The persistent beeping on my laptop took me out of my dream, and I scurried to answer the incoming video call. It was my close friend, Elise, "Wow! You look gorgeous, babe," I declared in amazement.
"Thanks, love," she answered beaming with delight. "Seth will be taking me to dinner momentarily." She donned a pair of earrings. "How was your day?"
"My day was extremely overwhelming, Elise," I grumbled, "I'm exhausted and in need of a full body massage."
Elise stopped applying her mascara, then gaped at me in astonishment, "Did I just hear you correctly, Zara? You never complain about anything, what's going on?" she pleaded with concern.
The sigh that I expelled, held a lot of anguish and she took notice of it.
"Oh no, tell me what ails you, honey?"
After a brief moment, I replied to her query, "I'm tired of living alone, Elise. I'm ready to settle down and start a family. I want to be able to come home from work and curl up on my husband's chest, to watch him chew on his food and lick his lips whilst praising my cooking skills. And when I'm sure that his stomach is filled, I'd crawl onto the table and kiss him so deeply, that his cock hardens for my pussy, so he'll draw me closer to him, bury his cock between my thighs and take his dessert."
"What the fuck, Zara! That was salacious. Now I have the desire to jump Seth before our dinner reservation."
"I'm ready whenever you are, honey," I heard him declare to her in the background. "Hey, sis," Seth greeted me.
"Hey, bro," I returned.
She gave him a wicked smirk before turning back to me.
"You all are nasty," I stated with a grin.
Giggling, she continued, "What about the guy you met on that adult website? What was it called again?"
"Lush Stories. And what about him?" I queried with a vague smile.
She looked at me and declared, "Don't play stupid with me, Zara. How long did you say that you and he have been in this long-distance relationship?"
"Close to a year and a half," I responded and smiled at the memory of our recent conversation.
"That's a long time to be edging, sweetie. How is the rapport with him?"
"Honestly, I thought that having a long-distance relationship would have been difficult, but with him, everything is amazing. We have been discussing taking things to the next step."
"That's wonderful news, Zara. You both must be so delighted."
"We are elated," I admitted honestly.
"Do you see yourself starting a family with him?"
"We've discussed that numerous times, Elise, and we're ready," I confessed to her merrily.
"Alright. Didn't you say that you're supposed to have your first actual date with him tomorrow?"
"Yes, I was deemed to, however, I'm both excited and apprehensive," I admitted with a groan.
"What? You have become a very introverted woman, Zara Valdez. When did this happen?"
"I have no idea," I replied to her with apprehension.
"This is your opportunity to unwind and relax for the day. Maybe this is the man who will give you that intensified orgasm that you've always wanted," she declared with a contagious grin.
"Yes, I hope that he is, Elise," and I recalled the day that he had sent me a photo of his penis, and groaned at the memory.
"Listen to me, I'm not trying to encourage you to go out there and act the fool, but you only live once, Zara. Go and have lunch with the guy and see where it all goes from there. You never know, he may need this day just as much as you do!" she announced in sincerity.
"Yes, you may have a valid point."
"Great, I've got to leave you for now. Our dinner reservation is for seven, so I'd call you tomorrow. Go and shave your lady parts then get some rest. I love you."
"I love you too, Elise," then we hung up the call. I threw myself onto the bed and shouted to the room, "I'm not going!"
That night, I had the most unpleasant slumber possible. When I glanced at the bedside clock, it indicated that the time was 4:30 AM.
"Ugghh, why me, Lord? Why can't I have one decent night of sleep?" Suddenly, I heard the notification going off on my phone. Without examining the device, I already knew who it was. It's because of him that I had a troubled night!
Beep-beep. There it goes again! This time I retrieved it and opened the app.
"Good morning, beautiful," the first notification greeted, "how'd you sleep?" inquired the other.
"Good morning, Roman. I didn't sleep well," I replied to him.
"Do you need a massage?" He wrote back thoughtfully.
"Yes, please," I responded, then stretched and awaited his reply.
"After our lunch date, I'll be taking you to a spa to help alleviate your discomfort," the following message read.
"You don't have to do that, Roman," I returned.
"Let me do this one thing for you, Zara, please!"
After considerable thought, I typed, "Thank you for the offer, but I'll have to decline," and then I pressed send.
About five minutes later, I heard the beep-beep of his notification as I returned from the washroom. Dragging down the message bar without opening the body, I saw, "Can I call you?"
"You can't at the moment." I wrote back.
"Why not, Zara?"
"Your voice does something to me, Roman," I confessed, and closed my eyes.
"My voice?" he expressed.
"Yes, nevertheless, it's too early in the morning for me to be daydreaming about you. So no, you can't call me," I disclosed.
I gazed at the screen and saw the three bubbles, as he wrote. Then the message came through, "Zara! You're being ridiculous," and at the end of the message, were two laughing emojis.
"Fine! You can call," I wrote, and attached the rolling eye emoji. In a second, my phone screen lit up and I accepted the call.
"Hello, beautiful, why are you being so naughty this morning?" he asked with a chuckle.
Changing positions in the bed, I groaned then placed my hand into my panties and cupped my pussy. "Hello, gorgeous. I suppose that's the way that I am on most days," I admitted to him then pinched my clit. Closing my eyes, I twirled my hips and thrust on my fingers.
"You sound so sexy when you've just awakened, Zara."
"Thank you, handsome," I disclosed breathlessly into the phone, as my pussy got wetter.
"Tell me something, Zara?"
"Tell you, sweetness?" Fuck, I'm so close, mmm.
"Why are you hiding from me?"
"I'm not!" I exclaimed as my hip jerked.
"Oh really? Then why have you been avoiding my calls lately?" He asked uneasily.
Giving up on my masturbation, I blurted my concern to him, "I'm having second thoughts about our lunch date, Roman. I'm fearful that you'd kidnap me."
There was silence on his end until I heard the rich laughter of his voice. When he had his fill, he whispered, "Zara, trust me when I say that I won't kidnap you, but if I did, you'd enjoy what I would be doing to your body. You're safe with me, cutie. Ok?"
I felt like an ass for my foolish comment, but at least I had gotten it off my chest! "Ok, Roman."
"You're so cute when you become like that," he acknowledged.
"Become like what?" I wondered aloud.
"Bratty," he disclosed with a chuckle. "Zara?"
"Yes, who?" He demanded gently.
Fuck! I love it when his dominant side surfaces, "Yes, Daddy," I responded with a shudder.
"Good girl. I won't hurt you in any way. Do you understand me, Zara?"
"Yes, Roman."
"You're so adorable. I'm leaving for the airport in an hour. So I'd send you the location of the cafe when I get there. Ok?"
"Yes, Daddy."
"Good girl. Now go and have your breakfast, we'd chat later."
"Ok, Daddy." Then I heard the click, signaling the end of our call. I've changed my mind, I'm going on this lunch date with him and we're going to fuck until neither of us can walk properly.
At promptly 8:30 AM, he messaged me when his flight had landed, and by 11:40 AM he sent me his location as promised. When 12:30 PM, came along I was sitting at a window seat, in Zesta Punta.
Removing the phone from my bag, I messaged him, "I'm at the cafe."
Before I could put the phone down, I received his reply, "I know, I saw you when you arrived. You're even more beautiful in person, Zara."
"Thank you, Roman," I replied with a smile.
"I'm just outside. You'll see me momentarily."
Five minutes later, a crowd of teenage girls came waltzing in with their boisterous chattering and laughter. And behind them was a guy holding the door open, for each girl to enter. Right away I recognized him. As the last girl entered, she gave him a toothy grin and then sped off.
Fucking hell, he was towering. I couldn't help but stare at him. His muscular structure was on display with that grey t-shirt that he wore. The black jeans gripped his thighs to perfection. That's the furthest I got before I felt drawn to look at his facial expression. When we made eye contact, he smiled, and my stomach thumped in excitement. "Fuck!" I whispered.
He neared my table and stopped, then murmured with a contagious smile, "Hello, beautiful."
My eyes closed and I immediately placed a hand between my thighs, crossed my legs, and slowly twirled my hips on my core and shuddered. When I opened my eyes, he was staring intently at me.
"You just came on that seat, didn't you?"
Licking my lips, I nervously answered, "No, but I would in a moment."
"Did I say that you could have done that, Zara?"
"No, Daddy," I said moaning loudly.
"Open your legs, and show Daddy that wet pussy!"
Whirling around in my seat, I observed that the place was packed with lunch patrons.
"Fuck, no! I can't do that!" I whimpered.
"Did I ask for your opinion, Zara?"
"Try that again, please."
"Mmm, no Daddy, you didn't," I replied, biting my bottom lip.
He gazed at my action, then lifted his hooded gaze to me. When he squatted in front of me, he declared, "Open your legs for Daddy, Zara, and show me your pussy."
Gazing at him, I gradually opened my legs and pulled my panty to the side. I stared at him as his eyes dropped to my core and he licked his lips before groaning out a barely audible sentence, "I want to taste you so badly right now, Zara."
With a casual tone, I asked, "Do you want to taste me here, Daddy?"
"Yes, and no, Zara. I don't think that I could sit through a meal with you, without wanting to place you on my cock in front of all of these people and pummel your sweet pussy. Let's get out of here. I made an appointment for you at the Hyatt Ziva Cancun." He took out his wallet and left a tip for the waitress. Clutching my hand, he guided us out of the Cafe.
It didn't take us long to reach his black, four-door vehicle van, which was parked between two other vans, so our privacy was concealed from the other patrons when he pushed me against the vehicle and kissed me with passion. Caressing my inner thighs, he crouched and pulled my panty to the side and nuzzled my clit, then his tongue danced and twirled on my pussy, until I felt the pressure of my climax pushing through.
"Mmm," I moaned, then wrapped my fingers in his hair, pulling him closer to me. He applied pressure on my clit, licking and enjoying my juices, without taking his eyes off me, then he kissed me more feverishly than before, then stop.
"Let's get you inside the vehicle, away from prying eyes, cutie." Disabling the alarm, he opened the passenger door and gently hoisted me onto the seat. As he adjusted my clothing, I closed my eyes for a moment to regain my composure. My body was reeling, I needed his cock in me now! When I opened my eyes, I found him gazing at me.
"Tell me what's on your mind, Zara? And try not to lie," he declared and leaned onto the van door with a smirk.
My mouth opened many times, but the words wouldn't formulate.
"Say it," he cajoled before he licked his lips.
Gathering my bravery, I cried out, "Take me home and fuck me, Roman! I need you to fill me up with your cum. We can go to the spa at a later date."
Grinning devilishly, he kissed my forehead and then remarked, "Lead the way to my feast, Zara."
"Fuck! what the hell did I just agree to?" I mumbled to myself as he adjusted my seat belt.
"Your enjoyment," he countered with rich laughter, then he closed the door and scampered around his vehicle.
When we pulled up to my home, forty-five minutes later, my tension was in hyperdrive. My hands were perspiring and my breathing was labored.
Unexpectedly, I felt his warm hand on my shoulder, gently stroking me, "You need to calm down, Zara," he whispered.
"I've been trying to do that for the past forty- five minutes, Roman!"
"Look at me beautiful," he said softly. When I did, he reached out and rubbed the pad of his thumb along my lips, "You're gorgeous, you know that?"
"No, I'm not," I mumbled.
"Say thank you, sweetheart!" he declared.
I gazed at him, licked my lips then whispered, "Thank you, Daddy."
"Fuck, you're so perfect."
"Thank you, Daddy."
"There's no need for you to be nervous around me Zara. I won't ever put you in a position where you're uncomfortable. Do you understand me?"
Without giving his question any thought, I smiled, then replied, "Yes, I understand, Daddy."
"Good girl," he tilted my face then inquired, "tell me what you want cutie."
"Follow me and you'll discover that answer, Daddy," I challenged him, and once again, I gathered my handbag, then exited his van. When I retrieved the house keys from my purse, I turned my head to see him close to me, fixated on my ass.
"Do you like what you're seeing, Roman?" I asked candidly, standing at the front door.
"Yes, Kitty, I love what I'm seeing," he confessed with a smirk, then he leaned in and kissed my derriere.
Deliberately, I dropped the set of keys at my feet. While I bent to obtain them, I twirled my hips onto his already hardened dick and listened as he groaned in pleasure.
"Mmmm, naughty Kitty," and he spanked my derriere, "get that fucking door open, immediately!" he demanded with raw passion.
I stood unhurriedly and swayed my bottom against his erection once more, then turned around and wrapped my arms around his head, kissing him deeply.
"Mmmm," we both moaned together. When we were partly satisfied and breathless, I whispered upon his lips, "yes, Daddy," and unlocked the door.
The moment that the door was opened, and we stepped inside, he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso, burying my face into his neck, "Fuck me, Roman, fuck me now," I implored.
When the door was secured, he replied, "I intend to, Kitty. I'd fuck you so hard that you won't be able to walk straight or sit properly for a very long time," he vowed.
"Promise," I pleaded and I nibbled on his ear.
"Mmmm. That wasn't a promise, Zara, it's a fact," he murmured, "show me to your room, I need to explore that body of yours."
"It's down the hall, first door on the left," I directed him with anticipation.
Throwing me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, I grabbed his tight ass as he sped down the corridor chuckling. He shoved the door open and stepped into the room, then delicately placed me on the lavender sheet.
Kneeling before me, he slowly ran his long fingers along my calves before removing my brown sandals.
Clutching my left knee, then my right in his warm hands, he opened my legs and stared at my freshly shaved pussy with a mischievous smirk, and he instructed, "Get on your knees, Zara."
Gliding off the bed, I knelt before him with my head down.
"You are so obedient," he praised me.
"Thank you, Daddy," I whispered, as I gazed at the carpet.
He sauntered around my body and delicately ran a finger along my skin, "I've waited a lifetime for someone as delicate and remarkable as you, Zara Valdez. And now that I've found you. I'm never letting you go. Do I make myself clear?" He declared standing in front of me.
"Yes," I responded in satisfaction whilst gazing at him.
Raising his eyebrows at me he asked, "Do you want to try that response again, Kitty?"
Instantly I replied, "Yes, Daddy, I understand."
"Good girl." He left me kneeling there, and walked over to the window, bringing back a chair, then placed it approximately ten feet away from me and sat. "Stand, Kitty."
As I stood, he went on, "You have on too much clothing. Remove them."
The cerulean dress that I wore had the zipper positioned at back, never breaking eye contact with him, I unhurriedly took the zipper down, stepped out of the material, then placed it on the bed and stood proudly before him.
"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk," he scolded playfully whilst shaking his head and smirking, "you're not wearing a bra, Kitty, you naughty girl. Crawl to me, my ravishing beauty."
"Yes, Daddy," as if I was under his spell, I unhurriedly got on all fours and crawled across the carpet to him and discovered that he was opened his legs to facilitate me.
"Good girl. Look at me, Kitty," and when I did, he requested, "tell me how your morning was without words."

Creeping closer to him, I stroked my hands up his thighs, leaned in, and kissed the outline of his hardened cock. Smirking at his sharp intake of breath, I continued the task at hand and loosened the belt; pants, and button, then I clasped the zipper and slid it down.
Gliding my hand into his Armani briefs, I grasp his cock and stroked the tip with the pad of my thumb, then put it into my mouth.
In a strained voice, he said, "Stop fucking playing, Kitty, or you're gonna be sorry."
Tilting my head sideways, I inquired with interest, "Would I now!"
Smirking at me, he leaned forward, and unexpectedly, smacked my derriere.
"Mmmm," I plopped my head on his crotch and relished in the sensation that flowed throughout my body. Slumping my waist, my ass lifted and he did it again.
"Fuck! That stung, Daddy."
He slapped me similarly, on the exact spot.
"Apologize to me, Kitty," he instructed firmly and smacked me again.
"Mmmm, I'm sorry for being a brat, Daddy."
"And I'll be a good girl from now on."
"That's wonderful news, Kitty. Open your bratty mouth and let Daddy fill it with his cock!"
Bowing my head to meet his swollen member, I cupped his scrotum, wrapped my tongue around his crown then took half of his length down my throat, and gagged.
"Fuck, yes Zara, just like that. Go deeper, baby," he requested.
As I did, he lifted his body off the chair and began thrusting rapidly.
"Mmmm," he had a sweet and exotic smell that I liked.
"That's it, Kitty, take Daddy's cock down your naughty throat," he moaned.
As I took pleasure from his melodic cries, I moaned and felt him quiver. I knew his release was near when he began thrusting faster and deeper. Shortly thereafter, I tasted his sweet seed, when it shot down my throat.
"Fuck, Kitty, that's it, take Daddy's gift, argghh, argghh," he groaned out whilst he continued with his deep strokes.
I gazed at him and observed his eyes were closed and his face was twisted with passion. His release had him trembling and breathing erratically. Chuckling at his sweet distress, I squeezed my throat muscles and gripped him tighter.
"Kitty, what are you doing with that mouth?" He asked with a grimace. Standing abruptly, he held on to the side of my head and continued to thrust frantically. "Fuck! That feels so good, baby."
I felt my eyes sting with unshed tears before they erupted and proceeded to fall unchecked down my face. Setting both of my hands on his butt, I held on and danced my head to the rhythm of his thrust.
"Damn, Kitty. Tighten your throat muscles again for Daddy," he pleaded. He leaned over my body and his entire length slipped down my throat, and I gagged once more. He held this position and thrust several times, then once more I felt his hot semen going down my throat. When he was spent, he removed his cock then crouched to my level, and kissed me deeply.
"You were remarkable, Kitty," he whispered against my lips, "now get onto that bed and put your gorgeous ass in the air. I want to taste the offering of your body!"
In the blink of an eye, I was head down ass up on the bed. Sensing his presence but not his touch, I turned my head to see the reason for the hesitation and found him staring at my private parts in wonder. Feeling self-conscious, I prepared to turn around but heard him growl, and I froze. Was he serious?
"Don't move, you're so perfect down there." Coming to the bed, he extended a finger and delicately ran it along my wet entrance.
"You're so moist," he commented in wonder, then placed the finger into his mouth and sucked, "mmm, and oh so sweet."
Unashamed, he buried his face in my pussy and began this seductive tongue dance, that had me screaming his name on the sheets.
When he bit gently on my labia and blew, I screamed in passion, "Mmmm Daddy, that feels incredible!" My body convulsed when I came, however, he didn't stop his harrowing feat, and I made an effort to move away from his mouth.
"You're not going anyway, princess, you're mine!" he exclaimed. Tugging my body back in position, he proceeded to lick my pussy and then slowly dragged his tongue onto my ass, he kissed both of my ass cheeks before smacking them with emphasis.
"Ouch, Daddy, what was that for?" I cried out in surprise.
"That was for trying to run away from me, Zara," he said, then smacked my pussy, "and this one is for depriving me of my pleasure," he clarified, then buried his face in my ass and shook his head in a vivacious frenzy.
Muffling my cries between the sheets, I screamed until my throat was sore, "Roman, wait, wait for just a moment, I need to compose myself. Please!"
"No, Zara, I'm not fully satisfied," he growled then resumed.
"Fuckkk, Roman," I whimpered in tears. My eyes rolled into my head and my hips bucked wildly when my release came.
"That's it, Kitty. Give yourself over to Daddy," he cooed.
"Mmm, argh, argh, oh shit," rhythmically rolling my hips, as I sailed on his tongue and rode out my euphoric bliss. When I was quenched, my body stopped moving and I brought my hand under my body, clasping my pussy to ease the throbbing.
"Good, Kitty. You're so gorgeous," he commended with his lips coated with my fluids.
"Thank you, Daddy," I whispered breathlessly with my eyes closed.
"Look at me, Kitty."
When I turned my head to meet his gaze, he asked, "Does it scare you that I can do anything to you right now?"
I considered his question for a moment, then responded truthfully, "It does scare me a little Daddy, however, I trust you."
Smirking devilishly, he gave me a precaution with a twinkle in his eyes, "Kitty, you know that I care about you right?"
"Yes, Daddy."
"Good." Gazing at me in heated desire, he removed his t-shirt, stepped out of his shoes; socks, pants, and briefs, then aligned his cock with my pussy, "remember that, because I'm about to fuck you like I don't," subsequently, he slammed into me with brute force.
"Jesus," I murmured. The impact of his thrust jostled me forward, and I grabbed onto the sheets for support.
"Give me your hands," he commanded whilst thrusting vigorously. I set both of my hands on my lower back and he grasped it with one of his own. It was a powerless position, but I hungered for this feeling.
"I need you to fuck me harder, Roman. Please."
"Are you sure?"
"YES, "I cried out.
"That's what I've been waiting to hear you say, Zara," and slammed into me with inhumane ability. Minutes into our passion, he clamored, "turn around, baby, I want you on your back."
Groaning, I rearranged my position, and he crouched between my legs and then kissed both of my inner thighs before licking my pussy. My hips jerked upward, and I moaned in ecstasy. He chuckled at my reaction, furthermore, clutched my legs, placed them onto his shoulders, and slowly entered me.
"Look at me, Kitty, not my dick," he said smirking.
"Mmm, you look so scrumptious, Daddy," then clenched my pussy. When I rotated my hips, his eyes flipped in pure bliss.
Ferociously, he pounded my pussy and uttered, "Is this what you wanted Kitty?"
Gazing at him, I shook my head.
"Use your words, Princess."
"Yes, Daddy, this is what I've been craving."
"Good." Removing my legs from his shoulders, he wrapped them around his torso and pumped into my wet core. "Fuck, I love this pussy, Zara."
"I love your dick," I responded, then reached up and tugged his head to my lips, kissing him passionately.
"Switch places, Daddy," I implored. Without withdrawing his cock, we changed position and I rode his cock with madness until I climaxed, and collapsed onto his chest.
He kissed my damp forehead, and asked, "Are you alright?"
"Yes, Daddy," I admitted breathlessly.
Gently unmounting me, he rolled us unto our sides and we spooned.
I gyrated my ass against his rigid cock and heard him groan onto my hair, "Stop moving, Kitty, unwind a bit and composure yourself."
"Mmm, no, Daddy, put your cock back in me, please."
With a smirk, he declared, "Arch your back for me, Zara," and slid back into me. "Bring your ass closer to me, darling," he instructed whilst thrusting urgently.
"Shit. Oh, God. That feels unbelievable, Roman. Please, don't stop," additionally, we continued to thrust powerfully together.
"Clench your walls for Daddy, baby. Aye, just like that, Kitty" he urged and pummeled into me.
Encircling my hand around his head, I met his every thrust and murmured, "Please, Roman, can you fuck my ass?"
"Fuck yes!" he exclaimed with lamented.
Without a moment's notice, he withdrew his cock and whispered, "Spit on my fingers."
I carried out his desire, and he praised me, "Good girl."
He applied the lubricant to my rosebud, then murmured, "I want you to twirl your hips slowly onto my cock, Kitty."
"Alright, Roman." Using lethargic thrusts, I pumped on his cock, until the crown entered me.
"Argghh, Kitty?" he groaned. His ecstatic cry was music to my ears.
With a broad smile, I answered, "Yes, Daddy."
"Mmm, stop for a minute cutie, you're going to make me cum!" he confessed with a chuckle.
Ignoring his request, I gripped his hip, as we got into a rhythmic momentum. Moments later he declared, "Fuck, where do you want it? Ass or pussy?"
"Ass," I arched my back and screamed in pleasure when he slam into me, over and over again when he reached his climax, but he didn't stop there. He twisted me onto my stomach and emptied every drop of his cream into me and panted, "That was remarkable." He rolled off my body and kissed the back of my sweaty neck.
At that point, I heard my phone ringing, however, I was too exhausted to reach for it.
"Do you want me to get it for you, Kitty?" he asked gently.
"Nah, I'm sure that it's my girlfriend Elise. She'll leave me a message," then the ringing ceased.
Suddenly, the house phone rang. I again listened to it ring, until the answering machine took a message.
"Zara Valdez, are you alright? I hope Roman hasn't kidnapped your sassy ass! Anyway, when you get an opportunity, please call me back. I want to know every juicy detail about your escapade. Especially the way that he had fucked you. By the way, how big is he? Have fun bitch. And make sure that you suck his cock like it was your last meal," she said laughing, and I sat forward in a rush. Then bolted for the phone, which was by the window.
"Oh, and get this, Seth wants to visit the Metropolitan Cathedral. And my stupid ass agreed to accompany him. You better pray for me because I might get burnt to a crisp by the entrance." Her laughter was the last thing that I heard before she hung up.
That little witch! Clearing my suddenly parched throat, I slowly turned around to stare at him, expecting remorse, but found him trying to hold in his laughter.
"I'm sorry that you had to hear that," I said with embarrassment.
"She's very verbal. Nothing's wrong with that." When he saw my facial expression, he held out his hand to me, and I ambled to the bed, where he kissed my arm and said, "come and lay down, Kitty. I need you to get some sleep."
I did what he requested, but made a mental note to pinch Elise when I saw her.
We spent every waking moment making love until it was time for him to leave. When Monday came around, he messaged, as usual, and ask me to take a day off. When he arrived, he brought with him a large breakfast for us. We ate, then fucked for the entire day.
He departed early the next morning, disclosing that he had a business meeting to attend at 9 AM.
"So how was your weekend, bitch?" Elise inquired curiously as I wandered into the company's kitchen. "You refused to talk to me for two days, only leaving brief messages. Then you phoned, requesting an impromptu day off, I was worried about you. And from the looks of how you came in here limping, I know the reason," she declared giggling.
Glancing around the office kitchen erratically, I scolded her, "Shhh, Elise. I'd tell you about it when we get off work, ok? Not here."
"Not a problem girl. Anyway, the Boss lady says that the meeting is in five minutes. Let's go."
"Why didn't you lead with that Elise? I swear, sometimes I feel like I'm speaking to a child," I informed her with a frown, as we walked out of the kitchen.
"Oh, please, you know that you love me," she expressed.
I stopped and rolled my eyes at her, "You know that I do," then I knocked on the conference door. Hearing the approval, we entered.
"Ms. Valdez, Ms. Lau, nice to see you ladies again. Please, have a seat, the meeting will commence in ten minutes. The others should be all-seated by then," Mrs. Cameron announced.
As I sat, I winced from the pain that Roman had left behind.
An hour later as the meeting was coming to a close, there was a sharp knock at the door, "Come in," Ms. Cameron answered. We all turn as her secretary sped walk toward Mrs. Cameron and gave her a note, then walked back out. Boss Lady read the note, then smiled.
Putting the paper in her pocket, she spoke, "And in closing, most of you already know that I would be going on vacation succinctly. In my absence, my eldest son will retain my position."
I continued taking my notes when the door opened again, but I didn't bother to glance up, because I already knew who it was.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to introduce you to my son, Roman Aguirre."
Glancing at the head of the room, I saw him and groaned. There stood the man who had made all of my fantasies a reality, looking crisp and handsome with his three-piece blue suit, that I had helped him to select, a few weeks ago, glancing at everyone with a serious expression. When our eyes connected, he smiled.
Unintentionally, I groaned aloud and Elise twisted to me and whispered, "Are you alright?"
Taking my eyes off him, I shook my head in response, then mumbled to her, "I need to use the washroom!"
"Can't you hold it?"
"Hold it, bitch! You can't walk out of this fucking meeting, whilst Mr. Aguirre is speaking," she murmured, chastising me.
I didn't want to pee anyway but said reasonably, "Fine, I'd hold it."
I focused on him as he spoke about the minimal changes that would be taking place in his mother's absence, until my mind wandered to yesterday, where he'd revealed that he would he managing his mother's business until she returned from her vacation in a few months, then disclosed that his mother was Maria Cameron, my boss.
Shaking off that memory, I took my notes and when the conference was over, Ms. Carter from the Finance Department, pulled Elise into a conversation, and I took that opportunity to dart to the washroom.
Before I could reach my destination, a hand grabbed my arm from behind and pulled me into another office, where I was pinned against a wall. Before I could scream, I heard, "Kitty, I missed you."
My knees got weak and I leaned against his chest, "You saw me yesterday, Roman," I whispered in joy.
"That was hours ago, Zara. I need you again," he groaned out and inhaled my hair, "you smell so good," after that he pulled up my skirt and pulled down my panty. With his pants lowered, he bowed me over to touch my feet, and gently eased into my heat. I held onto his calves and moaned loudly.
"Hush, Kitty, before we get caught," he cautioned with a groan of his own. Grabbing tightly to my waist, he rolled his hips and drilled into my sore pussy. A rush of pleasure ran through my body, sending me into turmoil. Pressing his hand upon my lower back, he thrust with vigor for ten minutes until we both came. "Fuck, that was incredible as always Kitty," he remarked breathlessly.
"Yes, Zara."
"You never did answer my question."
"I know, cutie," he admitted thoughtfully.
I sighed, then continued, "You're the boss' son, Roman, and in a few weeks, you'd be my boss. We can't continue these rendezvous any longer," I said gloomily.
He stepped toward me, wrapped his hands around my waist, then confessed, "I can't lose you, Zara Valdez. You're mine. Whether I'm your employer or lover. Do you understand?"
Tipping my chin upwards, he said, "You want to try that again?"
"Yes, Daddy, I understand," and I giggled.
"Good girl." Kissing my forehead, he remarked, "let's get back before you're missed. I'd be taking you out for dinner after work. So be ready by 7."
Gleaming like a clown, I replied, "Ok, Daddy."
"You're mine. Don't you ever forget that?"
Opening the door for me, I walked out and stared at him as he ambled down the corridor and entered his mother's office.
With a spring in my step, I waltzed into the washroom and felt my pocket vibrate. I took the device out and smiled.
It read, "I found you, Kitty. The one who makes me smile for no reason."
I wrote back, "You found me, Daddy, the man who made my dreams a reality.