My excitement matched the general buzz on the train as it departed towards its dedicated destination, a benefit concert in Ellis Park. We were a group of strangers on our way to the same party so everyone was bent on having fun. Clearly, the party had started early for some, as I could smell the odd whiff of alcohol.
I had to work that morning, so I was traveling alone and would be meeting two friends, Mack and John at the station. They had planned to arrive earlier so that they were there from the beginning. That meant they’d have been partying for a couple of hours by the time I arrived, so I’d have to catch up quickly. We were part of an established social crowd who partied together all the time.
We all got on well, and I’d hooked up with both lightly once or twice, but we’d never gone further than a couple of kisses for one reason or another. Mostly because one of us was generally involved with someone else at the time. They were fun to be with and I liked them both, so I was looking forward to spending the day with them.
People were chatting to strangers quite freely on the trip, and a couple of guys sitting next to me were blatantly flirting with me, taking their chances with a single woman traveling alone to a party. This was going to be a fun trip.
There was no aircon on the train, so we rode with open windows. The air from outside streaming in was almost as hot as the body-warmed air on the inside of the train, but at least it was clean. I didn’t mind the wind on my face, messing my hair, I was just grateful to be able to breathe some fresh air in the sticky heat.
“Who’s your favorite band playing today?” The guy sitting next to me asked. He’d shifted to give me his seat at the window, so I was particularly nice to him.
“We always hang out where Via Afrika plays on the weekend,” I answered. “So they’re in the top few. And éVoid, Hotline and Juluka are awesome to party to. It’s a great line-up.”
“So you’re not into the soft croony music like Pierre?” his friend asked, easing his way into the conversation. Their topics were superficial and predictable, but they were fun to talk to, and the subtext was warmly flirtatious. These two hunters were competing for a prey, and soon saw I wasn’t without some weapons myself.
I batted questions back at them, my teasing smile hinting at potential opportunities for fun as my eyes laughed into theirs in teasing contradiction. What is flirting if not advance and retreat? I was very careful not to favor one above the other because I didn’t want to create real expectations.
The journey passed quickly in all the banter and we were still in the middle of it when I saw my friends waiting for me at the Ellis Park station. Unlike me, both are quite tall, so they stood out in the crowd. Excitement tickled my stomach so that it fluttered and trembled inside me. They were friends, but did I mention that they were hot? They were laughing at a shared joke as I stepped off the train, but both straightened and looked as happy to see me as I was to see them.
Mack was dark, a little taller than John and had a gentle, easy-going manner. His actual name was Mike, but his initials were MAC and we all just ended up calling him Mack. It probably stuck, because his smooth manner made him very popular with women, and he often had a new one in tow, so we teased him about that regularly, calling him a Mack. He was as cool with that as he was with everything.
John was in many ways Mack’s antithesis. He still had a smidgeon of boyish awkwardness, but that gave him his own charm. He was almost as tall as Mack, but fair and full of fun and laughter. That’s probably why they were such good friends, they both enjoyed having fun, and regularly created it if there wasn’t any.
“Sorry guys, I see my friends, I’ve got to go,” I explained, cutting them off with a flirty grin. We hugged good-bye like old friends, and knowing they were watching me and feeling like teasing them a bit more, I walked up to Mack and John and hugged and kissed both sexily. If either of them was surprised that my kisses were more intimate than usual, they both took it in their stride and put enough effort into my hello kisses to make me truly sorry when they were done.
There were tongues involved with both of them, and some very tight, body-molding hugs. Both Mack and John laughed in surprise, but wholeheartedly took advantage of my mood. I turned to my new friends for a final wave. They were watching us, smiling a bit goofy-eyed at their nearly-threesome chick who got away.
I’d set a train in motion with Mack and John with my excessively friendly greeting though and hadn’t considered before my that I wasn’t going to be escaping them anytime soon. Did I want to? I thought about it for a couple of seconds and decided, 'What the hell!'
I could easily have told them that I was just teasing the train-guys and I hoped they enjoyed their kisses and all would have been cool, a fun joke, but this new potential lit a fire in me. I wasn’t in the mood to reign back, so I didn’t give any hands-off signals. Instead, the three of us left the station and entered the stadium very much a threesome unit.
I was the object of two men’s attention again, but the difference was that this was real. I knew that what I promised here, I’d be delivering and still I didn’t pull back. I was attracted to both of them in different ways and they’d always made it plain they were attracted to me. Wherever this went, so far we were all eager.
We found a spot on the field in a crowded area close to the front and sat down on the grass with the coolbox the guys had provided and beers we bought on the way in. The condensation on plastic mugs of icy beer was disappearing fast as the steaming day warmed them, so we downed them quite quickly, eager for the crisp cold relief which added pleasantly to our buzz.
I wore a loose, floaty skirt and light top in deference to the heat instead of the ubiquitous jeans and was glad of it as I pulled up my skirt a little and allowed the slight breeze to stroke my skin. We all had suntan lotion on and added more again now. The guys both took their shirts off, and of course, it was my job to ensure they were both well covered in lotion. I only teased slightly as I put it on for them and didn’t accept their repeated offers to rub mine on for me. Instead, I enjoyed stroking it on myself as they watched me. None of us were rushing anywhere.
We sat on the grass listening to the opening bands that we didn’t know that well. John sat close to me, sharing the coolbox as a backrest, his hand stroking the exposed skin on my leg as he chatted directly into my ear to overcome the deafening music. Mack lay drifting, enjoying the day with his head on my lap where it had been often before as I played with his hair and chatted to them. John nuzzled me lazily, and sometimes, if I turned my head at just the right time, he’d sneak in a deeper kiss.
We were surrounded by people, but there’s a sense of isolation in a big crowd and we were relaxed with each other. There was a shared camaraderie and intimacy between us, with none of the competitiveness between the men that I’d experienced on the train. They were good friends, and although I didn’t think they’d shared one woman at the same time before, they were clearly very at ease with what was happening with me.
Every now and again Mack’s arm would creep up and snuggle me closer, sometimes just for a cuddle, sometimes he’d pull me down towards him for a kiss, or sit up and lean into me. He kissed differently to John, and I explored the differences at my leisure. Mack was more sensual than John and less direct in his approach. John went straight for a strong kiss with lots of mouth and tongue whereas Mack would nibble all around the kiss, teasing and tasting a little before settling in for a nuanced, bone-melting lovemaking at my mouth. The contrast and variety was enormously arousing. John was earthy, Mack was skilled and elemental.
Rather than be irritated by my distraction, John used those moments to lazily advance his hand up my leg, traveling under my skirt in slow, easy phases as he watched Mack and I kiss. I enjoyed the advances, but always insisted on a bit of a retreat afterwards, with a flirtatious squeeze of John’s hand as I returned it to a less personal place. We were very public and already behaving in a way that many would consider indecent just by sharing kisses.
John offered to go and buy a second round of beer, so Mack and I stayed with our things.
“Hey babe, are you enjoying?” he asked after another deep but playful kiss. He could have been referring to the kiss, the concert or the whole atmosphere, but I knew he was checking if I was okay with the three of us being together. Mack and I were particularly close and he made a habit of looking out for me.
“I am. I’m surprised, but I’m into it.”
“Me too. I’m loving it, but if you want to stop, you know you can?”
“I know.”
As I answered, I slipped my hand down his chest and tweaked his tight nipple. We were still looking at each other and the whole world receded, all that existed was our eye contact and my fingers on his nipple. His whole body tensed, but his eyes never left mine. It was a moment, an intense, intimate moment.

When John got back, we accepted our crispy cold beers eagerly. I held mine to the back of my neck to cool myself down a bit. The sun was cooling now, but it was still blistering hot and the air was dusty, filled with sweat and smoke from everyone around us.
Inspiration obviously struck them at the same time because with boyish grins they both held their beers to my nipples to encourage them to stand erect. The condensation left wet marks on my flimsy top, making it clingy and a little see-through, so they couldn’t quite see my nipples, but they could clearly see that their mission had been successful. The beers on my breasts were welcomingly cool, and the damp allowed it to linger for a few seconds longer. I don’t know if it was their almost-glimpse of my nipples, but the mood changed a bit after that and became more sexually intense.
I ramped up the teasing in retribution. Being later in the day, I no longer needed the sunscreen protection, so I took some ice from the coolbox, sucked it, then very deliberately lifted my arm and ran the dripping ice block up and down it, paying special attention to my smooth armpit and lower where it started forming the swell of my breasts. I took another piece and did the same to my right arm. It felt deliciously cool, and I loved the pained, excited looks I was getting from John and Mack.
I saved the third piece of ice for my chest. Starting at my neck, I followed the water trail down my lush cleavage into my top, but then diverged onto one breast and then the other. I didn’t remove my eyes from theirs as I played with the ice on my breasts. When I removed my hand, the material was clinging to my damp skin as lovingly as their eyes were.
After they could stand again, we stood up where we were to dance. I’m a lot shorter than both guys, so they took turns holding me on their shoulders or cuddling me in front of them as we danced. If the song was a particular favorite, I’d stand on the coolbox so that I could actually see the performance.
I loved being held in front of them, cuddled close, the small of my back pressing against their clearly eager cocks. They used their opportunities to imprint themselves on me, and I loved every minute of it. Mack was the first to slip his hand under my top as the shadows lengthened enough to give us a bit more privacy. He squeezed my whole breast, then found my nipple, teasing it a little harder. The look and nod he sent John invited him to join as he moved sideways to make space, cleverly shielding me from view with their bodies in the process.
They stood me on the coolbox again so that I was slightly taller than they were, and they flanked me like to book-rests, John with an arm around my waist, Mack with his on my butt, and each of them with a hand on my breast, stroking, kneading and playing under my top. One of them had undone my bra. My extra coolbox-height gave them easier access and now when they pressed their cocks tight against me, they were at just the right height for me to reach easily, to touch and tease the swollen denim-wrapped packages.
It was mostly dark around us now, with the stadium lights alternately blinding us and casting long, dark shadows as well as light. We gathered our belongings and moved off a little to a darker spot where we could be a little more private. The music was of secondary importance to us now.
I stood on the coolbox again, but this time their hands weren’t only up my top. We were seriously making out. Whoever was closest to my mouth kissed it, but they didn’t limit themselves to my mouth. I love having my ears kissed and breathed in, my neck teased, and I was getting a lot of that. Sometimes their hot mouths would settle on my cotton-covered breasts, with hot, wet sucks, and I’d be left yearning for more as the material on my nipples air-cooled afterwards.
They freed their cocks as discreetly as they could for me to stroke and play with. Both of them were freely dripping precum, and I used my thumbs to spread it over their cock-heads as I held a cock-shaft in each palpitating hand.
Two hands, each feeling completely different, were making their way up my inner thighs, and I knew exactly where they were going to meet. I tried to spread my legs wider to give them easy access to my soaking panties, but there was nowhere else to go on the small coolbox. All I could do was bend my knees slightly to allow access. They managed, pushing my panties aside and between them, they timed it perfectly to sink their fingers into my drippingly eager wet hole together. From nothing to the pleasure-pain of being so full and stretched by those knobbly fingers shocked a loud moan from me that I couldn’t suppress.
“Shhhh!” Both of them laughed in my ear simultaneously. If I was loud enough to concern them over that music, I must have been very loud. But it was very, very good and I hardly cared anymore that there were others around us who could see.
Mack and John explored around and inside my slick pussy together while Mack whispered hot words in my ear about what it felt like to be inside me, how wet I was, how eager they were for me and how hot I looked so very turned on. John spoke less but breathed on me and kissed me with focused intensity.
I could smell the smoke and beer on them, but I could also smell their arousal as it started to overwhelm their other masculine smells.
When Mack slipped his finger out of me, I was desperately disappointed. I loved being full, I loved it even more that I was filled with two men and that they were doing different, ambidextrous things inside me. Then I realized what Mack was doing as he traveled to my butt-hole, then back to my pussy, lubricating my butt well with my juices as he slipped one, then two fingers inside.
Meanwhile, John had taken Mack’s place in my pussy, filling me with an extra finger, then two as Mack worked his fingers deep into my butt. I was completely filled, stretched, and decadently caught up in the experiences.
Shock and need fought to dominate when Mack repositioned himself, and the draft of air up my skirt warned me what was coming next. Need won. In seconds it was no longer Mack’s fingers at my butt, it was his thick, wet, rounded cockhead, attached to his very large cock. I was grateful for all the precum I had spread over his cockhead before as he slowly, steadily pushed inside. I had had anal sex a few times before, but not recently and never with someone his size.
I tried to relax, and even pushed down a little to help him in. He slipped his hands onto my breasts and squeezed my nipples tight to distract me from the initial discomfort as the last of him pushed in. That sent pulses flooding through my whole body, and John groaned as more of my wetness flooded his fingers.
I could feel John’s surprise at Mack's cock entering me as his fingers stilled. How would he react? I thought this was new territory for the friends. Would he be turned on or turned off? He left his fingers there, still for a moment, then started stroking up against the thin skin separating my pussy from my butt, feeling the progress of Mack’s cock as it moved along that wall. I could just imagine what that must feel like on Mack’s cock.
Suddenly John’s fingers were withdrawn. Disappointed, I thought he had decided this very intimate threesome wasn’t for him, but he shifted a bit to move his sodden cock from my hand and position it at my equally soaking pussy. My height on the coolbox was just right for him to penetrate me easily and quickly, but speed wasn't his intention.
He slipped in slowly, scraping along Mack's cock, savouring the sensations as he eased along the unusual fullness of a cock already inside me. Finally, he was also in as deep as he could go. He wasn’t small, only slightly smaller than Mack, and I didn’t feel as if there was any space for anything more.
They started a rhythm together, guided by the music beating around us, and soon we were swaying to the driving beat, fuck dancing right there. It didn’t take me long after a whole day of foreplay to gush my hot cum all over John. That was too much for him to control himself anymore. He’d had the same long day of foreplay, and with a loud, “Fuck!” he pulsed inside me, shooting his hot cum into me.
Mack must have felt my contractions, and John’s dick pulsing against him as he came, but he lasted a little longer, rocking harder, deeper as John softened.
“Feel us, baby… Feel John’s cock inside you... Do you feel his cum?… Can you feel how deep I am inside you?... You are so hot …” He was chanting into my ear all the time he was rocking inside me.
“I’m going to cum now. Are you ready for me, baby?”
I felt his body tense, his head arching in concentration as he held back with inhuman control before his cum burst into me, his cock twitching irregularly. I felt the heat of it, the spray deep inside.
John’s cock was shrinking now, slowly leaving my body. After a while, Mack’s did the same, but we didn’t draw apart. The three of us stood there, me sandwiched in the middle as I felt the cum from two men dripping out of two different holes.