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"Husband and wife like to surprise each other"

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Author's Notes

"this is my first story so please be gentle, but honest with feedback. <p> [ADVERT] </p>i have a follow up story in mind."

My wife Sara and I both travel regularly for work which sometimes has us apart for long stretches of time. I may be gone for two months to who knows where and the minute I return she is off for a week or two to some other far-away destination. My career demands that I be a firm and commanding presence and while Sara is in the background of her company she is nonetheless important and, dare I say, the backbone. I must admit it makes for some pretty lonely times at home for us when the other is not there.  Still, no matter where we’ve been, how long we’ve been gone, or what time we will arrive home we always call or text each other from the airport baggage claim or, if driving, from the city limits sign to let the other know we’re almost together again. Sara was the first to surprise me on my return a few years ago.

Of course, I am a little biased, but Sara is a stunning work of art. Let me explain just how gorgeous my wife is. She stands 5’10 with long auburn hair and curves in ALL the right places.  Her perfectly formed 36D breasts never fail to elicit double takes from men AND women especially when she wears tight sweaters with plunging necklines as she often does. She eats healthy and hits the gym daily to stay fit even when she’s traveling and her efforts are rewarded with an amazing toned body and perfect skin. However, her fierce eyes that change color with her mood – Smoldering brown when she’s angry, light hazel when she’s happy and an almost sparkling emerald when she’s in a romantic mood – are her most outstanding feature in my modest opinion.

My trip was in state this time and I called from the city limits sign as I always do. We chatted for a few minutes before she told me she was tired from a long day and needed to get sleep. I was excited to see her as I’d been gone for nearly a month, but I told her I understand, sleep well and I would see her in the morning before she took off for yet another two-week assignment out of state. I dropped my bags quietly when I entered the house and slipped into the bedroom expecting to find my wife fast asleep.  Imagine my surprise, and instant erection, when I found her spread eagle on the bed, her eyes glowing emerald green. She was wearing a beautiful negligee and lazily tracing her finger around her swollen pussy and pinching her nipples till they were hard pebbles.

“Hello, lover.  I am SO glad you’re home.  Care to help a girl out?"

We attacked each other like crazed teens in the back seat of dad’s Cadillac at “The Cove”, a place where local kids hang out to make out. She was so wet I easily sank my entire 7” shaft into her at once eliciting an audible sigh from her lips.  I knew I wouldn’t last long, but she beat me to the finish clutching at my shoulders and shaking her head from side to after only a few thrusts. I exploded into her with a loud groan and buried my face in her neck as I fell on top of her. After we caught our breath I had to ask

“What got into you, I thought you were tired?!”

She responded with a wry smile and those twinkling emerald eyes.

“Never too tired to make sure you are satisfied,” she said before she drifted off to sleep leaving me to wonder how I ever got so lucky to marry this perfect specimen.

In the beginning of our relationship, just as with our careers, I was always in charge and she was more submissive in life and in the bedroom. Always making the decisions, and always taking the lead is tiresome and I often felt that Sara was going along with something just because she didn’t want to make waves. Many times I felt she had other ideas for whatever it was be it dinner, entertainment and even sex. I purchased several sex toys for her to make sure her sexual appetite was sated when I had to be away. I bought her vibrators, dildos and even went as far as to buy her a fucking machine. 

She began to receive promotions at work and over time she became more and more assertive at home which was perfectly fine with me. She really seemed to enjoy being the one to make the decisions now and then.  She began to buy various toys for us to use, even a butt plug….for me! She had teased my ass in the past and as much as I was surprised, I enjoyed the sensation.

Once while I was gone, she sent me an email saying Check your computer for a file named ‘Wish you were here’. I found it, a video file, and assumed she’d made a cute “Hello, I love you, I miss you” video, but I was not exactly right. The video opened with her in a black corset, her breasts spilling out of the top, a look she knows drives me absolutely insane with lust. Her beautiful hair was twisted on top of her head with just a few strands loose and dangling beside her face, framing her emerald eyes. She spoke.

“Since I am VERY horny and you are mile and miles away I will just have to take care of myself.  But I want you to see what you’re missing. Now, I’ve packed a new butt plug into the inside zipped part of your carry-on along with some special lube. I hope the TSA agents didn’t give you a HARD TIME about it! I know it’s a bit bigger than you’re used to, but go put it in then grab a towel…you’re gonna need it to watch the fun I’m about to have!”

With that, the camera panned out to show our bedroom. The machine I’d bought her was set up with probably one of the biggest dildos I’ve ever seen. At least ten inches long and very thick. On the bed, she had nipple clamps, a butt plug, and some sort of suction/vibrator thing I’d never seen before.  Apparently, she’d been planning this one for a while.

As instructed, I located the plug in my bag. It looked gargantuan!  I thought there was no way this thing will go inside me, but off I went into the bathroom to try.  The lube was some sort of desensitizing stuff and it tingled a little when I slathered it around my hole. I slipped one then two fingers in trying to prepare my back door for what was to come.  I tried to push the plug in, but it only got about halfway before I winced in pain. Ever the good soldier I tried again and got the plug about three-quarters of the way in. I began to breathe heavier as I thought about the video playing in the next room and suddenly my ass relaxed. The plug slid inside with one final push eliciting an unexpected groan.  I felt full. Good, but very, VERY full.

I returned to the video towel in hand and a raging hard-on.  Sara was on the bed naked. She had one clamp already attached to her left nipple and she was teasing the right nipple making it hard so she could attach the second clamp. When the teeth of the clamp closed around her flesh she let out a satisfied sigh. I swear I saw her body shudder a bit. Did she just have a tiny orgasm?

As if she knew just how long it would take me to insert my plug she turned to the camera and said

“I hope you were back to see that. I found I LOVE nipple clamps and these have little teeth that make it that much more fun!”

She pulled the chain between the clamps high above her chest stretching her nipples a full two inches away from her areola causing her to gasp in pleasure/pain.

“The plug in your ass has a vibrating option,” she said. “Push hard on the base and you’ll find the button. I already have mine in and it feels wonderful.  Have fun! I know I’m going to!”

Without another word, she moved the vibrator/suction thing over her clit and started to massage her pussy at the same time. I found the button on the plug and pushed it.  I jumped a little when the strong vibrations rumbled through my bottom, but my cock was hard as a steel rod.  My eyes glues to the screen as she worked on herself with slow consistent stroking and rubbing. Her breathing grew heavier and the clamps on her nipples rose and fell with every breath. As if she forgot I was watching she called my name when she shoved two fingers inside her wet pussy. I could almost hear her wetness each time she drew her fingers out only to plunge them back inside. The plug in my ass felt delicious and I nearly came watching her even though I hadn’t touched myself!

On screen, Sara was showing the tell-tale signs of impending orgasm.  Her hips began to buck to meet her fingers. Her nipples hardened even more if that’s possible and she let out an animalistic growl as her legs clamped shut around her hand. She was coming and HARD!

I sat dumbfounded by what I had just watched. My engorged cock was now in my hand, but I had stopped stroking it as I watched her enjoying herself. Watching my wife come has always been my favorite part of sex.

Once she recovered she looked into the camera.

“I hope you were able to hold off because there’s more to COME.  If not, turn the video off and when you’re ready for more turn it back on.”

I hadn’t come. I was too engrossed in her actions to pay attention to myself although I’d be lying if I said it didn’t LOOK like I’d already shot my load. There was pre-come leaking from the head of my cock making a huge puddle between my legs. I’m not sure why, but I dipped my finger into it and tasted it. It was not at all what I expected and not unpleasant.

My attention snapped back to the screen when she spoke again as she moved the camera and positioned herself in front of the monstrous dildo jutting out from the machine. 

“Since you’ve got something much larger than you’re used to in your ass I thought I should get the same treatment.”

And she slowly backed onto the huge fake cock. The look on her face was sheer determination as inch after inch disappeared into her body.  She had removed the clamps but her nipples were still hard as granite as she impaled herself on the rod.  She didn’t say a word as she began to rock back and forth a little adjusting to the size stretching her pussy. I wondered if I had missed her applying lube or if she was so wet the damn thing just slid right in. My own cock was still leaking pre-come like a faucet.  I again dipped a finger into it and raised it to my mouth, sucking on it before I laid back and began to stroke.  Sara looked into the camera, her emerald eyes completely engulfed with lust.

“Get ready, baby. This big cock is going to take your wife for a ride.”

Then she flipped a switch and the machine began to move on its own slowly thrusting every inch deep into my wife.  As the machine pushed the dildo in as far as it would go the balls mashed against her clit forcing her body forward.

“Oh god.” I watched her breathe.

I began to stroke my rigid cock to the sights and sounds on the screen.  Here was my once demure wife with an obscenely large fake dick grinding into her pussy that has only ever known my average size. She turned up the power on the machine and the dildo moved a bit faster in and out of her. This time I could definitely hear the sloshy wetness of her pussy as it grasped the cock not wanting to let it escape.  She looked at the camera, but those lustful emerald eyes had glazed over. She was lost in pleasure she’s never known. Her body began to rock back to meet the thrust of the machine as she turned the power up yet again. The machine was now whirring loudly. Sara bucked back against it hard trying to force even more of the monster inside as wave after wave of orgasm washed over her. 

I watched my wife turn into a wanton slut for this…machine! I could no longer hold back. The buzzing in my ass, watching my wife having the best sex of her life, I shot long thick ropes of come across my chest, my face, my eyes and some landed in my mouth. On the video I heard Sara give a long slow guttural groan and I picked my head up just in time to see her limp body slide off the dildo.  It was covered in frothy white pussy juice and as she rolled to the side I saw the gaping hole that had been stretched wide by the monster. I wondered if I could ever satisfy her again after her experience.

Our time apart continued to end in passionate lovemaking when we were reunited and when we weren’t traveling our sessions became more audacious and well, kinky if you will.  She bought all sorts of new and interesting toys.  Once, while searching for those nipple clamps to use on her during a fun night I came across a few things I didn’t know she’d bought including a riding crop, a flogger, ankle and wrist cuffs, a leash and collar, a mask that covered the eyes and ball gag. I wondered what was going on in her pretty head and if she wanted me to dominate her or the other way around. It seemed our surprises for each other were beginning to take on a one-up sort of track, each of us trying to outdo the other on the next return from a trip.  I decided on her return from her next trip I would REALLY surprise her.

As fate would have it the next week she was called away to an emergency situation in the neighboring state, but would only be gone overnight.  This was my chance!  The timing was perfect because I had nowhere to be and nothing to do except wait for her return. She gave me a quick kiss, obviously distracted by whatever was going on with her work, told me she’d be home by the next night and out the door she went.  As soon as I was certain she wasn’t coming back for something she’d forgotten (that was a trick she employed sometimes to see if I was up to something) I dragged out all the toys I’d need in preparation for her homecoming surprise.  My cock began to stir imagining what fun the next night would bring and I couldn’t resist turning on the video she’d sent on my earlier trip.  I was so wound up that I made it as far as her nipple clamp orgasm before I shot my load.  I turned off the video and drifted to sleep, my come drying on my hands and chest. 

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The next morning after breakfast I set to work putting everything in place. I had no idea when Sara would be home and I wanted to be ready when I got the call that she was at the city limits. I built a wooden platform for the fucking machine to sit on and braces to keep it from sliding around.  I attached D-rings to the base in just the right places to hold ankles and wrists fast so there could be no escape from the driving dildo. I brought out the cuffs, mask, leash, and collar I found before, but I left the riding crop, flogger, and ball gag in the closet. Boy, was she going to be surprised! Everything was in place when she called.

“Hey, honey,” I answered the phone calmly. “How was the trip? Is everything sorted out?”

“Yep, I had to fire someone, but it’s all good now. I’ve never had to fire anyone before. It was weird, but it needed to be done.”

“I’m proud of you for handling that. Are you at the city limits yet?”

“Yep, I just passed the sign. See you in an hour!”

“Can’t wait! I love you!”

And with that, we hung up. 

I sprang into action. I showered and gave myself an enema, then began lubing up my ass with the desensitizing lube she’d bought sliding my fingers in and out of my hole which had become much easier now that I was using the plug regularly. When I was satisfied with my work I slid the plug in. While I was accustomed to the size now the plug still l never failed to cause me to gasp as it fully went in. I turned it on and the vibrations rumbling through me had me rock hard in an instant. I left the plug in and turned on while I went about setting everything else in place. I turned on my phone and placed my earbuds in my ears listening to some soothing jazz.

Next, I affixed the leash to a post behind the fucking machine. Confident that everything was ready I went to the bathroom and removed the plug from my ass. I checked the clock: thirty minutes.  I knew it would take me a little time to get that monster ten-inch dildo in me so I wanted to be sure I had plenty of time. I grabbed the cuffs and mask and knelt on the platform I’d built.  The moment of truth. I eased myself back and felt the cold head of the dildo against my hole. I slowly tried to back onto it, but this thing was massive. I didn’t expect so much resistance. Undaunted I willed myself to keep going and pushed until the head popped past the ring of my anus. 

“Oh shit, what am I thinking,” went through my head, but I was determined to make this surprise happen.  I eased back and another couple of inches slipped in. My ass was on fire, but now I knew I could handle it. When I calmed down a bit I slid back a little further until finally, the balls of the dildo rested against my own balls.  The dildo was also beginning to warm from my own body heat.  The jazz playing in my ears helped me relax as I slipped the ankle cuffs on and tightened them.  I put the mask over my forehead and placed the collar around my neck. Just before I put my hands through the wrist cuffs I slid the mask over my eyes, placed the ball gag in my mouth, and connected it at the back of my head. I was now in total darkness. I closed the wrist cuffs and was now at the mercy of the machine. Oh crap! I forgot my earbuds were still in!  I wouldn’t be able to hear Sara come in.  Oh well, too late now. The leash and collar held my head up high as if I was a show dog.

It seemed like an eternity, but I know it couldn’t have been more than ten minutes or so when I felt the door to the bedroom swing open. The cool breeze made my nipples hard. I wondered what Sara was thinking. I wish I could see the look on her face. I felt her walk past me.  Was she mad? Was she disgusted? Why did she not give me any response whatsoever? I offered a muffled “Hello?” but got no response, at least that I could hear. 

Another hour passed that was probably only a few minutes when all of a sudden I felt the sting of the riding crop on my ass cheek! 

“OOMF!” was all that came out of my mouth filled with the gag, but the surprised cause me to buck against the machine filling me completely with the enormous fake cock. Again the crop fell this time on my other ass cheek. 

“OOMF!” again. 

I felt Sara’s hand caress my burning cheeks and trace a line up my back which made me shiver and forget all about the huge dildo burrowing into me. She kissed my face and removed the earbuds.

“So, you’ve upped the ante, have you? And I see you found your birthday presents.  Well, I suppose we should put them to good use.”

I could only muffle a response and as I did the crop came down on my ass cheeks yet again so hard that I really don’t remember what I was trying to say.  She continued to alternate blows until my cheeks felt like the skin was melting off them.  She caressed them tenderly then kissed each cheek. 

I don’t think the words were meant for me, but I heard her say, “I am going to enjoy this.” Then to me, “I am going to keep the mask on because you didn’t find ALL of your birthday presents and I intend to surprise you with the ones you DIDN’T find.  I hope you don’t mind that you get them early.”

I couldn’t say anything and I could barely nod my head with the collar holding it up, but I don’t think she needed an answer anyway. She turned the machine on low and the dildo slid out slowly then forced its way back into me. I felt the full 10 inches inside and the balls of the dildo against my own balls. It was pushing farther, but the restraints and the leash held me in place.  I was impaled and it felt wonderful.  Sara began playing with my nipples making them point out in hard nubs. I felt cold metal and realized she was about to place the nipple clamps on me. I had no choice but to be still and allow it. She slowly closed the clamp until it bit into my flesh. I groaned.

“Too tight?” she asked playfully. Well maybe when the other one matches it will feel better.”

She placed the clamp over my right nipple and let it slam shut. 


It hurt like hell, but the pain soon eased and it actually felt good in a painful sort of way. I could sense her kneel in front of me and she removed the gag from my mouth.

“I lov-” I started to say before CRACK! The whip came down across the top of my ass and it STUNG LIKE HELL!

“There will be no talking from you. I am the mistress of this little scene you’ve so carefully constructed. That IS what you want, isn’t it?”

I started to say something then stopped. I was just told no talking, but I’m sure she expected an answer. Before I could think much more about it another crack of the riding crop against my ass.


“I’m waiting for an answer,” she said sternly.

“Yes, I...”

CRACK! The crop came down on my ass.

“Didn’t I tell you? No talking!”

Well, now what do I do? I get the crop if I answer. I get the crop if I don’t answer. I decided to keep quiet.

“Oh, don’t know what to do, huh? Well, baby I DO know what to do and it’s not like you’ll be able to talk while I’m doing it anyway.”

I had no idea what she meant. Was she going to put the gag back in my mouth? Before another thought could cross my mind I felt a cold rubbery sensation, not as hard as the gag, against my lips. Suddenly I was slapped across the face lightly with what I guessed was a dildo.

“Open wide,” she commanded.

I did as I was told and the head of it slipped past my lips and into my mouth. It wasn’t as large as the one violating the depths of my asshole, but it was a good size, probably bigger than my own cock.

“SUCK,” was all she said.

When I hesitated the crop came down against my ass again harder than ever. I winced at the pain and began sucking the dildo. I’ve never had a dick in my mouth before and it was a very odd feeling. She began to thrust the dildo slowly in and out of my mouth as if she were fucking it. I sucked as best I knew how fearing the harsh crop again. She stopped and said

“I want you to deepthroat my cock.”

For some reason my own cock instantly got hard and I’m pretty sure dribbled some come at those words. She didn’t wait for an answer, just grabbed the sides of my head and began shoving her cock further into my mouth and eventually down my throat. When she withdrew I gasped for air.

“Not bad, for a beginner. You’ll make an excellent cock sucker.”

She then began a steady rhythm fucking my face occasionally forcing it down my throat.

“Do you want to see the cock you’re enjoying, baby?”


I mumbled around the thick phallus stuffing my mouth. I really did. I’ve always wondered what it would feel like to be fed a cock.

I forgot to stop sucking and her cock slipped out of my mouth with a “pop”. When she removed the mask the sensations of the machine fucking my ass and the sight of her in her black corset with a strap-on dildo jutting from her hips sent me over the edge. Without even touching myself I came right then and there.

“I take it you approve?” she asked.  “I must admit you gave me quite a surprise welcome home, but you ruined your birthday. I had just this sort of thing planned for you.  Oh well, I guess we can just celebrate early, huh? Oh, look. You’ve made a mess.”

She then scooped up my come and coated her strap on with it, dangled it back in front of my face and commanded, “Suck it clean.”

I started to say something, but when I began to speak CRACK! Another blow from the crop.

“Suck. It. Clean.”

I did as she commanded.  The taste of my own come was now familiar and for the first time I heard a buzzing noise coming from her crotch.  My face must have given me away because she said “That’s right, baby. I’ve got a toy in my pussy so I don’t need you tonight. The only one getting a dick inside them tonight is YOU!” She began to fuck my face faster and I sucked as best I could. As she approached orgasm her hips bucked into my face.

“You look so good with your lips wrapped around my dick! I’m coooomiiing!”

Sara had never announced her orgasm before. She never needed to, but tonight as the dominant role she wanted to make sure I knew she was enjoying using my mouth for her pleasure.

When she regained her composure she asked, “Ready to get fucked? What am I saying, you don’t have a choice!”

She moved behind me and slid the arm of the machine back. When the dildo left my ass I felt completely open back there. Sara took the extended arm off the machine and moved behind me placing the head of her cock at the wide open target that was my ass.  She unhooked the leash from the post and held it tight keeping my head up. Not that she needed to, but she squirted a bit of lube on my ass then plunged the strap on all the way in to the hilt causing me to grunt and lurch forward. 

“Damn, baby. That huge thing has you stretched out. Do you even feel me?”

I opened my mouth to assure her I felt every inch, but before a sound could escape she withdrew and pounded deep again and I grunted again.

“You always ask me ‘how do you want it” so now you tell me. How do you want it?”

I gave in completely, “Please fuck me.”

“I asked HOW do you want it?”

“Slow, baby. I want you to fuck me slow.”

Sara pulled her cock out til just the tip was left inside. I began to back up to her and she slammed it back inside.


And she withdrew again. I dared not back up again, but she was taking forever and I wanted her cock back inside me. I was going crazy with lust. Finally, she eased her hard cock in slowly, inch by wonderful inch. I never realized how much I would love my beautiful wife taking charge and fucking me. When she let the leash fall I lowered my head and just enjoyed the sensation and the love my wife was showing me.  Sara soon found a nice rhythm sawing the dildo in and out while I pretty much just babbled incoherently. Her cock felt so good I even began to drool a little! 

She began to pick up the pace and I heard her breath quicken. She was enjoying fucking me, too!

After all our years together Sara knows what to do to make sure we come together. She started talking to me.

“I can’t believe I waited so long to fuck your ass. You love my big cock inside you don’t you?”


“You NEED my cock inside you, don’t you?”

“Oh god, Sara, you feel so good.”

Her breath was raspy now. “Maybe from now on this is the only fucking we’ll do. I don’t need your dick to satisfy me anymore with this toy inside me.”

I could only groan in response as her hips began to lose their rhythm. She was about to come again. Sara groaned a loud masculine groan, grabbed my hips, and rode me as her hips bucked and slapped against me. I wanted to reach down and grab my own rock-hard cock and one stroke it, but there was no need. I began shooting stream after stream of white hot come. With my head down now the first few shots hit my chin. Sara bucked hard into me as if trying to drive the strap-on into me balls and all. I could feel my ass clinching her cock as my balls emptied.  Sara fell onto my back both of us gasping for air.  She unclamped my wrists and I gently laid forward on my stomach in the come puddle I’d created.  She whispered in my ear. 

“I guess early happy birthday?"

All I could muster up in answer was, “I love you.” 

Written by 1sttimewriter
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