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Bachelor Party Part Two

"Meeting a new friend has some surprising results."

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Anthony called me Tuesday. He told me Maggie was scheduled for a party that Saturday night. Anthony gave me instructions for meeting my transportation. He said some girls get dressed at the party, but some arrive dressed in outfits.

Maggie called me the following evening. She told me she was excited to have me there with her. She said there was nothing to be nervous about. The men will be so excited just having a show. It is hard to mess things up.

I told Bryan I had a show Saturday. He first thought I meant the Bar Lingerie show, but I told him it was for the Bachelor Party company. His interest perked up.

Thursday, I saw Gabriel after work. We met along Mission Blvd at one of our favorite locations. It was a quiet area to park. Gabriel and I were meeting at least once a week and often more. I was always happy to see him as he was me.

The best thing about seeing Gabriel was his excitement. He was always waiting and ready to explode as soon as I arrived. I was generally late to our meets. This time was no different. I arrived and jumped into his car as he was waiting for me in the backseat with the front seats all the way forward. As soon as I entered, I would take off my dress and he would be begging for me to take him in his mouth. A few strokes of in and out and he would fire his first orgasm into my mouth. The thought that I excited him so much felt good.

After he orgasmed for the second time, I thought, Is it all one blowjob, or does it count as more than one for each time a man climaxes. I'm not sure. After I swallowed his second massive dose, I told him about my new employment.

He was manipulating my aroused pussy with his finger as I laid my head on his lap in the backseat of his car nude. Soon I felt my orgasm approaching and lifted to push against his fingers rubbing my clitoris.

Gabriel asked if sex was required to work the job. I told him no, it was against company policy. I also said I was not the lead girl doing the show; I was her assistant. When I told him about my outfit, he got excited just hearing me describe it. He was ready for his third go that afternoon. He said he would be anxious to hear how things transpired when he saw me next.

Gabriel was soon ready for his third go. The third always took me some extra effort. The reward was always worth it.

He joked he would be excited until we got together again.

Both of the men in my life were encouraging in this new endeavor.

Friday after the bar lingerie show, Maggie and I met to get a manicure and pedicure. She was talking freely with the manicurist sitting right there. The girl was Vietnamese, but I was pretty sure she at least understood English. Some of her facial expressions listening to Maggie talk were priceless. I bet after we left she had a good time telling her friends about our conversation.

Maggie was telling me what to do and what her show was. She asked if I would make out with her for the guys. I smiled and said of course I was.

She said, "Good, most guys love that."

As we left, I told her I was nervous about the party. She hugged me and told me there was no reason to worry; she added the Chaperone, Micheal, would be there.

She said, "Micheal is a sweetheart, but no one in their right mind would mess with him. He is all muscle."

Saturday, We gathered to meet at the company business office. I met Micheal for the first time. She was right he was a bodybuilder and his hard work showed.

Anthony wanted to see me in my outfit before we departed. I had worn a dress and planned to dress at the location because that was what Maggie planned.

Once in Anthony's office, I took off my dress. Anthony provided me with a sexier top than the original one, if possible. This new one was a two-inch strip of white gauze. Not a shirt at all. It was transparent, especially against my olive skin. It tied it together in a bow between my breasts.

Anthony said Suzy picked this one for you because she thought it was sexier.

Anthony said, "Suzy was right. It makes you look even younger."

Maggie told me I looked fantastic. She changed into her outfit as well. Maggie told me tonight we would both be schoolgirls. She dressed in a similar schoolgirl theme.

Anthony took a few pictures of us before we left.

The party was in San Jose. Michael drove us in a company vehicle. Maggie and I were giddy in the backseat. She asked what I would do if propositioned for sex. I hesitated.

"I guess I could give a blowjob."

Maggie said, "Good girl. Well, whatever you decide, just ensure you get paid first."

What she had earlier said about sex seemed to change as we approached the location. Now it seemed more like a certainty. I guess I had been naive.

Michael went in first. When he returned to the vehicle, he said there were about eighteen guys of various ages. Next thing I knew, Maggie was putting a line of cocaine on a flyer from the company. She snorted it. She asked if I wanted any. I declined. She told me it just gets her ready for the shows.

This girl, although younger than me, seemed older. She had confidence. I liked her, but I was afraid of becoming her. I did not know the why then. Maybe I had already become like her.

We walked hand in hand into the house.

Once in, she pulled me through the crowd introducing me as her little sister to applause and catcalls. She was hugging everyone, so I did the same. She told everyone to be nice because this was my first show.

That brought a cheer from the room.

Once she discovered who the groom and best man were, she and I went and sat on their laps. I was with the best man, whose hands went right to my breast. I did not know what to do, so I let his hands caress me. I was already getting excited. Before I knew it, my top was untied and off, and I was topless. My nipples were hard, making it clear how excited I was.

Maggie was lap dancing on the groom as he sat in a chair.

I was sitting on the best man's lap with my back against his chest. His hands were all over my breasts and nipples. My nipples were standing out. He used his legs to spread my legs wide. He lifted my pleated skirt and showed everyone I was not wearing panties. I acted shocked as the guys all cheered.

I felt like I was getting the hang of it quickly.

I got off his lap and worked the room. I walked through the room as different men reached out and touched my chest. The music was pumping, and the guys were drinking. Michael asked me several times if I was OK with being touched. I told him I was OK with it.

Maggie signaled for a break, and I walked with her to a bedroom the best man showed us into. Maggie asked what had happened to my top. I said I did not know that I sat on the best man's lap, and the next thing I knew, it was gone. She added that mainly the guys are not supposed to use their hands, but I saw his hands were all over you. She said if they touch you and you do not want it, politely say no and push their hands away. That if that does not work, get Michael's attention. I said he had already asked me a few times if I was OK.

She told me to go lay out a mat on the floor and have the guys gather around it. She would give me time to do that before she came out.

I went out and took charge of the room. It was easier than I thought. I told the guys to gather around for Maggie's show. I started to say her real name but caught myself.

I made a joke of asking if anyone had seen my blouse.

One guy held it up and yelled, "Here it is if you call this a shirt."

They handed the shirt to me. I just lifted my skirt and tied it around my thigh. I gave a few guys a view of my hairless pussy doing so.

I made a show of bending over to put out Maggie's yoga mat. I bent over so my head was just above my toes. My legs were straight as I bent from the waist. That caused my short skirt to rise. All those years of cheerleading and being flexible came in handy. My bending like that exposed my butt and vagina to the crowd behind me. I then did the same thing at the other end of the mat. I was taking my time as it seemed to be a crowd-pleaser.

I signaled to play Maggie's song, and out she came from the room with some sex toys. The guys all cheered.

She asked the group if her little sister was being good, and all the guys roared. She hugged me and felt my breast to more cheers. She pulled on my nipples and smiled widely at those watching. She told the crowd we were sisters with different fathers.

She laughed and said, "I'm sure a few of you guys here know how that happens, right."

The guys all laughed and seemed to point out one guy in particular that maybe had something similar going on with a wife and girlfriend both being pregnant. That appeared to be the story.

Maggie then moved down to lie on her back flat on her mat. She moved and touched herself to the music. She used sex toys and put on a show. The guys loved it. She knew how to perform. She was sure exciting to watch. I could tell she was excited as her toys glistened.

She asked the groom for some help. The guys teased him to join in. Maggie acted like a dildo she had was stuck inside her vagina, and she needed help taking it out. When the groom knelt in front of her and reached for it. Maggie grabbed his hand and worked the dildo in and out of her pussy. She was doing the movements, but she was acting like he was fucking her with it. Everyone loved that.

I meanwhile was amazed watching her. I stood with the guys in a circle and watched her act. She had so much confidence and was at ease being naked in a room full of men.

I kept asking the guys, "Isn't she beautiful."

Everyone answered yes. Many asked if Maggie, indeed, was my sister. I played along and said she was. I said we had the same mother. I teased them, saying if you met our daddy, don't tell him we were doing this. I joked, stating I was short-changed in the breasts area. She got more than me.

It was fun. Maggie finished and left the room. I collected her toys and the mat. I met her back in the room. I cleaned her toys in the sink. I could see that she was excited.

The best man came into the room and asked Maggie how much it would cost for her to have sex with the groom.

Like she had been expecting the question, she answered, "$400 with a condom."

He hurried off to tell his friends.

We stayed in the room for a bit to calm the crowd.

I told her I was so excited that my pussy leaked down my thighs. She told me to show her. I lifted my skirt. It was true my thighs were moist from my secretions.

She reached between my legs and felt my pussy, all the while looking into my eyes. When she touched me, I melted. Her touch so aroused me. My knees got weak. I was putty in her hands.

She said our next performance would be us making out. She asked if I was ready for that. I told her I thought so. She told me to go into the room and set it up like I had before.

I did, gathering the men around. I did the same bend to set out the mat. This time I felt a guy reach out and touch my butt as my head was just above my toes. His fingers strayed very close to my soaking vagina. Michael spoke up cautioning the guy.

I straightened up and held my finger to my lower lip.

I said, "Oh, that felt nice."

I started to get the guys excited by telling them that my sister said we would put on a little show if they liked it.

That brought on some cheers just as Maggie returned from the bedroom.

Maggie came into the room. This time she was completely nude. The guys roared when they saw her. I was not expecting that. She asked the crowd what they wanted to see.

She had a double-headed dildo in her hand. She walked to me and put her arm around my shoulder. She asked if the guys wanted to see her and her sister play together. The room went wild with cheering.

She asked if I should be naked too. The guys all said yes.

She bent down in front of me, putting on a show of it. She unsnapped my skirt and dropped it to the floor. She untied my shirt, which was still tied around my thigh. She made of point of showing them the fabric was soaked.

"I guess you guys, she is excited."

She held it to her nose and smelled it while smiling.

She asked for a folding chair. Someone handed her one. She placed it in the center of the room on the mat.

She took my hand and walked me to sit on the chair.

She told the group to encourage me as she pushed my legs apart as wide as possible. She had me move to the front edge of the chair. I leaned back.

She told the guys to look at her little sister's beautiful pussy. My pussy was fully exposed to a group of strangers, all men.

She teased, "Look, guys, she is so young she does not have any hair on her pussy yet."

That got another roar from the guys.

She leaned in between my thighs, and I felt her tongue licking my thighs. I was shivering. This feeling was almost too much to handle.

She showed her cheeks were moist with my secretions and announced that I tasted so good. She moved up and took my nipple in her mouth. She feigned biting it.

She knew how to tease and put on a show. She was driving me crazy with arousal. She kissed me on the lips as sensually as I possibly imagined a kiss could be. The room was getting quieter, watching her at work. She then kissed my chest, slowly moving to my quivering vagina. I knew the slightest touch, and I would have a mind-blowing orgasm.

I was right. The second I felt Maggie's tongue touch my labia, I orgasmed. I held her face against my pussy. I screamed out loud. She kept at it, licking between the folds of my labia. I felt her tongue probing deep inside me. I was in an ecstasy of sexual fulfillment.

She helped me off the chair and motioned for someone to take it away. I sat on her lap, facing her as she knelt on the mat. We started kissing. Our breasts touching. This was not a show. It seemed like we were making love to each other. I felt like there was no crowd of men standing around us. I was out of my body excited.

We kissed as I rubbed my chest against hers. Maggie broke our kiss. She held the double dildo in her hand, raised above her head. She whispered to me, asking if I was ready for this. I told her I thought I was. At that point, she could have done anything she wanted to me. Her touch was so soft and sensual.

Next, I see her holding the dildo to my lips. I opened my mouth. She inserted it slowly to applause from the men. It was about four inches in my mouth, and she started getting more aggressive. Maggie moved the dildo in and out slowly but further with each push. She tilted my head back slightly. Maggie told the guys to watch my throat. She then started pushing the phallus further into my mouth. I coughed some, but that did not stop her. She insisted on putting it into my throat.

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She joked, "Her big sister has to teach her everything."

She added, “This will make her popular with the boys.”

She pushed past my resistance and into my throat. She held the dildo buried in my throat with one hand and stroked my throat with her other hand.

She proudly announced, "You guys see that."

She pulled it out, and I coughed to clear my throat. Before I knew it she was putting it back in. The dildo was fifteen inches long and about as thick as an average male penis.

She put it into my throat again. She worked it, thrusting it back and forth. Then she put the other end into her mouth and took about six inches. She did it so our lips touched, and the dildo was entirely out of sight.

The applause from the crowd was loud seeing that.

The guys all cheered. When our lips touched, she pulled back and took it out of my mouth.

Maggie stood up and told the group it was time for her little sister to eat some pussy. More cheers. She stood over me as I knelt in front of her. I moved to her pussy. She was as moist as I was. I tasted her sex. I loved it.

I was going for it. I drank Maggie's juices. I found her clit and flicked it with my tongue slowly. She put her hands on my head and held me in place. I had difficulty breathing. I knew she was close as she nearly fell over when she orgasmed.

Once she recovered, she laid me on my back. Maggie used the dildo and pushed it inside my vagina. She started fucking me with it. I felt wonderful being used by her. Soon she laid back on the floor so our butts were touching. She then put the dildo inside her and she ground into me as we were connected by the instrument. I think I came twice while she did that together with me.

She then removed the dildo from us. I was still on my back. She crawled up to my face and had me clean both ends of the dildo clean of the moisture. She made a show of it pointing out I was cleaning her end as well.

She broke our embrace and said she needed a break. We stood and bowed to the cheering guys. We ran off to the bedroom holding hands. We fell on the bed together. I immediately kissed her. She responded. She told me that was her hottest show yet.

I laughed, saying, "Yeah, me too."

I realized I left my clothes on the floor, with the mat and the dildo. We asked Michael to gather them.

Michael came into the room. He said that it was the best show he had seen in a long time. Maggie thanked him. He said a few guys asked him about the possibility of sex with us. Michael could not do those negotiations. He did not want any problems with pimping laws.

Maggie told me we were just about done. We had been there a little over an hour. We just needed to go out and mingle with the guys for a bit. She said you no doubt will be asked to perform some sex acts. She said it was decision time now as she kissed me. Her tongue twists with mine. This girl drove me crazy. I had never been with anyone like her before.

She dressed in a fresh outfit. I had not thought to bring another. Her new clothing left little to the imagination. She took my hand as I was putting on my skirt. She told me to go nude. She promised to keep me close.

We walked out to join the guys. She made a point of greeting every one of them.

As we walked through the crowded room, I felt a few hands reach and touch me. At this point, I did not object. I was in a trance. Maggie led me around naked in a room full of men. One guy came behind me and felt my chest as Maggie talked to someone. She noticed what the guy was doing to me and gave him a disapproving look, and he stopped.

Some guy asked me how old I was.

Maggie answered before I could, asking him how old he thought I was. He said, "Maybe nineteen."

Maggie smiled and mouthed the word, "Sixteen."

The guy said that was wild. He believed her.

Another guy said, "I told you so, dude."

You could hear that false story pass through the room rapidly. Drunk guys will believe anything a naked woman tells them.

Another guy asked how it that possible. Maggie said, "Fake ID."

Maggie was getting off on the sister act. I could tell. It excited me as well. Other guys asked if we were sisters. We both answered yes that we were. Whether or not we were sisters and my age appeared to be most interesting as she pulled me around the room.

We finished with the groom. We both sat on each of his legs. We kissed his cheeks and wished him well. He thanked us for a fantastic bachelor party. He said he would remember this night for years. I told him I would as well.

We stood and announced our goodbye to the crowd. We started working our way to the room to gather our stuff and for me to get dressed. The best man walked with us. He told Maggie the groom did not want to be "Bad" before his marriage. He said he was more than interested if Maggie was willing.

He said to Maggie that other guys were asking about her sister. Maggie said she would give blow jobs for $100 each. I was shocked but not shocked either. I sensed she liked being in charge of me. I was probably giving her signals that I enjoyed her take-charge attitude over me.

People could take charge of me for most of my life. I felt natural following directions rather than leading or making decisions.

The Best Man said he would be right back. He returned a few minutes later. He gave Maggie a handful of cash. He said four guys want me to blow them. He added he wanted sex with Maggie. He said he did not have a condom. Without batting an eye, Maggie said OK, but $500 then.

He was excited and pulled more cash from his pocket.

Maggie took the cash and told him how it was going to work. She and Micheal would stand outside the door and let the guys in for me, her little sister, to please one at a time.

Afterward, she would take the best man into the room to finish the night.

She told the best man to stand by the door and make introductions. She told him she wanted her little sister to be comfortable. This was my first show, after all.

He went to gather the guys and tell them the specifics.

She sat me down in her significant sister's role and asked if I was ready. I told her I was. She told me it was up to me if I swallowed the guy's cum or not. I asked about condoms. She mainly said when giving head, the guys expect no need for a condom. I said I was OK with that. The condoms taste nasty.

I was still nude. Maggie said I could get dressed if I wanted. She walked to the door.

I sat in the room for a brief moment of quiet. I thought I had blown many guys before, but this seemed different. I knew it was another big step for me.

The door opened, and one of the older guys at the party walked in. I walked up to him nude and took his hand. I asked him if he wanted to lay on the bed or sit in a chair.

He did not seem nervous at all. He selected the chair.

I directed him to the chair. I went to the bathroom and got wet a cloth.

I returned to him; his cock was hard as he stroked it. I knelt before him and washed his cock. He asked my age. I told him sixteen, sticking to the story Maggie had presented.

He said he had grandchildren older than I was. I joked and asked if I should call him Grandpa.

I leaned forward and took his cock in my mouth. I think it was the stimulation from the evening's activity because he was ready to cum in just about a minute. He told me he was going to cum, and I just kept his cock in my mouth. When his body tensed, I recognized the tell-tale signs. He blasted my mouth with his cum. Not a tremendous amount. I held it in my mouth and showed it to him. I swallowed and again showed him that I had.

I then washed his cock clean again with the cloth. He thanked me and said I was terrific. I thanked him, and he walked out. I thought to myself, That was easy.

Maggie checked on me, asking how it went. I told her he was a gentleman. She asked if I was ready for the next. I said I was.

I repeated the process. This guy was in his thirties, which seemed to be about the groom's age. He enjoyed himself. I know because he thanked me over and over. When I swallowed his cum he was shocked. I thought no girl had swallowed his cum before, or he was surprised I did so with a stranger.

I asked who had decided on the order. He said the old guy got to go first. He was the bride's father, after all. He said the rest did Rock, Paper, and Scissors to determine the order.

I joked, "Were you the winner or the loser."

I cleaned him with a fresh cloth. He asked if I was going to swallow all the guys. I said I planned on it. He looked shocked. I smiled at him. He said I was terrific. I thanked him for his cum which again really seemed to surprise him.

I told him he had better go; I still had more work. I knew I was blowing his mind as well as his cock.

The third guy was the same. Nothing special. He was quiet, did not talk much, and seemed nervous. He did have a nice cock, and I enjoyed serving him.

The fourth guy was more confident or more drunk. I was not sure. He wanted to be verbal. He asked first, of course. I told him whatever he wished.

He said, "Great, whore suck my dick."

He must have called me every name possible. I think he was having difficulty getting off because he was a little drunk. I was working hard at this one.

His cock never seemed to get completely hard.

I was sucking him as deep in my throat as possible.

He said, "Stop, you stupid whore. I need to take a piss."

I let loose his cock, and he stepped over me to go to the bathroom. He urinated for a long time as I waited in front of the chair.

He returned and stood over me. He grabbed my hair and pushed his cock into my mouth. I could taste his piss. He released a final push of his pee into my mouth.

I was not expecting that.

He laughed as he said he was sorry. He said it sarcastically. I knew he did it on purpose.

He was able to get hard now. He kept at it, calling me names as I sucked him. It took the longest of all the men, but I finally made him cum.

He was pumping in my mouth and holding my head.

"Swallow that cum slut. I know you do, the others told me."

I waited for him to calm down with his cock in my mouth. I slipped him out and leaned back on my ankles. I showed him the cum. It was quite a bit covering the surface of my tongue. I played with it briefly, then swallowed.

He stood up, "Good job, Whore."

He walked out.

He announced loudly for all to hear, "I gave that slut a workout."

While standing in the bedroom doorway, Maggie told me there was more interest if I wanted to do it. I asked her what she thought. My lips were puffy, about twice their standard size. My throat was sore from blowing these guys and her use of it earlier.

Maggie waved in the direction of two guys standing in the room. They walked over to us. Maggie told them I was ready and willing.

One of the guys questioned, "She agreed to the deal."

Maggie said, "Sure did."

She motioned them both into the room. She smiled at me and pushed me into the bedroom. She followed.

Once in the room, both guys stripped off their clothes. Maggie said she was staying to look after her little sister.

Maggie sat on the edge of the bed. She patted the mattress for me to join her. I sat next to her. She ran her hand along my thigh. When I was enjoying her hand, Maggie told me these guys wanted to use me simultaneously and they want to get in my throat.

Maggie motioned for me to kneel beside the bed. I moved to my knees. I knelt before these two men. I went from one cock to another, taking them in my mouth. The cock free of my mouth had my hand stroking it and vice versa.

I was getting into a rhythm as I moved between them. Maggie suddenly stopped the action, and she dragged me to the bed.

She had me lay on my back with my head hanging over the side.

I knew what was coming next. Maggie sat beside me on the bed. She held the first guy's cock to my lips. I opened my mouth, and in he pushed himself in. Without pretense, he was pushing at the entrance of my throat.

Maggie gave them encouragement.

She told them, “Take her throat.”

My throat stretched to accommodate his girth. My throat was already tender from what Maggie had done with me earlier. The pace was slow and easy. He was trying to bury his entire length. I felt his pubis pressing against my lips. Then relief as he pulled back, giving me breath.

I heard the two men celebrate with a high five. They switched places as the second male took his place in my mouth. I made no notice of the difference in sizes between the two men. They were about the same.

This guy was more aggressive than the first. He took to my mouth at a faster pace. I reached up to hold his hips to attempt to slow his thrust. He was not having it and maintained his speed. I captured breath when I could. I drooled out of my mouth, across my forehead, into my hair hanging below me.

He, too, moved to the point that his pubis was pressing against my mouth. He pulled out, and the two men celebrated. Maggie joined the two in a high five.

I sat up and wiped my face off. I coughed to clear my throat.

I took a position on the floor and knelt. Instantly one guy was at the opening of my mouth again, pushing in.

A few strokes in and out, and I felt him signal his orgasm. He filled my mouth and held onto the bedpost to steady himself. Pump after pump of his release. When he calmed down, he pulled himself from my mouth.

Before I could swallow and show him, the next guy pushed his cock into my mouth. Just a few strokes, and he added his cum in my mouth.

I was able somehow to keep the cum confined in my mouth. He pulled out, and I swallowed after displaying my prize.

I stayed on my knees and licked the two cocks before me, catching the last of their hard work.

Maggie helped me to my feet. I went to the bathroom and washed my face. Before I could say goodbye, the guys dressed and left the room.

Maggie and I collected our things and went to the crowd to say goodbye.

On the ride home, Michael said that was the best show he had worked in years. Maggie agreed with him.

Written by Gifan24
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