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Adventures at an American Summer Camp Chap. 2

"Rufus explains his actions, and Liz visits London."

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Rufus and I were much closer after the adventure above the river with Liz.  We never really discussed the happenings of that day canoeing in any great detail, but we did give one another funny looks when certain things came up in conversation.  However, I did have a lot of questions for him that stemmed from that afternoon.

A couple of days after the trip we took my group of kids down to the river, to go skinny dipping.  As Rufus and I sat watching over the kids fooling around in the river, I asked him how he had gotten to be so experienced and confident with the ladies.  

His answer about his Auntie teaching him floored me.  I must have let a brief flash of surprise cross my face, as Rufus was hurriedly at pains to explain that she was not a blood relative, but their next-door neighbour.

“She’s just been there all my life. She’s my mother’s best friend and lives in the house next door to us.  My family has always called her Auntie,” he explained.

I quickly placated him. “Sorry, I’m not judging you. I was just surprised.”

For me, his answer had conjured up a picture of him with some old woman.

I asked him how old his Auntie was, and he told me he thought she was the same age as his mother. 

“How old is your mother then?” I asked

“I don’t know,” he remonstrated. And then. “My mum was sixteen when she had me, I think?”

I did a quick calculation. “She will be about thirty-four then.  Hell! I can’t judge you, I had an affair with a woman older than that when I was only a few months older than you.”  

Then I thought out loud. “Wish I had an Aunty that educated me as well as yours must-have.  How did it happen?”

He still looked reluctant to say too much but started to explain.

“Auntie has been living on her own for two years, ever since her husband died.  She does part-time cleaning work, but most of the time she looks after her husband’s father, who has been living with them forever.” 

He hesitated, so I nodded for him to continue, my interest really up now. 

“Since I was quite young, my mother has been sending me over to her place to help her out. One day Auntie said I was old enough to help her out with a new chore, and then she had me strip my clothes off.”

He hesitated, hoping he had said enough, but my curiosity was up, and I asked him if there had been any other ladies.  I could see by his suddenly awkward behaviour, that there had been others, and that he was reluctant to talk of them.

Rufus nodded to me. “Some,” he said.

“OK, I’d like to hear about them when you are ready.  But I have other questions. The biggest one is this.  How did you pluck up the courage to walk over and join Liz and me?” 

He still kept his mouth closed and looked around furtively.  So, to calm him down, I carried on talking.

“I know I could never have done that.  How did you know she wouldn’t scream bloody murder and have the canoe guys running up to save her?  We would have both been in the shit.  Christ, she’s the camp director’s wife, I’m even a bit worried now that we may get caught out.  But you knew she wouldn’t. You were so calm and confident, I don’t understand.”

“Miss Liz had ‘The Look',”  he said.  “But I can’t tell you anything.  Cos just like I promised Miss Liz I would tell no one, I have promised Auntie and someone else I will never tell.”

My interest was really piqued now.  I wanted to know.  Now that he had even opened up this much, I realised just how absolutely unbelievable it was what he had dared to do.

“No, you and I are partners in crime now. I have to understand, come on, out with it.”

He still was reluctant, so I pointed out that at the end of the camp I would be heading back to England, and that the chances I would ever come back to this part of the States were almost non-existent.  I also pointed out again, that I would not blab to Greg our senior councillor or anyone else for that matter.

Slowly, Rufus started to talk.  Little bits at first, but once he got started he seemed quite relieved he had someone to share with.  I didn’t get the full story that afternoon on the bank, but I got enough to make sense of everything.  But I will tell it all in one go what I gleaned from him over the next few weeks.


Rufus’s Auntie lived in the apartment next door, she had him come over two or three times a week, to help her with chores.  For the past year, his chores had included him giving her some sexual relief.  During these sessions, she pointed out the things that women like done to them, and also stuff he was doing wrong.

“She still tells me what to do all the time,” he stated, with a hint of annoyance in his words.

One of his other weekly chores was on a Wednesday afternoon when the health nurse came to bathe Grandpa, (Auntie’s father-in-law).  The nurse was a small white lady and a little bit older than Auntie.  She wasn’t strong enough to lift Grandpa, and so Rufus always had to be there to help her and Auntie lift him in and out of the bath.

The way Rufus looked when he spoke about the nurse, made me ask him what she was like.  He reckoned she was pretty, but bossy and stuck her nose in the air when she talked to him.  I had been trying to teach him new words and broaden his vocabulary, so I asked him if a good word for her would be, ‘Authoritative.’  He laughed at that, and said that would about sum her up.

Anyway, one day after the nurse had left, Auntie asked him if he had seen the way she looked at him.  When he replied that he didn’t understand Auntie told him; “If you want to be ‘the man’ with women, you have to watch their eyes, not just their ass and tits.” She told him that the nurse had ‘the look,' and that she was going to set up some action with her the next time she turned up.

When he went next door to Auntie’s the following week, he was wearing the tight blue shorts that she had insisted he wear. 

“The ones that show off that great big python of yours!”  was the way she had put it.

And she told him to give himself a few strokes before he came into the lounge.  “Not too many, mind you, just enough to get a little swell.  I don’t want you going too far and scaring her to death.”

This week when he helped lift Grandpa, he watched the nurse’s eyes, saw them drop below his belt, and he saw the look of lust in her eyes.

When they had lifted Grandpa from the tub and the nurse was in the middle of drying and helping him dress, Auntie shooed Rufus away into her bedroom.  

She had warned him the previous day, that Nurse might object and tell him to stop, but that it would just be a game she played, and that he was to take charge and do all the things that Auntie liked.

He was nervously waiting in the bedroom, when he heard Auntie telling Nurse she was to go into the bedroom and have a look at her nephew’s affliction.

When she entered the room Rufus stepped up to her and took her hand, guiding her towards the bed.  She tried to pull away, but he pulled her hand down and wrapped it around his still slack cock.  He held it there, half expecting her to protest, as Auntie had said she would.  But all fight went out of her, even though she kept telling him he was a wicked boy and she should not be touching him.  Her hand was moving around on his cock and she gave a startled gasp as it started to stand in his shorts.

He started rubbing her neck and ears, just like Auntie had taught him, then made calming noises with his deep baritone voice.  She started to rub him up and down, but he wasn’t getting very hard as he was so nervous.  But when he opened the buttons on her blouse and released her tits, he felt his excitement grow and his pecker swelled and felt very uncomfortable.  As he hardened and Nurse realised what she was holding, she gave a startled whimper and looked as if she was going to flee the room.

But Auntie had told him this was all a game and he was to ignore her.  So he just held her until she stopped struggling, then carried on with all he’d been taught.  He got her panties off and stuck these in his pocket, but she wouldn’t let him take any other clothes off.  He massaged up her legs teasing her by not touching her pussy until he saw her thrusting her hips at his fingers.  She would have bouts of fighting him and calling him a dirty black bastard, and that he was going to get into real trouble if he didn’t let her go, then she would lie back and let him do things to her.

Finally, he lifted her up against the head of the bed so she had to watch him eat her out.  When she was dripping wet he climbed up and started feeding his python between her legs.  He could only get half in, so settled for that and stroked into her until she came. 

The nurse was very quiet as she fastened herself up again.  She asked him for her panties but he refused, saying, “They are for me to remember you by.”

But once she left the room, Rufus said she became all stuck-up again and bossed him around as if nothing had happened.  But she did snap at him that he was not to ever speak a word of what he had just done to her.  And she was out the door and off to her next appointment.

Rufus told me he was happy that he had made her late, and that she was going to be working the rest of the afternoon with no panties on.

I asked Rufus about ‘The Look’ and what that had to do with Liz.

“Oh!”  he replied.  “I saw that look on Miss Liz’s face when she pulled her pants down in front of us all at the river.  She was looking at you, and the look was very strong.  No one else saw it. They were all looking between her legs.”

“But how did you know she wouldn’t scream blue murder?” I asked again.

Because, when Nurse left our house that first time, I was worried about what I had done.  I thought she would never come back, and that we would have to wash Grandad ourselves from then on.  Auntie put me at rest and told me, “She will be back; she wants the rest of that pecker of yours. Trust me boy, learn, keep your eyes open and you will see the look.  Once you see that, she will make noises to make herself feel better, but she’ll be back, she’s going to need a lot more.”

Rufus said she had been back the very next Wednesday, and dragged him into Auntie’s bedroom as soon as she had finished with Grandpa.  After a month she’d changed Grandpa’s schedule to twice a week.  So when I saw that look on miss Liz’s face, it was even stronger than that on the Nurse’s face, so I knew she wasn’t going to do any complaining.

“Christ Rufus, how long have you been doing this nurse?” I asked

“For about six months now, it’s funny, Nurse obeys me in the room. She wants me to do all sorts of rude things.  I’ve had to tie her up, and she abuses me something horrible sometimes, but boy does she erupt when she orgasms.  Then once out of the room, she’s a different person, always goes all snooty again.”

Then he added, “Boy is she going to be dying for me when I get back from camp.  I’m not going to do her unless she takes all her clothes off.  She still won’t strip naked for me.  That’s what turned me on with Miss Liz the other day. She didn’t mind being naked; that made me come much too fast.”

“Fuck!” I thought, if that was a quick one, heaven help the poor women that have to endure that mighty weapon for a long session.


I could fill another three chapters with events from the rest of that year.  But as this tale is about Liz I’ll skip the rest of the summer camp.

When I arrived back in London, I moved back into the house that a bunch of us rented in Finchley.  Most of my flatmates were travelling around Europe again, so I had to bed down in the sunporch. My room having been let out to some Kiwis that were new to London. It didn’t worry me as within a week I was off to meet up with my mates back in Fusina.

I headed off a few days later with some friends. We were catching the ferry over to Europe, to see out the last of the summer.  After spending a few days at the first T-Day festival at Camp Fusina we moved on up to the October Fest in Munich, before returning to London and our house in Finchley.  

There were five bedrooms upstairs. Three bedrooms had couples in them, two of my mates in the fourth, and myself, and my mate Ivan, in the fifth bedroom.

Downstairs there was a study that we had crammed a couple into, and there was a box room where there was a single lady bunked up. The rest of the downstairs was comprised of, a lounge, dining room, kitchen, laundry and bathroom.  Oh! And there were two bathrooms upstairs.

I was working, but nothing very permanent as we were looking at breaking up the flat, given some of the flatmates were heading back home to New Zealand.  We hadn’t sorted out what was happening with the house. As it turned out, we got some new tenants to share with us and kept it on for another year.

I had a letter arrive one day, from the camp director, Rhett.  He and Liz were taking three and a half weeks’ holiday and intended to spend a few days in England, then three weeks in Europe.  He wanted to get my address and phone number and look me up.

He had included the dates they would arrive in London and I saw it was less than a month away.  I knew the couple in the front bedroom upstairs were moving out about a week before Rhett and Liz were due to arrive.  So, after discussing it with the others in the flat, I wrote back to Rhett, saying I’d pick them up at Heathrow and that they could stay here with us for the whole week they were in London if they wanted to, as we had a spare bedroom.

He wrote back, accepting my offer, but explained they would only stay a couple of days while they sorted out a car, visited relatives, etc.

I picked them up at the airport, as promised, and gave them a tiki-tour of some historical places on the way back to the house.  That evening Rhett asked me if I could drive him to Euston St the next morning, where he was to pick up a car from Avis.  Then they would go visit some relatives of his.

I pointed out to Rhett that it was best if I just drove him down to the tube station.  Explaining that it was far quicker, and I would never find a park anywhere near the Avis depot.  Liz piped up saying that she did not want to go visit his crazy old aunt and that maybe I would take her to the Victoria and Albert Museum. 

This started a rather heated discussion between the two of them.  But finally, Rhett conceded that he did not really want to visit the museum, and although his relatives would be disappointed not to meet her, it would be a bloody boring day. And so, he asked me if I would look after Liz for the day.

It turned out that he actually had two sets of relatives to see.  He was to have lunch with his Auntie who was only about 30 minutes from Euston St, then travel to a place called Gravesend to visit his father’s brother and family.  I pointed out to him that it would be a long day as it was at least an hour's drive from his Auntie’s to Gravesend, but coming home could take him about two hours, maybe more, if he struck the evening traffic.

The next morning everyone in the flat was up early, preparing for work. When Rhett came downstairs I made us breakfast, which he took up to their room, saying that Liz was still in bed.  “Not the best in the mornings!” he explained to me.

After breakfast I ran him down to Golders Green station, to catch the tube.  

When I returned to the house everyone had left for work and Liz’s bedroom door was closed.  So I went to my own bedroom to tidy up.  But when I walked into my room, I found Liz propped up in my bed, beckoning me with her little finger.  I have to admit I had had thoughts about whether I would get lucky, as she had given me lots of lascivious looks the night before.

I lifted the cover to get in beside her and found that she was stark naked under the covers.  She held her hand up. “Get those clothes off before you come near me.”

I stripped in record time, got back in beside her, and cuddled against her. She had the body of a Vogue front page model, slender but curvaceous.  Moving a hand around behind her, I worked it down her back and onto her bum, then pushed it between her legs.  She was already wet and very excited and immediately rolled on top of me, her lips glued to mine.  Then working her hand between us, she grabbed a hold of my now rampant willie.

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I had to lift her slightly and scrunch myself down the bed a little, to get lined up properly. But I was soon deeply imbedded and holding her to me for dear life as she rode me like a bucking bronco.  She really went to town, and after a time she sat up straight, arching her back, giving me the most beautiful view of her firm pale breasts with their dark protruding areola.

Neither of us lasted very long and when Liz collapsed on her back beside me, I picked my T-Shirt up from the floor where I had dropped it and wiped the sweat from her face and between her breasts.  I figured this must have been the first sex she had had for a while, as she was so out of breath.  A fact that she soon confirmed to me, once we caught our breath enough to talk.

After fifteen minutes of banal conversation, I hinted that we should get up and head off to the museum.  But Liz said there was no hurry, she wanted me again before we went anywhere.  I was not ready for another bout, and have to admit too, feeling very guilty about leaping into bed with another man’s wife. I liked Rhett. He had been very good to me in all the time I had known him. But I kept these thoughts to myself, knowing how unhappy Liz was in her marriage.

So I changed the subject and asked a question that had been plaguing me for months.

“Have you ever seen Rufus again?”

Liz’s head snapped around to look at my face.  She looked as guilty as hell, and I knew without her even opening her mouth, that I had my answer.

“How many times, and where?”  I asked.  Pretty sure she had not seen him at the camp before I had left.

She half-pie tried to deny it, but I saw in her face that she knew she was caught.

“Hey!  I’m not judging you.  I’m just curious that’s all.  If you need to tell someone, you know, get it off your chest, then I will be supportive. I really liked Rufus.”

Her shoulders slumped resignedly, and she admitted to me that she had seen him half a dozen times.  When I again pushed her for where and how she explained that often, after a twelve-hour flight from Europe, when they landed at Dulles in Washington, she was too buggered to drive the couple of hours to get to their home.  So she usually stayed the night in a hotel at the airport and drove home the next morning.

One time she had called Rufus, and drove the hour up to his city and stayed the night in a hotel there.  He met her at the Hotel and had stayed the night.  And she admitted to me it had happened a few times now.

The thought of Rufus feeding her that monstrous cock every couple of weeks, had me horny again.  My cock was standing up like the Washington Monument by the time she had finished explaining all this to me.

And I saw that it had had the same effect on Liz, as her hand had slipped unnoticed between her legs and was working on her clit. I rolled over to her, clamping my hand on top of hers, as she tried to withdraw it. Nothing turns me on more than to watch a woman frig herself.

I guided her fingers, letting her know I wanted her to continue.  She was dripping wet, partly from my ejaculation, but mostly from her own juices.  Then when I couldn’t stand it anymore, and my prick was starting to ache from being hard for so long, I lifted up on top of her, and watched as she fed me up against her wet curls. I applied some pressure and watched as it slipped easily inside, then took up a steady action, as Liz wrapped her arms around my neck.

Her orgasm came upon her fast, waves of ecstasy rippling through her body.  It didn’t take any effort at all to join her. I let out a loud groan of relief as I emptied my balls and held my body hard against her. We collapsed on the bed, side by side, panting, gasping for air. When we calmed, I got out of bed and headed for the shower. I called over my shoulder for her to get ready to leave.

We caught the Northern line to Leicester Square, then changed tubes and got out at South Kensington. Five minutes later we were at the main doors of the Victoria and Albert Museum.  I didn’t blame Rhett for not wanting to visit. It has a lot of furniture, clothing, and jewellery sections.  But there were also lots of paintings, statues, and castings from ancient archaeology sites. that really interested me.

We wandered around until around lunchtime then sought out the museum restaurant.  Liz was blown away by the beauty of the stained-glass windows, painted ceilings, columns, and chandeliers.  And all through lunch she raved on about all the jewellery and costumes from years gone by.

After lunch, when we got up to leave, she informed me she was horny again and wanted to fuck in the museum somewhere.

“Bloody hell Liz, we can’t do it here,” I whispered.  “Have you not noticed the security protection people on every floor?”

“I don’t care, just saying,” she whispered back at me.

We searched out ‘Tipu’s Tiger'. Something I wanted her to see. Then noticing some toilets nearby, and that it was early in the week, there were hardly any people about.  I dragged her down the corridor towards the “Mens’ Room.”

Liz came with me willingly, and we locked ourselves in a cubicle.  I dropped my trousers while she lifted her dress and pushed her knickers down to her knees.  It was not a romantic frolic, just a hasty fuck.  I pushed her up against the wall, bent my knees to line him up, then stood lifting her feet from the floor.  Liz didn’t care how it was done. She was as randy as fuck.  She kicked a foot free of her panties and wrapped her feet behind my backside. Then chewing on a knuckle to keep from crying out, she rotated her hips around, rubbing her mound hard against mine.

Conscious that this needed to be quick my thrusts were by no means half-hearted, and Liz was taking real pleasure from feeling me slamming against her mons.  Soon she dropped a hand down and worked on her twitching pelvis, and informed me she was about to orgasm. That was all I needed, and I climaxed before she did this time, then held her tight against me as she reached her own.

When we exited the toilet, there was a female security officer in the corridor.  It was pretty obvious she was looking for us, they must have wondered where we disappeared to, on the security cameras.  She gave us a dirty look, but I thought I saw a glimmer of longing in the look also. I reckon she would have also liked to have had a session in the toilet, rather than creeping around the exhibits all day.

We wandered off, looking terribly guilty, and found we had lost interest in the exhibits.  So we decided to leave and wandered back to South Kensington station, then caught the tube to Westminster.  Wandering across the Thames River, she saw the London Eye.  “Oh! Will you take me on that?” she asked.

“Of course, I’ll show you all the sights of London from up there.  It’s quite a spectacular view.”  If there had not been other people in our capsule I know she would have been on for a bonk up there as well, and I wondered to myself if anyone had ever had it off on the London eye.

After that, I took her to Westminster Abbey, and on to the Parliament buildings.  Being a Monday I knew there were tours operating, but also knew that you had to book them weeks in advance.  Still, I asked at the desk if we could get on a tour and was advised that you had to be a local.  So I quickly produced a post office card, showing our Hampstead address. And I think the fact that Liz was so pretty, we were soon on the last 90-minute tour of the day.

When we finished and headed for the tube to go home, it was after 5:00 and getting dark.  Once home we helped with preparing dinner, then sat in the lounge watching TV.  It was hard keeping my hands off her, not so much because of my flatmates, as I’m certain a couple of them had sussed out that there was something happening between us.  But we kept some distance from one another, as at any minute we expected Rhett to come through the door.

However, he didn’t return until almost 9:30 pm, looking very tired and grumpy.  He sat with Liz, and I heard him telling her about his day. He had had a couple of Sherries with his aunt, then she had treated him to a big lunch. Then it was over to Gravesend, where they had scones with cream and raspberry jam waiting for him.  And when he had complained about being too full to eat another thing, his cousins had taken him for a walk along the Thames.

Back from the walk, his uncle sat him down with a malt whiskey and quizzed him about America.  Wine with the huge roast dinner followed, and after that, there was a large brandy with his coffee.  It was well after 8:00 pm before he could finally take his leave.

Liz excused them both and guided Rhett up to their bedroom, asking if they could have a shower as they exited the lounge. I was pretty buggered myself, and not wanting to face the questions I knew my flatmates were going to fire at me, I excused myself also and headed for bed.

Luckily, Ivan, the guy that I shared the room with, was working down in Wales on weekdays, so I had the bedroom to myself.  I was feeling pretty guilty and just wanted to lie on my own and put the day’s events behind me.

Once I heard Rhett and Liz leave the bathroom and their bedroom door close, I went and had a shower myself before hitting the hay.  Bugger me! I looked in the mirror when I had stripped off, and saw a large hickey on my neck.  I vaguely remembered Liz giving me in the toilet of the museum as she clung to my neck.  Shit, had Rhett seen it?  Then, I thought, “No, he can’t have, I would have seen a reaction if he had.

But it rattled me, and I knew I was not going to get to sleep very easily, worrying about what had happened.  I wandered downstairs, where I met up with my mate Bill, and seeing the worry in my eyes, he poured us a large rum and coke each and sat me down to talk.  I told him roughly what had happened, and before I knew it, he had pushed a second drink into my hand.  He tried to get me to drink a third, but as I was feeling pretty mellow by this time, I declined and made my way up to bed.

As I drifted off to sleep, I wondered how I was going to face Rhett the next morning once he was rested, sober, and a lot more observant.  My last thoughts were about searching out my white turtle neck skivvy, that would cover my neck. 

Later in the night, I’m guessing sometime after midnight, I woke to find Liz climbing into bed with me.  It must have been the sound of my door closing or more likely her turning the bedside light on, that had woken me.  My first response was of pure panic, and I tried to stop her from climbing in beside me.

“Fuck Liz!” I whispered. “Rhett will catch us.”

“No! Once he’s asleep, wild horses won’t wake him. I won’t stay long,” she whispered.

She snuggled in against me, wrapped me in her arms, and lightly kissed my neck.  I half tried to twist away, scared she was going to give me another hickey.  But my twisting away onto my back, just gave her the opportunity to slide herself down my body and start sucking on my fast swelling cock.

Bloody Willie betrayed me, it was already half-erect before she even found the little bastard.  And once she had her lips around the bulbous head, it swelled like a balloon attached to an air hose.

Liz let out a loud groan as she felt it harden, and I slipped a hand down over her mouth to try and keep her quiet.  She gave my fingers a light nip with her teeth and used her free hand to pull my other hand down to her breasts.

Almost immediately she began bobbing her head up and down, working at making him explode.  Her hips began to hump up and down on my lower leg.  Her burrowing down to suck on my willie had made her nighty ride up, revealing her beautiful heart-shaped arse, covered only partially by a pair of very brief, transparent light blue knickers.

I sat up on my elbows and took in the sight, giving up my fight now, realising the only course was to get this over as fast as I could and have her out of my bed.  Sitting up, I pulled her nighty up over her head and marvelled at her perfectly proportioned, naturally rounded breasts as they bounced free.

This gave me a naughty thought and I hauled her up the bed and rolled her on her back.  Then straddling her, I whispered in her ear, “Hold them together.” As I pressed her hands to her tits.  

She did as I asked, pressing her boobs together firmly.  I put my hands on hers, pushed my prick between them, and held it there marvelling in the warmth.  It had slid in so easily, being covered in her saliva, and I started to stroke to and fro.

After a minute of thrusting between her mounds, I had to pull her hands apart and spit between them for more lubrication.  The spit landed right on target, wet with the sweet smell of rum.  It landed just ahead of the swollen tip of my cock, the sensation was moist and hot.  I felt the ridge of my knob plop out from between her boobs, just under her chin, and spread her flesh as it was pulled back between. 

She looked up at me, her face twisted in a lusty grimace, this was turning her on just as much as it was me. And she squeezed her own breasts hard together giving me a tight place to fuck.

“Hold up,” I whispered, “I’m going to cum.”

Liz pulled her hands apart, “No! Don’t you dare, I want you in me.”  And she fought to wriggle out from under me.

I let her go, suddenly feeling quite exhausted, and rolling on my back I watched as she lowered her briefs down her legs and kick them onto the floor.

This revealed her flowering sex, obviously very moist and framed by a slight tuft of neatly trimmed blond hair.  Reaching over, she pushed my shoulders down onto the bed and mounted me.  I couldn’t believe how easily I slipped into her. She was dripping wet. Liz's hips began to move, gyrating and thrusting, and she slipped a hand down to her clit, which she squeezed, rubbed and pinched in time with her thrusts. 

“Oh god yeah, yeah, YEAH, FUCK!” she began to yell.

I had to reach up and try to stifle her cries, with a hand over her mouth.  Again she nipped at my finger, quite a bit harder this time.  The bedroom we had given them, was at the front of the house, but still, it was deadly quiet at this time of night.  We had to have been heard.  

Both our orgasms were mind-blowing, they did not last long, but the intensity, brought about by the circumstances, was incredible. The waves of ecstasy that ripped through her had her raising herself higher and higher above my body, until her cunt presented right in front of my face, spasming and twitching.  This created even greater waves of pleasure for me, but I was bloody happy when she finally went quiet and collapsed down beside me, spent and shaking.

There were threads of white cum all over my stomach and chest, and I saw there were some streaks of it on her mound.  I pulled the top sheet over and wiped us both clean, then lay back and listened to the quiet house.  I expected to hear angry footsteps coming down the hall, but all was deadly silent.  I felt myself physically relax, and realised how wound up I must have been.

Liz stayed with me for a long time afterwards, and when I saw she was going to sleep, I had to give her a shove and send her back to her own bed.  

The next morning I was woken to the sounds of the house rising, as all my flatmates readied themselves for work.  I dressed and dragged myself downstairs, where I got a few funny looks.  Some of my mate’s partners were not at all impressed with what they had heard during the night.

Rhett and Liz didn’t come down until everyone had left, thankfully.  And Rhett was just his usual self, obviously having slept through the whole noisy episode.  I felt like an absolute arsehole and was very relieved when I finally bid them goodbye, just after 10:00 AM.

There was talk of them staying with us when they returned from the continent three weeks later, but I did not return any calls or answer a letter they sent.  It took quite a few days and a lot of explaining before all the ladies in the flat were talking to me again.

Written by mingemuncher
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