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Adventures at an American Summer Camp

"The camp directors wife was one hot number."

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In the Seventies, some mates and I travelled to England for the big OE (Overseas Experience).  Many Kiwis do this in their late teens or early twenties, once they have completed University, or their apprenticeships, etc.

We all found jobs around London, partied hard and did weekend trips to all the touristy spots.  One day, one of our mates brought to our attention an advert for students to do volunteer work in an American at a Summer Camp.  We all applied, not really thinking we had any chance, as the English advert was really aimed at English University students in their summer break.  But we cunning Kiwis had arranged New Zealand students cards, before we left home to get us discounts for travel, tourist attractions, shows, etc.

Long story short I was the only one that got accepted, I have no idea why, but in early July, I boarded a plane with a couple of hundred English students and headed for New York.  When we arrived, I found I was being sent to a camp for underprivileged children, a couple of hundred miles south of New York.

The camp was run by a Christian charity, and had a permanent camp director, running the place.  There were three groups of boys, ‘Older Boy’s,' ‘Middle Boys’ and ‘Younger Boys’, with around twenty-five campers in each age group.  There were three councillors looking after around eight kids from the group, and a senior councillor overseeing each age group.

This setup was mirrored on the girl's side of the camp.  Most of the councillors were between eighteen and twenty-one, the six senior councillors tended to be a year or two older.   I was assigned to Older Boys, who were mostly fourteen and Fifteen-year-olds.  There were always half a dozen trainee councillors in the camp also, they were usually ex-campers, who had shined as they had attended over the years.   There were also ancillary staff, a nurse, kitchen staff, and specialist staff that handled the canoe’s, horse riding, etc.

There were five two-week camps over the summer, so I would have a group of boys for twelve days, then had the weekend off before getting a new group for another twelve days, and so on.

We had the kids for twenty-four hours a day and each day had to make up a program to keep them entertained. Swimming in a nearby river, hiking, doing craftwork (Tie Dye Shirts, etc.), taught them bushcraft, and each group got to go canoeing and inner-tubing down the local river, at least once during their visit.

In the evenings, we had events like Indian gatherings around a campfire, the councillors acting out funny skits, or we just sat in our own clearing telling stories.  The kids loved ghost stories, and a couple of nights I had boys sleeping under my bunk after I had told a particularly scary story.

The year went pretty much as expected, the kids were mostly black and came from the nearby city’s ghetto.  I loved working with them, hard kids with real character.

Now this story is true, with very little embellishment.  I was very fit at the time of this story, pursuing a variety of sports.  Standing six one tall, olive-skinned, with long black hair, my English/Kiwi accent certainly attracted the American gal’s.  At twenty-two, I was a couple of years older than most of the other councillors, and about ten times more ‘worldly-wise’.

And as I was rubbing shoulders with about twenty eligible females each day, the opportunities were boundless.  But conscious of the fact we were all living together for three months, I limited my affairs and tried to keep them very discreet.  Or so I thought.

My first adventure happened on the second night after I arrived.  We had an inauguration sleep out in the woods, and Cindy, who was sleeping next to me, rolled out of her sleeping bag into mine.  I thought this may be the start of an affair, but found out the next day that her boyfriend was arriving that very day.

There were another couple of brief affairs to follow this before I set my sights on a young lady called Loni.  She was hot, petit and attractive, and she had caught my eye from day one.  I had been pursuing her for a couple of weeks, and not making much progress. Then low and behold, she invited me to spend our next free weekend at her home. WooHoo! Progress.

On the following Friday, we did some morning activities with our campers, then after lunch, packed them all on the buses that were taking them back to the city.  When the last bus had finally departed, I went down to my tent and packed for the weekend.

On walking back up to meet Loni, I found I was not the only person invited for the weekend, Cindy and Mary joined us, weekend bags hanging from their shoulders.

Cindy, I have already mentioned; and as her boyfriend was not invited, the thought ran through my head, that if Loni still played hard to get all weekend, it was odds on I might get lucky with Cindy again.

Mary was a different story altogether, she was very strait-laced, and I don’t mean that as an adverse comment.  In fact, I really liked Mary and often searched her out when I wanted good sound advice.  She was loved by everyone, had a beautiful nature and always smiling.  But no one swore around Mary, and I would never have dreamed of putting the hard word on her.

Loni’s mother turned up about 3:00 pm in a huge Lincoln statesman.  This was the first indication I had that Loni came from a monied family.  So when we drove up a wooded drive and stopped on the circle in front of a very substantial house, I was not too surprised and managed to hold my mouth from dropping open.

The house had seven bedrooms (I think all had their own bathroom), and two kitchens; one for the help to use, the other was Loni’s mother's kitchen.  Loni and her mother cooked up a beautiful dinner and afterwards, we watched a movie in one of the several private lounge/family rooms.  By this time we were all struggling to keep our eyes open and we're all keen to hit the sack.

About midnight I awoke, aware someone was in the room with me.  A distinctly female silhouette was leaning over me and shaking my shoulder.  My first thought was Loni!  But that was quickly dashed, as the female form was much taller and had much larger breasts.  I knew it wasn’t Cindy, as she was short and had a much more rounded figure.  Then I panicked, as I came to the realisation it had to be Loni’s mother.

Still, I rolled to the far side of the bed, making room and nervously watched the female apparition pull the nighty over her head and climb beneath my sheets.

But I got an even bigger shock, when a melodic southern drawl whispered in my ear, “Will you be gentle with me?  It’s my first time.”

It was Mary, the last person I would have expected.  She snuggled her curvaceous, warm body into mine and searched out my lips.  I felt my cock immediately expand and stand up against her thigh, and I rolled away slightly, not wanting to embarrass her.  But she just dropped a hand between us, took my length into her hand, fondling it like it was some delicate flower.

Things progressed very rapidly from there, I was soon between her legs, holding my weight on my elbows and trying to gently ease my length into her forbidden grotto.  We made love, her frantically, while I tried to curb my urge to hammer away like crazy, and instead gently eased myself against her thrusting hips.

I was to find in the coming weeks, that I did not need to be gentle with Mary, she was quite the vixen in bed and loved to be hammered hard.

She stayed with me until the sun was just starting to show through my blinds.  We made love three times that first night.

In the morning we all met at breakfast, and Mary acted as if nothing had happened.  Loni borrowed her elder brother's car and had me drive us all to Atlantic City for the day, where we walked the boardwalk and tried many of the attractions, like riding the Ferris wheel, etc.

I spent the day looking after and being very attentive to Mary and now found that Loni was pestering me for attention.  I had to walk a very narrow line, of not offending my host, but also looking out for Mary, as I most definitely did not want her to think that the night before was just a one-night stand.

That night, even though we were all exhausted, Mary crawled into my bed again.  Once again she asked me to be very gentle with her because she was quite sore from our lovemaking the night before.  So after playing with her breasts and getting her excited, I crawled my way down between her legs and ran my tongue from her navel and into her sopping wet slit.  She fought me at first, saying it was dirty, but soon was thrashing around in my bed in delirious rapture.

We spent a lot of time together in the following weeks.  Often going for walks through the woods to the river, once we had our campers safely asleep.  We would lie in the thick beds of leaves, under the trees and make mad, exuberant love.  Crazy really, as the woods were renowned for copperhead snakes.  It really is a wonder, we never got bitten on our fine naked arses.


At the end of summer, the camp director, we’ll call him Rhett, put on a leaving party.  He was in his mid-thirties and his wife Liz was twenty-six.  Liz was an air hostess, a blond with an amazing body.  She was seldom at the camp, which really was a crying shame, as she was a very attractive woman.  And I mean, turn your head around so fast, you tripped over attractive.  So you won’t have to stretch your imagination a lot, to know that I had many wet dreams about being alone with her.

Maybe we saw Liz for one or two days of each week, some weeks more, some weeks less.  When she was at the camp though, she was happy to help out.  So if one of the senior boy’s groups was planning to go to the swimming hole, you would sound out some of the free staff to help you, and if Liz was around, she was always first to put up her hand and help.

There was plenty of food and alcohol at the party.  Alcohol being a total No-No, while the campers were in attendance.

The party was a blast, good music, dancing and I even got to sneak outside with Mary and have a quickie against the sickbay wall.  Near the end of the night, I was sitting on a sofa out on the sun porch, when Liz came over and sat on my knee.  She had gotten herself crying drunk, and embarrassed me by throwing her arms around me and sobbing in my ear, that Rhett was a pig.

I quickly glanced around to see if Rhett was watching, and there he was on the other side of the room, looking straight at me.  But instead of looking angry, he just threw his hands in the air and gave me a, ‘She does this all the time,’ look.  Then mouthed to me, ‘Did I want him to pull her away,’ he obviously didn’t want a scene.  So I mouthed back to him that I was all right, and waved my hands to inform him he could relax and to go look after his guests.

I manoeuvred Liz off my knee and down onto the couch to sit beside me, then asked her what was wrong.  She opened up and told me that Rhett didn’t understand her, he was just a pig, she had needs, he treated her bad, etc., etc.   Then she really embarrassed me, as she spoke up quite loudly, “I wish he was like you, you would understand me.”

Then it got worse, “I know you have slept with half the girls in the camp, they tell me you know!  You could have me anytime you want.”

Fuck!  Mary was within hearing range and there were other councillors sitting or standing close by. I talked fast, calming her down, pouring placating words quietly into her ear, “There, there, I understand.”

Slowly she calmed and started answering some of my questions somewhat rationally, and I told her some jokes and stories and got her laughing.   Finally, Rhett came over, thanked me for calming her down, and took her away to bed.

So that was the end of my experience with Camp America and their summer camp program, or so I thought.  But I have to admit to having many dirty dreams and a lot of masturbating when I back to London, reminiscing on that summer, and especially about what could have been with Liz.


When I arrived back in London, most of my friends were away in Europe, travelling around in vans.  I moved in with an extremely hot lady, that I had been going out with before I left for America.  Her name was Fran, an Australian Girl from Sydney, she had been a dancer at Whiskey-A-Go-Go, up Kings Cross, so you can imagine she was a bit of a looker.  She had been waiting for me to return so we could head over to Europe together.  And two days later we were hitching down to Spain, where we spent a week in a small apartment in Sitges, just south of Barcelona.

Near the end of the week, when we were trying to decide where to travel to next, I received a postcard from one of the girls from my flat, asking me to meet up with them at the Fusina Camp in Venice.  It took us two days to hitch up through France, across Italy to Venice, only to find we had missed everyone by hours.  They had all left that morning for the Octoberfest in Munich.

We stayed the night in a cabin at Camp Fusina.  The place was a bit of a mess, as they had had a bad Tornado just days before.  In fact, many of my friends got caught in it, and one had a tree fall on his tent and break his back.  There was another guy who died from a tent pole whipped up by the wind, hitting him.  We all went back the next couple of years, to the Fusina T-Day festival that I believe, ran for many years.

So the next day it was on the road again, hitching over the Brenner Pass to Munich, where we joined up with my mates from NZ, and the girls from my London flat.  A drunken three or four days followed, where we all attempted to drink the various beer halls dry!!

Some of the girls were returning to London, but Diana and Fleur wanted to continue on, to see more of Italy, Greece and Turkey.  Fran and I needed little encouragement, we happily joined them in their green 1968 Bedford van.

After the Beer Festival, about a dozen of us travelled down to Oberammergau to see the Passion Play, where we met up with an American couple who joined with us for the rest of our trip.

I will not go into any detail about the trip through Italy, down to Brindisi, where we crossed the Adriatic to Greece.  Nor our time on the nude beach on Mykonos and the trip up through Greece to Bulgaria.  All of which could fill a book or two, but this story is about my adventures at the American Summer Camp.  However, the events from Bulgaria and Turkey do have a bearing on my story.

When we arrived in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria, we met up with a crazy trainee doctor who invited us all to a party at his apartment.  The party turned out to be a scam.  It was just him and a mate, who wanted to get into the four girls' pants.  But we did have an interesting night and tried plenty of the local booze.  I mention him, as we all stayed the night in his apartment, sleeping on the floor, and the next morning when he found we were intending to travel on to Turkey, he explained to us there was an outbreak of Cholera there, and we needed to get vaccinated.

He guided us to the hospital where he worked and directed us to the vaccination clinic, where we all got Cholera jabs. Afterwards, we were each presented with an official-looking vaccine card.  It was signed off with our names, date of vaccination and batch number etcetera.  I was amazed that it didn’t cost us a thing, usually, the locals of these countries are always trying to get money from the rich Westerners.

After lunch, we all piled in the van and set off for Istanbul, where we got trapped for about two and a half weeks. The doctor guy was correct there reportedly was a Cholera outbreak, and all the neighbouring countries to Turkey had closed their borders.

We did hear rumours that a Bulgarian pilot had defected over to Turkey with one of the latest Soviet Fighters and that Turkey let the Americans in to pull it apart before finally handing it back.  But I have never heard if that was actually the case.

Anyway, after spending a couple of days gallivanting around the backwaters of Istanbul, we drove to the south of Turkey for a week to kill time.  Then fast running out of money we headed back to Istanbul to await either Greece or Bulgaria to re-open their borders.

It was here that one of the weirdest things in my life happened.  There were many people from different countries caught with the border shutdowns and we all sat around campfires at night, smoking pot and talking shit.

An older guy had joined our campfire group, he was in his early forties I guessed.  He told us all that he was a male witch.  Being a smart arse, I said you mean a warlock, ‘No!’ He retorted back, insisting he was a male witch.  I left it alone, it did not really matter to me what he called himself, but it certainly seemed to matter to him.

He said he was returning from India, where he had been studying all sorts of supernatural stuff and he said he wrote books about it.  He told us all sorts of weird things he had done and could do.  Now I didn’t believe in all that mumbo jumbo and still don’t today.  But he offered to read the Tarot cards for us and tell us something about our past and future.

As I say I was not a believer and wanted no part in it.  But Fran was very interested and said she would like her fortune read.  He told her all sorts of things that had her quite perturbed.  She told me in quite a scared voice, that everything he had told her was right on the nail.  I tried to explain to her they just generalise and pick stuff that can be true to most people.  But she tried to convince me there was much more to it, and that he had told her stuff he couldn’t possibly know.  Still seeing the disbelief on my face, she persuaded me to give it a try.  I was sceptical, but I moved over and sat in front of the so-called male witch.

He laughed at me, having heard my discussion with Francis he knew I was a sceptic, but he dealt out my cards anyway.   At first, the things he told me were on the ball, but I put them down to good guesses or stuff he had heard around the camp over the last couple of days.  But then he floored me by exclaiming, “I don’t understand what the cards are saying!  They're saying you have three fathers, and I realise that’s quite silly. But that’s definitely what the cards say.”

I kept silent, knowing they get a lot of information by reading your reactions.  Then he seemed to have a revelation and asked me if my mother had been married more than once.

This sent a huge bubble of doubt, even a bit of fear, running through me.  He was correct, my mother had been married three times.  My real father, separated when I was three, and died when I was eleven.  Her second marriage had been to give me a father, as I was going off the rails in my early teens.  He died when I was about seventeen, and two years later she married again, to a guy I really liked, and he became my father for many years.  There was no way on God's earth he could have known these things.

That settled, he continued the reading, and his next revelation calmed me back down.  He said I had just travelled far oversea’s, and that I would travel back to the same place next year.  He had to be talking about America, and I knew this to be impossible, as the Camp America trips are a one-off experience and you don’t get to go twice.   So sitting there half stoned I figured out he had got lucky with the father thing, but he was, as I had thought, full of shit.

I was even more convinced he just got lucky, when he said, “You didn’t get any financial reward on the last trip overseas, but the cards say you will reap financial reward next time when you return there again.”

I figured he had to have heard me telling someone I had been to Camp America.  But as for going back, impossible, and I knew no one gets paid.  I didn’t give it much more thought, but just nodded thanks to him.

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A couple of days later we heard the Bulgarian border was opening briefly.  So we packed our gear and headed for the border.

The line of vehicles waiting at the border was about three miles long.  So one of the girls and I walked past all the trucks and cars to the border post, to find what was happening.  We were told they were only letting Bulgarian locals through and people who were fully vaccinated against Cholera. Having our cards and passports with us, we got in line to see if we could talk our way through the border. 

The American family, in front of us, had US vaccinations, but they wouldn't accept these and the husband paid US$200.00 each to get them a pass through the border.

When it was our turn, we were accosted by an officer of the Bulgarian army, who looked like Leonid Brezhnev.  He made it plain we had no chance of crossing, as we had to have Bulgarian vaccinations.  But he held his hand at his side, wriggling his fingers for a US$200 bribe.

We were broke, so that was never an option, but you can imagine his disgust when Fleur and I pulled out our passports and showed him the Bulgarian Cholera vaccine certificates we had from about three weeks earlier.

To cut a long story short, we were soon formed up in a convoy of about forty vehicles, and driving across Bulgaria and into Yugoslavia, from where we made our way back to London.

Now you might be wondering what all this has to do with anything?   Well, I’m getting there, all will be revealed.

One day in March, I get a phone call, it is Camp America calling about my going back to the Summer Camp.  They have had Rhett, the camp director, on the blower, saying he wanted me back for another summer at the underprivileged camp.  When they explained to him that it was against their policy, he asked if they could give him my number, so he could call me direct.  That was not possible either, but they told him they would try and contact me and pass his details onto me.

But!  And here is where it all gets a bit incredible, the lady who travelled with the students, gave them all their information and got them all organised, has taken ill, and called in to advise she won’t be able to do the trip.  So the guy running the show must have looked at the notes in front of him, and seen my name with the note from Rhett, shouting my praises.  And got on the blower to me, to offer me the job, plus a second-year at the old camp.

When I found out I was to be paid, plus all my expenses for the trip, I have to admit to feeling a chill run through me when I remembered what the witch guy in Turkey had predicted.

I had to go in for an interview and passed that with flying colours.  A week before we departed. I had to go into their offices for a day to meet all the student volunteers, then meet up with them all again at Heathrow and hand out any last documentation and answer questions.  Once we landed in New York, I had to see them all on the appropriate buses and away to their camps, before I got on a Greyhound and returned to the camp.

This year, I was again put with older boys.  My campers were all-around fifteen, and a good bunch of kids, many of them I already knew.  The older boys trainee councillor this year was Rufus.  He too I knew from the year before, as he has worked with us for the last couple of weeks the year before, on probation.   There were four male trainee councillors and four female trainee councillors in the camp, all were black, and all had been campers in previous years.

Rufus had just turned eighteen and was quite a character, very confident and outgoing.  He and I got on really well and he spent a lot more time with me than the other councillors.

Mary had also returned to manage Middle Girls, and we took up pretty much where we had left off.  But it wasn’t quite the same, I had not written to her much and I think she may have still remembered Liz’s comments on the last day of camp.  Also, she pointed out that she had a steady boyfriend back in Charlotte, and had promised him not to play around.  That lasted all of about two nights.  And I have to admit that on some of the free weekends, I did dally with some of the other councillors, and I know she wasn’t absolutely faithful to me that summer either.

Sometime in my fourth week of camp, it was my group of boys turn for a day in the canoes.  Canoe day was the highlight of the campers two weeks stay, and we councillors loved the day as well.

Most of the camp only got half a day paddling down the river, but Older Boys got a full day.  We started at the same spot as everyone else, but for lunch, we stopped at a beautiful place on a bend of the river and made campfires on the shingle beside the river and toasted buns and cooked marshmallows.  Then we proceeded on our way after lunch, to a spot much further down the river, where the trucks and vans met us and took us back to camp.

As I say, it was the favourite day of the camp experience for all the kids and to be fair, my favourite day as well.  Floating along a beautiful river, watching the scenery and wildlife, whilst the canoe guys took over all your usual chores, was true bliss.

I had Rufus with me to help, but really neither of us had much to do.  Remembering him brings to mind a common fallacy that I often hear, “That all black guys have huge cocks?”  This is crap, all my kids were black, and at some stage, I saw all of them in the buff, be it skinny dipping or in the showers, etc.  A few were large, the vast majority were pretty average, and some were bloody small.

But, and this is a big but, Rufus was the guy that got the rumours going about black men's cocks, he had an absolute monster.  It had to be six inches when slack, and the cheeky bugger would run off to the toilet in the morning, waving his morning hard around to impress everyone.

I would be woken to cries of, “Rufus has caught a python,” from the kids some mornings.  It had to be eight or nine inches when hard, I was very jealous.

Back to the canoe trip.  I got my all kids assembled after breakfast, and off to the truck to drive them to the river, the canoe boys had left with the canoes and lifejackets half an hour before.

The truck was a big green Ford that I loved to drive, they called it the truck, but really it was just like a Ute back home, only a site bigger and had a bloody big V8 donk in it.  Impossible to stall.  I had it all loaded up one day, kids and all, and started it in gear by mistake.  It just kicked into life and proceeded to move away in first gear, before I managed to shove my foot on the clutch and sort out if I’d run over anyone's foot.

I had nine boys this year, plus Rufus in the back with them.  When we got down to the river, I found Liz there, she had come home from some far-off country the night before, and after breakfast had offered to help the canoe boys that day.

I found myself in one canoe, with two of my campers and one of the canoe guys. The next had a canoeist, two boys and Rufus, the third had a canoeist, two boys and Liz, and the last had the senior canoeist and three of my boys.

The canoes were aluminium, shaped just like the Indian ones you see in the movies.  It was beautiful, gliding silently down a river amongst the trees, not a cloud in the sky.  The world is a wonderful place some days.

I shouldn’t say silent really, as the kids were chattering and I could hear the canoeist in the canoe next to mine, making playful banter and teasing Liz.  I was a bit miffed that he had all her attention, and just sat, listening to their banter.  There were all sorts of jibs going but one I pricked my ears up to, was that she was not a real blond, and needed to prove it to him.

When we stopped for lunch, everyone pitched in and got the fires going and set out the food.  The kids were out on the river shingle, so there was no fear of a fire spreading, the councillors made their fire about fifteen feet from them, on a rock shelf on the corner of the river.  As we were a little above the campers, it gave us some privacy, but we could see over them all, to watch for any problems.

The banter was still going between Liz and her canoeist, the others joining in.  I heard a, “Come on Liz! You're always telling us you're a real blond, but you never prove it.”

To which Liz suddenly stood up, back to the campers, who weren’t watching us anyway, and unzipping her shorts, she pulled down the front of her bikini bottom and showed us her bushy blond snatch.

Now I’m sure the others, like me, all had a good look at her pink wet slit, as she wasn’t fast about it, she held her bikini bottoms down and let us all have a real good look.  But did the others all notice the wet white patch on her bikini bottoms?  I know I did.  I hardened up considerably.

She zipped herself back up, and said, “Right guys now it's your turn.”

That shut them all up, and a couple took off to help the kids around the fires.  I got up, saying I needed to go up to the trees and have a piss.  Liz smiled over at me and said, “I need to go as well.  I’ll hide behind a tree, and you can make sure the bears don’t get me.”  We climbed up the bank, moved up the grassy slope to the tree line, which was thirty feet or so above the river bend.

I’m thinking all sorts of thoughts of course.  Did I just see her snatch, or dream it, being the uppermost thought on my mind? But also a bit deeper down in my mind, was ‘did she recall what she had said to me at the end of year party, last year’.  And should I try anything, and see if she meant it when she said I could have her anytime I wanted.

These thoughts had me semi-hard, I would have had a full boner on, but for the effort of climbing the slope.  As we entered the trees, I saw they did not go very deep, there was a large grass field on the other side of them.

We continued through the trees and out into the sunshine.  Liz was behind me, but once we were in the field she turned to her right and walked about thirty yards to a large oak tree.  Where she just dropped her shorts and bikini bottoms in one go, crouched down and started to pee alongside the oak tree.

Fuck! I didn’t know where to look, I had blindly followed her to the tree and was right behind her.  But Liz was not the slightest bit fazed, “I don’t mind you watching, but aren’t you going to pee?” she asked.

I turned my back to her, fumbled the old fellow out and tried to oblige, somewhat embarrassed though as he was semi-hard.

Liz stopped me, “Hey, turn around I want to watch.”

So I turned back towards her and continued to try and pee.  Not that easy when you have a beautiful woman watching you and you are half erect.  When at last it started to flow, I saw that Liz had finished.  She stepped over to me and grabbed my old fella, then pointed it towards the tree.

She had great fun, squirting it around on the tree truck, attempting to write something.  When I had finished, thinking about hauling my shorts up before we got caught.  She just went to her knees in front of me, and took my semi slack prick, into her mouth.  I did flinch away a little, I hadn’t even had time to shake it dry.

She let it out of her mouth for a moment, “Don’t pull back, I need this, no one will come.”  She looked at her watch, “We have at least fifteen maybe twenty minutes before they start to pack up.”  And she swallowed my old fella back down her throat again.

I looked around and thought I noticed some movement in the trees, but looking carefully I could not see anyone.  The thought of getting caught, the fact I was going to cum if she kept blowing me, made me move things along.  I lifted her under the arms, turned her around to lean against the oak tree, before inserting Roger between the cheeks of that smooth, shapely, alabaster arse.

I was rushing it, thinking about getting back down the hill and helping with packing the canoes.  Also, a bit scared she would suddenly come to her senses and stop me.  But Liz had no such ideas on her mind and admonished me to slow down.

“Don’t go so fast, I want to enjoy this,”  she exclaimed.

Again thinking I saw movement in my peripheral vision, I had a good look towards the trees and around the field.  Seeing nothing untoward, I eased off and tried to calm my excitement, to try and prolong this incredible situation.

Liz, now sensing the slowing of my pace and more purpose in my thrust hips, snuck a hand under herself and I felt her working at her clit.  This almost made me cum and I had to think of some mundane shit to pend of the surge of juices, which I could feel rising at the base of my cock.

I must have shut my eyes then, although I was certain that I hadn’t.  But, one second I was thrusting into Liz with the whole world to ourselves.  The next minute Rufus was there, taking Liz’s hand from her clit and placing it on his very erect, black rod.

I tensed up, ready for the explosion of protest that I expected from Liz.  I don’t think of myself as being racist or sexist in any way, but have to admit I didn’t feel right about this beautiful, blond woman being touched by a black guy.  But how wrong I was, Liz did let off a groan that sounded like she was offended, but her actions proved otherwise.

She took a hold of his rod, gave it a few good strokes, then lowered her head to his knob and swallowed it into her mouth.  And this seemed to trigger her orgasm.

In those days, most of my sexual encounters were hurried affairs and done in silence.  As they would happen in in-opportune places with people nearby, like the back of a car, or in the back bedroom at a party.  So I hadn’t had many experiences of a woman letting go and making her climax obvious.  In fact, the first sentence I uttered after most bonks, was, "Did you cum too?"

But Liz’s orgasm was nothing like that, first, her knees went and I had to hold her hips or she would have fallen to the ground.  Then her whole body jerked and spasmed to the waves of pleasure running through her.  And noisy!  Shit, she started swearing and yelling at me to fuck her harder.

I hardly have to tell you that I blew my load instantly.  And as my own legs went weak, I had to let her go and slump down onto the grass.  This left Liz to weakly hold herself up with one hand on the tree and the other holding tightly onto Rufus’s prick.

Again I had tensed up, expecting her to protest, and the shit to hit the fan.  However, Liz flicked a look at him, let go of his cock, then turned her sweet little derrière towards him.  There could not have been a clearer invitation, and Rufus did not hesitate.  He just stepped behind her and fed his monstrous great shaft all the way home.

Liz seemed to instantly recover all her energy.  I just lay back, leaned on my elbows and watched, probably with my mouth wide open.  I thought I was a pretty experienced campaigner, but this 18-year-old kid was making me look like a bloody amateur.

He grabbed her shoulders and stood her up hard against the tree, then hammered into her from behind.  I saw that her tits were mashed against the bark, and worried that they would get damaged.  She seemed to have another orgasm, as slumping against the tree she made little whimpering noises, and the jerking of her hips slowed.

Rufus took this as a cue to change positions. He lowered her onto the grass and took her missionary style.  Liz lifted her legs up and tucked both behind his arse, and they fell into a beautiful rhythmic thrusting.

I took the opportunity to pull my shorts back on and sat down in the grass to watch.  I did think of wandering away to let them have some privacy.  But that thought didn’t last more than a split second.  Fuck it this was a once in a lifetime experience.  I was going nowhere, I just wish to this day I had my super eight movie camera with me, it was back in the camp, my not daring to ever bring it on the canoeing trips for fear the canoe would capsize, which they often did.

Rufus gave a rousing performance for a young guy.  I thought he would cum before he even got properly started, but no, he seemed to know exactly what he was about.  He worked Liz up, till she was moaning and bucking around under him.

When it was obvious she was about to cum, Rufus pulled her hair back, making her arch her back and push her hips against him.  They both jerked hard against one another, crying out obscenities as they orgasmed.

They lay still for a minute or two, then Liz rolled Rufus off her and picked up her shorts and bikini bottom.

She spun around, and snapped at Rufus, “This goes nowhere, do you understand, never utter a word of this, or you’ll never work again.”

Rufus, calm as you like replied, “No one will hear a thing from me, Ma’am.  But I sure would like to do you again.”

And he turned, hauled up his shorts and headed back to the path leading down to the river.

I asked Liz if she was all right, she just smiled at me, nodded, and said, “Well I got what I wanted today.  Maybe a bit more than I expected.”

Then she told me to follow Rufus down the river and she would follow when she was ready.

When I got down to the river, the place was all but packed up and no one paid much attention. I saw that Rufus was swimming, so I waded in and joined him.

When the others were all packed and ready to go, one of the canoe guys came over to ask me where Liz was.   I was just about to make up some sort of explanation, when Liz appeared, wading chest-deep in the river.  She had her shorts and shirt held above her head.

“I’ve been swimming in that neat swim hole back there.” She cried, looking over her shoulder.

She stepped onto the bank dried herself off, pulled her T-shirt over her head and climbed into her canoe.

As we all paddled off, the guilt hit me.  I was meant to be meeting Mary that night, and although there were no formal rules about our affair, I felt terrible that I had strayed.  By the time we reached the end of the river, I had decided I was going to feign heat stroke, and not see Mary that night.


When we got back to the camp, Liz left in a bit of a hurry, not saying goodbye, to Rufus or me.  A bit embarrassed I guessed, not that I was really surprised.

We didn’t see a lot of Liz the rest of that year.  I think this may have been more to do with what had happened with Rufus, more than me.

Rufus and I had always gotten on well, I liked the kid.  But after this, we were even closer.  Not that we ever really discussed the day above the riverbank in detail.

But I did want to ask him some questions though.  Like how did he become so experienced?

I got my chance a few days later.  As I have said, I had to share Rufus with the other groups in ‘older boys’.  But when I wanted to take my boy's skinny dipping up at the blue water hole, I had to arrange a time when he could help me, as I wasn’t allowed to take my nine boys swimming on my own.

When we arrived at the water hole the kids all dived in and started goofing off.  Rufus and I sat up on the bank watching over them and we started talking.

“Rufus?” I asked, “I want to ask you something that’s a bit personal.  I want to know how you are so experienced with women?  It was obvious that the other day was not your first time.  You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

He looked at me carefully, then replied, “I’m not really meant to tell, and you would tell Greg.”

Greg was the senior councillor of Older Boys, and I got on really well with him, as he was about the same age me, maybe a year older.

“Your secrets are absolutely safe with me, there are many things I would never tell Greg or anyone here at the camp for that matter.  Especially anything to do with the other day.”

He was quiet for a minute, then he started to talk, “My Auntie teaches me.”

To be continued……

Written by mingemuncher
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