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Provoke Ch.02: Getting Her Statement “Expressed Out”

"Van was probed deep and hard during interrogation."

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“We’re almost there, ma’am,” declared one of the two police officers, seeing Van was still visibly shaken. She simply nodded, her body trembling from a mixed state of shock and surprise. She had resigned herself to the fact that she would probably spend the night at the police station instead of the town she had intended to visit.

While the officers escorted Van to the police station, her girly tumescence rubbed against her inner thighs as she walked; each stride felt like a tender stroke on her clammy nylon appendage. There was an increasing urge to slip her hand under her skirt to touch the swelling engorgement. If she had to climax, she wanted to wank to her heart’s content, not prematurely like this.

Yet subconsciously Van was feeling thrilled and aroused by being under duress, helpless, and not in control of her circumstances. Even now, while trying to repress the urge to cum prematurely from the relentless rubbing, Van was getting all tingly with her pulsating girl-cock.

The distance felt like an endless trudge, with Van merely striding in place on a treadmill. As the three of them continued walking, she contemplated asking the officers but worried her inquisitiveness might fuel further suspicions. On top of this, her mind was preoccupied with the imminent premature ejaculation if this kept up.

Her balls began tightening as her turgid member got more and more excited from the incessant brushing. She was approaching the summit of her orgasm. Her swollen bulbous head was already nudging out against the diaphanous nylon at the back; suffused in the saturated area she had cummed earlier.

Ooh, please! Not now… please hold on! Van implored inside her mind; fighting the urgency of her throbbing phallus.

“Here we are!” the announcement came no sooner than they finally arrived at their destination. Van was getting butterflies in her stomach as they entered, speculating and anticipating the questions that would soon be asked.

I’m innocent. I did nothing wrong. There’s nothing to be worried about. They’ll release me soon after I’ve given my statement. Van expected nothing less than a quick entry and exit from the police station. 

The officers led Van inside and brought her to an interrogation room, where they sat her down and handed a form for her to fill in. The drab surrounding felt eerily solemn. Van was quiet and contemplative. All she wanted was to take a stroll around the small town, dressed up and maybe… just maybe, make a few heads turn with the high heels and oily-gloss mocha-colored pantyhose she was wearing.

Van could feel her excited tumescence gradually subsiding to a calmer demeanor. She double-crossed her slender legs; left over right before tucking the small of her left ankle under her right as an added assurance to squeeze off any remaining trace of erection she was feeling at the moment.

Pulling the piece of paper closer to her, she picked up the accompanying pen on top and began writing on it after scanning through its contents. First off was her name, followed by her date of birth and age, then her gender. Van paused and stopped, contemplating long and hard if she should indicate her true identity.

After much consideration, she wrote ‘Female’ as she normally had with other application forms, and breezed through the rest of the questionnaires. 

Van waited. Her wandering eyes scanned the dim-lit enclosure and noticed a large rectangular mirror on one side. Other than the frigid-looking table and the chair she was sitting on, there was nothing else. She looked up and spotted a CCTV camera installed on the top corner above the room door; its angle was directed at the spot where she was seated.

Ten minutes passed and no one came through the door. She stared listlessly at the table in front and spotted a wrought iron ring mounted at the corner of the table. Her eyes quickly shifted laterally to the other end and saw a similar wrought iron ring mounted on that corner too. She stood up and leaned over to see two other wrought iron rings mounted on the opposite sides of the table as well. 

Intriguing table design. I wonder what those rings are for. Van was getting a little restless from the wait. She looked at her watch – 10:58 pm. Fuck! She needed to get going or her mother would start worrying about her extended absence.

“Hello?” Van finally gave up and called out, “anyone coming?”

Darn! I should have just stayed at home. Stupid idea for wanting to get out and take that damn shortcut through the alley! Van was upset with herself for making the wrong decision, and now she was stuck in a small, dark, and dingy room inside the police station waiting for her statement to be taken.

Not a minute sooner, the door opened, and the two officers stepped in with a black bag and a clipboard. They set the bag on the table as they approached Van. One of them walked over and leaned against the wall, while the other sat on the edge of the table closer to her.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, ma’am. That is Officer McCoy,” the officer signalled to the man leaning against the wall, “and I’m Officer Briggs.”


Retrieving the form on the table, Officer Briggs glanced over the written information and read out, “Vanna Tan, 20, currently unemployed.”

“Yes officer, but you can call me Van for short.”

“Ok, Van it is then. I’ll cut to the chase, and we can all go about resuming our activities, so long as you cooperate fully and give us what we want. How’s that sound?”

Van nodded in agreement.

“What were you doing in that dark alley?” Officer Briggs inquired.

“I took a shortcut while on my way to the train station, and then some random stranger sprung out from nowhere,” Van responded.


“Another guy joined in and… they both started to attack me,” recounted Van.

There was a momentary pause before Officer McCoy added, “Any idea what these guys want with you, Van? Money? Jewelry?”

There was a brief silence. Van recalled her would-be assailants remarking about her haughtiness and wanting to teach her a lesson. But she was too embarrassed to disclose this piece of information that she decided to omit, “Not at all.”

Detecting her slight hesitation, Officer McCoy pressed on, “Are you sure? You’re not withholding any vital information, Van?”


“Ok. So… You got into a struggle with them?” Officer Briggs chimed in.


“Do you recognize their faces?” Officer McCoy quizzed.

“No, I don’t. They were both wearing hoodies and face masks. But I heard them calling each other ‘Mac’ and ‘Jim’ if that is of any help,” a resigned Van answered.

“Possibly, but they could have also been using pseudo names. When you mentioned earlier that these strangers attacked you, can you elaborate what you meant by ‘attacked’ you?”

“Well… this guy appeared out of nowhere from the front, and it caught me by surprise that I fell back. Then another guy came over to join him and they both got on top of me. I tried to escape, but they were too strong. And then…,” Van’s voice started shaking.

“And then, what happened next?” Office McCoy interjected.

“They… they… tried to force themselves on me, ordering me to give them blowjobs. I submitted to their demands for fear of my life. I sucked on one of them while the other fucked between my legs. They were getting violent and assaulted me like I was some blown-up sex doll for their fucking pleasure.”

Both officers were getting hard in their trousers, hearing the sordid details. They could feel the gradual swelling as Van recounted that evening’s incident.

“We beg to differ,” Officer Briggs countered sternly.

“As we were arriving at the scene, the both of us saw the situation a little differently. It appeared that one of them was forcing something into your mouth to swallow, while the other was inserting another behind you,” inferred Officer McCoy.

“You’re joking, right?” Van chuckled inconceivably.

“We’re going to have to search you to verify and confirm our suspicion,” Officer McCoy stated as a matter-of-fact.

“Are you serious?!” Van retorted. 

In a blink of an eye, Van’s world came to a complete pitch blackness. Her hands were pulled behind the back of the chair and handcuffed, forcing her torso to thrust forward, while her mouth was gagged over with a mouth gag. The next thing she knew, her legs were yanked and spread apart; cuffed to each side of its respective chair legs, reluctantly advancing her pelvic region to accommodate her new indecorous seating position.

“Mmmpphhfff! Mmmpphhff!!!” incomprehensible noises came through as Van grunted.

“Shhh…” a voice hushed into Van’s ear, “I think staying quiet will be your best option right now.”

“Just relax and this will soon be over before you know it,” a second voice spoke. 

“We’re going to conduct a body search to make sure you’re not in possession of illegal drugs or smuggling any with you or in you, to make some quick money; considering your current unemployment status,” the first voice detailed.

Wait… IN me? Van could not believe what she was hearing. I’m obviously the victim here; why is there a need to do a body search? And what’s with the mouth gag?

“It can get extremely uncomfortable for some suspects, so we’re putting a gag over your mouth, in case you start screaming and shouting. Now we don’t want to cause too much of an unnecessary disturbance than you already have, do we?” as if the officer read Van’s thoughts.

Van felt a pair of hands from behind running through her long tresses to the back of her ears, fondling her earlobes as they slid down the nape of her neck, before moving to her shoulders. Simultaneously, another pair of hands began running from the small of Van’s cuffed ankles, up her silken calves, gliding along the back of her knees before running over and shifting to move up her pantyhose thighs.

The concurrent actions at the top and bottom gave Van erotic shudders and goosebumps. She was getting disturbingly uneasy from the two pairs of hands moving in opposite directions, seemingly converging their search actions slow and steady toward her mid-section and crotch area. It was stirring her to arousal, just when her girl-penis had finally calmed down and then welled up between her legs once again, growing more turgid. She tried to shift her weight about her seat, but to no avail. Her tucked member was nudging against the flimsy nylon confinement, pressing into the back of her skirt and seat.

“Find anything?” a third voice inquired.

“Negative. Nothing found so far,” the officer searching Van’s lower body answered.

“Keep searching and feeling for anything out of ordinary, a ‘lump’ or ‘bump’ that may well be tucked and hidden away,” the third voice asserted, certain of his investigative hunch.

Both pairs of hands advanced, one pair higher up Van’s thighs, ten fingers spread out as wide as they could, sweeping their way progressively farther up until they disappeared underneath her skirt. It did not seem to bother the officer feeling her cum-soaked pantyhose legs. The other pair went lower, wide palms and fingers kneading and massaging her breasts like dough as they passed through her awkwardly thrust torso until they slipped inside the top of her skirt.

Oh my gawd! Van’s heart skipped a few beats from the invasive hands probing their respective search area. Her tucked phallus was twitching intermittently against the back of the sudsy hosiery and the cushion seat with incited exhilaration.

“Mmpphhff!!!” Van grunted through the mouth gag again, but it fell on deaf ears, as the officers were carrying out their duties with their fingers inching closer and closer to her pelvis and crotch.

“I understand this is getting uncomfortable, ma’am, but bear with it for a while, and it’ll soon be over, I promise,” the third voice reassured Van.

The build-up was snowballing, the pressure was getting stronger as her scrotum tightened from the flushing of blood and the sensational tingling on her pulsing cock. Van’s breathing grew heavier and more laboured as both pairs of hands ventured sideways towards her sensitive hip bones and inner thighs respectively. Her bulbous glans was oozing copious precum like a leaking dam under her foreskin, barely containing the mounting pressure before it would burst.

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I’ve got to hold on… Van psyched her mind to hold out, at least until those pairs of hands stopped and retracted before her sexual excitement upended prematurely. She prayed they would not find her clandestine secret tucked along her perineum, and the search yielded nothing.

Somehow, Van harboured a glint of yearning to continue on the exhilarating waves she was riding on, and not crash and burn so quickly. She was experiencing an all-time sexual high from the unanticipated turn of events this evening. Yet right now, she was faltering unsteadily as she fought through the confines of the cuffs; her skin and flesh chewing into the metallic restraints.

With the hands arriving at their intended locations, the imminent climatic tides grew too insurmountable for Van to overcome. The pair of hands under her skirt dug and burrowed beneath her inner thighs, fingers wriggling to feel around her groin region, looming dangerously close to her overly eager throbbing member, and tipping Van off the summit to pass the point of no return.

“Nothing. She’s clean,” the second officer reported; his hands still shoved under Van’s legs.

“Nothing here too. She’s good!” The first officer reported the same; leaving his hands under her skirt, caressing Van’s hip bones.

Instinctively, Van fought to clamp and squeeze her pantyhose legs together as the built-up load of spunk coursed through her seminal vesicle, passing her prostate gland before gushing out. The floodgates burst open as torrential waves came crashing through and through. Her body seized up into an involuntary tension, bracing herself for the inevitable as the pressure began discharging its overburden.

Van’s body shuddered into a second orgasm; squirting torrent ropes of warm, viscid sperm into the back of her clammy and cum-saturated nylon. She shook and tugged violently against the restraints on her chair as the three officers witnessed her involuntary convulsions.

“So much for the first part of the search,” the third voice shared his thoughts with his colleagues.

They smiled and grinned mischievously as they looked at each other, obviously delighted with their body search investigation on their gullible suspect. Van’s mind was fuzzy from the intense ejaculation; this one easily topping all the others she ever had before.

Van was still trembling from the aftermath, as the last shots squirted into the back of her cum-soaked pantyhose and skirt. Her energy totally sapped and drained. There was a slight burning sensation on her bulbous head, twitching spasmodically in her own puddle of cum. Shame and embarrassment swept through her as she sat absolutely still on her chair, slumped in tiredness, and her body juddering occasionally.

The two officers released Van from her restraints and her arms swung lifelessly to their sides, while her legs remained motionless and spread. She was too exhausted to move a fibre of muscle.

“Looks like we’ve just got one last possible area to check,” the third voice announced to his colleagues. Before Van’s mind could register, her arms were yanked forward; her body automatically following suit until she was bent over the interrogation table. Her ass was perched up in the air while her crotch was pressed against the surface of the steel-cold furniture.

The officers cuffed Van’s arms to the iron-wrought rings and her legs to the corresponding table legs until she was lying face down, spread-eagled over the table. The unsympathetic chill penetrated to her body through the flimsy blouse and cotton skirt. Van was still in a daze, clueless as to what was going to happen next. Yet, the uncertainty brought an unassuming nudge between her silken-sheathed gams.

Wasting no time, the officers hiked the hemline of her skirt up until her gleaming mocha-colored arse came into full view. Van thought she heard audible gasps from the full moon sighting in the sombre room. Despite the blindfold worn over her face, she could almost visualize the elated expressions on the officers’ faces, and in their trousers.

“Just relax, and it’ll all be over in no time,” one of the officers reassured Van. A hand had gently placed on the small of her back, followed by two wireless earphones blaring loud music inserted into her ears. A nervous Van could no longer hear the conversation taking place in the room.

There was a quick yank on the back of Van’s pantyhose waistband until her perky ass was exposed. She quivered from the boorish way she was stripped and how the nylon elastane was left abandoned, digging into her gluteal crease.

“Mmpphff!!!” Van strained her head forward as she grunted into her mouth gag. Her pelvis reflexively rutting against the table from an abrupt, ice-cold goop dripping generously into the crevice between her ass cheeks. The viscous gel meandered its way from her sphincter, to her butt crack before dribbling towards her tucked girl-cock, sending shivers down her spine and tingles between her loins. As the gooey-slime kissed the tip of her phallus, it elicited an instant swelling and rousing involuntary vellication.

Not soon after, Van felt her ass cheeks pried apart as another lavish goop of the ice-cold fluid squirted into the depths of her anal cavity, propelling her pelvis to thrust against the table surface once again. Her sphincter muscles attempted to contract from the foreign slop, only to be met with resistance from the hands that kept her cavity gaping. An elongated turgid object gradually pierced her sphincter, slowly but unwavering, until it was buried into her up to the hilt.

It was the first time Van had something inserted into her ass. She felt invaded and defiled, but it also felt wonderful, exhilarating even. The unidentified shaft stretched her anal passage, evoking little rings of indescribable pleasure. With her prostate being pressed by the appendage, the sensation induced arousing tingles. Soon, it was fucking Van with long, slow and deliberate strokes. Her body responded despite her conscience telling her otherwise.

The penetration lasted as long as it did, before it retracted out completely and replaced by another long rod. Only this time, it was thicker in girth and bigger as it pierced her virgin anus. Van could feel the furious pulsation of the appendage, with her sphincter muscles gripping tightly around the foreign imposition as it entered her from behind. She bit hard into her mouth gag as the stiff and hard rod began piledriving in and out of her with consistency.

While the throbbing shank rammed in and out of her ass, Van was rutting against the surface of the table involuntarily; an action with a reaction running in synchronisation, speed and urgency perfectly matched against each other.

It did not take long before Van felt a stirring, warm sensation filling the void in her tight tunnel. Her sphincter contracted from the sudden explosion and flooding, squeezing firmly around the girth of the appendage. It was another first for Van; a new discovery she never felt before, subconsciously evoking her to press herself harder against the table surface. She was attempting to suppress the radiating delights from her anus, and her nylon-imprisoned penis.

Intoxicated by the intense gratification that gushed through her body, Van did not realise the shaft had extracted itself before another turgid entity filled the empty void almost instantaneously.

Argh!!! It was all Van could mutter through the mouth-gag as a second unidentified shaft drove itself into her slick and dripping anus. This one felt different from the first; fuller and thicker, stretching her sphincter muscles further to accommodate its thick girth, despite the plentiful amount of lubrication she was administered earlier. It pressed on her prostate as it thrust itself hard and fast, while the rutting action rubbed her own silken-sheathed appendage, which was leaking copious amounts of pre-seminal fluid, against the table surface.

The consistency of its strokes hammering in and out of Van’s ass were confident and assertive. Perhaps the warm issue deposited inside of her earlier provided sufficient lubrication, and enabled a smooth transition for the entry of the second appendage. Van was getting close to euphoria despite not having her girly-erection touched… and it was not the direct entry into her virgin ass that prompted her excitement.

On the contrary, it was the incidental humping against the table surface that induced sexual tingles to Van’s girly penis. The serendipitous moments where she was caught off-guard; fortuitous occurrences like the potential assault on her earlier that evening super-charged her sexually. As the thrusting action on her ass gathered steam, so did the involuntary rutting action against the surface of the table. Van could feel her fairy-scrotum tightening, while the helmet of her erection ballooned with sensitivity. Her steel iron romped the hard surface like a freight train, in tandem with the urgency of its similar counterpart shoving in and out of her tight passageway.

Van quivered as she felt the familiar warm scalding issue erupted inside of her, dumping another load into her already-filled anal cavity. Her tumescent erection went into overdrive, with all the uncharted yet exhilarating experiences she had never known, erupting for a third time into the back of her clammy pantyhose. Her body writhed and humped against the table and the restraints that held her down, while incessant drools of saliva trickled out from the corners of her mouth and gag.

What has she gotten herself into? Van felt the pounding in her head while her throbbing glans convulsed and spasmed uncontrollably, spurting runny streams of feminine juices on the diaphanous nylon encasing it. She lay motionless over the table; completely spent and feeling ashamed that she did not even realise the second entity had withdrawn itself. Her pantyhose was hastily pulled up, and her skirt smoothened down before the raucous music in her ears quietened down to a deafening silence…

"Ms. Vanna?" a female voice called out.

"Ms. Vanna?” this time the voice was louder with a hint of impatience, transporting a musing Van back to where she was as she responded, "Yes." Sitting prim and proper in front of a large and long desk; her silky legs together, tilted at an angle, one of her hands clasped over the other on her lap as she listened. Her index finger tapped nervously on the back of the hand she had placed under.

"Are you ready?" the woman inquired.

"Yes…," Van responded hesitantly, taking in a long deep breath to calm her anxiety. She was getting desperate after countless unsuccessful job applications. Most, if not all, of the employers were looking for experienced hires in their respective industries. When the opportunity came along to fill in as a temporary relief teacher in a private school, Van jumped at the chance, but now she might have some reconsideration.

"Great! I'll show you to your assigned class to meet the students," the lady stood up and signalled Van to follow her as they walked out of the administration office, down the hallway to her designated classroom.

While Van was enthusiastic about commencing work, there was an unsettling reservation of being a relief teacher, albeit temporary.



“Briggs and McCoy, do you recall a young lady whom the both of you picked up in an alley and brought her to the station some time back?” asked a middle-aged bloke, with streaks of silver hair by the sides, seated behind the table.

With his eyes lit up, Officer Briggs responded, “Of course! How can we forget? What was her name… Van? Vanna?”

“It seems she wasn’t completely honest and forthcoming with us during the interrogation that night, after running through her personal data and records which I managed to get my hands on. Took me a while, had to pull a few favours here and there.”

“Would you like us to bring her in for further questioning?” Officer McCoy inquired.

“That won’t be necessary. I’ve got a better idea instead. Considering how she tried to protect this precious info at all costs, I’ll use it as my personal leverage. I’m absolutely cock-sure she’ll do anything to keep it that way.” the middle-aged officer grinned gleefully.

Written by vantan
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