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Punished With Pleasure

"She got the perfect present for her birthday... and abused it!"

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My John is such a wonderful man; romantic, kind, and he loves me more than I deserve. I do my best to make him happy and please him in every way I can, but I know that I fall short a lot. Still, he keeps right on loving me and forgiving my faults and mistakes - I often wonder how I got so lucky as to land a man like him. For example, a couple months ago it was my birthday and he gave me the ultimate birthday present ever... and then I went and abused it.

We have a small but well-loved collection of porn DVD's that we enjoy watching together. It not only puts us "in the mood" but it also heightens the fun when we watch them as we have sex. It's like watching another couple while we join in, and the audio accompaniment helps to make our own sex even hotter. One of our favorite DVD's contains a segment of a girl riding a Sybian sex machine and it really gives her a wild ride too! The machine makes her cum almost explosively and by the time she is done, she is a dripping, incoherent mess!

I had told my dear John on a few occasions that someday I would like to try one of those Sybian machines out, just to see if they were all they were cracked up to be. They looked like a real blast, but you know how often times the movies exaggerate things. So I wanted to take one of these Sybian machines for a "test ride".

The only problem was the price tag - those things ain't cheap! The one I looked at online ran about $1350.00 American and that was the base model! Sure a sex-hungry, cum-loving slut like me would love a machine like a Sybian... unlimited fucking and orgasms on top of orgasms is right up my alley! But practically-speaking, I couldn't justify the cost, unless I tied a mattress to my back and went to work earning it (and don't think that thought didn't cross my mind!)

The morning of my birthday, John had gotten up earlier than I did and was in the kitchen when I got my ass out of bed. "Good morning birthday girl!" he said, as I rounded the corner of the kitchen. I am NOT a morning person and until I have my coffee, you take your life in your hands just crossing my path, so when he gave me a chipper "Good Morning", I shot a look at him that I'm ashamed of now!

I grunted something at him and made for the coffeemaker. "There's something in the living room for you when you have your coffee," he said.

Now you got to understand me... a sealed box sitting in the middle of the floor is like my crack - I can't resist. So when he said there was a box waiting for me, well, the coffee can wait! I ran into the living room and sitting there in all its splendor was a brightly wrapped box with a ribbon around it and a bow on top! I looked at John eagerly and once he said, "Go ahead." I tore into the box with all the zeal of a kid on Christmas morning.

The wrapping paper didn't even slow me down. I got to the box and the tape used to seal the box had little strings in it to reinforce it. I grabbed a knife from the kitchen though and it, too, had to yield to my eagerness (I'm actually lucky I didn't cut my fool self opening that box like I did!). I pulled off the styrofoam top and peered inside. Sitting on top of this half round object was the manual and there in beautiful black and white, it said "Sybian"!

"OHMYGOD John!!" I squealed with joy. I grabbed him around the neck and kissed him all over his face. Then I took the machine out of the box and set it on the floor next to the box with all its attachments. I looked at John and he had this huge mischievous grin on his face.

"Happy Birthday, sweetheart!" he said.

As much as I would have loved to hop on that beautiful black leather love machine right then and ride myself to orgasmic oblivion, this was a work day for me and fun would have to wait. Sadly, I turned to go to take a shower and get ready for work. I knew it was going to be an unbearably long day!

I couldn't have been more right. Work sucked that day and nothing seemed to go right. The coffee machine in the break room wasn't working, and I still hadn't had my morning "Okay, now you can talk to me" coffee, so I had to go back downstairs and get one from the little barista stand on the corner. Then the copy machine jammed and we had to call a serviceman, putting everything behind schedule.

At lunch that day, the fast food place got my order all wrong. And then that afternoon, the boss called me in his office to tell me that the presentation I had worked so hard on had to have some changes made to it! This was supposed to be my birthday - why was the day going so wrong!

The only thing that got me through the day without going absolutely crazy was the thought of what waited for me when I got home. I kept imagining what riding my new toy would be like. What it would feel like and how big my orgasms would be. If it was even half of what the porn stars seem to feel riding theirs, I was in for a hell of a welcome home!

At long last, my workday ended and I couldn't get to my car fast enough! I normally get off work and get home about an hour before John, which gives me a chance to get dinner going so we can eat soon after he gets home. But today, I broke my own record for getting home! I pulled into the driveway and into the garage, clicking the remote to shut the garage door as quick as I cleared it. I burst into the house, throwing my coat at the coat hook, and made a beeline for the bedroom.

I got out my new toy and, after speed reading through the manual, realized there wasn't much to setting up the Sybian. I picked out a nice sized dildo attachment, fixed it in its place, and plugged the cord into the wall. I shucked my skirt and blouse as I kicked off my heels and plopped down on the saddle, pushing myself fully down on the dildo as it entered my already soaked cunt.

Clicking the remote control on, I went into orbit someplace on the other side of the moon. I don't remember anything after that until John came home. I didn't even hear him come in, I just heard him say "I thought I'd find you in here!" I opened my lust fogged eyes and smiled what had to be a cum-drunk grin. He was standing in the doorway leaning on the side and he had his arms crossed watching me as I writhed and squirmed and bounced on the toy happily.

I didn't answer him - I couldn't. All I did was grin at him and pant as the incredible orgasm coursed through me. He watched until it was done, leaving me sweaty and gasping. This was my new love! John left once he saw I was back in near-Earth orbit at least, shaking his head as he went into the living room to watch the news. I peeled myself off the Sybian, sticky from all the cum I had produced and, licking the dildo clean, went in to shower and get ready for dinner.

That's the way it went for the next two or three weeks - I would race home as fast as I could and get on my black beauty and it was off to heavenly bliss! No matter how bad the day was, a few wonderful minutes on my Sybian made Mama a happy girl again! Yeah, you could say I was addicted to my Sybian - John would come home to find his wife screaming joyously as I rode my troubles away!

But giving a Sybian machine to a self-admitted cock-loving cumslut is never a good idea. It is like giving the keys to the bank to Jesse James! And like any addict, I thought I was in control, that I could handle it. But I was wrong. Starting that first ride I lost control - I was "hooked". One day I decided to take it a bit too far. Hey, it was inevitable - all addicts push their "habits" to the breaking point. For me it was when I tried the Sybian in bondage.

You see, I am a submissive and John is my Dominant. We often play BDSM games and being "made" to serve and service him is one of my favorite things. So I thought why not try my Sybian in bondage. We had seen movie clips on the Internet dealing with this and the idea of being helpless as the Sybian made me cum over and over made me wet just thinking about it!

So one day when I got home, I went into our "toybox" and got out a pair of handcuffs and some rope. Bringing a chair from the dining room into the bedroom, I put the Sybian on the chair. Our dining room chairs do not have any arms so I could set in the Sybian and my legs could not touch the ground so I literally hung from the Sybian. I put one wrist in the handcuffs and keeping the remote in my hand, locked my other hand in the handcuff behind me.

I knew that John would be home soon, he is pretty regular about coming straight home and I had no reason to think he would be late tonight. So I wasn't worried about being helpless. What I didn't plan was what happened next. Once I was on the Sybian and settled happily on the dildo, I turned the machine on and proceeded to blast off to Planet Orgasm.

As my trip began, I lost myself in the sensations. I got into the vibrations and the wonderful electrical impulses coming from my soaked pussy. I got so into them in fact, I dropped the remote on the floor - out of reach! Now I was stuck on the Sybian, unable to get off and unable to turn the machine off! I looked at the clock on the nightstand... John wouldn't be home for another forty-five minutes! "Well, I can handle it," I thought to myself and went back to enjoying the fabulous ride.

Like usual, it didn't take long before I was writhing and twisting and rocking on the Sybian - and cumming like a whore! But I knew enough still to know I couldn't get too wild or I would tip the chair and me and the Sybian would come crashing to the floor! So there I was, handcuffed and stuck sitting on the Sybian, unable to get off and riding it to one orgasm after another!

At first I was enjoying myself, but soon I was getting tired of cumming, I had lost count of how many times I came and my body was starting to tell me I'd had enough. But John wasn't home yet and wasn't due home for a bit. Maybe this wasn't such a great idea after all! Orgasm after wrenching orgasm tore through me, now coming on harder and at shorter intervals. If John didn't come home soon they would start running together with no break between them!

I looked at the clock again... John should have been home by now! What happened? Was he stuck at work? Maybe stuck in traffic? When would he get home? How much longer can I stand this? My mind began to race with possibilities. I began to panic a bit... the Sybian had no mercy - it just kept on vibrating inside me.

When John finally came home, he came right to the bedroom, knowing where I would be. I was a moaning, sobbing, sweat and cum-drenched mess. I had nothing left in me, I had cum soo many times. I really don't know how I managed to stay upright on the machine! He came over and quickly shut the Sybian off, lifting me off it and laying me on my stomach on the bed. He got the handcuff key and unlocked my aching arms. He waited there with me until I had my wits about me again and had rested enough to hold conversation.

"What were you doing Deb? What were you thinking? Riding that damn machine is one thing, but tying yourself up like that to do it is dangerous! I was stuck in traffic because of an accident on the freeway tonight. What if I had been delayed longer? How much longer could you have stayed on that fucking Sybian before you collapsed and fell, possibly hurting yourself?" he said, rather angrily.

"I-I..." I said. But there was nothing I could say. I had no defense against his reasoning. I had fucked up, and he was rightfully angry with me.

"What about dinner? Have you even started it yet?" he asked.

"No," I said, hanging my head.

"That's what I thought. Well, go take a shower and get dressed, we will go out for pizza or something," he said. I did as he told me and once I had gotten ready to go eat, we went to a local pizza place and had dinner.

Nothing more was said about the Sybian thing and John was his regular happy loving self. I thought it had all blown over and thought nothing more about it. John was a very forgiving, very understanding man - one of the things I loved about him. So if he was willing to drop it, so was I.

The next day I came home as usual and raced in to get on my black "boyfriend" as usual - this time not putting myself in a bad situation again. But when I slid my boyfriend out of the closet, I was shocked to see a padlock on the plug, preventing me from plugging it in and using it! Then I went and saw the padlock on the toybox also!

John had put me on Sybian "restriction" and that went for my other toys as well. No Sybian, no Hitachi Wand, no nothing! Damn man even took my little buzzer from my nightstand drawer! I can't really blame him, thought, this was my own fault. I have no self-control at all... when pussy talks, I have to obey! Sure, I could use my fingers or some other household object - I can be quite creative when pressed! But none of them were nearly as much fun and I wouldn't get lost in rapture with my electric toothbrush or the handle of my hairbrush.

I was sitting in the living room feeling very sorry for myself when John came home.

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He knew exactly what was going on the instant he saw me. "I see you have found what I did," he said.

"Yes and it's not fair!" I pouted. Normally, I can sweet talk my way out of trouble with a little pout and a few I'm sorry's, but I had gone too far this time - he was resolute on this one.

"This is your own doing young lady. You have been ignoring your housework, being late with dinner and most of all ignoring me -all because of that damn buzz box. It's time I put a halt to that. This key here is the only key to the locks on your toys and you can only play with them when I say so, understand?" he said, scolding me.

He was absolutely right. I had been ignoring my duties as his wife and keeper of the house. That Sybian was the focus of my life since I got it and I had been ignoring the wonderful man that gave it to me.

I just hung my head. "I'm sorry," I whispered softly, my voice shaky. I hated when he scolded me - not because he was mean or treating me like a child (I actually kinda like being treated like his little girl sometimes). No, I hated him having to scold me because I knew I had disappointed him and that part I hated.

John ignored my apology and went into the bedroom to change his clothes. A minute later he came back out and sat in his recliner. "Come," he said, looking at me and pointing to the floor in front of him. I knew what he wanted and in a way it made my heart skip a beat. I got up and walked over to him kneeling down in front of him. He was being the Dom, my Master, and I knew then that I had been forgiven. I would still have to suffer whatever punishment he deemed appropriate, but I was forgiven - I could handle any punishment knowing that.

"I have been thinking about how you have been acting since getting this Sybian machine and how you have neglected your duties both in taking care of the household and in taking care of me. I have tried to figure out a suitable punishment for your actions, and I believe I have come up with something that will satisfy my need to punish you and teach you a lesson as well," he told me.

"Yes Master," I replied.

"The last time I caught you, you had the machine on a chair and you had handcuffed yourself. So that seems like a good place to start. Go get your Sybian machine and bring it in here," he said. I looked up at him with a smile. "Don't let that smile get too comfortable there young lady... it won't be on your face long!" he said, trying to sound gruff. I quickly wiped it away, although as soon as I left the room, it came back again!

I returned a minute later carrying the Sybian machine. John had brought a chair into the living room and he told me to set the Sybian on it. Then he made me kneel down in front of it and "think about my actions" while he went into the bedroom and got a few things of his own. John brought out some rope, a pair of tweezer-style nipple clamps with a chain connecting them, a ball gag, a butt plug and lube, and my Hitachi Wand.

Starting with the butt plug, he lubed the large glass plug good and then told me to stand and bend over. He smeared a good bit of the lube around my asshole, pushing his finger inside to lube me there as well. Now I'm no stranger to anal play and I love it when he uses his finger or tongue back there. But he introduced me to the use of butt plugs and I fell in love with the feeling of having my ass filled and stretched by a nice fat plug!

We started out small at first, but by now I was able to take some pretty good sized objects back there, especially when they are well lubed. This particular plug was shaped like a short, fat cock, about four inches long and about two inches in diameter. I had a bigger one, but it wouldn't be possible to sit on the Sybian with that monster in me!

I moaned as I felt the plug pushing its way into my rectum and then once it was seated in place I wriggled my ass, enjoying the feeling. But John was far from finished with me...

"Now get on the Sybian and get settled. You want to ride this mechanical fucker so much, we'll see how well you do!" he said. I got up on the machine as he directed, although the way he said it made me a bit uneasy. But I trusted John and knew he wouldn't let anything happen. Besides, I had already messed up, I didn't need to add to my troubles by disobeying him!

Once I was mounted on the Sybian and had the dildo nested deep inside me (which felt wonderful with the plug in my ass and the dildo in my cunt!), John proceeded to tie me securely to the chair so I couldn't wriggle or get off the machine. He tied my ankles to the front legs of the chair, one on each side and he tied my wrists behind me to the back of the chair. He ran a rope around my waist, tying my waist to the back of the chair as well. I was completely secured, there was no way I was getting out of this without help!

Next he approached me with the ball gag. I love wearing the ball gag... I think it is soo hot! I opened my mouth willingly as he pushed the red ball deep into my mouth, fastening the strap behind my head. I could feel my pussy getting wet just sitting there. So far everything he had done was such a turn on I hardly thought of any of it as punishment! I was softly moaning as I sat there on the Sybian, all three of my holes filled happily.

But then he stepped in front of me with the nipple clamps and that is when things got a bit more intense. I don't particularly like the nipple clamps, although I will wear them for John because I know he likes them. They hurt going on and they hurt worse coming off. But this was a punishment and so I didn't complain too much when he put them on. Each clamp did bring a whimper from me, I couldn't help it, but he smiled hearing them and knowing that I was feeling them.

"Now, my little cum slut, you are so eager to ride this toy and cum that I am going to give you just that... you are going to ride this machine until you have gotten your fill of orgasms... until we have worn that slutty cunt of yours out!" he said.

He gave me a red handkerchief, my safe signal, and I knew that if it got to be too much for me, all I had to do was drop the handkerchief and he would stop everything immediately. I trusted him in this matter implicitly, but by the same token, this was supposed to be a punishment. I knew he would be even more cross with me if I used my safe signal to "wimp out" and stop things prematurely. I was to endure this punishment to my absolute limit if need be.

"I know you’re sorry, slut," he said softly, "Now show me how good you can be, and take your punishment like a good girl." I nodded my head, tears running down my cheeks. I loved this man so much, it tore me up that I had disappointed him. Yet he knew I was sorry and he forgave me. I would do anything for him right then, endure any punishment to show him how much I loved him. John kissed my forehead and then turned the machine on, setting the vibrations on high, and the speed on medium - for now.

John sat back impassively on the sofa and watched as the Sybian began its evil work. At first it was pleasurable and I enjoyed riding my friend again. As the first of many orgasms I was to feel that day hit me, I moaned and writhed on the machine in complete bliss. But soon my "friend" would turn on me.

My first orgasm passed and the machine didn't slow down any. Another orgasm soon washed over me and still the machine buzzed along merrily. A third and a fourth came and went. Now I was beginning to tire and my breathing had quickened noticeably. The next orgasm hit harder and sooner and my body was once again wracked with pleasure we both knew I didn’t deserve. John watched as my eyes became dazed, he listened to my panting, and smiled as I tried and failed to squirm myself free.

I moaned into the gag in my mouth as my clit was mercilessly stimulated, the noise muffled and mixed with the sound of the steady whir of the machine. Another orgasm and I cried out sharply, my body involuntarily arching, as I was plummeted over the edge and came again, my wetness dripping down the sides of the Sybian, to the hardwood floor below. I moaned and stared at my Master with fresh tears as the machine continued on, relentlessly tormenting my poor battered cunt.

John watched as orgasm after orgasm ripped through my body. He saw each time I stiffened up, each time I moaned and then screamed out through my gag. He patiently watched sobs wrack my body, and my desperation to get away grow.

I was exhausted and didn't know how I could continue. I was so tempted to drop the handkerchief but only sheer willpower and the desire to see this through for him kept me from doing so. I just knew he would stop this at any minute, and I wanted more than anything to be able to show him I endured it for him.

But instead of my torment coming to an end, John only increased my anguish by bringing my Hitachi Wand into play. Standing behind me, he clicked the Wand on and then placed the head down between my legs, rubbing it over my clit! At the same time, he took the chain connected the nipple clamps and pulled it, lifting my tits by the nipples high up. The pain in my nipples mixed with the new pleasure the Hitachi was giving my clit. I screamed out into my gag as another huge orgasm tore through me.

My body felt like it was on fire, like I was sitting on a heap of coals rather than the Sybian. My pussy burned from the assault, my clit was red and swollen and my entire sex was aching and throbbing terribly. My muscles trembled from the strain of so many mighty orgasms. I was crying and begging around my gag, drooling onto my tits and down my belly to mix with the juices my pussy was making. I struggled haplessly against the ropes but it was no use. I was too exhausted to fight much anymore.

John turned the knob on the Sybian up another speed, and smiled as my moans and cries took on a new, more urgent tone. "How are we doing, slut? Are we having fun yet?" he said sarcastically as he watched my agony. He tugged again on my nipple clamps, causing me to arch my back to try to ease the pressure. This was going to be a test of wills... he wanted to see how much I could take before I broke and dropped the handkerchief. But I knew that he would also be there ready to forgive me the moment I did, but not a second before...

John cranked the dial on the Sybian once more and flicked the switch on the Hitachi up to full speed. I howled as the vibrations got more intense. After each orgasm I got more and more sensitive to the next and the speed at which I would reach them was getting less and less. I was aching and I didn't want to cum again, but the Sybian and the Hitachi were too insistent. I couldn't resist them even at full strength and I was hardly as full strength by now. I was surprised I was still sitting upright!

The vibrations were so intense on my sensitive clit it was starting to burn plus he kept tugging on my chain pulling my nipples making me moan in pain. I lost track of what has happening. I zoned out from the world. The only thing I noticed was the feeling of burning orgasms wrecking my body. In that moment I wouldn’t have been able to tell you my own name, I was that delirious.

I wanted it to stop so bad, I didn’t want another orgasm, my body couldn’t take it, but at the same time I wanted to go on... to show my Master that I was submissive and would obey him... to somehow prove how sorry I was that I disappointed him. I had messed up and now I was being punished. I had to see that punishment through. I had stopped fighting to keep from cumming. I was now fighting to continue doing so until he stopped it. I was fighting to hold on.

I lost track of how many times I came, each orgasm tortured my body and each one got more intense. I was slowly slipping, I couldn’t fight it much longer. I felt the vibrations getting harder and my clit burned and begged for it to stop. I felt the orgasm hit me like a train and it felt like my body was going to rip apart. As the waves washed over me I felt myself slipping, as if I was falling and there was no bottom. Suddenly my eyes fluttered open and I saw that I was in John's arms. He had released me from the Sybian and was carrying me into the bedroom.

John laid me down in our bed... our soft, warm, comfy bed and was sitting there beside me. I must have looked up at him and given him a weak grin because he brushed my sweat-matted hair from my face and softly stroked my hair as I slowly came back.

"Are you okay?" he asked me after awhile. I smiled and nodded yes, then he laid down next to me and wrapped me in his strong safe arms. He held me, telling me how much he loved me and how I was his "good girl". Hearing that filled me with happiness and we laid there until eventually I came back completely and regained control of my wrecked body.

Written by Master_Jonathan
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