When she heard the footsteps downstairs in the hallway, Vicky knew what to expect and snuggled down into her duvet, wriggling with excitement. They’d arrived on time about an hour ago and she’d heard them downstairs, chatting casually to her husband as she fussed in the bedroom, preparing herself for them.
She knew them both well. Of course, this was hardly the first time they had been together but it had been a while, and she was hungry for what they had to offer.
She trailed her fingers across her nipples and smiled at herself, feeling the stiffness. She knew her pussy was wet already but she forced herself not to touch. She preferred to save that first glint of slickness for them.
She smiled at the thought of how nervous her husband had been at lunch that afternoon. She knew that he loved these adventures almost as much as she did but the initial stages were always hard for him. It took time for his outward, manly demeanour to give way to the submissive little boy he wanted to be inside.
Right now she was sure that he was in his study downstairs, locked into his chastity device with hands lightly tied and mouth stuffed full of her used panties from yesterday. She knew that it was what he wanted and, anyway, it was how it should be.
It was a founding principle of their relationship that she had the right to be pleasured in whatever way she chose and this arrangement suited them both. They both liked to serve and this way she was able to please him and enjoy what she craved, on a regular basis and with complete honesty. In fact, that was the best part. She loved the fact that he knew what a slut she could be and so far they had not found any boundaries beyond which she would not go.
She heard steps outside the door and a gentle knock. The door opened without waiting for her to answer and they walked quietly into the bedroom she shared with her husband. Both men were younger than she was but not too young. She much preferred mature men, not boys who didn’t have the patience to please a woman. One was fair and the other dark. Both were tall men, fit and tanned with broad chests and no hint of flab. They both wore T-shirts and jeans but neither shoes nor socks.
She felt a little embarrassed, greeting them both from underneath the duvet, then felt silly about the girly wave she offered them. They smiled their greeting and sat on either side of the bed, each kissing her gently on both cheeks. One placed a tanned hand on her shoulder, the other rested his arm casually on her thigh. They showed no hint of nervousness, rather it was as if they had come into the room confident that they were welcome to enjoy her. And having completed the social niceties of their greeting, they began to take what they had come for.
They both stood up from the bed and silently stripped off their t-shirts and jeans. Standing either side of the bed in their underwear Vicky couldn’t help but admire their flat chests with suggestive curls of hair circling down below their navels. Both wore boxers and she could see that they were already sticking out slightly at the fly.
She always went for Mr Blond first - it was understood between them all - and so she swung her legs out of bed and stood to embrace him, lifting her head to meet his and opening her mouth to receive his tongue as he kissed her deeply. She loved the fact that she was already naked and waiting – she didn’t want there to be any pretence that this was anything other than a mating, a copulation.
It felt so good to her that she could be so willing and so open. As he kissed her she moved her hands down his back and slipped them underneath the waistband of his shorts to grasp his ass cheeks firmly. She forced his body against hers and felt his familiar stiffness against her.
“Mmmmm,” she murmured in appreciation and heard him give a small sigh of satisfaction.
She felt Mr Dark behind her now and threw her head back to catch a glimpse of his face as he confidently took her breasts in his hands from behind and teased her fat nipples with his thumbs. He kissed the nape of her neck and then wickedly chewed her ear lobe. She wriggled and broke off her kiss with Mr Blond, pushing him back slightly so he could enjoy the sight of Mr Dark kneading her nipples. She was in a teasing mood, keen to show them how eager she was for their coupling.
She brought one leg up onto the bed so she was spread openly for Blond's eyes and he deftly dropped his shorts and skinned back his cock to show her the size of his fat erection. His eyes locked with hers as he firmly slipped his middle fingers into her pussy to make them slick with her juices. He withdrew his hand and tasted his fingers, then rubbed them around his cock and finally offered them back for her to suck. She took his hand by the wrist and laved his fingers lovingly with her tongue, forcing them down her throat in a show of submission so that she almost gagged.
She kept her leg raised on the bed and Mr Dark lewdly poked his cock between her legs from behind so it showed underneath her from the front. It was big enough for her to roll her palm around the head and she stood like that for a moment, his big hands still brushing her hot, hard nipples and her fingertips teasing his glans as Mr Blond watched approvingly, jacking his own cock to show her he was ready. She wanted more teasing though, and moved Mr Dark’s cock out of the way, turning to face him.
She kissed him and nuzzled her face into the hair of his chest and enjoyed the heat of his big prick pulsing against her belly. Her fingers curled around his heavy balls and she tugged gently, like a child demanding a coveted toy. Mr Dark’s head gave an imperceptible nod of consent and he relaxed back onto the bed, drawing her down with him him, down and beneath him so that when he spread his legs for her his dark, circumcised cock stood proud in front of her face. She rubbed her face against it, savouring the musky sex smell of it and gently caressing his heavy balls in her fingers.
She felt a hand on her head – she wasn’t sure whose – pushing her down and she bent to lick his balls and then went lower, tonguing his perineum all the while grasping the head of his prick in her fingers.

She felt hands on her hips, gripping her strongly from behind, so that she was raised with her ass proud in the air. She felt Mr Blond’s fingers prise her ass cheeks apart and shuddered as his tongue made a pass along her ass crack from top to bottom. She sniggered dirtily as she opened her legs wider to allow him deeper access and then caught her breath and gasped as his tongue probed her anus briefly before sliding down to lap her cunt. Perhaps it was her husband’s pussy, but for her lovers, it was her cunt, and all four of them in this relationship knew that these two men owned it.
She pushed back against Mr Blond’s tongue and savoured the feeling of her full slit against its rough surface.
Mr Dark was now urgent in front of her, kneeling with his prick ready in front of her face. She trilled her tongue over the tip, tasting the clear bead of fluid that had gathered there. Then she let him slide into her mouth, his hands grasping her head to allow him to control her movement. Her tongue could taste the dark heat of his cockhead and she marvelled at its potency. Mr Dark jacked his hips slowly as she sucked him, rolling her tongue over his cockhead inside her mouth. Meanwhile, her fingers gently brushed and coaxed him underneath his balls, tickling the hair between his legs to entice him further. He pulled out of her mouth briefly and she took the opportunity to rub his cock all over her face again, revelling in the stiffness of him.
Mr Blond shifted behind her and she felt a short moment of lack as his tongue left her pussy and he re-positioned himself to enter her from behind. Then she felt his cockhead against her slit and, with small strokes up and down, he tenderly buttered her lips before sliding into her, inch by inch. Then, when his access was smooth, he calmly and firmly drove deep into her, his hands grasping her hips and flexing his hips to gain maximum penetration.
She was at the best part, she knew, and gulped the cock in front of her deep into her mouth, using Mr Dark’s hips to steady her as Mr Blond thrust into her cunt from behind.
They both spoke to her now in gentle, whispered, coaxing voices, at once directing and encouraging her. Of course, she knew that they expected her to do whatever they wanted and the gentle coaxing was just the most effortless way to encourage her to greater and greater obscenity. The thrill of their confident action and their casual acceptance of her complete submission as their fucktoy made her cunt gush with passion. She adored their utter control over her.
Mr Blond’s prick was deep inside her and she felt his finger roughly poke her ass in a gesture of utter ownership. As she grunted in acceptance and pleasure, she felt Mr Dark quicken and he held her head tight to him, almost choking her as she struggled to find space to breathe alongside his glorious big dick.
Mr Dark reached down and gave her a deep kiss on the lips and then rose in front of her to offer his red-hot member again. She received him into her mouth and sucked hard. He was close and she wanted to taste his load badly.
She grasped his balls and pulled gently to coax him further, milking his balls in an attempt to bring him to the limit. He began to gasp and his thrusts became more and more urgent. She could feel the sweat between his legs as she played there and then, finally, she felt a blast of heat from him and his cock head swelled even more and began to pulse.
She felt his balls twitch, there was a moment of hiatus and then he spurted powerfully into her throat, huge gouts of his seed pulsing into her mouth until she could keep no more in and the rest spilled from the side of her mouth. She swallowed some and savoured the salt and protein taste of her lover’s spunk as she drew it from his body.
Mr Dark collapsed back onto the bed and Mr Blond took this as his cue to fuck her even harder. Her head was now free and he grasped her hair, pulling her head back and reining her in like an animal to be ridden.
The room became quieter, the only sounds being the satisfied grunts of Mr Blond as he rooted Vicky’s cunt deeply, punctuated by the heavy slap of his balls against her ass as he drove into her stroke by stroke.
She felt his thrusts quicken and his cock swelled inside her and he pulled her to him by the hips, lifting her ass off the bed in an attempt to drive more deeply into her.
She squealed in pleasure and started to moan, careless of whether her husband could hear her in the room below. Right now, only her body filled with her lover's cock mattered. Glorious filth poured from her mouth, obscene, filthy and crude as she shouted encouragements to her lover to fuck her more completely.
Her orgasm was almost upon her and she reached underneath to grasp her man’s balls so as to goad him into ejaculation. He took his cue and fucked her hard and long, her head bouncing wildly out of control, in time with his thrusts.
The feeling in her cunt grew and spread and then she started to contract wildly inside, the pleasure suddenly bursting in her head like fireworks in heaven. She cried out loudly and gave in to her exquisite orgasm as they mashed their bodies together as she felt him start to spurt into her, his red-hot seed splashing in searing spurts against her cervix.
He seemed to pulse for an age as he gradually shed his load inside her and she felt the wicked trickle of him seep coldly down her thighs onto the bed sheets beneath. She felt spent as she sagged beneath him, loving the intimacy of his softening prick inside her. He gently caressed her back and neck, planting kisses along her backbone as his erection subsided until, finally, he slipped out of her.
Mr Dark had watched the show but now he stirred and quietly went to the dresser to pour himself some water. He brought two extra glasses, handing one to Vicky and the other to Mr Blond. She took hers gratefully, suddenly parched, and gulped the water down greedily. She loved to watch Mr Dark’s soft cock, still fat and potent, bob up and down as he walked casually around the room naked. Well, after all, the night was still young.
Absolutely wonderful sexy highly erotic story.
Oh my, so honoured to be your inspiration, thank you xxx
More to come? I hope so!🍷