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My Crazy Life 5 - Tammy, Wendy, Brenda - Second Half

"I finish my long tale, and then set myself up to reap the rewards."

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In the first half of this story, I was telling my new friend Tammy about something mean I did to an acquaintance named Wendy. I was really enjoying the ego boost that I was getting from watching Tammy enjoy my true story. Tammy and I were both imagining how much we would enjoy it if Tammy were the woman I was having sex with.

She started to openly masturbate on video chat while I continued the tale of being mean to Wendy.



Did I mention that my wife is a troublemaker?

"Do you mind if I make plans for us for next Saturday?" she asked me one evening.

"What kind of plans?" I teased.

"Do you remember Dean and Sarah? We met them at the house party in Madison," she answered.

"Kind of a quiet couple?" I almost remembered them. "She was pretty but she was only interested in big black cock?"

"They're having a house party near Racine," my wife explained. "Wendy asked them to invite us. She said you two have some unfinished business."

It had been more than a month since I had dumped Wendy. I knew my wife would be mad if I did something mean, but I couldn't wait to find a way to figuratively slap her in the face. I started trying to figure out a plan to make a portable car horn that I could hide near her. That didn't pan out, but I knew I'd have to think of something.

The night of the party rolled around, and my wife and I headed over to Racine. As we entered the house, I was carrying a tray of snacks and my wife was carrying a gift bottle of wine. We had barely made inside the house when Wendy stepped in front of me to block my path.

"Put that shit down and follow me," she insisted. "Your ninety minutes starts right now!"

I gave her a sarcastic look.

"Good evening, Wendy! Good to see you," I said nicely. "How about we wait a bit. I'd kind of like to take my coat off, have a beer, and maybe meet our hosts again."

I thought her brittle smile was going to crack. She relented, but she followed me everywhere. I would like to say that she waited patiently, but all I can say is that she waited.

I know I have mentioned that I am a storyteller. I was very pleased to see that we knew a bunch of the guests at the party. Many of them were in the group from camping. Several of us started trading stories about our camping adventures, and we had a great time.

As was typical of these parties, while we were socializing in the living room, various people were hooking up and exploring the bedrooms. My wife found an old friend that she really enjoyed, and the two of them were gone most of the evening.

The crowd in the living room started to swell again, a sure sign that the early birds were returning. Wendy tapped me on the shoulder and gave me a look.

"Are you ready to prove yourself?" she demanded.

"What's this all about?" my friend Mark asked.

"I was telling her about the hotel party up in Oshkosh, and she doesn't believe I lasted ninety minutes with one partner," I answered.

"Only ninety?" he laughed

"I won't believe it until I see it with my own eyes," she insisted sharply.

The look on her face was such a sharp contrast to the smiling faces of my friends. My eyes scanned around the group as I enjoyed a laugh with them. The plan I needed all but slapped me in the face.



Dearest reader, I am sorry that I must take a moment here to apologize to the smiling red-haired woman that had joined our group to listen to our stories. She was every bit our age, with a cute pixie haircut and a beautiful smile with dimples. I think at some point, she and I must have shared names, but I lost hers.

I had first noticed her when she joined our group to listen to Mark talk about seducing the pants off of a woman by the campfire. A plan started to form in my mind when I saw her smile turn to lust as I told a story about having naked starlight sex while watching shooting stars streak across the sky.

With my best wolfish grin, I asked her, "Hey, gorgeous, could I entice you to come have sex with me for the next hour and a half?"

Her eyes opened wide. "Me?" she gasped.

"Yes!" I said confidently.

"Yes!" she cried.

I think I heard Wendy's jaw hit the floor. The redhead was shocked beyond pleasure that I had asked her, and she was absolutely beautiful as she bubbled over with joy. She grabbed the front of my shirt and practically dragged me to the nearest bedroom.

An hour later, she and I were still going at it. At one point, she had begged me to hold her head down on the mattress as I fucked her doggy style, and her squirting orgasms had lasted for ten minutes straight. We had settled into a slower rhythm with her riding on top.

She had my arms crossed and pinned behind my head. She was twerking against my cock with the head barely inside of her. She was calling me mean and nasty names as she came over and over, when we heard the bedroom door briskly open.

The redhead didn't stop with the name calling or the orgasms as we both turned and smiled at Wendy. Wendy shot daggers at us with her eyes, and huffed loudly.

"Thank you so much for making this happen," the redhead said to Wendy. "This may just be the best sex I've ever had. Oh my god, don't tell my husband that!"

Wendy stormed out and slammed the door.

The redhead started laughing, which caused her abdomen to tighten, and that caused her to start cumming again. She was still laughing as she fell forward and put her face next to mine.

"How much do you wanna bet she goes straight to my husband," she laughed. I was ready to be indignant. I was having too much fun to stop to get my ass kicked by a jealous husband. The redhead laughed harder, triggering another orgasm. "He'll get a big smile on his face and tell her, 'That's awesome!'"

I will confess that I didn't make it the full ninety minutes. She was still cumming hard when she suddenly stopped laughing and she kissed me really hard. I grabbed her ass tightly and pushed her down on my cock while I filled her. When we finally caught our breath, we snuck into the shower and got cleaned up.

Our stealth didn't matter. My wife says that Wendy angrily stormed through the living room and bolted out the door. I know what I did was mean, but I am glad to say I have never heard from her again.

Sadly, we never ran into the redhead again either. I cannot apologize enough for not catching her name.



Obviously, for the sake of word counts, I've had to leave out some of the details. Tammy drank in the details with great pleasure. Her eyes focused on my eyes as I watched her enjoy herself. We both let the telling of the story pause as I watched her cum when I told her about how I came with the redheaded woman.

I could see her eyes gleaming in the video feed. She asked, "Are you hard from the story, or from watching me? I can see you squirming to adjust yourself, so which was it?"

"You've had your breasts out to tease me all this time, and the look on your face when you came was priceless!" I answered. "Of course I like the story, but I really liked watching you."

The twinkle in her eyes got brighter. "Show me," she demanded.

With no hesitation, I stood up and stepped back just a little. I checked my video feed to be sure my crotch was centered properly. My jeans were open and pulled down just a bit. I let them drop to the floor. I nearly laughed as I saw her lean closer to her screen. Moving nice and slow, I pulled my boxers down to reveal my hard cock.

"Wrap your hand around it and stroke it," she commanded in a breathy voice. "Let me see how big it really is!"

I tried not to shake too much as I slowly stroked myself. I'm sure she heard the catch in my breath and saw the quiver of my butt as I reacted to the pleasure I was giving myself.

"You're about to cum!" she marveled.

"We've had hours of foreplay, and watching you cum was very stimulating," I reminded her.

"What about your esteemed self-control?" she teased.

"It has its limits," I laughed. "I could probably make this last if I don't go any faster."

She stared at my stroking hand for a long thirty seconds. She swallowed to keep from drooling, and then she looked directly into the camera.

"Do it," she breathed. "Go faster. Let me see!"

I didn't even think twice about the mess I was about to make. There was a bare tile floor beneath me. I held a little tighter, stroked a little faster, and in no time at all, I was finishing for her. I was even able to watch her face the whole time.

She leaned in really close to the camera, which meant she was close to the monitor. Her hand came up and reached forward. She was probably stroking my image on her screen. Her jaw went slack, and she shook almost as much as I did as I came. When she realized what she was doing, she had to swallow hard again, and then she had to wipe the drool from her lip. She blushed at her own actions.

"Did you just cum again?" I asked breathily. She nodded as she blushed darker. "You are amazing!" I praised. She gave me a huge, happy smile. "I can't wait to chat with you again tomorrow!" I gushed. She looked crestfallen.

"I have a date with Michael tomorrow," she said sadly.

"No worries," I promised with a smile. "We'll work something out."


We managed to chat again a couple of nights later. She begged for another true story. I begged to see what her hand was doing "down there". She begged to watch me finish again. It was a good chat.

We both had busy weekends planned, so we made plans to chat again in the new week.


I have used pieces of the next part of this story in some of my fantasy stories. The truth of what happened was too hot not to include in fantasies.

It was my turn to be the troublemaker. A couple that we only casually knew was having a private birthday party at a strip club near our house. We were invited, but my wife didn't want to go.

First, that couple tends to have younger friends, and my wife prefers older gentlemen. Second, although my wife had never been to a strip club, she had heard stories. She is very straight, and the thought of having the female dancers being overly friendly with her made her want to stay home. I convinced her to go.

The party was in a private room at the club. There was plenty of room for the twenty or so friends that showed up. We had our own private stage, and everyone had a front row seat. We had our own private bar and our own private restroom.

My wife was ready to be a party pooper right up until we got there and discovered that Michael and Tammy were there as well. She flew into his arms, and then she was ready to party.

Tammy unconsciously posed for me, and then stood and drank in my lustful looks. She was taller than I thought, maybe five-foot-seven-inches tall. She was wearing a tight skirt and a tighter blouse that beautifully accentuated her curves. Between her smile, her good looks, and the memory of our chats, I was getting hard with lust.

Although she greedily devoured the looks I gave her, she was also radiating a sense of reserve. As I approached her, I could feel that she was only going to allow a quick hug.

"I have to kiss you," I warned her. Her eyes flared and begged me to do it. Her head shook a denial.

"And then what?" she worried. She licked her lips in anticipation. I shook my head, because I didn't know.

She pulled me close, and we kissed like long lost lovers. I had to stop suddenly, because if we had continued, I would have had a mess to clean up. Her body shook as she clung to me. She nearly had the same predicament.

"How big is your car?" she begged. "There's not enough room in my Mercedes coupe for what we need!"

I swallowed hard.

"We are not having sex in a strip club parking lot," I had to protest. "They have security cameras everywhere, and they'd call the cops in a heartbeat."

She gave a quick half-laugh, and then she gave me a quick kiss.

"It's going to be a long week," she lamented.

We both managed to get control of ourselves, and we settled in to have some quiet fun with our friends.

I should have known things would get out of control. My wife decided that she hadn't caused enough trouble. After a half hour of enjoying drinks, catered food, and a sexually charged atmosphere, my wife asked Tammy why she hadn't pulled me off into a corner somewhere to fuck me.

I pointed out the beefy security guys that were everywhere, and reminded my wife that we really didn't need to go to jail with charges of lewd behavior. My wife teased me for being too conservative.

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Ten minutes later, she playfully pointed out that the restroom for the party room was unisex. She teased that Tammy and I should sneak in there and get busy. She threw down a gauntlet and insisted that she would do it if we didn't. Tammy gave me a look, and then she slipped away and into the restroom.

I waited a moment or two, and then excused myself to go take care of business.

Tammy was waiting in one of the stalls. She had her blouse unbuttoned, her skirt hiked up, and her panties were on the floor. We didn't even bother to lock the stall as we crashed together in an urgent kiss. She didn't waste any time getting my pants open and then wrapping her hand around my hardness.

"Fuck, I want to taste you!" she cried out as she pushed away and turned. "But I really need you to fuck me!" she cried as she bent over in front of me.

"Fuck yeah!" I agreed as I aimed and thrust into her in one stroke. I grabbed her hip with one hand and her breast with the other as I started slamming into her.

We both knew we weren't going to be fucking for hours, and we were both happy to race to a finish. It ended much sooner than she expected, and not in the way you might think.

Someone opened the main restroom door about halfway, and then let it close again. It suddenly occurred to me just how exposed we were. I could imagine that whoever had just checked on us was already calling the cops. I knew right then that we had to stop or else we were going to jail. Faster than should have been possible, fear consumed me, I lost all hardness, and we had to stop.

"What?" Tammy cried in despair as she stood and turned to me.

"Someone just checked the door," I gasped. "We'll end up in jail!"

She stared at me for the longest three seconds ever. A smile broke out on her face, and she shook her head as she stepped in close and kissed me. "Chicken," she accused me, but she was just as quick as I was in setting our clothes back straight.

Back at our table, my wife said, "That was quick!"

Before I could answer, Tammy laughed and said, "He chickened out after two strokes!" She gave me a lustful look as she leaned in close to me and said, "You'd better last longer than that next week!"

My wife laughed at us, and then turned to Michael. "Come on, let's go show them how it's done," she exclaimed.

"You better make sure he has bail money," I teased. "You know I ain't paying to get you back!"

She gave me a priceless look as she pulled Michael through the restroom door.

Tammy spent the next few minutes making fun of me. She couldn't believe how nervous I was as I worried about them getting caught. She finally understood my fear when the bar manager showed up and hastily scanned the room. He didn't see what he was looking for, but he was obviously agitated about something, and I was pretty sure I knew who was going to get caught.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when one of the dancers tapped my shoulder and said, "You better go warn your friends. That bitch, Jasmine, probably tattled on them. As soon as the manager finds the head bouncer, he's going to go bust them if they're having sex."

I was torn between getting my wife out of there and the thought of getting caught in there with them. Duty to my wife finally won out, and I hastily snuck to the restroom to warn them.

They were in the larger of the two stalls, and my heart nearly stopped when I pulled the stall door open. My wife was completely naked. Michael was behind her, holding both of her hips, and gently slamming into her from behind. The largest bouncer I have ever seen in my life was standing in front of her, with his pants around his ankles and his cock buried in her throat.

"You'll have to wait your turn," the bouncer said with a wicked smile.

"The manager is looking to bust you guys!" I gasped.

"He won't do anything until he finds me," the bouncer laughed. He turned to my wife and Michael. "Let's finish this up, folks." He made his intentions clear by grabbing a tight handful of my wife's hair.

I couldn't stay. I didn't care what the bouncer thought was going to happen; I wasn't going to be there when the shit hit the fan. I raced out and quickly sat at the table by Tammy. She gave me a curious smile, and then she held my hand for support while we waited to see what would happen. I think we all can guess what happened after I left them.

Three minutes later, that same bouncer came in from the main room with the manager. They went straight to the restroom. They met my wife just as she was coming out. She smiled, shook her head, pointed back into the restroom, and then walked past the men to join Tammy and me at the table.

Two seconds later, Michael stepped out of the smaller stall and stepped out of sight toward the sink. He spoke with the men. He was drying his hands as he walked out and joined us at the table as well.

The two men checked out the rest of the restroom, talked for a bit, and then left. I nearly melted in relief.

Somehow, we managed to enjoy the rest of the evening. Near the end of the night, Tammy and Michael left early, and my wife and I went home. My wife was grinning the whole time as she teased me with the card with the phone number that the bouncer had given her. To the best of my knowledge, she never called him.


Tammy and I were only able to chat one time during the next week. It didn't happen until late in the week, and while Tammy wanted to flirt and tease, she didn't want to go all the way. She pretended we would have more fun if we saved it for the party. We spent an awful lot of time showing off our private bits to tease each other. She nearly made me cum when she told me how aroused she had been at the strip club, and just how wild she had gotten afterwards, when she was finally alone with Michael.


I'm not a big fan of my wife's friend Tina. I have caught her out a couple of times trying to sell my wife some lies that were meant to get me in trouble. For some reason, my wife still likes Tina, and I put up with their friendship.

At the time of this story, Tina was supplementing her income by hosting a monthly hotel room party. It was a pretty good deal for her. She would get a $75 hotel room, set out some snacks and sodas, talk several of her female friends into coming to enjoy sex, and then charge guys $20 each for costs. Almost anyone that had $20 could attend, and she usually had twenty or more guys show up throughout the afternoon and evening.

My wife didn't like when I said that Tina was pimping the women out. Even if I didn't fork out the money to go, my wife would go and have a good time. She always enjoyed herself, so there is that.

The party that I was meeting Tammy at was an infamous 'Tina Party'. The party started mid-afternoon on a Friday. My wife was able to get a ride to be there right from the start, but I had to work. I figured that if I didn't get there until after eight in the evening, I would be able to spend time with Tammy and then kidnap my wife home without having to interact too much with Tina.

Tammy and Michael had other plans for dinner, so my plan worked well for them as well. They planned to get there around seven.

When Tammy stepped in front of me and we locked eyes, we were lost to the rest of the world. The room might as well have been empty. She gave me her sexiest smile as she wrapped herself around me. We kissed again like long lost lovers. She was grinding her hips against my hardness when she stepped away from me.

I had barely noticed that she was wearing a silk robe that was cinched tight at the waist. She stepped back from our kiss, struck a pose, and pulled the end of the belt. The robe fell open and fell to the floor, leaving her standing gloriously naked in front of me. She drank in my hungry lust, and then she kissed me again.

We were still kissing when she threw my shirt aside. We were still kissing when I stepped out of my pants, leaving them in a pile on the floor with my shoes. We were still kissing when she pulled me backwards and we flowed onto the bed. She parted her legs and begged with her eyes, and I filled her in one thrust.

I bent to bite her breasts as we slammed together in lust. She cried out and begged for more. In no time at all, she was cumming hard on my cock. It took most of my willpower to keep from cumming with her.

Just as I started to slow down to regain control, Tammy grabbed a handful of my hair and wrenched my head away from her breast. She had a desperate look in her eyes as she growled, "I'm still cumming!" I tried to smile to let her know I was enjoying her pleasure. She cried out, "Keep fucking me! Make me cum again!"

I almost managed to keep control as I started hammering her again. She kissed me hard as she exploded into another orgasm, and I completely lost control. She cried out as the heat flooding out of me made her orgasm even more intense. We clung to each other and let our bodies shake as we enjoyed our lust.

Suddenly, she gasped and pushed me away with a smile. "Doggy style!" she gasped. "Fuck me from behind and push my head down like you did to the redhead!"

"Just a minute!" I gasped. "I'm gonna need some time to recover here."

Her astonished look almost contained anger. "What happened to fucking for an hour?" she demanded.

I shrugged my apology. "Give me a minute," I begged. I tried my best teasing smile. "You have to admit that a week of foreplay, including sex in a strip club that almost landed us in jail, is enough to make anyone jumpy. You begged for me to lose control, and there was no way I was going to last after that."

"Don't even try to make this my fault," she warned me.

I honestly think things were about to get ugly. She was on the verge of getting angry at me, and I wasn't going to put up with any bullshit. We were saved by a guy named Ed.

Out of nowhere, Ed said, "Hey, pretty lady, if you need a hard cock, I can help you out."

I turned to look at him, and I almost asked, "What the fuck?"

Tammy turned to look at him, and in the sweetest tone ever said, "Show me what you got."

Ed is two inches taller than me, but his cock is probably an inch shorter than mine. He was hard, she was eager, and that was all either of them needed. Tammy pushed me out of the way and grabbed his cock. In moments, she was face down on the bed and he was slamming her from behind. Ed lasted almost ten minutes. Tammy came twice for him.

Ed had barely pulled out of Tammy when she rolled onto her back and begged to the room in general, "I need more. Who's got a hard cock for me?"

My wife is a troublemaker. I wasn't angry, but I was ready to leave. I got cleaned up and was ready to go in ten minutes. My wife made me stay for an hour and a half while Tammy worked her way through five other guys. Ed even managed to get another round in, where he lasted more than twenty minutes. Tammy never once looked to me for another round.

Later, my wife made me get naked and take Tammy into the shower to clean up. Tammy apologized for being short with me, and she begged me to forgive her for having sex with other men. I gave her a kiss, and promised her that there was nothing to forgive. I reminded her that we were all there to have fun, and she didn't owe me anything.

She gave me one last teasing look as we dried off and got dressed. She asked me to promise to last more than five minutes the next time we met. I promised to do my best.


Sadly, that was the last time I saw Tammy. She and Michael had a fight when he got mad at her for having sex with men that he hadn't given her permission to fuck. I'm sorry, buddy, but I have to take her side on that one. Tammy still touches base with Tina every once in a while. She moved to Dallas, where she and her new husband opened a swingers club. We are all invited, should we happen to be in the area.

Happily, we've never run into Wendy since that party in Racine. I'm sure she is a nice woman, and somewhere out there, she is making a naive guy really happy.

I'm a little sad that Brenda drifted out of our lives. Even though she and I only hooked up that one time in Oshkosh, I enjoyed hanging around with her at the infamous "Sue and Lyle" parties. She and Tina had some kind of a spat, and she drifted out of the group. Even if my wife had heard from her, she wouldn't have said anything if it would have affected her friendship with Tina.

Man, I wish I could remember that redhead's name. I'm sorry.

Written by bad_mann_ers
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