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A New Beginning

"It started online. I had no expectations of anything like this."

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My marriage was on the rocks. My wife and I were still living together with our three children, but we might as well have been separated. Once I realized the seriousness of our situation, I tried everything I could think of, including suggesting couples counseling. She didn't want to go to counseling, and didn't really seem interested in trying to fix what was broken. Our marriage was effectively over. I'm sure she had her side of this story, but this was mine.

The evenings were quite lonely. I started to browse the internet more and more, and finally came upon some chat sites that looked like fun. I wasn't looking for anything other than online companionship. Not necessarily anything sexual in nature, but rather someone to talk to, and hang out with online to ease the loneliness.

One evening, someone with the handle Ayla came online. The handle was associated with a rose avatar, so I knew Ayla was female. We started talking back and forth. There were 3 of us chatting, myself, some guy from Australia, and Ayla. Even though there were three of us chatting, I thought I felt a special connection with her. I wasn't sure if it was because of a real connection, or if I was just imagining things.

As much as I was enjoying the conversation, it was getting a little late. I think I was realizing that my so called "special connection" was all in my head. 

When I typed my intention to sign off, Ayla typed, "Please don't leave!"

Surprised, I responded, "OK."

Shortly after that, I think the Australian soon got the message, and left the chat room. Ayla and I talked for another hour or more. Like me, she was in a very unhappy marriage, and was desperate for any type of companionship. I learned among other things, that her name was Jean, she lived in Virginia, she was 32 years old, had blonde hair, blue eyes and was 5'8" tall. Finally, we exchanged email addresses, and promised each other that we would meet back in the chat the next evening.

That night, I went to sleep thinking about her, trying to imagine what she looked like. I was hoping she really would show up the next day in chat. We had a great conversation. It's funny how you can open up to a complete stranger. Maybe it was because we were both that unhappy, that we felt close to anyone willing to listen.

The next day, I researched and found a site that would allow us to create a private chat room. I sent her an email with how to get to the site, as well as the chat room name and password.

A few minutes later, I received a reply from her, "Perfect! It will be nice to have some privacy to talk. See you there soon, xoxo."

I loved the "xoxo". It was unexpected, but it certainly made my day.

Later that evening, we met in our private chat. We spent three hours talking about likes, wants, spouses. When she said she missed sex, my heart leapt a little. I confessed I missed it as well. I told her how I missed the intimacy of sex, the kissing, the cuddling. I confessed how I was becoming attracted to her, even though we hadn't even met, how if she were with me then and there, I would be kissing her. Although I knew what cyber sex was, neither one of us had ever experienced it. That night changed that fact. It was an incredible experience. Even though it wasn't physical sex, the emotions of it were overwhelming. That was when I realized that sex was just as much mental and emotional, as it was physical. Jean had touched me in a very special way. We agreed to meet the next evening and said our goodnights. The sex was virtual, but the effect it had on my was physical.

I hadn't been that aroused in ages. I had to get some release. I went into the bathroom and stroked my cock, all the while imagining making love to Jean. The image of her was made up in my mind. I still had no idea what she looked like.

When we met in chat the next night, I confessed about having to masturbate with her in mind, after we signed off. 

The next sentence she typed was, "Oh Kevin, I know how you felt. I was so wet and excited during the online sex, I used my fingers and made love with you too. I had the most powerful orgasm that I ever had. It was wonderful. I wonder if now is the time for us to exchange pictures. I hope you aren't expecting too much. I'm a little anxious that you won't be attracted to me."

"Jean, I'm already attracted to you in the most important way. If anyone has reason to be anxious, it's me. I'm sending you a picture of myself in an email right now."

I waited anxiously for what seemed like an eternity.

She finally responded in chat, "Kev, I think you are a very handsome man! xoxo. Let me send one of me. This was taken a few months ago."

After a few seconds, my in box showed a new email. I opened the attached picture and saw quite an attractive woman. She was wearing a conservative outfit with a skirt. You could tell she took care of herself. She had blonde hair almost to her shoulders, an very pretty face, and sexy legs.

"Jean, you took my breath away with that picture. I think you are incredibly attractive. I hope this doesn't sound weird, but when we make love on here, or when I satisfy myself, I will have your image in my mind."

"That's not strange at all. I'm more than ready right now. I'm already wet for you just looking at your picture, and imagining us making love."

"Jean, how I wish I was there. I would love to kiss you all over. I would love to taste you and then, slide my cock inside you. I am so hard right now."

"Oh Kev, oh, that would be so good. I want to feel that."

Now that I knew what Jean looked like, I could imagine her naked.

"Jean, I'm stroking my cock right now, just thinking about you."

"Oh God Kev, my fingers are slipping into my pussy and rubbing my clit. Hard to type. I love you. I want you so much."

Did she just say she loved me? I was afraid to say it first, and after only a short time knowing her.

"I love you too Jean. I wish you could feel how hard I am, thinking about you playing with your self. My hand is gliding up and down my shaft, my palm rubbing over the head. Oh, I want it to be inside you."

"Kev, cumming now"

I pictured her writhing as she climaxed. That was so stimulating, I exploded all over.

"Jean, I just came so hard. I want this so much."

We talked for a while longer before saying goodnight. It took me a bit to clean up the mess I made, but it was so worth it. Man, she was so sexy. I made a mental note to have some paper towels nearby next time.

The next day, Jean sent me another picture. She was naked in this one. In the email, she wrote, "Kevin, I wanted you to see all of me. I hope you're not disappointed. I can't describe how sexy you make me feel. I would love to see more of you too."

I was not disappointed. Wow, she looked great. She didn't have large breasts, but they seemed perfect for her body. They were still perky. My mouth actually watered while I was looking at them. Hey pussy was shaved clean and her labia protruded out a little.

I decided to take two pictures standing in front of a blank wall. The first was one of me with my cock hanging naturally. That picture was a little difficult to get, because I seemed to be in a constant state of arousal. The other picture was with an erection. My hand was holding the shaft with my thumb resting on top of the head. I sent them as attachments.

I wrote, "Jean, you are stunning. I love everything about you. Attached are a couple of me for you."

She emailed back, "Wow Kev, I got wet just looking at those pictures. I can imagine what you would feel and taste like. I was thinking about what it would be like to lick and suck your cock until you came in my mouth."

Talk about getting an instant hard on. If I wasn't at work, I would have dropped my pants and jerked off then and there. And that's exactly what I did when we got into chat that evening. I had her picture up in one window of my screen while we made love online. Our typing was sporadic. I found how difficult it was to type with one hand as the other was stroking my cock.

While I was looking at her naked picture, she wrote, "Kev, I want you to fuck me. I want to feel your cock deep inside my pussy."

Between what she was typing to me, and looking at her picture, it didn't take long for me to explode.

"Jean, I'm cumming inside you now, filling your pussy with my cream."

At least this time, I came on the paper towels.

"Jean, do you have a web cam? Let's use them tomorrow along with headsets. That way we can watch each other and talk instead of typing."

"Kev, I'll go into town tomorrow and pick up what I need. This is so exciting!"

Online Now!
Lush Cams

The next night, we got on a video chat. Jean was sitting in a chair with a headset on. She was wearing negligee. I was also sitting in a chair but was naked under my robe. My God, she looked sexy.

I spoke to her for the first time, "Jean, you are so beautiful. I wish I could reach through the camera to you."

As she replied, she lifted her top to show me her breasts, "Oh Kevin, how I wish you could."

"My mouth would be on your breasts, my fingers pinching your nipples."

She actually pinched both nipples with her fingers

"Kevin, I want to take your cock in my mouth and feel the texture if your skin against my tongue. I want to experience how warm it feels as I cover it with my saliva."

I started stroking my cock. She could see my hand sliding up and down my shaft over the cam.

"Oh, Kevin, I want that now."

Her fingers slid down to her pussy. We didn't say much any longer, just her moans and heavy breathing came over my headset. I'm sure she was hearing me too as I masturbated for her. I watched her pleasure herself as I slid my hand up and down. Her fingers on one hand toyed with her clit as fingers on her other hand spread her labia open for me to see those wet, pink lips. I was so fucking turned on. We both increased the pace. She came first. I heard her try to muffle her sounds of pleasure, but they resonated in my ears, causing me to explode in gushes.

"Jean, I want you so much, I can hardly stand it. I want to come and see you. I want to hold you in my arms and kiss you. I know we haven't actually met. I'm not suggesting a booty call, but I want to get to know you in person. I feel like I already do."

She didn't hesitate in her reply, "Yes, lets meet. When can you come and see me?"

We made plans for the following week. I planned to disguise it as a business trip.

When the day came, I was nervous as hell. I flew into Dulles and rented a car. We arranged to meet in the parking lot of a supermarket. I arrived first and parked in an open area of the lot. We both knew what the other was driving, so I was keeping watch. It seemed like forever, but I finally saw what had to be her car enter the parking lot and pull up next to me. We both rolled down our windows, and laid eyes on each other live, for the first time. I was speechless. She was beautiful.

She must have been as unsure of herself as I was, because she asked, "Kevin, if you don't want to do this, I understand."

I didn't answer, but got out of my car and locked it up. I walked to the passenger side of her car, got in, leaned to her, and kissed her softly on the lips.

"Jean, I love you. I'm so glad we're doing this."

We kissed again, only this time with passion. We were both oblivious to anything going on around us. We only concentrated on each other. I had a raging hard-on. As the minutes passed, we realized we were in the middle of a parking lot.

"Kev, maybe we should find a more private place to park."

She started the car, and we found a quiet parking lot at the back of a small apartment building. It seemed secluded. After parking, I reached over and started kissing her again. I loved the way her lips felt on mine. I loved the way our tongues felt together. My right hand found her left breast. I started to knead it through her blouse. Jean moaned in my mouth, and I felt her hand rubbing my extremely hard cock.

She broke from our kiss, and with both hands, she undid the button on my jeans and coaxed the zipper down. I put the seat back about half way, and lifted my hips to slip my jeans and underwear down. Jean took my cock in her hand, and slowly stroked it as her lips found mine again. I couldn't believe this was happening. I had wanted this sexy woman for so long, and now here we were. Her hand felt so soft around my throbbing shaft.

Jean leaned over my cock and held it to her lips. She brushed her hair back, looked up and me, and slid her mouth down around me.

"Oh God, Jean. That feels so good."

Her one hand cupped my balls as she bobbed her head up and down my cock. I could feel her tongue swirling over the head. My hand was in her hair, holding it out of the way, so I could watch her lips glide over my veiny shaft. It wasn't long before I could feel the beginning of my orgasm. My mind was a jumble of thoughts and sensations. Jean stopped to tongue the precum from the tip of my cock before she engulfed it again with renewed fervor.

I gasped, "I'm going to come!" I wasn't sure if she was going to take it in her mouth, but I wanted to give her warning.

I exploded in her mouth. I hadn't come so hard in a long time. I could feel the ropes of cum spurting out, into her mouth. The warmth flooded through my body as she gently licked me clean. She moved back up to me. I took her face in my hands and kissed her deeply.

"I love you Jean."

"I love you too Kevin, so much."

I put my seat back up a little, and as I was kissing her, I guided her back in her's. My hand unbuttoned her blouse down to her jeans.

She whispered, "You can undo my bra in the front, Kev."

I undid the clasp and pushed each side away. Her breasts looked perfect to me. Her nipples were large, and standing at attention. Without a second though, I brought one to my mouth and sucked it between my lips. Her hand went to the back of my head as she moaned with pleasure. The more I sucked and pulled at her nipple, the more she moaned. I eventually move to her other breast to give it the proper attention. As I did that, my fingers squeezed the one I just left. Rolling the wet nipple between my fingers.

My hand lowered to her jeans. I was able to undo the button.

"Jean, you're going to have to lower your seat back." 

Once she had done that, I lowered her zipper and coaxed them down a little. My hand slid into her panties, and my fingers found the folds of her labia. She was soaking wet already. That excited me to no end. I kissed her deeply as my fingers slid through her lips and into her opening. She was breathing heavily through her nose as we kissed with renewed passion. My fingers moved up to toy with her clit. I began to stroke her swollen nub with the length of my finger, moving it up and down against it. Jean began to buck her hips up and down against my hand. Her head rolled from side to side.

"Don't stop, don't stop."

I had no intention of stopping. Finally she lifted up almost off her seat as she cried out. I stopped stroking her clit, and just held my hand in place over her. When she calmed down, I brought my hand to my mouth, and licked her juices from my fingers. What a wonderful taste it was.

I held her, kissed her, and cuddled as much as you can cuddle in a car.

After a while, she said, "Kev, I have to head home. It's getting late, and he will be wondering where I am. Not that I care, but it will just be easier if I don't stay too late."

"When can I see you again? I wish we could spend all night together. Can you meet me for breakfast in the morning?"

We agreed to meet at a restaurant at 9:00 the next morning. I slept soundly that night.

The next morning, we met in the parking lot of a Denny's restaurant. She looked radiant. Her hair was brushed to a silky sheen, and she had a pair of tight light colored jeans and a pretty blouse. We kissed when we met in the parking lot before proceeding in. As we sat at the table, we talked about the night before.

"Kev, I have fallen in love with you. There is no doubt in my mind about that, but even though I don't feel like it, I'm still married. I feel a little guilty about what we did. I loved every second of it, but I'm not sure where we go from here."

I reached out to hold her hands in mind, "I loved it too, and I love you. We don't have to rush into anything. Lets consider our future together, and how we will get there. There are a lot of things we both have to do in order to get free."

After breakfast was over, we walked hand in hand back out to our cars. I had a flight back in the afternoon, so this would be our last time together for now. At our cars, we hugged and held each other, and whispered our love to each other. We kissed deeply, our tongues dancing together. Our kisses became much more passionate than either one of us intended. My hands move down to her ass, pulling her in tight. I'm sure she could feel my hard cock pressing against her. If we had been alone, I'm sure we would have made love that day, but we didn't have either the time or the privacy.

Finally, after one lingering kiss, we parted ways, promising to meet online that evening.

Written by Cubby54
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