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Better Than I Could Imagine

"Years after camp, I find the best sex of my life"

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Author's Notes

"I hope you enjoyed the story. I certainly enjoyed living it."

As we grow up, everyone has crushes. Sometimes you develop a crush on a teacher or a neighbor, sometimes it’s on a classmate or a movie star. My crush was a girl a few years older than me who would go on family vacations. Once a year, a large group of multiple families would gather at a lake resort in Wisconsin. Uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters, even unrelated family friends would all come and go over a few-week period and enjoy some of what nature has to offer.

I was a slow developer. In my first year of high school, I was short and skinny. I played basketball and baseball in school but most of the time I just got slivers in my butt from the bench. Needless to say, my experience with women was extremely limited. It was that summer when I noticed Peggy.

My first image of her was when I came around the corner of our cabin only to freeze in my tracks when I saw this girl laying on her stomach on a chaise lawn chair. She was wearing the skimpiest brown bikini, I, in my young life, had ever seen. On top of that, she had untied the top and let the strings fall to the side so she wouldn’t have a tan line. Between the untied top and the bottom pulled up tight on her backside, this was the closest I had ever been to seeing a real naked woman! I just stared, mouth open.

Peggy was a few years older than me, she was pretty, tall, thin, with long blonde hair, and had well-developed curves. I’m honestly not sure how long I stood there staring, but when she started to stir a little, I ran in the opposite direction.

I talked to her a few times, she always talked to me like I was one of the little kids. I didn’t care, I just wanted her to talk to me. Unfortunately, when I asked my mother about her, I was told she was the daughter of a distant cousin. She told me that, “her side of the family” really didn’t interact much but if I thought about it, I might remember her from interactions when I was in grade school. I didn’t really remember. Sadly, I figured that meant, that even if I miraculously grew six inches and put on forty pounds of muscles, she would be forever out of reach.

That vacation, however, her tanning spot was between our family’s cabin and hers, and I couldn’t help but notice the view from my bedroom window. I shared the room with my older brother, so I had to be careful, but I have to admit, I spent more than a few hours pretending I wasn’t feeling well and wanting to lie down. Needless to say, I went through enough tissue to make people think I was having allergy issues. After her family packed up and left, the summer was pretty boring. I found myself, spending time thinking about Peggy and wondering if I would ever find a woman that, well, sexy.

The next year, I was looking forward to seeing Peggy again. After arriving at the cabin, I, nonchalantly, asked my mother when the other families would be arriving. She proceeded to go on a twenty-minute, gossip-laden, rant about the various families. The one useful, but very disappointing, piece of information was that there had been a divorce in Peggy’s family and that they most likely would not be coming. They did not and I didn’t see or hear of her again.

That is, until I was in my fifties and my father passed away. Over the years, I had gone to college, made a career, got married, and had several children. I have a good (and boring) life. My father’s passing, while very sad, was not sudden, he was sick for a while and, honestly, we were all relieved that his suffering ended when it did.

My brother and I were standing in the funeral home and talking when I noticed my brother watching someone walk across the room. When I turned around, I saw what he was looking at. It was a beautiful blonde woman, in a tasteful but short black dress and heels. She was walking to the front to view my father.

My brother said, “wow, who is that?” I couldn’t help but smile, I immediately recognized Peggy. While she was obviously, much older, she was still as absolutely stunning as she had ever been.

We both watched as she paid her respects and then started milling about the room and speaking to various relatives. Eventually, she worked her way over to my brother and me. She extended her hand and offered her condolences to each of us. She proceeded to re-introduce herself, explaining who she was and to what branch of the family she belonged. I said, that I definitely remembered her from the lake at least one summer. She said, that her family only went the one summer and then not again after her parents' divorce.

The three of us chatted for a while, getting to the point where we were telling stories about our parents and laughing at the inside jokes that all kids know about their folks. After a while, she said she needed to head out and again offered her condolences. As she was about to walk away, something came over me and I called out to her and offered one of my business cards. I suggested that we shouldn’t wait another forty years to catch up again. She smiled and took the card.

Then my brother said, “maybe you would be interested in coming up to the cabin this year. We still all go to the same resort every July.”

She was polite and said, maybe, that would be nice. Then before she walked away, she looked at me, and with a little bit of a sparkle in her eye and a smirk at the corner of her mouth, she said to me, “I’m surprised you still go up there, after all, you had such terrible allergies that kept you in your room so much.”

With a subtle wink, she turned and headed out the door.

I was frozen in place, just like I was on that summer day when I came around the corner to see her laying out in the sun. She remembered the allergies!?! Did she think I really had allergies or did she know I had spent much of that week, peeking out of the curtains at her and doing what teenage boys do when they see a nearly naked woman? My mind was reeling and my brother continued jabbering away.

He woke me from my trance as he made a fairly rude comment about her ass. “Stop it,” I said, “she’s your cousin.”

“Not really,”, he replied with a laugh.

“What do you mean,” I asked.

“She is Uncle Larry’s, son’s, daughter. At most she is a second or third cousin and probably removed. She, my little brother, is fair game,” he replied with a laugh. My brother is on his third marriage, he is a bit of a lech.

I waved my brother off and told him he was an asshole but have to admit, what he said stuck in my head.

Later that night, laying in the dark and listening to my wife snore lightly, I could not sleep. Memories of Peggy in that brown bikini and that little black dress kept drifting into my mind. Finally, I picked up my phone and looked up the definition of what a cousin and second or third cousin is. I never really understood what the “removed” thing meant.

It was quite educational. I learned that she was, indeed, not my actual cousin but a third cousin twice removed. The piece that shocked me was that people of this relationship, dated and married each other! The completely unrealistic thought ran through my head, had I known that…

My mind spun on the thought for a little while when I received a notice of a new email. I opened my work email and there it was, sent at 2:38 AM, an email from Peggy.

It was a simple, “hi, was nice to see you,” but it made me smile and I had butterflies like I was a teenage kid again. I have to admit, that to finally fall asleep, I needed a box of kleenex.

I replied, very simply the next day that it was nice to see her as well.

Over the next few weeks, we went back and forth and caught up on each other’s stories. She was married and had several children, all of which were grown except one who was in college. Interestingly enough, she and her husband lived only a few miles from where I worked.

I told her about my life, my kids, work, etc. When I told her about my wife having cancer, she explained her husband had been diagnosed and treated for prostate cancer almost ten years previous. I said, I was very sorry to hear and understood how difficult such things were. Upon discussing that both spouses were in complete remission, I commented that it is amazing how medical science has progressed in that what once was a death sentence could now be a long full life. Then she made a joke about it not being a completely full life. I asked what that meant. She said that when her husband had his prostate removed, he lost the ability to have an erection. Without the ability to satisfy himself, he’d stopped pretty much everything and their relationship had become platonic. I didn’t say it, but I knew exactly what she was talking about. After her bout with cancer, my wife had also lost interest in sex.

Things went on that way for several months. It was really nice, we were actually becoming friends. I found myself looking forward to seeing her emails in my inbox each day.

Then one day, I received an email with the topic, “look what I found.” When I opened the email, there was an old picture from the cabin. Peggy was there in all of her skin-baring, brown bikini’d glory smiling for the camera. Wow!

I work at a security firm and our email is highly monitored. The next day, I received an email from the IT department reminding me that company email was not to be used for personal communications and especially for materials of an explicit nature.

When I told Peggy, while she apologized, she thought it was the most hilarious thing she had ever heard. I asked her if she would mind if we changed how we communicated and I moved her to an anonymous email account that only I knew about.

She teased me, pretty constantly about her being my secret girlfriend on my secret email account. Our conversations got very personal and we joked and teased. I would even say, we sometimes crossed the line into flirting. Things got very personal. I laughed hard when she wrote and asked me how many women I had “bagged” before I got married. After I told her, she told me she was impressed, shared that she was completely healthy and asked if I had or had ever had an STI. I laughed and replied that I had just been tested and I was 100% clean. I shook my head, I don’t think I have ever put that type of information into an email before. There was something about her that just made me comfortable talking about just about anything.

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In one email exchange, we were discussing kid crushes and I admitted that I had a crush on her as a kid. I was surprised when she told me that she knew that I did. I’m not sure why, I asked but I did, I asked if she knew that I would peek at her out my bedroom window.

The next email, I received, basically told me that she could see me go into our cabin just a little bit after she would go out to work on her tan. She said, she noticed the curtain move a few times, and then about ten minutes later I would come out of the cabin. In her words, it didn’t take a genius to figure out what was going on. Then the email said, there were a few times she thought about sitting up and giving me a show!

My hormones took over and I replied back that I would have liked that a lot!

I didn’t get a response back the next day and I must admit I panicked. Had I crossed the line? Was she weirded out or grossed out? When did teasing become gross or wrong in her mind? After another day passed, I sent a note apologizing.

She finally responded. She said that it hadn’t upset her, she was flattered and thought the whole topic was fun. My heart stopped pounding in my chest for just a moment until I read the bottom of the email. It said, “We should get a drink sometime.”

My mind ran in circles. I didn’t respond right away. I was sure it was just an innocent comment, not anything more. However, that night, I had the most intense sex dream. It was amazing, so much so, that I found myself feeling guilty the next morning as I looked at my wife across the breakfast table.

That day, I sent a very simple answer to Peggy: “Yes. When and where.”

A week later we met at a local restaurant bar. I was sitting at a table when Peggy came in the door. She was in a spaghetti strap tank-top (obviously with no bra), a short tennis skirt, and cute little white tennis shoes. Every man in the bar watched her walk across the room and slide onto the high stool across the table from me. She crossed her legs and said, “hi.” Her smile was amazing, and her hair looked incredible, but those legs and those breasts made me lose my sanity and I found myself instantly hard.

She could see the effect she had on me and it made her smile wider. She reached across the table and put her hand on my arm. “It’s good to see you too,” she snickered.

The conversation was polite to start with, just the usual how are things going talk. Then, I said, “Wow, can I say, you look amazing. My street cred went up as soon as you sat down across from me.”

She blushed and then surprised me when she said that she thought I was the best catch in the bar.

I joked that my being such a great catch must be why I haven’t had sex in ten years. She replied that she was in the same situation. We both laughed and things went quiet for what seemed a long pause. Then she said, “do you miss it? Sex?”

“Of course,” I said, “when I was younger, I was a very sexual person.”

“Me too,” she said.

There was another pause, then she said, “so we are both in a bad situation. We both love our spouses, we both don’t want to leave them, we both miss sex.”

I chuckled and joked, “yea, too bad we are family.”

She didn’t reply. I looked up and she was staring at me intensely.

“You know, we aren’t actually close enough in the family tree that we couldn’t have dated or even married.”

“Yeah, I know,” I said, “but people would still have looked at us a little weird, no?”

“Maybe,” she said. “then again, I generally don’t care what people think of me. And I don’t think we are talking about us dating or getting married.”

“What are we talking about,” I asked.

She just looked at me.

“Trust me, being with you is the most incredible sexy thought I think I’ve ever had. I think you are beautiful and sexy and fun. But you could have anyone you wanted: younger guys, better-looking guys, muscle guys, more successful guys, anyone,” I said.

“There are two things I have to say to that,” she said, “first, I don’t want those guys. I need a connection and if I find some guy and develop a connection, they are going to want more, and I don’t have more to give. Secondly, if I am going to do this, I want it to be with a good friend, someone I like a lot. These last few months, you have been the person I look forward to talking with the most. I think you are one of my closest friends.”

There was a long moment of silence between us. I wasn’t looking at her. I was staring at the table.

After a few moments, she said, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought it up. I am really embarrassed. I can’t believe I just asked you about that.” She began to fish inside her purse for her keys and whispered a quick goodbye as she headed for the door.

I jumped up and chased after her. I caught up to her as she was getting in her car. She tried to pull the door closed but I caught it and stopped her from closing the door.

“Please, let me go,” she said. Her voice sounded both sad and angry.

“Wait,” I said, “you caught me by surprise. There’s something I want to say.”

“What,” she said, “going to tell me I’m a cheating pervert?”

I leaned in the car, looked her in the eye, and said, “if wanting this makes someone a cheating pervert, then I am a much bigger perv than you will ever be.” Then I gently kissed those beautiful lips that I had wanted to kiss since I was a kid. At first, her lips just sat there but then she began to kiss back - lightly, then with passion. Her hand reached up and grabbed the hair at the back of my head pulling me in tighter and deeper as her tongue pushed between my lips.

I was falling into the car, so I reached to brace myself with my hand and it landed right on her bare thigh.

I thought, “oh hell,” and I began to slide my hand up her leg. I began pushing her skirt up and felt the curve of her thigh. She let out a light moan as my hand found its way up her leg.

“Wait,” she said and for a moment I thought she had changed her mind and faced with my groping her, immediately regretted it.

I stopped and she pushed me away, simultaneously climbing out of the car. I was terrified I had completely screwed things up until she stood, grabbed my shirt, pulled me into her, passionately kissed me, and I felt her hand grab my hard cock through my pants, gripping it through the material.

I gasped loudly and my hands found her erect nipples through her tank top.

“I am not wearing underwear,” she said, and she tugged on my belt buckle. She adeptly unbuckled my pants and reached in wrapping her right hand around my throbbing cock as her left hand pushed down my briefs.

My hands had pulled her skirt up and she seemingly didn’t care that we were in a dark parking lot, her skirt pushed up around her hips, her pussy exposed, my pants pulled down and my cock exposed.

My hand found her pussy lips and she was so incredibly wet that she was practically dripping down her thighs. She broke the kiss and gasped as my fingers entered her and my palm rubbed her clit.

“I need you in me,” she gasped and I was very glad to comply. She lifted one leg and braced herself against the car next to us. I dipped down a little and my cock slipped in between her legs and I could feel the wetness of her excitement on top of my shaft. I shifted and the mushroom head of my cock found her lips. She was so wet, that I began to slip inside without even trying. I pushed forward and felt the warmth of her tight twat as it surrendered to my dick. “Oh my god, you are so big!”, she whispered in my ear as we began to instinctually grind into each other.

We continued and what we did could not be described as anything other than the desperate fucking of two people with years of pent-up energy and desire.

She began to pant and moan quietly and I felt her body begin to literally tremble so hard I had to put my hands on her hips to keep thrusting as deep and as fast as I was. Suddenly, she embraced me so tightly and her pussy grabbed onto my cock so hard, that I almost cried out. She cascaded into waves of orgasms and this pushed me over the top and I began pumping stream after stream of my cum deep inside her. We both continued grinding and moaning until we began to slow, opened our eyes, and smiled the biggest smiles. I kissed her deeply and my dick remained hard and deep within her as we both experienced orgasmic aftershocks which made us tremble and press into each other’s bodies. I could feel her juices literally pouring down my shaft, balls, and legs.

Suddenly, we both realized we were practically naked in the parking lot and while we were in a dark corner, it wouldn’t take a lot for us to be seen.

We began to pull ourselves together: covering, buttoning, snapping. But in all honesty, all I wanted was to take her in my arms and start again.

Having dressed, I said to her, “are you in a hurry to get home?”

She replied she was not and asked why?

I pointed across the street at the hotel and smiled. “I have another couple of hours before I have to head home.”

“Oh, hell yes,” she said.

We headed across the street, she booked the room because she had a card that he wasn’t on, I paid for it in cash so the room would disappear from her card as soon as the deposit was reversed.

The next two hours were the most amazing sex I have ever had in my life. But I will save that for another story.

And so started a secret affair that lasted the next four years until Peggy’s marriage fell apart and we’ve taken a break so she can work through her divorce.

Written by dantelong111569
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