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The Girl From The North Country 3: The Sting

"One last time..."

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Author's Notes

"Alex and Hannah give David a beautiful farewell."

David wonders about the future

I got home about noon and reached into the fridge for a beer. Yes, it was a bit early for alcohol, but I wanted to think about events of the last twenty-four hours and I’d always found a cold beer to be a good companion. And so, my musing began.

At about this time yesterday, I’d been setting out to a shopping mall to get a couple of technical bits and pieces… I’d expected to be back home and fitting them within a couple of hours. Instead, my world had been overturned into a whirl of sex, first of all with one girl forty years younger than me and then with her real-life lesbian lover too. It had been quite a twenty-four hours!

Now, though, I wondered how things would continue, how they would progress. After all, the playing field was now very different – I was not, after all, dealing with a fantasy girl on the other end of a computer cybersex line, but with Hannah – a real girl whom I now knew lived close to me. More to the point was the Alex aspect. She had been happy for her real-life partner to have a cyber relationship with me, but now? What happened now?

I spent the afternoon pottering around the garden and waiting for five o’clock to come around. That was the time Hannah often came online with her habitual, “Hi hun… you ok?” Whether or not that would happen from now on… well, I just didn’t know.

At twenty minutes to five Hannah’s ‘online’ status lit up – earlier than usual. My heart leapt a little and I wondered how this was going to play out.

“Hi, David. This is Alex. I’ve jumped onto Hannah’s account before she gets home. How are you feeling? Other than well-fucked, I mean.”

I was flummoxed now – I certainly hadn’t expected that.

“Hi, Alex. Well this is unexpected… but nice. I’m ok thanks… you?”

I saw from the screen that ‘Hannah’ – or in fact Alex - was typing and I waited. Was this going to be the end of the road? At last, the message appeared.

“David, I expect you are feeling pretty mixed up and very unsure about what – if anything – happens now. So, I wanted to make a couple of things clear. Ok with you?”

“Sure,” I replied.

Alex continued… “What happened yesterday was quite something, wasn’t it?”

I paused before answering. “Yes, it was, Alex. I’m still in a state of shock, really. I mean, it just never entered my head that Hannah lived locally, or that I’d meet her… let alone you.”

“Or that you’d fuck us both in the same day,” continued Alex, drily, I imagined.

“Err, that too,” I replied, not sure where the conversation was going.

“The thing is,” Alex continued, “I have to set the ground rules very clearly from here on. You have to understand where you stand. I’m not letting you interfere with my relationship with Hannah. That just isn’t going to happen, and you need to realise it.”

“You mean I’m to stop talking to Hannah,” I said, an empty feeling in my stomach.

There was a silence for a few seconds before Alex typed again.

“No, I don’t mean that… but keep it cool. No arranging to meet her again. If I think that might work then I will tell her to suggest it but not the other way around. She’ll be here shortly and I’ll watch you both to make sure you have got the point. Do not tell her about this conversation.”

With that, the ‘online’ notification changed to ‘offline’. Ten minutes later it came online again.

“Hi hun, you ok?” said Hannah… at least I assumed it was Hannah.

“Hi darling,” I replied, “Yes, I’m fine. How was your day?”

“Uneventful compared to yesterday,” said Hannah, “And for some reason, I’ve been feeling pretty knackered!”

I was about to respond when Hannah carried on.

“David, I’m not hanging around here now… I need to spend some quality time with Alex. Sorry hun, hope you don’t mind.”

“Ok Hannah,” I replied. So, this really was the beginning of the end, it seemed.

“Bye, for now, hun - I will chat again soon, promise. I love you,” Hannah said… and again, ‘offline’ displayed. I suspected that it would stay like that for a while this time.

The next few days saw no contact from Hannah. Several times I thought of messaging her, but several times I thought better of it. Then, on Saturday evening, my phone buzzed with a text alert. It was from Hannah.

“Meet me tomorrow? Same place… same outcome, hopefully!! I’ll be there at noon.”

I looked at the text for what seemed like ages. At last, I typed my reply.

“Does Alex know about this? x.”

The reply came in three minutes later.

“No. I’ll tell her afterwards. See you tomorrow. Get that room booked.”

It might not be the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but it seemed it. At last, I typed my answer.

“Hannah, my darling, I won’t risk that. It could – probably would – cause huge damage to you two. I love you but I won’t risk hurting you… or Alex.”

It seemed an eternal wait before the phone buzzed again.

“Well, I didn’t expect that. Well, I’ll be there waiting. It’s my life and I want to see you again. I’ll leave the rest up to you.”

I tried to contact Hannah online but she showed as offline. I tried to call her to explain, but it didn’t connect.

The next day, I watched the clock tick round to noon. My heart was heavy but I just couldn’t bear to risk wrecking Hannah’s life.

I walked round to my local pub and mournfully gazed into my drink. Suddenly, my phone rang – a number I didn’t recognise.


“Well done – it seems you passed the test,” a voice I recognised said.

“Alex, it’s you, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it is – and I am impressed. In fact, we both are. It was me texting yesterday, not Hannah – though she was watching me.”

“Oh,” I said. I couldn’t really think what else to say.

“We are both at the hotel bar,” Alex continued. Be here in thirty minutes. It would be a shame to waste the room, wouldn’t it? Oh, it’s number 69. Seemed apt, somehow. See you in there.”

The line went dead… and my pint stayed on the table as I left the pub to head into town.


Alex stays in charge

Hannah ordered five large gin and tonics before we made our way to the elevator. We guessed David would take about fifteen minutes to get here. Once inside the elevator, I lifted my button-through dress to reveal my new sexy underwear to Hannah as we made our way to our room to wait for David.

Once inside I unbuttoned the top three buttons of my dress to reveal the black lace combo I was sporting underneath. I was feeling mouth wateringly sexy. I could see that Hannah was desperate to get her hands on it – and me - but after a few minutes of making out our giggles were interrupted by a knock on the door. “I’ll go,” I said firmly. I still wanted both Hannah and David to be very clear as to who was in charge of things.

“David, how nice of you to come over at such short notice,” I greeted him sweetly.

“Hi, Alex,” David said, with an air of uncertainty, “We meet again.”

David stepped into the room. He went over to Hannah and kissed her, briefly but warmly, on the lips. Hannah put her arms around his neck and returned the kiss. “Hi hun,” she said softly. “Nice to see you again.”

I approached the two of them and interrupted. “Put him down, Hannah – plenty of time for that.”

Hannah stepped back from David, a little embarrassed, and I handed David one of the gins.

“We got you a drink in… I know you like a stiff one,” I said with a disarming smile.

I knew the gin and tonic was the last thing on his mind. Sure enough, as I passed him his drink (I’d already had two) his gaze locked onto my cleavage as he caught a glimpse of my black lacy bra.

I was feeling slightly horny-drunk, so I sat on the edge of the bed and beckoned David to sit beside me. Hannah sat the other side, making a human sandwich with David in the middle as we began to flirt and reminisce about our previous bedroom antics.

“How do you feel about doubling the fun and doubling the pleasure?” I inquired, trying to suppress my outrageous fantasies.

“What do you have in mind?” he inquired.

“Let’s get some clothes off and see what develops,” I said as I unbuckled his belt.

David slid his hand up my dress stroking my inner thigh and brushing against my already soaking clit.

Hannah followed our lead and pulled her top off over her head to reveal her naked breasts. Her mini-skirt and little blue panties worked a treat as David’s cock began to rise to the occasion as he gazed at Hannah’s breasts and erect nipples.

I couldn’t shake off the fantasy image of me kneeling on all fours in front of David, taking his length into my mouth while Hannah licked and sucked his balls. This session was becoming kinkier by the minute.

I fumbled around David’s boxers as he unbuttoned each and every button of my dress allowing it to fall open. He slipped it off my shoulders and then gazed at my impressively defined cleavage – I saw Hannah doing the same thing.

David’s cock twitched in my hand as part of me wanted to suck his cock and part of me wanted to watch. This set the scene in my mind for what was about to happen.

“Before we start. David,” I said softly but firmly, “After today I’m not sure if you will see us again or not. You might, but I can’t promise. However, we are going to give you something very special to remember us by. Come on Hannah, let’s give David double pleasure.”

Dropping to my knees I sunk my lips around his engorged penis as Hannah stepped out of her skirt and panties. I paused briefly to look at him. “You are going to enjoy both of us – every inch of both of us, tonight,” I said, “Then we will give you a final farewell present tomorrow.”

I sucked him deep, slowly and sensually, until he was rock hard. Then I withdrew from his engorged cock and lay on the floor. “Kneel over my face, Hannah,” I instructed, “I want to watch him slide into you.” Hannah moved over me on all fours, positioning her glistening sex over my face, the lips shimmering with arousal.

David moved behind her, his throbbing prick still swollen from my administrations. I watched as he positioned himself at her sex lips and slowly pushed forward. His erect cock slowly disappeared from view into Hannah’s love channel and his balls were now directly above my eyes. I ran my tongue tip along his swollen sac – I felt him groan, slightly as did Hannah as she felt him swell even more inside her.

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“Oh God,” I heard Hannah gasp, "I’m going to cum already.”

David upped his tempo and slid in and out of her slick hole. “I think I am too,” he growled softly. He gasped as his balls swelled even more, then with a desperate last grunt he pushed hard into Hannah’s vagina and I watched his balls throb and spasm as he emptied his load deep inside her.

As he subsided a little and after a minute slipped out of her, I gazed at her gaping, flushed sex-organ, and gently licked her as his sperm began to leak out. Wantonly, I licked it up. “Mmmmmmm,” I whispered, “This gives the gin a run for its money.”

I could hear Hannah whimper as she shuffled her swollen clitoris over my eager tongue for me to finish the job that David had started. Her clitty throbbed under my touch, peeking out from under its hood as I tormented her.

Hannah stared at me with an expectant expression as she lowered her head to whisper in my ear.

“Let’s show David how we do it, hun. After all, what male doesn’t appreciate a bit of girl-on-girl action?”

I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve fantasised about being watched while making love with Hannah. ‘What the hell,’ I started to kiss her.

Her tongue felt soft in my mouth. She was breathing heavily as she ran her tongue over mine. Her French kisses made me feel gooey inside. Plus, the thought of David watching, possibly stroking his cock in sync with the movement of our tongues, made me even wetter.

Hannah moved her hands over my nipples. They gave me away by stiffening under her touch. Bending down she latched onto my nipple, nibbling and play-biting with her teeth, while circling my areola with her tongue.

As Hannah moved her head, I briefly made eye contact with David.

“Like what you see, David?” I inquired as his hand moved, caressing his crotch.

“Ohh, Hannah I love your velvet tongue on my breast, my pussy’s aching for you,” I panted as my other hand reached down to pleasure myself between my legs.

Working my index finger against my clitoris in a slow circular motion, my pussy tightened as Hannah moved to kiss my neck.

“Ah… that’s the spot,” I gasped, revelling in ecstasy.

Hannah guided my hand to her breast, which I began to massage while she returned the favour. My fingers were now knuckle-deep inside my pussy, I was getting very turned on so I asked Hannah to roll off and re-position herself between my legs.

David just feet away, was clearly enjoying himself. No prizes for guessing what was going through his mind, his cock was hard again and ready for action.

“Don’t waste that David, the night’s young yet,” I teased.

Like flicking a switch, Hannah moved between my legs brushing her tongue across the folds of my labia, lapping away at my pussy. I opened my legs a little wider, my hips were bucking in unison with her silky-smooth tongue.

My pussy was completely shaved except a small landing strip of hair on top. As Hannah ran her tongue along my sex, over my throbbing clitoris, I let out a little moan.

“Oh my God, make me cum, Hannah,” I pleaded.

My back arched and my legs stiffened as I felt myself on the brink of climax. I closed my eyes as Hannah sucked my clitoris into her mouth, my vaginal muscles tensed before sending shock waves of pleasure throughout my genitals and up through the rest of my body.

Hannah held me in her arms while my orgasm subsided. I rolled her onto her back and kissed her tasting my own love juice.

I traced my finger down between her breasts and over her stomach hesitating just above her sweet snatch. Hannah’s vagina was well lubricated with a mixture of Hannah’s girl-goo and David’s baby gravy. Her pussy was slick around my finger as I penetrated her with one finger.

She called out, as I inserted a second finger. “Ohh, fuck Alex, make me come, love.”

Holding her close, I started to rapidly finger-fuck her. Hannah likes her clitoris rubbed fast and firm. Sure enough, after about fifteen seconds she’d reached the point of no return, Hannah was on the cusp of orgasm.

“That’s it, keep it there,” She panted.

“Don’t stop. Yes, yes yes. Ahhh…”

Hannah held me tight as her orgasm took over, sending shock-waves of pleasure through her body. We huddled together in exhausted ecstasy.


David lusts after Alex

I watched Alex and Hannah carefully, as they brought each other to the heights of passion and climax. I had quickly become hard again and I absent-mindedly stroked myself, until Alex rebuked me, "Not to waste it.”

Now the girls both lay on the bed, complete in post-orgasmic satisfaction. Their gorgeous, nubile bodies made me even harder…especially Alex’s perfect bottom, her vaginal lips glistening and gaping between her cheeks. I wasn’t sure if either (or both) of the girls were asleep but I had an urgent problem to resolve and went over to the bed.

I ran a finger over first one, and then the other of Alex’s buttocks, before probing my fingertips into her delectable love channel. I slowly pushed two fingers into her slit, then deep inside her. Her vagina was drenched and she murmured as I penetrated her. Opening her eyes, she looked upon my straining, engorged prick.

She smiled slightly, then without speaking, moved herself into a kneeling position. She then put her head and shoulders right down on the bed, her arse and vagina crudely exhibited to my gaze. Reaching back, she pulled herself open in an unmistakable invitation. I moved forward on my knees and slipped my swollen penis into Alex’s depths. I looked at Hannah – she was watching closely and smiled at me encouragingly.

“Give it to her, David,” Hannah hissed, “Fill her. I want to see you pump spunk into her. Want to see her utterly fucked.”

Alex gripped my prick even harder with her vaginal muscles as I pumped harder into the silken tunnel. She pushed back at me…” Give it to me now,” she growled, “I want it now.”

My balls tensed, my cock throbbed, and I felt an indescribable intensity as I squirted my sperm against Alex’s cervix. Alex gasped as she too climaxed. Hannah propped herself up on one elbow and kissed me. “Well done, our favourite stud boy,” she smiled. Then she lay back down on the bed and patted the space between her and Alex. She pulled the covers over the three of us… Both girls put their arms around me as we drifted into a blissful sleep.


Alex directs the morning fun

A shaft of morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, as I stirred to the sound of running water from our bathroom. Rubbing sleep from my eyes, I noticed David was missing. I assumed he was up early taking a shower.

Creeping out of bed, I silently opened the bathroom door. David was in the shower with his back to me.

Pumping a handful of body wash into the palm of my hand, I reached around him and smeared the soapy liquid over the end of his cock, lathering his sensitive knob-end.

“Get that bad boy nice and clean, we’re not finished yet. When you’ve freshened up, come back to bed,” I instructed.

David turned and raised his eyebrows in anticipation and a few moments later, padded across the bedroom to take up his position between us.

“Time for your final farewell present,” I breathed in his ear.

Hannah sild down the bed and started to kiss the shaft of David’s semi-flaccid penis which was growing harder by the second. I shuffled down his other side to join in.

Hannah’s skilful tongue explored the rim of David’s cock, probing and fondling his now throbbing knob. His member twitched as she wrapped her attentive fingers around its base. David gasped at my expert stimulation as I gently cupped his balls in my hand in the confidence that my ball massaging talents would soon have him shooting his load.

My gaze on everything in front of me, I took my turn to suck his cock giving those balls a gentle squeeze. David was rock hard and twitched as I buried his penis as deep in my mouth as I could without gagging, then slowly withdrawing to allow Hannah to take over the action.

Hannah took him to the hilt, drawing him to the back of her throat. David placed a hand behind her head, hoping to gain that extra centimetre, but Hannah withdrew. Slowly allowing his knob to plop out of her mouth. David was mesmerised. He hadn’t known such ecstasy was possible until now.

Licking my lips, I took his member once again into my mouth as I diverted my attention to his testicles by running my fingers slowly across his tightening sack, caressing his jewels.

My soft wet lips encircled the head of his penis as I pulled his foreskin back to heighten the pleasure. My devilish tongue worked its magic by making small circles around and over the tip, spreading a trail of pre-cum and saliva over his bulbous head.

David was on the edge, writhing beneath us, thrusting his hips in time with our double cock tormenting. Turning my head to one side, Hannah took over, forcing his throbbing knob between her wet warm lips, deep into her mouth. A trickle of sticky pre-cum and saliva mix leaked from her mouth and dribbled down his shaft and onto his balls.

Turning my head sideways I sucked and licked his shaft lengthways, Hannah followed my lead and mirrored my actions, allowing us both to lick up and down his shaft in perfect unison. Our noses almost touching as we turned delight into ecstasy.

“Oh… ohhhhh… ooohhhhhh, I’m gonna cum,” David mumbled from the back of his throat.

I looked up and gave him my best puppy dog eyes as he began to shoot strings of warm cum into the air and over our faces.


David says goodbye

I lay back on the bed, utterly spent. It had been the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced. Hannah and Alex were kissing each other deeply, each one using a fingertip to clean strands of sperm from each other’s face and sensually licking the finger clean. I watched them from my prone position. After a few minutes, Alex took control again.

“OK, time to get up, Hannah. David, you can stay there and recover if you like, but Hannah and I are going clean up now.” With that, both girls rolled off the bed. “Come on, Hannah,” said Alex. “Let’s leave David recovering – we both need a shower.”

Twenty minutes later the girls emerged, looking fresh and incredibly sexy, and began to get dressed. I did the same – I really sensed that this was the end now. I didn’t really mind too much – recent events had been something I just never would have expected but, as George Harrison once wrote, all things must pass.

When the girls were ready, I stood by them both by the door of the room. Hannah kissed me gently on the lips. “Goodbye David,” she whispered. “I’m glad we met.”

Alex also kissed me but in a more functional way – she was clearly reinforcing who was in charge. “Time to go, Hannah,” she said firmly. “Goodbye, David… not au revoir this time. Unless, and only unless, I choose to call you.”

“I understand," I replied. I did, indeed, understand. Nothing goes on forever and this brilliant, unexpected and breathless episode had come to an end. The girls both gave me a hug…and then they were gone.

Written by Davidls
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