I have just returned from a vacation in Vietnam and I must share my story of what happened at the massage parlor.
Hanoi is full of massage places, many of which are perfectly legitimate and quite expensive, including my hotel. And some are so cheap it is impossible to believe anyone is making a profit. Some are obviously knocking shops, but most are reasonably respectable. Since my hotel was offering an hour's back rub for $120 I was very keen to see what you get for $15 at the other end of the market.
Well for a start you get a very attractive lady who speaks English, who talks to you at the entrance, and then quickly passes you to a much less attractive lady to do the massage, who does not speak a word of English. Also, you also don't get a room to yourself. The room I was shown to had three massage beds, all separated by black curtains. As I was being passed to my rather plain twenty year old Vietnamese masseuse, the lady at the desk told me that my masseuse was new, and I should show her what I wanted.
So I undressed and deliberately left the covering towel on the chair. I much prefer to be naked, and I'm sure it sends the message to the masseuse to be a bit more sensual. However, the moment she arrived, she covered me up. Not a great start.
Never mind, luckily the other two massage beds were empty so I was still relaxed and waited to see how things developed. Well the massage progressed as massages do, but unlike some massages on my trip to Asia, her hands never really explored my intimate areas, or even got close for that matter!
With about ten minutes to go in my hour, another customer arrived, a very chatty American lady who was deep in conversation with the lady from the desk. I could hear the American get undressed; she was that close to me on the other side of the curtain. It was also the time I was asked to roll over onto my back. Having been frustrated more than turned on during the first part of the massage, I was not rock hard by any means, but I was pleased that the combination of my proximity to an unknown women on the other side of the curtain and the naivety of my masseuse was having a promising effect on my cock.
So with only a few minutes left of my hour, I was feeling very horny and I remembered that I had been told to tell my masseuse what I wanted. It was time to remove my protecting towel and show her my now substantial erection. I was somewhat taken aback when instead of attending to my needs, she began talking very rapidly in Vietnamese to the masseuse currently attending to the American lady.
A few seconds later the other masseuse arrived. It was the attractive lady from the front desk. She whispered to me. "You give tip, you enjoy watch." She motioned her head back to her customer.
I nodded a very enthusiastic agreement.
She then said something in Vietnamese which caused my masseuse to bow and make her exit.
I rose from my massage table and silently, but nervously, pushed past the black curtain into the next cubicle. The American lady was gorgeous, probably in her mid thirties, a blond and totally naked apart from the smallest black thong. She had her head well tucked down into the massage table and was oblivious to the fact that I was there.

She certainly had no clue that a complete stranger had been invited to wank his cock just a few inches from her feet at the end of her massage table.
The masseuse was now smiling at me. I wondered if she had suggested this before. Then she left me in no doubt as she got into position to stroke her client's thigh with one hand and my cock with the other.
Then she released me and moved close to her customer's ear and whispered, "You enjoy sensual massage?"
"Yes please," the American replied, slowly grinding her hips into the massage table.
So the masseuse pulled down the black thong and began to go to work on her client's inner thighs. She beckoned me to get closer and whispered in my ear, "You take over?"
Without waiting for an answer she grabbed my hands and applied them to the American's wonderful bum. I was terrified that the lady was about to get up and shout - but she was oblivious to the fact that we had changed and just mumbled that she was loving it.
The masseuse was now going to town on my cock while I was edging closer and closer to the American's pussy. Then she arched her back, widened her legs slightly, and was breathing really heavily. The masseuse nodded at me. "Go on," she mouthed.
I needed no encouragement. I slipped two fingers inside and started to fingerfuck her. Slowly at first, but then quicker and quicker. As her bum was pushed back up at me, I was also able to rub her clit for all I was worth. The masseuse was loving this and kept motioning me to thrust harder and rub faster.
The masseuse's hands were oiling my cock for all she was worth. The inevitable happened! I came so much that it splashed all across the American's bum, but she was also climaxing and therefore in a world of her own and didn't notice a thing. I quickly massaged my cum all over her bum as she calmed down from her orgasm.
The scene was amazing. My oily cock still twitching, the masseuse had a big grin on her face, and my oily, cum stained hands were massaging the most amazing round bum I had held in ages.
But my fun was over, the masseuse slowly pushed me out of the way and replaced my hands on the bum, with her fingers back inside the lady's pussy. The frigging started in earnest again, and the lady was about to be taken to a even higher level of pleasure.
I loved watching it, but at some point the American was going to get up. It was time to get dressed. I eventually departed leaving a substantial number of dollars on the chair.
I hope you enjoyed my story - it really happened. I always wonder if the American lady knew what was going on - I'm not sure which I would prefer!