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Let Fluffy Loose

"A true story, with the boring bits left out."

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Author's Notes

"Many years ago at the swingers club."

Many years ago, my husband and I went to swingers' clubs, but we had a problem. We kept trying to find the perfect couple where the guy was to my liking and his woman was to my husband's liking, but sadly that was rarely possible. If I liked the guy, the woman was distasteful to him, and vice versa. I did "Take one for the team" once, which was a horrible experience that just made me want to wash afterward. Some examples of our mismatched attempts were the delicious Frenchman and his very drunken, big-haired wife, the tiny blonde with the sloppy, idiot husband, and finally, the mousy nurse and the hot-as-fuck History teacher.

One night we decided to try something different. We were going to the club we liked best and also go our separate ways, checking in with each other now and then. I thought this sounded fine because this way, I could choose my partner, like the hot-as-fuck History teacher, and he could look for a tiny blonde or something, and we wouldn't have to worry about the perfection of the other partner.

When we got to the club, he wished me luck, and I patted his behind for his own luck. It's always easier for women to meet someone and, not to be immodest, but fifteen years ago, I was pretty hot. We were early before the majority of people arrived, but I always liked this time because you could hear yourself talk, and I like talking before the fucking. I got some ginger ale from the bar. John was across the room already, sitting with a friendly-looking couple, and yes, it was a petite blonde woman he was attempting to charm.

I saw a dark-haired young man standing by himself, just a little awkwardly, not quite sure what to do with his hands, and I walked over to him.

I said, "Hi, I'm Fluffy. What are you doing over here by the wall?"

I diagnosed right away that he was a bit shy, but being a former shy person myself, I just waited patiently for him to collect himself. "Uh, hi, Fluffy. I'm Eric. I'm sort of waiting for my wife. She's with her girlfriend and they didn't, uh, need me tonight. Um, right now."

"Understood," I said. " At least they aren't at your house, and all you can do is listen and make a sandwich." He laughed and agreed, and we chatted about bi-sexuality (he wasn't), the occasional awkwardness of threesomes, work, and kids. Finally, when his hands were not afraid to feel the material of my shiny dress, touch my bare back, and look directly at my breasts, I asked him if he wanted to go to the semi-private room and fool around.

"Uh, um, yes!" he said. "I've never gotten to do that before!"

"Well, c'mon!" I took his hand, which was cool and dry, thankfully, and led the way. There were about ten beds in the room, each separated by dark-colored, sheer curtains. You could enclose the bed on all sides or leave one side open if you wanted. We picked a bed furthest from the door, as it was the one Eric thought would be the most discreet. He was not up for complete observation, which was often the case with the three beds just inside the door. Sometimes people would stand and watch. I didn't mind that; I liked it, in fact, but not everybody does.

I sat on the bed and took off my shoes. Eric sat next to me and did the same. Then we paused, or should I say he paused -not quite sure what the next move was, so I turned around and asked him to untie my dress. Untying the top of my dress makes it fall off. So, I stood up, and my dress dropped to the floor, and all I was left with was a garter belt and stockings. Eric stood up, then put his arms around me and felt me everywhere. My back, hips, butt, stomach, thighs, pussy, breasts, curve of my waist, and even my wrists got attention from his cool dry hands. He kissed amazingly well, and in short order, I was soaking wet, undoing his belt, trying to get his shirt and pants off at the same time. He took off his shirt and dropped his pants. peeled off the socks, didn't have to worry about shorts as he was commando with a lovely cock standing out in front of him. I took hold of it and licked the precum off very slowly. He petted my head softly like I was a cocker spaniel, but I kind of liked it, and I did like his cock sliding in and out of my mouth, but eventually, he pulled away and knelt between my legs. His pussy skills were as good as his kissing, and soon I was laying back with my knees up, moaning as he patiently and with evident joy made me cum with his tongue and a finger in my wet pussy.

His cock had lost some of the happy hardness while he was eating me, so I slid up the bed and pulled him with me. I pressed my body against him, and we touched and kissed and rolled around, hands and mouths, arms and legs all roaming and intertwined. Finally, I straddled his hips and slid his cock into my wet entrance, and sank gratefully onto him. He held my hips and thrust upwards into me; this nice shy man certainly knew how to fuck, with no unnecessary and distracting flourishes, checking my face, and asking if I liked what he was doing. His cock seemed to be getting bigger and hotter inside of me, and I came hard. He paused for a few moments so I could catch my breath and then turned me over onto my back. He started talking to me then, telling me how good my pussy felt, like velvet, how much he liked kissing me, what I tasted like, kissing my neck, holding my shoulders, getting a little faster and a little harder, and I was cumming again, really crying out, and squeezing his tight ass. He kept going, happily and hard, and never stopped whispering sexy dirty nothings in my ear, "I love your wet cunt, you are a sexy hot slut, I want to fuck you every day, fuck you against a wall, eat your pussy at a fancy restaurant in front of my wife, I want you to suck my cock at work." Lovely crazy things, and my body was going wild; it was one long orgasm. Finally, I was getting tired, losing steam, as it were, and he was close to cumming. I felt his balls tightening, so I bit his neck, not too hard, but it pushed him over the edge, and I could feel him shooting cumming inside me for a very long time.

We lay breathing hard together, letting the sweat dry. We hadn't noticed, but there was a couple fucking in the next bed. We both watched as the big-breasted woman rode her partner. He was very tall, his feet stuck out of the curtains. Eric sat up and began to get dressed, thanking me for a great experience, telling me again and again how this had never happened to him before, and hoping that we could do it again sometime. I hoped so, too, because it was a great fuck.

The couple next to us had finished when I picked up my dress. The woman stopped me and asked if her husband could fuck me while she watched. Eric asked if he should leave, and I told him he didn't have to, so he finished dressing and stood nearby to watch. The woman was Beth, and her husband was Mike. Mike was about 6'5", very muscular, quite good looking but never said a word. He bent me over the edge of the bed and, with one hand, separated my dripping pussy lips, thrust his long cock into me. He fucked me hard and fast, holding onto my hips. I looked over my shoulder and noticed Eric was stroking his cock; he was just as hard as when he was fucking me. Beth was giving Mike encouragement, "Fuck her, Mike, pound that pussy, yes, fuck Mike, fuck!" Mike begins slamming into me. It's not my thing, but I realized I was just a prop for Mike and Beth. Mike pulled out and shot his load on my back. Eric came a few seconds later, soaking me some more.

Mike and Beth said a short thanks, got dressed, and left. Eric got a towel and wiped off the cum, and helped me put my dress back on, tying it back up again. As we left, we ran into my husband and his little blond. I introduced Eric to my husband and met Bonnie, the blond. My husband asked if I wanted to join them. I told him I was sorry, but I needed a break. Also, I am not interested in women. Eric walked with me to the bar, where I got another ginger ale, and he got a big glass of water. Eric's wife came up behind him, and he quickly said goodbye to me and went off with her. I wish I hadn't said yes to Mike and Beth because I didn't like it, but it was interesting to see the dynamic between him and Beth. It would have been nicer to have just finished with Eric and let it be. Still, I liked being helpful, so it was okay, and no one was hurt.

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I sat on one of the barstools and observed the action. There was some dancing, some couples discretely fondling one another on and off the dance floor, and a lot of bar traffic. Everything was BYOB, and the club provided ice and mixers, so it was fun to watch the people and their beverages and the complications some created. While I was watching, a man came up to the bar for a Coke. He said hi to me politely while he waited for his drink. I knew that sitting on the bar stool in my short dress and heels showed off my legs nicely and that he could also just see my pussy. He glanced and smiled and introduced himself. I don't remember his name- I think it was Bob, but it might have been Jim or Bill. He was a little heavy, probably about ten or fifteen years older than I was, under six feet, with grey, thinning hair. But his face was kind, and he was charming and soon had me laughing. Making me laugh was (and still is) a very good way to get into my panties, had I been wearing any. He was also clever, well-spoken, and polite, and I liked him a lot. Several people came to the bar all at once, and I almost fell off my barstool in the press of bodies, but Bob (or Jim or Bill), grabbed me around the waist to keep me from falling.

Suddenly, we were nose to nose, and he kissed me. I had thought Eric was a good kisser, but there was something electrical between Bob and me. After Bob's kiss, we looked each other in the eyes for a long moment, one of those charged looks, probably with pupil dilation and other subtle signals that equal attraction. He had to lean close to me so I could hear him, and he asked if I wanted to go somewhere less crowded. Less crowded and naked would be nice. I found my husband talking with another couple and introduced him to Bob (or Jim or Bill). My husband was a little surprised that I was with another man, but I really didn't want to think about it. During the introductions, Bob was lifting my dress, feeling my ass, and running his finger through my wet pussy lips. My husband asked if we were going to be long, and I looked at Bob before answering that it would probably be a little while.

"I don't think your husband is happy," Bob said, and I agreed.

We went back to the semi-private room. More of the curtained beds were taken, and we ended up in one close to the door. Bob asked if I minded that because we could see if any of the private rooms were available. I told him I didn't care, I liked when people watched me fuck.

"Me too," Bob said.

Then Bob carefully untied my dress, which dropped to the floor. He laid me back on the bed and, while fully clothed, spread my thighs wide and just looked. There was something about the way he looked that was both hungry and delighted. Then he got between my legs and began the most incredible pussy feast I have ever experienced. Long and slow, sucking, tongue, lips, fingers everywhere, exploring and devouring. I couldn't tell you one single thing he did that was new or different than anyone else who had eaten my pussy, but perhaps it was the creativity and combinations of actions. Sometimes he was gently sucking my clit and circling it with a swirling soft tongue. Sometimes, he slid a finger on one side of it and licked the other side, but the total effect was intense. He even sucked his index finger and slowly worked it into my ass, with his thumb in my slit, and, with a clever tongue, swirled my clit until I came again and again. "Texas Bowling Ball" popped into my head.

After my last orgasm, holding his head and grinding my pussy into his face, which made him growl against me, he asked if I would like to fuck. I would like that, and I could see what looked like a very nice cock pressing against his pants. He unbuttoned his shirt and took off his pants and boxers. His body hair was thick and soft, but it looked like he shaved his balls, and I reached out and stroked his heavy sack, which was nice in my hand, but his cock took my breath away because it was so pretty. It was long and thick, with prominent veining, and the head of his cock was a shiny purple, dripping pre-cum. I wanted his fur against me and his cock inside me right then. I spread my legs wider while he got between them and rubbed the head of his cock through my lips, up and down, back and forth, until he was ready to press into me. He did it so slowly that it was amazing agony, longing for all of him to be inside me, and yet I loved the slowness. He kissed and sucked my nipples as he entered me, making them stand up and ache for his fur to tickle me as we fucked. After an agony of time, my clit was kissing the base of his cock, and I was begging him to take me. He fucked me slowly with his fat cock, pulling almost all the way out and then back in over and over; I came twice during this impossibly slow fuck. My ankles were locked around his hips, my thighs trembling against him uncontrollably. He began to pump harder, and a little faster, his heavy balls slapping my ass; my whole pussy was on fire.

We were on fire, both of us, juices were pouring out of me, and his cock was pistoning in and out. I caught sight of my husband's face and a blond woman watching us with a group of people I didn't know, their intent faces on us, on my quivering, dripping pussy meeting his cock. Being on view thrilled me, and I exploded, cumming so hard I thought I might die. I heard myself saying, "Oh God, more, more!" and he gave me more. I don't know how he did, but this was the only time I ever thought I might squirt; the pressure in my pelvis was so immense and so pleasurable, I thought something was going to happen. I came again and again, rolling orgasms, my mouth against his shoulder to muffle my cries as he fucked me.

He told me he was going to cum, that he couldn't hold back anymore, and I was glad; I didn't think I could take much more. He slid both hands under my ass and tilted my cunt upwards. He began grunting, and then I felt him cumming, long, slow shuddering, groaning spasms, and I came again because the feeling and sound were so exquisite. We flooded the sheets with my juices and his immense load. We stayed together for a bit, and then he pulled out and kissed my breast and my lips, my eyes and my forehead. The last kiss made me feel like a little girl.

He whispered in my ear, "That was the best fuck I've ever had, Fluffy."

I could only nod because it was for me as well. Most of the watchers had moved off now, or gotten beds of their own. I gave Bob his boxers and shirt and put my dress back on. He found his wallet and pulled out his business card. "Please call me on my cell." Then he got up and took the older woman who had remained by the door by the arm and left. I guess my husband had been waiting around the corner while we dressed. I handed him Bob's card since my dress didn't come with pockets.

"Was that fun?" he asked. "You looked like you were having a good time. You were loud enough."

"Yeah." I said, "It was fun." Cum was dripping down my legs.

We went home shortly afterward. My husband 'reclaimed' me when we got home and spanked me harder than usual. He thought it had been an okay night at the club. We never went back.

We never, ever let Fluffy loose again. My husband lost Bob's business card somewhere.

I dream of letting Fluffy loose.

Written by Fluffnut
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