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The Captain's Prerogative

"Welcome to the Lust Boat"

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Competition Entry: Swing Into Summer

Things always went this way on Jael’s boat. Naked depravity. Acts of lewdness. Everyone fucking someone they shouldn’t. Often it climaxed, like now, on Day Three. Jael played provocateur. He’d bide his time, letting sun-soaked madness brew, before reaping his reward.

Café do Mar was where he went fishing. Money was incidental. Jael enjoyed the company and–if the women boarded with partners–the challenge. At the Café he plied prospective voyagers with repartee and alcohol. Hell, he owned the place.

It was there he’d sparked conversation with Cody and Hunter from Miami, Florida, and thus been introduced to their girlfriends–Shelby and Bianca. As he’d planned.

‘Nice to meet you, and your lucky gentlemen.’ He graced each girl with alternating cheek-kisses. ‘Brazilian style.’

‘Tried that once.’ Bianca’s eyes glinted, likewise Shelby’s.

Jael shared the laughter, slapping the guys’ backs as he joined their table, vowing he’d fuck their girlfriends hard and soon.

The guys were corporate juniors, rinsing off the office smell for a vacation fortnight. Cody and Shelby’s workplace romance was established–she a salesgirl with modelling aspirations that made her boy both proud and jealous. Hunter was newly dating Bianca–a tattoo parlour brat and the foursome’s wildcard. All this he gleaned via rounds of fiery Caipirinhas–his treat–before pitching his idea.

‘It’s different on my boat. Big. Luxury. No crew, small groups… big parties. You know?’ Photos on his phone provided illustration. The ‘boat’ was one big-ass superyacht; its prospect had them goggling.

‘How much?’ Cody inquired.

He told them.

‘Per day?’

‘Whole trip. Four days.’ They stared. ‘We start tomorrow if you like. Each day somewhere new. Go on shore, eat there, or not… Boat’s chef is very good.’ He indicated himself.

They laughed, but Hunter stalled. ‘Why that price?’ What’s the catch?

‘You cannot… How to say? …put a price on friendship. We are friends now, yes? You are good people. I feel this. You join me, we have good times, eat, drink, celebrate life! But hey, don’t take my word.’ He flashed a smile. ‘Check customers on TripAdvisor-dot-com.’

Bianca was already scrolling. ‘Oh my God…’ She and Shelby ogled five-star reviews and shots of bikini-sporting boat life. ‘“Most amazing trip of my life.” “Luxury, thrills, attentive service...” “Other level experience.”’ She looked at Jael, awestruck. ‘Hot people from everywhere are loving this!’

‘Damn.’ Shelby laughed. ‘We’re hot. It’s so us!’

‘And real fun is not in photographs,’ Jael said, his sly smile infecting all.

‘We’ve gotta say yes,’ Shelby insisted. She and Bianca needled their partners till Cody and Hunter caved.

Jael embraced the guys on departure, his camaraderie irresistible. The girls he hugged too. They enjoyed his briny odour and lean, hard physique, though neither told the other. Both envisaged him, though, during post-coital snuggling that night.

Day One broke hot and fresh, sunlight refracting off the blue Atlantic waters in which Jael’s boat was moored. The Prerrogativa do Capitao was a beast–a bright, capacious catamaran, that drew other sailors’ envy.

They absorbed its tri-level spectacle in awe from Angra dos Reis’ harbour, excitement swelling as they boarded. What had impressed pictorially, amazed close-up. Expansive leisure decks, opulent interior lounge, partially covered sunlounge and cocktail bar, formidably stocked, atop the roof–everything screamed Exclusive Floating Party. So did their bedrooms’ ceiling-lit, wall-mirrored magnificence. ‘Holy fuck,’ Bianca breathed, clutching Shelby’s hand as they explored.

Jael absorbed a spectacle too–that of Shelby and Bianca. The boyfriends were presentable, but both were extending their dating reach. Shelby was raven-haired and rudely healthy, her naturally fleshy frame worked to robust beach-readiness. Bianca, shorter than her friend’s mid-height yet similarly curvy, was blonde and tawny-skinned, flowering vine tattoos entwining arms and hips and caressing her tits’ curve. Both girls’ bikinis were negligible, breasts manifestly eager to burst from sting-bound captivity. ‘Ay caramba,’ Jael breathed, allowing his cock the briefest of massages.

He was a patient man.

They departed the harbour–couples and captain–under a high and burning sun. The girls sprawled nearly naked on the roof, glistening with oil, their guys supplying DIY cocktails. ‘The bar is yours,’ Jael had insisted. ‘This is your home.’ They took him at his word.

He moored off Ilha Grande and drank with them. Stripped like the boyfriends to Bermudas, Jael’s body proved strong like oak, his tumescence shameless. Raucously, he toasted them. ‘To life on board! Let’s play.’ It was the sea he meant. That afternoon they jet-skied in the surf, laughing and yelling till the girlfriends absented themselves. While the guys–all three–vied on the water, Shelby and Bianca showered and smeared on lotion, relishing all that maleness.

Jael made dinner, serving up beef skewers with salsa and mocequa stew, accompanied by fruit and burning cachaça. The meal was rowdily convivial before a shimmering sunset, and the couples went giddy and sportive to bed.

Whatever noise they generated, swimwear shed, was upstaged by their Captain and some mystery female in the lounge. She moaned, and howled, and spat out fervid-sounding epithets; he grunted loud and growled in sheer ferocity as their bodies slapped together. In separate rooms the couples’ mirth transformed to horny awe, and they attacked each other naked. Bianca rode Hunter like a maddened bitch, and Shelby reverse-slammed into Cody, mauling her tits while he gleefully whacked her ass. They came like savages or banshees, regardless of who heard.

Everyone slept well.

Day Two began with lazy couples-sex that escalated into lusty bouncing mayhem in respective rooms. Knowing smirks punctuated breakfast. Jael was serving, helped by the newcomer he’d been fucking senseless–a friendly, curvy Argentinian girl named Marina. ‘My entertainment.’ He grinned. ‘Your masseuse.’ And my secret weapon.

‘Hi,’ Marina said, appraising the tourists. ‘I can’t wait to get my hands on you. Girls first.’

Pre-massage there were escapades on Jael’s water scooters, the Captain at his ebullient best throughout. ‘Faster! Push it! Good!’ Afterwards they deck-showered together, Jael’s shorts clinging to his groin’s noteworthy dimensions, Marina’s curves quivering in a bikini that out-dared the other girls’.

‘Now…’ she mused, towelling down, ‘who shall I do first?’ She eyed Shelby and Bianca with companionable lasciviousness.

Bianca wanted that action. By the time Jael was piloting them around the coast, she’d stripped to her bikini thong in the Captain’s master-suite while Marina oiled her hands.

‘God, that’s good,’ Bianca breathed soon after, the ample-breasted minx having deep-kneaded her shoulders, back, and ass. Marina’s natural sexuality soaked into Bianca with the oil, guiding her from enjoyment to thong-creaming relish.

‘Mmmmmm. Sexiest I’ve felt since last night,’ Marina shared, massaging rhythmically.

‘We heard,’ Bianca said, grinding in response against the bed. ‘Is he… as good as he sounds?’

Marina’s mouth tickled Bianca’s ear, tits pressed to her back. ‘He’s an animal. Shall I describe it?’


‘While I give my special massage?’

Fuck yes.’

‘To start with… this.’ Marina’s fingers went where they had no business going. They thrust in slippery rhythm to vivid recountings of depravity till Bianca came all over them. Hunter’s girlfriend left the pop-up parlour aromatic and glowing.

‘It was that good?’ Shelby inquired.

‘Better,’ Bianca said. ‘Ask her about our sexy Captain. And ask for the special. I dare you.’

‘Fuck.’ Shelby’s pulse was racing. ‘Should we let her near the boys?’

‘Well… Everyone deserves a treat on vacation, right?’

Shelby descended to Jael’s suite, Bianca’s words still resonating. She re-emerged an hour later, Marina having worked her magic.

‘Christ,’ she panted to Bianca, ‘she’s good. And what she told me…’

‘About Jael?’

Shelby mouthed a sole, heartfelt obscenity.

‘Yup,’ Bianca said.

When tending to the boys, Marina observed the one rule given her. ‘Shorts on,’ she told each in turn, before massaging him to stiff-cocked heaven. Neither’s Bermudas disguised his arousal on departure.

Marina reported straight to Jael. ‘Um plano perfeito,’ he mused quietly.

Later they strolled the beach at Vila do Abraao, coupled hand-in-hand, and wildly horny. The guys were shirted, their partners in sarongs, a gauzy sop to modesty. Exuberant and flirty, they ate seafood on the shoreline. Jael related exploits on wilder seas than those of Ilha Grande–of storms and drink and passionate women.

‘Like Captain Jack,’ Cody remarked.

‘Not pirate. Call me… adventurer.’ Jael eyed the girls. Bianca wet her lips and Shelby blushed. Marina, smiling, noted all. After dessert the boys chugged beers and pawed their women, riled up and ready to fuck.

That night the upstairs sounds were raucous and untamed, more feral than before.

‘Shit–what’s he doing to her?’ Cody marvelled.

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‘Fuck knows, but do it to me now,’ Shelby demanded.

He gripped her tight and drilled her from behind, ravishing his partner like a slut. The more she yelled, the harder were his thrusts.

Their adjacent noises triggered Hunter. Already stuffed inside Bianca, shafting rhythmically between her wide-spread thighs, he bore down, till her knees squished her tits, and rammed her harder–bolstered by her cries, and Shelby’s, and the bestial sounds above. Each couple’s fornication drove the others’, as debauchery spiralled late into the night.

The visitors slept late, awakening weary. Jael replenished them with breakfast and bottled water. ‘Drink, friends,’ he urged. ‘Tonight, we will be drained again.’ He slapped Marina’s all but naked ass, and brazenly she grabbed his bulging crotch. The couples watched, and everyone found reason to feel wistful.

By afternoon recuperation was complete. Games ensued–in water, then on deck, the latter alcoholically fuelled. Things stepped up when Jael took cocktail orders. ‘Two caipirinhas, kiwi caipiroska, Brazilian sunrise…’ While the barman prepped the drinks, Marina took initiative. ‘He sees to cocktails,’ she explained, ‘I see to cock.’ The tanning tourists stared as she slithered down Jael’s body, descending from view, while drawing his shorts floorwards. Jael’s bliss complimented her audible slurping.

‘Don’t worry,’ he assured, as Shelby and Bianca groped their boyfriends’ fast-engorging poles. ‘Her mouth is fabulous, but I multitask.’ He worked the shaker, while Marina gobbled him. Before he’d poured a drink, the other girls were gorging on their marvelling boyfriends’ easy-access dicks. By cocktail o’clock, Cody and Hunter, mounted by their crazy-horny girlfriends, were being ridden to a fierce crescendo.

‘Yes!’ Jael shoved Marina’s head downwards. ‘Boat life! Only way to live.’

Everyone came, Marina’s fingers soaked between her thighs. Everyone, excepting Jael. He paused just shy, smiling on his partner. I save myself. For later. She smiled up in return. Marina knew her part.

Sated for now the couples showered naked, before slipping on fresh swimwear and enjoying Jael’s latest lavish dinner. He plied all with cachaça, filling the guys’ glasses twice as frequently. The night was balmy, samba’s seductive rhythms pouring from the roof-deck stereo. Jael engaged the guys in manly reminiscences, while Marina tittered gamely with the girls. Until, that is, the Captain parted–temporarily, he insisted–from the group.

On cue Marina shared the knowledge she’d been storing. ‘You are invited,’ she confided, ‘to join our Captain in his quarters.’

Both girls’ jaws sagged.

‘When?’ Bianca asked.

‘Right now.’ Marina sipped her drink.


‘I can keep your boys from hearing. Trust me. If that’s what you want.’ She rose and wandered to the bar.  

They ruminated, their boyfriends’ blether drowned in music. Whole minutes ticked away, until Bianca broke their silence.

‘I’m going,’ she said, draining her glass.

‘No…’ Shelby sounded terse and adamant.

Bianca stared at her. ‘I’m not going?’

‘Not without me.’

They glanced at Marina, then the boys, and went full improv. ‘Headache…’ ‘Sunstroke maybe.’ ‘Tylenol… Gotta lie down...’ ‘Poor baby. I’ll look after her.’ Before either could reconsider, they exited.

The boys moved half-heartedly to follow, before Marina intervened.

‘Stay there,’ she said. ‘Don’t move. I’ve been wanting you two on your own.’ They looked on flabbergasted as Marina seized a bottle, whipped off her bikini top, and emptied blue curacao over her full tits.

‘Massage time, boys,’ she said, advancing, liquor dripping from her engorged nipples. ‘Shorts off.’

In the master-bedroom Jael was waiting. When the door opened, he arose, cock straining against fabric. He smiled, but not affably. That Jael was gone. Shelby and Bianca, in dazzling white and marine-blue bikinis respectively, shut themselves in. ‘Here.’ Jael beckoned. They padded to him in flip-flops and fevered trepidation. His rough palm caressed each girl’s jaw, causing her to shudder. ‘Good.’

He reached behind Bianca, then Shelby, unsnapping each’s top. The tattooed blonde felt her bikini ripped from her tits, likewise the gasping brunette. Jael’s calloused hands mashed one full breast apiece and squeezed. The girls groaned, staring into his implacable face, their cunts weeping as he fondled. ‘My girls now.’

To prove it he gripped their shoulders and propelled them to their knees, putting them level with his tented Bermudas. ‘Get to work.’

Shelby and Bianca reached obediently, hauling the shorts clear. They gawped. Jael’s cock was monstrous–a thick, veiny leviathan, rearing before them, mean and pulsing, from equivalently huge balls.

Fuck…’ Shelby mouthed, before Jael grabbed her hair and fitted her to himself. Bianca watched astonished as he crammed the girl to gagging point, then pumped her on his shaft till saliva trickled to his hanging sac. The blonde was still agog when he transferred his attentions, ramming his salty-sweaty cock between her lips and vigorously face-fucking her. Then he pressed their heads together and plundered their oval mouths alternately, rendering them bleary-eyed and drooling. His balls he stuffed into Shelby’s mouth, driving Bianca down onto his shaft until she gurgled.

Once released they went mad on him, lavishing their whorish tongues over his thickness and gorging themselves turn-about till they choked–not stopping till his extravagant fuck-parts were glossed in spit. Incensed by lust he reasserted his puppet-mastery, hauling them up and slapping both pairs of tits. Then he yanked the bikini bottoms from their cunts so they could step with him into nakedness.

Jael knelt and grabbed each girl’s ass in turn, pulling her to him, and slithering his tongue-snake into her slit to ravenously fuck, to orally ravish her cunt till she seized his hair and shrieked in orgasm. Both were still creaming when he dragged them onto the bed. His tendons strained as he lifted Bianca by the waist and planted her astride his cock. ‘On my face,’ he ordered Shelby, as he slotted into Bianca and slammed her down, impaling her on his granite colossus.

Bianca’s howl was swallowed in Shelby’s mouth as the brunette squatted her sopping pussy onto Jael’s face. He clutched the latter’s thighs and ploughed with tongue and cock, making his playthings dance like marionettes upon him. Filled up like never before, Bianca rode the beast, rubbing herself and clutching her friend for succour until both girls came profusely once again. Without a word–his grappling hands did all the work–Jael swapped them, Shelby glancing panicked to Bianca, before she sank onto the cunt-expanding behemoth.

Fuuuuuck…’ Shelby moaned, clinging to Bianca as Jael provided her the shafting of her life. The blonde girl slithered on his face as both their worlds were rocked.

They tumbled from him finally, stretched out and panting from exertion. From two storeys up, samba rhythms filtered.

‘Christ, the boys…’ Shelby muttered, panicking for new reasons.

‘They do not hear.’ Jael grinned. ‘Too busy with Marina. But still…’ He balled up their bikini bottoms and stuffed both mouths. ‘No screaming now.’ Improvising on his new idea, he threw them face-down, strung a bikini top around each girl’s mouth, and secured all the straps behind them.

Shelby and Bianca saw it all in the wall-mirror. Having harnessed them together like a team of sweating mares, Jael locked himself into Shelby and rammed his mighty weapon deep inside. He rode the fuck out of her, whacking Bianca’s ass with his free hand as he shafted. Then he pulled out, shifted marginally, and buried himself in the blonde with equal savagery, changing grip on the reins to ass-slap Shelby. So he reamed his bitches, balls bouncing off their thighs as he plundered their treasure, yanking them up so he could reach around and grope their bouncing tits. They were his girls, he their angry rutting sea-god, riding on a sea of lust.

When both their cunts were fucked wide open, he dragged them one-eighty to stare upon his spasming cock. He fountained over them, till jism streamed in spate down their upturned faces. And then he made them lick and suck him clean, and hard again. Fully so.

‘We are not done,’ he said, and it made them happy.

They woke mid-morning, sore, aching, and alone in their own beds. Cody and Hunter, it turned out, had slept on deck. All four were silent at the breakfast Jael and Marina happily prepared. The boys suspected where their girls had spent the night, but since they’d spent hours pumping their masseuse like a harmonium, there was scarcely much to say.

Day Four was contemplative–two drained guys and their fucked-out girlfriends piloted homewards following a night they’d likely never talk about again, not with their partners at any rate. Jael was his jovial self again, Marina sparkling with life. The boys smiled wanly, wondering what exactly had transpired while they were otherwise engaged. The girls felt differently. Let’s not begrudge them their fun, was their shared sentiment. We certainly had ours.

Their Captain nodded to them from the bridge, and they smiled in dreamy reverie.


‘I’m still not sure,’ the boyish young man murmured to his partner. ‘What does the website say?’

Together the honeymooners peered at the current top review on TripAdvisor-dot-com. “Totally unforgettable, life-changing four days. The boat-ride of our lives, thanks to Captain and co. A mind-blown five-out-of-five.” So said Bianca, from Miami, Florida.

The cutesy, petite bride appealed to her new husband. ‘Baby, we’ve got to!’

‘Sure,’ he said, after a weighty pause. ‘Why not?’ He looked to their prospective host. ‘Let’s do this.’

‘My friends.’ Jael grinned broadly as he ushered them up the gangway. ‘Welcome aboard.’

Written by Jaymal
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