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We Three (The FFM Version)

"Jenny and April got together, made each other cum, and then Stefano came home."

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Was it only a month ago that you came to visit Jenny at our place, just to say hello, and to get to know her a little better. It must have been that you found yourselves enjoying each other's company, and an unusual closeness developed between you. Then you found yourselves sharing certain intimacies, including sexual likes and dislikes.

Can you recall?

You and Jenny were discussing human sexuality, and how society seems to do its best to prevent people from enjoying sex.

“Society, probably because of old men’s religions, tends to deny women the enjoyment of sex,” you said.

“Probably, but at least that is changing,” Jenny replied. “At least for some women.”

“Yea, but a woman wanting sex and going after it is still frowned upon,” you said.

“True,” she said. “Strange world.”

“Sex and masturbation,” you said. “Don’t forget girls and women are not supposed to masturbate.”

“I know,” Jenny said. “It’s sad really.”

“I love both,” you said. “A lot, and I am not afraid to say so.”

Jenny looked somewhat uncomfortable, fidgeting around in her chair, and finally blurted out, “Do you like to play with yourself?”

“Yes, of course, I do. Don't you?” you replied, a little self-consciously. “I like it a lot.”

Jenny looked you in the eye, and asked, "Have you ever tried it with brandy?"

“Brandy? What do you mean?” you asked, not knowing exactly what she meant.

“I mean just dipping your finger in brandy, and smearing it around your vulva,” she replied with a certain liquid look in her deep, black eyes. “It feels really hot, and makes you really burn like you are on fire, in the nicest possible way.”

“Mmm, I can't say that I have, but it sounds nice,” you responded, feeling a little tingly at his turn in the conversation, and wondering where it might lead.

“It is,” said Jenny. “One of my friends showed me when I was about sixteen. I really like doing it from time to time.”

“Wow, that sounds wonderful,” you replied. “I like the idea of you masturbating.”

“Me too,” Jenny said. “I mean knowing that you masturbate is hot.”

She blushed deeply.

“Would you like to try it?” she asked.

“Try masturbating?” you returned.

“Well, silly, I mean try masturbating with brandy,” she said. “It is really nice, hot, and intense.”

A wave of excitement passed over your body as you said “Yes!” in a voice that had become husky with desire.

“Awesome,” she said. “We can help each other.”

“Oh my,” you said in return. “Oh my, and I want to.”

Jenny went to the kitchen, and came back with two brandy glasses, into each of which she has poured a small measure of ‘Flight of the Fish Eagle’ brandy. She looked into your eyes as she handed you a glass, and set her own down on the coffee table.

“You'll have to show me," you said as another wave of excitement flushed through you.

“OK,” she said. “It is best if you are already wet though.”

“Oh, trust me, I am that,” you replied.

“So am I,” she said. “Very.”

Jenny took a seat on the couch opposite you and opened her legs so that you could see her red panties beneath the hem of her miniskirt. She lifted her skirt slightly, and ran two fingers from each hand up and down through her crotch, along the edges of her panties.

She lifted her bum up and hoisted her skirt out of the way, revealing a shiny pair of red satin panties that contrast deliciously with her brown skin.

“I love the wet spot,” you said.

“I’d love to see yours,” she replied.

“Soon,” you said, another wave of tingles passing over you making you even wetter.

“Do you tease yourself like this?” Jenny asked in a shaky voice.

As she moved her fingers up and down, she lifted her feet up and placed them on the coffee table. You can see a wet spot starting to form where her pussy hid behind the panties, and it gave you a thrill to see.

“Wet, beautiful,” you mumbled in an aroused tone.

You felt that soft wetness growing in your own panties as the moisture collected there. She lifted her bum, and pulled her panties off, throwing them on the floor under the coffee table. She dipped two fingers into the brandy, and transferred them, dripping the fiery liquid, to the lips of her pussy.

“Mmm,” she expressed as she smoothed the brandy all around her pussy lips, and then went back for more.

She continued dipping into the brandy and rubbing it all over her now-soaking lips. You watched, fascinated as she mixed the brandy with her own juices. Her deep, dark eyes became liquid, as though the brandy has started a fire behind them. Watching her, you felt like your whole abdomen was also catching fire.

“See how wet I am now,” you said as you lifted your skirt, and pulled aside your panties, revealing glistening wet pussy lips.

Following her lead, you dipped your fingers into the brandy and placed them softly against your pussy. You were gripped by an incredible burning sensation, which started from your pussy and spread throughout your belly, and down your legs.

“Wow, amazing!” you exclaimed.

You went for another drop of brandy, and the burning sensation grew like wildfire. You could not control it, you did not want to. You wanted more.

“Fuck, that is nice,” you said. “I never would have thought of this, but it is really nice.”

“I like watching you feeling it,” she replied. “Makes me burn even more.”

More waves of tingles passed over you as you thought about Jenny feeling the same thing you were.

“Of course, when Stefano is here, he likes to lick it off,” said Jenny in a voice deepened by the state of her sexual arousal.

“He must love that,” you replied. “I think it would be hot.”

“Then I add some more, and he licks it off again,” she followed. “After a while, he penetrates me with his cock, and then I have the most incredible orgasms. Sometimes I even come two or three times that way.”

You did not know what came over you, but it was out before you had a chance to think.

“I could lick it off for you,” you blurt. “Since he is not here, I mean.”

I had never known you to do that before, and I don’t mind saying that it made me as hot as the brandy was making you.

“Really?” she asked. “Are you sure?”

“Fuck yes,” you said. “I want to badly.”

“OK, come over here, and do it now,” replied Jenny, dipping her fingers into the brandy again.

You crossed the room and knelt on the floor in front of her. There were no preliminaries. None at all. You were both past that stage.

You buried your face between her legs, and tasted the silky wetness, taking in the delicious sensations of the brandy, her juices, the softness of her lips, and the warm glow emanating from her pussy. You drew first one, and then the other of her lips into your mouth, lapping up all traces of the brandy that she had so generously applied.

“Oh my,” said Jenny. “That feels incredible.”

“I want you burning more,” you said. “I want to lick more of it.”

You reached for the brandy glass and passed it to Jenny, who applied another helping of brandy to her pussy lips. You immediately dived in to lick it off. Jenny groaned as you sucked gently on her pussy lips, your tongue darting into her hot, wet pussy. Your tongue explored the muscular walls inside of her, as she arched her hips to meet you.

You had that exchange a couple more times, but soon you had forgotten all about the brandy, and so had she. The sensations of your lips on another woman's pussy had taken over, and you were as much out of control in the giving of pleasure as Jenny was in the accepting of it from you.

“Oh my,” she said. “We should have done this before. Feels so good.”

“More from now on,” you mumbled while still tasting her pussy.

Your darting tongue found the tiny but of Jenny's clitoris, and she gasped as you began to make circles around it, closer and closer to the centre. You inserted two fingers into her tunnel and moved them gently but firmly in and out as your lips and tongue explored her clitoral hood, occasionally lifting it to brush gently across her exposed clitoris.

“Burning, pussy,” Jenny mumbled lost in the pleasure. “I, fuck, nice, love,” she mumbled in a confusion of arousal and intense sensations.

You reached down and felt your own pussy’s dripping hot liquid. With two fingers of your free left hand, you began to make slow circles around and around your clitoral area, staying away from the clitoris itself. You could feel your own passion mounting, and you were carried away by the combination of sensations.

Your tongue took on a life of its own, working back and forth across her clitoral area as your fingers slid firmly in and out of her love tunnel. Jenny's breathing became heavier, and her back arched. She reached out and grabbed the back of your head.

“Yes make me come, ahhhhhh,” she screamed.

Her back arched again, and she almost fell off the couch, taking you with her, but somehow you both managed to stay in place. Her body shuddered and shook as her orgasm overwhelmed her.

“Fucking cumming,” she screamed. “Love fuck.”

You were carried away by her pleasure, your left hand moved in faster and faster circles around your own clitoris. Suddenly you too exploded in a fury of pure orgasmic pleasure, and the two of you collapsed into a warm, passionate, feminine embrace onto the soft pile of the carpet.

You were still lying entangled on the floor, neither saying a word, when you heard a car pull up in front of the house. You started to get up, but Jenny assured you that I could not be coming home yet.

“It's probably just someone going next door,” she said.

You relaxed back into her warm post-orgasmic embrace and started to think about what you had just done. You smiled to yourself. What a wonderful treat it was.

Just then you heard a key in the lock. You started to get up, but the door opened, and I was standing there with a shocked look on my face. You both jumped to your feet but stood as though riveted to the floor. We just stood there and stared at one another, the two of you almost naked, with that just fucked look.

I looked from Jenny to you, confused by what I perceived to have been happening. Jenny stared at me in fear, and tears came into her eyes. She began to sob openly, while for me time seemed suspended. No one moved.

“I am sorry,” she started to say. “My fault...”

Suddenly, I noticed Jenny's tears, and I moved slowly towards her, becoming fully aware of your naked body, and for the first time noticing your firm breasts and still erect nipples. As I took in the vision of two beautiful, aroused bodies, I suddenly realised that I have walked in on the fantasy that I have been dreaming about for years, since I was a teenager actually.

“Ssh,” I said. “I have a feeling you just shared something wonderful.”

I brushed past you, neither of us saying a thing as there was still tension in the air. I took Jenny in my arms and told her that everything was okay.

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“I am not angry, and I am not hurt,” I said. “I still love you to the moon and back”.

You both looked relieved.

“Was that a happy time,” I asked.

“Yes,” you both said in unison.

“April,” I said. “You know that I love Jenny, and I love it when she gets to feel intense pleasure, no matter where it comes from, even another person.”

“That is lovely,” replied April.

“Am I allowed to know more?” I asked.

“I showed April how to cum with brandy,” said Jenny.

“I think you will both have to educate me,” I replied.

You both talked at once and somehow I managed to catch the gist of it. I vowed that I will try that sometime with you.

“You can help me live my fantasy if you want to,” I said. “Especially since I know that you both have now lived yours.”

That released the tension in the room. Suddenly everyone was talking at once, but I heard not a word.

A little unsure, you came around the other side of Jenny, and we both held her together, your bare nipples pressing into the equally bare skin of her back. We made quite a picture, all standing there, knowing what must come next, but neither knowing exactly what to do about it.

We stood like this for some time, each feeling a little confused. Finally, I reached out, stroked your left cheek softly with the back of my hand. Jenny cleared her throat, held me tight with one hand, and put the other behind you, and held you as best she could.

“Thank you both,” I said. “You are beyond amazing.”

We moved around until we were engaged in a wonderful three-way hug. I could feel one of your breasts and one of Jenny's breasts against each side of my chest. My loins began to tingle, and the excitement level was even higher than I used to feel when I made love to a new partner for the first time – back when such things used to happen. It was a brand-new experience.

“Mmm,” she sighed softly.

I kissed Jenny on the cheek, and she closed her eyes. You and I each kissed one eyelid softly, and slowly worked our way down her face until we discovered her mouth. I could taste the muskiness of the juices from your pussy on her lips, and as our lips mixed, I could taste Jenny's familiar bitter-salty taste on yours. It was a terrifically erotic sensation, as our lips explored and our tongues entangled one another.

We realised that it is time for me to get out of my clothes, so Jenny began to unbutton my shirt, and you went down on your knees and unzipped my jeans. You reached up to undo my belt buckle just as Jenny tugged my shirt free and almost tore it from my back. My jeans fell to the floor, and I was standing there in my red underwear, my erection straining at the material as a bold wet spot grew rapidly in size where the head of my cock was waiting for attention.

“You have both made me so hard, and I am throbbing,” I said feeling incredibly aroused.

But you decided to tease me a little, and following Jenny's lead, you nibbled a little on one of my nipples, sending arrows of pleasure down toward my now pulsating cock. The slightly cool, smooth skin of your leg brushed against my now soaking underwear and just passed across my well-lubricated glans. A sudden wave of pleasure shot like lightning from my cock up to my sensitive nipples, and I let out a soft moan of pleasure.

You looked into Jenny's eyes, and somehow communication passed between you without a word, and you both went down on your knees in front of me. First, you reached out and softly stroked my burning cock through the wet material of my underwear, and then my underwear was on the floor.

Your mouths were all over my cock, around the glans, up and down the shaft, around my balls. It was all I can do to keep from shooting my load of semen into one or both of your mouths, but somehow I manage to keep it under control even as I enjoyed the burning waves of pleasure that passed over me.

Jenny told you to kneel down on the floor, doggy style.

“Fuck April from behind,” she ordered me. “I want to watch you fuck April from behind.”

“I want to watch you masturbate,” you said. “While he fucks me like his little cum mistress.”

“I fucking fantasize that often,” said Jenny. “When I am masturbating I fucking do.”

Following Jenny’s instructions, I knelt down behind you, and I penetrated your totally soaking pussy, my cock slipping into you like a greased needle. I began moving it in and out, slowly, very, very slowly, all the while stroking my hands over the tingling skin of your back. As I was stroking your skin, I reached around and took one nipple in each hand, twirling it between my fingers.

Jenny was sitting on the floor, just in front of you, slowly stroking her pussy, and watching with fascinated eyes as we fucked, doggy style on the living room floor.

“This is so fucking hot,” Jenny said, rubbing her clit.

She went into the kitchen and came back with a chair, put it down directly in front of your face, and sat down. Leaning back, she teased open her pussy lips and moved the chair towards you until her pussy was within a few inches of your face.

“You like my horny cunt,” she asked with a naughty expression on her face.

You knew what she wanted, so you buried your face in her pussy, and began kissing, sucking, and licking her as only another woman can do.

“Yes pffuck me with your horny mouth,” Jenny moaned. “Eat my greedy cunt.”

You could feel me pumping slowly in and out of you as you drew each of her silky lips into your mouth. You could imagine her pleasure as your darting tongue crossed her clitoral bud and she gasped. You continued sucking Jenny's pussy as I moved almost painfully slowly in and out of your willing pussy.

“Lobve dis,” you mumbled through a mouthful of Jenny’s pussy lips.

Just as it seemed that she was going to come while you are licking her, Jenny extricated herself from your loving mouth and pushed the chair across the room. She reached across into a little bag that has been lying beside the couch and pulled out a small, purse-sized vibrator, and placed it over her clitoris.

“I fuck my friend for you,” Jenny moaned.

You were breathing in that lovely way you do when you are enjoying great sex, and I could barely contain myself. I kept moving in and out of you at an excruciatingly slow pace, as we focused on each and every sensation.

“Love slow sensations,” I moaned in a voice deepened by pleasure.

Looking at the vibrator, and then at you, Jenny suddenly shifted her position so that she could lie on her back and get the vibrator up against your clitoris. You jumped when she touched your clit with it, but you soon relaxed into the sensations it added to what you were feeling.

“Fucking fuck me, you both,” you moaned a little confused.

Soon you could feel sharp waves building up, and you could feel my slow and steady rhythm as you got into this new sensation. The waves from the vibrator built up in intensity and frequency, and begin to mingle with the softer waves generated by my cock moving in and out of your pussy.

Suddenly, you could feel my cock pressing against your ‘g-spot’, the waves becoming one, and exploding in your lower body like a bomb going off.

“Fucking fuck, cumming,” you moaned.

As your orgasm washed over you, you screamed loudly, and you kept on screaming uncontrollably as the waves subsided, and you sank into a post-orgasmic glow. We collapse together on the floor, our three bodies intertwined. Somehow I managed to keep myself from cumming, and my erection was still ready for Jenny.

“Fuckity fuck fuck,” you said as your orgasm subsided.

Slowly extracting my cock from your molten pussy, I asked you if you felt up to helping me with Jenny.

I lay down on my back on the carpet, while Jenny positioned herself above me, and slowly lowered herself onto my still throbbing cock. She slid it inside of her as she faced my head. You seemed to be left out of the action until I suggested that you come and sit over my face so that I could lick your pussy while Jenny was riding my cock up and down.

“Oh my, yes,” you said.

“I like that, April,” said Jenny. “He can eat his own precum out of you.”

“My cum will be nicely delivered via that route when it is your turn,” I said jokingly, knowing it was also true.

I learned there that you can always manage another orgasm, it really excites me to know that you are a multi-orgasmic woman. That was my fantasy, making two women cum at once, or reasonably close to it.

Your juices, mixed with my own precum dripped down onto my face as my tongue began darting around your pussy.

Jenny was moving very slowly up and down on my cock, as though trying to extract each and every bit of sensation from it, which you know I love a lot. You threw your arms around her, the tips of your breasts meeting above my belly. Simultaneously, you reached for each other's breasts, and begin caressing the nipples. My tongue was darting around the inside of your lips, and Jenny was rocking up and down on my cock. The total sensation was almost overwhelming.

“Fuffing loff vhis,” I muttered, my mouth covered in pussy and juices.

I felt one of your hands go down to Jenny's clit, and I could feel the circular movement of your thumb on her clit through my cock, which started to feel like it is going to explode. But I needed to concentrate, for I couldn’t let Jenny down. But the taste of your pussy, the feel of my cock inside Jenny, and the pressure from your thumb circling Jenny's clitoris was almost too much to bear.

My tongue began to flick against your clit, uncovering it from its beautiful little hood. It looked so hard and shiny, wet and beckoning, and the firm tip of my tongue darts against it. My tongue circled it, around and around, while you stroked Jenny's clit in the same motion with your thumb, and she rode up and down on my shaft.

We were all of us getting out of control. You felt a fire burning in your clit, and spreading up through your lower belly, and the fire grew in intensity, even as Jenny gasped that she felt like her belly is burning.

I was also feeling like I was close to the point of no return when Jenny shouted.

"Ahh, April, Stefano, I'm going to come, ooooh yes," she exclaimed.

Jenny began to rock with total abandon. You had trouble keeping your fingers on her clitoris, but somehow you managed, and her orgasm was intensified by your attention and movements.

As the walls of Jenny's pussy pulsated with her orgasm, they grasp my cock, and I could not hold back any longer. Everything that had built up in me like a tightly coiled spring was released, and I exploded in what must have been the most intense orgasm of my entire life.

As I went over the edge, my tongue dug into your clitoral area, and scraped across your clit, sending waves of sensation up through all of your nerve endings. It was too much, and you also came, our orgasms overlapping, and almost melding into one.

Our moans mixed and the sounds were as delicious as the feelings, the scent of sex, and the beautiful taste of your pussy.

As our orgasms subsided, we slowly slipped into the most pleasant sensation of comfort that either of us have felt in a long time. We curled up, entwined together on the floor for quite some time before anyone moved. And when we moved, it was only to get closer, to feel the warmth of our lovers next to us.

We still had lots to try. Life, at that moment, was as perfect as it ever gets.

Written by storymanza
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