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A Football Bet Ends Well

"Stacy makes an uncomfortable bet with her Boyfriend and Brooke ends up the winner"

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Author's Notes

"This is very close to a true story. A name was changed and a few descriptions were altered to more protect the guilty than anything else. BTW, this happened just this past Sunday and this particular story ended this morning. <p> [ADVERT] </p> I told 'Stacy' I would be writing this story and she can't wait to read it. I might add a second part after she gives me her feedback."

Sunday was the weirdest day of my life, bar none. I guess I should explain. I am an atypical sports fan. I think it stems from the fact I was an athlete, a runner in college and did pretty well. Not quite Olympic caliber, but not for lack of trying and training. As a result, I hung around with lots of athletes, male and female. This also means, now that I am a few years away from my own serious athletic days, I am a fan of a number of sports including football and baseball. Why atypical? I discovered that the ratio of fans to non-fans amongst the lesbians I have known is much lower than other folks I have known. I don’t know if that really true across the whole population of women who prefer women, but it’s been my experience. I would also hazard a guess that the ratio is even lower for gay men. Again, just my own personal experience, I mean you go to a party with a bunch of gay girls and boys and ask for them to flip a TV onto a football game and see the reaction!

Okay, how does that play into this weird-ass day? Well, for football I am a NY Giants fan. I have been one for all my life. This particular season has been awful! My Giants sucked! There is no easy way to say it, and I have never been one to mince words. I am still a Giants fan, no matter what!

I do have a second favorite team — whoever is playing the Dallas Cowboys. I have never liked the Cowboys, but back when I was a kid someone hung the moniker of “America’s Team” on them. I mean ‘America’s team? No freaking way! They are the Dallas Cowboys, there is no “America’s team”! After that, they went from the disliked Cowboys to the hated Cowboys.

So that sets the stage for the last week of the regular 2019 season. The Cowboys were playing the Washington Redskins and the Philadelphia Eagles were playing my Giants. Both the Giants and Redskins were well out of playoff consideration, but if the Eagles won they would clinch the division and eliminate the hated Cowboys. If the Giants beat the Eagles and the Cowboys beat the Redskins, then the Cowboys would win the division and go to the post-season. Got the picture?

What this means to me, a Giants fan is I had to root for the Eagles to beat my Giants in order to eliminate the hated Cowboys. An alternative would be to root for the Redskins to beat the Cowboys for the same result. I know, how sad is that, having to root for two rivals within my own division because my Giants had a horrific season. So there, the stage is set. I decided that since it was the Sunday after Christmas and most of my friends and family were busy with other things, I would hit my favorite sports pub and watch the two games.

This sports pub is a good one. It’s not a gay or lesbian bar, but it has a reputation for being gay-friendly. This means that no one is going to hassle you as long as you keep sex off the tables. It was nice to have a place where gays and straights really did co-exist. I know lots of groups make lip-service for co-existence, but the reality is usually some form of tolerance rather than actual co-existence. On game days this sports pub was always crowded and everyone was usually focused on the games rather than any typical bar behavior of people trying to hook-up and get laid. In other words, I love watching games there. I knew a bunch of the regulars and always had a good time, even when my Giants lose — which was often this season.

So I put on an Eli Manning jersey and headed out. Since I was flying solo, I took a small table off to the side. The main crowd was interested in some of the more critical games like Ravens-Steelers and Dolphins-Patriots. I had a good view of both of the games I was interested in. In walked a couple I didn’t know, but I knew I didn’t like her right away because she was wearing a Dallas Cowboy Ezekiel Elliot jersey. Of course, she ended up sitting right next to me at the next small table, she and her boyfriend, who was wearing a Packers hat. The Cowboy bitch and I made brief eye contact but pretty much ignored each other as the games started.

So there I sat, with her back to my right as I tried to watch my games. I was also subjected to her and her guy having a small argument. I didn’t catch the details, I really tried to ignore it. I am not nosey by nature — I’m not, so quit laughing! I really was more interested in the games.

By halftime, the Cowboys were beating the Redskins handily. It really was to be expected, the Redskins were having a worse year than my Giants. So that meant I had to root for the Eagles to beat the Giants to keep the Cowboys out of the postseason! See, life fucking sucks sometimes! Philly was up 10 – 7 over the Giants, but they were having trouble stopping them from moving the ball. I was torn between wanting my Giants to make a comeback or just fold to screw the hated Cowboys.

Meanwhile, the argument at the next table was getting a little louder and I caught some of it. It was about the games and something one or the other had to do about a bet. I was too into the game as it picked up and toward the end of the third quarter, the Cowboys were well ahead of their game and the Giants and Phillies were tied at 17. That’s when one weird thing happened, the Cowboy slut to my right started rooting for my Giants. I felt like I was in the Twilight Zone or something.

She cheered the Giants’ last score and we caught each other’s eye and broke out laughing. She turned her chair and the two of us started talking. It was funny hearing her bitching about having to root for the Giants in exactly the same tone I was using about having to root for the Eagles. It really was a weird predicament and we both saw the humor in it. No, that wasn’t what made this such an incredibly weird day, but it relates or I wouldn’t be boring you with the details.

At the end of the third quarter, Philly went ahead 20-17. My new Cowboy sort-of-nemesis was looking a bit dejected. As the fourth quarter went on, Philadelphia scored again, stretching the lead to 10. My nemesis was really looking down as the Giants kept punting the ball. About halfway through the fourth quarter the guy she was with went to … ‘drain a vein’ ... as he so inelegantly put it. Stacy, my new frenemy looked about ready to burst into tears. Now, I know I can be cold and callous at times, or at least I try to be, especially about the Cowboys, but the look on her face was not just about the Cowboys being eliminated. I finally got her to tell me.

“We made a bet at the beginning of the season. If either of our teams missed the playoffs…”

“Yes?” I asked, now more curious then I had any right to be.

“The loser has to have sex…” She looked down. “With a stranger.”


“I know, it was a stupid bet, but he talked me into it. He kept saying to look at the Cowboys, they should have been miles ahead of anyone else. He’s been on me about it all season. I wouldn’t have held him to it. I mean look at most of the guys in here, sex with one of them for his enjoyment!”

“No, not that. You made a bet to fuck a stranger?”

“Yes. The bet is that we have to pick up someone right in front of the other and go have sex with them either in the bar or out in the car. It has to be a stranger. “

“Why would you make such a bet?”

“As I said, he talked me into it. His fucking Packers shouldn’t have had a chance the way they ended things last year. I figured at worst they would both make it. But there was no way the Cowboys could not make it. Come on, with Dak, Zeke, and the lack of any power teams in the division.”

“I hate to tell you this, but Philly scored again. They're up by 17.” She all but broke into tears. Then the asshole boyfriend came back and I could hear him gloating. I hate gloaters! It’s one thing to win a bet, but to rub it in so badly. He couldn’t see how bad it was making Stacy feel.

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The game ended, it was official, the Cowboys were eliminated and the Packers clinched their division. Stacy had lost the bet and that moron was really pissing me off! He started pointing out guys to her and giving her a really hard time.

When she got up to go try and fulfill her bet, I stood and put my hand on her shoulder. “Okay, you win!”

She looked confused.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her toward the back of the place. She gave no resistance and her boyfriend started saying something but we were too far away to hear. I pulled her into the loo and into a stall. I apologize to any handicapped folks, but we took the one large stall, the others were barely big enough for one ten-year-old girl let alone two adult women. I sat her down.

“There was nothing in your bet that said you had to have sex with a strange man, was there?”

She looked thoughtful for a moment. “No! OMG, you saved me. Now I can go tell him I had sex.”

I leaned into her and planted my lips on hers. “I can’t let you be a liar.”

I took off my top. “I can’t have that on my conscious. My Mom is the type of person who would stick a foot in an empty tub so I could tell a caller that she was in the tub — all so it wouldn’t make me a liar. We are just gonna have sex.” Then I smiled at her as I hung my top on the inside hook and popped off my bra. Her eyes got really huge.

“I never…”

I put a finger to her lips to silence her for a moment. “It’s okay, just go with the flow. Unless you want me to go find you one of the guys in the bar?”

Her face got that dejected look for a moment then she looked at my tits. “Are you sure? I mean I wouldn’t want you to do anything you are uncomfortable with.” She said that as she took her own top off and handed it to me. She didn’t need a bra.

Being a Cowboys jersey I was tempted to toss in on the bathroom floor, but I couldn’t do that, I hung it next to mine. She stood, her breasts tantalizingly close to mine. She was a little taller than me, but what was nice was the look on her face. This wasn’t an unwilling seduction, this wasn’t even someone who was bi-curious and using me to satisfy her curiosity. This was someone who rapidly made up her mind and was going into this with both eyes wide open. You have no idea how attractive that made her to me.

“Oh, I am very comfortable with this. In fact, if you had a penis I would be incredibly uncomfortable.” I lean toward her and hoped she would react in the best way. She thought about my words and there was no confusion. She knew I was a lesbian and she also knew that I realized she wasn’t, but I wasn’t being pushy. I know what I wanted and it wasn’t just to fuck with her boyfriend’s head, which was just the side benefit.

She did react well, she touched our lips together and didn’t even jump much when I took her breasts in my hands. She pulled back and I understood the look on her face better when she said, “He’s out there going fucking nuts right now!” We laughed and then I pulled her into my arms.

She felt fucking good against me. I’m tall and usually, the girls I was with were smaller. It felt good leaning against her. We kissed and I simply held her waist in case she did have second thoughts, but she pressed against me as hard as I was pressing against her. Her small breasts were against mine, her hands fluttered about my waist like she wasn’t sure what to do with them. I grabbed them and put them on my butt as we deepened our kiss.

I knew this was going to go well when she grasped my ass tight and pulled me to her. Okay, yes, she is a Cowboy fan, but there was no hesitation in this girl. She made a decision and while she might be a little unsure of the mechanics, she didn’t back down a bit.

The kiss broke and she looked away for a second, so I kissed her neck, that long beautiful neck. Her hands came up and hesitated slightly when she hit my bare back, but then she made a small sound and her hands slowly came up my back. It felt wonderful. I pushed a hand between us and unsnapped her jeans, then I spun her around and tugged them down. She had nice hips and it was a pleasure pulling them down over them. Her ass was perfect, she was in a plain pair of cotton briefs. I got her jeans to her knees and tugged the briefs down with them.

I paused for a moment to appreciate her beautiful ass, then I went for what I loved. As soon as I pressed my face to her butt, she bent slightly and even though her legs were close together, I could taste her sweetness and she was delicious. I pushed at her jeans again and she helped me get them off one leg, her sneaker bounced by the toilet and she opened those magnificent legs. She was delicious and soon shuddered through a small orgasm for me. She not only tasted good, but she was very responsive.

She panted a little and said to stop for a little bit.

She stood and turned and the look on her face was amazing.

“I never cum that quickly!”

I wanted to buff my fingernails as a way of braggadocio, but I was just happy she did. I smiled at her and stripped off my jeans. Mine weren’t as form-fitting as her's so they went down easily. My panties were with them, and I hooked them with our tops. We both heard some snickering from elsewhere in the loo but didn’t really care. No one was beating on the stall door.

I took her hand and put it to my pussy. I whispered, “Just like you like to play with yourself.”

She was tentative, but certainly game. After a minute or two, she turned me around and masturbated me while I pressed my back against her. Her hand became firmer and more deliberate as she felt me responding. I could feel her own wetness on my ass, but in minutes I didn’t care.

“Oh my god, right there! Yes!” I said, louder than I probably should because there was more snickering from outside the stall. So I threw caution to the wind and fucking came all over her hand! I know I yelled because after I calmed down, there was actually applause from outside. We laughed together and got dressed, with one exception.

We left the loo, luckily the rest of the bathroom was empty by then. As we exited together we could tell there had been some talk because a number of people were watching us very closely. We sat back down and Stacy faced the now annoyed expression of her boyfriend.

“There is no fucking way…”

I leaned over and tossed her plain cotton panties on the table in front of him. I tossed enough money to cover my tab with a good tip for the server and held my hand out to Stacy. This time there was no hesitation or confusion. She took it and we left with her boyfriend, maybe now her ex-boyfriend sitting there with an incredulous look on his face. One of the regulars I knew well gave me a thumbs up as we walked out.

See, what did I tell you, a freaking weird-ass day! No, it wasn’t picking up a girl or even having sex in a loo — which are things I have done before, although I would be careful which loo you decide to fool around in. It wasn’t even snagging a girl from an asshole guy, which to me is almost a sport. What made it so fucking weird is that I made love with a Dallas Cowboy fan! Something I had never done and something I would have bet money against ever doing.

Of course, for you football fans, all this happened Sunday and Stacy stayed with me through Tuesday after picking up a few things from her apartment. I was glad she and the now-ex weren’t living together. She did have to turn off her phone. New Year’s Eve had her partying with a bunch of friends of mine and crashing with a few others on my living room floor. While I wouldn’t say she’s a confirmed lesbian, I will say that no one complained about her oral skills by the time we all passed out.


Written by Brookell
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