in the headlights.

Before I could even decide what the right call was, her roommate slowly undressed my friend until they both were standing nude in the center of the room. Almost hypnotized by their patient seduction, I watched as they casually ran their hands up and down one another's bodies.

Okay, I was getting stiff. I mean, what guy wouldn't. To see your goddess actually in person, in the arms of another woman, was extremely arousing. Well, of course, I caved and quickly sat in the chair closest to me.

I was in awe as I watched my friend take hold of her roommate's long black hair and guide her down to her knees while looking at me, before saying, "Mmm. Shall we see if she can make me cum?"

The girl, now on her knees, lifted her head slightly before flicking her tongue over my friend's mound, and I could hear my friend purr in contentment. Then, looking downward at the girl, my friend grinned as she took both of her hands while spreading her legs wider before pushing her roommate's face harder into her pussy.

"Oh, ja! Mmmm. Very good. Good girl. Keep going! Keep going! Oh, ja! OH JA! OHHH JJJA!!!" my friend yelled as her body quivered above the girl.

Fuck. I had just witnessed my friend coming on another girl's tongue. I was still super excited, but then, as the girl eased herself away from my friend, I watched as she slowly but deliberately strutted her sensual body up in front of me.

With our eyes locked, she then straddled her body over my waist while putting her arms around my neck and said, "So… Did you like my gift?"

I nodded and replied, "Yes. It was very nice. NO! It was wonderful to see."

"I'm glad," she replied as she ever so slowly lowered her body down until I could feel her mound pressing firmly over my covered stiff shaft.

My God. She felt so warm. So sexy. So… So intoxicating. I didn't want this moment to end. I wanted to be like this with her forever. With her in my arms. Looking into my eyes. Seeing the hunger and want I was feeling for her. Hoping she was feeling the same as I was at this very moment.

Gently I placed my hands on her waist and whispered, "You're so beautiful."

She smiled before slowly easing her head forward. We were going to kiss.

I was now going to feel those tender lips for the first time. To taste her sweetness with my tongue. Slowly, I closed my eyes and could feel her breath washing over my face. It was going to happen, and I held her body tighter when her nose touched mine. And then when I was just about to feel her lips pressing onto mine… I woke up!!!

"NO!" I yelled as I rose from my bed. My god, why! Why did that happen! What terrible tease is this!

I was so upset and still very excited at the same time. I hastily closed my eyes and reminisced about the dream while it was fresh in my head. Hoping that by some minor miracle, I would be thrust back into the same dream.

Only I wasn't. Instead, my mind went to another place. The real world. What would happen if we had ever met in person and continued on that course. And I quickly became depressed when the reality of why it could never occur came to light.

We live in different worlds. Literally countries apart. The age gap between us. The lifestyles we lived. Let alone the fact that, in reality, this was only a crazy dream to begin with.

I spent the rest of the night awake now. Afraid to fall asleep. The hope of having that dream again was now the fear that I would since I now realized that nothing that magical could ever happen in real life.

So I guess, in the end, not getting to experience what it would have been like to be with my goddess, if only in my dreams, was actually the right choice, and my mind subconsciously knew it after all.

Written by bob03567
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