Carie was in the bathroom brushing her teeth when she heard it.
Thump! Thump! Thump!
She paused and frowned. Holding the electric toothbrush in her mouth, she switched it off to be sure the noise wasn’t just the rattle of her teeth.
Thump! Thump! Thump!
Her shoulders slumped and she looked down towards the sink, shaking her head. She recognized that knock. Vasily was tenderizing her door with his knuckles again.
He must have been perturbed.
Carie sighed then spat the toothpaste out of her mouth.
Thump! Thump! Thump!
“Yes. Yes,” she muttered as she shuffled her bare legs and feet like a geisha through her apartment, tying the sash of her hot pink mini-kimono robe. Once at the entrance, she stood there for a moment, arms crossed, glaring suspiciously at the wood door. “What is it, Vasily?”
“Open door.” His voice growled from his gut. “Let me in.”
Carie leaned back, spiking a brow. “Not by the hairs of my chinny, chin, chin.”
She could practically hear the steam blowing out through his ears like a cooked lobster. Something sounding like the rumble of a motor boat engine reverberated on the other side of the door. It was Vasily grumbling in Russian.
Uh-oh. Carie’s brow knitted with concern. Often when she had gotten under her neighbour’s skin, his grasp of English grammar and vocabulary would slip. However, whenever she had really ticked him off he’d go full “Rooskie”.
As he continued to mutter in his native dialect, she knew he was really pissed tonight. Too bad she had no idea what she could have possibly done… this time.
Thinking better of it, Carie stretched a smile across her face and opened the door. “Yes? What can I do for yo---ow!”
She was greeted with a piece of paper stuffed at her face, so close that it bopped her button nose. She jumped back, but the paper was pressed forward, still held out an inch from her eyes.
“Vasily! What the hell?” she exclaimed, turning her head aside left and right, the paper continuing to smother her view.
“What is this?” Vasily droned. “Why was this sent to me?”
“I don’t know! Let me look at it! Stop it! I can’t see!” Carie swatted his hand away and snatched the piece of paper from his fingers. She puffed away the hair that had fallen across her face then checked the paper and said, “It’s an envelope.”
Her looming neighbour from across the hall snatched the goldenrod envelope back. “Who is Cindy?” he asked, his thick accent pronouncing it like “Scene-dee”.
“I said I don’t know!” she huffed. “Let me see it.”
She reached for the envelope but he held it up and away from her. He was so tall and she was so petite, he just had to stretch his arm toward the ceiling and she had no chance of getting it even if she jumped.
Vasily continued to hold it aloft as he read the front of the envelope. “‘Cindy’s Sinful Secrets’,” he said.
“Cindy’s Sinful Secrets…?” Carie blinked and frowned as she paused for thought. Then her brows perked up as her eyes widened. “Oh. Oh! No way! Give it over!”
Vasily silently glared at her for a moment, then he grudgingly handed over the envelope.
Carie immediately tore it open and pulled out the letter. She quickly scanned through it.
“What is this?” Vasily interrupted, pointing at her mouth.
She paused to wipe the edge of her lip. It was toothpaste. She shrugged. “I missed my rabies shot.”
Vasily simply stared and sighed loudly, “No kidding."
“Yeah. Yeah. Shut up for a sec,” she said as she resumed reading. Her eyes lit up and she had a giddy bounce in her heels. “Oh my God! You won! I mean we won!”
“Who won what?”
She held up the letter and a gold-leaf embossed gift card. “This! We won a gift card for this store!” she said. She checked the card. “Holy shit! Five hundred bucks!”
She looked up at him, beaming. Vasily continued to stand there, his expression cast in stone. The thin red line behind the scruff of his full-day’s worth of growth remained unflinching until he finally spoke, “How?”
“It was from a prize draw at the Erotigasm Adult Expo down at the convention centre last month,” Carie explained excitedly.
“I did not go to the Adult Expo,” Vasily replied.
“No, but a bunch of my friends and I did,” she said.
Vasily tapped the letter with his finger. “So how?”
“Well, it was only one ballot entry per person.” She paused, thinking that might be enough to flick the switch in his brain, but then she realized it would probably be easier to wipe up a puddle with a cement brick. “So… I filled one out with your name, too.”
“So we could win!” she chirped. She clutched the letter in both her hands and shook it in his face. “And it worked! We won!”
Vasily continued to look on as if he was watching two snails in a drag race, but Carie didn’t care. “Five hundred bucks,” she repeated, her heart racing, “I can get so much awesome stuff with this!”
“I can get so much awesome stuff,” Vasily said, snapping the letter and card from her once more.
Carie stood empty handed, stunned. “But…”
“Letter is addressed to me,” he said. He held it up and pointed to the print. “See? ‘Va-si-ly Ne-sy-vy-a…”
“Okay! Okay!” Carie snapped. If Vasily spoke any slower, he'd be cited for loitering. “But I filled out the ballot. You wouldn’t have even won if I didn’t enter your name.”
“My name, my win. Card is mine.”
“But what are you going to do with it?” she asked, adding indignantly, “It’s not as if you can buy anything you can eat!"
Something passing as a grin ticked onto his lips. “I can buy my mama gift,” he said and turned around.
Carie’s jaw flopped, dumbfounded. She followed him into the hallway as he crossed over to his apartment. “Oh, yeah? Did your mom wear out her peephole bra already?”
“Card is mine,” he repeated flatly with his stout accent, as he went into his apartment.
“How about a ball gag for her when she goes for tea?” she continued.
“Card is mine,” he rattled on with the slightest lilt in his voice, as he turned to face her. Then he closed the door on her.
Fists clenched at her side, Carie leaned towards the door to Apartment Seven and yelled, “Merry Christmas, mom! Here, stir your Stroganoff with your new purple vibrating dildo!”
Vasily replied by booming techno music from inside his apartment.
Carie stared impotently at his door for a minute. As she turned around, she spotted Old Lady Cooper, her neighbour in Apartment Six, standing in the hallway in her bathrobe and slippers holding her cat, looking back at her.
“I could use a new dildo,” Mrs. Cooper said meekly with a hopeful smile.
Carie blinked then flicked back her long, black hair over her shoulder and tugged the collar of her kimono closed. “The whole world could use a new dildo, Mrs. Cooper,” she sighed as she went back into her apartment.
It had been about a year since Carie and Vasily had their first impromptu coital encounter in her apartment during a rather unexpectedly heated haircut session. They had exchanged maybe about two dozen complete sentences prior to that since he moved in across the hallway. Since then, they had a number of sexual engagements all within the pretty narrow range between lewd and lustful.
They hung out together sometimes, trying to make some other connections with each other. In the end, though, their most significant social calls were always good, stiff fuck sessions and nothing more. Then they’d both go back to their respective apartments and eat potato chips or whatnot.
It was hot. It was fun. It was as shallow a puddle on the sidewalk.
Not that Carie could picture Vasily as the Ken to her Barbie. After all, she had to admit that the only thing that drew her to her reclusive, brooding, iron-faced neighbour in the first place was his sexual physicality. The guy was cut from a mountain rock face by a sculptor to the gods for Christ sake. His blue eyes and sharp facial features were icing on the beefcake. He knew he was hot but never made a big deal about it… which made him even hotter.
Beyond that, Vasily had a personality that matched hers like a rusty chain matched pearls.
No, he would never be boyfriend material for her. She just never envisioned she would ever have a fuck buddy, particularly a brooding Belarusian fuck buddy.
Yet, she couldn’t help it. Especially when every time they clashed, and each time she gnawed on Vasily’s nerves, it just seemed to ratchet up the sexy vibes. Then they’d end up christening the bed, or the sofa, or the floor, the kitchen counter, the balcony… the coffee table, the bathroom vanity, or ottoman by humping and grinding, moaning and groaning, and generally making a big, sweaty mess of themselves.
If only she could stop annoying Vasily, maybe they could move on. Then again, she was so damn good at it… and it was a hell of a lot of fun. It made fucking him like the big boom after a foreplay of firecrackers. So as she was filling out the contest ballot with his name on it, just the thought of how much it would bother him sent a pang of anticipation through her gut. Now that he had actually won, though… oh boy. Every day was like the day before Christmas.
Each day she’d pop her head out of her apartment door whenever she heard him about to leave. She would ask, “Going to the sex store?”
“No,” he’d reply.
“What are you gonna get at the sex store?”
“I am not going.”
“Can you get me something from the sex store?”
“What are you gonna get me from the sex store?”
By that point he was halfway down the hall.
“Let me know if you need me to Google directions to the sex store!”
She finally just left a large, yellow post-it note on his door, scribbled with a shopping list of items she had found through the store’s online catalogue.
After a week of nothing, she was wondering if he was going to bother to go the store at all. Then yet another week went by. She was just beginning to plot how to break into his apartment to liberate the gift card when her phone rang.
“Hello?” she said.
“I cannot find Squirrel Tail Tickler.”
“Vasily?” She sat up on her sofa and frowned. “What?”
“Squirrel Tail Tickler. This store does not have it,” he said, sounding flat like a pancake.
Carie grinned crookedly. “Are you… there?”
Dead silence from the other end.
“Ooh! You’re really at the store, aren’t you?”
She heard the sigh of simmering frustration.
“It is a very peculiar place,” he remarked.
Carie covered her mouth and stifled a laugh. “You know,” she said, “you could have just gone online to order the things.”
There was some indiscernible mumbling in Russian.
She threw herself back against the sofa, kicking her sock covered feet in the air with glee. “Vasily! All you ever do is shop online!” she laughed.
After listening to more grumbling, Carie settled down. “Oh, but it’s probably good to actually physically see the stuff. Hands on approach and all that,” she said only half-jokingly. She pictured him gripping something long, wobbly, and gelatinous in his big hands. “Maybe you could ask them for some demonstrations.”
“I will not ask for demonstration.”
“Fine.” Carie teased her fingers down the length of her hair as she talked. “So, um… did you bring my list?”
“Yes. I brought your list,” he said.
She smiled and sat upright, delighted. “Great! By the way, you don’t have to get everything on there. I was just goofing sometimes. Maybe just start with the lingerie.”
“You were wrong,” Vasily said, digressing.
Her eyes narrowed. “I was wrong about what?”
“The store has things that can be eaten.”
Carie closed her eyes and shook her head. “What could they possibly have that you would want to eat?”
“Panties?” she asked.
“Panties and bras and men’s jock straps,” he remarked. “Cherry flavour, strawberry flavour, banana…”
Carie held up her hand. “Vasily, stop. Don’t waste your time on that stuff. I have sheets and rolls of dehydrated fruit in my kitchen. I can make you those things myself if you want.”
“Beef jerky thong…”
She nearly gagged. Composing herself, she smirked and said, “Vasily… that’s not the type of beef I would want stuffed up my crack, would you?"
There was a pregnant pause. “Yes... no.”
“Good boy,” she breathed, crisis averted. “Now, are you in the lingerie section?”
“Okay, so nothing light yellow. It melts into my complexion. You know. Asian,” she said. “Oh, and no leather. They have some cute teddy’s there. Look for sizes…”
“I know size,” Vasily interrupted.
Carie paused, puckering her lips and squinting. “I mean my size, not your mother’s.”
“I know your size,” he insisted, “I use three measurements.”
“‘Three measurements’?” she repeated, suspicious.
“Da. My hands, my tongue, and my cock,” he said. “I know every inch of your little body...intimately.”
She rolled her eyes, picturing the oak-sized brute wearing a smug grin. Admittedly though, the man spoke truth. The way he deliberately slathered his accent around the end of his sentence: “your lee-tul boh-dy… een-ta-muht-ly”, was stupidly sexy, too. And his heavy pronunciation of “cock” always made her a little tingly.
“Well, I don’t want anything too sheer. Maybe something like a cross halter,” she said. “You know this would have been easier if I had just come with you...”
After a moment, she realized she couldn’t hear anything from the other end of the line, not so much as a grunt or grumble in response.
“Vasily? You there?”
“Vasily? Did you hang up on me?”
She redialed but there was no answer. She held out her phone and glared at it. “What the hell?”
Oh crap. He was going to buy the edible underwear.
Carie anxiously waited all afternoon and evening in her apartment excited to see what Vasily would bring home with him. Each time she heard the sound of someone in the hallway, she’d take a peek through the peephole to see if he had arrived yet, to no avail.
By 2:00 a.m., the weight of frustration, a six hour binge of Netflix shows, and a half bottle of Chardonnay finally pulled her down into restless slumber land on her living room rug. Visions of her sitting naked in front of Vasily, chewing off his fruit-flavoured underwear with her teeth, racked her dreams.
Thump! Thump! Thump!
Carie flopped over onto her back and groaned, smacking her lips. She was still on the floor. As she slowly opened one eye at a time, she noticed it was very warm in the apartment, a hazy, golden glow breaching the window blinds.
It took her a moment to realize that it was the sound of rapping on her door that had roused her from her sleep. It was a heavy, plodding knock.
A heavy, plodding knock? Vasily!
Thump! Thump! Thump!
Carie sprung to her bare feet like a cat and high-stepped to her door. She took a deep breath before opening it. A wall of Vasily filled her door frame. She smiled.
“You look terrible,” he said, his eyebrows looking like two caterpillars approaching a head-on collision.
Carie blinked, tilting her head aside. She held her smile, but the edge of her lips started to curl inwards. “What?”
He nodded his chin forward. “Hair is a mess and face is puffy,” he said.
She pulled at a lock of her hair and looked at it. “Oh, yeah.”
“Were you still asleep?” he asked.
“Yeah," she replied as if that was a dumb question, "What time is it?”
He checked his phone. “11:30,” he said, noticeably agitated.
“It’s Sunday,” Carie replied.
“Sunday is day. It is not time,” he said.
Carie sighed. “There is no such thing as a proper time to get up on a Sunday, get it? If there isn’t a pile of bacon, eggs, and pancakes waiting for me, I could stay in bed until doomsday.”
“What about toilet?”
Carie pressed her forehead into her palm and shook her head. Then she froze realizing that they had gotten side-tracked.
“Vasily,” she asked, perking up with anticipation, “is there a reason why you’re knocking at my door today?”
The big man regarded her mutely for a few seconds then reached down for something placed outside beside her door. He held up several black bags decorated with an ornate golden script: “Cindy’s Sinful Secrets”.
Carie clasped her hands against her cheeks, mouth ajar. “Oh wow! So much stuff!”
Vasily nodded curtly. “So I may come in?”
“By all means.” She stepped aside. “Welcome, Santa!”
She followed close behind as Vasily walked into her living room and plunked the bags onto the coffee table. She immediately reached for them but bumped into his thick arm as it came down like a border crossing gate.
“What? What?” she asked, frowning.
He stepped in front of the bags and waved her back with a brusque shoo-ing motion of his fingers.
Carie bristled with annoyance. “What’s the deal, Vasily?”
He reached for one of the bags and handed it to her.
Pausing with her jaw set aside, she eyed him before finally looking in the bag. Her suspicions subsided as she reached in and pulled out something light, soft, and lacy. She blinked, surprised to find herself holding up a very pretty, blue, baby doll negligee.
“You like?” Vasily asked.
“I like,” she answered, her thin brows raised high, realizing it was impossible to hide her impressed expression. She offered a coy smile. “But I think it’s a couple of sizes too small for you.”
A subtle growl infused Vasily’s long sigh.
Carie clutched the negligee against her chest and batted her lashes. “Oh, you mean it’s for me?”
“If it fits,” he said.
She nodded with enthusiasm as she regarded the garment. “I’m pretty sure this will fit.”
“Show me.”
Carie hesitated and looked up at him. “Huh?”
“You can keep if it fits,” he replied. “Show me.”
She tilted her chin aside. “You mean now? Here?”
“I mean here. Now.”
She rolled her lips into her mouth as she thought, then sighed, “Fine.” She turned to go.
“Where are you going?” Vasily asked.
Pointing, Carie replied, “Bedroom.”
His eyes narrowed.
“Oh, please, Vasily,” she said dismissively, “I know you’ve seen me naked already, but this girl still has a sense of propriety. I’m not getting changed with you standing there ogling me.”
“I don’t ogle.”
Carie waved him off. She didn’t want to argue. Without another word, she went into the bedroom and closed the door.
It took her only a few seconds to slip out of her robe and put on the negligee. Actually, she didn’t so much have to put it on as much as allow it to fall upon her skin. It seemed to just drift down and surround her body. It really did feel like she was wearing nothing.
She turned to look at herself in the mirror. With a slight smile, she mewed, “Mmm.”
No wonder it felt like she wasn’t wearing anything; it was pretty damn sheer. The veil of fabric revealed more than it hid, it seemed. Her pale-cream skin appeared to be simply tinted by the blue material. The dark circles of her nipples and the tiny, tidy triangle of the crotch of her panties were practically highlighted.
It was also quite short, the lace hem licking just above mid-thigh. She felt a subtle, warm draft kiss at her tush. A few ribbons of fabric wove strategically throughout, criss-crossing along the curves and lines of her body accentuating her slender silhouette.
She pivoted left and right on her heels as she continued to admire the negligee and what it did for her body. It was a very good choice. She paused to stare a hole through the door to the man who was in her living room. She smirked. He knew every inch of her ‘lee-tul boh-dy, een-ta-muht-ly’, indeed.
The longer Carie looked at it, the more giddy and anxious she felt about it. It really was lovely, but she just couldn’t get over how revealing it was. A light blush powdered her cheeks.
“Did you climb out window?” Vasily called from outside.
Carie giggled and shook her head. She brushed her long hair with her fingers then walked to the door and knocked on it. “You ready?” she teased.
Vasily responded with more of his trademark indecipherable mumbling.
She opened the door and stepped slowly out from the bedroom.
Vasily sat on the sofa, upright, feet on the floor and palms flat on his thighs, looking like a general preparing to watch his troops on parade. As she approached him, his eyes remained fixed, set on her face as if he was savouring the moment he’d be able to scan her from head-to-toe. When his blue eyes finally did move down her body, they may as well have been his hands and lips the way they deliberately took their time absorbing every part of her.
Carie stood there feeling conspicuous, curious and aroused all at the same time by the way he was looking at her.
Thump! Thump! Thump!
She paused and frowned. Holding the electric toothbrush in her mouth, she switched it off to be sure the noise wasn’t just the rattle of her teeth.
Thump! Thump! Thump!
Her shoulders slumped and she looked down towards the sink, shaking her head. She recognized that knock. Vasily was tenderizing her door with his knuckles again.
He must have been perturbed.
Carie sighed then spat the toothpaste out of her mouth.
Thump! Thump! Thump!
“Yes. Yes,” she muttered as she shuffled her bare legs and feet like a geisha through her apartment, tying the sash of her hot pink mini-kimono robe. Once at the entrance, she stood there for a moment, arms crossed, glaring suspiciously at the wood door. “What is it, Vasily?”
“Open door.” His voice growled from his gut. “Let me in.”
Carie leaned back, spiking a brow. “Not by the hairs of my chinny, chin, chin.”
She could practically hear the steam blowing out through his ears like a cooked lobster. Something sounding like the rumble of a motor boat engine reverberated on the other side of the door. It was Vasily grumbling in Russian.
Uh-oh. Carie’s brow knitted with concern. Often when she had gotten under her neighbour’s skin, his grasp of English grammar and vocabulary would slip. However, whenever she had really ticked him off he’d go full “Rooskie”.
As he continued to mutter in his native dialect, she knew he was really pissed tonight. Too bad she had no idea what she could have possibly done… this time.
Thinking better of it, Carie stretched a smile across her face and opened the door. “Yes? What can I do for yo---ow!”
She was greeted with a piece of paper stuffed at her face, so close that it bopped her button nose. She jumped back, but the paper was pressed forward, still held out an inch from her eyes.
“Vasily! What the hell?” she exclaimed, turning her head aside left and right, the paper continuing to smother her view.
“What is this?” Vasily droned. “Why was this sent to me?”
“I don’t know! Let me look at it! Stop it! I can’t see!” Carie swatted his hand away and snatched the piece of paper from his fingers. She puffed away the hair that had fallen across her face then checked the paper and said, “It’s an envelope.”
Her looming neighbour from across the hall snatched the goldenrod envelope back. “Who is Cindy?” he asked, his thick accent pronouncing it like “Scene-dee”.
“I said I don’t know!” she huffed. “Let me see it.”
She reached for the envelope but he held it up and away from her. He was so tall and she was so petite, he just had to stretch his arm toward the ceiling and she had no chance of getting it even if she jumped.
Vasily continued to hold it aloft as he read the front of the envelope. “‘Cindy’s Sinful Secrets’,” he said.
“Cindy’s Sinful Secrets…?” Carie blinked and frowned as she paused for thought. Then her brows perked up as her eyes widened. “Oh. Oh! No way! Give it over!”
Vasily silently glared at her for a moment, then he grudgingly handed over the envelope.
Carie immediately tore it open and pulled out the letter. She quickly scanned through it.
“What is this?” Vasily interrupted, pointing at her mouth.
She paused to wipe the edge of her lip. It was toothpaste. She shrugged. “I missed my rabies shot.”
Vasily simply stared and sighed loudly, “No kidding."
“Yeah. Yeah. Shut up for a sec,” she said as she resumed reading. Her eyes lit up and she had a giddy bounce in her heels. “Oh my God! You won! I mean we won!”
“Who won what?”
She held up the letter and a gold-leaf embossed gift card. “This! We won a gift card for this store!” she said. She checked the card. “Holy shit! Five hundred bucks!”
She looked up at him, beaming. Vasily continued to stand there, his expression cast in stone. The thin red line behind the scruff of his full-day’s worth of growth remained unflinching until he finally spoke, “How?”
“It was from a prize draw at the Erotigasm Adult Expo down at the convention centre last month,” Carie explained excitedly.
“I did not go to the Adult Expo,” Vasily replied.
“No, but a bunch of my friends and I did,” she said.
Vasily tapped the letter with his finger. “So how?”
“Well, it was only one ballot entry per person.” She paused, thinking that might be enough to flick the switch in his brain, but then she realized it would probably be easier to wipe up a puddle with a cement brick. “So… I filled one out with your name, too.”
“So we could win!” she chirped. She clutched the letter in both her hands and shook it in his face. “And it worked! We won!”
Vasily continued to look on as if he was watching two snails in a drag race, but Carie didn’t care. “Five hundred bucks,” she repeated, her heart racing, “I can get so much awesome stuff with this!”
“I can get so much awesome stuff,” Vasily said, snapping the letter and card from her once more.
Carie stood empty handed, stunned. “But…”
“Letter is addressed to me,” he said. He held it up and pointed to the print. “See? ‘Va-si-ly Ne-sy-vy-a…”
“Okay! Okay!” Carie snapped. If Vasily spoke any slower, he'd be cited for loitering. “But I filled out the ballot. You wouldn’t have even won if I didn’t enter your name.”
“My name, my win. Card is mine.”
“But what are you going to do with it?” she asked, adding indignantly, “It’s not as if you can buy anything you can eat!"
Something passing as a grin ticked onto his lips. “I can buy my mama gift,” he said and turned around.
Carie’s jaw flopped, dumbfounded. She followed him into the hallway as he crossed over to his apartment. “Oh, yeah? Did your mom wear out her peephole bra already?”
“Card is mine,” he repeated flatly with his stout accent, as he went into his apartment.
“How about a ball gag for her when she goes for tea?” she continued.
“Card is mine,” he rattled on with the slightest lilt in his voice, as he turned to face her. Then he closed the door on her.
Fists clenched at her side, Carie leaned towards the door to Apartment Seven and yelled, “Merry Christmas, mom! Here, stir your Stroganoff with your new purple vibrating dildo!”
Vasily replied by booming techno music from inside his apartment.
Carie stared impotently at his door for a minute. As she turned around, she spotted Old Lady Cooper, her neighbour in Apartment Six, standing in the hallway in her bathrobe and slippers holding her cat, looking back at her.
“I could use a new dildo,” Mrs. Cooper said meekly with a hopeful smile.
Carie blinked then flicked back her long, black hair over her shoulder and tugged the collar of her kimono closed. “The whole world could use a new dildo, Mrs. Cooper,” she sighed as she went back into her apartment.
It had been about a year since Carie and Vasily had their first impromptu coital encounter in her apartment during a rather unexpectedly heated haircut session. They had exchanged maybe about two dozen complete sentences prior to that since he moved in across the hallway. Since then, they had a number of sexual engagements all within the pretty narrow range between lewd and lustful.
They hung out together sometimes, trying to make some other connections with each other. In the end, though, their most significant social calls were always good, stiff fuck sessions and nothing more. Then they’d both go back to their respective apartments and eat potato chips or whatnot.
It was hot. It was fun. It was as shallow a puddle on the sidewalk.
Not that Carie could picture Vasily as the Ken to her Barbie. After all, she had to admit that the only thing that drew her to her reclusive, brooding, iron-faced neighbour in the first place was his sexual physicality. The guy was cut from a mountain rock face by a sculptor to the gods for Christ sake. His blue eyes and sharp facial features were icing on the beefcake. He knew he was hot but never made a big deal about it… which made him even hotter.
Beyond that, Vasily had a personality that matched hers like a rusty chain matched pearls.
No, he would never be boyfriend material for her. She just never envisioned she would ever have a fuck buddy, particularly a brooding Belarusian fuck buddy.
Yet, she couldn’t help it. Especially when every time they clashed, and each time she gnawed on Vasily’s nerves, it just seemed to ratchet up the sexy vibes. Then they’d end up christening the bed, or the sofa, or the floor, the kitchen counter, the balcony… the coffee table, the bathroom vanity, or ottoman by humping and grinding, moaning and groaning, and generally making a big, sweaty mess of themselves.
If only she could stop annoying Vasily, maybe they could move on. Then again, she was so damn good at it… and it was a hell of a lot of fun. It made fucking him like the big boom after a foreplay of firecrackers. So as she was filling out the contest ballot with his name on it, just the thought of how much it would bother him sent a pang of anticipation through her gut. Now that he had actually won, though… oh boy. Every day was like the day before Christmas.
Each day she’d pop her head out of her apartment door whenever she heard him about to leave. She would ask, “Going to the sex store?”
“No,” he’d reply.
“What are you gonna get at the sex store?”
“I am not going.”
“Can you get me something from the sex store?”
“What are you gonna get me from the sex store?”
By that point he was halfway down the hall.
“Let me know if you need me to Google directions to the sex store!”
She finally just left a large, yellow post-it note on his door, scribbled with a shopping list of items she had found through the store’s online catalogue.
After a week of nothing, she was wondering if he was going to bother to go the store at all. Then yet another week went by. She was just beginning to plot how to break into his apartment to liberate the gift card when her phone rang.
“Hello?” she said.
“I cannot find Squirrel Tail Tickler.”
“Vasily?” She sat up on her sofa and frowned. “What?”
“Squirrel Tail Tickler. This store does not have it,” he said, sounding flat like a pancake.
Carie grinned crookedly. “Are you… there?”
Dead silence from the other end.
“Ooh! You’re really at the store, aren’t you?”
She heard the sigh of simmering frustration.
“It is a very peculiar place,” he remarked.
Carie covered her mouth and stifled a laugh. “You know,” she said, “you could have just gone online to order the things.”
There was some indiscernible mumbling in Russian.
She threw herself back against the sofa, kicking her sock covered feet in the air with glee. “Vasily! All you ever do is shop online!” she laughed.
After listening to more grumbling, Carie settled down. “Oh, but it’s probably good to actually physically see the stuff. Hands on approach and all that,” she said only half-jokingly. She pictured him gripping something long, wobbly, and gelatinous in his big hands. “Maybe you could ask them for some demonstrations.”
“I will not ask for demonstration.”
“Fine.” Carie teased her fingers down the length of her hair as she talked. “So, um… did you bring my list?”
“Yes. I brought your list,” he said.
She smiled and sat upright, delighted. “Great! By the way, you don’t have to get everything on there. I was just goofing sometimes. Maybe just start with the lingerie.”
“You were wrong,” Vasily said, digressing.
Her eyes narrowed. “I was wrong about what?”
“The store has things that can be eaten.”
Carie closed her eyes and shook her head. “What could they possibly have that you would want to eat?”
“Panties?” she asked.
“Panties and bras and men’s jock straps,” he remarked. “Cherry flavour, strawberry flavour, banana…”
Carie held up her hand. “Vasily, stop. Don’t waste your time on that stuff. I have sheets and rolls of dehydrated fruit in my kitchen. I can make you those things myself if you want.”
“Beef jerky thong…”
She nearly gagged. Composing herself, she smirked and said, “Vasily… that’s not the type of beef I would want stuffed up my crack, would you?"
There was a pregnant pause. “Yes... no.”
“Good boy,” she breathed, crisis averted. “Now, are you in the lingerie section?”
“Okay, so nothing light yellow. It melts into my complexion. You know. Asian,” she said. “Oh, and no leather. They have some cute teddy’s there. Look for sizes…”
“I know size,” Vasily interrupted.
Carie paused, puckering her lips and squinting. “I mean my size, not your mother’s.”
“I know your size,” he insisted, “I use three measurements.”
“‘Three measurements’?” she repeated, suspicious.
“Da. My hands, my tongue, and my cock,” he said. “I know every inch of your little body...intimately.”
She rolled her eyes, picturing the oak-sized brute wearing a smug grin. Admittedly though, the man spoke truth. The way he deliberately slathered his accent around the end of his sentence: “your lee-tul boh-dy… een-ta-muht-ly”, was stupidly sexy, too. And his heavy pronunciation of “cock” always made her a little tingly.
“Well, I don’t want anything too sheer. Maybe something like a cross halter,” she said. “You know this would have been easier if I had just come with you...”
After a moment, she realized she couldn’t hear anything from the other end of the line, not so much as a grunt or grumble in response.
“Vasily? You there?”
“Vasily? Did you hang up on me?”
She redialed but there was no answer. She held out her phone and glared at it. “What the hell?”
Oh crap. He was going to buy the edible underwear.
Carie anxiously waited all afternoon and evening in her apartment excited to see what Vasily would bring home with him. Each time she heard the sound of someone in the hallway, she’d take a peek through the peephole to see if he had arrived yet, to no avail.
By 2:00 a.m., the weight of frustration, a six hour binge of Netflix shows, and a half bottle of Chardonnay finally pulled her down into restless slumber land on her living room rug. Visions of her sitting naked in front of Vasily, chewing off his fruit-flavoured underwear with her teeth, racked her dreams.
Thump! Thump! Thump!
Carie flopped over onto her back and groaned, smacking her lips. She was still on the floor. As she slowly opened one eye at a time, she noticed it was very warm in the apartment, a hazy, golden glow breaching the window blinds.
It took her a moment to realize that it was the sound of rapping on her door that had roused her from her sleep. It was a heavy, plodding knock.
A heavy, plodding knock? Vasily!
Thump! Thump! Thump!
Carie sprung to her bare feet like a cat and high-stepped to her door. She took a deep breath before opening it. A wall of Vasily filled her door frame. She smiled.
“You look terrible,” he said, his eyebrows looking like two caterpillars approaching a head-on collision.
Carie blinked, tilting her head aside. She held her smile, but the edge of her lips started to curl inwards. “What?”
He nodded his chin forward. “Hair is a mess and face is puffy,” he said.
She pulled at a lock of her hair and looked at it. “Oh, yeah.”
“Were you still asleep?” he asked.
“Yeah," she replied as if that was a dumb question, "What time is it?”
He checked his phone. “11:30,” he said, noticeably agitated.
“It’s Sunday,” Carie replied.
“Sunday is day. It is not time,” he said.
Carie sighed. “There is no such thing as a proper time to get up on a Sunday, get it? If there isn’t a pile of bacon, eggs, and pancakes waiting for me, I could stay in bed until doomsday.”
“What about toilet?”
Carie pressed her forehead into her palm and shook her head. Then she froze realizing that they had gotten side-tracked.
“Vasily,” she asked, perking up with anticipation, “is there a reason why you’re knocking at my door today?”
The big man regarded her mutely for a few seconds then reached down for something placed outside beside her door. He held up several black bags decorated with an ornate golden script: “Cindy’s Sinful Secrets”.
Carie clasped her hands against her cheeks, mouth ajar. “Oh wow! So much stuff!”
Vasily nodded curtly. “So I may come in?”
“By all means.” She stepped aside. “Welcome, Santa!”
She followed close behind as Vasily walked into her living room and plunked the bags onto the coffee table. She immediately reached for them but bumped into his thick arm as it came down like a border crossing gate.
“What? What?” she asked, frowning.
He stepped in front of the bags and waved her back with a brusque shoo-ing motion of his fingers.
Carie bristled with annoyance. “What’s the deal, Vasily?”
He reached for one of the bags and handed it to her.
Pausing with her jaw set aside, she eyed him before finally looking in the bag. Her suspicions subsided as she reached in and pulled out something light, soft, and lacy. She blinked, surprised to find herself holding up a very pretty, blue, baby doll negligee.
“You like?” Vasily asked.
“I like,” she answered, her thin brows raised high, realizing it was impossible to hide her impressed expression. She offered a coy smile. “But I think it’s a couple of sizes too small for you.”
A subtle growl infused Vasily’s long sigh.
Carie clutched the negligee against her chest and batted her lashes. “Oh, you mean it’s for me?”
“If it fits,” he said.
She nodded with enthusiasm as she regarded the garment. “I’m pretty sure this will fit.”
“Show me.”
Carie hesitated and looked up at him. “Huh?”
“You can keep if it fits,” he replied. “Show me.”
She tilted her chin aside. “You mean now? Here?”
“I mean here. Now.”
She rolled her lips into her mouth as she thought, then sighed, “Fine.” She turned to go.
“Where are you going?” Vasily asked.
Pointing, Carie replied, “Bedroom.”
His eyes narrowed.
“Oh, please, Vasily,” she said dismissively, “I know you’ve seen me naked already, but this girl still has a sense of propriety. I’m not getting changed with you standing there ogling me.”
“I don’t ogle.”
Carie waved him off. She didn’t want to argue. Without another word, she went into the bedroom and closed the door.
It took her only a few seconds to slip out of her robe and put on the negligee. Actually, she didn’t so much have to put it on as much as allow it to fall upon her skin. It seemed to just drift down and surround her body. It really did feel like she was wearing nothing.
She turned to look at herself in the mirror. With a slight smile, she mewed, “Mmm.”
No wonder it felt like she wasn’t wearing anything; it was pretty damn sheer. The veil of fabric revealed more than it hid, it seemed. Her pale-cream skin appeared to be simply tinted by the blue material. The dark circles of her nipples and the tiny, tidy triangle of the crotch of her panties were practically highlighted.
It was also quite short, the lace hem licking just above mid-thigh. She felt a subtle, warm draft kiss at her tush. A few ribbons of fabric wove strategically throughout, criss-crossing along the curves and lines of her body accentuating her slender silhouette.
She pivoted left and right on her heels as she continued to admire the negligee and what it did for her body. It was a very good choice. She paused to stare a hole through the door to the man who was in her living room. She smirked. He knew every inch of her ‘lee-tul boh-dy, een-ta-muht-ly’, indeed.
The longer Carie looked at it, the more giddy and anxious she felt about it. It really was lovely, but she just couldn’t get over how revealing it was. A light blush powdered her cheeks.
“Did you climb out window?” Vasily called from outside.
Carie giggled and shook her head. She brushed her long hair with her fingers then walked to the door and knocked on it. “You ready?” she teased.
Vasily responded with more of his trademark indecipherable mumbling.
She opened the door and stepped slowly out from the bedroom.
Vasily sat on the sofa, upright, feet on the floor and palms flat on his thighs, looking like a general preparing to watch his troops on parade. As she approached him, his eyes remained fixed, set on her face as if he was savouring the moment he’d be able to scan her from head-to-toe. When his blue eyes finally did move down her body, they may as well have been his hands and lips the way they deliberately took their time absorbing every part of her.
Carie stood there feeling conspicuous, curious and aroused all at the same time by the way he was looking at her.

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His expression remained unmoved and stoic. Then she noticed his jaw slide slightly to the right followed by a soft, but audible, gulp as his Adam’s apple twitched. The index fingers on both his hands slowly began to tap and scratch at his knee in some subconscious rhythm.
She tilted her down slightly, perked up a brow, and grinned. “So do you like it?”
Apparently caught in a trance, Vasily blinked and looked up at her. He bobbed his chin with an approving nod and said, “You may keep it.”
His eyes immediately traced down her body again.
“Well, thank you very much, kind sir,” Carie said, offering a shallow curtsy.
He remained silent, but she could see his lips shifting side-to-side. Now all of his fingers were shifting on his thighs, like he had an itch beneath his denim pants.
“So,” she said, clasping her hands together and turning towards the bags on the coffee table, “what other goodies did you get?”
As she leaned over to peek in the bags, she noticed Vasily discretely angling his neck downward and to the side as he continued to watch her. She gave her bottom a playful wiggle, rewarding the big lug for his good taste in lingerie.
“Woah,” she said, glimpsing the contents of one of the bags. She looked back over her shoulder. “Somebody has a thing for vibrators, don’t they?”
Vasily blinked, snapping out of his funk once again. “They were on your list,” he noted.
Carie hesitated and looked aside, grinning sheepishly as she recalled making the list. “Oh, yeah. That’s right,” she giggled. “Just didn’t expect you’d get so much.”
He shrugged. “Card was five hundred bucks.”
“Five hundred bucks goes a long way,” she conceded, looking back into the bag. With a slight and evil grin, she thought to herself, “I’m going to be a very busy little girl.”
“If you want them, you demonstrate,” Vasily said.
“Uhh… demonstrate?” she asked, still bent forward. “You mean like the negligee?”
He nodded. “Show me.”
Shaking her head as she stood upright, she said, “Vasily, this isn’t like demonstrating a blender or a vacuum cleaner.”
Actually, the way some of the stuff worked wasn’t too dissimilar from those items.
“My stuff. I give them to you,” he said with a straightforward tone, “if they ‘fit’.”
“Here? Now?”
“Now and here,” he said, with a pronounced and insistent dip of his finger towards the floor. There would be no going to the bedroom for privacy this time.
Both her eyes and lips fluttered slightly as a rapid-fire series of thoughts and responses rebooted her brain.
“I get all of this?” she asked, knowing her greed would be her shame one day. Not today, though.
Vasily closed his eyes as he nodded.
Carie pursed her lips. She was excited to be able to get all the toys, of course. What was bothering her was the idea of getting the things on the table wasn’t what she found so enticing. It was the thought of showing them off in front of Vasily that really got her blood pumping and nerves all tingly.
And it wasn’t even noon, yet.
She cleared her throat and pulled her hair back and around her ears. “Well, then,” she said, turning back towards the bags, “let’s see what we’ve got.”
She noted that everything was already out of its packaging.
“I opened them and inserted batteries,” Vasily said. “Cleaned, too.”
Carie nodded. “How hygienic of you.”
She brought a bag with her to an easy chair opposite to where Vasily was seated on the sofa. He waited quietly as she sat down and rummaged through it, selecting a few items and placing them around her on the seat. It crossed her mind the ridiculous irony of refusing to dress up in front of him, but then being willing to show him how she uses a vibrator. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind, focusing on the goodies in the bag.
“Okay, class,” Carie said, smiling like a gerbil with her hands clasped together, “Who’s ready for Show and Tell?”
Vasily sighed. “No more tell. Just show.”
Carie rolled her eyes. She looked aside and mumbled, “Right. Just shut up and start diddling.” Whatever.
Starting off small, she selected a little red piece of silicone and slipped it over her index and middle finger, holding them together like one big digit. A round nub, flecked with tiny bumps, covered the two fingertips. She flexed her fingers, bowing the vibrator like a finger puppet. Pressing a small, enclosed button with her thumb, the little device hummed to life.
“Oh!” Carie exclaimed, grinning with surprise. It felt like a bee buzzing on her fingertips, tickling her.
Vasily frowned as if he were expecting her to start off with something a bit more… rugged.
Carie chewed her lower lip as she placed her vibrating fingers on her cheek and slid it down the side of her neck. Even the initial touch sent a quiver through her. She leaned back against the easy chair as she eased it down and around, the web-thin fabric of the negligee masking none of the sensation of the vibrator. She slipped it down between her cleavage, to her tummy parting the negligee there and exposing her smooth stomach. She circled and swirled her vibrating fingers into her belly button before probing down further brushing it against her inner thighs along the edge of the crotch of her panties. She swept it back up, cupping her breasts then swirling it around each of her small nipples till they were poking up behind the negligee.
Carie gulped and breathed through her mouth. She raised her eyes from the device, catching a glimpse of Vasily, watching her with laser-like focus. His fingers continued to slowly scratch at his lap.
Still tracing the finger device along her body, Carie picked up another small gadget. This one had a stubby handle with three prongs sticking out from the top. Each was tipped with pink, velvety puff balls. They looked like cotton candy. Another flick of a thumb switch and the three prongs spun around and around. Once again, Carie started with rolling it around on her face and neck, but the circling puffs seemed destined to be applied to her breasts so she slipped it beneath the collar of her negligee.
“Ooh!” Carie gasped. Not only did the velvet touch of the rotating puffs provide a pleasurable sensation, but a small fan blew a stream of steady air upon her nipples which was a delightful surprise.
She hadn’t forgotten the finger vibrator, though, and continued to work it diligently, sliding it against her crotch. She shuddered, sending another soft gasp past her parted lips. Her belly spasmed as she pressed the device along her slit, caressing the nub of the vibrator up and down, creasing a line on her panties as she applied more pressure.
The minutes passed as the hum of the devices and her gasps and heavy breaths filled her apartment. Even as she looked down her body at her busy hands, Carie grew more acutely aware of Vasily watching her in silence, enjoying his own personal peep show. She could feel his gaze upon her and listened to his heavy sighs and subtle gulps. She could sense how hot and bothered he was. The thought of it seemed to spur her on.
She raised her right leg and draped it over the arm of the easy chair, spreading her thighs and gaining more access to her pulsing crotch. She pushed aside her panties, slipping her trembling fingers beneath, and rubbing them unhindered against her slit, probing apart her soft petals and tickling the hood of her clit.
“Oh! Oh, shit!” she groaned, pushing her head back against the cushion of the chair. She slumped deeper into the seat. The nipple puff stimulator just wasn’t cutting it at that point and she discarded it.
Eyes closed as her body twitched and flinched, she fumbled blindly with her free hand on the seat till she grasped something long, thick and weighty. She pried open her eyes to look at the lengthy purple vibrator in her hand. Sucking in her lips, sharp breaths flaring her nostrils, and narrowing her eyes, she pressed the button at the center of the silicone dildo and it rumbled to life. With a wriggling motion resembling a worm, it trembled so quickly that it appeared to blur at the edges.
Her eyes widened, momentarily at a loss of where to begin with it. Yet with a slick of her tongue to moisten her pink lips, she quickly took the head into her mouth.
“Mmm,” she hummed, as the slippery, smooth rod churned in her mouth, pressing against her tongue and into her cheek. It vibrated against her teeth and palate, drawing saliva. She pulled it out to swirl the tip of her tongue around the anatomical head, before easing it into her mouth once more.
She was openly, endlessly gasping now as she writhed rhythmically in the chair. She pushed the finger vibrator deeper, rubbing the trembling nub up and down, in and out, sending a stiff ripple of pleasure out from her crotch to her toes and through her belly. Every nerve in her tingled and swelled. Suddenly, a sharp gasp erupted from her throat, past the head of the vibrator filling her mouth. Her body coiled and flopped on the chair, her legs kicking out and trembling as a wet rush of pleasure spilled onto her fingers.
Pulling the dripping dildo from her lips, she buried the side of her face against the chair, pressing her chin into her shoulder as she gasped for breath. She twitched and hitched, letting loose with a deep, swollen moan, thin brows pinching, still swirling her vibrating fingers along her tender, dripping petals.
It took a long moment and many breaths for the ecstasy she felt to subside even after pulling her fingers away. She didn’t move for a while, resting and recovering.
She smiled to herself, humming with satisfaction. It felt like she had just been on a rollercoaster and she was ready to get back in line for another go.
After she sat up, she brushed away the hair that had fallen across her face. It was sticky from perspiration. She could feel herself glowing inside and out, patting her flushed cheeks. A delicious dampness spread along her thighs and crotch. She cleared her throat and blinked, finally focusing her attention on Vasily.
“Hey,” Carie asked, her voice scratchy, “you okay?”
The man hadn’t made a peep during the whole time. He remained seated and quiet but for all other intents and purposes he looked very much like he was straining against a harness or straight jacket. His lips were twisted and pursed into a knot. Two trails of perspiration streaked the sides of his face from his temple to his chin.
“You look a bit worn out,” Carie remarked with a coy grin. “And here I thought I was the one doing all the work.”
While one hand continued to scrape at his lap, the other had slipped down to massage his inner thigh, creeping higher towards his crotch. Carie noted the subtle constant shift in his hips and the uncomfortable bulge swaddled behind his restrictive jeans.
The big boy was tight. So it was only natural for Carie to twist the screws.
She sat up and back into her chair, and undid the little ribbons holding together the front of the negligee. Running her fingers up and down from her breasts to her belly, she teased the negligee apart exposing her creamy flesh. She produced another little toy that looked like a miniature feather duster, and brushed it against her nipples. Then she started back on the purple dildo, licking it and puckering her lips upon it like some juicy, penis shaped popsicle.
She cooed with pleasure, smiling at Vasily as she dragged her thin, pink tongue around the slick silicone tip. The sofa creaked as he squirmed uncomfortably in his seat, trying to shift his bulge around.
“Does it…” he asked hesitantly, “…taste good?”
Carie nearly broke down laughing but managed to hold it together. As she continued to caress the tip of the dildo along her lips, she narrowed her eyes then purred, “Mmm. Not as good as yours.”
That was it. Vasily’s expression contorted as if he was just punched in the gut. He grunted and stood, stretching and shaking his leg, pushing his constrained shaft before it was permanently bent out of shape.
“Vasily,” Carie called to him.
He paused and looked at her, face red.
“Just let it go,” she said in a steamy, seductive whisper.
“Like the movie ‘Frozen’?” he asked, flat-toned.
Carie blinked. She had almost forgotten how ridiculous the usually reserved and deliberate man became when aroused. It perpetuated the idea that all the oxygen made its way to his cock at times like these.
She propped up a brow and commanded, “Vasily, drop your fucking pants.” She knew anytime she said the word “fuck” it always elicited a desired response from him. It was like Pavlov’s Dog.
Vasily barely had to flick the button of his jeans, the pressure of his rigid shaft did the rest as its stiffened girth parted the zipper fly like a felled tree. Free from constraint, it straightened out, the large, purplish tip breaching the waistband of his underwear and pushing it downward.
Carie regarded with bemusement the look of sudden sweet relief on his face, but what to do about the pressure within his swollen cock?
“Come over here,” she said, shimmying to the edge of the chair, “there’s something here for you, too.”
Stepping out of his jeans, Vasily also discarded his underwear as he walked over to her. His shaft hung heavy and straight. Carie squeezed some gel from a tube into her hands and immediately gathered him up, petting and caressing his length as she looked up and smiled appreciatively.
The lube gel started off cool as she stroked it up and down his length, but by the time she cupped her hands around his balls, it had taken on a pleasurable warmth.
Vasily’s breaths were deep and languid. His blue eyes settled on hers even as his tall body swayed at her touch as if an oak could be moved by the patter of squirrel feet. He stripped off his shirt, fully exposing his rugged muscles, glistening with perspiration.
“You have a beautiful cock, Vasily,” Carie said, eyeing him. She picked up something at her side. “Here’s a little prize for it.”
With a deft hand, she slipped a black, silicone gel ring around his tip and grasped it in her palm. She stroked her hand up and down his shaft. The ring fit perfectly on his swollen piece, applying balanced pressure as its smooth ridges and bumps caressed along the sensitive skin and hard muscle.
Carie’s soft hand held his thick cock steady as it throbbed and strained. She cranked her fist, adding a little twist as she drove the ring back and forth from the base of his shaft to just below the head of his tip. Her tempo was perfect, her palm and fingers gliding upon the sheen of lubricant.
“Uhh,” Vasily grunted, his knees nearly buckling as the ring heightened the sensation of Carie’s already confident touch.
As he looked up towards the ceiling, groaning repeatedly, she thought she saw his eyes roll back. It was like he was in a trance. It was as good a time as any to try the power of suggestion. “So, Vasily,” Carie said with a beckoning purr, “I get to keep the stuff?”
Vasily’s drunken eyes rolled down to her. He smacked his dry lips and nodded, but said, “Maybe.”
“Resilient bastard,” she thought with an impish grin. She sighed as if her work was never done. She pumped her hand with increasingly zealous strokes, churning the blood and fire within his stiff shaft. The bob of the head just inches in front of her face proved too tempting and her lips came down upon it with a hungry suck.
A heavy, strong hand fell and held onto her shoulder as Vasily tried to steady himself. Carie lashed his tip with her tongue before plunging the protruding shaft to the back of her mouth. She gasped and gulp, squeezing his head within her throat, then broke into full mouth-piston mode driving back and forth upon his shaft. Beads of bitter richness dripped from his tip and onto her tongue as she worked him with zest and fervour.
Vasily’s grip tightened on her shoulder, the negligee slid off the other, the sleeve gathering at the bend in her arm. His other hand pushed through the hair at the back of her head. He didn’t force her onto his piece, though. She was going full bore already.
Carie pumped her fist with rapid, short strokes at the base of his lengthy cock. She slurped and gulped, smearing his head with her spit till it dripped onto her bare legs and the floor between their feet. She couldn’t understand why she was so particularly voracious this time, but there was no denying it: his cock was infinitely tastier than the dildo. Where did it go, by the way?
Without pausing her oral efforts, Carie slapped around on her seat till she gripped the purple vibrator, still shaking and churning despite its moment of neglected. She quickly put it back to work between her thighs, teasing its sleek tip against her slit before easing it in.
“Uhn-ung,” Carie moaned aloud, her mouth still full, as a pulse of tingling electricity shot through her.
She heard Vasily’s breaths sharpen and stutter with quick, faltering grunts. He gripped her hair and held his breath. She fully expected him to unload right then, but he managed to restrain himself. She would have been impressed but she was too focused on how much fun her body was having at the moment. With his hot, throbbing shaft in her mouth, and another squirming shaft working with automatic diligence and precision between her pussy lips below, she had opened up a whole new bag of ecstasy.
With Vasily’s groans and grunts growing increasingly raspy and her sucks becoming more and more sloppy and wet, the sounds of the room reached a climactic cacophony.
Carie could feel him trembling and shaking on his feet, but she had her own twitching to deal with. She pulled her lips away from his cock, a sharp-pitched gasp rattling up her throat, “Oh! Oh, fuck!”
Pushing the vibrator deep inside herself, she suddenly felt every muscle and nerve in her seize for a split-second before a resounding wave of release and pleasure flooded every fibre of her. She came hard over the vibrator, streams of her wetness drenching the overworked device and her fingers. Her body rolled as she gasped and cursed for air. The sopping wet dildo with its pleasurable tiny bumps still gifted her with tingly twinges of satisfaction as she slowly slipped it out.
Vasily’s hands stayed on her, grasping at her with tight grips. She looked up again, staring at his throbbing bulge. Still swaying from her heavy breaths, she grabbed his length and took him into her mouth once more.
As her hand resumed its vigorous strokes, she immediately heard an animalistic groan --like a bear roaring at the moon--from the big man standing before her. She suddenly realized she had switched hands, now pumping the finger vibrator along his full length. The shivering stimulator wrecked his resolve almost instantaneously.
Vasily’s hand locked her head into place, his cock buried into to the back of her throat. Carie squeezed his shaft with one hand and braced the other against his trembling thigh, closing her eyes and readying herself.
With one prolonged, wheezing groan, Vasily shuddered. Carie’s throat intercepted a gush of thick jism. Her eyes looked upwards, looking up at the strain on his red, shiny face, as she felt more shots of his slick cum filling her mouth till it seeped from the edge of her lip. She gulped and hummed with a swelling hunger, sucking hard and painting her tongue all around his spitting tip.
Vasily’s square jaw hung low as he continued to pant and gasp his exhaustion. He released her head to sweep his hands through his damp hair before reaching back down to gently stroke her black locks.
Carie continued to slowly stroke his cock, feeling it pulse its last strands past her glossy lips. It ebbed and throbbed, the tension that had built within it finally finding release and subsiding.
“Mmm,” she purred, as she withdrew his shaft from her mouth. Still massaging him with the ring and the vibrator, she managed to draw one last shot of spunk from him, the long strand of goo hitting her chin and neck before streaming down over her glistening pale breast. She was mindful to pull aside the negligee, trying to avoid any stains on the delicate fabric.
She finally removed the finger vibrator. She thought for a moment of giving it a little mock salute for its time of service. Instead, she put everything aside and looked up at Vasily smiling.
Like a bowling pin that had been barely nicked, Vasily swayed on his thick legs before they finally buckled. He knelt down in front of Carie with an amusingly goofy look of immense satisfaction.
She had to chuckle then said, “You’re welcome.”
Vasily leaned back and snared the last bag from the coffee table. He picked up the bag Carie had carried over to the chair and then he pushed both onto her lap. “You take,” he said
Carie grinned, her arms full. “You sure about that?”
Waving his hand almost as if he were done with them, he nodded and repeated, “Take. Take.”
She shrugged. “Well, if you insist,” she said. She patted him on the shoulder and added, “We can negotiate visitation rights.”
Carie rummaged through the bags like they were sacks of candy. She imagined just how much endless hours of fun she’d being having with all of this stuff.
Well, almost all of it.
Mrs. Cooper felt a little sluggish in the afternoon when she walked to her front door. She thought to herself that she could really use something to work the kinks out of her aging body, at least something to help her get a good night’s sleep.
When she opened the door to let out her cat, she found a black bag on her Welcome mat. Picking it up, she noticed a small yellow post-it note attached to the handle. The message scrawled on it read: “Helping the world one person at a time. xoxo Apartment Eight”.
After peering into the bag for a moment, she smiled and giggled in a way she hadn’t in many, many years.
She peeked side-to-side down the empty hallway before quick-stepping back into the apartment and closing her door. Clutching the bag to her chest, she headed to the bedroom hoping she still had batteries in the closet. She was eager “to work the kinks out”.
She’d figure out what to do with the beef jerky thong afterwards.
She tilted her down slightly, perked up a brow, and grinned. “So do you like it?”
Apparently caught in a trance, Vasily blinked and looked up at her. He bobbed his chin with an approving nod and said, “You may keep it.”
His eyes immediately traced down her body again.
“Well, thank you very much, kind sir,” Carie said, offering a shallow curtsy.
He remained silent, but she could see his lips shifting side-to-side. Now all of his fingers were shifting on his thighs, like he had an itch beneath his denim pants.
“So,” she said, clasping her hands together and turning towards the bags on the coffee table, “what other goodies did you get?”
As she leaned over to peek in the bags, she noticed Vasily discretely angling his neck downward and to the side as he continued to watch her. She gave her bottom a playful wiggle, rewarding the big lug for his good taste in lingerie.
“Woah,” she said, glimpsing the contents of one of the bags. She looked back over her shoulder. “Somebody has a thing for vibrators, don’t they?”
Vasily blinked, snapping out of his funk once again. “They were on your list,” he noted.
Carie hesitated and looked aside, grinning sheepishly as she recalled making the list. “Oh, yeah. That’s right,” she giggled. “Just didn’t expect you’d get so much.”
He shrugged. “Card was five hundred bucks.”
“Five hundred bucks goes a long way,” she conceded, looking back into the bag. With a slight and evil grin, she thought to herself, “I’m going to be a very busy little girl.”
“If you want them, you demonstrate,” Vasily said.
“Uhh… demonstrate?” she asked, still bent forward. “You mean like the negligee?”
He nodded. “Show me.”
Shaking her head as she stood upright, she said, “Vasily, this isn’t like demonstrating a blender or a vacuum cleaner.”
Actually, the way some of the stuff worked wasn’t too dissimilar from those items.
“My stuff. I give them to you,” he said with a straightforward tone, “if they ‘fit’.”
“Here? Now?”
“Now and here,” he said, with a pronounced and insistent dip of his finger towards the floor. There would be no going to the bedroom for privacy this time.
Both her eyes and lips fluttered slightly as a rapid-fire series of thoughts and responses rebooted her brain.
“I get all of this?” she asked, knowing her greed would be her shame one day. Not today, though.
Vasily closed his eyes as he nodded.
Carie pursed her lips. She was excited to be able to get all the toys, of course. What was bothering her was the idea of getting the things on the table wasn’t what she found so enticing. It was the thought of showing them off in front of Vasily that really got her blood pumping and nerves all tingly.
And it wasn’t even noon, yet.
She cleared her throat and pulled her hair back and around her ears. “Well, then,” she said, turning back towards the bags, “let’s see what we’ve got.”
She noted that everything was already out of its packaging.
“I opened them and inserted batteries,” Vasily said. “Cleaned, too.”
Carie nodded. “How hygienic of you.”
She brought a bag with her to an easy chair opposite to where Vasily was seated on the sofa. He waited quietly as she sat down and rummaged through it, selecting a few items and placing them around her on the seat. It crossed her mind the ridiculous irony of refusing to dress up in front of him, but then being willing to show him how she uses a vibrator. She pushed the thought to the back of her mind, focusing on the goodies in the bag.
“Okay, class,” Carie said, smiling like a gerbil with her hands clasped together, “Who’s ready for Show and Tell?”
Vasily sighed. “No more tell. Just show.”
Carie rolled her eyes. She looked aside and mumbled, “Right. Just shut up and start diddling.” Whatever.
Starting off small, she selected a little red piece of silicone and slipped it over her index and middle finger, holding them together like one big digit. A round nub, flecked with tiny bumps, covered the two fingertips. She flexed her fingers, bowing the vibrator like a finger puppet. Pressing a small, enclosed button with her thumb, the little device hummed to life.
“Oh!” Carie exclaimed, grinning with surprise. It felt like a bee buzzing on her fingertips, tickling her.
Vasily frowned as if he were expecting her to start off with something a bit more… rugged.
Carie chewed her lower lip as she placed her vibrating fingers on her cheek and slid it down the side of her neck. Even the initial touch sent a quiver through her. She leaned back against the easy chair as she eased it down and around, the web-thin fabric of the negligee masking none of the sensation of the vibrator. She slipped it down between her cleavage, to her tummy parting the negligee there and exposing her smooth stomach. She circled and swirled her vibrating fingers into her belly button before probing down further brushing it against her inner thighs along the edge of the crotch of her panties. She swept it back up, cupping her breasts then swirling it around each of her small nipples till they were poking up behind the negligee.
Carie gulped and breathed through her mouth. She raised her eyes from the device, catching a glimpse of Vasily, watching her with laser-like focus. His fingers continued to slowly scratch at his lap.
Still tracing the finger device along her body, Carie picked up another small gadget. This one had a stubby handle with three prongs sticking out from the top. Each was tipped with pink, velvety puff balls. They looked like cotton candy. Another flick of a thumb switch and the three prongs spun around and around. Once again, Carie started with rolling it around on her face and neck, but the circling puffs seemed destined to be applied to her breasts so she slipped it beneath the collar of her negligee.
“Ooh!” Carie gasped. Not only did the velvet touch of the rotating puffs provide a pleasurable sensation, but a small fan blew a stream of steady air upon her nipples which was a delightful surprise.
She hadn’t forgotten the finger vibrator, though, and continued to work it diligently, sliding it against her crotch. She shuddered, sending another soft gasp past her parted lips. Her belly spasmed as she pressed the device along her slit, caressing the nub of the vibrator up and down, creasing a line on her panties as she applied more pressure.
The minutes passed as the hum of the devices and her gasps and heavy breaths filled her apartment. Even as she looked down her body at her busy hands, Carie grew more acutely aware of Vasily watching her in silence, enjoying his own personal peep show. She could feel his gaze upon her and listened to his heavy sighs and subtle gulps. She could sense how hot and bothered he was. The thought of it seemed to spur her on.
She raised her right leg and draped it over the arm of the easy chair, spreading her thighs and gaining more access to her pulsing crotch. She pushed aside her panties, slipping her trembling fingers beneath, and rubbing them unhindered against her slit, probing apart her soft petals and tickling the hood of her clit.
“Oh! Oh, shit!” she groaned, pushing her head back against the cushion of the chair. She slumped deeper into the seat. The nipple puff stimulator just wasn’t cutting it at that point and she discarded it.
Eyes closed as her body twitched and flinched, she fumbled blindly with her free hand on the seat till she grasped something long, thick and weighty. She pried open her eyes to look at the lengthy purple vibrator in her hand. Sucking in her lips, sharp breaths flaring her nostrils, and narrowing her eyes, she pressed the button at the center of the silicone dildo and it rumbled to life. With a wriggling motion resembling a worm, it trembled so quickly that it appeared to blur at the edges.
Her eyes widened, momentarily at a loss of where to begin with it. Yet with a slick of her tongue to moisten her pink lips, she quickly took the head into her mouth.
“Mmm,” she hummed, as the slippery, smooth rod churned in her mouth, pressing against her tongue and into her cheek. It vibrated against her teeth and palate, drawing saliva. She pulled it out to swirl the tip of her tongue around the anatomical head, before easing it into her mouth once more.
She was openly, endlessly gasping now as she writhed rhythmically in the chair. She pushed the finger vibrator deeper, rubbing the trembling nub up and down, in and out, sending a stiff ripple of pleasure out from her crotch to her toes and through her belly. Every nerve in her tingled and swelled. Suddenly, a sharp gasp erupted from her throat, past the head of the vibrator filling her mouth. Her body coiled and flopped on the chair, her legs kicking out and trembling as a wet rush of pleasure spilled onto her fingers.
Pulling the dripping dildo from her lips, she buried the side of her face against the chair, pressing her chin into her shoulder as she gasped for breath. She twitched and hitched, letting loose with a deep, swollen moan, thin brows pinching, still swirling her vibrating fingers along her tender, dripping petals.
It took a long moment and many breaths for the ecstasy she felt to subside even after pulling her fingers away. She didn’t move for a while, resting and recovering.
She smiled to herself, humming with satisfaction. It felt like she had just been on a rollercoaster and she was ready to get back in line for another go.
After she sat up, she brushed away the hair that had fallen across her face. It was sticky from perspiration. She could feel herself glowing inside and out, patting her flushed cheeks. A delicious dampness spread along her thighs and crotch. She cleared her throat and blinked, finally focusing her attention on Vasily.
“Hey,” Carie asked, her voice scratchy, “you okay?”
The man hadn’t made a peep during the whole time. He remained seated and quiet but for all other intents and purposes he looked very much like he was straining against a harness or straight jacket. His lips were twisted and pursed into a knot. Two trails of perspiration streaked the sides of his face from his temple to his chin.
“You look a bit worn out,” Carie remarked with a coy grin. “And here I thought I was the one doing all the work.”
While one hand continued to scrape at his lap, the other had slipped down to massage his inner thigh, creeping higher towards his crotch. Carie noted the subtle constant shift in his hips and the uncomfortable bulge swaddled behind his restrictive jeans.
The big boy was tight. So it was only natural for Carie to twist the screws.
She sat up and back into her chair, and undid the little ribbons holding together the front of the negligee. Running her fingers up and down from her breasts to her belly, she teased the negligee apart exposing her creamy flesh. She produced another little toy that looked like a miniature feather duster, and brushed it against her nipples. Then she started back on the purple dildo, licking it and puckering her lips upon it like some juicy, penis shaped popsicle.
She cooed with pleasure, smiling at Vasily as she dragged her thin, pink tongue around the slick silicone tip. The sofa creaked as he squirmed uncomfortably in his seat, trying to shift his bulge around.
“Does it…” he asked hesitantly, “…taste good?”
Carie nearly broke down laughing but managed to hold it together. As she continued to caress the tip of the dildo along her lips, she narrowed her eyes then purred, “Mmm. Not as good as yours.”
That was it. Vasily’s expression contorted as if he was just punched in the gut. He grunted and stood, stretching and shaking his leg, pushing his constrained shaft before it was permanently bent out of shape.
“Vasily,” Carie called to him.
He paused and looked at her, face red.
“Just let it go,” she said in a steamy, seductive whisper.
“Like the movie ‘Frozen’?” he asked, flat-toned.
Carie blinked. She had almost forgotten how ridiculous the usually reserved and deliberate man became when aroused. It perpetuated the idea that all the oxygen made its way to his cock at times like these.
She propped up a brow and commanded, “Vasily, drop your fucking pants.” She knew anytime she said the word “fuck” it always elicited a desired response from him. It was like Pavlov’s Dog.
Vasily barely had to flick the button of his jeans, the pressure of his rigid shaft did the rest as its stiffened girth parted the zipper fly like a felled tree. Free from constraint, it straightened out, the large, purplish tip breaching the waistband of his underwear and pushing it downward.
Carie regarded with bemusement the look of sudden sweet relief on his face, but what to do about the pressure within his swollen cock?
“Come over here,” she said, shimmying to the edge of the chair, “there’s something here for you, too.”
Stepping out of his jeans, Vasily also discarded his underwear as he walked over to her. His shaft hung heavy and straight. Carie squeezed some gel from a tube into her hands and immediately gathered him up, petting and caressing his length as she looked up and smiled appreciatively.
The lube gel started off cool as she stroked it up and down his length, but by the time she cupped her hands around his balls, it had taken on a pleasurable warmth.
Vasily’s breaths were deep and languid. His blue eyes settled on hers even as his tall body swayed at her touch as if an oak could be moved by the patter of squirrel feet. He stripped off his shirt, fully exposing his rugged muscles, glistening with perspiration.
“You have a beautiful cock, Vasily,” Carie said, eyeing him. She picked up something at her side. “Here’s a little prize for it.”
With a deft hand, she slipped a black, silicone gel ring around his tip and grasped it in her palm. She stroked her hand up and down his shaft. The ring fit perfectly on his swollen piece, applying balanced pressure as its smooth ridges and bumps caressed along the sensitive skin and hard muscle.
Carie’s soft hand held his thick cock steady as it throbbed and strained. She cranked her fist, adding a little twist as she drove the ring back and forth from the base of his shaft to just below the head of his tip. Her tempo was perfect, her palm and fingers gliding upon the sheen of lubricant.
“Uhh,” Vasily grunted, his knees nearly buckling as the ring heightened the sensation of Carie’s already confident touch.
As he looked up towards the ceiling, groaning repeatedly, she thought she saw his eyes roll back. It was like he was in a trance. It was as good a time as any to try the power of suggestion. “So, Vasily,” Carie said with a beckoning purr, “I get to keep the stuff?”
Vasily’s drunken eyes rolled down to her. He smacked his dry lips and nodded, but said, “Maybe.”
“Resilient bastard,” she thought with an impish grin. She sighed as if her work was never done. She pumped her hand with increasingly zealous strokes, churning the blood and fire within his stiff shaft. The bob of the head just inches in front of her face proved too tempting and her lips came down upon it with a hungry suck.
A heavy, strong hand fell and held onto her shoulder as Vasily tried to steady himself. Carie lashed his tip with her tongue before plunging the protruding shaft to the back of her mouth. She gasped and gulp, squeezing his head within her throat, then broke into full mouth-piston mode driving back and forth upon his shaft. Beads of bitter richness dripped from his tip and onto her tongue as she worked him with zest and fervour.
Vasily’s grip tightened on her shoulder, the negligee slid off the other, the sleeve gathering at the bend in her arm. His other hand pushed through the hair at the back of her head. He didn’t force her onto his piece, though. She was going full bore already.
Carie pumped her fist with rapid, short strokes at the base of his lengthy cock. She slurped and gulped, smearing his head with her spit till it dripped onto her bare legs and the floor between their feet. She couldn’t understand why she was so particularly voracious this time, but there was no denying it: his cock was infinitely tastier than the dildo. Where did it go, by the way?
Without pausing her oral efforts, Carie slapped around on her seat till she gripped the purple vibrator, still shaking and churning despite its moment of neglected. She quickly put it back to work between her thighs, teasing its sleek tip against her slit before easing it in.
“Uhn-ung,” Carie moaned aloud, her mouth still full, as a pulse of tingling electricity shot through her.
She heard Vasily’s breaths sharpen and stutter with quick, faltering grunts. He gripped her hair and held his breath. She fully expected him to unload right then, but he managed to restrain himself. She would have been impressed but she was too focused on how much fun her body was having at the moment. With his hot, throbbing shaft in her mouth, and another squirming shaft working with automatic diligence and precision between her pussy lips below, she had opened up a whole new bag of ecstasy.
With Vasily’s groans and grunts growing increasingly raspy and her sucks becoming more and more sloppy and wet, the sounds of the room reached a climactic cacophony.
Carie could feel him trembling and shaking on his feet, but she had her own twitching to deal with. She pulled her lips away from his cock, a sharp-pitched gasp rattling up her throat, “Oh! Oh, fuck!”
Pushing the vibrator deep inside herself, she suddenly felt every muscle and nerve in her seize for a split-second before a resounding wave of release and pleasure flooded every fibre of her. She came hard over the vibrator, streams of her wetness drenching the overworked device and her fingers. Her body rolled as she gasped and cursed for air. The sopping wet dildo with its pleasurable tiny bumps still gifted her with tingly twinges of satisfaction as she slowly slipped it out.
Vasily’s hands stayed on her, grasping at her with tight grips. She looked up again, staring at his throbbing bulge. Still swaying from her heavy breaths, she grabbed his length and took him into her mouth once more.
As her hand resumed its vigorous strokes, she immediately heard an animalistic groan --like a bear roaring at the moon--from the big man standing before her. She suddenly realized she had switched hands, now pumping the finger vibrator along his full length. The shivering stimulator wrecked his resolve almost instantaneously.
Vasily’s hand locked her head into place, his cock buried into to the back of her throat. Carie squeezed his shaft with one hand and braced the other against his trembling thigh, closing her eyes and readying herself.
With one prolonged, wheezing groan, Vasily shuddered. Carie’s throat intercepted a gush of thick jism. Her eyes looked upwards, looking up at the strain on his red, shiny face, as she felt more shots of his slick cum filling her mouth till it seeped from the edge of her lip. She gulped and hummed with a swelling hunger, sucking hard and painting her tongue all around his spitting tip.
Vasily’s square jaw hung low as he continued to pant and gasp his exhaustion. He released her head to sweep his hands through his damp hair before reaching back down to gently stroke her black locks.
Carie continued to slowly stroke his cock, feeling it pulse its last strands past her glossy lips. It ebbed and throbbed, the tension that had built within it finally finding release and subsiding.
“Mmm,” she purred, as she withdrew his shaft from her mouth. Still massaging him with the ring and the vibrator, she managed to draw one last shot of spunk from him, the long strand of goo hitting her chin and neck before streaming down over her glistening pale breast. She was mindful to pull aside the negligee, trying to avoid any stains on the delicate fabric.
She finally removed the finger vibrator. She thought for a moment of giving it a little mock salute for its time of service. Instead, she put everything aside and looked up at Vasily smiling.
Like a bowling pin that had been barely nicked, Vasily swayed on his thick legs before they finally buckled. He knelt down in front of Carie with an amusingly goofy look of immense satisfaction.
She had to chuckle then said, “You’re welcome.”
Vasily leaned back and snared the last bag from the coffee table. He picked up the bag Carie had carried over to the chair and then he pushed both onto her lap. “You take,” he said
Carie grinned, her arms full. “You sure about that?”
Waving his hand almost as if he were done with them, he nodded and repeated, “Take. Take.”
She shrugged. “Well, if you insist,” she said. She patted him on the shoulder and added, “We can negotiate visitation rights.”
Carie rummaged through the bags like they were sacks of candy. She imagined just how much endless hours of fun she’d being having with all of this stuff.
Well, almost all of it.
Mrs. Cooper felt a little sluggish in the afternoon when she walked to her front door. She thought to herself that she could really use something to work the kinks out of her aging body, at least something to help her get a good night’s sleep.
When she opened the door to let out her cat, she found a black bag on her Welcome mat. Picking it up, she noticed a small yellow post-it note attached to the handle. The message scrawled on it read: “Helping the world one person at a time. xoxo Apartment Eight”.
After peering into the bag for a moment, she smiled and giggled in a way she hadn’t in many, many years.
She peeked side-to-side down the empty hallway before quick-stepping back into the apartment and closing her door. Clutching the bag to her chest, she headed to the bedroom hoping she still had batteries in the closet. She was eager “to work the kinks out”.
She’d figure out what to do with the beef jerky thong afterwards.