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If I Were A Boy

"If I Were A Boy, the things I would do to my best friend..."

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"Oh, c'mon. Even I have bigger balls than him!"

"Wow, Lauren, since when do you have balls? You'd think I would've known about them by now."

"Fuck off, you know what I mean. Besides, if I did have balls, you'd be all over them like the NYPD on a bomb threat."

"Girl, you know it!" Becca giggled.

Lauren and Rebecca were best friends since middle school when Rebecca moved from the Bible Belt to Manhattan. Becca's father was kind of a big deal. He was the pastor of a local mega church. He had a new job opportunity in New York filming sermons, so, being a man dedicated to the Lord and his career, he picked up his small family and worldly possessions and left for the Big Apple.

On Becca's first day of seventh grade at her new school, a group of mean girls targeted her, calling her a frigid little Catholic girl (she wasn't even Catholic, she was Baptist). They made fun of her for not wearing makeup, for her shyness, and for whatever else they could nitpick. That was when Lauren stepped up and put the bullies in their place. She even made one of them cry, to Lauren's delight. The bitch deserved it.

From that moment on Lauren and Becca were inseparable. They were yin and yang, Lauren the tall, athletic, sassy brunette, Rebecca the petite and sweet blonde. They couldn't be a better match for each other.

It was the summer after their senior year of high school. They were determined to make the most of it as they would soon be moving away to different colleges. Lauren was going to NYU and Becca was off to a small college in her home town in Tennessee. Becca had always been an introvert, keeping her circle of friends very small but very close. She was terrified at the fact that soon her circle would close even more.

"He doesn't even show interest in me anymore," Becca sighed. "All he cares about is football. 'Sorry, babe, gotta go to practice,' 'Sorry, babe, gotta go over some stuff with Coach,' 'Sorry, babe. Sorry, sorry, sorry,' "

"Ugh, it's like I don't even exist anymore!" Becca wrung her hands in frustration.

Lauren raised her eyebrows. "So, in other words, you need to get laid?"

Becca blushed. "Well... yeah!" She laughed. "But it's not just that. He just doesn't seem to care about me anymore. Like I'm just arm candy."

"Have you talked to him about this?" Lauren asked.

"Well, kinda. He just blows me off. I don't know. I've been thinking of breaking up with him."

"Really? That bad, huh?"

"Mhm. But it's also that we're going to different schools and who am I to keep him from seeing other girls? He's a handsome guy, and there's lots of girls prettier than me who would want to be with him." Becca stared at her feet, refusing to lift her gaze.

Lauren playfully nudged Becca on the shoulder. "Hey, I don't wanna hear that. Girl, you are hot! There's plenty of guys that would love to have you." Lauren eyed Becca up and down to prove her point.

Becca blushed, not thinking too much of the compliment. "Thanks. I guess."

"And you know, if I were a boy, I'd fuck you." Lauren blurted out.

"What?!" Becca exclaimed, startled.

"Ha, that got a reaction out of you." Lauren grinned. "Anyway, I gotta go. Mom's really pushing this 'family dinner' thing. I'll text you."

"Um... Okay. See ya." Becca watched as Lauren hurried off.

Lauren turned back and gave a little wave. "Bye, beautiful!


Later in the evening, Becca said her nightly prayers and climbed into bed. She closed her eyes with Lauren's words playing in her mind over and over again.

"I'd fuck you."

Would she really? Was Lauren a lesbian? Well, Lauren was always joking about that... She probably didn't mean it. Like she said, it got a reaction out of her. Becca was probably, no, definitely overthinking this. She put too much thought into everything. Her anxiety always got the best of her, creeping into her mind at the worst possible times.

Becca rolled over on her soft satin sheets, tapped the home button on her iPhone to check her notifications, and then swiped them away and shut her phone off. She tried to push the intrusive thoughts out of her head as she fell asleep.

She had vivid dreams that night. In one dream, she and Lauren were in Becca's bedroom, kissing and touching. When Becca opened her eyes, in front of her was Troy instead of Lauren. He was sitting up, staring at her with a scowl on his face.

"What are you, a fucking dyke? You wanna kiss girls but you won't kiss me?" Troy shouted.

"It's not like that, Troy! I swear! I..." Becca stammered as she tried to find a reasonable excuse for the activities her and her friend were just enjoying.

Troy growled and shoved her backwards. Becca fell and her body jerked on to the bed, waking her and breaking the illusion.

She gasped for air, trying to escape the nightmare. She felt her face, clammy and sticky with sweat. She put a hand on her heart and felt it pound against her rib cage. Her hand moved down her body, over her thighs,and she felt her hand slipping beneath the elastic of her underwear. She slipped her fingers between her pussy lips. She was dripping wet. She hastily pulled her hand back, like her body might burn her.

She got out of her bed and padded to the bathroom. She splashed her face with cold water and swallowed a sleep aid before returning to her room. When she drifted off again, she did not dream.


A few sunny days passed as normal. Becca did not have any more dreams about Lauren, and Lauren didn't mention anything out of the ordinary. Life seemed to go back to normal for Becca. About a week later, however, Becca had another unusual dream.

This time, she was having sex with Troy in his bedroom. She lay under him. He pumped away, groaning and grunting as she just stared off in the distance, uninterested. His door slammed open and behind it appeared her father, dressed in his Sunday best.

Becca yelped and yelled for Troy to stop. She tried to get out from under him but he just kept thrusting.

"What in God's name is this?" Her father boomed. She had never heard him use the Lord's name in vain.

"Is that my daughter? My daughter? Fornicating with this demon of a boy!" His shouts felt like earthquakes.

"Daddy, please! I didn't mean to sin!" She pleaded.

"You are not my daughter! My daughter is pure! YOU ARE NO LONGER MY DAUGHTER!"

"No! I'm a good girl! I am pure! Please stop, Daddy!"

She woke up screaming. Rapid footsteps echoed in the halls. Her father burst into her room asking what was the matter.

Becca blinked and gulped in air. "Nothing. I... just had a bad dream. I'm fine."

"It's okay now, sweetheart. Get some sleep."

She nodded appreciatively. "Goodnight, Daddy."

"Goodnight, princess."

The door creaked and the light left the room as her father left. Becca decided she had to talk to Lauren. She couldn't keep letting this affect her.


The following day, the girls were lazily hanging out in Lauren's room, chatting about random topics that teenage girls might find interest in. When a silence fell, Becca thought then was as good of a time as ever to speak up.

"So, um." Becca cleared her throat. "I don't know how to say this. I've been thinking about what you said, the other day... When we were talking about Troy."

Lauren interrupted her. "About him having no balls?"

"Well, not that. When you said..."

"Oh, wait, no," Lauren interupted once more. "I said I have bigger balls than him. Yeah, that's what it was."

"Lauren! This is serious!" Becca called out frantically.

"Whoa, okay. Go ahead."

"Well, you said that... you wanted to fuck me."

Lauren seemed shocked. "Well, I said if I was a guy, yeah, I would. I meant it as a compliment."

Becca looked down at her hands. "Oh. I see."

"Well, I mean I'm not really into girls, you know?"

"Yeah... I know."

"Do you... want me to be?" Lauren offered.

"No... I don't know. It's just that... I haven't had sex in a while and it got me thinking..."

Lauren paused for a moment before saying, "You know, there is a way that I could fuck you."

Becca's eyes widened, unsure if Lauren was joking again. "Like how? With your fingers?"

"No. With a toy."

"Like, a strap-on?" Becca felt proud that she even knew what the word meant.

"Yeah, why not?" Lauren shrugged.

Becca was relieved that Lauren didn't make fun of her for even saying the word. "Do you have one?"

Lauren chuckled. "No. But I could get one. We could get one"

Becca weighed her options. "I can't be seen in a... a sex shop!" She said the words like they were a curse. "What if someone from school saw me? What if they told my dad?!"

Lauren's demeanor changed. "Oh sweet, naive, little Becca. I know where you come from, everyone is stuck in the 1950's, but there's this thing now called 'the internet'."

"Oh, yeah." Nervously she asked, "Can we look now?"

"Wow, someone's a little eager beaver."

Heat rushed to Becca's cheeks at the accusation. "Kinda. Do you really want to get one?"

"Yeah," Lauren said. "It's always kinda been a fantasy of mine. To fuck a girl. Switch roles."

Becca nodded.

Lauren opened up her laptop, tapped on the keyboard, and began browsing strap-on dildos online.

"Nothing too big, alright?"

"But bigger than Troy, right?" Lauren smirked and gave Becca the side eye.

"Oh, shut up. He's not that small."

"According to whom? A smurf?"

The girls both couldn't contain their laughter.

"Oh look!" Lauren hovered her mouse over an image of one of the dildos. "This one's called "Troy" and it's short and fat. What a coincidence!"

They cackled and continued browsing the website's inventory.

Lauren clicked on another one. "How 'bout this one? Six inches. It's got good reviews. Think you can handle that?"

"That sounds good," Becca replied.

"Okay. Clicking. Adding to shopping cart. Expedited shipping. Confirm order. Done. My new dick should be here in two to three business days."

Becca smiled at her friend. "Can't wait."


Two to three business days later the discreet package arrived. Lauren watched the postman drop it off and immediately retrieved it and tore the box open. She dug through the styrofoam packing peanuts and found the dildo and harness. It looked bigger than it did in the picture online. It was hard and soft at the same time; it felt almost like a real penis

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She gently placed it back in the box, grabbed her cell phone, and dialed Becca's number. Becca picked up after the second tone.

"What's up?"

"Hey, did you wanna come over? My parents aren't home."

"You got the thing?"

"Yes. It just came."

"I'll be over in twenty minutes."


In twenty minutes exactly, Lauren's doorbell rang, and sure enough, Becca was at her door. They greeted each other and jogged the stairs to Lauren's room. The girls sat on the edge of the bed. The room was quiet for a moment and the air felt electric.

"Alright. Let's do this," Lauren broke the ice.

Lauren lifted the edges of her shirt, but Becca stopped her.

"Wait... Maybe... you could go outside the room... And we can both undress in private?" Becca asked.

"Haha, really? You don't want me undressing in front of you but you want me to put a plastic cock inside you? Whatever floats your boat, Beck."

Lauren snatched the harness and dildo off of the bed and sauntered out of her bedroom, closing the door behind her. Becca waited a moment before taking her clothes off to make sure Lauren wouldn't stroll back into her bedroom. She hesitated when it came down to just her bra and panties. White. Plain. Pure. Just like her, she thought.

Lauren rapped on the door and called out. "You ready?"

"Yeah, come in."

Lauren stepped in confidently, her dark hair flowing down her back. She walked with her shoulders back and her chin up. She was naked except for the harness and dildo. Lauren was bold in every way, the complete opposite of Becca, who sat with her arms crossed over her breasts and abdomen, covering up.

Becca couldn't help but stare. She'd never seen another girl naked in person. Even in gym class she would change in the bathroom stall, and keep her head down so as not to see the other girls changing. Lauren was stunning. Her breasts looked so supple and soft. Becca had a sudden urge to reach out and touch them, just to run her fingertips over her friend's nipples.

She heard her father's preaching voice in her head. "Homosexuality is a sin", but the voice that said "Go for it. Touch her." was louder. She'd never been so attracted to her best friend, or to anyone.

"Why don't you take a picture, it'll last longer." Lauren sat on the bed next to Becca.

Becca's cheeks reddened and she tore her gaze away, sinking her head down. Lauren gently lifted Becca's chin, encouraging Becca to look into her eyes.

"Babe. Relax." Lauren leaned in close to her and gently kissed her lips. Becca felt awkward and a bit tense. It was like reliving her first kiss again, or losing her virginity again. It felt like giving a new piece of herself away.

Soon enough, Becca melted into the kiss. It stopped feeling wrong and started feeling right. She realized she'd always been bi-curious, but her religion, and her father, forbade it. So she'd repressed her feelings.

Lauren tucked Becca's blonde locks behind her ears and caressed her cheek. She was so gentle. It was such a change from Lauren's bold, offensive nature.

Lauren parted Becca's lips and let their tongues meet. Becca tasted like vanilla and Lauren tasted like cinnamon. Sweet and spicy.

They French kissed for a few minutes and then Lauren moved her focus of kisses to Becca's neck. Becca tossed her head back and ran her hands over Lauren's back. She enjoyed the soft pecks on her sensitive skin. Lauren didn't bite or suck on her neck, she was gentle as ever.

Lauren pulled away for a moment. "Let's get these off."

She slipped Becca's bra straps over her shoulder and unhooked the strap. Becca tossed her bra on the floor and then shimmied out of her panties. Lauren's kisses trailed down her chest and onto her small, perky breasts.

Becca, unsure of what to do at this time, ran her hand up Lauren's thigh and gripped the rubber cock and slowly stroked it. Lauren paused the kissing, noticing Becca's hand. Becca's hand retreated back to her own lap.

"It's okay. You can do that." Lauren grabbed Becca's hand and wrapped her fingers around the shaft again. She leaned back on the bed, giving Becca a better reach.

Becca went back to stroking the dildo. She slowly increased her pace. Lauren made soft moaning sounds. Either she was really playing the part well, or the cock was rubbing up against her clitoris.

Lauren sat up and wrapped her arms around Becca's waist. She rolled over her and gently laid her sweet friend down on the bed.

"Are you ready?" Lauren asked.


"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I am."

Lauren squirted some lubricant on her new organ and then rubbed her cock up and down Becca's wet slit before gently pushing it in. Becca let out a small sound and covered her eyes. Lauren slowly pushed all the way into Becca, then pulled it back. She continued her long and slow rhythm, which Becca seemed to enjoy. Becca spread her legs so Lauren could fit snugly between her thighs.

Becca had only ever made love with one person, and that was her boyfriend. When she lost her virginity, Troy was not gentle. He didn't kiss her like Lauren did, didn't touch her like Lauren did. He wasn't slow and soft, but hard and fast. He also didn't bat an eye when Becca started to bleed. She ended the experience feeling used and dirty. Was the sin worth it?

Becca pushed the thought of Troy away. She wanted to be fully in the moment of this experience with her best friend. "Mm. You can go a little harder now."

"Okay." Lauren picked up the pace, sliding her fake cock in and out of Becca's soaked pussy.

"Oh, yeah. That feels good." Becca whimpered.

"Yeah, you like that?"

"Yes. Mm."

Lauren pulled Becca in closer to her and buried her cock deeper into her pussy. Becca moaned and pushed her hips up to Lauren. She wanted her best friend to fuck her hard and deep. She needed that cock.

Lauren leaned over and passionately kissed her friend as she continued thrusting into her. Their breasts pressed up against each other. Their hearts pounded fast in their chests. Becca couldn't catch her breath in between kissing and moaning. She was so caught up in her pleasure that she forgot a girl was fucking her. Her best friend since middle school had seen her nude, had entered her. Her best friend was pleasuring her more than the boy she gave her virginity to ever could.

She thought of all the sins she was committing right now, pre-marital sex, homosexuality, adultery... dishonesty. She was lying to her father, to her boyfriend, and maybe even herself. Maybe she always had feelings for Lauren. Maybe she always had feelings for women. Images of plaid skirts rolled at the waist, pigtail braids, luscious pink lips, polished nails, and knee-high socks flashed through her mind, which made her pussy throb.

But something about this felt right to her. She felt like she had been locked in a dark room with no escape, trapped in a cycle of guilt and unhappiness. In the room was Troy, who did not care for her pleasure, who forced her to do things she was uncomfortable with. Also in the room was her father, telling her she was a sinner, that she would go to Hell for what she'd done. But Lauren was the unlocked door, letting in a sliver of light and hope. Becca wanted to run to the door, throw it open, and run far away, escaping all of the negative thoughts racing through her mind.

The two friends were a hot tangle of arms, legs, and hair. Tan skin and pale skin, brown hair and blonde hair.

Words whispered and hands roamed.

Lauren rubbed Becca's clit in small circles as she fucked her. Becca squirmed in ecstasy underneath Lauren's writhing body, but Lauren pinned her down at the wrists. She knew how much Becca was enjoying this, and she wasn't about to spoil her pleasure.

"Oh yeah, baby. You love this.

"Becca cried out, "Oh yes. Yes! Yes!"

Lauren slammed her hips into Becca, driving the cock into her tight pussy. She grabbed the petite girl's ass cheeks and lightly raked her nails against her soft skin. Becca was screaming her new lover's name. She bucked back against her friend, urging on her orgasm. Lauren, with a hand on her hip, furiously fucked the girl, rotating her hips to reach that magical g-spot.

Becca savoured the moment her orgasm rocked through her body. The sensations formed in her pussy and exploded all throughout her body. She trembled and writhed on the bed, letting the pleasure take over as she rode the waves. Lauren kept the dildo inside of her, imagining hot cum shooting out of it and into Becca's cunt. She wished that the fake phallus was her own and that she could actually feel the warmth and tightness of the other girl's pussy. When she was finished fantasizing, she slowly pulled out.

Lauren took the harness off, set it aside, and crawled up next to Becca on the bed. Becca rolled onto her side and faced Lauren. They wrapped their arms around each other and shared a passionate kiss. When they parted, they let their foreheads rest against each other. The girls caught their breath and Becca giggled.

Lauren's lips curved into a crooked smile. "What?" she asked.

"I can't believe we just did that." Becca whispered in disbelief.

"Well, we did."

"It was amazing. I've never felt anything like that before."

"I'm glad you think so. It was my first time too."

Becca laughed and stroked Lauren's hair. The girls lay together in the messy bed in silence for what felt like an eternity.


The next morning, Lauren woke up well rested, feeling like she was floating on a cloud. She was still experiencing the high from the previous day's events. She lay in her bed for a bit of time picturing Lauren's breasts bouncing and rubbing against her own chest. Lauren's phone vibrated on her desk. She retrieved it and saw a new message from Lauren.

Her heart and pussy fluttered. She opened the message in anticipation and immediately her heart sank.

A weight sank to the bottom of her stomach. The text hit her like an anvil.

"Becca, I'm sorry... But I don't think we can be friends anymore."

Written by CherryRedGirl
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