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The Last Temptation Of Chris

"Bucket lists are ticked on Flight 374"

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“Ladies and gentlemen, we have to inform you that we are experiencing engine problems. Please remain in your seats and follow the safety guidelines which the cabin-staff will explain to you.”

The buxom blonde sitting next to Chris clenched the arm rests tightly when the captain made his announcement. He thought himself quite lucky to be seated next to a beauty for a change. Normally, the universe would show Chris the celestial finger once he boarded a plane, with either loud, large, or lewd seated next to him. Sometimes all three, depending on her (Universe’s) mood.

But today was a good day.

As usual, he was one of the first to be seated and scanned the row of passengers who shuffled down the narrow passage between the seats in search of their square foot of comfort. When he saw the three-hundred-pound woman squeezing herself down the aisle, he panicked and placed his laptop on the open seat next to his. A feeble attempt he realised, but it made him feel better nonetheless. When she made eye contact with him, she continued to stare at him while she edged closer and closer. When she shuffled past his row, Chris heard himself sigh loudly in relief.

He noticed the blonde when she entered the cabin. She was wearing a bright red skirt and jacket outfit which made her long, platinum-blonde hair shine even brighter. When she got a bit closer, Chris twitched in his seat when he caught himself staring at her full lips, also donned in bright red lipstick.

‘Wow, she’s a fucking stunner!’ he thought. Against his better judgment, his eyes followed her as she checked row numbers. He felt his heart pounding in his chest when she stopped at the row in front of him. Leaning forward, she lifted her bag and with some effort and shoved it into the luggage hold above. Her double-breast blazer folded open for a second. Enough time for Chris to catch a glimpse of her Victoria Secret-like, lacy bra cupping her fabulous cleavage.

Chris was still quietly celebrating the fact that the stunning ‘Lady in red’ would be seated in front of him, when she looked over at him.

“Is this B34?” she asked, pointing at the seat next to Chris.

“Uhm, yes. Yes it is!” he blurted out, perhaps a little too overeager as some of the other passengers glanced towards him.

“Would you prefer the window seat?” he recovered immediately, thinking it the most appropriate, gentleman’s behaviour towards a lady.

“Why, thank you! I would love that,” she replied with a big smile, “I love watching the city when we come in for a landing,” she added.

Chris unbuckled his safety belt and shimmied out of the seat, wriggling past her so she could slide into the window seat next to him. ‘Thank you, Universe, thank you!’ his eyes gazed upwards in mindful gratitude.

“Hi,” the lady in red smiled at him once she got comfortable in her seat, turning herself towards Chris and extending her hand, “I am Greta.”

“It is lovely to meet you, Greta,” he smiled and gently squeezed her hand in curtsy, “I’m Chris.”

They both settled into their seats, and while Chris paged through the on-board magazine, Greta was frantically typing on her mobile. After the cabin staff did their safety announcements, the plane coasted toward the runway.

“Finally!” she suddenly uttered, and immediately looked over to Chris.

“I am a little nervous about flying,” she uneasily tried to explain, “Please forgive me. I promise I will not be a pain during the flight.”

Chris could see she was tense and her piercing blue eyes looked slightly bewildered. He placed his hand on top of hers and patted her lightly in comfort.

“It’s going to be all right, don’t you worry,” he reassured her with his best, macho-hero-voice he could muster.

She turned her hand over and gripped his tightly when the large Airbus sped down the runway. When the nose lifted and they left the ground, her nails dug into his flesh. Her eyes were shut tightly and her shoulders tensely pushed back into her seat. Chris squeezed her hand and sat in silence while the aircraft climbed to thirty thousand feet. When the announcement came that they had reached their cruising height and could remove their safety belts, she opened her eyes for the first time. She sheepishly turned to Chris.

“Thank you, Chris, you helped me feel better. I’m sorry for grabbing your hand. Oh Lord, look how I scratched you!” she exclaimed in horror, and let his hand go as if it was a hot piece of coal.

“It’s ok, don’t worry about it,” Chris replied, “I’m happy to know I could make you feel less anxious. Flying can be a scary experience, so I understand why you are nervous.”

“I just get myself so worked up,” she continued, “I used to watch The Black Box on TV when I was younger, to my detriment, because all I think about when I board an airplane, is that it is going to crash,” she explained further, eliciting a nervous giggle on her account.

“We will be just fine, Greta,” he once again assured her, “as you probably know, flying is a safer form of transport than pretty much anything else. So the probability of us crashing today is very, very slim.” Chris recited something he read in the airport whilst waiting for the flight.

“And besides, I can count my lucky stars that I am seated next to such a beautiful woman as yourself.”

Greta smiled.

“Thank you, Chris, you are God-sent,” she whispered back.

The aircraft had been cruising for about thirty minutes when the plane suddenly shuddered after a loud noise and dipped sharply to the right, into a steep decline. Screaming passengers, panicked about the sudden descent fell around and hung onto each other. Greta grabbed Chris’s hand again and clung to him.

“It’s going to be ok,” he told her, leaning over her and trying to hold her, ”it’s probably only some turbulence,” he assured her.

“I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die,” was all she whimpered repeatedly.

When the captain made his announcement about the engine problems they were experiencing, agonizing cries and wailing ensued from the panic-stricken cabin. The cabin staff shouted over the speaker system for people to get back into their seats, buckle up and stay seated. The aircraft’s downward trajectory slowly levelled out and although it felt like they were still losing altitude, it certainly was a relief to feel like they weren’t falling from the sky anymore.

“Chris,” Greta suddenly spoke, “if this is our last day, I have a bucket list item I would like to tick,” she looked at him, still with a panicked look but also staring deep into his eyes.

“What can I do for you, Greta?” he asked.

“I’ve always wanted to be a ‘Mile-High’ club member,” she blurted, giggling nervously at the words which came out her mouth, “Do you think you would be able to get it up for me?”

Chris’s facial expression must have been comical because she laughed again.

“I know it is a bit strange, I know, but when I get nervous, all that energy flows into my groin, making me extremely horny,” she tried to explain herself, “and I want you to fuck me. Like right now,” she added without so much as blinking an eye. Her bottom lip quivered with nervous tension and she bit down on it in an attempt to keep it still.

“Good God, Greta,” Chris eventually replied, his mind milling through a million thoughts which now included fucking Greta.

“I would fuck you… in a heartbeat! But this is crazy,” he tried to reason her request.

Greta’s hands were already on his crotch, feverishly fondling Chris’s dick through his trousers.

“Throw a blanket over me,” she whispered and ducked down onto his lap, pulling the zip down and undoing the trousers. Chris glanced around to find something he could cover her with and used his coat which was the closest. Chris was still trying to spread the coat out when he felt Greta’s hot mouth envelope his flaccid dick.

His delighted, yet audible groan disappeared into the cacophony of passenger cries. He glanced around to ascertain any discovery of their actions, but the chaotic atmosphere in the cabin had zero interest in them. He shifted down to offer her better access which she enthusiastically used to suck his full length into her mouth. She held him there for a bit, swirling her tongue around his shaft and waiting for the blood pulses to swell his eager anatomy into her mouth. They both felt how each pulsing beat would further develop the girth and length of his cock against her tongue. Chris’s eyes closed as his head arched backward and his unclenched jaw released moaned exhales with each breath.

Greta’s firm grip on his shaft tightened and released in pace with her methodical, yet enthusiastic sucking strokes. She had raised his flaccidity from the dead and the slurping, sucking noises coming from Greta produced a rock-hard erection. Chris’s desire to fuck Greta had passed a point of no return.

He slipped one hand around her back and rubbed over her tight ass. Shimmying her tight skirt up to her hips, the warm contact of her skin jolted through his emergent rod. When his fondling fingers reached down between her buttocks, he groaned loudly at the realisation that she was not wearing any underwear. His fingers caressed her smooth mound, tugging at her lips and flicking his fingers against her glowingly hot pussy. He heard her moan, felt it in his cock, when his index and ring fingers parted her folds, and his middle finger plunged into her already wet cunt.

Greta’s head popped out from under Chris’s jacket.

“I want this cock inside me now,” she purred up at him, licking his juices from her red lips, “follow me to the toilet.”

She came up and lifted her leg over Chris’s to get to the aisle. As she moved across his lap, she dipped down and slipped the tip of his cock into her. She grabbed a fistful of Chris’s dark locks and kissed him passionately, driving herself down onto him to take his full length into her.

She held him there until she pulled her lips from his, and slowly got up while wedging her tight skirt down from her hips. A mesmerised Chris had to scramble to cover his towering erection which glistened from Greta’s juices. She lifted her other leg over and made her way down the aisle to the toilet.

Fortunately, they were only about five rows from it, and bar the turbulence throwing her from side to side, Greta got there fairly quickly. She fell into the cubicle, looking back at Chris who was still doing his trousers. She made a knocking gesture and mouthed, “come” before closing the door behind her.

Chris, still seated, was trying to get his mammoth erection into his trousers, eventually just holding his jacket in front of himself as he made his down the aisle toward to toilet. The Airbus dipped heavily to one side again, and Chris fell onto a male passenger who had his eyes closed and mouthing a prayer of some sort. Chris was practically on his lap and when he came back up, the man cringed in horror at the sight of Chris’s erection in front of his face.

“Sorry, so sorry,” Chris sheepishly apologised, covering his exposed erection and continued his shuffle towards the toilet door. When he steadied himself against the door, it swung open without him having to knock and he stumbled into the small cubicle.

Greta had pulled her skirt up to her hips and immediately dropped down to her knees to take him into her mouth. Chris locked the door behind him and looked down at the stunning blonde’s mouth moving up and down his throbbing cock. It renewed his aching pulses and desire for Greta. Both hands grabbed hold of her blonde hair and he rammed her face against him, eliciting choking sounds as Greta gagged on his aggressive mouth fuck.

Chris pulled her off him, lifted her by her hair, and drove his tongue into her dick-soaked mouth. He undid the two buttons from her jacket to expose her large tits cupped by the white lace, underwire bra. He broke away from her mouth and leaned into her chest, roughly pulling the silky material down and sucking one of her dark red nipples into his eager mouth. His right hand rounded her ass and drove two fingers into her soaking pussy, grinding her erect nipple between his teeth.

Greta moaned exuberantly when the two fingers entered and stretched her open. Short, high-pitched cries echoed through the toilet cubicle on every penetrative stroke. Chris dropped her tit from his mouth and swung her around with his fingers plunged deep inside her, pushing her forward to lean over the toilet bowl.

“Yes, fuck me!” she cried out, looking back at him while he dropped his trousers to the floor and lined himself up against her.

“Spread your ass open, he instructed, and Greta stretched back with her arms to pull her cheeks apart, her high heel shoes naturally providing the required lift to present herself to Chris.

He stroked his shaft twice and rammed his hard cock into Greta's anticipating cunt.

“Aaaah!” she cried out loudly, oblivious to the sound of the failing engine and passengers' shrieks and cries due to the aircraft’s turbulent shaking. Chris’s cock slammed into her, his body slapping against hers and the sound of their wet, sticky sex coupled with the ensuing groaning and moaning, resonated in the small space. 

 “Ladies and gentlemen, for your safety, please remain in your seats,” the captain’s voice came over the speaker system again, followed by a loud bang that made the plane tumble into a steep forward decline.

Chris looked out the window and could see smoke coming from the wing.

“We’re going to die,” he thought. Greta was leaning against the back wall of the cistern, with Chris leaning on top of her back with almost all of his weight. He placed his left foot against the basin to hold himself up and kept at it, fucking Greta even harder now. She had to use her hands to steady herself. Their bodies rocked and swayed from side to side due to the craft’s turbulent descent. Her eyes were wide open, fearful and wild but her mouth kept uttering more profanities to Chris.

“Fuck my dirty whore cunt!”

“Damn you!  Fuck me like a real man!”

“Come on you limp-cock mother fucker, fuck me harder!”

Chris tried to reposition himself when they were thrown into the side wall during another rough aircraft judder. His foot slipped off the toilet bowl and falling forward, heard Greta’s squeal louder than before.

“Now you’re talking daddy! Fuck my ass, yes! Fuck it hard, mother fucker!” she screamed back at him, hanging on to the handrail for dear life.

Chris looked down and saw he was fully buried inside her ass, which he must have entered when he fell against her. Greta’s cunt juices soaked down her legs and were sufficient lubrication for the full-length, speared entry. But she was enthralled by his hard cock inside her ass, so he steadied himself by pushing against the side walls with his arms, and rocked his hips in and out of Greta's tantalising tight hole.

“Harder fucker. Faster!” she kept screaming at him as her hips started to shake and shudder, her anal-induced orgasm coming on hard while she feverishly rubbed at her clit. She squealed at the top of her voice while she climaxed. Her snug ass constricted tightly around his cock, milking him closer and closer to orgasm.

“Cum in my ass, you fucking cunt,” she growled at him as her body shuddered and rocked against his, “Fuck me harder!”

He could feel his balls tightening, his head arched upwards, and his eyes shut tight as the sensational ambiance drove him right to the edge of cumming.

“Open the door!” You need to open this door now!”

Their bubble burst when the loud voice and door banging interrupted their heavenly fuck.

“We’re… I am busy!” Chris managed to utter as they froze. Greta’s body jerked involuntarily against Chris’s, his dick twitching inside her ass.

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“It’s the captain, please open the door now,” the voice firmly insisted. They were abruptly brought back into the failed-engine, Airbus cabin. The loud commotion coming from screaming and shouting passengers and the high-revving sound of an engine, grinded into their ears.

“I said I was busy,” Chris replied again, the irritation now evident in his tone, “come back in five minutes.”

They both heard the fumbling at the door and glanced in horror at each other when the lock clicked over to “unlocked”. A man dressed as a pilot pushed into the cubicle. Chris’s cock was buried inside Greta, his pants around his ankles and her skirt wrapped around her waist. Her stunning tits, juggling loosely under her frame.

“God damn, now that’s a sight to behold,” the man said, as he locked the door behind him.

“What the fuck, man?” Greta was the first to object, “Can you not see we are busy here?” she demanded.

“I do apologise for my rude interruption,” the man said, “I am on the radio and somehow your speaker has been on the whole time. I couldn’t allow this to continue any further,” he stated solemnly, “unless I can join in?” He smiled.

“I have been flying for thirteen years and have never had sex on a plane,” he explained quickly, “and today might be my last chance. Get on with it then, I’ll just join in if that’s ok,” he simply stated and started undoing his trousers.

Both Greta and Chris looked at each other and looked back at the pilot who had his semi-rigid cock out already and stroked it. Tim shrugged his shoulders and adjusted his stance before pulling back and giving his full cock to Greta’s hole. She groaned loudly and reached out to the pilot, grabbing his cock and pulling him closer to her face. She bent her body to the side and Chris watched as she swallowed the fat cock into her mouth. The pilot let out a growl of excitement, looking down at Greta, then back to Chris.

Chris’s eyes were fixated on Greta’s mouth being fucked, surprised by the immense pleasure he took from seeing how the pilot’s rather thick, around four-inch cock, swelled in her mouth. She dipped her head to take his full length into her mouth and then clenched her lips tightly when she pulled back. Within a couple of strokes, the pilot’s cock had grown to nearly double the size. Greta’s lips were stretched wide open when he pushed his thick dick down her throat until her face was right up against his stomach.

 She grunted and groaned while Chris kept fucking her ass. The three bodies kept each other up in the tight space, even though they would rock from side to side in unison. The pilot pulled his cock from Greta’s mouth.

“I need to fuck you,” he exclaimed and without Chris’s dick leaving her ass, effortlessly lifted Greta and held her up while he positioned himself in between her legs, in front of her. Chris was pushed up against the side wall, Greta’s back towards him, and her legs held up by the pilot who manoeuvred in between her hoisted legs.

“Just hold it there,” he said to Chris before holding his cock at Greta’s dripping opening, “don’t pull out yet,” he added before he slid his massive cock into her quivering pussy.

Chris could feel the hard, hot rod slide against his dick into Greta’s pussy. She threw her head backward, squealing with delight at her double fill.

“Aaaah! Fuck me! That’s so good!” she cried out and turned her head back and stuck her tongue into Chris’s mouth. The pilot started thumping into her, the tight confines gushing and squirting her juices onto their legs.

Both men held Greta’s weight and soon found a synchronised rhythm, with Chris’s cock sliding out when the pilot’s cock slid in. Her head was thrown back, exposing her neck and gorgeous tits which jiggled wildly from the rocking, fucking motion. Her mouth was wide open as she exhaled with guttural groans during the double penetrations drilling her holes.

“I’m going to cum!” Chris announced and simultaneously shot hot bursts of semen into Greta’s anal cavity. The pilot’s cock kept pounding her squishy cunt for a couple more strokes before he cried out too. Greta’s shrill cries increased as another orgasm rocked through her.

Greta hung between the two men, her legs pressed up against the wall behind the pilot. Her ass and cunt filled with the hot jizz of the two men still inside her. The pilot leaned forward to kiss her open mouth. The aircraft suddenly dipped to one side again, roughly throwing the still-coupled threesome around the small cubicle. More shrieks and cries rang through the cabin.

“I don’t care what happens anymore,” Greta exhaled, her dishevelled blonde hair hanging in her face, which she blew away. Her red lipstick was smeared across her cheeks and her one breast had a small, bleeding cut. She must have bumped the taps or something sharp during one of the turbulent encounters. Chris’s cock slipped out from her ass and the pilot looked down as he withdrew his thick dick from her pussy. Blobs of semen dribbled onto the floor from her crevices before the men let her down gently onto her feet. She sat down on the toilet and started laughing loudly.

“Your cocks,” she said looking up at them, ”were absolutely perfect!”

She took both Chris's and the pilot’s wet, spent cocks into each hand, bending forward to suck it clean. The aircraft shuddered again, both men falling onto Greta as the plane veered downwards.

They all laughed at their bundled disposition on top of Greta.

“Fuck, if we’re going down, let’s go down,” Chris blurted and placed his feet on top of the toilet bowl, lifting himself so he could shove his recovering cock back into Greta’s awaiting mouth.

“Ahhh, yes baby, suck that cock hard again,” he uttered, holding himself upright with one hand on the ceiling and the other against the wall behind him. His cock expanded back into her hot mouth as he started fucking her face vigorously. He felt her hands grip his ass and her fingers probing at his asshole. Chris had girlfriends who fingered his ass while blowing him and wasn’t opposed to warm finger slipping into his ass.

“Ahhh, fuck! Yes, fuck me,” he ecstatically blurted out.

He felt the pilot’s body behind him. At first, his hands held onto his hips, supporting him, but then they ran around over his stomach, grasping his cock and holding it for Greta’s mouth. His strong hands pulled his hardened erection back, squeezing firmly down. Chris’s loud groans from the extra attention deemed approval enough for the co-pilot whose head came around to the front, next to Greta’s.

He still had a firm grip on Chris’s cock, and Greta pulled her mouth from it to meet the pilot’s tongue which swirled around hers. Chris looked down at the pair’s lust-filled kissing, nearly losing his grip and falling over. Both Greta, whose middle finger was still fully inside Chris’s ass, and the pilot threw their arms around his naked waist to hold him up. They laughed again.

Greta opened her mouth and looked at the pilot, who guided Chris’s cock back into her mouth. She sucked down on him, then flicked her tongue against his glans a couple of times. She looked up at Chris. Then looked at the pilot.  She took the cock in her hand and bent it sideways toward the pilot’s mouth.

Tim watched how the pilot gazed up at him and then took his cock into his mouth. Greta massaged his shaft while the pilot’s tongue swirled around Chris’s throbbing member. Greta would pull it from his mouth, and push her tongue into his before slurping at Chris’s cock too. The eroticism of watching the two sucking him off, their kissing and fondling of each was driving Chris towards the precipice of ecstasy. 

“Get down,” the pilot suddenly instructed. Chris stepped back, down from the toilet rim. Greta was seated on one side and the pilot on her side.

“Ok, you sit,” he told Chris, “and you straddle him,” he instructed Greta. They shuffled around each other, giggling under their heavy breathing, their sweaty bodies rubbing against each other. Chris closed the toilet lid and sat down, his pants around his ankles and his shirt half undone.  Greta lifted her one leg over him and squatted down onto his upright erection.

“Aaah,” they both let out a satisfying groan.

Greta started riding him instinctively, but the pilot pulled Chris’s legs forward and pushed Greta down onto him, lifting her ass to him. With one foot on the grab-handle, he pushed his cock into Greta’s ass. He was longer and thicker than Chris and Greta gasped and cursed loudly while he relentlessly drove it into her anal cavity.

“Oh my fuck!!” she cried out.

“You’re fucking tearing me. Aaagh!!”

“Go slow, you big dick fucker!”

“Aaahhh, hmmmmm.”

“Fuck! That’s good!”

Fully inserted, the pilot drew back and plunged back into her. Again. And again. He would pull back nearly all the way, and then slam back into Greta with his full body weight. The thumping ram-hammering bullied Chris’s cock in her pussy, feeling like there was a massive being inside her pushing his cock around her womb. It felt sensational. The threesome’s moans, groans, and cries filled the space, separated from reality in their moment of sexual bliss.

The pilot then took hold of Chris’s legs and lifted them, bending them at the knees as he pushed back further to lift Chris’s ass to him. Greta’s body leaned forward and her head was banging against the back wall now while she was still riding on Chris’s cock. She slipped both arms underneath his knees and pulled his legs up further. She looked back at the pilot who rubbed his hand around her dripping pussy juices, coated his thick cock, and lined it up to Chris’s asshole.

With Greta on top of him, only his back was on the toilet seat, and he could feel his hamstrings tighten when Greta’s held his legs in her arm-lock. He peered underneath Greta’s dangling tits and watched how the pilot lubed his cock and stepped up to him.

The pilot’s golf-ball-size head pushed against his sphincter. He circled his hole once and pushed into Chris. A cold, stabbing shock ravished Chris’s mind when he felt the entry. Greta felt him shudder and rammed her tongue into his.

“Fuck my cunt, bitch!” she hissed at him, “fuck me harder!”

The pilot’s girth stretched Chris open. He cried out in pain but did not wish for it to stop. He drew a deep breath, tightened his sphincter as much as he could, and then released. The thick-veined rod slid into him. The pilot stopped once his bulbous head popped past his sphincter.


His long exhaled, groan continued while he felt the pilot's cock sliding deeper into him, until his hips were firmly against his butt. Chris instinctively tried to push the pilot away, but could not reach him. His fingers only scraped along the pilot’s hip bone. He could feel every inch of the large penis inside him. He swore he could feel the pilot’s veins when he pulled back slowly. Greta was increasing her speed on top of him. Her orgasm nearing and she started cursing manically again.

“Fuck me harder, bitch!”

“Come on soft-cock, fuck me like a man!”

“Faster fucker, faster, fuck me!”

“You’re fucking useless! Fuck, I can do better myself!”

“Ahh… aahhh… ahhhhhhhh!!” Greta’s third orgasm rippled through her. Her head slammed against the wall as she rode Chris like a jockey during the last stretch of a race.

Chris’s cock twitched in anticipation of cumming, but the thick dick inside his ass seemed to numb the familiar ache whenever the pilot moved. Fortunately, he moved slowly and allowed Chris some time to settle around the pilot’s cock.

When Greta’s orgasm started, the pilot shoved two fingers into her ass, stretching her wider when a third finger was added, and making her cry out even louder during the extended climax. Her juices liberally ran from her soaked cunt, lubricating the pilot’s dick as he pulled it back. He rubbed his fingers around it to spread Greta’s cunt-lube and pushed back into Chris, who cried out again. The pain felt unbearable yet indistinguishable within the ecstasy of the moment. He did not want it to stop.

The pilot inched into Chris, all the way until he was right up against Chris's ass again. The sensation was euphoric, his heightened senses distinguishing the pilot's pubes rubbing against his perineum. His bulbous head which he would pull back until it sat right in the rim of his entrance before being pushed back in again.

Each thrust made his cock arch upwards, thickening inside Greta’s juicy cunt. The pilot increased his pace as he got closer to his orgasm. The rhythmic motion of his cock moving inside him, the way his own cock reacted, rippled through Chris. He found himself pushing his ass back onto the incoming thrusts, fucking the pilot’s cock with his throbbing ass.

“Fuck me, give me your cock, fuck me!” the words exited his mouth before he heard himself. The pilot’s cock was pounding his insides. Greta’s hot, wet pussy bounced up and down his erection.

The initial pain subsided and Chris’s body gave itself over, his eyes rolling back in his head with each thrust. Chris’s ass had succumbed fully to the pilot’s drilling. He could feel the quivering of the pilot’s cock inside him, then the warm sensation filling into him as the pilot came, growling loudly while he pumped Chris’s ass.

It was as if the heat flowed into his cock, feeling how his semen moved up his shaft and squirted into Greta. An animalistic, guttural groan overcame the cubicle, with Chris’s intense orgasm rocking his body, shaking him to his core. Greta was still bouncing on top of him and nearly got flung off due to Chris’s wild bucking body.

Their fucking motions and cries subsided and the threesome’s heavy breathing, shivering, quivering, panting bodies lay against each other in a moment of post-coital bliss. Chris’s head was spinning, feeling a bit dizzy from the intense orgasm.

Greta was moaning softly while she milked his cock which was still inside her. The pilot was leaning forward, his body resting against theirs. His cock was still buried inside Chris. Chris felt the thickness dissipate and slip out of him. A thick blob of semen gushed out of his ass, dribbling down his back.

“Oh my God,” he managed to say, “I’m fucked!” and laughed loudly. Greta laughed too. She kissed him and then sat up to reach back to the pilot and kissed him too.

“You boys did pretty well,” she giggled, “If this is it, I am happy to go,” she stated and snickered again at the absurdity of her own words.

“I think we can confidently say, we fucked ourselves into Mile-High Club achievement awards!” Chris laughed too.

“Fuck that, “said the pilot, “we are not dying today. We’re still flying so I’m quite certain we will be able to land with one engine. Clean yourselves up and go strap yourselves into your seats. I need to go see what’s happening. But this was, how can I put this? This was the most incredible fuck of my life! You two were fabulous! And I’m a pilot, I would know,” he said with a wink while he pulled up his pants and straightened himself out.

And before Chris or Greta could say anything, he unlocked the door and slipped out. Greta and Chris held onto each other, their minds milling over the events of the past thirty minutes.

They were both startled when the unlocked door flung open, and a man walked in.

“Oh my god, sorry! It was unlocked,” he blurted out and stepped out to close the door.

“I guess we need to get back to our seats,” Greta chuckled at Chris, who nodded in agreement. She wriggled off from him and the two pulled their clothes back on. When they looked in the mirror, they both burst out laughing. They looked like they had been at a fight club. Greta’s makeup was smudged across her face, some of it on Chris’s face, their hair a dishevelled mess. Greta had a small cut above her eyebrow which bled down the side of her cheek. Her one breast also had a thin trail of blood running down it.

“You look like you’ve been fucked,” she said to Chris, winking at him in the mirror while they were cleaning themselves.

Chris did not answer. Thinking about the pilot fucking him raised mixed emotions inside himself, and he was not keen to face it right now. He wiped himself clean and his asshole flinched when he wiped the last of the pilot's cum from it.

“If we survive today,” he eventually muttered, “I’m never going to fly again. I’m taking the bus next time.”

Written by WetWalter
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