As you recall, several weeks ago, Jim stripped me, tied me to the bed and blindfolded me in a mild game of bondage. BDSM had previously not been a significant portion of our sex life, so this was a uniquely stimulating situation for me. Jim had never blindfolded me previously.
Being deprived of my sight added rather than detracted from my sensory experience. It made me feel far more vulnerable than I ever would have imagined. And this feeling of helplessness was strangely arousing.
But then Jim surprised, no shocked me.
I was naked, my arms tied securely to the headboard and blindfolded when our doorbell rang. I begged Jim to ignore it, but he left me tethered and sightless to answer the door. I was highly irritated to be left alone like this by my husband, but my irritation quickly turned to shock, humiliation and fear as I heard my husband bring an anonymous guest into our bedroom.
The anonymous guest never uttered a word. But he fondled me, teased me, aroused me, and fucked me with a very large and rigid erection driving me to several powerful orgasms.
I fully expected Jim to remove my blindfold and introduce me to my lover, but to my dismay, rather than remove my blindfold, Jim kept me restrained and he fucked me while the stranger left quietly.
That evening I begged Jim to reveal the identity of my lover, but he refused. All he would tell me is my lover was someone I knew and saw regularly in the course of my daily life, and it was someone with whom I had never been intimate previously.
I became obsessed trying to determine whose penis had been inside me, whose semen was pumped into my womb. For the following two weeks, every time a man I knew looked at me in a strange, or in a flirtatious manner, I wondered, 'could it be him?'
The only men I could cross off the list of suspects were men with whom I had previously had intercourse. And while that was not a short list, it really did not help me identify who did fuck me. And this obsession had me in a constant state of arousal.
Finally, on a Saturday afternoon, I gave in. I was so horny that I asked Jim to invite my anonymous lover back for an encore. Jim explained that I would have to be restrained and blindfolded again. I nodded agreement and said, "I know."
This time Jim arranged for our debauchery to occur in the family room in front of our fire place. I was stripped naked, forced to kneel on a pillow and bent over a large ottoman, where my wrists were tied securely to the legs of a coffee table that was placed in front of me.
I mentally formed an image of the sight that I must have presented, bent over the ottoman, kneeling on a pillow, my hands tethered to furniture in front of me, my ass sticking up, available for the taking. And this image aroused me.
It was only after I was blindfolded and immobilized that Jim let it slip that 'our friend' was bringing another guest, his wife.
I was still protesting vehemently when I heard a car pull into our driveway. Moments later Jim's phone rang. He answered, and after a very brief exchange, I heard him say, "Hold on for one second."
Jim then turned to me and said, "They are here, in the driveway. Shall I send them away and tell them you've had a change of heart? Or should I invite them in; both of them?"
My heart pounded and my mind raced, nervously, with my voice quaking, I said, "No, don't send them away... invite them in... I'll cooperate."
I could feel the lubrication leaking from my vagina as I said those words. It is important to realize, I had never been intimate with a woman before. I had never had a lesbian encounter.
Over the next two hours, I was used. The woman touched me and fondled me. She inserted a small vibrator into my backside and made me climax from the strange but pleasurable sensations she created in my rectum. Her husband then fucked me doggie style while the vibrator remained in my bottom. Every time he pushed himself into me, his abdomen would nudge the end of the vibrator that was sticking from backside, nudging it into my ass.
Each time he stroked out of me, the vibrator would start to slowly slip out of me; but before it could escape, the unknown man who was stroking his very large and rigid penis in and out of my pussy would force the vibrating dildo back into my rectum by pressing his stomach on the base.
My unknown assailant seemed to time his strokes to allow the buzzing toy to slip out of me two or three inches before forcing it back into me with his stomach.
I remember the distinct change in the sound of the vibrator. As it slowly slipped out of me, the buzzing would get noticeably louder. Then when my assailant slowly pushed it back into my anus with his abdomen while he fucked me, the buzzing became muffled and quieter.
I was getting double fucked, slowly and methodically. His erect penis was stretching my vagina, while the vibrator was simultaneously being stroked in and out of my tight sphincter. I climaxed quickly from the double stimulation.
But just as happened two weeks previously, rather than untie me and remove my blindfold, Jim removed the vibrator from my backside and fucked me, adding his sperm to my already semen soaked pussy while my anonymous friends dressed and silently left.
I heard the front door open and close, their car start and pull out of the driveway while my husband was still fucking me as I lay restrained over the ottoman.
Finally, Jim removed my blindfold and untied me. We took a bath together in our oversized, two person tub. The warm water was soothing on my backside which was pretty sore from the abuse it took from the vibrator. We dried ourselves and cuddled together before taking a nap together in our bed.
Secret revealed:
I tried a couple of times to get Jim to reveal the identity of the couple, but he refused. He did tell me that I also knew the wife and saw her fairly often as well. He assured me that these were people whom I liked and who were attractive.
So now I had a few more clues. I knew he was married, and I knew that I encounter both the husband and wife in my normal daily life. I also knew that prior to two weeks ago, I had never been intimate with either of them. All these clues came willingly from Jim.
But I also had one other piece of critical information, a piece that Jim did not realize I had. They had called Jim's cell phone from our driveway!
I knew that one of their cell numbers was on my husbands phone under 'recent calls'. I also knew Jim's passcode. Hopefully, he would not think to delete the number before I could retrieve it from his phone.
I just needed to bide my time and hope that Jim would be careless with his cell phone. I didn't have to wait long. That evening, after dinner, Jim took a shower before bed.
I found his cellphone on his dresser, entered the passcode. I unlocked his phone and went to 'recent calls'.
I felt myself go absolutely numb as I stared at the screen on Jim's iPhone, which indicated that at precisely 2:54 p.m. today Jim had received a call from Chris, his brother!
Oh my god! My head was spinning. This was not some acquaintance, this was family.
I felt my skin burning from the embarrassment of knowing that this afternoon, my brother-in-law fucked me to orgasm. His wife, Jill, who happened to also be my sister-in-law as well as my good friend, penetrated my backside with a vibrator and forced an 'anally induced' orgasm upon me during my first and only lesbian experience.
How would I ever be able to face these people again, knowing what they had done to me and for me?
How could I ever politely enjoy a Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner while knowing that Chris had pumped his semen into my vagina after he watched his wife make me climax with a vibrator stuck in my ass?
I locked the phone, set it down, and started to walk away. I took only a few steps before returning to Jim's dresser and picking up the phone and unlocking it again.
I stared at the screen once more, verifying that I had read the information correctly. I checked the time and the date several times. Yes, Chris had made the call to Jim while I was restrained in position, waiting to be taken.
I suddenly, felt nervous and anxious. A knot formed in my stomach as I tried to process this revelation.
However, I also realized that my vagina was growing moist and my clitoris was now erect. As mortified as I felt at this moment, the image I had of Jill and Chris seeing me tied and blindfolded, bent over the ottoman, with my ass exposed and available for the taking, aroused me.
What did they think of me when they saw me like that? What are they saying about me right now? Do they think I am nasty little slut to allow my husband to tied me up and let anyone that wants to fuck me have his or her way with me? I mean, I did allow someone to fuck me whose face I had not even seen. I did allow a woman whose identity I did not know shove a vibrator up my ass and make me cum. That's pretty much the definition of a slut, isn't it?
I felt so ashamed that my brother-in-law and sister-in-law knew these things about me. But I was suddenly very aroused.
I cannot explain why this form of sexual humiliation aroused me so, but it clearly did. My knowledge that my brother-in-law and my sister-in-law now knew about my secret life as a hot wife, had my vagina suddenly leaking into my panties.
Chris and Jill were a very attractive couple. They were both a few years younger than me, and both were in excellent shape. Chris was a little taller and a bit more muscular than Jim. He played football at a division three school that he had attended years ago, and he still had the physique of a linebacker. Like Jim, he was a handsome man, with an engaging smile.
I must confess, on occasion, I had fantasized about a threesome with Jim and Chris; but I had never shared that fantasy with my husband. It seemed too weird to share this fantasy with my husband. It was my little secret. I had imagined myself on a camping trip, forced to sleep between the two brothers. In my fantasy, I am shared between them all night long.
Jill was a tall, statuesque brunet, with large brown eyes and the sleek figure of an athlete. At five foot, nine inches tall, she looked like she could be a model. As you may recall, I am a rather petite, five foot four inches tall and I envied her looks and her height.
Now that I knew who my assailants were, the events of this afternoon seemed much more real; and much more taboo and wicked. When I did not know who had fucked me, and who had shoved the vibrator up my ass to make me cum, the events were more surreal, almost dreamlike.
But now my mind was rapidly forming mental images of Jill and Chris doing those things to me. I knew whose little slut I had been all afternoon, and it embarrassed and aroused me. I wanted to make myself cum at the moment. I felt like I needed a release.
I heard Jim turning off the water in the shower, so I set the phone back down. I was not certain what I would do this this newly gained information. I needed some time t think about it, and to devise a plan.
I also knew that I was not going to let Jim, or Chris, or Jill, know that I was on to them. I needed to figure out how and when to reveal my secret knowledge for maximum effect.
I also knew that either Jim was going to make me cum now, or I would do it myself. I would give him the choice. But I needed a climax before going to sleep tonight.
Getting Cindy off:
I walked into the bathroom just as Jim was climbing out of the shower. I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, no bra.
"Jim, I keep imagining the scene from this afternoon, and it has me kind of horny. Would you like to fuck me, or should I get the red vibrator and take care of myself?" I cooed while reaching down and gently massaging his penis wake.
I felt his cock throb and thicken under my touch.
"Cindy, I think we can do both."
I was puzzled by what he meant.
"What do you mean?"
"I want to try something new, to see if it will work."
"I've already had a lot of new, first-time experienced today, thanks to you."
"Yeah, but you might really like this one," Jim teased as he pulled my t-shirt over my head, exposing my breasts. With some assistance from me, he unbuckled my shorts and lowered them with my panties, leaving us both naked.
I continued to stroke his cock, he was almost fully erect now.
"Go get your red vibrator from the nightstand, while I set up the bed," Jim instructed.
Jim stacked three pillows neatly in the middle of the bed, and propped them against the headboard.
I was clearly puzzled by what his plan was. I retrieved the large phallus and a tube of personal lubricant from the nightstand. I had enough experience with this large vibrator to know I would need the assistance of some lubricant.
Jim grabbed a hand towel. He laid down on his back with his head propped up by the pillows.
His erection lay across his abdomen, reaching nearly to his navel. My husband does have a nice cock. And it's all mine.
Jim folded the hand towel once, placed it on his chest, forming a slight cushion.
"Cindy, hand me the vibrator and come here and straddle my face."
I handed him the vibrator, took the tube of lubricant and squeezed a large dollop on my fingers and 'greased the path' so to speak by spreading the gel on the inside lips of my labia and up inside me a bit .
I inquired nervously, "What exactly do you have in mind?"
"I'm going to prop the vibrator on my chest, and have you fuck yourself with it while I suck on your clit. It will sort of be like you getting fucked and eaten at the same time."
"I don't know about this," I protested weakly as I climbed into position, kneeling with my thighs on either side of Jim's head, my pussy inches from his mouth.
Jim twisted the base of the large, red, phallic shaped device, and it buzzed to life. This was a large toy; nearly two inches in diameter and eight inches in length. Even when I was fully aroused, I could not insert all of it. There was always an inch and a half or two inches protruding from my vagina when I had taken all of this monster than I could accommodate.
Handing the buzzing toy to me, Jim instructed me, "Cindy, put the head inside you and them prop the base on my chest. I'll use this hand towel was a padding of sorts against my sternum."
Squatting over Jim's face, I leaned forward, and reached behind me, placing the vibrating head at the tight opening of my vagina. Twisting and pushing I was able to work several inches into my pussy.
Jim reached up, took hold of the base, and positioned it on the folded towel, securing it against his sternum. Jim then grabbed my butt cheeks, pulling me forward. With his head propped forward by the three pillows, Jim pulled my vulva to his mouth and began licking and sucking my little nubbins as I rocked my hips, pressing the vibration head deep inside me.
I looked down to see that with Jim's mouth on my clit, his chin was pressed against the portion of the shaft that protruded from my vagina.
"Are you okay, baby? That doesn't look too comfortable," I asked with concern.
Jim broke his 'lip lock' on my clit long enough to answer, "I'm fine, baby. These pillows are propping my head up. Did I ever tell you that you have the sweetest pussy in the world?" Jim said flirtatiously.
"I am very glad you think so. It would make me very sad if you didn't."
Jim returned to sucking on my clit and flicking his tongue across it, His arms were down between my thighs. He had reached up and was massaging my butt cheeks, and forcing me to lean forward, pressing my twat into his mouth.
I was simultaneously humping against his mouth and pressing myself down to force the head of the vibrator to press against my g-spot.
I felt my arousal growing rapidly from the combination of Jim sucking on my erect clitoris and the large dildo vibrating against my g-spot.
"Oh fuck, I'm not going to last long... oh fuck... Jim, right there... just like that... just like that... oh, fuck," I moaned.
I braced myself against the headboard and I fucked the large dildo and humped Jim's face more furiously as I felt my orgasm rapidly approaching.
Jim started sucking my clitoris like it was a sensitive nipple, sucking it into his mouth. It was so sensitive and so swollen that it felt like it might pop.
I formed a vivid image in my mind of me riding Chris's large rigid erection in the reverse cowgirl position; me on top of him, straddling him with my back towards his face. And then, Jill, climbs between both our thighs and sucks on my erect clitoris while I fuck her husband.
Instantly, this fantasy became amazingly real, and it pushed me over the edge.
Jim sucked my clit, and I fucked this huge vibrator while imagining that it was Jill's lips and mouth sucking on me, and Chris's dick inside me.
"Oh, right there... that's it... oh fuck baby... you're going to get me... oh shit, it's going to be a good one. Oh fuck, I'm cumming," I cried out as I came.
Strange sounds emanated from me as I convulsed repeatedly, pressing the huge plastic dick deep into my cunt as my husband nursed on my engorged clitoris. My orgasm seemed to go on and on and on. I could not stop cumming.
Finally, I needed to stop or I would pass out.
"Oh, thank you honey... I needed that. Let's take care of you now," I said as I leaned forward to allow the vibrator to slip free from my vagina.
Jim caught the vibrator as it slipped from my vagina, twisted the base to stop the loud buzzing, and set it on the side of the bed next to us.
I rolled off him, on my back.
"Jim, my thighs are pretty sore from squatting and straddling your face. You need to be on top. Come over here and fuck me."
Jim was so hard that his erection looked as though it hurt. Jim positioned himself between my thighs and started to enter me. “Baby you are so open and wet. I don’t know if you can even feel me. God, your pussy is absolutely sopping wet.” Jim slid right into me with no resistance.
He was right; at first, I could barely feel his girth. Jim is a reasonably well endowed man, but he is certainly not as large as that monster toy that I had just wedged inside me. Jim is slightly less than 7 inches long when fully erect. I would guess his girth to be an inch and a half?
Honestly, my husband has a very nice cock, and he satisfies me regularly with it. But I was stretched way out of shape right now; and Jim’s erection felt quite small at the moment.
Jim had me on my back, and he slowly raised my legs over his shoulders, placing my feet up by the sides of his head.
I was aroused, but since I had cum several times today already, I did not expect to cum again from Jim fucking me. But I was wrong! Jim’s pounding my pussy, with my legs over his shoulders, was getting me more and more aroused.
In this position, with my legs high in the air, my heels on the sides of Jim’s head, I could feel the head of my husband’s erect cock striking the front of my vagina with each pounding thrust. I could feel my arousal building thrust by thrust despite the fact that my pussy was still stretched and dilated open from accommodating the large dildo moments before.
"Did you like tying me up and letting that couple fuck me today?" I hissed, trying to remind my husband what a naughty little slut he forced me to be this afternoon.
"Did you know she was going to shove that vibrator up my ass? Oh, god, Jim she made me cum so hard with that thing buzzing in my tight asshole. I had no idea that could feel so good. Are you going to let them do that to me again? Are you going to let her fuck my ass with that thing again?" I moaned loudly.
I realized that my words were not only exciting Jim, they were pushing me towards my own orgasm.
Unexpectedly, I felt my own orgasm suddenly approaching, "Oh fuck, baby, I'm going to go off again... oh fuck... I'm cumming."
I truly was surprised that I climaxed again, and so quickly.
My moans, coupled with Jim’s memory of me being fucked so well and so thoroughly by Chris and Jill earlier today while he watched, was simply too much for Jim. He simply could not hold back.
Jim stiffened, and groaned as he came with me. I could feel him pulse repeatedly inside me; letting me know that he was adding his sperm to the cocktail of Chris's semen already swimming inside me from this afternoon.
Jim collapsed on me, his penis still pulsing in my vagina. I contracted me vagina to squeeze and hug him, encouraging my husband to drain every last drop of his semen into my womb which was already brimming with sperm.
I was also pleased and flattered that Jim’s excitement got the best of him.
We cuddled without decoupling for several minutes, before separating and drifting off to sleep.
For the next three weeks, I pried and pleaded with Jim to reveal to me what I already knew, that his brother, Chris and our sister-in-law, Jill were my anonymous lovers. I spent a good deal of time concocting a plan to effectively use this information.
"So when are you going to invite our secret lovers back for another session?" I asked out of the blue.
Jim smiled broadly and said, "You really are hooked on this blindfold scenario, aren't you?"
"I admit it, I can't seem to stop thinking about what the woman did to me.
As you recall, several weeks ago, Jim stripped me, tied me to the bed and blindfolded me in a mild game of bondage. BDSM had previously not been a significant portion of our sex life, so this was a uniquely stimulating situation for me. Jim had never blindfolded me previously.
Being deprived of my sight added rather than detracted from my sensory experience. It made me feel far more vulnerable than I ever would have imagined. And this feeling of helplessness was strangely arousing.
But then Jim surprised, no shocked me.
I was naked, my arms tied securely to the headboard and blindfolded when our doorbell rang. I begged Jim to ignore it, but he left me tethered and sightless to answer the door. I was highly irritated to be left alone like this by my husband, but my irritation quickly turned to shock, humiliation and fear as I heard my husband bring an anonymous guest into our bedroom.
The anonymous guest never uttered a word. But he fondled me, teased me, aroused me, and fucked me with a very large and rigid erection driving me to several powerful orgasms.
I fully expected Jim to remove my blindfold and introduce me to my lover, but to my dismay, rather than remove my blindfold, Jim kept me restrained and he fucked me while the stranger left quietly.
That evening I begged Jim to reveal the identity of my lover, but he refused. All he would tell me is my lover was someone I knew and saw regularly in the course of my daily life, and it was someone with whom I had never been intimate previously.
I became obsessed trying to determine whose penis had been inside me, whose semen was pumped into my womb. For the following two weeks, every time a man I knew looked at me in a strange, or in a flirtatious manner, I wondered, 'could it be him?'
The only men I could cross off the list of suspects were men with whom I had previously had intercourse. And while that was not a short list, it really did not help me identify who did fuck me. And this obsession had me in a constant state of arousal.
Finally, on a Saturday afternoon, I gave in. I was so horny that I asked Jim to invite my anonymous lover back for an encore. Jim explained that I would have to be restrained and blindfolded again. I nodded agreement and said, "I know."
This time Jim arranged for our debauchery to occur in the family room in front of our fire place. I was stripped naked, forced to kneel on a pillow and bent over a large ottoman, where my wrists were tied securely to the legs of a coffee table that was placed in front of me.
I mentally formed an image of the sight that I must have presented, bent over the ottoman, kneeling on a pillow, my hands tethered to furniture in front of me, my ass sticking up, available for the taking. And this image aroused me.
It was only after I was blindfolded and immobilized that Jim let it slip that 'our friend' was bringing another guest, his wife.
I was still protesting vehemently when I heard a car pull into our driveway. Moments later Jim's phone rang. He answered, and after a very brief exchange, I heard him say, "Hold on for one second."
Jim then turned to me and said, "They are here, in the driveway. Shall I send them away and tell them you've had a change of heart? Or should I invite them in; both of them?"
My heart pounded and my mind raced, nervously, with my voice quaking, I said, "No, don't send them away... invite them in... I'll cooperate."
I could feel the lubrication leaking from my vagina as I said those words. It is important to realize, I had never been intimate with a woman before. I had never had a lesbian encounter.
Over the next two hours, I was used. The woman touched me and fondled me. She inserted a small vibrator into my backside and made me climax from the strange but pleasurable sensations she created in my rectum. Her husband then fucked me doggie style while the vibrator remained in my bottom. Every time he pushed himself into me, his abdomen would nudge the end of the vibrator that was sticking from backside, nudging it into my ass.
Each time he stroked out of me, the vibrator would start to slowly slip out of me; but before it could escape, the unknown man who was stroking his very large and rigid penis in and out of my pussy would force the vibrating dildo back into my rectum by pressing his stomach on the base.
My unknown assailant seemed to time his strokes to allow the buzzing toy to slip out of me two or three inches before forcing it back into me with his stomach.
I remember the distinct change in the sound of the vibrator. As it slowly slipped out of me, the buzzing would get noticeably louder. Then when my assailant slowly pushed it back into my anus with his abdomen while he fucked me, the buzzing became muffled and quieter.
I was getting double fucked, slowly and methodically. His erect penis was stretching my vagina, while the vibrator was simultaneously being stroked in and out of my tight sphincter. I climaxed quickly from the double stimulation.
But just as happened two weeks previously, rather than untie me and remove my blindfold, Jim removed the vibrator from my backside and fucked me, adding his sperm to my already semen soaked pussy while my anonymous friends dressed and silently left.
I heard the front door open and close, their car start and pull out of the driveway while my husband was still fucking me as I lay restrained over the ottoman.
Finally, Jim removed my blindfold and untied me. We took a bath together in our oversized, two person tub. The warm water was soothing on my backside which was pretty sore from the abuse it took from the vibrator. We dried ourselves and cuddled together before taking a nap together in our bed.
Secret revealed:
I tried a couple of times to get Jim to reveal the identity of the couple, but he refused. He did tell me that I also knew the wife and saw her fairly often as well. He assured me that these were people whom I liked and who were attractive.
So now I had a few more clues. I knew he was married, and I knew that I encounter both the husband and wife in my normal daily life. I also knew that prior to two weeks ago, I had never been intimate with either of them. All these clues came willingly from Jim.
But I also had one other piece of critical information, a piece that Jim did not realize I had. They had called Jim's cell phone from our driveway!
I knew that one of their cell numbers was on my husbands phone under 'recent calls'. I also knew Jim's passcode. Hopefully, he would not think to delete the number before I could retrieve it from his phone.
I just needed to bide my time and hope that Jim would be careless with his cell phone. I didn't have to wait long. That evening, after dinner, Jim took a shower before bed.
I found his cellphone on his dresser, entered the passcode. I unlocked his phone and went to 'recent calls'.
I felt myself go absolutely numb as I stared at the screen on Jim's iPhone, which indicated that at precisely 2:54 p.m. today Jim had received a call from Chris, his brother!
Oh my god! My head was spinning. This was not some acquaintance, this was family.
I felt my skin burning from the embarrassment of knowing that this afternoon, my brother-in-law fucked me to orgasm. His wife, Jill, who happened to also be my sister-in-law as well as my good friend, penetrated my backside with a vibrator and forced an 'anally induced' orgasm upon me during my first and only lesbian experience.
How would I ever be able to face these people again, knowing what they had done to me and for me?
How could I ever politely enjoy a Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner while knowing that Chris had pumped his semen into my vagina after he watched his wife make me climax with a vibrator stuck in my ass?
I locked the phone, set it down, and started to walk away. I took only a few steps before returning to Jim's dresser and picking up the phone and unlocking it again.
I stared at the screen once more, verifying that I had read the information correctly. I checked the time and the date several times. Yes, Chris had made the call to Jim while I was restrained in position, waiting to be taken.
I suddenly, felt nervous and anxious. A knot formed in my stomach as I tried to process this revelation.
However, I also realized that my vagina was growing moist and my clitoris was now erect. As mortified as I felt at this moment, the image I had of Jill and Chris seeing me tied and blindfolded, bent over the ottoman, with my ass exposed and available for the taking, aroused me.
What did they think of me when they saw me like that? What are they saying about me right now? Do they think I am nasty little slut to allow my husband to tied me up and let anyone that wants to fuck me have his or her way with me? I mean, I did allow someone to fuck me whose face I had not even seen. I did allow a woman whose identity I did not know shove a vibrator up my ass and make me cum. That's pretty much the definition of a slut, isn't it?
I felt so ashamed that my brother-in-law and sister-in-law knew these things about me. But I was suddenly very aroused.
I cannot explain why this form of sexual humiliation aroused me so, but it clearly did. My knowledge that my brother-in-law and my sister-in-law now knew about my secret life as a hot wife, had my vagina suddenly leaking into my panties.
Chris and Jill were a very attractive couple. They were both a few years younger than me, and both were in excellent shape. Chris was a little taller and a bit more muscular than Jim. He played football at a division three school that he had attended years ago, and he still had the physique of a linebacker. Like Jim, he was a handsome man, with an engaging smile.
I must confess, on occasion, I had fantasized about a threesome with Jim and Chris; but I had never shared that fantasy with my husband. It seemed too weird to share this fantasy with my husband. It was my little secret. I had imagined myself on a camping trip, forced to sleep between the two brothers. In my fantasy, I am shared between them all night long.
Jill was a tall, statuesque brunet, with large brown eyes and the sleek figure of an athlete. At five foot, nine inches tall, she looked like she could be a model. As you may recall, I am a rather petite, five foot four inches tall and I envied her looks and her height.
Now that I knew who my assailants were, the events of this afternoon seemed much more real; and much more taboo and wicked. When I did not know who had fucked me, and who had shoved the vibrator up my ass to make me cum, the events were more surreal, almost dreamlike.
But now my mind was rapidly forming mental images of Jill and Chris doing those things to me. I knew whose little slut I had been all afternoon, and it embarrassed and aroused me. I wanted to make myself cum at the moment. I felt like I needed a release.
I heard Jim turning off the water in the shower, so I set the phone back down. I was not certain what I would do this this newly gained information. I needed some time t think about it, and to devise a plan.
I also knew that I was not going to let Jim, or Chris, or Jill, know that I was on to them. I needed to figure out how and when to reveal my secret knowledge for maximum effect.
I also knew that either Jim was going to make me cum now, or I would do it myself. I would give him the choice. But I needed a climax before going to sleep tonight.
Getting Cindy off:
I walked into the bathroom just as Jim was climbing out of the shower. I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt, no bra.
"Jim, I keep imagining the scene from this afternoon, and it has me kind of horny. Would you like to fuck me, or should I get the red vibrator and take care of myself?" I cooed while reaching down and gently massaging his penis wake.
I felt his cock throb and thicken under my touch.
"Cindy, I think we can do both."
I was puzzled by what he meant.
"What do you mean?"
"I want to try something new, to see if it will work."
"I've already had a lot of new, first-time experienced today, thanks to you."
"Yeah, but you might really like this one," Jim teased as he pulled my t-shirt over my head, exposing my breasts. With some assistance from me, he unbuckled my shorts and lowered them with my panties, leaving us both naked.
I continued to stroke his cock, he was almost fully erect now.
"Go get your red vibrator from the nightstand, while I set up the bed," Jim instructed.
Jim stacked three pillows neatly in the middle of the bed, and propped them against the headboard.
I was clearly puzzled by what his plan was. I retrieved the large phallus and a tube of personal lubricant from the nightstand. I had enough experience with this large vibrator to know I would need the assistance of some lubricant.
Jim grabbed a hand towel. He laid down on his back with his head propped up by the pillows.
His erection lay across his abdomen, reaching nearly to his navel. My husband does have a nice cock. And it's all mine.
Jim folded the hand towel once, placed it on his chest, forming a slight cushion.
"Cindy, hand me the vibrator and come here and straddle my face."
I handed him the vibrator, took the tube of lubricant and squeezed a large dollop on my fingers and 'greased the path' so to speak by spreading the gel on the inside lips of my labia and up inside me a bit .
I inquired nervously, "What exactly do you have in mind?"
"I'm going to prop the vibrator on my chest, and have you fuck yourself with it while I suck on your clit. It will sort of be like you getting fucked and eaten at the same time."
"I don't know about this," I protested weakly as I climbed into position, kneeling with my thighs on either side of Jim's head, my pussy inches from his mouth.
Jim twisted the base of the large, red, phallic shaped device, and it buzzed to life. This was a large toy; nearly two inches in diameter and eight inches in length. Even when I was fully aroused, I could not insert all of it. There was always an inch and a half or two inches protruding from my vagina when I had taken all of this monster than I could accommodate.
Handing the buzzing toy to me, Jim instructed me, "Cindy, put the head inside you and them prop the base on my chest. I'll use this hand towel was a padding of sorts against my sternum."
Squatting over Jim's face, I leaned forward, and reached behind me, placing the vibrating head at the tight opening of my vagina. Twisting and pushing I was able to work several inches into my pussy.
Jim reached up, took hold of the base, and positioned it on the folded towel, securing it against his sternum. Jim then grabbed my butt cheeks, pulling me forward. With his head propped forward by the three pillows, Jim pulled my vulva to his mouth and began licking and sucking my little nubbins as I rocked my hips, pressing the vibration head deep inside me.
I looked down to see that with Jim's mouth on my clit, his chin was pressed against the portion of the shaft that protruded from my vagina.
"Are you okay, baby? That doesn't look too comfortable," I asked with concern.
Jim broke his 'lip lock' on my clit long enough to answer, "I'm fine, baby. These pillows are propping my head up. Did I ever tell you that you have the sweetest pussy in the world?" Jim said flirtatiously.
"I am very glad you think so. It would make me very sad if you didn't."
Jim returned to sucking on my clit and flicking his tongue across it, His arms were down between my thighs. He had reached up and was massaging my butt cheeks, and forcing me to lean forward, pressing my twat into his mouth.
I was simultaneously humping against his mouth and pressing myself down to force the head of the vibrator to press against my g-spot.
I felt my arousal growing rapidly from the combination of Jim sucking on my erect clitoris and the large dildo vibrating against my g-spot.
"Oh fuck, I'm not going to last long... oh fuck... Jim, right there... just like that... just like that... oh, fuck," I moaned.
I braced myself against the headboard and I fucked the large dildo and humped Jim's face more furiously as I felt my orgasm rapidly approaching.
Jim started sucking my clitoris like it was a sensitive nipple, sucking it into his mouth. It was so sensitive and so swollen that it felt like it might pop.
I formed a vivid image in my mind of me riding Chris's large rigid erection in the reverse cowgirl position; me on top of him, straddling him with my back towards his face. And then, Jill, climbs between both our thighs and sucks on my erect clitoris while I fuck her husband.
Instantly, this fantasy became amazingly real, and it pushed me over the edge.
Jim sucked my clit, and I fucked this huge vibrator while imagining that it was Jill's lips and mouth sucking on me, and Chris's dick inside me.
"Oh, right there... that's it... oh fuck baby... you're going to get me... oh shit, it's going to be a good one. Oh fuck, I'm cumming," I cried out as I came.
Strange sounds emanated from me as I convulsed repeatedly, pressing the huge plastic dick deep into my cunt as my husband nursed on my engorged clitoris. My orgasm seemed to go on and on and on. I could not stop cumming.
Finally, I needed to stop or I would pass out.
"Oh, thank you honey... I needed that. Let's take care of you now," I said as I leaned forward to allow the vibrator to slip free from my vagina.
Jim caught the vibrator as it slipped from my vagina, twisted the base to stop the loud buzzing, and set it on the side of the bed next to us.
I rolled off him, on my back.
"Jim, my thighs are pretty sore from squatting and straddling your face. You need to be on top. Come over here and fuck me."
Jim was so hard that his erection looked as though it hurt. Jim positioned himself between my thighs and started to enter me. “Baby you are so open and wet. I don’t know if you can even feel me. God, your pussy is absolutely sopping wet.” Jim slid right into me with no resistance.
He was right; at first, I could barely feel his girth. Jim is a reasonably well endowed man, but he is certainly not as large as that monster toy that I had just wedged inside me. Jim is slightly less than 7 inches long when fully erect. I would guess his girth to be an inch and a half?
Honestly, my husband has a very nice cock, and he satisfies me regularly with it. But I was stretched way out of shape right now; and Jim’s erection felt quite small at the moment.
Jim had me on my back, and he slowly raised my legs over his shoulders, placing my feet up by the sides of his head.
I was aroused, but since I had cum several times today already, I did not expect to cum again from Jim fucking me. But I was wrong! Jim’s pounding my pussy, with my legs over his shoulders, was getting me more and more aroused.
In this position, with my legs high in the air, my heels on the sides of Jim’s head, I could feel the head of my husband’s erect cock striking the front of my vagina with each pounding thrust. I could feel my arousal building thrust by thrust despite the fact that my pussy was still stretched and dilated open from accommodating the large dildo moments before.
"Did you like tying me up and letting that couple fuck me today?" I hissed, trying to remind my husband what a naughty little slut he forced me to be this afternoon.
"Did you know she was going to shove that vibrator up my ass? Oh, god, Jim she made me cum so hard with that thing buzzing in my tight asshole. I had no idea that could feel so good. Are you going to let them do that to me again? Are you going to let her fuck my ass with that thing again?" I moaned loudly.
I realized that my words were not only exciting Jim, they were pushing me towards my own orgasm.
Unexpectedly, I felt my own orgasm suddenly approaching, "Oh fuck, baby, I'm going to go off again... oh fuck... I'm cumming."
I truly was surprised that I climaxed again, and so quickly.
My moans, coupled with Jim’s memory of me being fucked so well and so thoroughly by Chris and Jill earlier today while he watched, was simply too much for Jim. He simply could not hold back.
Jim stiffened, and groaned as he came with me. I could feel him pulse repeatedly inside me; letting me know that he was adding his sperm to the cocktail of Chris's semen already swimming inside me from this afternoon.
Jim collapsed on me, his penis still pulsing in my vagina. I contracted me vagina to squeeze and hug him, encouraging my husband to drain every last drop of his semen into my womb which was already brimming with sperm.
I was also pleased and flattered that Jim’s excitement got the best of him.
We cuddled without decoupling for several minutes, before separating and drifting off to sleep.
For the next three weeks, I pried and pleaded with Jim to reveal to me what I already knew, that his brother, Chris and our sister-in-law, Jill were my anonymous lovers. I spent a good deal of time concocting a plan to effectively use this information.
"So when are you going to invite our secret lovers back for another session?" I asked out of the blue.
Jim smiled broadly and said, "You really are hooked on this blindfold scenario, aren't you?"
"I admit it, I can't seem to stop thinking about what the woman did to me.

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Since you won't tell me who they are, I have formed this elaborate fantasy about what they look like."
"Interesting, so in your fantasy, what do they look like? Describe your fantasy lovers for me," Jim instructed.
"If I do, will you at least tell me if I am in the ball park?"
"Yeah, I guess I can do that."
I smiled and thought to myself, 'okay, I can't be too accurate, but I want to tell him enough to make him think, how the hell would she know that?'
"Well, the guy reminds me of you a bit. I don't know why. Maybe it's how his penis feels inside me? Maybe his scent reminds me of you? I don't know. But I imagine the guy who was fucking me looked a lot like you."
Jim's expression was priceless. He tried not to reveal anything with his expression, but clearly, he was puzzled.
I decided to fuck with his head a bit more, "Well, his erection does remind me of your penis, but it seems bigger and thicker... maybe it's just my imagination. I don't know. So how close am I?"
"You're in the ballpark. I guess you could say the guy has a similar body type to me. He's a little bigger than me, as you so coyly pointed out. So describe the woman in your fantasy?"
"Well, I imagine her to be tall and slender, not voluptuous, but more athletic. I don't know why I imagine her like that, but I do. Also in my fantasy she has a darker complexion than I have. She is quite pretty. I know she has long hair, I could feel it on my back and legs while she was leaning over me, fucking my ass with that vibrator. I imagine her as a brunet, but I guess she could be blonde. But in my fantasy, she has lovely brown hair. I think I am just imagining the type of men and women who appeal to me. I certainly am attracted to you, and I wish I was taller and had a more athletic body type."
"Well if that is what you are fantasizing about, I don't think you'd be disappointed."
"So when are you going to invite them back to play with me some more?"
"I'll see if they are available this weekend. You know you'll have to be blindfolded and restrained again?"
"Yes, I know."
Saturday evening:
I knew what to expect. Jim indicated that our guests would arrive at seven o'clock. By six I was bathed, parts shaved, hair curled and make-up on. Without being told, I remained naked, wearing only my robe.
"Where are you going to restrain me?" I asked at six thirty.
"I thought we would use our bedroom tonight. I like the fact that you are being so cooperative and not protesting any of this. Do you have any specific requests?"
I thought for a moment, "Yes. I would like to be able to kiss my assailants. If you untie me, I promise I will not remove my blindfold. I promise I will be a good girl."
"Interesting. Anything else?"
"I'm embarrassed to tell you," I answered sheepishly.
Jim smiled and pressed on, "tell me what you want."
I stared at the floor as I stammered, "I liked what she did to me last time. You my backside."
I was ashamed to admit that I was hoping Jill would fuck m ass again with the vibrator.
"Oh, so you liked getting fucked in the ass, did you? Maybe you'd like a real cock up your backside?"
I blushed at the words Jim chose. I was not prepared to even utter the words 'fucked in the ass'. They sounded so depraved, so dirty, so perverse.
"No, a real cock would hurt too much. It would be too big. But I liked what she did to me last time...with the little vibrator. She made me cum with the vibrator in my backside. I liked it."
"We better get you ready. They will be here is a few minutes," Jim said as he led me to the bedroom.
"Can I at least know their first names?"
"Not a chance," Jim responded definitively.
"What can I call them. I want to be able to talk to them," I reasoned.
Jim took my hand and led me to the bedroom.
"I think you should call them 'ma'am' and 'sir'. That would show them the proper resect," Jim instructed.
Jim was clearly tapping into my submissive streak.
"So I guess you are telling me that while they are here, both of them are my masters? I'm sort of the slave toy of all three of you?"
Just saying those words caused my pussy to spasm and my lubrication to start to seep out of me.
Jim, smiled, opened the top drawer of his dresser and removed a small bag while telling me, "I think that's a good way to think about this evening, that you are our sex slave for the next few hours."
Jim removed a pair of leather handcuffs and a four foot leather strap which had a clasp on one end. The handcuffs were actually two small leather straps that could be securely around the wrists with a buckle. The wrist restraints were attached by a sturdy chain.
Jim approached me with the cuffs. Without being told to do so, I obediently extended both wrists. Jim tightened the straps around my wrists, securing them.
I stood there, naked, my wrists bound together, watching my husband affix the four foot leather belt to the headboard.
"I see we have moved beyond merely tearing up old towels to restrain me, huh? You are getting pretty proficient at this game," I said nervously anticipating what the afternoon had in store for me.
"Yes, when I realized that you enjoyed this as much as you do, and that you would ask me to invite our friends back for an encore performance, I figured we need to get the proper equipment for you."
Jim beckoned me to the bed and instructed me to lie on my back. I got comfortable with a pillow under my head. Jim took my wrists, raised them above my head, and clasped the end of the strap to the short link chain which was holding my wrist restraints together.
I pulled at the strap, testing its strength and stability. Bound like this, I was helpless. I was not going anywhere. I strained. I noticed my breasts looked quite inviting with my arms above my head.
Jim got up went to his nightstand and retrieved the device that Jill had inserted into my anus two weeks ago as well as my large red phallic shaped vibrator. He set both toys prominently on the nightstand.
I realized that Jim had intentionally retrieved the two devices before blindfolding me. Jim wanted me to know that my friends intended to use these toys on me. Jim knew that the anticipation would arouse me. He was right.
The two devices were quite different. The device that had been inserted into my backside was white, smooth hard plastic. It was about one inch in diameter, maybe slightly less, and about six inches long. You could turn it on by flipping a switch on its base.
As I described earlier, the red vibrator that I frequently used to masturbate, was much longer, thicker and much more lifelike. It had a realistic head and thick veins running around the shaft. It was a soft, pliant plastic material that felt warm and much more like a real penis.
Jim's cell phone rang. He answered and after listening briefly, responded, "The front door is unlocked. Come on in. Please lock the door behind you."
Turning to me, he said, "They're here."
Jim pulled a blindfold from the bag which had also contained the handcuffs and the strap which was now affixed to the headboard. Unlike the previous two episodes when I was blindfolded and restrained, this blindfold was not a simple piece of cloth.
Jim approached me, placed the eye coverings over my eyes and secured it behind my head with the Velcro straps attached to it. I was in total darkness. Whereas the strip from a torn towel allowed some light and I could see shadows, this blindfold that Jim had purchased from an adult novelty store completely blinded me.
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I heard the creaking of the bedroom door and the sound of footsteps approaching the bed. I could only imagine what Chris and Jill saw as they entered my bedroom and found me naked, hands tied above my head, blindfolded.
"Cindy, our friends are here. Welcome them. And open your legs a little bit. We want to see your excitement," Jim instructed.
I felt my entire face, neck and chest flush from my humiliation. I slowly spread my legs. I could feel their gaze on my shaved vulva. I could feel my lubrication seeping out of me. Could they see my wetness that was coating my upper thighs?
"Jim are they both here?"
"Yes, Cindy, they are. Tell them you are glad they could join us today."
My voice quaked as I nervously did as instructed, "Sir and ma'am, welcome to my bedroom. I am glad you could join my husband and me today. I'd like to greet you more warmly, but as you can see, I'm a bit tied up at the moment," I said, introducing a poor pun to break the tension.
Jill and Chris remained silent. They could not utter a sound for fear that I would recognize their voices. The fact that I knew who was staring at my naked shaved pussy and my erect nipples significantly heightened my humiliation and my arousal.
I heard some rustling of clothes, indicating that everyone was disrobing. I formed a mental picture of what Chris and Jill would look like naked. I wondered if he was already erect from the sight of my naked bod and the anticipation of what was to come. Oh, I hoped he was already hard.
I wondered how big he was. When he fucked me a couple of weeks ago, he felt big; bigger than Jim. But I also realized he had fucked me when I had a vibrator in my ass, so I was already pretty full when he first entered me.
I wanted to see him naked. I wanted to see the erection that was going to fuck me again today. But I would simply have to bide my time before I could make that happen.
I was still sorting out the details of my plan. How would I reveal to them that I knew their identities? Clearly, my relationship with my in-laws would never be the same after today.
"Cindy, what do you want our friends to do to you?"
Jim was forcing me to further humiliate myself by making me actually ask, or beg, to be touched, to be masturbated, to be penetrated and fucked. My skin felt like it was on fire. I burned bright crimson from embarrassment.
"Would you please touch me?" I asked.
Jim interrupted, "Who do you want to touch you?"
"Jim, I don't know their names," I lied.
"And what did we agree that you would call them?"
God this humiliation had me ready to climax already. My pussy was literally flowing now. My clit was throbbing. I was already rocking my hips with arousal as I was force to beg to be touched.
"Ma'am, would you touch me? Please? Please touch me and caress me? I am so fucking aroused right. God, if you just touch me, I'll cum," I cried.
I felt the bed move, indicating that someone had sat on the bed next to me.
I gasped as Jill's fingers lightly traced over my breasts and nipples. I could not resist straining against the strap that tethered my hands to the headboard.
I arched my back trying to press my breasts into her fingers that were teasing me. I moaned shamelessly.
I was humping against air.
"Oh fuck, please touch me. Shit, I need to cum. I am already so fucking close."
Jill traced her fingers across my abdomen, moving lower agonizingly slowly. Her fingers finally found my vulva. I moaned as the tips of her fingers gently touched my erect clitoris.
"Oh fuck, please," I cried as I strained my hips upward.
Jill got up, walked to the foot of the bed and crawled up between my thighs. She moved my legs so that my knees were bent and my heels up by my butt. With her hands on each knee, she opened my legs and ran her fingers up my inner thighs.
Jill's fingers found my vulva and fumbling slightly, opened the wet, sensitive folds of my labia.
To my shock and amazement, my sister-in-laws leaned forward and gently kissed my erect clitoris. I gasped again as her tongue flicked across my rigid little nubbins. She took my swollen clit into her mouth like a sensitive nipple and sucked on it.
"Oh shit," I hissed.
I twisted and strained as Jill nursed on my engorged clit.
I was so aroused from the humiliation of having to beg to be touched, the vulnerability of being restrained and blindfolded, and the knowledge that it was my sister-in-law that who was sucking on me that I climaxed almost instantly.
"Oh fuck, I can't hold out... oh shit... I'm cumming," I screeched as I trembled and shook, pressing my crotch in my sister-in-law's mouth.
Oh my god, I realized that I had just climaxed with my sister-in-law's mouth on my cunt.
"Oh, ma'am, that was so intense. Thank you. I needed that so bad. Thank you."
Jim interrupted me, "What do you want her to do to you now?"
"Untie me and let me thank her properly?" I replied, quite honestly.
"Cindy, that's not going to happen. What did you tell me you wanted her to do to you before our guests arrived?" Jim asked
I knew precisely what Jim wanted me to request. He wanted to hear me beg to have Jill sodomize my ass with the vibrator. He wanted me to further humiliate myself as I begged for a stranger to fuck my ass with a vibrator.
I decided to go along with this ruse a bit longer. I wanted to have all my desires satisfied before I seized control of this situation.
I took a deep breath and asked, "Ma'am, would you please us the white vibrator on me again? Like last time?"
I heard a bit of a commotion, and I lost track of who was where in the room.
Jim said, "tell her precisely what you want, baby."
I was so aroused by my humiliation. I stammered, "please ma'am, please use the small white vibrator on my backside... please make me cum with that thing in my ass... fuck my ass."
Jim instructed me, "Rollover on your tummy, baby. Offer her your ass."
I slowly rolled over. My movements were impeded by the restraints on my wrists. With some effort I rolled over on to my tummy, offering my ass to Jill.
I heard the unmistakable sound of the buzzing of a vibrator.
I lifted my ass up slightly, pulling my stomach off the mattress, and requested, "Would someone place a couple of pillows under my tummy?"
I could not tell if it was Chris or Jim, but one of the men, quickly grabbed two pillows and shoved them under me, allowing me to lean forward, my ass still elevated.
The irony of this situation then occurred to me. Jim thought I was their sex slave tonight. Jim thought that I was completely unaware of who was doing what to me. Yet, I knew precisely who was in the room. And more importantly, they were servicing me, they were responding to my every request, and suggestion. Rather than being at their mercy, despite the fact that I was restrained and blindfolded, I was actually the one who was in control. These three people were actually here to service me, and at that moment, I felt that they would do precisely what I instructed. The irony was comical.
"Ma'am, would you please use the little vibrator on my backside, like you did last week?" I asked again.
I sensed movement around the room, and felt someone sit on the bed on my left side.
Without the benefit of sight, I was unsure who was doing what. I was slightly concerned when I heard a second buzzing sound, indicating that both the large red vibrator and the smaller white vibrator were turned on. Both vibrators were now 'in play'.
What did they plan to do to me? Suddenly, I felt vulnerable again. I did not have as much control of the situation as I thought I had moments ago.
Then person sitting on the bed next to me wedged the large red vibrator underneath me, nestling it between my vulva and the pillows I was lying on. The two inch diameter shaft was now nestled between the folds of my labia, stimulating my clitoris.
"Oh my, that feels good," I cooed as I rocked my hips slightly, humping against the shaft.
Then the person sitting next to me, I assume it was Chris, grabbed both my butt cheeks and separated them. Jill, who was still between my thighs, placed a dollop of lubricating jelly directly on my exposed anus, smearing it around and into m tight sphincter with her finger.
I knew precisely what was going to happen next.
I heard Jim speak from across the room, "Ask her for what you want baby. Beg her for it."
I now knew that it was Chris who was spreading my butt cheeks apart.
As instructed, I begged, "Oh please ma'am, please put the white thing inside me...into my bottom. Please make me cum with that in my ass."
Saying those words excited me further. I continued to hump against the vibrating shaft of the large red dildo that was wedged between my clitoris and the pillows underneath me.
Jill placed the tip of the white, hard plastic vibrator against me tight sphincter. A wave of pleasure shot through me from stimulation of the vibrating sensation on the sensitive tissue of my anus.
"Oh god, yes... fuck... oh my... right there," I moaned shamelessly.
I pushed my ass backwards forcing the tip to enter my upturned bottom.
"Oh yes, push it into me. Push it into my ass. Yes, please ma'am, fuck my ass. Make me cum... Oh fuck, I'm not going to last long."
Jill slowly slid the vibrator into my rectum. I knew I would not last long. With the softer, more pliant, large vibrator buzzing against my clitoris and the smaller vibrator being inserted slowly into my asshole, I was going to cum quickly.
"Oh god... Jim, I can't hold out... she's going to make me cum," I hissed. I was pushing back, forcing the buzzing device deeper into my backside and I pressed my sensitive clitoris against the vibrating dildo underneath me.
I felt the first waves of intense pleasure starting to build. I was now past the point of no return. My climax was imminent.
"Oh please, fuck my ass... please, Jill, fuck my ass... deeper... shit... I'm cumming... oh baby... are you watching your wife cum? Do you see what Chris and Jill are doing to me? Fuck, this is so intense..."
A series of convulsions rocked through my core as wave after wave of pleasure quaked through me. I shuttered for fifteen or twenty seconds before begging, "Chris, please climb behind me and fuck me. Fuck me with this thing still in my ass."
Jill and Chris both recoiled at my calling out their names. Jill's hand remained in the base of the vibrator in my ass, but she stopped moving it in and out.
I imagined them all looking at each other with a 'how the fuck does she know who we are look' on their faces.
After an awkward moment of silence, Jim said with a slight panic in his voice, "Cindy, what did you say?"
"Jim, it's okay. I know. Chris are you going to fuck me now?"
I wanted to get back to the action at hand. Jill had already made me cum twice already, once with her mouth, and now with a toy in my ass, so she had taken the edge off me, so to speak.
"But how? How did you know?" Jim probed further.
Jill continued to hold the vibrator in my ass without moving it.
"Baby, I'm not stupid. Do you think I would not know that it was your brother's cock that was fucking me last week? It felt like your cock, only a little bigger. It was almost like you were fucking me. It wasn't rocket science to figure out who would have a cock just like you. And the scent of his skin, and a lot of other things about him. It wasn't that hard to figure out. I mean who else would remind me of you so much while they touched me and fucked me? I guess it could have been your dad, but he's kind of old."
I lied through my teeth. I was not prepared to reveal my detective work that had led to this discovery. I preferred to make them all think I was simply a psychic.
"Now do you want to keep me blindfolded and bound, and fuck me; or do you want to release me and let me see what my brother-in-law and sister-in-law look like naked?"
Jim approached he bed and without releasing m wrists, removed my blindfold. The sudden rush of light caused me to squint until my eyes adjusted to the brightness in the room.
Jill had resumed slowly moving the vibrator in my ass.
I looked over my shoulder and saw Chris sitting next to me, his penis rigidly erect. He looked like a slightly larger, more muscular version of his brother.
"That's a very nice erection you have there. Are you going to fuck your sister-in-law with it?"
I arched my back a bit as Jill continued to tease my backside, "Jill, that feels so wickedly good in my ass right now."
Chris stood, walked to the foot of the bed and took Jill's place between my legs. He climbed into position, and mounted me 'doggie style' from behind without removing the vibrator from my bottom. Just as he had done a couple of weeks earlier, he fucked me with his erect penis while pushing the vibrator into my upturned bottom with his abdomen with each thrust. It felt wonderful, but I did not climax again.
After Chris stiffened and ejaculated inside me, Jim removed the vibrator from my bottom, released my wrists and turned me on my back and fucked me slowly. Chris sat in the chair in the corner, and Jill straddled him. They made love as they watched my husband and me make love.
Once everyone had cum at least once, we all adjourned to the hot tub in the back yard with some drinks. I was sipping wine. I also had a large glass of ice water.
I cuddled next to Jim and suggested to Chris and Jill, "Why don't you two spend the night? We have a spare bedroom. That way we get to spend some more quality time with you two in the morning."
They agreed.
I then added, "From now on, family vacations are going to be a lot more fun."
"Interesting, so in your fantasy, what do they look like? Describe your fantasy lovers for me," Jim instructed.
"If I do, will you at least tell me if I am in the ball park?"
"Yeah, I guess I can do that."
I smiled and thought to myself, 'okay, I can't be too accurate, but I want to tell him enough to make him think, how the hell would she know that?'
"Well, the guy reminds me of you a bit. I don't know why. Maybe it's how his penis feels inside me? Maybe his scent reminds me of you? I don't know. But I imagine the guy who was fucking me looked a lot like you."
Jim's expression was priceless. He tried not to reveal anything with his expression, but clearly, he was puzzled.
I decided to fuck with his head a bit more, "Well, his erection does remind me of your penis, but it seems bigger and thicker... maybe it's just my imagination. I don't know. So how close am I?"
"You're in the ballpark. I guess you could say the guy has a similar body type to me. He's a little bigger than me, as you so coyly pointed out. So describe the woman in your fantasy?"
"Well, I imagine her to be tall and slender, not voluptuous, but more athletic. I don't know why I imagine her like that, but I do. Also in my fantasy she has a darker complexion than I have. She is quite pretty. I know she has long hair, I could feel it on my back and legs while she was leaning over me, fucking my ass with that vibrator. I imagine her as a brunet, but I guess she could be blonde. But in my fantasy, she has lovely brown hair. I think I am just imagining the type of men and women who appeal to me. I certainly am attracted to you, and I wish I was taller and had a more athletic body type."
"Well if that is what you are fantasizing about, I don't think you'd be disappointed."
"So when are you going to invite them back to play with me some more?"
"I'll see if they are available this weekend. You know you'll have to be blindfolded and restrained again?"
"Yes, I know."
Saturday evening:
I knew what to expect. Jim indicated that our guests would arrive at seven o'clock. By six I was bathed, parts shaved, hair curled and make-up on. Without being told, I remained naked, wearing only my robe.
"Where are you going to restrain me?" I asked at six thirty.
"I thought we would use our bedroom tonight. I like the fact that you are being so cooperative and not protesting any of this. Do you have any specific requests?"
I thought for a moment, "Yes. I would like to be able to kiss my assailants. If you untie me, I promise I will not remove my blindfold. I promise I will be a good girl."
"Interesting. Anything else?"
"I'm embarrassed to tell you," I answered sheepishly.
Jim smiled and pressed on, "tell me what you want."
I stared at the floor as I stammered, "I liked what she did to me last time. You my backside."
I was ashamed to admit that I was hoping Jill would fuck m ass again with the vibrator.
"Oh, so you liked getting fucked in the ass, did you? Maybe you'd like a real cock up your backside?"
I blushed at the words Jim chose. I was not prepared to even utter the words 'fucked in the ass'. They sounded so depraved, so dirty, so perverse.
"No, a real cock would hurt too much. It would be too big. But I liked what she did to me last time...with the little vibrator. She made me cum with the vibrator in my backside. I liked it."
"We better get you ready. They will be here is a few minutes," Jim said as he led me to the bedroom.
"Can I at least know their first names?"
"Not a chance," Jim responded definitively.
"What can I call them. I want to be able to talk to them," I reasoned.
Jim took my hand and led me to the bedroom.
"I think you should call them 'ma'am' and 'sir'. That would show them the proper resect," Jim instructed.
Jim was clearly tapping into my submissive streak.
"So I guess you are telling me that while they are here, both of them are my masters? I'm sort of the slave toy of all three of you?"
Just saying those words caused my pussy to spasm and my lubrication to start to seep out of me.
Jim, smiled, opened the top drawer of his dresser and removed a small bag while telling me, "I think that's a good way to think about this evening, that you are our sex slave for the next few hours."
Jim removed a pair of leather handcuffs and a four foot leather strap which had a clasp on one end. The handcuffs were actually two small leather straps that could be securely around the wrists with a buckle. The wrist restraints were attached by a sturdy chain.
Jim approached me with the cuffs. Without being told to do so, I obediently extended both wrists. Jim tightened the straps around my wrists, securing them.
I stood there, naked, my wrists bound together, watching my husband affix the four foot leather belt to the headboard.
"I see we have moved beyond merely tearing up old towels to restrain me, huh? You are getting pretty proficient at this game," I said nervously anticipating what the afternoon had in store for me.
"Yes, when I realized that you enjoyed this as much as you do, and that you would ask me to invite our friends back for an encore performance, I figured we need to get the proper equipment for you."
Jim beckoned me to the bed and instructed me to lie on my back. I got comfortable with a pillow under my head. Jim took my wrists, raised them above my head, and clasped the end of the strap to the short link chain which was holding my wrist restraints together.
I pulled at the strap, testing its strength and stability. Bound like this, I was helpless. I was not going anywhere. I strained. I noticed my breasts looked quite inviting with my arms above my head.
Jim got up went to his nightstand and retrieved the device that Jill had inserted into my anus two weeks ago as well as my large red phallic shaped vibrator. He set both toys prominently on the nightstand.
I realized that Jim had intentionally retrieved the two devices before blindfolding me. Jim wanted me to know that my friends intended to use these toys on me. Jim knew that the anticipation would arouse me. He was right.
The two devices were quite different. The device that had been inserted into my backside was white, smooth hard plastic. It was about one inch in diameter, maybe slightly less, and about six inches long. You could turn it on by flipping a switch on its base.
As I described earlier, the red vibrator that I frequently used to masturbate, was much longer, thicker and much more lifelike. It had a realistic head and thick veins running around the shaft. It was a soft, pliant plastic material that felt warm and much more like a real penis.
Jim's cell phone rang. He answered and after listening briefly, responded, "The front door is unlocked. Come on in. Please lock the door behind you."
Turning to me, he said, "They're here."
Jim pulled a blindfold from the bag which had also contained the handcuffs and the strap which was now affixed to the headboard. Unlike the previous two episodes when I was blindfolded and restrained, this blindfold was not a simple piece of cloth.
Jim approached me, placed the eye coverings over my eyes and secured it behind my head with the Velcro straps attached to it. I was in total darkness. Whereas the strip from a torn towel allowed some light and I could see shadows, this blindfold that Jim had purchased from an adult novelty store completely blinded me.
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I heard the creaking of the bedroom door and the sound of footsteps approaching the bed. I could only imagine what Chris and Jill saw as they entered my bedroom and found me naked, hands tied above my head, blindfolded.
"Cindy, our friends are here. Welcome them. And open your legs a little bit. We want to see your excitement," Jim instructed.
I felt my entire face, neck and chest flush from my humiliation. I slowly spread my legs. I could feel their gaze on my shaved vulva. I could feel my lubrication seeping out of me. Could they see my wetness that was coating my upper thighs?
"Jim are they both here?"
"Yes, Cindy, they are. Tell them you are glad they could join us today."
My voice quaked as I nervously did as instructed, "Sir and ma'am, welcome to my bedroom. I am glad you could join my husband and me today. I'd like to greet you more warmly, but as you can see, I'm a bit tied up at the moment," I said, introducing a poor pun to break the tension.
Jill and Chris remained silent. They could not utter a sound for fear that I would recognize their voices. The fact that I knew who was staring at my naked shaved pussy and my erect nipples significantly heightened my humiliation and my arousal.
I heard some rustling of clothes, indicating that everyone was disrobing. I formed a mental picture of what Chris and Jill would look like naked. I wondered if he was already erect from the sight of my naked bod and the anticipation of what was to come. Oh, I hoped he was already hard.
I wondered how big he was. When he fucked me a couple of weeks ago, he felt big; bigger than Jim. But I also realized he had fucked me when I had a vibrator in my ass, so I was already pretty full when he first entered me.
I wanted to see him naked. I wanted to see the erection that was going to fuck me again today. But I would simply have to bide my time before I could make that happen.
I was still sorting out the details of my plan. How would I reveal to them that I knew their identities? Clearly, my relationship with my in-laws would never be the same after today.
"Cindy, what do you want our friends to do to you?"
Jim was forcing me to further humiliate myself by making me actually ask, or beg, to be touched, to be masturbated, to be penetrated and fucked. My skin felt like it was on fire. I burned bright crimson from embarrassment.
"Would you please touch me?" I asked.
Jim interrupted, "Who do you want to touch you?"
"Jim, I don't know their names," I lied.
"And what did we agree that you would call them?"
God this humiliation had me ready to climax already. My pussy was literally flowing now. My clit was throbbing. I was already rocking my hips with arousal as I was force to beg to be touched.
"Ma'am, would you touch me? Please? Please touch me and caress me? I am so fucking aroused right. God, if you just touch me, I'll cum," I cried.
I felt the bed move, indicating that someone had sat on the bed next to me.
I gasped as Jill's fingers lightly traced over my breasts and nipples. I could not resist straining against the strap that tethered my hands to the headboard.
I arched my back trying to press my breasts into her fingers that were teasing me. I moaned shamelessly.
I was humping against air.
"Oh fuck, please touch me. Shit, I need to cum. I am already so fucking close."
Jill traced her fingers across my abdomen, moving lower agonizingly slowly. Her fingers finally found my vulva. I moaned as the tips of her fingers gently touched my erect clitoris.
"Oh fuck, please," I cried as I strained my hips upward.
Jill got up, walked to the foot of the bed and crawled up between my thighs. She moved my legs so that my knees were bent and my heels up by my butt. With her hands on each knee, she opened my legs and ran her fingers up my inner thighs.
Jill's fingers found my vulva and fumbling slightly, opened the wet, sensitive folds of my labia.
To my shock and amazement, my sister-in-laws leaned forward and gently kissed my erect clitoris. I gasped again as her tongue flicked across my rigid little nubbins. She took my swollen clit into her mouth like a sensitive nipple and sucked on it.
"Oh shit," I hissed.
I twisted and strained as Jill nursed on my engorged clit.
I was so aroused from the humiliation of having to beg to be touched, the vulnerability of being restrained and blindfolded, and the knowledge that it was my sister-in-law that who was sucking on me that I climaxed almost instantly.
"Oh fuck, I can't hold out... oh shit... I'm cumming," I screeched as I trembled and shook, pressing my crotch in my sister-in-law's mouth.
Oh my god, I realized that I had just climaxed with my sister-in-law's mouth on my cunt.
"Oh, ma'am, that was so intense. Thank you. I needed that so bad. Thank you."
Jim interrupted me, "What do you want her to do to you now?"
"Untie me and let me thank her properly?" I replied, quite honestly.
"Cindy, that's not going to happen. What did you tell me you wanted her to do to you before our guests arrived?" Jim asked
I knew precisely what Jim wanted me to request. He wanted to hear me beg to have Jill sodomize my ass with the vibrator. He wanted me to further humiliate myself as I begged for a stranger to fuck my ass with a vibrator.
I decided to go along with this ruse a bit longer. I wanted to have all my desires satisfied before I seized control of this situation.
I took a deep breath and asked, "Ma'am, would you please us the white vibrator on me again? Like last time?"
I heard a bit of a commotion, and I lost track of who was where in the room.
Jim said, "tell her precisely what you want, baby."
I was so aroused by my humiliation. I stammered, "please ma'am, please use the small white vibrator on my backside... please make me cum with that thing in my ass... fuck my ass."
Jim instructed me, "Rollover on your tummy, baby. Offer her your ass."
I slowly rolled over. My movements were impeded by the restraints on my wrists. With some effort I rolled over on to my tummy, offering my ass to Jill.
I heard the unmistakable sound of the buzzing of a vibrator.
I lifted my ass up slightly, pulling my stomach off the mattress, and requested, "Would someone place a couple of pillows under my tummy?"
I could not tell if it was Chris or Jim, but one of the men, quickly grabbed two pillows and shoved them under me, allowing me to lean forward, my ass still elevated.
The irony of this situation then occurred to me. Jim thought I was their sex slave tonight. Jim thought that I was completely unaware of who was doing what to me. Yet, I knew precisely who was in the room. And more importantly, they were servicing me, they were responding to my every request, and suggestion. Rather than being at their mercy, despite the fact that I was restrained and blindfolded, I was actually the one who was in control. These three people were actually here to service me, and at that moment, I felt that they would do precisely what I instructed. The irony was comical.
"Ma'am, would you please use the little vibrator on my backside, like you did last week?" I asked again.
I sensed movement around the room, and felt someone sit on the bed on my left side.
Without the benefit of sight, I was unsure who was doing what. I was slightly concerned when I heard a second buzzing sound, indicating that both the large red vibrator and the smaller white vibrator were turned on. Both vibrators were now 'in play'.
What did they plan to do to me? Suddenly, I felt vulnerable again. I did not have as much control of the situation as I thought I had moments ago.
Then person sitting on the bed next to me wedged the large red vibrator underneath me, nestling it between my vulva and the pillows I was lying on. The two inch diameter shaft was now nestled between the folds of my labia, stimulating my clitoris.
"Oh my, that feels good," I cooed as I rocked my hips slightly, humping against the shaft.
Then the person sitting next to me, I assume it was Chris, grabbed both my butt cheeks and separated them. Jill, who was still between my thighs, placed a dollop of lubricating jelly directly on my exposed anus, smearing it around and into m tight sphincter with her finger.
I knew precisely what was going to happen next.
I heard Jim speak from across the room, "Ask her for what you want baby. Beg her for it."
I now knew that it was Chris who was spreading my butt cheeks apart.
As instructed, I begged, "Oh please ma'am, please put the white thing inside me...into my bottom. Please make me cum with that in my ass."
Saying those words excited me further. I continued to hump against the vibrating shaft of the large red dildo that was wedged between my clitoris and the pillows underneath me.
Jill placed the tip of the white, hard plastic vibrator against me tight sphincter. A wave of pleasure shot through me from stimulation of the vibrating sensation on the sensitive tissue of my anus.
"Oh god, yes... fuck... oh my... right there," I moaned shamelessly.
I pushed my ass backwards forcing the tip to enter my upturned bottom.
"Oh yes, push it into me. Push it into my ass. Yes, please ma'am, fuck my ass. Make me cum... Oh fuck, I'm not going to last long."
Jill slowly slid the vibrator into my rectum. I knew I would not last long. With the softer, more pliant, large vibrator buzzing against my clitoris and the smaller vibrator being inserted slowly into my asshole, I was going to cum quickly.
"Oh god... Jim, I can't hold out... she's going to make me cum," I hissed. I was pushing back, forcing the buzzing device deeper into my backside and I pressed my sensitive clitoris against the vibrating dildo underneath me.
I felt the first waves of intense pleasure starting to build. I was now past the point of no return. My climax was imminent.
"Oh please, fuck my ass... please, Jill, fuck my ass... deeper... shit... I'm cumming... oh baby... are you watching your wife cum? Do you see what Chris and Jill are doing to me? Fuck, this is so intense..."
A series of convulsions rocked through my core as wave after wave of pleasure quaked through me. I shuttered for fifteen or twenty seconds before begging, "Chris, please climb behind me and fuck me. Fuck me with this thing still in my ass."
Jill and Chris both recoiled at my calling out their names. Jill's hand remained in the base of the vibrator in my ass, but she stopped moving it in and out.
I imagined them all looking at each other with a 'how the fuck does she know who we are look' on their faces.
After an awkward moment of silence, Jim said with a slight panic in his voice, "Cindy, what did you say?"
"Jim, it's okay. I know. Chris are you going to fuck me now?"
I wanted to get back to the action at hand. Jill had already made me cum twice already, once with her mouth, and now with a toy in my ass, so she had taken the edge off me, so to speak.
"But how? How did you know?" Jim probed further.
Jill continued to hold the vibrator in my ass without moving it.
"Baby, I'm not stupid. Do you think I would not know that it was your brother's cock that was fucking me last week? It felt like your cock, only a little bigger. It was almost like you were fucking me. It wasn't rocket science to figure out who would have a cock just like you. And the scent of his skin, and a lot of other things about him. It wasn't that hard to figure out. I mean who else would remind me of you so much while they touched me and fucked me? I guess it could have been your dad, but he's kind of old."
I lied through my teeth. I was not prepared to reveal my detective work that had led to this discovery. I preferred to make them all think I was simply a psychic.
"Now do you want to keep me blindfolded and bound, and fuck me; or do you want to release me and let me see what my brother-in-law and sister-in-law look like naked?"
Jim approached he bed and without releasing m wrists, removed my blindfold. The sudden rush of light caused me to squint until my eyes adjusted to the brightness in the room.
Jill had resumed slowly moving the vibrator in my ass.
I looked over my shoulder and saw Chris sitting next to me, his penis rigidly erect. He looked like a slightly larger, more muscular version of his brother.
"That's a very nice erection you have there. Are you going to fuck your sister-in-law with it?"
I arched my back a bit as Jill continued to tease my backside, "Jill, that feels so wickedly good in my ass right now."
Chris stood, walked to the foot of the bed and took Jill's place between my legs. He climbed into position, and mounted me 'doggie style' from behind without removing the vibrator from my bottom. Just as he had done a couple of weeks earlier, he fucked me with his erect penis while pushing the vibrator into my upturned bottom with his abdomen with each thrust. It felt wonderful, but I did not climax again.
After Chris stiffened and ejaculated inside me, Jim removed the vibrator from my bottom, released my wrists and turned me on my back and fucked me slowly. Chris sat in the chair in the corner, and Jill straddled him. They made love as they watched my husband and me make love.
Once everyone had cum at least once, we all adjourned to the hot tub in the back yard with some drinks. I was sipping wine. I also had a large glass of ice water.
I cuddled next to Jim and suggested to Chris and Jill, "Why don't you two spend the night? We have a spare bedroom. That way we get to spend some more quality time with you two in the morning."
They agreed.
I then added, "From now on, family vacations are going to be a lot more fun."